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Two’s Company, Three’s A Sub

"A slow-burn story about coming between a couple and tasting new flavours of fantasy."

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Author's Notes

"This is a story based on shards of my reality, dreams, and ambitions. It's a fantasy I'd love to make real. Above all else it represents my absolute adoration and respect of all women."

The park where I’m walking the dog is the shape of a lozenge, and will take perhaps twenty minutes to walk around, or maybe five minutes to jog. Today is a chilly but sunny October morning, the leaves have begun to fall, ushering in the arrival of Autumn. I’m strolling along, no rush, and with my hands in my pockets, enjoying the sun’s warmth on my face, and being entertained by the antics of Daisy, my Labrador. It’s a good day.

I plan to do two or three circuits this morning, and every so often I need to look behind me, to check where the dog is; she’s usually happily snuffling around in the leaves. This time though, I look back, and there is a runner coming toward us, a woman. As she approaches, she smiles at Daisy with a broad, beautiful smile. Seconds later, she passes me, about three feet away. The first thing I sense is her scent—not a perfume but a fresh, clean, natural fragrance as if she’d only just stepped from the shower. I allow myself a glimpse of her as she almost silently passes by. She's probably in her mid-twenties or early thirties, about 5’6”, a gym-fit physique, and dressed in a black long-sleeve running top, black leggings, and white running shoes. She has ear buds, presumably playing music. My eyes are irresistibly drawn to her beautifully shaped buttocks, encapsulated by the thin material of the leggings.

And all too quickly she is gone, a tantalising, fleeting moment.

I continue my stroll, kicking the odd conker along the path for fun, thinking about work and the tasks for the rest of the day. A few minutes later, I make out the light footsteps of an approaching runner. I turn my head instinctively to see that it’s the same woman as before, completing another circuit of the park. I catch the same fresh scent on the breeze as she passes, my eyes are drawn again to the beauty and shape of her behind. This time I notice how her perfectly formed glutes form a deep, smooth convergence as they disappear between her legs, and how her hamstrings define the subtly muscular shape of the back of her thighs.

All this gorgeous, sensorial information is processed in a split second. Daisy is a little ahead of me this time, and as the woman passes, she puts out an arm to playfully wave at the dog.

The woman half turns her head to me and calls back, “What’s her name?”

I am instantly befuddled and for an instant I actually can’t remember it.

“Erm… it’s D...Daisy,” I stutter. Her beauty has reduced me to a shy schoolboy, asked by the most beautiful girl in the year for the time.

The woman continues her run around the park, but this time I keep watching her as she jogs with a regular and elegant running style, her small ponytail bobbing in rhythm with her action. My imagination begins to take hold as I continue past the main gate and the cafe. This woman is so sexy, so friendly, and obviously confident in her own skin. I imagine what it might be like to have a conversation with her, but what would we have in common? Minutes pass as I daydream a rather predictable sexual fantasy, but even so, my penis twitches in my jeans approvingly.

After a few minutes, any other erotic thoughts quickly disperse as once again I hear the same pattern of steps behind me. This time I half-turn to make eye contact, and smile. She beams back at me, her perfect teeth a dazzling white against her full lips, her skin a healthy glow, her dark eyes dark sparkle with health.

“Sorry, I meant to say, it’s Daisy,” I repeat, even though I was pretty certain she’d heard the first time.

Then, after a few paces, she comes to a halt, her arms swinging as she comes to a stop. She reaches for the smartwatch on her wrist, pulls out her ear buds, and stuffs them into a tiny pocket. She then bends over a few feet in front of me, and with her hands on her shins, she stretches down even further. Her beautiful behind is now exaggerated in its definition, I can see the clear outline of her buttocks and the gorge in-between her legs. A delta of sweat has formed at her crotch. She breathes in, straightens up, exhales, and turns towards me with her hands on her hips. Her cheeks are flushed but glistening in the morning sunlight.

“Hi, I’m Emma,” she says, and then she looks at Daisy.

“Your dog, she’s beautiful,” says Emma. “May I stroke her?"

“Sure,” I blurt and call Daisy over.

Daisy is instantly at her feet and Emma squats down, one thigh slightly lower than the other, which makes her leggings stretch over her visible mound, forming a subtle camel-toe. The dark patch of sweat extends from the back to the front. As I stand looking down at her, I notice she has styled her dark hair into a knot, leaving a few strands free that help define her cheekbones. The soft shape of her breasts, clearly outlined under the tailored running jacket, creates a seductive athletic profile. As she pets Daisy, I can see on one of her fingers the glint of a silver ring, and a matching thin silver band on her wrist. 

“She obviously likes you,” I say as Daisy nuzzles and licks Emma’s neck. She giggles, stands up, and looks me straight in the eye, her expression quizzical, smiling and friendly.

“Hi, by the way, I’m James,” I say.

I am entranced by this vision of loveliness. My attention is so bound up in this exchange and the proximity of this beautiful, playful, perspiring and sexually confident woman that I don’t notice that the sun had rapidly disappeared, to be replaced by scowling grey rainclouds. In fact, sprinkles of rain are already settling on my face before Emma says, with another of her giggles…

“Oh no, it looks like we are going to get wet,” She then points across the now deserted park to the café on the other side.

“See you there, you can buy me a coffee.”

I muster a half-pronounced “okay, sure, of course.”

And with that she smiles, turns and continues her run around the perimeter.


In a slight daze, and with growing anticipation, I set off across the park towards the café with Daisy. It takes around ten minutes. From a distance, I can see that the café lights are on, the sky has darkened further, and the rain has begun falling steadily. As I approach, I can just see through the fogged-up windows that Emma has already arrived at the café and that she and another person are having what seems like an intense conversation. It’s as if they know each other, but disagree on something. They stop the conversation when they see me approaching, so I cannot really be sure.

The café is an old converted cricket pavilion with a painted timber-clad exterior. I climb the steps and open the door, wipe my feet and step into the warm interior. Inside is a wooden floor covered with an assortment of worn rugs, and I inhale the fug of ‘old shed’ created by the dampness bought in from outside. There is a long counter at one end of the room supporting an espresso machine, a water boiler and a cake display cabinet. There’s a mixture of tables and chairs of different styles dotted around. Framed pictures and posters adorn the painted walls and an assortment of lamps, and dozens of second-hand books sit on the shelves. At the other end of the room is a large partition, with what I guess are storerooms behind.

Apart from Emma, the café is empty, apart from a tall, elegant woman behind the counter, whom I assume is the person Emma was talking to. She is older than me, and is folding newly laundered tea towels into neat piles. She has dark hair pulled abruptly back into a ponytail, expertly applied make-up, including deep red lipstick, and large hooped earrings. I’d describe her as eye-catchingly attractive, in a Trinity/Matrix kind of way, and she immediately strikes me as someone who does not suffer fools gladly. She wears a black polar-necked jumper, knitted tartan mini-skirt, and black stockings or tights. I cannot see her shoes. I immediately notice that her jumper is tight fitting and extremely flattering, defining the smooth profile of the bra she wears underneath, and which helps to shape her breasts to a beautiful slightly pointed form. Her hands are elegant, her fingernails painted with dark red nail varnish, and on one slender finger is a silver single ring.  On her wrist is a single silver band.

Undoubtedly she is another strong, confident woman, instantly attractive, but in a very different way to Emma. In fact, this woman isn’t the kind of person I’d expect to see behind the counter of a cafe, or even in a park café at all.

Emma turns to face me, smiles at Daisy and beckons us over.

“Ha ha, you got wet.” she chides in her playful way.

Emma takes Daisy’s lead from my hand, softly brushing my fingers as she does so, and proceeds to kneel down to dry Daisy’s wet coat with one of the newly laundered tea towels. This is understandably annoying for the other woman and, irritated, she snatches the towel away from Emma’s grasp, replacing it with a used hand towel from under the counter. It is only then that she looks at me.

“Emma tells me you are James,” she says.

The woman’s voice is precise and enunciated, she speaks deliberately with no hint of an accent of any kind. Her eyes are piercing, dark, and look straight into mine, as if sizing up my soul. Her hands are firmly on her hips which enhances the prominence of her breasts and her tapered waist, her legs are slightly apart creating a silhouette that is powerful and arousing. As with my encounter with Emma, I find my mental capacity completely diminished by the presence of these incredible women.

“Um, great to meet you.” I mumble pathetically.

She looks back across at Emma who is now standing up and leaning forward against the counter, her breasts resting on her arms that cross her abdomen, her beautiful behind slightly raised, one leg crossing the other, and smiling at the exchange. She tilts her head slightly and nods. Bella looks back at me, her gaze as straight as a laser.  

“I am Bella.” she says.


The rain is now torrential. The rumble of thunder and the white noise from the rain on the roof, creates a sense of warm shelter. Daisy has now settled down into a corner. For me though, the presence of these two women means the atmosphere is dense and charged with an almost kinetic energy.

“There’ll be no customers now, I will close for the day,” says Bella suddenly, looking at Emma.

She strides across the room to the front door with all the panache of a catwalk model, her hips slightly swaying, arms to the side, and looking straight ahead. I now see that she wears expensive looking, black, high-heeled shoes which produce a crisp, confident ‘clack’ on the wooden floor as she walks. She turns the door key, pulls the bolts closed, and turns the sign so it reads OPEN to those on the inside.

She then turns to me, “You’d better get dry, follow me.” Her voice is commanding, hypnotic.

Dutifully I follow Bella as she struts toward the partition at the end of the room, each step in those shoes is like a small gunshot. Behind the partition are WC’s, a cloakroom and stores. Beyond that is an extension room piled high with boxes of the supplies a café needs; racks of coffee, tins, packets and crockery, some picnic rugs.

Suddenly, out of sight of the main room, Bella spins around and pins me against the wall. With splayed hands, she digs her fingernails into my chest, and with her face an inch from mine, she pushes violently against me. My cock is instantly alerted as her thighs thrust hard against my groin, an electrifying display of dominant intent. Her hot, sweet, breath mixed with the scent of her lipstick is deeply arousing. With her fierce, penetrating stare, she seems to be challenging me, testing me.

She says with a low, forceful voice, “Emma is not for you. When the rain stops, take your dog and leave.”

With that, she withdraws one step, and not taking her eyes from mine, takes a hand towel from a pile and tosses it toward me. Bella struts back to the main room to Emma, leaving me aroused, confused and just a little bit scared.

I tell myself I should leave now despite the rain, because whatever is going on between Emma and Bella it does not include me. However erotic and arousing the prospect of any sexual contact is with Emma, or for that matter with Bella, it surely cannot end well. I start to dry my hair with the towel, and return to the main room to collect Daisy.

There, the imposing figure of Bella is beginning to prepare the espresso machine. Two white cups are face down on the warmer. She is entirely focused on the grinding of the coffee, adjusting the water pressure, and beginning the milk preparation. The grinding and hissing from the espresso machine, and the white noise from the heavy rain outside, is almost deafening. The presence of these two incredible women is a multi-sensory overload. I’m finding it difficult to think.

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Emma is still leaning against the counter and looks across at me. Her expression is hard to interpret, a combination of curiosity and determination. The very edges of her lips however form a smile. I place the towel down, flatten my hair, and move toward where Daisy is snoozing in the corner.

"No, don’t disturb her, let her sleep, please stay for a coffee? Please?” pleads Emma.

She looks across at Bella who is still standing at the espresso machine, her back to the room and us both.  After a pause and without acknowledging Emma, she reaches for a third cup, and places it gently on the heater on top of the espresso machine.


Emma then seems to decide something. She straightens up, walks over to where I am standing, and takes my right hand in hers. With an extended arm she walks me back to behind the partition. She takes me to exactly where I have just been accosted by Bella. Without any hesitation, Emma leans against me, I am now pinned against the wall once again. She is just a little shorter than Bella and she looks up at me slightly, her head tilted. Emma now has both my hands in hers, and with a gentle pressure from her waist, pushes against me. She then raises her mouth to mine. It is the gentlest kiss, like a butterfly on a flower.

I inhale the incredible scent of this woman—her hair, her skin, her breath, transfixed by her beauty and her proximity. She pauses, then slides her right hand slowly behind my neck, and pulls my face down to hers. With her left hand, she places her palm on my cock and partially closes her fingers around it through my jeans. She kisses me fully on the lips before forcing herself into my mouth, searching and finding my tongue. She groans so very softly. Her lips are soft, her tongue warm, her breath sweet and intoxicating.

“Wait,” I try to say.

Emma does not hesitate, she pushes further into my mouth, her left hand caressing my hardening cock, and pushing all her weight against me. She then gently pulls away, and without taking her eyes off mine, her hands find the buttons of my jeans, she opens and pushes them apart.  She begins sliding both her hands flat down the front of my briefs, her warm hands discovering and caressing my raging hardness.

My heart is now bursting from my ribcage, my gasps are like those of a suffocating man. Emma pushes down my briefs further, she takes my throbbing penis in both hands, then slowly but surely lowers herself to a kneeling position in front of me. I look down at this incredible sight, a goddess staring back at me, her pert nose touching the end of my penis, a look of feral lust on her face. A bead of pre-cum emerges from the eye of my cock, this is immediately devoured as Emma places my purple head on her tongue and closes her lips around it. I gasp again, ecstatic.

I cannot take my eyes from Emma as she massages my shaft with one hand, and cups my balls with the other. She softly runs her tongue in circles around the head of my cock. I close my eyes as the well of semen in my balls builds in expectation of a massive, convulsive release into her warm mouth…

Suddenly, shockingly, I am aware of Bella. She has silently entered the room, and is now standing directly behind Emma and looking down at her, hands on her hips, and legs wide apart. Her eyes as dark as the night. So startling is her sudden appearance that I physically jump. Emma does not react, instead, she firmly grips my cock, already knowing who is now standing over her. Slowly though, she withdraws my penis from her lips, and kisses the throbbing head as it dances in her hands. She then looks up at Bella with the wickedest, horniest smile. Bella does not say a word, instead she reaches down with both hands and cups Emma’s beautiful face, pulling her up to standing position facing her. Bella pauses, then kisses her full on the lips with such tenderness and care. Bella starts kissing with increasing urgency, smearing her red lipstick all around Emma’s open mouth, her tongue entwined with Emma’s as they share moans and groans of lust.

I am spellbound, and physically trapped by these two women’s bodies. I watch as Bella begins to unzip Emma’s running top, peeling it away to reveal a soft white sports bra. Emma’s hands begin slowly rubbing Bella’s thighs, pushing her knitted skirt upwards. She gently caresses the soft pale inner skin of her inner thighs above her stocking tops. Emma slides the skirt even higher, until it gently pops over the bulge of Bella’s behind, revealing a black suspender belt, and the absence of panties. Emma slowly sinks to her knees once more, tracing a journey down over Bella’s clothed breasts and tummy with her nose and open mouth. She passes her abdomen then pushes her face into the smooth, hairless, triangle of Bella’s cunt. There she moans as her nose and tongue begins to stimulate Bella, so much so that her expression changes for the first time, from stern assertiveness to vulnerable ecstatic surrender. Bella is transported momentarily, but then quickly regains her assertiveness.

“You, get those blankets onto the floor,” she snaps, gesturing me to the pile neatly stacked on the shelves.

I edge my way past them both. Bella standing with her legs apart, with Emma kneeling between them. Her head back and licking upwards, her hands gently massaging and gently pulling apart the cheeks of Bella's arse, the tip of her tongue flicking between the dark, glistening crimson lips of Bella’s labia. Bella gasps as she looks down at the vision of Emma, now circling her clitoris with her tongue. Emma's face is covered by a sheen of lipstick and Bella’s juices. Bella lifts one stilettoed foot onto a cardboard box, takes Emma’s head in her hands, and pushes her face, mouth and tongue further into her cunt while arching her pelvis forward. Bella seems to convulse, her head thrown back, her buttocks trembling. Bella orgasms, silently spurting her cum onto Emma’s face, a carnal convulsion of ecstasy.


I stagger over to the shelves, take down all the blankets as instructed, and shake them out into layers about the size of a double bed. I look across at Bella, who has now pulled Emma to her feet and the two are embracing, Bella gently licking her own cum from the face and mouth of her lover. They speak to each other so softly that I cannot make out what is being said. Bella then kisses Emma’s forehead, before adjusting her skirt by pulling it back down over the beautiful contours of her bottom.

Bella walks away without a look in my direction, smoothing her clothes as she walks around to the other side of the partition, leaving Emma and I alone. Our eyes meet, and we both smile at the super-heated nature of what has just happened.  After a few seconds we embrace. I kiss Emma on her mouth and taste the scented tang of Bella on her lips.. My hands find their way around her back and down to her buttocks. I slide both hands into the warm skin below the elastic of her leggings. I gently massage Emma’s cheeks while kissing her and slowly push the Lycra down over the soft skin of her bum. Then I begin to kneel down before Emma, pulling down her leggings as I go. She steps out of them easily. She then pushes me playfully backwards onto the pile of blankets.

I lie on my back, looking up, supported by my elbows. Emma places one leg over my body and sits astride my torso, then starts kissing me passionately, holding my head with her arms, her fingers combing my hair. She gently pushes me down, fully prone. Emma turns, one leg after the other, leans forward, and takes my now erect cock in her mouth once again. Her beautiful shaved cunt is now just an inch from my face and she gently lowers herself onto me. I inhale the scent of this woman, then engulf her sex with my mouth.

Then suddenly, I am aware of the muffled but unmistakable ‘clack, ‘clack’ of heels on a wooden floor, getting closer and closer. This can only mean that Bella is returning. Dread at the prospect of Bella’s wrath is immediate. All I can see is Emma’s sweet, shaved vagina and puckered anus as I slowly lick both. The footsteps stop. Emma slowly sits up, her cunt and arse now firmly pressed onto my mouth and nose.  She squirms gently, her thighs either side of my head, which makes any sound muted. Emma then raises her hips again and the lights above momentarily blind me, but in an instant I see the magnificence of Bella towering over us. She has removed her skirt. I blink at the vision of her upper thighs, her sex and her buttocks. And there is something else. Her smooth skin is criss-crossed by tight, thin black straps that wrap around her torso. The straps hold a horizontal, pink, glistening, strap-on cock.

“Stay where you are,” Bella commands.

With that, she slowly places her left foot to one side of my head and positions her body directly over me. She then lowers herself into a crouching position, her knees either side of me. I am now fixed to the floor by Emma’s body on my chest, with my cock in her mouth, and my head now held by Bella. I look up, I see Emma’s gorgeous cunt and anus but now it’s joined by the sight of the swollen lips of Bella’s labia, framed by the tight black straps. The pink dildo and its bulbous, triangular head, glistening with lubricant, is pointing at the entrance to Emma’s anus. Bella holds the cock in her right hand, and Emma’s lower back with the other, and begins to gently rub the lubed head up and down between Emma’s labia and her sphincter. Up and down, teasing, probing.

I hear Emma slowly whisper, “Yes.”

Bella then begins to very gently push the head directly at her arsehole. At first the resistance makes the skin around her hole sink slightly as the head begins its penetration, then the edges of Emma’s sphincter stretch as the widest part of the head relentlessly invades. Emma moans, and widens her legs even further, like a ballerina’s, in an attempt to accommodate the girth of the silicone cock. The head of the dildo then softly jumps inside as the ring of skin around Emma’s arse devours it. Emma’s animalistic moans echo around the room as the shaft enters, slowly, softly, in a gentle, insistent motion.

“Lick her.” barks Bella.

With Bella now fucking Emma’s arse directly over my forehead, I insert my tongue into Emma’s soaking cunt, licking with the rhythm of Bella’s penetration. The gentle pace slowly increases, my tongue searches for Emma’s clitoris, her torso being pushed backwards and forwards by Bella’s thrusts. Emma’s muffled groans of ecstasy grow in volume and intensity, my cock still in her mouth, my balls aching with the volume of cum, my cock hard and erect. The rhythm increases, all three of us rocking in time, then Emma shudders as she orgasms into my mouth. A small initial spurt followed by a shower of her cum, warm and fragrant. This is the final trigger for my orgasm too, I explode into Emma’s closed mouth, a torrent of spunk that shoots to the back of Emma’s throat in huge globular spurts.

I am utterly defeated, emptied. Bella has stopped her thrusts, and begins to withdraw the long pink silicone dildo from Emma’s anus. The diameter causes the skin of her sphincter to bulge outward as the head finally exits with a final plop and squelch of fluid. It then slaps down onto my forehead. Bella looks down, and taking the dildo in her hand, she deliberately wipes the soaked silicone cock into my face. Around and around and onto my lips, forcing it into my open mouth. I’ll never forget the unforgettable cocktail of tastes of Emma in my mouth.

Emma had momentarily collapsed onto my torso, but she slowly turned herself around, her cheeks flushed but her mouth firmly closed. With a look of deep mischief, she stands up, and goes to Bella who is now kneeling slightly behind me. Emma stands in front of Bella, holds her face in her hands and opens her mouth in a kiss, to allow a long stream of white semen to drip into Bella open mouth. After a pause, Bella then leans forward, takes my face in her hands, tips my head back and kisses my lips from above, allowing my cum to dribble into my open mouth.


“It’s closed, for the season,” says the man with a small dog. 

I’m startled. “What?”

“The café, it’s only open in the summer,” the man says, walking on, obviously not expecting a reply.

I look around. I’m by myself with Daisy, in the middle of the park. The sun is still out, the leaves still on the ground. The café firmly closed. In the distance, I see a runner, dressed in black with white shoes, exiting the park.

“Ok,” I said to myself, followed by a resigned sigh. “Let’s go home for coffee.”

Written by Lazenby
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