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The Queen Shares Her Throne

"Sid orally pleasures his dominant wife and several of her friends."

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I am naked and lying on my back. My head rests within the confines of Robin's queening chair, which is shaped like a box, its sides enclosed around me. I'm grateful for the padded bottom side separating my head from the floor. I'd find the contraption claustrophobic if I were able to see, but the blindfold subdues my anxiety. It also prevents me from seeing any of the women who will soon take a seat on the chair. Directly above my face is an opening in the chair's seat, perfectly shaped to grant me access to a pussy. Already, my mouth is watering.

I can hear their chatter and excited laughter. Robin, my wife, has invited three of her closest friends to join us for an evening of fun. I know these women, and by the time this night is through, I will be far more intimately acquainted with them than I ever could have imagined.

Everyone in this room is bound to secrecy. We all have careers and reputations to uphold, and each of my wife's friends is married. Their husbands certainly wouldn't approve of tonight's events.

While my head is cushioned inside the box, the rest of my body must endure the hard floor beneath me. I resist the urge to squirm in an attempt to get more comfortable. Right now, I'm not meant to be comfortable. I'm meant to serve.

"Let's get started," Robin says. I hear wine glasses being set aside. Then I hear my wife removing her clothing. I wonder if she will take off only her yoga pants and underwear, or if she'll strip entirely naked in front of her friends. I suddenly wish I weren't blindfolded, but it's one of Robin's rules. I am to put my tongue to good use; I am not to gawk at her and her friends. The sight of their pussies might distract me from my task.

"Robin, you have such great tits," I hear her friend, Helen, remark. So my wife is naked! Imagining my Mistress exposing every inch of her flesh makes my cock twitch.

"Someone's getting excited," Carla says through a giggle. She was a cheerleader in college, and her youthful exuberance hasn't waned over the years. Robin has let her friends know that I'm not permitted to speak, so Carla follows the rules by referring to me indirectly.

"Oh, yes," my wife says. "Sid loves pussy worship." As she approaches the queening chair, my pulse races. Though she and I treat each other as equals in most aspects of our marriage, I am utterly submissive in bed, longing to be controlled. And she is the perfect Domme.

"So you just sit down and make yourself comfortable," Robin tells the others after taking a seat. "He can easily service you this way." I hear her slightly change her position above me. Breathing deep, I draw in the familiar, heady scent of her cunt. "You may begin, pet," she says to me.

I immediately start exploring her folds, my tongue seeking out her clit. She hasn't washed after a day at work, and her scent is even stronger while I'm inside the queening chair. My Queen knows I love a ripe pussy, and she's told her friends they're welcome to sit on my face without showering beforehand.

Robin moans when I focus on her tender nub. Some nights, she keeps me like this for well over an hour, and I'm not allowed to stimulate her clit until she grants permission. But this evening, we move faster, for I have three other pussies waiting to be serviced.

Straining my ears, I think I can detect someone's quickened breathing. It isn't Robin's, but one of her friends.

"Yes, yes, just like that!" Robin urges in a guttural voice. "Show me what that tongue is good for!"

My cock is fully hard now, and I can't help but wonder what her friends think of it. Have they ever imagined me aroused? Have they fantasized about my cock while fucking their husbands? Though my dick is average in length and girth, it serves its purpose in satisfying my wife. She's always delighted by how quickly I become erect.

Robin begins rhythmically rocking above me as her excitement builds. "What do you think, Lydia?" She addresses her quiet friend, the one who always has trouble holding my gaze. Her shyness only increases her appeal; I always feel triumphant if I manage to make Lydia laugh. I know her husband is an authoritative, overbearing man, and I still can't believe she's engaging in this secret act of erotic rebellion against him.

"I think you're both... very sexy," Lydia reveals in a soft voice. Picturing her mousy brown hair pulled back in its customary ponytail, I realize I can't wait to taste her cunt.

Robin's moans grow almost constant. "Would you like to sit on his face next?"

Before Lydia can respond, Carla jumps in. "Oh, please let me go next! I'm so fucking horny!"

Of course, I have no say in this matter, so I simply continue licking and sucking my wife's clit. I can sense her trembling; she's clearly getting off on her friends watching us.

"That's a good pet!" she praises me. "Make me come!"

My tongue works at a fervent pace, unrelenting. Robin's moans turn to cries, and I can hear her panting with lust. Just moments later, she starts shuddering. I don't slow my licking while she comes hard against my face. Even when she's finished, she allows me to lap up her wetness. I eagerly seek out every trace of moisture.

Then she stands, and a rush of cool air wafts over my face before I hear Carla say, "My turn!" Both Robin and Helen laugh at her eagerness. Carla must have already stripped from the waist down, for she quickly takes her place on the chair.

Again, I greedily inhale, catching a whiff of her unfamiliar scent. It's so subtle that I'm sure she washed her pussy before arriving. Disappointment surges through me, but I don't hesitate to begin pleasing her. The taste of her cunt is faint and unable to compete with Robin's, which still clings to my tongue. Like my wife, Carla has smooth outer lips. Her inner folds are small, like delicate petals. It takes a little more effort for me to zero in on her clit, which is also quite small, but the second I do, she lets out a moan.

"Oh yeah, that's good!" She actually bounces a little on the chair, revealing her excitement. I can't help but grin as she completely gives herself over to this act. "God, I wish my husband knew how to eat pussy like this!"

"I wish my husband would even try to eat pussy like that," Helen mutters.

"You're really lucky, Robin," Lydia pipes up unexpectedly. 

I sense Robin taking a seat on my left side. She caresses my thigh, her fingers inching closer to my erection. "I understand just how lucky I am," she says. "And I'm happy to share my good fortune with the three of you."

Above me, Carla is breathing so fast that I worry she'll grow dizzy. "It's incredible how easily he can get at my clit in this position!" she tells the others.

"The queening chair is a perfect invention." I hear the grin in Robin's voice. She's joined on the floor by someone else; I can feel the warmth of this other woman radiating against my right leg.

"Can I touch his cock?" It's Helen, I realize. While I'm not allowed to touch any of them, or even myself, Robin readily grants Helen permission to touch me. She brushes her fingers over my cockhead, and I fight back a moan. By this point, I'm hyper-aroused, aching to be stroked. "I shouldn't tease him," Helen says, but I feel her fingernails graze my sack. "I love how smooth he is!"

I wonder if seeing Helen fondle my cock excites Carla even more, for she's writhing above me. "I'm gonna come!" I hear her groan. So easily, I can imagine her blond hair swishing across her back from the force of her movements.

Helen dares to give my cock a few strokes. Just as easily, I picture her devilish grin, with her short, dark hair framing her face. I try to focus solely on giving Carla an orgasm, but Helen's touch draws an involuntary whimper from my throat.

I feel Robin's palm on my thigh. "Don't you even think about coming, pet." Her voice is a warning.

I am hot and sweating, desperate to finish what I've started with Carla. Finally, she lets out a squeal that I'd find comical if I weren't in agony. Helen stops stroking me, thank God; she must be distracted by Carla's ecstatic display.

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Once Carla's finished, she doesn't linger on the chair. As she rises, I gasp for breath, licking my lips. I feel Robin caress my cheek.

"Doing alright?" she asks gently.

While readily nodding, I hear Lydia tell Helen, "You go on ahead. I'm still a little nervous."

Helen laughs low and soft. She has a deep voice, sexy in its own way. Her breasts, belly, and ass are the largest of the four women. I'm looking forward to a juicier pussy than Carla's, and when Helen takes her place above me, I'm not disappointed.

Another faint groan escapes me as I slide my tongue over her plump outer lips. They're shaved smooth, but even without hair to capture her wetness, I can smell her pussy. Eagerly, I eat her out, getting her juice all over my face.

"Fuck, that's perfect!" she sighs.

Helen's inner lips are fleshy as well, begging to be sucked. I'm certain everyone can hear me devouring her cunt. I feel fingers toying with my right nipple, but I have no way of knowing who's touching me. Then I feel lips circling that peak, along with the hint of teeth. My hips give a single thrust before Robin plants a firm hand on my leg.

"Control yourself."

My erection starts to wither at her harsh tone. Anxious to return to her good graces, I work my tongue against Helen's clit. Her pearl is on the smaller side, but easier to suck than Carla's.

Helen stays mostly still, but I hear her breathy moans. She's all I can smell and taste; I've been marked by her primal scent. She breaks protocol by speaking to me directly: "Keep doing that!"

I'm desperately trying to obey when I feel lips fluttering over my cockhead, followed by the swirl of a tongue. Which woman is daring to pleasure me like this? It must be Carla.

But then I hear, "I love the way he tastes," and my eyes widen at the sound of Lydia's voice. Sweet, shy Lydia is now licking my cock! It's almost more than I can bear. A lust-filled groan emerges from my throat, but it's drowned out by Helen's sudden cries. I'm shocked at how quickly she's reached orgasm.

"Fuck, yes!" she wails. I'm still lashing her clit when she moves from the chair, unable to withstand any more stimulation. "Jesus Christ, that man can eat a pussy!"

The women laugh, and I grin as well. I'm convinced Robin will be pleased by my performance tonight.

Finally, it's Lydia's turn. The moment she sits down on the chair, my grin grows even wider, for her cunt is ripe with the smell of arousal. I bet her husband is the kind of asshole who makes her feel ashamed of her natural scent, but I'm dying to taste her.

"Look at his cock!" Carla says. "It's pulsing! He must love your pussy, Lydia."

I do love her pussy. The smell, and oh fuck, that first taste! The salty tang on my tongue makes me moan with satisfaction. Unlike the others, she's not shaved smooth, but the hair covering her outer lips is closely trimmed. Despite its short length, it still holds her scent. In that restricted space, I grow half-delirious with need.

Lydia gasps when I slide my tongue over her inner folds. I give her clit an exploratory lick, and my eyes widen once more, for it's by far the largest I've ever encountered. Her intense arousal has made that bud swell, so I can easily tease it with my tongue.

"Yes!" Her voice is just above a whisper, and I wonder if the others can hear it. "Oh, Sid, I love that!"

Unable to resist the urge, I begin suckling Lydia's clit. I'm amazed at how much of it I can draw between my lips. Her cries sound anguished, but I know better. I'm achingly hard, longing to please this woman as much as I can.

"Oh yeah, show us those tits, Lydia!" Helen urges. I realize Lydia's lifted up her shirt, exposing her breasts. Apparently, I'm not the only one crazed with excitement! I dare to imagine her playing with her nipples while my mouth drives her closer to orgasm, and my cock twitches fiercely in response. Its movement draws the attention of one of the other women, who begins idly stroking me.

I'm in a surreal headspace, overcome by an agony layered with bliss. My mouth is a mere tool, while the rest of my body is a plaything for these women. This is my deepest fantasy made real. I'm so close that my balls tighten, yet my mouth never stops its pleasuring.

"More!" Lydia begs.

I suck her clit even harder, bringing her right to the edge with me. Her screams nearly summon my own release. Again, my hips buck, but my Mistress doesn't reprimand me this time. I continue serving the queen writhing above my face until she climaxes so hard that a trickle of fluid escapes her. The entire chair shakes with her powerful shuddering.

When Lydia eventually moves from the chair, it sounds as if she practically topples over. I grin, realizing I've made her weak-kneed. "Oh, my God!" she keeps repeating in a breathless voice. I greedily lick up the fluid she left on my face, eager to taste and swallow it. My skin is now coated with pussy juice and sweat.

Though I'm flushed and panting, the blindfold stays on, and I keep my head inside the chair. The woman excitedly talk for several minutes, sharing their experiences and complimenting my technique. I bask in their praise while my dick remains rock-hard.

It is sweet Lydia who finally says, "Doesn't Sid get to come, too?"

Robin places a hand against my chest. "If you'd like to reward my pet for a job well done, you can give him an orgasm," she tells the other women.

They immediately descend upon me. I'm at the mercy of their hands, lips, and tongues. Robin doesn't participate in this act, but knowing she's watching drives me wild.

A hot, eager mouth sucks my tip, and my needy groans seem to delight all four women. I want to beg for release, but I haven't been given permission to speak. Right now, I'm dying to know which of Robin's friends is sucking me off. 

"Jesus, Lydia!" Carla exclaims. "You're gonna swallow his dick!"

Knowing it's Lydia sliding her lips down my shaft makes me frantically tap my left palm against the floor. Robin, of course, understands the signal.

"He's about to come," she tells Lydia.

Instead of pulling off, Lydia takes me even deeper, moaning around my dick. Someone cups my balls, and Carla giggles at how they've tightened. I feel a gentle squeeze, but it's enough to send me over the edge.

I let out a roar while succumbing to my orgasm. Though my entire body tenses and shudders, I manage not to thrust my hips. Lydia already has my cock in her throat, and I can feel her muscles working around it while she tries to gulp down my semen.

"Save some for me!" Carla pleads. I'm still violently trembling when Lydia withdraws. Carla sets about licking me clean, moaning with delight. Someone elseit must be Helenswirls her tongue over my sack.

Now that my orgasm has subsided, I quickly grow so sensitive that their attention is almost painful. Fortunately, they grant me mercy. Robin helps ease me from the chair, but she doesn't remove my blindfold or allow me to sit up. The women can see the mess they've left on my face. The smell of them, still overpowering, clings to my skin, and I know my tongue muscles will be sore for a few days.

Robin strokes my hair. I know it's her, for I easily recognize that tender yet possessive touch. "You were wonderful, pet," she murmurs, and the other women chime in with their agreement. "Now, what do you say to our guests?"

With a huge smile, I tell them, "Thank you for allowing me to serve you, ladies." Then I reach for Robin's hand, bringing it to my lips. "And thank you for allowing me to pleasure them, Mistress."

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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