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The Psychiatrist's Secret: Dr. Emily Watson's Hidden Passion

"When college senior Alex Steele lands an interview with the esteemed psychiatrist Dr. Emily Watson for his university's newspaper, he never expects the encounter to ignite a flame of desire."

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Author's Notes

"On the Pleasure_Pulse Profile, in the Dr. Emily Watson Photo album, you will find AI generated accompanying pics to this story of the stunning Dr. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Emily Watson. Enjoy!"

Alex Steele, a college senior, has been assigned to interview Dr. Emily Watson, a successful psychiatrist, for her university's newspaper. 

Alex is instantly drawn to Dr. Watson's intelligence, confidence, and enigmatic aura. He can't help but feel a wave of nervousness wash over him as he sits down across from her.

As they begin the interview, Alex tries to maintain his professional demeanour, but finds himself easily distracted by Dr. Watson's alluring presence. She seems to notice this and smirks, subtly tilting her head to the side. The room feels charged with an undeniable sexual tension.

Alex clears his throat, trying to regain his focus. 

"Dr. Watson, you have such an impressive career in the field of psychiatry. How did you first become interested in this line of work?"

Dr. Watson leans forward, her eyes meeting Alex's. There's a hint of mischief in her expression as she begins to describe her journey into psychiatry. 

"Well, Alex, it started with my own exploration of the human mind. I've always been fascinated by the complexities of our emotions and desires. I found myself drawn to those who were struggling to understand their own inner worlds, and I wanted to help them find peace and acceptance."

Emily's body is fit and toned, her skin pale and smooth. She has long, raven-black hair that cascades down her back, framing her delicate features. Her eyes are a piercing shade of green that seem to sparkle with mischief and desire. She stands at an average height, with a voluptuous figure that is accentuated by her ample breasts and round, firm buttocks. She wears a lab coat over a tight, black bodysuit, emphasising her curves and hinting at what lies beneath. Her lips are full and red, often parted in a sensual smile or panting breath. Her movements are graceful and alluring, captivating Alex from the moment he sets eyes on her.

As she speaks, Alex finds himself becoming more and more entranced by Dr. Watson. There's an air of confidence and self-assurance about her that he finds incredibly attractive.

She pauses, taking a sip of her tea before continuing. "I've also always been drawn to the power dynamics in relationships. I enjoy being in control, guiding someone through their emotions and helping them grow. It's a thrilling experience for me." Her voice lowers, taking on a huskier quality. "And I've found that this same drive translates very well into my work as a psychiatrist."

Her gaze never leaves Alex's face as she speaks, and her words seem to envelop him in their confidence and power. It's almost as if she's challenging him to confront his own desires, to admit to the depths of his curiosity about the dynamics she's describing.

Alex swallows hard, his heart racing as he listens to Dr. Watson speak. He can feel the heat rising in his cheeks, and his breathing becomes shallow as he tries to maintain his composure. Her words echo in his mind, resonating with something deep within him. He knows he should be taking notes, but all he can do is focus on the way she's looking at him, the way she's describing her experiences.

"I think that part of what makes me such an effective psychiatrist is my understanding of power dynamics," she says, her voice dropping even lower. "I'm very comfortable taking control, guiding someone through their emotions and helping them grow. It's a thrilling experience for me." She pauses, taking a sip of her tea before meeting Alex's gaze once more. "This drive I found out comes from my sexual preferences. But don't put that into the paper... That's just a comment between us."

Alex feels a surge of heat course through his veins at Dr. Watson's candid admission. His heart is racing, and he struggles to maintain his professional demeanour. He looks down at his notes, trying to appear as if he's not affected by what she's saying, but he can feel her gaze burning into him.

"Are you saying... Ummm... That you like to dominate?" 

Alex asks, his voice slightly shaky. He's trying to keep the conversation focused on her professional life, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the undercurrent of desire that's building between them.

"Yes, Alex," Dr. Watson says, her voice smooth and confident. 

"I enjoy being in control. I find it empowering and incredibly arousing. I've always known that this part of me would make me a good psychiatrist. I can understand the desires and needs of those who crave submission, because I feel it myself to provide it to them." 

She leans in closer, her breath warm against his ear. 

"It's like a dance, Alex. A dance of power and control, where I lead and you follow. It's intoxicating."

Alex swallows hard, his heart racing as he tries to focus on her words. The way she's describing this dance of power and control is making it nearly impossible for him to concentrate on anything else. He feels a surge of desire course through him, and he wonders what it would be like to experience that dance with her.

"I'm guessing you're quite the submissive, Alex?" she asks, her voice low and seductive. "You seem to be very affected by what I'm saying." Her hand reaches out, brushing lightly against his arm. "What do you think?"

Alex feels a shiver run down his spine at her touch. He's never been with a woman like Dr. Watson before, and the thought of submitting to her is both thrilling and terrifying. 

"I... I don't know," he manages to say, his voice trembling slightly. "I guess... Umm... " Dr. Watson smiles, her eyes glinting with amusement and desire. "That's quite all right, Alex. You don't need to decide right now. But perhaps... Maybe we could explore this further? In a more private setting?" Her fingers curl gently around his arm, her touch sending a wave of heat through him. "I'd very much like to find out what you're capable of submitting to."  "Would you be open to finding out?" she asks, leaning closer to him. "To discover what hidden desires lie within you?" Her gaze holds his, her expression a mixture of lust and curiosity.

 Alex swallows hard, feeling the blood rush to his face. He can feel himself growing hard beneath his clothes, and he can't help but wonder what it would be like to give in to these desires. "I... I don't know," he says, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Let's find out right now, Alex," she whispers, leaning in closer. Her lips brush against his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. "Why don't we move to my office? It's more private there." Her hand slides up his arm, coming to rest on his shoulder. "I'm sure we can find out everything we need to know."

 Alex hesitates for a moment, his heart racing. He can feel the heat building between them, and he wonders if he's strong enough to resist her. "Okay," he manages to say, his voice little more than a breath. "Let's go to your office."

 As they arrive at her office, Dr. Watson closes the door behind them, effectively sealing them in. She turns to face Alex, her expression predatory. "Now, Alex," she says, her voice low and sultry, "What do you think women enjoy the most?"

 Alex bites his lip, feeling a mixture of fear and desire course through him. He glances around the room, taking in the leather couch, the wooden desk, and the various other objects he can't quite identify. 

"I... I don't know," he manages to say, his voice trembling slightly. "To be pleased?."

"Oh, Alex," she says, shaking her head with a knowing smile. "I think you're forgetting that I'm a psychologist. I can tell when someone is hiding something." She steps closer, her body pressed against his. "I think what you really want to know is what I enjoy the most. Don't you?"

 Alex feels the blood rush to his face, his heart pounding in his chest. He looks into Dr. Watson's eyes, seeing the lust and curiosity there, and can't help but feel drawn to her. 

"Yeah... I mean, if you want to tell me..." he whispers, his voice barely audible.

 "Oh, Alex," she breathes, her hand moving to the lapels of his suit. "I think it's time you found out." She slowly unbuttons his shirt, revealing his chest. "You're so tense," she murmurs, running her fingers over his muscles. "I think it's time you relaxed."

Alex shudders at her touch, unable to resist as she undresses him. He feels the fabric of his shirt and pants being tugged and pulled, revealing more and more of his body. He tries to speak, to ask her what she wants, but no words come out. All he can do is watch her, mesmerised by her every move. Satisfied that Alex is sufficiently undressed, Dr. Watson walks around him, her eyes taking in his body. She pauses at the foot of the couch, looking at the various items on the coffee table.  After a moment's consideration, she picks up a length of silk rope and smiles wickedly at Alex. "I think it's time we see just how much you enjoy being restrained."

 Alex's breath hitches in his throat as he sees the silk rope in Dr. Watson's hands. He feels a mixture of fear and excitement course through him, and he can't help but wonder what she has in store for him. As she ties the rope around his wrists, binding them together, he lets out a soft moan. "Doctor..." he whispers, his voice strained. "What are you going to do to me?"

Dr. Watson chuckles darkly, the sound sending a shiver down Alex's spine. "Oh, Alex," she says, her voice dripping with seduction. "I think you'll find that I'm going to do a lot more than just tie you up." She steps closer, her body pressing against his. "I'm going to explore every inch of you, and you're going to feel everything." 

She trails a fingernail down his chest, making him shudder with desire. Taking another step back, Dr. Watson removes her blouse, revealing her perfect, pale breasts. She watches Alex's reaction with hunger in her eyes. "I want you to worship my body," she commands, her voice low and husky.

Alex feels powerless and helpless, his body on fire with need as he watches Dr. Watson undress. He cannot tear his eyes away from her perfect breasts, the smooth skin of her stomach, the curls of hair at her mound. She straddles Alex's hips, her breasts brushing against his chest. "You can start with my feet," she purrs, wiggling her toes enticingly.  "I want you to kiss and lick them, and then suck on my toes."

He drops to his knees. Alex's tongue darts out, licking her foot, then another, his mouth trailing up her leg. He presses his tongue against her, tasting her skin, as his hands struggle against the ropes that bind him.

Alex's obedience only serves to excite her more. She watches as he devours her feet, his tongue dancing across her skin, his hands straining against the ropes. "That's it," she whispers, her voice thick with desire.

 As he continues to lick and suck on her feet, Alex feels a surge of desire course through him. He obediently waits for her to take control.

 "Now, get on your back on the floor," she commands, her voice taking on a husky edge.  Alex complies, lying on the floor. He looks up at her, waiting for her next move.  Emily slowly stands above him with her feet on either side of his head.

Alex breathes in her scent, feeling the warmth of her body so close to his. He looks up at her, his eyes drinking in the sight of her perfection. "Do you want to taste me?" she asks, her voice husky with desire.

 Alex nods eagerly, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.

 "You're so eager," she whispers, smiling down at him.  She begins to slide her fingers down her abdomen, teasing at the fabric of her underwear. "Do you want to see what's underneath?"

 Alex nods frantically, his gaze locked on her hands.

 With a slow, deliberate motion, Dr. Watson slides her fingers beneath the lace of her underwear, teasing at her folds. 

She watches as Alex's eyes grow wide with desire, his chest heaving with each ragged breath.

 Alex arches his back, desperate to touch her. He strains against the ropes, feeling the burn in his shoulders and wrists. His eyes never leave her hands, following the movement of her fingers.

With a sultry smile, Dr. Watson finally pulls her underwear down and throws it away, revealing herself to Alex.

Alex's breath hitches in his throat as he takes in the sight of her, bare and wet and beautiful. He feels a burning ache deep in his core, and he struggles against the ropes again, trying to find some purchase to free himself.  "Oh, Alex," she breathes, her fingers curling around herself. "You make me so wet." She leans down, her breasts brushing against his chest as she whispers, "Would you like to taste me?"  "You've been such a good boy," she says, stroking his hair.

 "Would you like to taste me?" She smiles down at him, watching as his desire grows more intense. "Do you want my taste on your tongue?"

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Alex nods frantically, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. His tongue darts out, wetting his lips, as he gazes up at her, pleading with his eyes. "Please," he manages to croak. "Please let me taste you."

Emily's pussy is glistening in the dim light, wet and inviting. She lowers her hips, positioning her dripping folds just an inch above Alex's mouth. "Here you go, my sweet boy," she whispers, and starts to finger her pussy.

 Alex's nostrils flare as he takes in the heady scent of her arousal, his mouth watering in anticipation. He arches his back, straining against the ropes, desperate to taste her. He parts his lips, panting heavily as she begins to tease him. Emily's pussy glistens with desire, wet and dripping. Her folds part, revealing the pink, swollen bud of her clitoris. A thick, clear fluid coats her inner labia, making her pussy glisten.

 Emily's fingers slide over her swollen clit, rubbing it roughly as she watches Alex's reaction. "Are you ready, my sweet boy?" she asks, her voice husky with desire. "Do you want this? Do you want my taste?" She leans down, her breasts brushing against his chest as she whispers, "Beg for it."


Alex's tongue darts out, eager to taste her, but the ropes hold him back. He struggles against them, feeling the burning ache in his shoulders and wrists. "Please," he gasps, his voice ragged with desire. "Please, Emily. I need you."

Emily's fingers work faster, her hips beginning to rock as she loses herself in the pleasure. She watches Alex's desperate struggle against the ropes, and feels a surge of power course through her. With one final, hard stroke, she comes, her pussy convulsing around her fingers. Emily's orgasm washes over Alex, the wet heat of it coating his face as she comes. Her juices drip down her thighs, her fingers, and onto his cheek. 

Her hips rocking in the air, and she moans his name, the sound filling the room. As she comes down from her high, she leans back, catching her breath.  Emily looks down at Alex, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. "Did you like that, Alex?" she asks, her voice still trembling from pleasure. "Did you like tasting me?" Her fingers slide through her juices, coating them on his cheek. "Do you want more?"

She asks, her voice still trembling from pleasure. She can feel her body beginning to relax, but she can't help but want to see Alex's reaction.

Alex's body shudders as he feels the warmth of her orgasm wash over him, her juices coating his face. He whimpers in need, his cock throbbing painfully in his bonds. "Please, Emily," he gasps. "Please let me taste you some more."

 Emily smiles down at Alex, her breath coming faster as she watches his reaction. "Of course, my sweet boy," she says, her voice husky with desire. "You are such a good slave." She lowers herself slowly, her pussy hovering just above his mouth.  "Lick me clean," she whispers, and then slowly sinks down onto his face.

Alex strains against the ropes, desperate to taste her, to feel her wet heat on his tongue. He opens his mouth, lapping at her, tasting her essence as she sits on his face. He moans around her, his tongue working furiously to please her. He wants to make her cum again, wants to feel her release all over him.

Emily lets out a long, shuddering moan as Alex's tongue works its magic on her. Her hips begin to move, rocking back and forth against his face as she feels the familiar tightness building in her stomach. "That's it, my sweet boy," she purrs, her hands running through his hair. "Lick me until I cum again."

Emily begins to ride Alex's face with abandon, her hips moving frantically as she loses herself in the sensation. Her moans fill the room, and her fingers dig into Alex's hair, as she takes control. Emily continues to ride Alex's face, her hips moving faster and faster as she approaches orgasm. Her fingers dig into his hair, holding him in place as she feels the pleasure building inside her. "Oh, God, Alex," she moans, her voice breaking with desire. "I'm going to cum." She pushes herself harder against his face, her body tensing.

 "Lick my pussy," she gasps, her hips bucking wildly against his face. "Lick me clean." She thrusts herself down hard on his tongue, her muscles tensing as she feels another orgasm about to wash over her.

Alex's tongue works furiously against her, tasting every inch of her as she rides him. He whimpers into her, his own desire building with every thrust of her hips. He moans when she tells him to lick her clean, eagerly lapping at her folds. Her fingers in his hair send shudders of pleasure through him, making it impossible to think straight. Her back arches, presenting her wet, swollen pussy to him as she moans, "Lick me." 

Her hips move in small, teasing circles as she feels her orgasm building once more. "Taste how wet you made me," she pants, her breath hot against his ear. "You've been such a good boy," she whispers, her voice trembling with desire. "I think you deserve to try something new." Her fingers trace lightly over his lips, teasing him with the taste of her.

Dr Emily Watson slowly stands up, her body swaying gently as she does so. She turns around, presenting her back to Alex, and then slowly sits down again on his face. But this time, she's facing the opposite direction. Her wet pussy is now positioned right in front of his lips, and she moans with pleasure as he begins to lick her from behind.

Emily's breath hitches as Alex's tongue begins to explore her from behind. She moans, arching her back even further as she feels his warm breath on her sensitive skin. Unable to resist the urge to tease herself further, she reaches back and grabs the vibrating butt plug that's been hidden in her purse the entire time. With a sly smile, she begins to stroke it against her rose bud, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

Emily's hips begin to move in small, teasing circles, her moans filling the room . She slides her butt plug in her ass.

Alex moans into her, his tongue working furiously against her as he tastes her. He feels her moving against him, and it only makes him harder. When she begins to stroke the vibrating plug against herself, he groans, unable to contain the pleasure coursing through him. He presses his lips harder against her, eager to taste every inch of her.

As Emily continues to ride Alex's tongue, she moans loudly, her body shuddering with each thrust. The vibrations from the plug in her ass are almost too much to bear, but she loves every second of it. She leans forward, her weight pressing down on Alex's mouth some more. Emily's wetness drips down Alex's chin, mixing with his own saliva. She moans, feeling the pleasure building inside her. 

"Oh, God, Alex," she gasps, her voice breaking with desire. "I'm going to cum." Her pussy and ass rhythmically slamming against his face, the ropes holding him in place as she feels the pleasure building inside her. "I'm going to cum on your face," she moans, her voice breaking with desire. "I'm going to cum."

Emily leans forward, her weight pressing down on Alex's mouth as she grinds her hips against his face. She feels the pleasure building inside her, her pussy clenching tight around his tongue. "Oh, God, Alex," she moans, her voice breaking with desire. "I'm going to cum."

She thrusts her hips harder, her ass cheeks slapping against his face as she feels herself getting closer and closer to the edge. "I'm going to cum on your face," she whispers, her voice shaking with need. "I'm gonna cum."

Emily arches her back, her eyes closed as the pleasure washes over her in waves. With a sultry moan, she slowly pulls her pussy off of Alex's face. She unbuttons his zipper, revealing his hard cock, which is now completely free. Her lips part, and she looks down at his erection with a mix of desire and anticipation. 

With a slow, deliberate motion, she wraps her lips around the head of his cock, sucking gently at first before taking more of him into her mouth. She savors the taste of him, the feel of him stretching her mouth, and the knowledge that she has him completely under her control.

 Alex groans, his hands gripping Emily's hips tightly as she takes him into her mouth. He feels her lips and tongue slide along the length of his shaft, sending shock-waves of pleasure through him. He can't believe how good it feels to have her controlling him like this.

Emily sucks on Alex's cock, taking more of him deeper into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head, teasing the sensitive flesh. She looks up at him with hooded eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. 

"You like that?" she asks, her voice husky with desire. She takes more of him into her mouth, nearly choking as she feels him grow even harder in her mouth. With a satisfied moan, she begins to bob her head up and down, taking him deeper and faster.

 Alex gasps, his hips bucking upwards as he feels her take more of him into her mouth. He reaches down, gripping her hair tightly, lost in the sensation of her sucking him. "Yes," he manages to choke out, his voice strained. "God, yes." He tilts his head back, closing his eyes, feeling the pleasure coursing through him as she takes control.

Emily feels the tension in his hips as he pushes up against her mouth. She takes it as a sign to go faster, her tongue dancing across the sensitive ridge of his cock as she sucks him deeper. She moans, the vibrations from her voice sending waves of pleasure through him. Her other hand reaches down between their bodies, rubbing her own clit as she sucks him off. She knows they're both close, and she doesn't want to miss this moment together.

Emily sits back on Alex's face, her pussy still wet and dripping with her arousal. She spreads her legs wide, giving him an unobstructed view of her moist folds. Her fingers continue to dance across her clit, rubbing circles as she watches Alex's reaction to her display. She leans forward, her breasts swaying enticingly above his belly. "You like that, Alex?" she asks, her voice husky with desire. "I am going to use your face for my pleasure!"

Emily rides Alex's face, her pussy pressed against his mouth as she continues to suck on his cock. She grinds her hips, her moist folds rubbing against his entire face. Her other hand grips the back of his head, urging him to deepen the kiss as she takes him deeper into her mouth. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, her body trembling with the effort to hold back the orgasm that she knows is building inside her.

Emily's breath hitches in her throat as she feels her orgasm building, her pussy tightening around Alex's face. She looks down at him, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. "I'm... I'm going to... squirt..." she whispers, her voice shaking. "I'm going to... squirt all over your face..."

And with that, she lets go, her body arching as a hot, sticky jet of her essence spurts onto his face, covering his eyes, nose, and mouth. She collapses on top of him, panting heavily. "Oh... oh god..."

 Alex gulps down Emily's juices, reveling in the taste and the feeling of her body moving against his face. He can feel her orgasm shudder through her, and he moans as she cums, wanting to give her the same pleasure. Emily's orgasm seems to trigger something in Alex as well, his hips bucking wildly against her mouth. He growls, thrusting his hips upwards as he comes, spilling his seed into her waiting mouth.  

Emily's body trembles on top of him as she keeps squirting, her pussy still pulsing with each spurt of her essence. She moans, her lips pressing against his cheek as she milks the last drops of his cum from him. Emily's body shudders with one final release, her butt plug popping out and landing with a soft thud on Alex's forehead. 

She gasps, her weight pressing down on him as she catches her breath. Her wetness is everywhere, her juices dripping from his face, chest, and belly. Alex's cock twitches, still hard inside her, as he lies beneath her. She looks down at him, smiling wickedly.

"Oh...Alex..." Emily pants, her breath hot against his skin. "That was... incredible." She looks down at him, her eyes meeting his, and her heart skips a beat. "I think we need to do that again... soon." She reaches down between them, stocking his still-hard cock. "Don't you agree?"

Alex nods, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he gazes up at her. "Yeah... definitely... need... to... do that... again... soon..." He groans, arching his back as she strokes him.

To be continued...

Written by Pleasure_Pulse
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