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The CEO's Blunder Ch.02

"Dominant CEO discovers findom. What could go wrong?"

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Sports and beer were an escape from Zack’s busy day, but tonight, Goddess Harmony corrupted his evening routine. He couldn’t believe that not only did he meet her in person, but she was friends with his daughter, Maria. Was she going to tell Maria that her powerful, rich father was nothing but a simp? No, she wouldn’t do that… would she? 

Zack did his best to rid the thoughts from his mind, which included more alcohol. It worked like a charm and soon his immediate focus became his sports team, whose winning night put him in a better mood. That is until the message from Goddess Harmony lit up his phone. It was the purple devil emoticon sporting a sadistic smile and that was it.


Not wanting to respond, Zack did the responsible thing and opened her Twitter page to trigger even more potential relapses. And that’s when he saw what the emoticon had been referring to. In one of Goddess Harmony’s videos asking for pay pigs to send her money, Maria sat in the background and then added a few words of her own.


It was a catch-22. Zack couldn’t get mad at his daughter for doing findom because he couldn’t let his daughter know that he knew about findom. Maybe it was a phase, but knowing Goddess Harmony so far, she was probably sinking her claws deep into Maria’s curious mind. What girl didn’t want to learn how to easily make six figures annually with minimal work?


After a twitch in his pants, Zack used the image of his daughter to set him on the straight and narrow. He closed the app, opened another beer, and chugged it until the thoughts of Findom faded again.



 ‘What the hell did you just do!’


Zack hadn’t thought about Findom since his in-person encounter until Goddess Harmony’s name popped up on his notifications. The confusing horniness from that night returned and he opened his messages immediately. This time he was going to play it cool. It was her that reached out, which meant she was actually thinking about him. After carefully deliberating for ten minutes on the perfect response, Zack settled on his message.


‘Miss me already ;)’


‘NO. I don’t miss any of my wallets! Especially the one you just destroyed!’


‘What are you talking about?’


‘Cruthers. You fired him and now one of my biggest whales no longer has money! This is NOT acceptable! YOU WILL FIX THIS!’


Zack put his phone down. Firing Cruthers had nothing to do with his work performance and everything to do with the handling of his finances. It made sense that Goddess Harmony was the one behind the scenes pulling his strings. She almost had Zack wrapped around her finger as well.


But he wasn’t about to reverse his decision because some random girl on the internet said so. How would that look to the rest of the company? He picked his phone back up.


‘I can’t do that.’


There was no response. Now the little brat knew who was boss. For the next two hours, Zack immersed himself in his work and had forgotten all about his messages with Goddess Harmony until another ping from his phone caught his attention. He sighed in relief when he saw that it was from his daughter.


‘Dad, I bought some used textbooks from Harm, she said she’d just sort out payment with you because she had some banking to do. Thanks, XOXO.’


Zack’s intercom broke the silence.


“Mr. Sharpe, you have Maria’s friend here to see you,” Zack’s receptionist said.


Zack’s heart raced. He took a few breaths and calmed his nerves. He was never nervous when he had to present to millionaire and billionaire clients. Some college girl wasn’t going to intimidate him. He pressed the button.


“Send her in.”


It was time to show Goddess Harmony some well-needed discipline.





Mort walked by Cruther’s old desk as he headed out for lunch. The rumors were plenty and by far his favorite one was about Findom. Giving girls money for free, most guys called that marriage.


Of course, he wouldn’t know anything about that. He walked up to the beautiful redhead wearing a power suit and the two kissed before Mort sat down. Aurora was a knockout both inside and outside the courtroom. Her playful nature deterred people from taking her seriously, and her intelligence and street smarts made her a master of reading people and backing up herself through facts.


“So, what’s the scoop on Cruthers?” Aurora asked as she gracefully ate a piece of bread.


“Umm… the most prominent thing I’m hearing is something called Findom.”


“What’s that, some sort of video game?”


“It’s the act of giving women money for free.”


Aurora laughed and ripped off another chunk of bread with her hand. “Most men call that marriage, except you of course.”


“I thought of that joke… never mind. I may not be the breadwinner, but I contribute around the house,” Mort said.


“Some of the girls joke that I should propose to you,” Aurora said with a flirty smile.


“If you get me a Rolex, go for it,” Mort said. “Kidding, you just need to be patient, then when you least expect it, boom, proposal.”


“Mhmm,” Aurora said. “So Cruthers just gave all is money to a girl online?”


“I guess,” Mort said.


Aurora straightened up with a twinkle in her eye. “Mort, you’re going to pay for this meal and when you get home, you’re going to give me a foot rub.”


Mort casually took a bite of his food and then said, “What are you doing?”


“I’m trying to be like a Findom.”


“Well, keep trying,” Mort said then grinned. “Besides, I think part of the kink is that it’s a stranger. Imagine you found out that I was paying another girl.”


Aurora bit her lip. “That kind of turns me on, actually.”




“No, I’m serious. If she was super cute, I’d be a little flustered,” Aurora said.


“Interesting. Well, sorry to disappoint, but nothing about that get’s me going. So, our finances are safe with me.”


Aurora half-smiled then picked at her food. As Mort finished his meal, he looked around the restaurant and saw other women in power suits or tight dresses and heels. They were hot and had an air of authority about them. If any of them demanded him to pay for their meal, would he? The thought sparked a little jolt down below. Maybe Aurora was onto something.





Zack leaned back in his chair as Goddess Harmony entered his office. Her tight red halter top perfectly dipped just enough to show the top of her cleavage and the diamond necklace dangling in between her tits as she walked. Her short white skirt stopped just before her ass, highlighting her long-tanned legs with her feet encased in open-toe white heels. She was even more breathtaking in person than she was online in pictures and videos.


“Harmony, Maria said you’d be stopping by to collect payment for some textbooks.”


 “That’s correct, now get out of my seat.”


“Excuse me?”


Goddess Harmony strode confidently around the desk and stood beside Zack. Because he was sitting down, she towered overtop of him, adding more power to their dynamic.


“I said, on your knees and let me sit on my throne.”


“Harmony, this is completely out of line, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” Zack said, avoiding eye contact.


It wasn’t a week ago that he had been kneeling in the same spot that she was standing, acting like her own personal ATM. Now she was here in person, and his boner was the only thing excited to see her.


The blonde Goddess put her hands on her hips. “Look me in the eye and tell me to get out.”




Somehow, in some way, this college girl knew exactly how to push his buttons. There had been many times were interns her age came with problems and complaints, and he had looked them dead in the eye while dealing with them. Now his shame weighed his head down.


Her dainty fingers touched the bottom of his chin, and he could feel her long, red-painted claws as she lifted his head until their eyes met. Her perfectly made-up face, tanned skin, and cleavage made it hard to look away. And that was the problem.


“I deal with men like you all the time. You act so tough and cold, but all you really want is for some hot girl half your size and age to come and show you who the real boss is. Isn’t that right?” Goddess Harmony said without stuttering.


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Her self-confidence was impeccable. Not even the slightest hint of hesitation while confronting the CEO of one of the largest banks in the area. Before Zack could respond, Goddess Harmony spit on his face.


“Now get on your knees, you little bitch.”


It would have been easy to stand up and throw her out, but she had already taken from him. He was already invested in their transactional relationship. Like the sunk cost fallacy, Zack sunk to his knees, vacating his own office chair. Goddess Harmony sat down at his desk and spun around his chair while he knelt beside her.


“That’s a good little bitch. Isn’t this so much better?”


Zack, too shocked at his own actions, didn’t respond.


“Excuse me, I said, isn’t this so much better?”


“Umm, yes Goddess, this is so much better.”


Goddess Harmony laughed as she towered over him. “God, men are so easy to manipulate. Imagine if your employees saw you like this.” She lifted his chin up again with her crimson-painted nails. “I’m your boss now. You work for me. Is that understood, simp?”


It felt like a fantasy, but it was happening in real life. Zack was being treated like just another toy for Goddess Harmony to play with without fear of the consequences. And inch by inch, he let her in by revealing a submissive side of himself that he didn’t even know he had. Was he becoming more submissive or were younger women simply becoming more dominant? Regardless, her claws were too deep now for him to say no. Her siren voice and mesmerizing eyes had him under her control. And when all else failed, his gaze upon her hefty rack left no doubt as to why she had so much power.


“Yes, Goddess Harmony, I understand.”


“Who’s your boss?”


“Goddess Harmony.”


“Good boy. Now my first order of business is hiring back Mr. Cruthers.”


“I can’t do…”


Goddess Harmony put her finger to his mouth, silencing him. She smiled like she was speaking to a child.


“No, no, no. When I say to do something, you say, ‘Yes Goddess Harmony, right away,’ and then you do it,” Goddess Harmony said. “Now let’s try this again. Your first order of business is hiring back Mr. Cruthers.”


She lifted her finger off his mouth permitting him to speak.


“Yes, Goddess Harmony, I’ll take care of that right away.”


“That’s a good little bitch. While you do that, I’m going to be shopping on your credit card,” Goddess Harmony said. She held her hand out and snapped her fingers.


Zack pulled out his wallet and grabbed his credit card with the lowest limit and handed it to Goddess Harmony.


“Umm, you can’t use my computer…”


“Duh… you think I want to deal with the legalities of looking at confidential information. I’m here to control you not your stupid bank.”


“But you’re making me rehire a fired employee.”


“As far as I’m concerned you let him go for stupid reasons and you took away his livelihood. That’s not controlling your stupid bank, that’s just not being an asshole,” Goddess Harmony said. “Now you better go make things happen because the longer you take, the more I buy. Chop chop.”


Zack crawled away from his desk to the sofa area and made the call to Mr. Cruthers. It didn’t take much to get him back at his old job. The man was very thankful to be given a second chance and promised that he would manage his finances better. But now that Zack knew the truth, he realized that his employee’s finances were none of his business as long as he showed up and did his work.


“Mr. Cruthers will start back Monday,” Zack said as he crawled back, scraping his $500 suit along the floor.


“Gucci,” Goddess Harmony said. She extended her legs so that her white heels were in front of Zack. “These heels cost Mr. Cruthers one of his paychecks. How would you like to worship them?”


Zack looked down at the somewhat dirty heels. The confusing emotions running through his mind were calmed by Goddess Harmony’s soothing touch and hypnotic voice.


“Be a good boy and worship your Goddess while she shops on your card,” Goddess Harmony said. She gently pushed Zack’s head down until his lips were inches from the tip of her heel.


He puckered his lips and accepted his fate. Goddess Harmony shopped on his dime while he made out with her expensive high heels. At first, he was timid with light kisses, but then his lust emboldened him to linger longer and add tongue. Soon he was licking and making out with every inch of the gorgeous blonde’s heel.


The outrageousness of the situation was not lost on Zack. A college girl had somehow commandeered his mind and taken him over like a puppet using her sexuality. Of course, his mistake of becoming her ATM more than assured her that he was another perfect drone for her to corrupt. And now he was making out with her shoe like a horny teenager while Goddess Harmony spent his money.


It felt like forever until his treasure was yanked away without warning. Zack looked up and Goddess Harmony placed his credit card in his mouth.


“Three thousand and consider yourself lucky that the current selection was ugly,” Goddess Harmony said. She stood up and headed towards the door without a thank you or goodbye leaving Zack on his knees three thousand dollars poorer and a raging boner in his pants. How far would he let her push him and when would he draw the line?





“Here you go Mrs. Lucky,” Paige said breaking Aurora’s focus on her task at hand. She smiled and grabbed the report from her young college intern.


“Thanks, Paige.”


The black-haired beauty nodded and left Aurora’s office. Turning her attention to the report, Aurora tried thumbing her way through it, but her mind kept circling back to lunch and the concept of Findom. Was it really a thing? And did women really make money? What made Aurora even more curious is that she wasn’t as interested in becoming a findom as she was becoming a sub. Being on the other side of thirty, despite maintaining her beauty, she had noticed the male attention slowly fade. And she couldn’t blame them. The way college girls dressed and teased; she couldn’t keep her eyes off of them either.


Aurora leaned back in her chair and began her search which led her to Twitter. There were indeed many gorgeous women who claimed to be making a killing, but none that caught Aurora’s attention. None of them had whatever X factor that Aurora was looking for. She didn’t even know, but her intuition was on high alert. The closest Goddess she could find was a blonde brat named Goddess Harmony. However, having dealt with girls like that throughout her college days, she knew exactly how the girl would act and Aurora wanted no part in it.


Just as Aurora was about to close the app on her phone, she clicked one last profile. Her name was Queen Lexis. She scrolled through the various cleavage, ass, and partially covered face pictures until she saw the identity of her potential Goddess. Aurora’s intuition went off the charts as the face staring back at her was none other than her intern Paige.





Despite not contacting Goddess Harmony for a few days since her office visit, Zack became a junkie on her profile. Every day he’d check to see if she posted anything new, just inadvertently waiting for the moment when his guard dropped, and he gave in to her again. One post, in particular, caught his attention, showing Goddess Harmony and another hot blonde flashing the classic middle finger pose.


‘Send my vanilla friend $100, she wants to see how pathetic you losers are.”


Although all of her tweets encouraged sending, Zack was still able to use the high of his ATM experience and foot-worshipping experience to hold him over, even when he lusted over every picture and caption she posted. However, this tweet introduced a new element and a new Goddess. Her friend was cute and despite her innocent face, based on his experience with Goddess Harmony, he knew any girl was capable of bringing a man to his knees with the right confidence.


Before he could think it through, Zack sent $100 only minutes after the tweet. Nothing happened at first, but within a few minutes, a video message popped up in his DMs.


He opened it expecting Goddess Harmony, but it wasn’t her. It also wasn’t the cute girl from the picture. Instead, giving him the finger was his own daughter.


“What a pathetic loser, now bow down before your Goddess!” Maria said in a serious tone and then giggled at the end as her video cut off, no doubt being directed by Goddess Harmony.


For a moment, Zack sat unsure what to do. Clearly, Goddess Harmony was fucking with him. He had been giving his daughter money all his life and it had been annoying, not exciting. But the context changed everything and being called pathetic only highlighted the ridiculous nature of it all. Perhaps, it was time to delete his account and quit altogether. Because if he stayed, who knows what depravity he’d sink to…

Written by GoddessFindom
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