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Surrender Part Two

"Further adventures of Michael and Dominique"

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Standing in the corner with his hands on his head and a well-paddled bottom on prominent display, Michael waited for Raina’s entrance. Being put into the corner like a naughty child after a spanking was embarrassing but having someone you barely knew find you there was downright humiliating. The voices in the hallway were not loud enough to understand what was being said or to identify the newcomers. He could only hope it was Raina and Jaime. His heart pounded harder than the throbbing in his rump when he heard footsteps approaching.

"Well, look at this," Raina chuckled. "A blistered bottom in the corner. What a nice surprise." She entered with Jaime in tow, a painful grip on his ear. "I see you have been busy," she said, turning to Dominique. Are you finished with him?"

"Not quite. He still must show me he knows how to use his tongue. He will have that chance while you are dealing with Jaime." Despite the fire in his backside, listening to Dominique talk about what she had in mind for him made Michael's erection return. Using his tongue was something he enjoyed, and he was eager to prove himself.

"In that case," Raina declared. "Let's get started. Strip, you worm. There will be no fun for you tonight. My cane is going to teach you how to do your job." While Raina watched the hapless Jaime take his clothes off, Dominique called Michael to her.

"You may take your hands off your head but keep them at your sides." Michael turned from the corner, his manhood bobbing into view. "Look at you. Ready to go again. If you perform well, perhaps we can take care of that." He knelt at her feet and buried his head between her thighs.

"Over the bench," Raina ordered as Jaime stepped out of his clothes. He quickly obeyed and remained silent as she fastened the leather cuffs that would keep him immobile. One on each wrist, one around his waist, and two more for his ankles. Though he knew the caning to come would be severe, Jaime had a deep-seated need to submit to a dominant woman. He would happily accept whatever she did to him.

Raina retrieved the dragon cane from the implement wall and swished it through the air as she returned to stand at Jaime's left side. "Have you forgotten everything I taught you?" She tapped the cane lightly over his tightly stretched cheeks. "Tonight, your mistakes almost ruined several dishes, including the Wellington for Dominique. If I had not checked your work, it would have been a total disaster."

Jaime knew she was drawing the cane back when he could no longer feel its tapping. He yelped when it returned and sliced into his quivering flesh just below his tailbone. Unable to do anything else his body tensed, and he gritted his teeth in anticipation of the next blow.

"When I asked you to make the pate' what kind of liver did you use?" Jaime hesitated before he answered, and it cost him dearly. The cane whistled through the air landing just below the previous welt.

"Owww! Pig livers! I used pig livers. I thought the goose liver was gone. I didn't see it."

"Pig liver!" Each word was punctuated with a forceful stroke of the cane. Two more lines inched their way down the crown of his bottom. This time Jaime's strident cries sounded like he was about to break down. The pain in his backside was so intense he was sure there was blood running down the back of his legs.

"You know I demand butter be used in all pastry dough. What did you use for the Wellington?" Raina drew the cane back. She knew what his answer would be.

"Lard." Jaime's voice quavered from stress and pain. The severity of his punishment made him fear his mistress. This was a punishment and he knew she was not going to be lenient. The word had barely left his mouth when the cane struck. Tears filled his eyes and his strangled cry was almost a scream.

"One last thing." Raina was saving the worst offense for last. Jaime could hear the anger rising in her voice and began to tremble. "How did you season the two quarts of bechamel that would be used tonight”?

"I thought it was nutmeg,” he cried. “They were next to each other. It was an accident. I didn't mean to use cumin."

"Cumin!" Raina shouted. Three more welts crept downward in rapid succession. The last stroke landed in the crease between bottom and thighs. The pain carved into his rump overcame him and Jaime burst into a full-throated bawl.

"It would have tasted better if you pissed in it! The aroma itself should have alerted you. If it had been used, it might have ruined my reputation as a chef. All of these were the result of carelessness and taking shortcuts. I taught you better than that. How long have you been my sous chef?"

"Five years." Five times the cane welted his thighs. Raina paused after each one to let it reach its full effect before delivering the next. Jaime was crying uncontrollably when she finished. His body carried purple lines from just below his tail bone to the middle of his thighs.

"I am not done with your ass yet. Think about why you were caned and when I return, I will show you how strict I can be." Raina returned the cane to its place on the wall and left the room.

As Michael nestled his face into Dominique's crotch, she grabbed the back of his head and held it there. There would be no stopping until she was satisfied. He licked and nibbled the right spot, expecting her to show some arousal. He was surprised and disappointed when it didn't come. It wasn't until Jaime's caning started that she reacted at all.

Dominique moaned softly as the first stroke landed and her ardor increased with each one that followed. Michael wondered whether it was his tongue or the caning that turned her on the most.

Determined to prove himself, he doubled his efforts. Dominique's response was to wrap her legs around his neck and hold his head between her thighs. Though he could barely breathe, he did not slow down.

Michael glanced up at her hoping to see rapture etched on her face but was disappointed again. Her eyes were fixed on the scene unfolding across the room and her face gave no hint of emotion. Raina continued thrashing Jaime and with each volley Dominique moaned harder and began to undulate her hips. As the final five sliced into the unfortunate man's thighs, waves of pleasure engulfed her, and she clamped her thighs around Michael's head as if she would never let go.

Dominique relaxed her grip and allowed Michael to come up for air. As he lifted his head, he got his first view of Jaime's welted backside. He could not see Jaime's punishment but the tone of Raina’s scolding, the sound of her cane ripping into his bare flesh and his panicked cries made him hope he would never experience it.

"Please, Ma'am," he implored. "Please don't allow her to do that to me."

"I will never allow Miss Raina to punish you. If you deserve it, I will do it myself. I cannot say a caning that severe won't happen, but it is rare." Her answer was small consolation. Michael vowed to never do anything that would anger her that much. Just then, Raina returned wearing nothing but one of the largest strap-on dildos Michael had ever seen.

"Holy shit." the words came out before he knew what he was saying. Three things happened simultaneously. Raina’s and Jaime's heads snapped towards him. Raina’s eyes blazed with anger, while Jaime's widened with fear. Dominique grabbed a handful of his hair and forcibly yanked his head around to face her.

"What did I tell you about profanity," she hissed. "Come with me." Dominique painfully dragged him to his feet. It felt like she was tearing his hair out by the roots. "I hope you like the taste of soap." As she pulled Michael into the bathroom, Raina coated her strapon with lubricant.

"Put your hands on the sink and keep your eyes on the mirror. You're going to watch every second of this." She propelled him toward the sink with a hard slap on a very bruised bottom. Clutching a fresh bar of soap, she gripped him firmly from behind by wrapping her left arm around his shoulders.

"Open," she growled, holding the bar of soap in front of his face. Dominique pushed the soap into his mouth and began sliding it in and out. A thick lather formed as he salivated and oozed down his chin.

"Profanity is not allowed in my presence. A person who uses it is not intelligent enough to express themselves any other way." She continued working the soap until his chin was covered with slime and the ooze dripped onto his chest. She didn't stop until Michael started to gag.

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"You may lower your head and let it drip into the sink." She held the soap in his mouth as he pushed the lather out with the tongue that brought her so much pleasure moments before.

"Bite down," she ordered, withdrawing the soap about halfway. "Look at yourself." Michael blushed deeply at his reflection. A bar of soap protruded from his mouth, his chin and chest covered with slime.

"Do you like what you see? The next time you swear in front of me I will paddle you while you are holding the soap in your mouth. Do you understand?" Michael nodded quickly. He had learned his lesson and did not want it repeated.

"Speaking without thinking is the act of a child. Twice tonight you were punished for childish behavior. I'm sure you will need to be punished many times before you learn to behave like an adult. Because of this, I will no longer call you Michael. Your name is Child. Stay here and do not move. I am going to check on Raina. When she is finished with Jaime, you are going over the bench."

Michael watched Dominique leave while his stomach tied itself in knots. What was happening to Jaime dominated his mind. His imagination ran wild with unspeakable fantasies. Fear gripped him. An ass fucking was not on his bucket list. He felt like a condemned man waiting to be led the gallows. He thought about leaving for a moment. She said he could, but it would mean never seeing her again and that is why he stayed.

It seemed like an eternity, but it was only a few moments before Dominique returned. She could see the tension in his muscles and the fear in his eyes.

"You may take the soap out and rinse your mouth, Child." Michael immediately spit the soap into his hand and placed it in the soap dish. Shoveling water into his mouth helped clean the soap out but the horrible taste would remain for hours. When he finished, Dominique handed him a washcloth to clean himself. He smiled gratefully but worried about the punishment to come.

"Do not fret, Child," she said sensing his fear. "I am going to strap you and then it will be over. You will not have to endure Jaime's fate. I told you at the restaurant you would have to be brave if you wanted to love me. Show Raina how brave you are. Walk in there with your head held high and place yourself on the bench."

"Yes, Ma'am, I want to make you proud of me." Michael relaxed. A strapping he could handle. Being impaled on a giant dildo was a different matter. Dominique waited for him to take the lead and followed him down the hall.

Jaime had his nose pressed against the wall and a purple welted bottom on display. Raina was just stepping out of the harness and made no attempt to cover her nudity. Though she wasn't as stunning as Dominique, she was still an attractive woman. Seeing her without clothes had Michael's manhood rising once more. Without covering himself he strode purposefully to the bench and lowered himself over it.

"Well, I'm impressed." Raina reached for her robe. "Does he always obey like that?"

“Since this is his first time, I cannot say always. He does want to learn and is willing to submit. Child will make a good pupil."

"Child? Did you name him already?”

"He is impetuous and makes childish mistakes. Thus, his name. Would you get the heavy strap for me while I fasten his cuffs?” Dominique knelt next to Michael to secure his wrists.

"It's not easy to impress Raina," she whispered. "You have done well. Your bottom is bruised, and I will not strike it again," she said as she secured his wrists. "I am going to give you four strokes on each leg. They will be hard. Be brave and it will be over in a few minutes." Dominique attached the belt around his waist.

"What about his feet?" Raina handed her the strap. "Won't he use them to protect himself?"

"No. He will follow my instructions." Dominique stood at Michael's left side, even with his waist. Each stroke would land at a downward angle. "Spread your legs, Child. As far as they will go, then raise the left parallel to the floor and kept it there." Michael obeyed, leaving his genitals precariously exposed.

Dominique raised the thick leather strap above her shoulder and brought down with all her strength swinging through her target for maximum effect. It landed just below the crease under his bottom, nipping at his balls and wrapping around to bite into the tender flesh of the inner thigh.

The pain was excruciating but Michael's only reaction was raising his head. his leg hung in the air as a deep red stripe and a small bruise where the tip struck appeared. Dominique waited a moment to let the full effect sink in before delivering the next, landing it just below the first. Michael struggled to remain in place. He clenched his jaw and the cords in his neck bulged with the effort.

"Oh," he said softly with the third. His head dropped but his leg stayed in position. The raging fire in his flesh was threatening his composure. He concentrated on the fact that there was only one more. When it came, he gasped from the shock. His head came back up and Dominique could see the sweat beading on his forehead. His leg hung in the air, quivering from the effort. Still, he waited for her permission.

"Lower your leg, Child. Rest for a moment." Michael let his leg fall to the floor. Four identical diagonal stripes decorated his inflamed skin. Breathing deeply, he went limp over the bench, trying to will the pain away.

"You see," she turned to Raina. "Restraining his feet would only interfere. He wants to learn and obey. He will make a worthy pupil. I will teach him much." Raina nodded and said nothing. Michael had not yet passed the test. There was still one leg to go.

"Time to finish, Child. Raise your right leg and keep them spread. It will be over soon." Michael's leg came up while Dominique walked around him. The pattern inflicted on the left leg was repeated on the right. Michael's resolve to endure almost crumbled after the last one. He managed to hold his position until given permission.

Dominique dropped the strap, rubbed his back, and ran her fingers through his hair. She released his restraints and helped him stand. Without her help, he would not have been able. Michael's quivering legs were throbbing and already stiff. His knees felt like water as he stumbled to his feet. Dominique hugged him. She had given him pleasure but this was the first sign of tenderness.

"You have made me proud." She whispered into his ear and kissed his neck. "But you are not done yet. Stand next to Jaime. You may keep your hands at your sides but no rubbing or touching. Mustering all the dignity a naked, well-spanked man could, Michael joined Jaime with his face to the wall.

"I will get us a bottle of wine. You keep an eye on these two." Dominique returned momentarily with an opened bottle of Merlot and two glasses.

"A rather successful night," Dominique stated. "Those stripes you left on Jaime should teach him a lesson."

"I hope so. I like the way you painted Child's legs. When he holds them together, it looks like a chevron. With a bruised bottom above, it could be a sergeant's stripes. By the way, I was surprised when you hugged him. Are you falling in love?"

"Love is just another way to submit to someone else and I submit to no one," Dominique bristled. "You, of all people, know that. I should paddle you for saying it." Raina blushed and looked away. She was a lot like Michael when she first met Dominique. It was under her tutelage that Raina learned to become a Dom.

"I apologize. It was just a joke, albeit a poor one," Raina said quickly. Dominique's threats must be taken seriously. For the next half hour, the women chatted and finished the wine.

"Time to release them. Child, come here." Michael turned from the wall and approached her. His erection had returned but he made no effort to cover it. Dominique took no notice.

"You have done very well for your first time and may return. You will not call me. When I want you, I will call you. When I do, come immediately. No delays or excuses. Now you may get dressed and let yourself out." After dressing, Michael returned to Dominique.

"Thank you, Mistress. I will wait eagerly for your call." Michael left smiling. He was very sore and incredibly happy.


Written by Malcatraz
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