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Speedo Store Fun

"A large one can sometimes get you into trouble while shopping!"

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Author's Notes

"Fun with an employee, right inside the store!"

Many women wear those super-tight yoga pants riding up the crotch. I call them painted-on pants. I also want to mention those low-rise, revealing shirts that show off most of the jug skin above the nipples, too.

Those other young women without bras, with their glorious nipples poking out through their shirts (a new fad I happen to love). Of course, many of the same girls also hang their asses out of their shorts. Great! I dig it!

So many women everywhere are showing off their physical endowments, overtly and immodestly with no shame. Why not? They are almost encouraged to. Is it about power? Status-seeking? I don't know and I don't care.

However, many of these same women will look at you with a sort of disingenuous surprise (and even scorn) if you're caught staring at them for very long. How dare you!

Leering, staring or even casually glancing like that! What a raving pervert!

Well, what do they expect? It's like hanging a fat rabbit in front of a hungry wolf! Just try explaining this to any of them, though.

You know the girls I mean.

You could say it is socially acceptable, and again you could say it is even encouraged. I don't mind from the perspective that their bodily displays turn me on. I love looking at women and mentally undressing them without much effort! Yoga pants and tight shirts are completely a gift to men and lesbians!

My only issue is that men don't get to do the same with their special endowments.

Nevertheless, one day I decided I wanted to challenge this double standard in my own way.

This is what I did: I went into a swim shop to buy a Speedo. If you don't know what a Speedo is, then look at the attached picture!

I wasn't planning to wear this thing to the mall or anywhere inappropriate. Just to the pool or the beach where swimming would look like my main intent. If I was standing out on the street in one, I likely might be asking for threats or acts of violence. This is what our society has become!

You see, I'm very well-hung, and I feel I should get to advertise my stuff too. Why not? It's only fair, right?

To elaborate, I'm really lucky to have been born with a very large penis and testicles. Soft, I'm over seven inches long and over six inches around. Hard, I'm about ten inches long and over seven inches thick on a good day. My balls are like extra large eggs too, and they reside in a large sack that hangs about as low as my penis.

Many women I've had sexual relationships with couldn't stop playing with my stuff. Some seemed obsessed. For years, many women have repeatedly called me back for a fuck session, or even just to suck on it when they're feeling horny. I always oblige. It's never enough.

Some would tell their friends about me and new relationships would emerge pretty much based on my dick. I heard a rumour that women were calling me Mr. Donkey Dong within their friendship circles. I've even had sexy women who are total strangers come to my workplace and introduce themselves to me, just coincidentally knowing another woman I'd slept with before. Every time a new girl approached me, we'd be exchanging numbers for hot cellphone selfie exchanges and an eventual suck and screw. Who needs Tinder?!

I even had an affair with a female doctor because of my size. That's a whole other story.

One time, I was hired by a young woman to serve drinks at her bachelorette pool party. I was told to wear only white underwear briefs, and that I had to "stay wet in order to keep your undies see-through." Later that night I had three drunk, sexy girls on a bed sucking my cock and balls.

Again, it's never enough!

My package catches a lot of looks from envious men in locker rooms and public showers. I played on a hockey team once and my nickname was "Cannon," not because of my slap shot, but for what was dangling in between my legs in the shower room!

Anyway - for a guy like me, there's something awesome about wearing a Speedo.

Any guy for that matter, well-endowed or not - if he can prove he's using it as a swimming device, the established context is acceptable and thus makes him untouchable, as far as I'm concerned.

Olympians wear them to the pool on TV, so why can't anyone wear one?

Yes, Speedos are extremely revealing, but I think they're probably the only semi-perverted, exhibitionist stunt men can still get away with in the presence of random women in public. Just about anything else we try is a potential call to the police!

Back to my story!

When I went into the swim shop to buy the thing, I wasn't sure what I'd end up with - only that it had to be tight, skimpy and completely revealing of my large package.

As I casually strolled in, it appeared that I was the only customer in there. I started by just looking around and browsing.

Once I was noticed and acknowledged, the lone saleswoman in the shop asked what I was looking for and I told her I needed "something fast" to do lanes in. She laughed a bit and talked me through some different options. I noticed right away how attractive she was. More on that later.

When she mentioned the classic Speedo swim briefs, I told her that those were probably what I was after. She nodded and walked me over to where they were stored on clearance sale racks. She said they weren't big sellers because they were the most revealing swimsuits for men and that it takes a very secure man to wear one in public.

I smiled, nodded and told her I typically wear a 34 waist size. When I asked her about how the swim briefs should fit on me, she suggested the "tighter the better, as a loose Speedo can be a bit off-putting if they're sagging in some places."

She was nice and helpful. She grinned and smiled a lot, which put me at ease.

She was also an athletic, late-twenties blond with a ponytail and nicely trimmed bangs in the front. She had lovely blue eyes. She wore glasses, but despite them, she was quite pretty. In a girl-next-door type of way, she was very hot.

She happened to be wearing what I was talking about before. A low-rise top revealing slightly larger than average-sized breasts, and you guessed it - light turquoise yoga pants, snug on lovely long legs that made a very beautiful ass of themselves.

Yes, she had splendid curves down there. As I followed her around the shop I could sort of make out a set of high-cut panties underneath. They went up and around to a thong back down the crack between her firm cheeks. I must again mention this perfectly round and very fit ass. What a body!

She told me to try on a couple of pairs (of course with my underwear on underneath, for sanitary reasons). She pulled a bunch of them off the rack and placed them on the counter for me. She offered a few different colors in a couple of different sizes, laughing that she thought the red ones were the most flashy, attention-grabbing color. She said that most men want darker colors or designs on them - as "I've been told they'll help obscure the bulge."

I loved how honest and direct she was. Not afraid to say what was on her mind. It definitely added to her sexy allure.

I told her I thought that "bright solid red is my color, because red wins races," and she grinned at me, laughing in a joking sort of approval.

She then told me to try some pairs on first, and that she didn't mind helping me "size" them by having me come out of the change room one at a time, for her eyes to see - instead of just my own set of eyes in the change room mirror. What great service!

Trying each one on for myself first in the mirror, I wasn't sure I had the right size. One was a bit too snug and the other was a bit too loose. I also wasn't sure of the best way to position my genitals in them. I figured if I positioned my penis downward, there'd be less chance of it growing out of the side in case of an unstoppable erection. It also made my bulge huge because of my penis resting over the top of my balls.

Because of my large upward erection potential, in the tighter pair, I decided to play it safe and keep it all facing downward for now. Once adjusted in the mirror, I accidentally developed a bit of a chub thinking about how the shop lady was going to be seeing me in them soon. Blood started to flow as I was continually thinking of her hot tits and ass just outside the door.

I tied up the Speedo drawstrings along the waistband, lightly into a bow.

Honestly, I was absolutely bulging out of them now, to the extent that they were stretching out to the max and creating a gap on either side of the leg holes. These holes exposed my big balls slightly, just like tits in a low-cut shirt!

I was half-hard, yet still pointing down. A banana hammock in the extreme. Nevertheless, I went out to see the shop lady anyway. I figured why the hell not? After all, she offered to help me "size" them anyway!

When I stepped out in the first Speedo she was at the other side of the shop and I couldn't see her. As she made her way back to me, she asked me how they were fitting and I said this particular pair felt a bit too tight on me.

Standing there I must've been quite a sight because once she was able to see me her eyes widened somewhat. Smirking as she got within a few feet of me, she looked pleasantly surprised for a second but then she composed herself by looking away to the store entrance area. There was still no one else in the store.

Turning her head back to me, she had another look at my crotch area with her head angled slightly to the side.

"I see what you mean - they look very tight," she said.

Her eyes then narrowed in a sexy way. She unconsciously licked her lips quickly and began grinning at me, before laughingly remarking something that I was frankly quite surprised to hear.

After she reiterated once more about the tightness, she added, "Because you are quite large, the front basket area is a bit too stretched out, but we can fix that."

Then she offered, "You might want to try the larger pair on if you want to wear them like that. Also, you might try tucking your penis upward instead of downward - because placing it downward can create much more pressure and it might not be as comfortable for you. Your testicles are visible from the sides a little also, so yeah, position your penis upward toward the waistband."

I kept my composure with all of this advice, but it turned me on to hear her say these things so outwardly to me.

Next, she added, "You know, this time I'll let you try those same ones on again without your underwear on underneath. Have you showered today? I don't usually allow customers to do this, but today I'll let you be an exception. Show me again once you've made the adjustment."

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I took this as a good sign of what was to come.

I answered, "Yes I have showered" and then I sincerely thanked her for allowing me to try them on without a sanitary underwear layer.

As I went back into the changing room to try again, I politely introduced myself and asked her for her name. She told me it was Jessica, and that I could call her "Jess" for short.

As I closed the change room door my mind was racing, and I was starting to seriously get hard now. Those yoga pants. Those tits. Her direct, candid approach. Her grin and her laugh. That feeling I had, telling me she wanted to see more of me.

As I untied the drawstrings and took the swim briefs down, I then slid my underwear off too. My cock was now very clearly becoming erect. It bounced up and down as I pulled the Speedo up my legs again. Putting the swim briefs on, on bare skin gave me a whole other sensation I wasn't prepared for.

As I pulled them up fully and tied the drawstrings up tightly again, I was probably half erect, thickening and lengthening more and more by the second. I placed my big penis in the Speedo upward as she'd advised, but because of my length, I had to place it more diagonally to keep it all in under the waistband and drawstrings. I then paused to catch my breath and composure.

I could feel my cock continue to grow longer and thicker, probably because it was pointing upward - which allowed better blood flow.

Quickly observing this major change in the mirror, it now looked like a nine-inch burrito stuffed diagonally upward in the briefs, and you could now clearly see the crown-shaped contour of my fat penis head in the tight fabric. I was bulging up and practically out of them now, compared to before when my penis was half-mast and pointed downward over my balls.

I realized had only about half an inch more fabric left to spare before it could spring out of the waistband. The bright red Speedo pressed tightly against my balls too, which were now very visible with their oval curvature, taut in the fabric, looking like an extra large pair of eggs.

"How are they fitting now?" I heard Jess ask on the other side, as I unlocked the changed room door and walked out. I said, "They fit much better now, I think, though admittedly it feels a bit awkward the way I'm currently positioned in them."

She saw me and let out a gasp. She looked at my crotch and then looked back up to make eye contact with me. First with a look of mild disbelief, she was then grinning ear to ear as she said, "I love those on you."

Now she was outright staring at my package. She could easily see once again that I had a very long and thick cock, this time skyward and with a fat pair of balls also visible.

Right then, she unexpectedly reached out toward me and squeezed her hand playfully in the air about a foot or so from my balls.

She then giggled as she motioned a measurement with her hands about ten inches long, saying, "My goodness - I honestly think you are too well-endowed for those swim briefs. What have you got in there?!"

I couldn't believe she was reacting and speaking to me this way. I then took a chance by saying, "Well, in fact - I must admit that because you are so damned sexy, I'm a lot more aroused than I normally would be in these. My apologies, Jess, but it is you that has made me a bit hard. Your yoga pants, for starters."

She giggled at this and began to grin again. She then blushed, and for a second, we locked eyes in a way that communicated a perfect understanding of what was to come. What a sexy, lustful look she gave me right there.

After briefly looking at my crotch area again, she came in closer and asked if she could touch me. I told her she could.

Without hesitation, she reached out between my legs with one hand and cupped my balls, squeezing them lightly for about ten seconds.

"You've got such nice, big nuts," she said.

Then letting go, she ran her fingers up the length of my penis and repeatedly began to squeeze the meatiest portion, about halfway up. Breathing heavily, she let go of my cock and began to untie the Speedo waistband drawstrings.

Without pulling the Speedo down yet, she slowly started stroking my shaft up and down through the swimsuit fabric. My cock was reaching ten inches maximum volume by this point, thick as can be.

Now with the Speedo drawstrings untied, eventually the top third of my raging erection crept straight up and out of the Speedo waistband. She wasted no time and took the newly exposed part of my cock in her hand, easing the foreskin up and over the head as far as it would go, and then back down again several times.

Cooing in my ear up close, she whispered, "holy fuck, you are getting so long and thick... and the head on this thing is huge!"

She then laughed and said, "I've played with many dicks before, but I've never had a huge one like this in my hand... I think you should wear this Speedo with a massive fucking hard-on popping out, just like this... ha ha ha!! "

Abruptly, she stopped and told me to wait a minute. Turning around, she hastily walked toward the shop entrance. I stared at her beautifully formed ass the whole way, and with this, my cock undoubtedly remained erect. Things were looking good. I saw her lock the door and turn the "open" sign around to "closed."

She also proceeded to angle the window shutters too, so no one walking by could see in.

Dimming the lights in the shop a little, she took off her glasses and set them down at the cash register a ways off. Off came her top too, but she chose to keep her sexy yoga pants on. She was wearing a pink bra that barely held her big tits in. Reaching back to unhook her bra, she released her heavy breasts on the way back to me. They looked amazing as they bounced and swayed side to side as she walked toward me.

I could have busted a nut right there. Beautifully full, and perfectly symmetrical with one another, her tits were of the large, gravity-defying variety. Both were equipped with highly suckable, cone-shaped nipples, pink and hard as steel.

When right in front of me she reached out with one hand and caressed my balls again through the fabric, quietly saying, "We're the only ones here right now."

Now squeezing them harder, she said playfully, "I honestly think this Speedo is way too small for you. But I like how it looks on you right now. Have you ever had a handjob in a swimsuit before?"

I smiled. Without saying anything more to each other, we stood and passionately kissed right then and there. I began to fondle the hell out of her perfect breasts.

With one hand she tugged the swimsuit down and let them fall to my ankles, finally releasing my cock fully. She gasped again as my big balls fell out of the fabric and bounced heavily down. She played with them again for a while. Then she spit in her hand and began to work saliva all over the length of my shaft, foreskin and head.

I could see her in about three different store mirrors from different angles as she jerked me. I wanted her completely naked, but on second thought, her yoga pants didn't need to come off anyway. They enhanced and showed off her legs and ass so well.

Apart from the mirrors, I began wondering if there were any security cameras up in the ceiling areas. Sure enough, I saw one pointing right at my cock. It had a little red light on indicating it was on. I fantasized that another woman might be watching us. I didn't say anything to Jess about it. Why potentially ruin a good thing?

Next, she gripped my shaft and started jerking more forcefully up and down. She'd pause sometimes to caress my low-hanging balls again and again. With her hand cranking my cock, my big balls would sometimes swing and bounce. She seemed to enjoy watching them move as she jostled my cock up and down. She told me she'd never seen or felt a pair of balls this big and heavy in her hands before and she loved them.

She then spit in her hand once more and bathed my cock with another dose of slippery, warm saliva.

She then started jerking and jerking, even faster and harder than before. Before long, I was in ecstasy, coming like crazy as I stood there before her. She pumped and pumped as I released several large loads of hot semen onto the tile floor. She kept pumping and then started laughing out loud when it seemed I couldn't stop! More pumping meant more cum on the floor. She'd briefly stop, pump again, and then more cum would spew out like a cannon. She must've done this about six or seven times until I was dry.

Besides the floor, streams of the white gunk were also hanging and running from her wrists. A good-sized load had also hit the front of her yoga pants - it was all over her thigh, crotch area and down her leg.

Now with light tugging and squeezing motions as I became soft again, I almost collapsed. She pulled and tugged what was left out of it, winding the last bit of cum strand around her finger. She then inserted her finger into her mouth, sucking the cum off of it for a second and then swallowing.

Telling me how much she enjoyed jerking off my big cock and tasting my cum, she said she'd like to give me a blowjob in a much more comfortable setting next time. Kissing me passionately and slowly on the lips, she held my soft cock and balls once again with both hands.

Letting go of me, she immediately bent down and quickly took her cum-stained yoga pants off. Dropping them, she quickly used the pants to mop up all the cum that was on the floor. Right there I learned that yoga pants are not just useful for showing off all the subtle shapes of asses, pussies, and legs. They're also useful for mopping up sticky wads of cum off the floor.

With her yoga pants off, I loved seeing her panties and her beautiful white skin. Her hot legs, crotch and ass in her sexy panties almost got me hard again as I began to get dressed.

Funnily, she walked over to a nearby rack in the Women's section and reached for another pair of pants that were her size. She just took a new pair off the wall, pulled off the tags and put them on!

She then told me she couldn't keep the shop closed much longer, but that she wanted to meet me later at the pool!

We exchanged numbers and I promised her that next time, it was going to be her turn to try on some swimsuits for me at my place. I told her I was going to pleasure her to the utmost degree (and I made good on my promise later that week).

Then I paid for the Speedo and left the store as she opened it back up.

What outstanding service!

Written by Spellbinder99
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