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Sara's Surrender Ch. 3

"Seraph wakes up to find himself under someone new."

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Seraph woke to the sounds of slow passion. He blinked away his sleep and propped himself up on his elbows. He was still on Sara’s bed, still surrounded by the candles, and still confused. He saw Sara, his childhood friend, engaged in a long kiss and full embrace with a woman he had seen before. Sara was wearing boyshorts, a small tank top, and no shoes.


The other woman wore brown cork wedges that left her toes exposed and a long jacket that covered the rest of her attire. Her hair was a chestnut tumble that fell to her shoulders. She was shorter than Sara even in her heels, with bronzed skin and polished red nails. The nails played over Sara’s cheek and lips as she stroked her face between kisses. They heard him rustle awake and turned from each other to him.


“How long was I asleep?” Seraph asked reflexively.


“Well, he’s a tasty one. I can see why you liked him,” the new woman said to Sara. Her dark eyes fixed onto Seraph’s. She took slow, rocking steps over to the bed, her hips swaying hypnotically beneath her jacket as she approached.


She was as gorgeous as Sara, but in a different way. Sara’s features were delicate and her body was pert. This woman had a thicker body, with powerful thighs and larger, fuller breasts. Her features were fuller too. Her lips were plump, her nose was strong, and her gaze was intense. Seraph guessed she was a few inches past five feet tall, a full foot shorter than him. She began to work at the buckle that held her jacket closed, her eyes never leaving his.


“Professor Fat Booty?” Seraph puzzled. He tried to spring awake, to get to his feet, but found his actions sluggish and weak. Something was tranquilizing him. “What did you do to me, Sara? Why is she here?” With effort, he struggled out of bed and got his balance. His mind felt sharp, but his body was weak.


“How adorable,” the new woman cut in. “You still let him call you by your first name?” She finished with her buckle and shrugged her jacket off, revealing a transparent nightie that stopped just below her hips, framing her hourglass figure. She wore barely opaque white panties with a matching bra that her breasts were straining against. She turned her back to him and kissed Sara again, allowing her tongue to drag over Sara’s lips slowly.


Seraph was transfixed by her legs and ass for a moment. This woman never missed legs day, and her ass might have been the best that Seraph had ever seen. Two tanned, muscled globes bubbled out from atop her shapely legs. The slinky white panties she wore disappeared between her cheeks before reemerging below them, cradling and showcasing her plump mound. Seraph felt himself start to rise in spite of his apprehension.


“Address me as Mistress Talia, henceforth. I taught your friend Sara all her new tricks.” Talia turned away and bent down slowly, giving Seraph a prolonged view of her ass. She came back up holding one of the red ribbons that had held Sara’s panties together and approached the bed. She whispered to the ribbon briefly and ran her fingers along its length. Symbols appeared and disappeared along the length of the ribbon as Talia spoke to it, characters in a language that Seraph could not identify.


She approached him slowly, her predatory stare never wavering, wedges lightly clicking on the floor with each step. With a single motion, she shoved him back onto the bed. She crawled between his legs and took his rising cock in her hand. Seraph tried to scoot away, but only made it a few feet before she gripped his length firmly and fixed him in place with a glance.


Once he submitted, she tied the ribbon snugly around the base of his shaft. Talia crawled a little further up the bed, bringing her face a few inches from his cock. She was lying flat, with her ankles crossed in the air behind her, giving Seraph a view of her tanned ass that his fear couldn’t keep him from soaking in. The heels of her wedges clicked together as her feet playfully rubbed against one another.


“You’re wondering what she did to you? And why she did it?”


“I am.” Seraph watched his cock grow and widen, eclipsing much of Talia’s pretty face.


“Well, the one who taught me all of my tricks has been gone for some time, and I miss her.” Talia placed her tongue at the very base of his cock and began to slowly drag it north.


Despite himself, Seraph groaned in pleasure. He looked to Sara, who was still standing a few steps from the bed. She had been his best friend and his closest confidant for over a decade. What had she done to him? She caught his eye and looked away for a moment before looking back to him. She bit her bottom lip and slipped a hand down her boyshorts. The aggressive hunger that had permeated her eyes earlier was gone, replaced by insecurity and self-doubt. Seraph could see her fingers working as she watched Talia coat his cock with her tongue. A whimper escaped her lips, drawing Talia’s attention.


“Oh, my sweet girl. Come, now. I gift wrapped it for you, even.” Talia said, thumbing the bow she had tied around Seraph’s length. She turned back to Seraph. “How rude of me. She did all the work of breaking you, and here I am enjoying the fruits of her efforts. You’re her first, you know?” Talia placed a sweet kiss on his glans. “She came to me crying, saying she would do anything to have you.”


Unlike the night prior, Seraph had full control of his faculties. He pulled back as far as Talia’s grip on his cock would allow and sat up. “What did you do to her? What did she do to me?” He put his hand on Talia’s wrist, stopping her. He was seventy pounds heavier than her, he thought, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to overcome her as he was now.


“I took her the same way she took you, my sweet. Though I imagine it took a bit more coaxing from me to get to the first kiss than it took for Sara. I mean, just look at her.” Seraph did just that. He watched as Sara folded one knee over the other and shook a bit. She was getting close. “Come here, I can’t have you coming on your own,” Talia said, beckoning Sara with a firmer voice than she had earlier. Sara hurriedly came to the bed and lied beside Talia. Her longer, slimmer body was a pale relief to the tanned sexpot beside her.


“For my friend to come back to this plane, we need to fill a vessel with the will of both sexes. Sara has yours but I have hers, so we’ll need to do some more swapping, you lucky boy,” Talia said, starting her tongue on Seraph’s cock again. “You get to have us both, and then I’ll get to have you both.” She pulled away for a moment and slipped her fingers through Sara’s long, dark hair. Talia clutched Sara’s hair firmly and crushed their mouths together, their tongues slipping visibly around each other for a moment as they pulled apart. “Don’t you want that?”


Seraph almost responded affirmatively, but caught himself. “You need me to consent willingly.” Not a question.


Talia crept her face close to his cock again, bringing Sara with her. “I do,” she purred, lightning behind her dark eyes. “I need your consent to transfer your will, even though it is not presently your own, you clever toy.”


Sara’s green eyes were full of lust and fear and apology in stark contrast to the hunger and lust that filled the darker set just beside them. Whatever had been possessing Sara when she took his will was gone now. Seraph’s cock stood enormous between their faces, which were fractions of an inch from it. Sara and Talia looked from him back to his cock, their mouths and heads moving around it like a meal they were unsure how to take the first bite of. Talia began sliding her hands over Seraph’s abs, caressing each ridge of them slowly. Her palms found his V line, where his abs met his obliques, and her fingers began to slowly trace downward, her red nails working slowly towards his length.


“You let Sara go, and I’m in,” Seraph said. He was proud of his fortitude.


Talia looked surprised for a moment, but quickly regained her self and slid both hands onto Seraph’s cock, one atop the other. He had length to spare, and his glans emerged from atop her double‑fisted grip. “You consent, and when my friend comes back I’ll release Sara’s will.” She arched an eyebrow in question before smiling seductively. “And I’ll let you finish wherever you want.” She arched her back a bit, elevating her ass more prominently into Seraph’s view.


He swallowed. “And we’ll be free? Free for how long?” Seraph looked from Sara to Talia’s ass and back again. She worked one thumb over his frenulum while her other hand slowly stroked him.


“I won’t have control of your wills after tonight, if you fuck me properly,” Talia assured him. “Sara says that you’re up for the task, but bear in mind that you’ll need to make Sara come hard so I can pull your will out of her and into myself. You’ll also have to drink of us, same as you did when she took you. Sara said you enjoyed that part. It’s my favorite, too.”


Talia took a finger and wiped a fat bead of Seraph’s pre from the tip of his cock. She sensually pressed her finger into his mouth, working it in and out a few times, spreading his cream thinly over his tongue. She followed her finger with her lips and kissed Seraph, pinning his cock between them. She writhed against him as her tongue found his, the smooth skin of her thigh sliding against his frenulum and shaft. Her kisses weren’t like Sara’s. They held no love, only forceful lust. She smiled knowingly and slid back down him, making sure to drag his cock between her breasts as she went.


“How will it work? How do you take someone’s will?” Seraph was burning under Talia’s hands and her offers, but his mind was clear enough to worry over the details.


“It will work the same way it did for you two earlier. Someone offers, and someone receives.” Talia took Sara by the hair and urged her mouth onto Seraph’s cock. Sara let out a relieved moan as she took him deeply and slowly, dragging her tongue up the length of him. While Sara worked, Talia continued her seduction. “There are certain material lubricants that help the transfer, and we’ll all need to produce our own and mix them together so your will can move from her to me.”


“Lubricants?” Seraph couldn’t pull his eyes from Sara as she slid her mouth and tongue around him, alternating between using just her tongue and taking him in her throat. His cock swelled against the ribbon Talia had tied around it, restricting the blood flow out of his engorged member. The pressure was becoming dully painful.


Talia jerked Sara’s head off Seraph’s cock, the sudden movement producing a trail of viscous precum and saliva linking Sara’s mouth and his cock. Talia used her free hand to gather as much of the precum and saliva as she could from Seraph’s cock and caught a particularly thick rope as it tried to fall from Sara’s mouth. Talia pressed Sara back onto his length and smiled at Sara’s lust moan, watching her for a moment before addressing Seraph.


“Lubricant.” She showed Seraph her creamed hand. “We have to have enough of you two in me for me to take your will, and enough of me in you two to allow the transfer.” She saw in his eyes that Seraph wasn’t completely comprehending and simplified for him. She reaffirmed her grip on Sara’s hair and began to push her mouth further down his cock. It disappeared slowly into her mouth, Sara at first moaning and then gagging a bit in resistance. “You just do what feels right, and I can take care of the specifics. At the end of all this I will surrender Sara’s will, and yours with it. I promise that I will hold neither.”


As the words dragged out of Talia’s mouth in her smoky cadence she moved behind Sara and began to press her head with her other hand, forcing Seraph’s last inches into her throat. Sara’s eyes begged a teary plea to Seraph as his cock vanished to the ribbon tied around its base. Talia took one hand from Sara’s head and slid it into her boyshorts. She began to work Sara’s clit. Sara’s eyes began to cloud as pleasure and lack of air took her, and Talia gave one last shove to press her nose to Seraph’s stomach. Sara began to squirm and moan under Talia’s dominance. She was getting very close.


“I don’t know if she can breathe like this, but she can definitely cum,” Talia mused, smiling again at Seraph. “Hurry with your decision, pet.”


There was more occurring than he knew, and something like guile beneath all Talia’s promises. For all that though, Seraph couldn’t see another way free. “Fine, I agree. I’m going to fuck you until you forget your name, and you’re going to release us both when your friend gets back into town.” Talia held Sara’s head steady. She cocked her head, as though listening for something left unsaid. “I agree, Mistress Talia,” Seraph said acidly.


“A pact, at last,” Talia said, pulling Sara free of his cock. Sara took in a deep gasping breath that Talia cut short with another of her crushing kisses. “Behind me,” she commanded, releasing Sara’s hair as she spoke.


Sara moved behind Talia on the bed and slid Talia’s pristine white panties to her ankles. She pressed her mouth to Talia’s sex and began tonguing her greedily. She lathered her thoroughly before affixing her mouth to Talia’s clit and forcefully sucking and tonguing it. Talia squealed and reached a hand back, fixing Sara’s mouth against her sex. Talia turned to Seraph, who was transfixed.


“She broke so easily, you know. She broke for you. Now, look how good she is for me.”


Once she was slick with Sara’s spit, Talia rose off the bed and slowly turned away from Seraph, affording him a view of her newly unclothed ass. His cock raged against the ribbon that constrained it, the glyphs that ran its length beginning to glow softly. She let out low, smoky moans as Sara treated her. The moans were as much for Seraph as for her own pleasure.


“That’s enough, sweet girl. Move there,” Talia said after a few minutes. She gestured beside the bed, where Sara went there and kneeled.


Talia took the other ribbon from Sara’s discarded panties off the ground and brought it close to her lips. She whispered something inaudible to the ribbon and walked slowly to the bed, deliberately swaying her hips to make her ass and thighs jiggle a bit. Her bronze thighs were slicked with her own juices and Sara’s love so thoroughly that Seraph could trace a droplet as it slowly descended her leg. She still had her semi-opaque nightie on, and the bra beneath it pressed her full tits together. She straddled him across his navel, too high for their sexes to align, and took his hands. She pinned them over his head, near the headboard, and tied them together with the ribbon she had taken from the ground.


Talia whispered something as she finished tying the second ribbon, and Seraph felt his strength flood back into him. He immediately pulled to free himself from the tiny ribbon that constrained him was stopped as it held fast. It didn’t cut into his wrists, but it didn’t break either. It felt like something a lot more substantial than a ribbon was holding him in place. He strained his whole body, arching his back and elevating Talia with his rising hips. She drank in the spectacle greedily, running her hands over him.


“I like you just like this, for the time being. So it’s like this you’ll remain,” Talia said as she began to slide back down him, allowing his glans to drag along her thinly veiled slit as she passed it over.


Talia opened Seraph’s legs and moved to sit on her heels between them, her ass bubbling out beneath her weight. She leaned forward a bit to emphasize her cleavage and the way her ass bubbled as she sat on her heels. A cruel smile bent the edges of her lips up. She palmed some of the moisture from her sex and worked it over Seraph’s cock.


“Sara, my toy, would you recount our first encounter. It was a few months ago. Do you remember what we spoke about when you came to my door weeping?” Talia took Seraph in her mouth as Sara spoke. She vigorously worked her fingers over her clit as she slowly slid her tongue along his cock.


“I saw Seraph and Leona together, and I... I didn’t know how to handle it,” Sara admitted.


“It hurt you to see him with your step-sister? I thought you two were just friends.” Talia said, turning her head to give Sara a better view of her sucking on Seraph.


“That’s what he’s thought for years, but I don’t want to be his friend.”


“What do you want?” Talia moved from between Seraph’s legs to mount him, leaving her panties in a small heap as she went. She kept his cock at her entrance and leaned over him, stretching to reach his lips with her own. She brushed her lips over his and teased her slit over his length as she did. The first contact of their naked sexes was electric, and Seraph bucked despite himself, trying to angle himself to get into her. Talia kissed slowly and theatrically for Sara’s benefit, a cruel display of passion.


“I want him to love me back,” Sara said.


Seraph saw pain behind her lustful vacant expression, and his lust turned to anger. “I didn’t agree to hurt her like this. I want out,” he raged. He pulled away from the headboard, straining his arms against the thin ribbon. It held him securely, not so much as fraying or tightening its knot.


Talia’s eyes widened with arousal as she continued to drag her entrance over Seraph’s cock, readying it with her slickness. She eyed the way Seraph’s muscles contracted against his constraints closely, getting pleasure from his futility. The veins on his biceps bulged and his cockhead began to purple with the strain and pressure. Talia wet her lips and teased Sara again.


“When you saw Seraph with your sister, I’m sure you did the decent thing and left immediately?” Talia watched Seraph’s face intently, wanting to see his reaction to what she was going to reveal.


“No,” Sara answered simply, not wanting to divulge more.


“What did you do, instead?”


“I watched. I stayed and I watched.”


“What? Why?” Seraph said, turning his head from Talia’s kisses to look at Sara.


“I liked watching you with her. I don’t know why but it turns me on. It hurts me, but I get off on it somehow. I’m really sorry, Seraph.” Sara admitted.


“So you like it when he has other women, but it hurts you?” Talia put both hands on Seraph’s chest and positioned herself atop his cock as she spoke. “Tell me how it hurts,” she said, lowering herself onto him for the first time, her eyes never leaving Sara’s crushed expression as she took Seraph into herself.


For the first time, Sara disobeyed her. Her mouth opened to answer, but no words came out. Instead, her mouth hung agape and a small sigh of pain and pleasure escaped her. She collapsed into herself, her shoulders slumping and her chin dropping. Her emerald eyes covered with water but she didn’t look away.


“Help us,” Talia said, her breath shortening. Her stomach began to contract in quick spasms. She was already close, having been immensely charged by Sara’s pain and Seraph struggling beneath her.


“Fuck you,” Seraph said. “You didn’t’ have to do this to her.” He bucked as hard as he could, slamming his pelvis up into Talia’s, trying to dethrone her. He only succeeded in bouncing her atop his cock.


“I know. This is for me,” Talia said. She smiled and gasped at Seraph’s thrashing, holding firm. Sara got close and Talia grabbed her face, pulling her into a violent kiss just as she started to cum. Sara’s tears ran into their kiss and Talia pulled away for a moment to lick them from her lips before pushing her tongue into Sara’s mouth again.


“I need you to open me up, Sara. I know where your love wants to cum. He’s been looking all night, but he always looks at other women, doesn’t he?” Talia taunted.


Sara nodded, ashamed, but moved behind Talia regardless. She lowered her mouth to between Seraph’s legs and began to lick Seraph and Talia’s sex where they met, taking their cream in her mouth and then eating Talia’s ass, lubricating it as well as she could.


The added stimulation pushed Seraph over the edge, and his balls strained to empty themselves, but just as he toppled over the edge of orgasm his pleasure stopped, and he was unable to push his seed. He watched himself plunge in and out of Talia, seeing brief views of Sara as Talia’s mound rose off of him and created a small view space before taking him in again and closing it. He saw the runes on the ribbon around his shaft glowing powerfully, pulsing an electric blue against the blood red of the ribbon. Minutes stretched and Seraph’s pleasure began to burn too intensely for him to resist.

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“Let me,” he pleaded, his voice straining to Talia’s delight. His cock hurt from the pressure of his pending orgasm. His balls retracted and squeezed in an effort to pump out their contents.  “Mistress Talia, please let me come.”


“Where?” Talia said. She smiled broadly, taking her cruel pleasure. “I said you could finish anywhere, as part of our deal.” She took a hand from Seraph’s chest and began working her clit with it.


“In your ass. Let me fill up your ass. I’m begging.” He threw back his head in pain. It was growing unbearable, and his strength began to ebb under the anguish. He couldn’t fuck Talia back anymore, and became a passive spectator to her use of him.


“Tell Sara,” Talia commanded. She slid up his cock one last time, allowing only his glans to rest inside her. She reached one hand above his head for a moment, and then laid against him, pressing her tits against his chest and tracing the nails of one hand down Seraph’s cheek.


She rocked back on him again, holding the red ribbon daintily in two fingers. He quickly pulled his hands away from the headboard and put his hands on her hips, ready to push her off of him, but he found himself without the will to do so. Mistress Talia had made a beast of him. All he wanted was to come.


Talia gave him sweet, small kisses on his agony twisted mouth, and her voice fell to a whisper as she fought back orgasm. “Tell her to help you fill up my ass.”


He complied instantly, submitting to her completely. “Sara, help me finish. I need to cum in Mistress Talia’s ass.”


He felt a hand wrap around his cock and pull it free of Talia’s warmth. A moment later Sara’s hand began to feed him into Talia’s pucker. There was only slight resistance. Sara had greased them well. Talia began to cum on Seraph as he completely broke for her. She bucked violently and kissed him deeply, panting into his mouth in the space between kisses.


The renewed sensation of Talia’s ass and mouth was too much, and Seraph began to pass out from the pleasure-pain. His vision swam and narrowed. Talia continued to pump him, getting pleasure from his defeat. The edges of Seraph’s vision tunneled until he could only see Talia’s pleasure contorted face.


“Untie it,” Talia said.


Sara obliged Seraph’s request and untied the ribbon binding Seraph’s base with a single pull of its loose end. It slid free and he erupted. He pushed all of himself that he could into Talia, his cum surging into her as she sawed her ass atop him.


“Oh, my God,” Sara said. She watched his length clench and pump for what seemed an eternity. He came so long and so voluminously that every new pump of ejaculate pushed an old one out, which would then run out of her and down Seraph.


Seraph’s strength quickly returned but all thoughts of pushing Talia off of him were gone, washed away by the tidal wave of his orgasm. His hands roamed from her hips to her ass and helped her piston down atop him. Her first orgasm stretched into another as Talia continued to kiss him. Slowly, both of their climaxes abated and Seraph returned to himself. As the immense cloud of his orgasm dissipated he thought of Sara. Guilt and impotent rage flooded him. Talia noticed the change in him and delighted in it.


“Now let’s get us in you,” Talia said. She gave him one last, sweet kiss and spun about.


Talia pulled Sara up from her duty by her chin and began to kiss her noisily while working herself back off of Seraph’s cock. She uncorked herself and began to move up Seraph backwards, her ass dripping a trail of their mutual cum across Seraph’s stomach and chest as it moved closer to his face. She put herself into position above his mouth and turned over her shoulder to look him in his eyes. She smiled her cruel smile again as she slowly lowered her full ass to his mouth, never breaking eye contact to reinforce her domination of him.


“Take it all down,” Talia said sweetly, and Seraph began to pull their love out of her ass. Sara continued to pepper Talia’s neck and chest with kisses but they went almost unnoticed. Talia only had eyes for Seraph. It was always a delight to break someone to her will, but she wasn’t sure she had ever saddled such a handsome specimen. All the time spent sculpting his body in had made him attractive, but the impotent anger in his eyes made him beautiful to Talia.


“You’re probably used to women doing whatever you like them to do,” Talia said, Seraph meeting her eyes angrily over the generous curve of her ass. “And in just a few moments I put you beneath me and made you mine. I wonder if there is anything you wouldn’t agree to do for me a few moments ago, when I had your cock nicely gift wrapped?”


Seraph lifted Talia off of him briefly to speak but she grabbed his hair and saddled him again, forcing him back to his work. Her wedges brushed his ears as she worked her feet to keep him in place.


“Clean him,” Talia said. Sara went to the washroom and returned.


Seraph felt a warm washcloth begin to sponge his cock clean and he let loose a groan. Talia rocked back onto him a bit, pushing his tongue further into her. Seraph took more of himself out of Mistress Talia and swallowed again. He was shocked at how much he had come, and despite his best efforts, he felt himself begin to rise against the washcloth. The cloth was removed and the chill air hitting his cock only hastened his erection. He felt Sara’s tongue on his cockhead, and felt her move from it to his stomach. She was tonguing Talia’s juices and his come off of Seraph’s stomach and chest.


“Already ready again? The perks of being a pet,” Talia mused aloud. She leaned forward and licked Sara’s lips. She took Sara’s chin in one hand and placed the other against her chest. Talia began to slowly push Sara back, positioning her above Seraph’s cock.  “You’ll be able to produce for us another time or two before the transfer.”


Seraph felt Sara take the tip of him in, though he hadn’t witnessed her stripping her shorts off. Her folds were already soaked and he slid into her easily. She worked herself back and forth atop him, scraping her G-spot with his cockhead. Talia moved off of Seraph’s face and let him see Sara. She had the furrowed, almost worried look of a woman in intense pleasure as she rocked back and forth atop him. Talia moved beside her and put two fingers on her clitoral hood. Talia moved in small concentric circles, applying firm, careful pressure to Sara’s clit. She slipped a finger of her other hand behind Sara and began to circle her anus.


“I know you’re mine, and that you’re under my spell. But I want you to forget about my commands for a time. Fuck him like you want to, my toy,” Talia whispered into Sara’s ear. She was loud enough for Seraph to hear. “You still have his will. Make him do what you want him to do.”


Sara kept on as she was for a time, allowing Seraph’s cock and Talia’s fingers to grow her pleasure. At length, she panted, “Love me back.”


Seraph leaned up and kissed her. He felt Talia’s fingers working Sara’s clit as he slid along her G‑spot, and he felt his orgasm begin to rise. Talia’s fingers left Sara’s sex for a moment and dug the last of Seraph’s cum out of his belly button, then brought it to Sara’s lips. Her hand slipped between Seraph and Sara’s kiss and began to slide along Sara’s tongue. Talia pressed her mouth to Seraph’s and stole his kisses.


“I’ll miss owning her. She’s so cute,” Talia murmured to Seraph. She moved her hand back to Sara’s clit. Sara sucked air a bit at the renewed sensation and began to grind Seraph harder. “See the way her eyes are glazing over? That always happens before she comes.” Talia moved herself back to Sara’s ear. “Don’t come yet. Hold it as long as you can. I need you full of Seraph’ come when you orgasm, so do your best to get as much as you can out of him.” Talia gave Seraph a long kiss. “You need to finish up so our sweet girl can finally come. She needs to. Look how flushed she is.”


It was true. Sara’s fair skin was flushed red and her pussy was engorged. Her sex sucked hungrily at Seraph’s length as she worked atop it. Her eyes watered fully, adding brilliance to her green irises. She wrapped her legs around his back and crossed her ankles behind him, just above his crack, as the two sat face to face. There was barely room between them for Talia’s arm. Seraph could feel her knuckles move as she continued to caress Sara’s clit. Sara’s breasts were crushed between them, and the two slid against each other lubricated by sweat.


“Come in me,” Sara urged him. “You’ve gotten so hard. Are you about to?”


Seraph opened his mouth to answer and Sara pressed her lips into his. Their tongues found each other and Seraph hugged her tighter than he meant to, pressing her breath out a bit as he began to come. Sara kept her hungry pace. Her hips continued to undulate atop Seraph, and her pussy pulled more out of him and into her than Seraph had known he could give. His climax was completely unlike the soul-wrenching, pleasure-pain orgasm that Talia had taken from him. He instead felt bliss and love, and he emptied himself willingly into Sara until he was spent. He should have been doing this years ago, he knew.


“Don’t come,” Talia said forcefully to Sara. She pulled the two lovers apart. A long trail of come strung out between their sexes as Talia forced them from each other. Talia stroked her hand over Seraph’s cock and gathered as much of their come as she could before forcing her creamed fingers into his mouth.


“Does it taste as sweet as it looked?” She mocked.


Talia began hungrily rearranging Sara, laying her on her back and letting her legs trail off the bed. “Don’t come yet,” Talia ordered again.


Talia positioned herself on her knees between Sara’s legs and almost put her mouth to Sara’s well-fucked sex. It was pink and inflamed, and slowly leaked come. Talia took a thumb and gathered the leaking trail of Seraph off of Sara’s pussy. She slowly kissed the sweat and secretions off of Sara’s thighs and labia before bringing her thumb to her mouth and slowly licking the come drop from it.


“Don’t come for me, until Seraph tells you to come for me,” Talia commanded.


Talia immediately set upon Sara, tracing her tongue from Sara’s ass up over her full slit to settle on her clit. Talia created slight suction with her mouth and pressed her tongue to Sara firmly. Sara writhed hard and bucked. The pleasure was overwhelming and her pussy was so flushed and hot that it was starting to be painful. Talia hooked an arm over one of Sara’s legs and held her fast so she couldn’t get away. When Sara bucked again, she worked her free hand beneath her and slid two fingers into her ass, which immediately stilled Sara’s bucking.


Seraph recognized Talia’s power games but couldn’t stop her. He saw the same pleasure that Sara had pushed into him to take his will began to overcome Sara. The burning tension of being unable to come was eroding her faculties, and she would soon be just a mess of writhing lust. He remembered the way it felt as it wrapped itself around everything that was him, and how good it had felt to completely submit and let Sara have him. His cock was completely erect still, and he couldn’t help himself from stroking it.


Sara’s mind froze, completely overwhelmed by Talia’s onslaught. The fingers in her ass left her nowhere to squirm away to, and she instead arched her back for a long moment in an attempt to cope with the pleasure. Talia’s tongue was relentless and Sara hunched forward. Her eyes found Talia’s and they locked gazes. Sara was completely enraptured and slowly locked her ankles behind Talia, her thighs atop Talia’s shoulders. Sara’s face twisted in the defeated pleasure-pain that Talia loved so much.


Sara looked to Seraph. “Please,” she whimpered. Her body convulsed once with the waves of pleasure running through her.


Talia pulled away for a moment and looked to Seraph. “Look at what I’ve done to her. Why won’t you let her come?”


Seraph moved across the bed to Sara. “You can come,” he said, defeated by Talia again. He couldn’t help but sneak a look over at Talia’s ass as she sat on her heels, her feet neatly folded beneath her tanned, fit globes.


Talia took an exaggerated swallow of what she was eating out of Sara. She gathered the mixed come off of her chin and glistening tits and licked it off her palm.  “Come for who?”


“I can’t do this again,” Seraph begged. “You win, please?”


Sara’s hands moved over her breasts and face, pulling down at her lip for a moment as her head fell to the side. She saw Seraph’s cock and took it in her hand. In a daze, she inched over to it and took it in her mouth. She sweetly licked and suckled his sex, working her hand over it as she briefly focused the frenulum. Her eyes were hazed by passion and incomprehension.


“If you let her boil too long she won’t come back,” Talia said, giving her mouth a break and instead using her free thumb to rub Sara’s clit. “I made that mistake with my first one, too. All that intelligence and wit, wastefully burned away forever. Now tell her who to come for.”


Seraph did as Talia asked, broken by her again. “Come for Mistress Talia, baby. Come for her.”


Sara took in a breath sharply, and stopped sucking Seraph. She gripped him hard for a moment and her body jerked. She slowly, languidly began to arch and un-arch as her orgasm began. She tried to roll to her side but Talia held her firm. Sara’s eyes slowly refocused and she redoubled her efforts on Seraph’s cock.


Talia held Sara’s legs firmly as orgasm burned through her. She moaned into Sara’s pussy and sucked out everything that Sara had to give. Sara writhed and moaned under Talia’s tongue, her heels digging into Talia’s back as she tensed.


As Sara climaxed Seraph felt something begin to shift. He found that he could feel Sara’s orgasm and his skin began to tingle and burn. Seraph couldn’t fight his lust, and moved his hand behind Sara’s head. He wove his fingers in her hair and slowly brought her mouth deeper onto his cock. His eyes moved from Sara’s ecstasy wracked face to Talia’s cruel eyes. She held him with her gaze and swallowed another mouthful of what Sara was full of. It wasn’t just his seed and Sara’s secretions that Talia was taking into herself. She was taking Seraph’s will out of Sara.


Seraph gasped as he felt part of himself move from Sara into Talia. “Oh, my god. Are you taking me from her? You’re taking my will?”


Talia smiled her cruel smile and continued tongue-fucking Sara. After another full swallow, she pulled away from Sara’s sex and spoke. “You’ll be mine fully, in a moment. Enjoy her mouth, for now. She’s so good with it.”


Seraph’s inhibitions were completely washed away by lust and he began burying more of himself down Sara’s throat. He was obeying Talia, but unlike before it didn’t feel like submission. She had command of him now, and could control his passions as she wished. So he obeyed. He pumped Sara’s mouth in long, slow motions, asphyxiating her for short moments as he pushed deeply into her. Sara was inexperienced and he was large, so she couldn’t take all of him.


Sara’s stomach flexed and waved as her orgasm undulated through her. Talia swallowed more, never letting her eyes leave Seraph’s until she had drunk her fill. At length, she released Sara’s legs and pulled away from her emptied sex. She rocked back on her heels. Sara’s juice and Seraph’s come ran down her chin and dripped viscously to her breasts. She let it drip unheeded and closed her eyes, savoring the moments after Seraph’s will was completely pulled out of Sara and into her.


“That was perfect. You’re a natural,” she said to Seraph.


Talia took a moment to strip her wedges off her feet before crawling across the bed and straddling Sara just below her breasts. She wove the fingers of one hand in with Seraph’s behind Sara’s head. She pressed hard on the back of Sara’s head, forcing Seraph’s cock deeper into her throat for longer. Sara’s face began to redden as she struggled for breath between strokes. Tears welled in her eyes. Seraph’s cock disappeared into Sara’s mouth a little more with each plunge. Talia leaned in, moving her face a few inches from Sara’s and she murmured into her ear as Sara continued on Seraph’s cock.     


“We got what we wanted, my sweet. You have your desire almost completely down your throat, and I have both of you enthralled. Bound to me.” She wiped Sara’s tears and wiped them over Seraph’s length as it slid back out of her mouth, then kissed Sara’s cheek as it bulged with cock. Talia could see Seraph getting close. His brow was furrowed and his chest was reddening.


“You worked so hard for his love. Do you want it down your throat? In your belly?”


Despite her struggle for breath, Sara nodded and grunted a, “yes,” over Seraph’s cock.  Talia kissed her again and moved to straddle further up on Sara, until her ass was pinning Sara’s face against the bed. Talia turned to Seraph and presented herself, putting her pedicured feet on his thighs. Her pussy was pressed against Sara’s cheek, it’s opening less than an inch from Sara’s full mouth.


“Do what Sara just did, stud. Come for me.” As Talia spoke she pulled Seraph’s cock from Sara’s mouth and guided it into herself. She kept her hand firmly around its base so only the helmet and a few inches would penetrate her.


Seraph cursed and deposited the seed Sara had worked so hard for shallowly in Talia. Her hand stayed tight around his shaft, milking all of him into her that she could. His head rolled back from the strength of his climax and for a long moment, he was overrun by pleasure. He looked down when he regained himself and saw seed leaking from Talia and onto Sara’s cheek.


Talia wrapped her strong legs around him and rocked him in and out of her pussy, coaxing his seed into her, never allowing him to penetrate more than a few inches. He spent himself and tried to pull out of her, but Talia wouldn’t allow it. When she was full Talia took her hand off Seraph’s cock and laced her fingers together behind Seraph’s neck.


“Fuck me deeply, now. Like lovers,” Talia said.


Seraph tried to rebel, but Talia had his will. He offered no resistance as Talia pulled Seraph completely into her. She kissed him lightly and began to squeeze him with her tanned legs, crossing her ankles behind his ass. His abs flexed and bulged as he sawed slowly into her and drew himself languidly back, digging out his shallowly lain seed. Each stroke pulled a bit out of Talia, and it soon ran out of her sex in a constant, viscous river that emptied in Sara’s mouth. She licked up what she could and swallowed as it ran into her mouth, her lust and her orgasm having completely burned her faculties away.


“Be truthful with me,” Talia said. “You enjoy my power games, don’t you? You like being beneath me, forced to do whatever I want you to.”

“I do, Mistress Talia,” Seraph and Sara admitted in unison. He kept fucking her atop his best friend’s face.


“Did you enjoy being under Sara as well? Was she good when she took your will and enthralled you?”


“I enjoyed her taking it, but I was scared. It felt so good it hurt.”


Talia laughed and stroked his face, unlacing her fingers from behind Seraph’s head. “I know it did, baby. It always does.” She thought for a moment before continuing. “You’re beautiful, you know? I’d like to have you more when we’re done here.”


Seraph didn’t respond. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of freely admitting that she was beautiful. She hadn’t asked any question, so he could keep his mouth silent.


“When I give your wills away I won’t be able to force you to fuck me, but I wonder if you would anyway? If Sara and I come to you and offer ourselves, will you have us after all we’ve done to you? Would you like seeing our tongues on either side of your cock?” Talia took his cock from her sex and pointed it down, directing it into Sara’s mouth as he slid forward again.


Seraph tried to reject her, to scream no and to tell Talia that she was wretched. He looked down for a moment, and he saw Talia’s plump, well-fucked sex and Sara’s come-slick mouth. He kept slowly rocking his hips, making a mess of her. His lust won. “I couldn’t refuse you.”


Talia giggled and kissed him. “My perfect little masochist. I think I might love you more than Sara does.” She giggled some more. “I’ll let you have my ass again, some time. After how good you’ve been to us, you deserve it. For now, a deal is a deal, and I’m going to release your wills. The spell is complicated, so allow me some time. Go get a washcloth for us.”


Talia rolled off of Sara’s face and laced her fingers through Sara’s hair again. She brought her lover’s mouth to her sex again and Sara set about cleaning Talia out with her tongue. Seraph quickly returned with a washcloth and the three washed their sexes clean.


“Rest for a while, you two. I’ll need you lucid for what’s next." Seraph and Sara lay on the bed, folded themselves around each other, and slept heavily.

Written by LaceyArcane
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