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My Life In Chastity Begins

"From Jessica to Kate to Stacey"

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So Begins My Life In Chastity.

It had been over a year, almost two years since my relationship with Kate. I was feeling extremely lonely and depressed one day. Here I was in my thirties, single, never married, and with no kids. Everything I dreamed of and wanted in my life was pretty much just not happening. My best friend Stacey since my mid-twenties was always trying her best to console me and be uplifting to what I was feeling. There has never been anything beyond friendship with Stacey.

She and I were just the best of friends and nothing more. While I shared and told Stacey just about everything, I never opened up to her about being a cuckold or the full-on cuckold dynamics of previous relationships. At this point in my life, I was still rather embarrassed by it all even though I had fully accepted that I was one. It did not take very long that day to hear Stacey launch into a tirade of how she doesn’t understand women and why women would use me, take advantage of me, ghost me, and or hurt me when I am such a great guy.

I finally spoke up and said, “Stacey! Please just stop. I can’t right now.”

Stacey responded, “I’m sorry. I just don’t understand, I mean you are so great.”

I then finally said, “Look, it comes down to a few things hun. I never have said it aloud or to anyone. I am kind of a cuckold and I kind of suck cock too.”

I looked over at Stacey with a look of confusion and minor surprise as I could see her processing everything, I just told her. Stacey then relaxed and sat back on her couch with a continued puzzled look on her face looked as if she was about to say something but then stopped.

Stacey finally was able to speak and asked, “Umm, what is a cuckold and what does that have to do with anything? Since when have you been into guys that you have sucked guys off? Why have you never said anything before? Are you gay?

It was at this moment I went on to explain to Stacey what a cuckold is and what it means to be one or in a cuckold relationship. I also, went on to tell her about my relationship with Jessica back in college and then my relationship with Kate. Then I went on to explain that no I was not gay and that my sucking cock was just part of the cuckolding and the cuckold relationships I was in. I explained to her why I was so protective of any of this information and why I had not ever told her anything about this and that it had nothing to do with not trusting her or fear of her reaction to any of it. It was just completely all me and in my head.

After all of the explanations and detailing of the previous relationships, Stacey had so many questions. Stacey is one of those people that is extremely inquisitive and when presented with something new or something she just has to know and find out all she can and try to understand. She was in no way judgmental of any of it nor was she grossed out or disgusted with any of it.

Stacey asked, “So, this bitch Jessica wanted to cheat on you and bang other guys because your dick is too small? That is just evil.”

I stopped her before she continued and said, “It was not that simple and that she did really love me and that yes as small as it is yes, she needed more. I can’t blame her Stacey it really is ridiculously tiny.”

Stacey shouted, “No! Dammit! That is not cool and there is no way anyone could be that small to be that much of a bitch and do that to someone you supposedly love. Are you sure you even really liked and enjoyed any of that?”

I responded, “Hun, yes, it is that small and it was ok and no Jessica was not a bitch. She handled it all very respectfully and with love. I wasn’t sure at first when it all started but we found out very quickly into it all that I got aroused hearing about it and more so seeing it and even more so joining in.”

Stacey replied, “I am not trying to judge but I just don’t get it or understand but, if it is something you do like and enjoy, I support you. I still say there is no way it could be that small.”

I asked, “Do you just want to see for yourself so you can understand?”

Stacey answered, “Umm, okay yeah sure let’s see it.”

As Stacey responded I could see she was saying so with a sense of not expecting me to show her nor expecting it to be as small as it was. Stacey turned away to grab her sweet tea and take a drink. When she turned back towards me drinking her sweet tea. As she had a big gulp of the sweat tea, I could see her eyes finally focus on me standing in front of her pants down fully exposed.

Stacey spit out every ounce of her sweet tea as if it were a fire hydrant busting open. Stacey slapped her hands over her mouth in an attempt to limit and restrain any more tea splurging out and I think to contain a bit of laughter. I allowed her a moment to compose herself and clean up and to be able to take another look before I pulled up my pants.

Stacey stumbled through her words saying, “Oh my God, oh my God. I am so sorry. I really didn’t mean to do that. I mean, I didn’t expect that. I literally didn’t think you were going to do that and, I really didn’t expect it to be that small. I am so sorry; I just never have seen one that small before. It looked inverted or something. I am not trying to be mean but I just, I don’t know.”

I answered back, “It’s ok. Really it is. I have been through this before and it’s been a somewhat common type of reaction. There is a bit of small penis humiliation kink that can go along with cuckolding and yes, I actually do enjoy it to a degree.”

Stacey quickly responded, “Wait what? Small penis humiliation? You actually enjoy it like, you enjoy being made fun of and whatever for it being so small? That’s so mean though. It is not something you have control over. Not like you can make it bigger.”

Stacey was rather unhappy for me. I could see it in her eyes and facial expressions. It took some time explaining or attempting to explain that I also had no control over getting aroused to the small penis humiliation. If Stacey didn’t like Jessica, she didn’t like Kate as more and more of the details flowed out about that relationship. Stacey was visibly angered and frustrated but also trying to understand. She had always been honest, brutally honest if I am to describe her correctly. Stacey and I parted ways that day after much discussion and detailing of everything.

It would be weeks later before Stacey and I resumed any discussion regarding anything to do with my revelation. We talked daily but it was weeks before anything was brought up again about my being a cuckold or anything to do with it. Stacey sent me a text saying she wanted to talk and ask some more things about what you confessed to me the other day.

Stacey and I met up for lunch as it was something we did as frequently as we could. Stacey was married and had kids so she always had a good bit to contend with on us getting to hang out and talk and chill. I walked in and sat down across from Stacey and shared an awkward glance.

Stacey blurted out, “Okay, so that was a lot to process, and I did some reading of my own about it all. While it is not something I am obviously into and don’t understand someone being into it. It is totally okay and cool with me that it is something you like and are into. But something I read and saw in not just one thing was male chastity cages or cock cages or whatever. Did any of these girls you dated that cuckolded you ask you to wear one of those?”

I answered, “Actually no, it was not as when Jessica and I dated it was something new for both of us and it was something neither of us had much knowledge of as a kink or lifestyle thing. With Kate, again it was something extremely new for her and I still was not completely as informed or knowledgeable of everything to do with cuckolding as I am now.”

This is where things changed and where I was shocked at the turn of events that was about to occur. I could see in Stacey’s eyes and facial expression there was something more on her mind but was holding back. There was a short and still awkward silence between us after my answer. The waitress broke that silence asking if we were ready to order. We both gave our orders and as the waitress left the conversation resumed.

I blurted out, “Come out with it. I can tell there is something more you want to say or ask or are thinking about.”

Stacey looked at me and said, “I think you should lock it up in one of those things, those chastity cages.”

I shook my head in awe and said, “Excuse me what? What did you just say?”

Stacey responded, “I think you should lock it up in one of those chastity cages. After everything I read and learned about all this. I really think you should lock it up.”

I could not help but be shocked, scared, and amazed at what I had just heard. Stacey was not one to repeat herself. She did not like to be asked multiple times to have to repeat herself. She is one of those assertive, confident Alpha women. There has always been somewhat of a struggle in our friendship as we battled with her dominant nature and my trying not to be a little bitch. Unfortunately, the truth would soon be out that there was a hidden dynamic in our friendship that had never manifested. That would be that Stacey was most certainly the dominant one in our friendship and I was very much submissive. Maybe it was just my nature to be submissive to the women in my life I don’t know. I do know that at that moment I felt a sense of relief come over me as that realization hit me that I indeed was a little bitch and submissive to her. Stacey noticed my expressions and the overall change in my demeanor. I attempted to speak and respond.

Stacey stopped me and said, “I’m sorry I hope I didn’t upset you.”

I responded, “I’m not upset. On the contrary, I am relieved.”

Stacey asked, “Relieved?”

I went on to explain how I felt the shift and revelation that came over me about what I now perceived to be a power exchange and shift in the dynamic of our friendship. I could tell by her facial expression that she to an extent agreed.

Stacey spoke up and said, “OK, I guess it is time for you to go shopping. I think one of the metal ones would be perfect.”

I attempted to question her asking, “Are you serious? Are you for real?”

Stacey replied, “Yes, and yes. After all, you said, reading up about it all and giving it all some thought. I really think you should lock it up. I can’t believe you have gone this long with none of the girls you were with asking you to and you just not have already done so anyway on your own.”

Our food arrived and we ate our lunch and moved on from our conversation to other things. My mind was in a fog I could not believe what I had just heard and been told. I just knew that she was a rather strong-minded and dominant type of person and that I should not fight against it. I thought my life had changed being cucked and becoming a cuck, but this was something new and different.

In the coming weeks, I searched and searched the internet for chastity cages and sent Stacey screenshots of them to see her thoughts and opinions. I finally found one that seemed right. I ordered it and surprisingly I was eagerly waiting for it to arrive.

The day it arrived I was nervous and scared. I opened the packaging and got out the ring, cage, lock, and key. It appeared rather straightforward with how to put it on. I grabbed the ring and put my right testicle in followed by the left. I then pushed my tiny flaccid penis through. I grabbed the cage and took a deep breath and put my penis into the cage and secured the cage to the ring. I held it in place and put the lock in and locked it. I was surprised at how good it felt. It was heavy and when looking down it seemed that the cage was a little bigger than what I should have gotten. I did not get the smallest ring and cage but I did get the large ring and 2” cage. If you have read my previous experiences with Jessica and Kate you know that the cage was not small enough. With my flaccid penis measuring 0.5”-1.25” on the norm and between 2.5”-3” when erect I should have ordered down in size for the cage.

I took pics and sent them to Stacey to show I had done what she had directed. Her immediate reaction was somewhat positive in that it was locked up but she did take notice it was bigger than it should be. I acknowledged that fact and explained I was still nervous and scared about it all. Especially when it comes to sleeping with it on. Stacey and I had already come to the realization that because of it being metal and where I worked at the time it was best to not wear it while at work but that once I got home from work, I should not waste time and get it on.

As time went on, I loved wearing it although it was a little weighty it felt wonderful. There was just one slight issue. My left testicle would slip out of the ring from time to time. This causes me to have to remove and replace it all. Which was rather annoying. I decided to search for a plastic one that was smaller and that I could potentially wear 24/7. I found one and purchased it online thinking this would be perfect. When it arrived, I immediately swapped out cages took pics, and sent them to Stacey.

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Stacey said, “What the Hell? When did you get that and why?”

I responded to her and explained the various issues and my desire to wear it as much as possible. She understood and agreed that my thoughts were in a good place but she still didn’t like the cage or how it looked. It was a few weeks after wearing this cage when I was having the same issue with my left testicle slipping out. However, with this plastic cage, it was even more of a task to have to remove and replace it. 

I went back on to searching again. This time I found a much smaller metal cage and thought I would try the smallest ring size. When this new cage arrived, I got everything out and attempted to put the ring on. It was infinitely more difficult to put both testicles through. Once I finally got them through and got it all on and secured. The ring was far too tight. It was excruciating to have to endure wearing it. I removed it all and used the original metal ring with the much smaller cage which all seemed to fit and sync up well together. However, the same issue was still happening with my left testicle slipping out. At this point, it had been months since I was originally directed by my Stacey to lock it up.

Stacey and I had met up for lunch again and everything was as usual with us but slightly different. We were still very much best friends, but I was very much more submissive to her and anything she wanted or needed. Stacey had remained my best friend, but she knew, and I knew that she was by far the superior one and I was just a submissive bitch. To an extent, I think she to a degree enjoyed the exchange of power. She asked for an update on the cage situation and if the new one was working out. I updated her and told her what was going on.

Stacey annoyed said, “Well, what are you going to do about it?”

I responded, “There is a mid-sized ring that is smaller than the one I have on now and is not as small as the smallest one. I ordered it and I am waiting for it to come in.”

Stacey smiled and said, “That’s good. I am glad you are doing what you need to so that you keep it locked up without my having to tell you what to do.”

I answered, “I actually like and enjoy wearing it and it is what you say I should do so, of course, I am going to do it.”

Stacey with an evil smirk said, “Thank God. It is one thing to have to repeat myself to my kids and have to battle with them for not doing with they’re told. The last thing I need is a grown-ass bitch of a man not doing what he is told and having to repeat myself to him. So, I am glad you can follow directions and stick with it.”

This was the first time I had heard Stacey refer to me as a bitch. I was shocked and filled with pleasure and satisfaction at her statement. It was like a wow moment. I was somewhat aroused. There was always a rather amazing feeling of discomfort in becoming aroused with the cage on. There was discomfort yet it was a pleasurable feeling. She could see the surprise on my face and immediately reacted.

Stacey said, “Yes, you are a bitch. I am so sorry, but it’s true. I know that is a rough thing to hear but the more I thought about it the more I just couldn’t help but see what and who you truly and really are. I don’t think I ever would have thought this or said it, but after everything and all I have learned it makes sense and this is where things are going now.”

I responded, “You are right. I can’t even try to argue any of it. To be honest, things did always feel a little off and not right with us being equals. You are a superior and dominant woman and definitely I am not in any way above or superior to you as a man.”

The new ring arrived, and I was relieved and extremely excited. I felt as though I may finally have everything exactly as it should be. I get everything on and in place. The ring was tighter but still not too difficult to put on. Once I got it all on, I took pics. I called Stacey to tell her that I would send pics. She had told me not to because she would just stop by and see. Stacey had not seen the new smaller cage at all nor had she ever seen it caged up in person up to this point. So, I was a bit nervous as no girl has seen it locked up in person at all. Stacey arrives and comes into the house and shares a very brief greeting.

Stacey pipes up asking, “Well? Let’s see it. I didn’t come over to just stand around and goof off. Drop ‘em and let’s see the little guy all locked up.”

I couldn’t get my pants down fast enough. I dropped my pants and exposed myself and my tiny locked-up penis.

Stacey lets out a bit of a snort laugh and says, “Wow, I almost forgot just how small it is. It looks so cute in that tiny little cage all locked up. Whoa!? Are you getting hard? Oh my God, you are. Wow, that looks really uncomfortable.”

I answered, “It is a little uncomfortable, but it feels great.”

Stacey said, “Well that’s good, I’m glad it is working out. I have to go now.”

Stacey left and went about the rest of her day, and I stood there pants around my ankles as she left. There was an undeniable significant change in our dynamic as friends more so after that day. We had lunch later that week and Stacey and I were discussing some of the change in how things were. I had expressed that I felt that my being submissive to her felt right and like it was as it probably always should have been. Stacey shifted and I could see an evil smirk into a devilish grin come across her face. I could tell she liked where my mind was and that she agreed.

Stacey spoke up and said, “Yes most definitely yes.”

I asked, “So, do you want to take this further to the next level?”

Stacey quickly responded, “If you haven’t already noticed you are my bitch now. I mean, with no effort at all I told you that you should lock that tiny micro pathetic baby dick up and you wasted no time and did it. You are my bitch what next level is there?”

I blurted it out too quickly to regret it, “Complete servitude and become your slave.”

With a look of excitement, I had never seen before on her face.  Stacey jumped up almost tipping the table over.

Stacey loudly said, “Oh my God Yes! Yes! Yes! That is perfect yes! You better never tell me no, you fucking sissy bitch! You will do anything and everything I say, want, or demand of you.”

I very sheepishly said, “Yes ma’am.”

She quickly snapped and said, “No bitch! It’s not ma’am. I am a Queen, and you will address me as such!”

I responded, “Yes, my Queen, you are a queen and true Goddess.”

Stacey said, “Damn right, I am our Queen Goddess.”

I suggested that we draw up a slave contract with all the expectations, rules, punishments, and rewards. Stacey agreed that it made sense to have some structure to this all. Stacey had confessed that obviously, this was new and not something she’d ever done, and not sure how or what exactly to do but that she knew this was going to be great and I agreed.

It did not take long for things to escalate. I was over at Stacey’s and she handed me a cup and told me to drink. I looked up at her questioning with hesitation. I took the cup and instantly could tell as soon as I looked and the smell hit.

Stacey shouted, “Drink it! Don’t think about it. Just do it!”

Thus started Stacey making me drink her pee. The first time was a little awkward for certain. I won’t lie when she is well-hydrated it was surprisingly nice to drink. When she was on medications for whatever reason or not hydrated which is rare it was a difficult drink to swallow.

Shortly thereafter Stacey came up with the idea that every morning when I get to work after picking up my coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I should begin to flavor my coffee every morning. I was directed to unluck and ejaculate into my coffee and lock back up immediately after. I of course did not even think to question her and did as I was directed. She then had me before bed unlock my cage before masturbating and shoot my load into a small mason-type glass jar and then keep it in the freezer. Stacey made sure I knew there was an endgame purpose to fill it completely and to send photos of the progress. Once I had it filled Stacey made sure I knew some fun was about to begin.

I woke up one morning to a text from Stacey asking what I was doing. I had let her know I was getting up and was about to fix myself some coffee and toast.

Stacey called and almost before I could say hello to answer she said, “You better flavor that coffee bitch! Chip off some of the saved cum in the jar. Then, jack your tiny little dick and glaze your toast you cum loving bitch.”

I did just as Stacey told me to. I even took pics of my toast all cum covered just before I ate it. Stacey then advised me that later that night I needed to thaw out the jar warm it up and then chug it all and drink it. She made it very clear I needed to record myself drinking it and send it to her. I did just as I was told and Stacey loved it.

We went out for breakfast one Sunday morning and while driving home after. I made a big mistake. I had told Stacey in the truck how much I loved wearing the cage and wished I would have done so sooner and not been so scared of it. Then I also let her know that I could probably stay locked up for several weeks. Stacey turned and looked at me with the evilest look in her eyes and that smirk and grin that I have come to know all too well.

Stacey said, “Oh really. Is that so? Ok then, no more flavoring your coffee in the mornings. As a matter of fact, no more unlocking the cage bitch! Let’s see how much you really like, no, love wearing that cage when you are not going to be let out of it. Let’s see just how long you really can go, motherfucker.”

Stacey quickly slams her hand down onto my caged tiny baby dick and balls. She grips her hand around my balls and begins to squeeze. She squeezed so hard and then twisted. I shrugged and sank in utter disgrace and pain. She gripped on tight for what felt like a lifetime. Then she finally let go once we got to her house. We had a very frank, blunt, and candid conversation about my slavery and our friendship.

Stacey made it clear she now just found me to be a fucking pathetic sissy cock sucking bitch who loves eating cum and drinking her piss. She also went on that I have the smallest micro penis that she’s ever seen and that she laughs every time she sees it or thinks about me having such a tiny baby dick. The most difficult part was that she opened up that she had lost a great deal of respect for me and that she may lose all respect for me especially as I am just a pathetic sissy of a man who is her bitch ass slave. Stacey made it clear we needed to discuss some more things.

Stacey said, “I think you and I as besties is or has to be over. I don’t think with how things are that you or I can truly be what each other needs if we are still considering each other besties.”

I responded, “You are right. my Queen. I can’t say that I was not expecting any of this.”

Before I could continue Stacey said, “I am not done! Shut your bitch mouth and don’t interrupt. This I know is difficult for you it kind of is for me too. I do very much love and care about you, but you are my slave it just doesn’t make sense for us to act or be besties. Just be ready because when I do finally lose all respect for you there is no respect in me for you. That’s it our friendship is officially over like gone, done, no more. You will only exist as my slave and nothing more you will live to serve and worship me.

"I am saying all this because I feel as though we have reached a point where this needs to be discussed. If we continue from here, then it for real is a point of no return. We can never ever come back from this. There is no salvaging us being besties there is no fixing it there is no way we can or ever will be friends again. You will forever be just my pathetic sissy slave bitch. Can you agree and do you really want this to continue and keep going?”

I took a deep breath and said, “My Queen Goddess your will is my command. Your will be done not mine. My every waking breath and thoughts are of how I can make you smile, make you happy, and please you. This is who you are, who I am, who we are. As you wish my Queen. I am forever yours to command and I live to serve and worship you for the rest of my days.”

I spend 24/7 locked up in a metal chastity cage and I now live very happily with my tiny penis locked up inside of a chastity cage. I look back and wish I would have done all this sooner in my life, but I am happy that at least I am now. There was quite an amazing evolution and change for Stacey and me. At least Stacey and I now have to most special best-friend relationship any two people can have. Oh, wait! No, we don’t. We aren’t besties anymore, and when the day comes that Stacey does let me know all respect is gone, life will be as it should be.

Written by Axiom79
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