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Filming With Class 5b

"filmed for the pleasure of 6 horny school girls"

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I longed to see a Mistress but it was expensive and so I thought I'd give my body to BDSM science and let a mistress use me for her videos online. 

I liked the idea of being a sub online being whipped and punished for the amusement of others and started to look around online for any Mistress who had a need of a slave to punish in one of her videos.

I came across a web site called Class 5b, which was basically a CFNM site where all the women were dressed as schoolgirls. A white blouse and tie, a short grey skirt and tanned legs.

I had seen one of their domination videos a few months before where a pretty girl called Annalieza and her friend Megan humiliated all who went before them. I had seen this sort of video a few times before but none was as harsh, nasty and humiliating as this one. The girls were always saying, "get naked, wiggle that ass, hands-on head, sing twinkle, twinkle little star! Wank that pathetic little cock!"

All of this was par for the course but their delivery and mocking spite was really strong. Too strong for many I found out later.

"Cum you pathetic ugly cunt! Fuck is that all you can do? Lick it up!"

They were deliciously vicious and I thought the chance to be on film with them would be amazing.

Luckily they required men slaves and so I e-mailed Class 5b. I got a quick reply, as they wanted a headshot of me, most probably to prove my age or to see if I still had hair.

They excepted me and gave me an address to go to in Bristol. I drove down the M4 and found the location quite easily. There was a large warehouse just as I had seen on google maps. I was really nervous not knowing what they had in store for me and how many men would be around. That was a huge turn off for me then as I still hadn't come to terms with my bisexuality.

I walked in to see a lot of men standing around all casually dressed. The warehouse had been divided up into small studios for filming. Mostly living rooms or school classrooms.

There was one man all in black and an official-looking long blond-haired girl with a clipboard and pen. I gave her my name and she asked me to wait. I joined the rest and realised I was standing with people who had the same kink as me for the first time. I had never even talked to a fellow kinkster online. A small conversation broke out and being men it was all about directions, traffic routes and cars, in fact, anything but kink.

The way Class 5b worked was they'd invite twenty-odd men and work with how many actually turned up. Today had them in a quandary as it looked like everyone who was invited had taken up the invitation.

We hung around in awkward silence until finally we were asked to get on a minibus. We were driven for a while into the suburbs of Bristol and arrived at a large detached house in a leafy avenue. It was our first act of submission although most of us didn't know it. We had been detached from our cars and driven to who knows where. We all got out and went around the back of the house into a conservatory and waited.

I looked out into the long back garden that backed onto the countryside. It was at least seventy-five yards long and quite wide. I could see some men hastily putting up some cages. Two small ones halfway up the garden and one large one at the very end.

The girl with the clipboard came in. This time she was a picture of authority for in her other hand she sported a crop.

"Here we go, " I heard someone say and as soon as his words were out I heard the swish of her crop hitting the door.

"All right get your clothes off," she brutally demanded. We all stood stunned waiting for someone to make the first move.

"Come on hurry!" She shouted swishing her crop harder. I started to unbutton my jacket waiting for someone to take the lead.

"Get yourself naked now! Or you can go home," she threatened.

"You!" Do you want this or not?" She cried at the nearest volunteer.

"Yes, mistress," he meekly replied.

"Then get your kit off!"

He flew into action and quickly removed his jacket while kicking off his shoes causing a ripple effect that soon reached me at the far corner of the conservatory. I started to strip in time with the rest of the volunteers making sure not to be too far ahead and be the first one naked.

"Just throw your clothes on the floor, hurry!" She screeched forcefully.

I had thought all this out beforehand and had dressed very casually, worrying I might somehow lose an item of clothing. I had also only brought a tenner with me and left my credit card locked away in my car.

Wearing a T-shirt, jeans with zip flies and slip-on shoes had me ready to be naked quickly but I still held back through nerves. The men beside me were topless and I quickly caught them up and then slipped off my shoes and socks.

"Once your naked get out and line up on the patio, hands-on heads legs apart! Hurry," the girl shouted once more.

I undid the top button of my jeans as I watched the first naked man run out onto the patio. A stocky brunette girl whipped his buttocks as he passed and pointed to where she wanted him to stand. He quickly put his hands on his head and parted his legs.

I pulled off my trousers and pants together making me naked as I looked out of the window to see the crop mark on the man's ass. It left a highly visible welt, a sign that she had hit him with some force.

"Excuse me Mistress, but where are our masks?" timidly asked one of the group.

"Did I say you could talk?" She yelled as she lashed whoever it was with her crop. I heard him yelp and quickly carry on as a second naked man ran out to join the other subject with his hands on head and spread legs.

The man next to me had left his socks until last and overbalanced and touched my naked shoulder.

"Sorry mate," he said quickly uprighting himself giving me a chance to eye his tackle. His touch and floppy penis made me shudder with displeasure. We were naked men touching each other, something I found repugnant.

"That's okay," I replied quickly looking away to the men outside where there was growing confusion. Should they stand in line side by side or behind each other? The girls soon sorted that with the order of the crop as each man was quickly whipped to stand behind each other hands-on head.

We all started to move out with the girl on the door giving us a cursory taste of the crop on our rumps to send us on our way.

"Run!" She commanded causing the man in front of me to break into a sprint. The swing of her crop easily caught up with his escaping ass and snapped a mark on him. I looked at her for a millisecond and started to run.

"Run!" She repeated unnecessarily as I quickly broke into a run, my naked body hitting the cold spring air before I felt the sting of her crop on my buttocks. I let out a small cry. It was the first time a mistress had ever used a crop on me and it hurt. There was nothing playful or fun about that strike of her crop, it was designed to hurt and hurt it did.

A myth was broken and a question answered. They hit you to hurt and there was no acting. I quickly got into line and put my hands on my head and spread my legs immediately feeling the cold between them. I looked at the smooth ass in front of me and wondered how many of us had shaved our pubic region.

I foolishly looked back to watch the last men running to get in line, their cock and balls swinging with alacrity as they were urged on by the obligatory swipe of the crop from the door mistress.

I checked out the cock sizes of the men around me and it reminded me of my sixth form days in the school showers, everyone checking each other out. I saw the blonde girl close and lock the conservatory door. 'No way back now,' I thought with a twinge of foreboding. We didn't know where we were, miles from our cars, naked and locked away from our clothes.

"Eyes forward!" A girl yelled down my ear before standing back to whip my ass. I jerked forward with the pain as she moved away down the line putting others to the whip. I looked at her as my bottom glowed, furnace-like compared to the cold in my armpits and groin. The occasional breeze lighting up the sweat between my butt cheeks.

"Closer together," ordered the blonde-haired girl with the clipboard, "Get your cocks up against the ass cheeks in front."

A short dark-haired girl and a redhead started to giggle as they whipped us closer together. We all took cursory shuffles forward nervously hoping they were joking with their order.

"Come on, cocks on ass," the dark-haired girl laughed giving little whips to move us closer together. "We know you're all bum boys," she laughed.

We all nervously inched up further and I could feel the ominous warmth of breath on my neck and worried my cock would start to stiffen.

I was disappointed with how the girls were dressed. They were all attractive young twenty-somethings all wearing jeans and raincoats and not the school girl uniform that I had drooled over online. There was a light drizzle in the air and it was a bit cold so I could hardly blame them.

The girl with the clipboard went down the line asking our names. The first one answered to which she scolded.

"Your just a worthless pinprick pig now."

"Yes, Mistress," we all automatically replied even though we had been given no such order to do so. It soon became apparent why she was asking our names as at least four of our twelve or so motley crew had requested a gimp mask so they could not be identified online.

They were pink in colour and roughly pulled over their heads forcing them to remove their hands momentarily, a movement for which they were unfairly whipped. One freshly masked whipped pig started to protest but quickly backed down and received a fresh whipping.

"Answer me back again and I'll break your balls," she threatened.

She carried on down the line and soon got to me.


I answered with a polite, "Mistress," appended.

"Your just a worthless pinprick pig!" She spat and moved on. I was aware of a little dissension in the line, which amused me. 'What did they expect?' I thought. These girls were backed up by some burly cameramen who were setting up in the garden. It would be foolish to argue with these girls.

The girl in a dark raincoat with a black bob hairstyle gave her orders.

"There will be three of you useless pricks per Mistress, you're all going to crawl to the cage at the end of the garden and be quick about it."

"Crawl!" She cried at the man first in line, who momentarily froze on the spot until she thrashed him into motion. He dived forward onto his hands and knees and was quickly followed by the next two. The girl in the dark coat moved in after them, flogging the last man's ass several times pushing him on. They quickly crawled up the lawn, looking very undignified as they shuffled along with their cock and balls waving out from between their legs.

The red-haired girl stepped in to take the next three, holding her crop across the cock of the first in line. She quickly brought it back and beat his ass.

"Go!" She yelled and immediately the next man went to his hands and knees and quickly crawled up the lawn followed by another two. Again she followed them up the garden using her crop on the last crawler's ass making him speed up.

"Come on get your nose in his ass!" She cried mischievously prodding with her whip as if to penetrate his ass. I quickly realised the best position in the sets of three was in the middle. Something I could do nothing about as I found myself at the head of the queue with a crop held across my cock.

I fought the impulse to bring my hands down off my head to protect my penis as I saw the blonde girl who held the had the clipboard in my eye periphery.

"Go!" She ordered and I quickly went onto my hands and knees not escaping a fierce lash to my ass. The stinging in my rear was encouragement enough to make me scuttle along the wet cold grass. The damp and cold emitted upwards and chilled my undercarriage. The chill could be felt on my chest nipples and the tip of my cock.

I heard our Mistress whipping the third man in our group, The scything swish of her crop, the cutting slash into a fat ass and the chilling cry from the recipient. It made me accelerate my crawl as it did the piggy behind me.

The blonde Mistress walked before me, marching in her leather high heeled boots, which deliberately stepped only inches from my hand.

"Faster," she demanded and I attempted to go faster my optimum speed. My arms were exhausted and I collapsed onto the grass head first. My ass flew into the air, thankfully causing my Mistress to laugh and I was happy to get up and scuttle away to the cage at the far end of the garden.

The red and black-haired Mistresses were already beating their pigs into the cage at the end of the garden. It was already half full with only five people in there and I become alarmed. If twelve of us were going to squeeze in that cage there was going to be a lot of male flesh on male flesh, something I didn't desire and judging by the space between the caged pigs nor did the others. They beat prodded and kicked us into the cage.

"Move piggies!" One demanded as I scurried into the cage and found a space where I could see out of the front of the wire. More and more piggies came in and it was impossible not to be flesh on flesh with another male.

I winched in embarrassment as a fellow piggy brushed up beside me. We were pushed tighter and tighter together. I felt a pig pushed up behind me and I felt very uneasy as I felt a shoulder push into my buttocks. Soon another man's shoulder went into my lower thigh. I began to feel uneasy as we squashed together.

Was my cock stirring? I tried to make my self as narrow as possible trying to avoid the press of another males skin on mine. I went low and my cock stroked the grass. I felt it spark and started to worry, this was the last place I needed an erection.

We squeezed in again and again. Was that someone having a crafty stroke of my ass? I didn't know I was a mass of paranoia as we huddled ever closer together.

I heard the cage close and felt relief as this was as packed as we were going to get. The girls circled the cage, prodding us randomly before one barked out her order.

"Right piggies, oink!"

We all started oinking obediently!

"Louder! You useless pigs, louder!"

We all oinked louder some of the pigs going up an octave as they were prodded in a sensitive part of their anatomy. I relaxed a little as I became sure that my cock wasn't hardening.

A man outside with the cameras dumped a pile of black wood near the cage entrance. I soon recognised them to be humblers.

Oh god, it was the very Instrument of torture that resigned me to BDSM when I first saw it online. It took my breath away. It was just so evil! To be trapped in one by your very own balls was proof that it was the work of a devil - and the devil was a lady.

The man's ball sack is pulled over the testes making them much more sensitive, so the merest flick sends pain through your nuts right to your stomach!

You can't stand upright in one, not unless you want to rip your balls off, how fiendish! You are totally at her mercy! If she whipped your ass and jerked forward you'd not only have the pain from crop but also the pain of stretching your ball sack you flinched from your whipping.

The first piggy was pulled out of the cage and forced to crawl to where the dark-haired girl was waiting with her humbler at the ready. As soon as he stopped she knelt down behind him and harshly grabbed his nuts, making him groan loudly as she pulled them back between his legs making him crumple over, his chest hitting his knees as he tried to give her as much ball slack as possible so she could clip the humbler on him.

She impressively had the humbler closed around his balls in one flawless movement and she was already busy tightening up the nuts making sure he was well and truly trapped. She stood up and cracked his ass hard to make him move. I could see his orbs straining against the solid wood of the humbler as he gingerly tried to move forward.

"Quicker!" She yelled whipping him again and he managed to crawl faster painfully stretching his nut sack with every step.

"Next!" She cried and the cage door was opened and another piggy pulled out to be humbled. The same thing happened, his balls were pulled back between his legs and again the piggies chest went to his knees as she snapped the humbler closed.

"Next," She cried and out of the cage was dragged another piggy. Again his balls were pulled back and the humbler snapped closed.
This time a scream went up!

"Mistress, it's pinching!" He cried.

The Mistress opened the humbler again and adjusted his ball sack. She closed it again but still, it pinched his sack. He cried out again. The Mistress showed a feeling of agitation, ripping the humbler open once again.

"Now get your bollocks through!" She scorned as if he could do anything about it. Thankfully for the piggy, the humbler snapped closed and an angry Mistress kicked his ass away, spearing him with the spike of her heel.


I'd read a lot about the dreaded Humbler, its delicious cruelty drew me to it and yet I feared it so. It was a strange feeling to submit to being put in one as if I were challenging myself.

To be put in a humbler was an ordeal on its own! Men with long dangly balls didn't have a problem but some of us, with bunched up hard balls would be in for pain as the Mistress would be pulling them back and stretching them brutally at the same time.

Then there was another fear, what if my balls were too small? If so they would be pulled up against the resistance of the wood and then sickeningly slip through the hole causing a long-lasting pain.

This happened to one of the piggies, his balls slipped through the humbler and he cried out grabbing his orbs and keeling over.

"Smaller hole for this pathetic small dicked pig!" Ordered the Mistress, standing with one hand on her hip with the unusable humbler in the other, totally oblivious to the piggy rolling on the floor in anguish.

The Humbler scared me enormously but somehow I couldn't get over the erotic buzz it gave me. I kept playing out a scenario again and again with my balls trapped in one. I read everything I could about this device and peoples experiences in them. The humbler had somehow humbled my mind and I couldn't get out. Despite all the fear, anxiety and nervousness I just had to put my balls on the line!

Once in I'd be bent double until she ordered me to move! Easily done by her with a tap or flick to my straining balls. She'd soon have me stretched able to crawl, just enough for her to have her fun!

Even if she was in a playful mood and wanked my cock it would hurt. My cock would harden and pull up on the skin around my balls, straining against the wood. For most men, it's impossible to cum in a humbler. Usually, your balls harden and gather up before ejaculation but the humbler separates the cock from the balls so technically that can't happen.

That wouldn't stop a malicious Mistress trying to make you cum though. If she wanks you your my balls would stretch against the humbler and if you did somehow cum you'd painfully pull your balls against the wood with every spurt.

I crawled out in worry and opened my legs a little to give her easy access. My throat was wretched as she gripped my balls with a vice-like grip, my testes grinding together as she hauled them back. I let out a small cry of pain as she snapped the humbler closed. I was trapped in a humbler and a small glow of satisfaction radiated from within, a desire had been met.

It wasn't finished yet though as I felt the humbler strangling my balls as she tightened the nuts. My sack stretched tightly over my testes making me feel as if my sensitive orbs were tailing out vulnerably a long way out behind me.

I was in and she whacked my ass for me to move. I put one knee forward and immediately felt my sensitised testicles pull against the hard unforgiving wood of the humbler. I knew the mistress was ready to kick me and so I went on pulling my left ball and then my right as I crawled away.

Again and again, I tugged at my balls just through the very act of crawling. I stopped with the other piggy in front of me. His balls looking very taut, blue and vulnerable. I felt the next piggy groan in line behind me as the red-headed Mistress who was to control the three of us moved into place.

"Right, move," she ordered with a soft feminine voice and our gang of three little piggies started our crawl down the garden. My ball sac ached as it was still stretching with every step and I lightly groaned.

"Silence," softly ordered the redhead.

"Sorry, Mistress," I quickly responded and in doing so looked up at her. She had a long cardigan on and a soft white blouse. She didn't seem strict at all and I got the feeling we had someone whose heart wasn't completely in it.

My feelings were confirmed as we drudged ball bound down the garden. I could hear the other girls barking orders and punishing piggies with their crops. I could tell if a Mistress had hit someone's ass as the piggy would let out a sharp cry but when one of them hit a piggy's balls there would be a long protracted scream.

The first set of piggies had reached the house and were being turned around. They started back up the garden again and I sensed that Class 5b had been taken by surprise of the numbers that had turned up and were just parading us until they thought of something to do.

This worried me as with each stride of my opening legs I could feel my balls ache. I decided to try and change my walk pattern. I kept my feet together and pushed off two-footed and then dragged my legs under me. This stopped me from spreading my legs and when I pushed off each testicle had an equal amount of strain on it. Alas, it didn't last long as my shy Mistress quickly whipped me.

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"Walk properly," she softly spoke her words out of context with the severity of her whip.

"Sorry, Mistress," I quickly garbled.

"I should think so or it's your balls next."

That was a big enough warning for me, from now on I was going to be a good little piggy regardless of my ball strain. The three piggies at the head of the other group were marched towards the rose bed by the fence. The rose bushes had thorns but what immediately worried me were the nettles healthy spitefully swaying in the wind as if they had evil on their minds.

We soon joined the third group at the end of the garden and watched three piggies plod away towards the roses and nettles. I was relieved just to be still and let my balls rest. The Mistresses with the other sets of piggies were in conversation and it was obvious that they didn't know what to do with us.

I saw them checking their answer sheets. We had all filled out a form expressing what we would and wouldn'' do. We all wanted to be involved and answered 'yes' to everything even though we found some acts rather distasteful. CBT, yes. Cane, Yes. Whips, yes. Pegged, yes. We all gave our consent even to the more questionable acts.

Pissed on, yes. Ball busted, yes and then the one I was now regretting, Bisexual curious, yes. I was worried they'd have us sucking each other's cocks in a sixty-nine or worse, still fucking each other. It seemed anything was possible.

My group were marched halfway up the garden, my balls screaming in pain. I felt better as my concentration was taken away from my gonad ache by the sounds of the group by the rose beds. One was crying out as his humbled balls were being whipped with a bunch of nettles. He rocked and grimaced as the nettles stung him and then really cried out as the Mistress cruelly slowly stroked the bunch of fierce-looking nettles along his ass crack, slowly over his stretched balls and then down under his cock.

That really made him scream as the humbler had stretched his foreskin down exposing his sensitive purple head. The mistress enjoyed his reaction and stroked his cock head, again and again, making him cry out continuously until his knob end was stung senseless.

The pigs behind were about to get the same treatment with the added scratching of rose thorns. I was marching away as they screamed very loud and I could only imagine the painful combination of thorns and nettles had on their helpless equipment.

Just the thought of a thorn on my exposed cock head made my eyes water and then stinging nettles, god my balls would be humming for days.

Luckily they had something different in store for me. They whipped me up to a small cage and forced me to enter. It was so small I was unable to turn. I heard the door being locked behind me and then a stab in my ribs from her crop.

"Squeal, piggy!" The Mistress demanded needlessly as she poked me again and again in my side. I tried to avoid the invading point but it was hopeless as there was no escape in my tight fit cage. My body still tried to avoid the impossible jumping from side to side against the cage. She worked her way around to my rear and I feared the worst.

She started to stab my buttocks and I jolted forward pressing my naked body up against the cold metal bars of the cage. The thrusts were relentless and so I repeatedly jumped against the cage. Another Mistress joined in seeing an opportunity for some fun with my body.

Every time I was stabbed from behind my body jerked forward and so the Mistress in front of me started to stab me with her crop. She aimed for my cock time and again and eventually hit the centre. The tip of her crop hit my exposed cock head and I screamed out. The Mistress, on the other hand, was delighted.

"Bull's eye!" She laughed as the mistress behind me continued to prod making me present my sore cock for more punishment. Her laughter soon stopped as she concentrated on hitting my raw cock head again and again. She stood up giggling away to herself.

"I'll hit his cock from here while you try and jab his balls from there!" She merrily suggested. It was what I was fearing as my humbled balls were squeezed and tightly presented for her administrations. They were so sensitive and seemed to flow out behind me like a tail.

She took her time aiming as I shivered in horrific expectation and then she poked me and caught me right between my balls. I screamed and jerked forward only for my cock to be met with a series of short hard stabs forcing my ass to retract in retreat. Again I took another blow to my balls, this time she caught me off centre and I could feel the crop end spiking on my testicle.

I jerked forward again wanting to lay down from the sickening jab. The Mistress at the front laughed and stabbed at my cock. She hit me dead-eyed but my cries were overridden by the stab to my ball.

I cried 'mercy' but they manically kept at me, rapidly making me jerk forwards and backwards much to their merriment. My testicles took another hard blow, sickeningly doubling me up. I could barely resist as my arms went around my aching stomach such was my testicular trauma. I was beaten and exhausted and surrendered and let them prod me at will. Each bite of their crop hardly registered visibly to them now, as I only slightly jerked, the pain was as biting as ever but I just didn't have the energy to react anymore.

"Oh, he's no fun anymore," frustratingly sighed my cock poking mistress.

"You're right, I think its time for the nettles," I heard the mistress from behind threaten. The nettles were the thing I feared most and very soon I could hear a bunch being pushed through at the rear of my cage.

I gritted my teeth for the onslaught of pain but all I felt was a tingling over my balls and ass.

The session was at an end and our humblers removed. My humming balls felt like they were hanging down to my knees. We all gathered on the patio and the blond girl with the clipboard read out four names. Mine was one of them.

"We want you for extra scenes back at the studio," She said, "If you weren't mentioned, we thank you and hope you have a safe journey home."

I noticed that all the men who insisted on a piggy mask and the more out of shape guys were sent home. I wondered what they had in store for me.

"Come with me," said the pretty red-headed Mistress. I had just gone through the first phase of filming outside with Class 5b and now I was being walked naked to a film set for some interior shots.

Our red-headed Mistress hardly said a word. She just walked beside me in her knee-high cherry leather boots, her tight jeans stretched over her ample ass, defining her pussy. She wore a tight white flowery blouse loosely hanging on her big breasts. Her arms were in her red cardigan swishing her crop, an old fashioned garment that was out of kilter with her punishing skills. 

We got to a small set with a camera on a tripod, a large leather armchair a mock window and a sideboard. The Mistress turned on the professional redhead film lights and then turned on the camera.

That made me happy as it meant I'd be alone with the Mistress and not have some hairy arsed cameraman watching my every move as they did in the garden.

"Crouch on that stool, legs apart," demanded my red-headed Mistress.

I crawled up on the small cushion stool and crouched down as ordered.

"Now, hands on your head and open your legs."

I obeyed but felt a little unsteady especially when my hands went to the back of my head.

"Wider!" She demanded while hitting the insides of my legs with her crop. 

I somehow managed to obey her but still wobbled slightly on the stool with a little ache on my inside thighs. My cock and balls hung below me, the feeling of a phantom humbler still suffocating my gonads from the ordeal in the garden. 

My Mistress sat beside me on the large leather armchair and stretched her long leather booted legs out before her. She held out a black electronic cuff.

"I'm not touching your disgusting dick piggie, put this on yourself."

I took the cuff and looked at it puzzled.

"Attach it around your cock and balls and make sure it's tight." I obediently wrapped it around my genitals as ordered and it felt quite snug around my cock and balls.

"Now, hands back on the back of your head," she ordered.

"Yes, Mistress," I obeyed as I saw her hand come forward with a little black box, which had a small plastic ariel on it. She pushed a button and I heard a high pitched beep. No sooner I had heard the beep an electric shock buzzed in my balls.

I cried out in pain much to the amusement of my mistress who laughed out loud and cried, "Oh, it works!"

Whereupon she pushes the button again and zapped my balls. I yelped and struggled to keep my balance on the cushion, which had her laughing harder.

"Hey, I like this!" And once again she shocked my roasting nuts.

I swayed, crouched on the cushion, resisting the urge to take my hands from my head.

"Do you like that?" Asked the smiling mischievous mistress leaning forward from her chair really enjoying her new toy.

"No, Mistress," I winced as she produced a crop.

"If you had a choice of a good whipping on your ass or a shock to your balls what would you choose?"

"The crop mistress."

"In that case, I'll zap your balls!" She laughed as she merrily pointed her control and pushed the button. I cried out as I felt as if my balls expanded and glowed through the shock! 

As the pain ebbed away I took in some deep breaths.

"What do you say?" Asked the Mistress but the question was lost as my concentration was taken up by my humming balls and my balancing act.

"What?" I garbled only to get another zap.

"Thank you, Mistress!" She regaled.

The electric coursed through my cock and balls with a sharp biting sting that flowed randomly over the skin. I came down from my next gonad shock and thanked her. That was hard to do for when electric was flowing painfully up and down my penis and bouncing around in my balls my thoughts totally emerged in the fluctuating pain with-in.

I got my breath back and regained my balance on the stool my inner limbs no aching to the point of cramp. 

"Okay, I'm going to ask again, your choice, Shall I whip your ass or shock your balls, what's it to be?" 

I mulled over the alternatives as she looked on smiling. Her big blue eyes shining in the backdrop of her pale flawless porcelain skin. She licked her ruby red lips and flicked her long dark red hair, her face animated in the enjoyment of her newfound power. 

She swished her crop in one hand and held the zapper in the other. It was easy to see that she was excited about being able to inflict pain sitting relaxed in her chair. 

"A shock, Mistress," I said with resignation, knowing that whatever punishment I chose nothing was going to stop her attacking my balls. 

"Okay, a shock it shall be!" And with that, she pushed the button twice.

Once more I cried at the ceiling as my balls ballooned up with the twisting current fizzing painfully through every vein of my testicles. I was caught off guard as I started to come down, a different shock danced through my nuts! It threw me way off balance and I fell off the stool and landed at my Mistress's feet.

"Bad slave!" She scolded and whipped my upturned ass. I yelped and straightened out my body to flatten out my rump and make the sting of her crop less painful. Such was my folly. She zapped my balls again and I quickly rolled into a ball. This presented my rounded ass once again and my mistress didn't hesitate in flogging me.

I naturally straightened up again, somehow trying to escape the pain only for her to zap my genitals again making me bend into a ball, the shape my body naturally took in a subconscious attempt to evade the stinging electric. 

Crop straight, zap ball, Crop straight, zap ball, she had me vacillate between the two until she convulsed so hard with laughter she couldn't go on. I groaned and took in deep breaths as my boiling balls and humming ass recovered along with my fresh carpet grazed body. 

My Mistress calmed down, tears running down her cheeks in joy, only too quickly zap my balls again bringing forth a fresh bout of laughter.

"Now kneel before me," said commanded croakily through her tears. 

I quickly got into position. "Bring the other slave in," she shouted.

I stayed bowed in my low position with my eyes on my Mistress's boots. In my peripheral vision, I could sense a male being brought in beside me on a collar and chain.

"Right, you two piggies, I want you to masturbate before me. The winner gets his balls shocked and the loser gets to lick up the winner's cum off my boots. While doing so, he will have his ass whipped before I'm satisfied he's licked my boots clean."

After finishing her instructions she stood with her legs parted hinting that she wanted us to cum on a separate boot.

"Right piggies, hands-on cocks and when I say, 'go' wank away for all you're worth! Remember the quicker you cum the less painful it will be."

We both reached back for our cocks ready to wank. I was very concerned as I had been ordered to wank in front of a mistress for a video once before and I was unable to achieve an erection let alone an orgasm.

"Go! Go on wank those cocks, piggies!"

We both went at full speed right away, both of us mirroring each other moving our synchronised wanking arms.

I flexed away hitting my head with mini-strokes at speed. I glimpsed over at the competition and saw to my horror that he was already up and hard. I had never masturbated in front of anyone before with the command to cum. I was still a bit soft with my hand flexing at full speed. It looked like I'd be the one eating his cum. 

The Mistress laughed away, tapping her crop against her long leather boots, "Come on, you little wankers, come for your mistress."

I decided to slow my strokes down and concentrate on slower, longer more sensual strokes. Meanwhile, my competitor was stroking away in a blur and I felt I was done for.

"Wanking a bit slow there?" Scolded my mistress, "Come on faster."

With that, she shocked my balls and I felt the charge of electricity surge through them. I speeded up my tossing and for an instance, my cock surged upwards, begging towards my leather booted mistress only to recede again after a few seconds. 

The competition started to gasp on his way to cumming, "Not so fast, fly spray," mocked the Mistress and zapped his nuts. He cried out and his head fell forward. 

"And no watching," hissed my Mistress zapping my balls again. My cock and ass jerked forwards and again I felt a surge of hardness in my dick as if it was begging and obeying my firm breasted strong thighed Mistress.

Again, I went to flexing quickly, edged on by the electric kick start in my balls. Again, I felt my dick harden and then fall slightly. Meanwhile, my opponent wasn't taking the shocks to well. He lifted and started to toss carefully scared of another shock.

I thought I'd take advantage of his slow down and wanked harder. I felt I was getting somewhere as I felt that tingling in the tip of my cock signalling I was on my way. Unfortunately, it was a false dawn for although I felt the tingle a quick squeeze signalled I was far from hard.

My enemy in the cock war was again up and hard, his cock head red through rawness. I was going to lose and slowed down as my arm was aching already. 

She pointed her zapper at his cock and balls and double-clicked. He screamed and bent over holding his balls as I laughed at his electric brake.

"What's so funny?" Reprimanded the young Mistress seeing my mirth.

Before I could answer she pointed her zapper at me and gave me a double click. Electric painfully flowed through my cock and balls and I quickly went back to flexing my cock. The zaps energised my blood flow again and once more a stiffening took place.

I sensed and appreciated the sexy form of her body every time the electric ignited my cock and balls. I went up on my knees with my hardened cock in hand and took in her feminine delights. Her boobs looked more alluring and my penis reacted.

"Not so funny, is it?" She went on giving another two zaps of her vicious wand. Again my cock obediently went up in praise of her form. He tightly bound breasts became even more alluring along with her tight jeans over her pussy.

"No, Mistress," I managed to groan, feeling my dick swelling more. My partner in crime was up and tossing again and I decided to take a gamble.

I wanked slowly and posed pretending I was having a nice slow pleasurable stroke.

"Come on!" The Mistress barked zapping me another two times. Determined to procure a close race.

My cock and balls felt like they were about to explode with imaginary forks of little lightning bouncing about in the inner walls of my testes painfully pricking from with-in. 

I bit my tongue and pretended nothing had happened as I admired her sexy pouting lips, large blue eyes and long red hair.

"Are you sure that things working?" I managed to say. With that, she sparked her wand at my genitals again. I gasped out loud at this extra surge and felt my cock harden to almost maximum rigidity.

My Mistress became extra sexually enticing as I wanked away in front of her. I looked at her curves and arches with loving devotion, wanting to please her with the urgency of my tossing. 

"Oh, Mistress, that was so nice," I kidded as my cock and balls felt they were on fire. 

This time she quadrupled her zaps and my cock filled with blood to the zenith of its hardness. I tossed hard on my electrically charged penis and could already feel my sperm ready to jump. 

"Not so mouthy now, are we?" Laughed the Mistress as she perceived my groans to be ones of pain, not ecstasy. 

My partner was up and ready to cum and so I played my last card.

"I don't know, its kind of nice."

"Nice! I'll show you nice!" With that, she zapped my balls for all her worth clicking away at her zapper towards my balls with malicious glee.

Bang! I exploded on cue and sent a long stream of white thick spunk onto her boots, The stream was so thick it stung my pee hole as it burst through. The first glorious shot was away and I felt my energised balls rounding up the next evacuation of my cum. It gloriously spurted thick and hard again. Cum forcefully jetting out of my nuts pumping like never before, hosing my mistresses boots again and again.

In between spurts my balls painfully gathered my semen and shot with a rapier speed, splashing on the hard leather of her footwear. I fell forward as my spurts pumped out at normal speed leaving me extremely drained.

I bent over and my head hit the floor in exhaustion. The mistress pushed her high heeled leather boots into my side and pushed me over. My softening cock was still leaking cum and some dribbled onto my stomach.

"Eat that or the loser will be licking it off you," the mistress threatened. 

I quickly scooped up my semen from my belly and ate it all, as the last thing I wanted was a male licking my cum off me. 

"You, loser, get to work!" mistress said presenting her cum-drenched boot to the loser. I looked up exhausted the salty taste of my cum on my lips.

"Eat it, loser pig!" she demanded and I watched as he hesitantly licked my thick white produce from her boots. 

"Make sure you get it all, piggy!" she demanded, giving him a stroke of the crop, making him speed up his licking.

"Oh, I've forgotten something," the mistress expressed theatrically, "Oh yes, the winner gets his balls shocked!"

I groaned in disbelief as I had forgotten all about that. The Mistress laughed and made to push the zapper button. I rolled up and grabbed my orbs but there was no pain. She was playing with me, feining to zap time and time again making me envisage the worst every time until eventually, she hit the button for real! I crumpled up in a ball and screamed and a little more semen leaked out. 

Later, we were all in the pub. The girls chatted mainly to the camera guys and gave only a polite few words to we piggies. The camera guys wanted nothing to do with us and the bar staff laughed, knowing which of us had undergone ball trauma. They had become accustomed to the way we walked apparently. I bought a pint for the poor fellow who had to eat my cum.

"Here, wash it all down," I joked. 

He barely acknowledged my gesture but drank my drink all the same.

Human competitiveness never fails to amaze me. He had lost in a wanking race! Hardly something to be ashamed of and not something to be proud of either! At least I didn't have to eat his cum, he was sour enough!

I drove home with my balls throbbing, my legs parted as much as possible, lamenting on a strange day.


Written by Back2egg
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