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Don’t Mess With A Witch

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“It's gonna be the best party ever. It's the biggest social event of the season!” shouted the alluring blonde, waving her hands in which she held the leaflets. “At least until the next one I arrange,” she added and laughed out loud.

“One for you, and for you, and for you...,” Cindy, because that was the name of the blonde, spared no one. If you were unlucky walking down the corridor, you had no chance of getting out without taking the flyer with you.

Jenna watched the whole thing with amusement. She found it almost comical, like something out of a crappy TV show. But she secretly admitted that if Cindy had put the same amount of energy into studying or working, she might have accomplished something in life. After a moment she shook her head. “Nonsense. This bitch will always rely on daddy's money and her looks,” she thought.

“And...” For a moment it seemed that the blonde wouldn't finish her sentence. “...for you,” she finally choked out, looking Jenn in the eye. 

She held out a leaflet, but let go when the girl in front of her reached for it.

“Oops, I'm clumsy,” she said sarcastically, making her trademark innocent face.

“You're littering public space, you know that?” Jenna asked equally sarcastically.

“Don't be dramatic, it's just a piece of paper.”

“I wasn't talking about the flyer, I was talking about you,” the girl smiled as she said the last word.

A grimace of rage crossed Cindy's face, but somehow she managed to keep her composure.

“It's a costume party, so maybe for once in your life you won't look like a freak,” she said scathingly, but she didn't wait for an answer, because she noticed a boy who was trying to sneak out unnoticed.

Her words didn't hurt Jenn. Their mutual hatred had been going on for some time, and it wasn't always limited to exchanging unpleasantness. One time, Jenn couldn't take it anymore and punched Cindy right in the nose. She almost got kicked out of college for it, but her only regret was that she didn't hit it hard enough to break it.

“Costume party, hmmm...” As she thought about it, a crazy idea popped into her head. A blow that should end their feud once and for all.

Jenna smiled ominously.

Party day

“I don't think I can do that. It's too much pressure,” the frightened girl began to withdraw from the idea.

“No way! If all goes well, Cindy will remember this day forever. You want revenge on her too, don't you?” Jenna asked. 

“Cindy deserves the worst, but so many things can go wrong. I'm scared,” continued Jenn's friend, who had dressed up as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz for tonight's event.

Jenna put her hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. “Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'm the one taking the risk here, you only have one little thing to do. You can do it. I believe in you.”

The girls were standing in front of the door of the property where the party was taking place. It took a good few more minutes, but Jenn managed to convince her friend to carry out the plan. They took a deep breath and rang the bell.

The door was opened by a boy dressed as a gladiator.

“What do we have here? A witch and... Who are you? Some Girl Scout?” he asked.

“Yes, something like that,” Jenna answered before her friend could protest. 

“Cooooool,” the gladiator, who was probably high, let them in.

As they went deeper inside, Jenn leaned into her friend's ear and whispered: “See? It will go smoothly,” then she grabbed her hand and dragged her with her into the crowd of dancing creatures and monsters.

Two hours later

The party was in full swing. The girls blended into the crowd, dancing and having fun without losing sight of their original goal.

Cindy, as the host of the event, clearly felt accomplished. Her boyfriend bravely supported her, although over time it was noticeable that he was no longer keeping up with his partner.

“Time to mix things up a bit,” Jenna thought and turned to her friend.

“Take this,” she said, handing her a glass filled with alcoholic juice. “Approach the dancing Cindy and "accidentally" pour the contents of the glass on her. I'll take care of the rest.

The girl hesitated. “Explain one thing to me. How did you know what Cindy would wear? Your costumes are IDENTICAL! I'm surprised no one noticed this.”

“I have my ways,” Jenn winked knowingly. “And because our "star" had to be the center of attention, no one paid attention to me,” she smiled.

“And that's it? No more explanations?”

“On another occasion. Now go, go!”

The girl just sighed, lowered her head and began to slowly move across the floor towards her victim.

After a few seconds, a loud scream echoed throughout the building.

“You stupid bitch! Do you have any idea what you've done? This outfit cost a fortune! I'll show you, you dumb...!” Cindy spared no insults.

It was an interesting show. It would probably be more impressive if most of the people at the party didn't know Cindy and the outburst was new to them. 

Jenna felt sorry for her friend, but it was an essential part of her plan.

“That's enough,” Tyron, Cindy's boyfriend, stepped in between the girls. “It's just a normal stain, I'm sure it can be easily removed,” tried to calm his beloved. “Even with it, you're the prettiest witch around.”

He wanted to kiss her, but she pulled away.

“I'll go to the bathroom and try to wash it off. You, entertain the guests.” She tossed the hair of her wig, which was part of her costume, and indignantly headed for the bathroom.

The crowd quickly returned to their activities and the fun continued.

Jenna waited a few minutes and began her part of the plan. Moving through the dancing creatures, she reached Tyron, who had his back to her. She placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. The boy turned around and smiled when he saw her.

“There you are, Cindy. Good job with the stain, you can't see it at all. You feel better?” he asked, concerned.

Jenn smiled shyly and nodded.

“Shall we dance?” he asked.

This time the "witch" shook her head. She placed her hand on his shoulder and slowly ran her fingers down his arm until she reached his hand, which she then grabbed. She turned and dragged him towards the stairs. When they reached the top, the girl opened one of the available doors that led to a small room that she had previously prepared secretly from everyone.

The room was cramped but relatively cozy. A few candles gave minimal illumination, and in the center was a bed.

Tyron beamed as he understood her game.

“Did you prepare it? I wouldn't have suspected...” He didn't finish his sentence because Jenna grabbed his face.

She pulled him closer and kissed him. They stayed like that for a moment, as if carved in stone. When they were done, the girl put her arm around him and pushed him inside. Once there, she followed him.

“This is very se...” The boy was about to comment, but Jenn silenced him again, this time putting her finger to his lips.

The girl pushed him onto the bed.

“I see. You rule here. What do you want me to do?” he asked.

The "witch" smiled mysteriously from ear to ear. Without taking her eyes off him, she stepped back towards the door and turned the key. She allowed herself a moment to admire her partner's body.

Women thought Tyron was a handsome guy. Cindy would no doubt never choose him if he wasn't. Promising soccer player, star of the university team. Not necessarily tall, but well built, with brown eyes and hair of the same color. He was dressed as a caveman, so his outfit was rather poor, which was an added pleasure for Jenna. She was convinced it was Cindy's idea, just to make others jealous.

“You poor soul. I have nothing against you, but I need you in order to punish this bitch. At least I'll try to make you enjoy this night as much as possible,” she thought as she walked over to the bed.

Jenn leaned over her partner, making sure her breasts were in his line of sight. Although still covered by the black material of her costume, the material was transparent enough to ignite the beholder's desire.

She let him stare for a while, pretending she couldn't find what she was looking for, until she finally pulled two pairs of handcuffs from behind her back which collided with each other, making a distinctive metallic sound.

Tyron's eyes widened and his heart pounded with excitement. He always wanted to try something different, but Cindy always refused. If today was a day where she was willing, he would definitely take advantage of it.

Jenna handed him one pair and signaled him to handcuff himself to the bed frame. He did it without the slightest resistance. She snapped the other pair onto his wrist and pinned him to the mattress with her weight. She licked his chin, then shoved her tongue into his mouth, digging inside like crazy. They kissed passionately and quickly. She dominated him, teased him by running away from him or shoving her tongue down his throat. At the same time, with her free hand, she fastened the handcuffs on the bed frame.

When she finished, she pulled away. The boy wanted to follow her, but the handcuffs effectively prevented him from doing so. He tugged on them several times, testing their strength.

“Looks like I'm not going anywhere,” he said happily, waiting to see what would happen next.

The "witch" sneered at him and took off her hat, which she threw into the corner. She combed her hair with her fingers, then tossed it over her back.

“You know, Cindy, you look great with your hair, but in that wig you look incredibly sexy. Maybe we should play dress-up more often?”

Jenn grinned widely, leaned over the boy and slapped him. The sound of the impact echoed through the small room.

Tyron was shocked, but only for a moment, then smiled.

“Lesson learned,” he confirmed.

“It excites him. This is good, because we are now entering the most difficult phase. I can trick him with a costume, I can hide my voice, but if he's not fully engaged, he'll understand that despite my similar physique, I'm not Cindy,” Jenn thought.

She went lower and took off his already skimpy clothes, leaving him only in his panties. Next, the girl got up and stood at the foot of the bed with her back to her partner. She took off her witch disguise robes, leaving only her mask. She let him admire her figure for a moment. A minute later, she took off her bra and then stuck out her ass and removed her panties, revealing round buttocks.

Jenna stretched a little and turned to Tyron. She shook her torso, setting her firm but medium-sized breasts in motion. Her boobs bounced and hit each other cheerfully to the boy's delight.

After this short introduction, the "witch" leaned over the naked torso of her partner. She cupped his chin with her fingers and lifted it slightly. She looked deep into his eyes, ostentatiously licked her lips, then brought her lips to his and placed a kiss on them. It was only a moment, but very expressive. After, Jenn arched her back like a cat and slid down. She touched a finger to his hyoid bone, then dug her fingernail into it. She began to move it along the line of pubic hair that adorned his body. The closer she got to his crotch, the more pronounced his erection became.

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She grabbed his underwear in her hands and pulled it down exposing his genitals enough that his taut penis popped out like a slingshot and stood proudly in front of the girl's face. Jenn wrapped her lips around it and began to move up and down its entire length. At the same time, her hand grabbed his testicles through the material of the panties and, inserting her fingers into them, began to squeeze them.

“Ha..., a-aa..., ahh,” Tyron moaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain.

The "witch" toyed with him for a while, but finally took his underwear off completely.

Taking the opportunity to be at his feet, she grabbed them both and brought them closer to each other. The girl bent over one of his big toes and put it in her mouth. She started sucking it slowly and thoroughly. She took her time. Seconds passed, and the boy's trapped toe was covered with more and more saliva. Finally, Jenn added tongue movements, which she wrapped around his toe as much as possible, rubbing it persistently.

“Ahh...!” Tyron groaned, unaware of how sensitive his feet were to the woman's touch.

Jenna paid him little attention, focused on her task. When she finished with one toe, she moved on to the other, repeating the procedure. At the very end, she put both her toes in at the same time and caressed them together.

When she was done, she got up and climbed onto the bed, where she stood over her partner. She put her foot to his face and motioned with her finger for him to lick it thoroughly.

He wanted to suck her toes as she sucked his, but as soon as he tried, she pushed her foot away and shook her head. Having no choice, Tyron stuck out his tongue and as soon as Jenn let him, he greedily ran his tongue over her toes, sole, heel. First on one foot, then on the other.

When the girl was satisfied with his work, she lay down on top of him, facing his face. Her hard nipples dug painfully into his chest. She placed one foot on his stiff cock, and put the other on from behind, catching it in the pincers. She began to move her legs simultaneously, caressing it.

At the same time, she started kissing her partner's torso. She placed single kisses on his skin, sparing no energy.

She kept staring at the expression on his face. The longer she worked on his penis, the less he could defend himself against the coming pleasure.

She focused on his nipples. Here, too, she started with kisses, but quickly moved on to something more intense. She pursed her lips and sucked. Her wet tongue caressed this sensitive spot without a moment's respite. From time to time the girl gently bit it. She worked alternately on one nipple and the other.

“Ahhh..., hahh...!” Tyron moaned louder and louder. The chains of the handcuffs tightened as he tried to break them. He closed his eyes, trying not to let pleasure overwhelm him.

Jenna was moving faster and faster. She felt his swollen cock quiver. On the other end, she reached for his face and started kissing his neck, moving upwards. He tilted his head back, fighting the wave of pleasure. She bit him on the earlobe. She dug her toes into his fleshy cock, and in this embrace, she stroked it hard several times. This tipped the scales.

“Aaaaa!” Tyron howled as an orgasm ran through his body. He leaned over as far as his partner's weight would allow, the metal chains clattering loudly. Cum shot out and landed on his crotch, but mostly on Jenn's feet.

The "witch" reached for the boy's panties lying on the floor and wiped the remnants of semen on them. Then she approached Tyron's panting face. She grabbed his nose, cutting off his air supply, and when he opened his mouth, she shoved his panties inside, gagging him. She smiled innocently at him and patted his cheek.

“Mmmm!” The boy tried to say something, but the material in his mouth effectively prevented him from doing so. He tried the bonds holding him, but they still resisted. He lifted his head and gave his partner a shocked look. However, she just put a finger to her lips, ordering him to be quiet.

Jenna returned to her partner's crotch. She spread his legs apart and started rubbing his genitals with her hand. As soon as she touched his testicles, they began to tremble. She smiled under her breath. She moved her fingers slowly, gently massaging the sensitive skin of the area, as if casually. When she reached his anus, she poked it lightly with her fingernail.

“Mmmmm!” A muffled roar of protest escaped Tyron's throat, and his body tensed like a string.

The “witch”, however, paid no attention to this. She teased this sensitive spot for a long time, and then lay down in front of it. With her dominant hand she gripped the boy's penis tightly and straightened it. The girl began to move her hand up and down caressing it. At the same time, she brought her face closer, stuck out her tongue and slowly lashed the defenseless anus.

The wet tongue first explored the space around, soaking everything in its path, circling until it reached the entrance. Without waiting for an invitation, it made its way inside. Repeating in and out movements, it penetrated the anus, caressing the innervated sensitive walls.

Tyron felt he was losing his mind. A hitherto unknown kind of pleasure spilled over his body. His muscles tensed, intensifying the sensations. He would never have thought that the stimulation of this part of the body could give him such intense pleasure. The initially unpleasant sensation turned into bliss. At the same time, he wanted to ask his partner to stop and continue this caress.

But his body made the decision for him. At one point, he felt a hot flush followed by immense relief. Once again that evening, sperm shot from his already sore cock and landed on his stomach. The moment of elation passed, the tension subsided and he collapsed on the bed exhausted.

Jenn walked over to the exhausted boy and carefully removed the gag from his mouth.

“Uf..., huf..., huff...” Tyron was panting for a good few minutes.

When he had gathered some strength, he spoke: “It was one of the most intense moments of my life. I don't know what got into you today, Cindy, but it was an otherworldly experience.

Jenna said nothing, not wanting to reveal that she was not who he thought she was. She looked curiously at her sweaty, breathing hard and sore partner. She watched his well-built chest rise and fall slowly. The girl gave him some time to rest.

She was enjoying it, and he seemed to be too. Doubts haunted her once again, but she quickly banished them. She only admitted to herself that she wished they had met under different circumstances.

“I feel more tired than ever after my team training. I have no strength for anything. Uncuff me and we'll lie down together. What do you say, Cindy?” Tyron suggested after a pause.

Jenn, however, had no intention of doing so. Instead, she straddled her partner, leaned over him, squeezed his throat, and kissed him. They savored the taste of each other's lips until she finally pulled away. She stood over the boy's crotch, crouched down, grabbed his cock in her hand, set it upright and impaled herself on it.

Tyron felt his penis disappear into his horny mistress's pussy. Although she patiently worked all evening to give her partner an erotic elation, she too got in the mood. Her pussy was wet, her body juices covered his entire cock in seconds. Jenna went lower and lower, and as soon as Tyron's cock was fully inside her, the walls of her pussy closed around him like a snare.

“I'm serious, Cindy. I really can't anym... aaaa!” He didn't finish because the “witch” dug her nails into his hips.

Ignoring him, she began to move up and down. She started raising slowly and when his penis was almost coming out, she fell with a force. Each successive fall sent a wave of pleasure through her body, fanning the flames of lust growing inside her.

Tyron, on the other hand, felt something as if an electric current had passed through his body. His penis, although swollen and sore, felt pleasure with every movement, which with the force of an avalanche reached every cell of his body.

The greater the excitement in her grew, the faster Jenna moved. Without stopping even for a second, she wet the fingers of her right hand, which she then put to her clitoris and began to caress it intensely.

“Ah..., hah...!” the girl started to moan slightly, still aware that her voice might give her away. But also aware that the further she goes, the harder it will be for her to stay in control.

Tyron couldn't take his eyes off his partner. Her movements mesmerized him. Despite his limited mobility, he followed her shapely fingers as they danced over her clit, mischievously black hair falling fiercely over her face and especially over her breasts, which bounced happily like ballerinas. He wanted to touch them, to hold them. He checked the handcuffs yet another time that evening, and they held him in place yet again. This growing desire only intensified all the sensations of which he was now a prisoner.

For the first time that day, Jenna felt like she was losing control. Her own body began to fight her. Nerve cells burst into flames. She felt that every movement, every touch, even every breath drove her crazy. The waves of pleasure she felt turned into a tsunami, the desire burning her from the inside. The longed-for end was at hand.

“Ahhh...! Ah...! Ha...! Ah...!” Their moans mingled in the air and filled the room.

Jenn decided to ultimately end it. She leaned forward and sped up. At this stage, seconds were all it took and it was over. Orgasm shook her body with great force, and when it happened, the girl jumped off her partner with the last of her strength.

Tyron came right after her. The orgasm that was his biggest of his life pushed all his muscles to the limit and made a sticky hot goo shoot out of his penis like from a volcano and cover his abdomen. After a while, he relaxed and exhausted he collapsed on the bed panting heavily.

Jenna was barely standing either, but she knew she had to disappear as soon as possible. She started putting on her witch costume. But before she could leave, Tyron spoke up.

“I know it's a silly moment to tell you this, but I fucking love you, Cindy.”

The "witch" of course did not answer.

The boy looked in her direction. 

“Already getting dressed? What about me? You haven't forgotten that you have to free me, have you?” he asked, still cheerful.

Jenn finished dressing and headed for the exit.

“Cindy? What the hell, Cindy! Are you kidding?! Untie me!

The girl opened the door, stood for a moment as if hesitating, then went out and closed the door behind her. Tyron's furious screams echoed as she left.

A little bit later

The bedroom door opened and someone turned on the light.

“Hello? Is anybody out there? Can you free me?” a male voice spoke.

“Tyron?” Cindy asked in surprise, who flew into a fury after a second as soon as she saw that her boyfriend was lying naked and covered in cum. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!”

“What does it mean?! You left me here, you stupid bitch!”

“You motherfucker! You leave me alone with a whole party on my head and in the meantime fuck some chick on the side?!”

What do you mean by "chick"! We had sex together and it was great! Is there something wrong with your head?!

“Something wrong with my head?! You're a fucking liar and a pervert! I never want to see you again! We're done!” she screamed and furiously ran out of the room slamming the door.

“What the hell?! Cindy?! Come back here! Cindy...!”

Written by Warzkos
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