Sally and James lead two very different lives. Their first life was very much like every other married couple’s life. They went to work, they paid their bills on time, and spent most of their spare time running the kids around to sports. They were even part of the school PTA at the local Christian school. Sally volunteered from time to time at the school while James helped out at the local Men’s Shed, helping older members of the community build and work with their hands through their retired years. At a quick glance the life they led was no different to every other person with no hint of anything hidden.
The other side to their life together was the opposite, something darker, something hidden from the everyday world around them. It was their Second Life, one that many who knew them would have been shocked maybe even unable to believe that it was the genuine happy married couple they saw from day to day.
Sitting at her desk at work you may have been mistaken that Sally was engrossed at what was in front of her on the computer, but you would have been wrong. While her hands typed away at the key board her mind thinking of other things. Instead of her work she was pondering on what was hidden under her clean virgin white blouse and navy blue pencil skirt. It was an outfit that had been placed out for her by her Master, not her husband James but instead the second side to her husband; James the Master; James the Dominant.
What Sally had found laid out in the bathroom for her that morning was a very small and seductive lingerie set. It was not very practical, not the most comfortable but most undeniably sensuous and sexy and very much something that the other side of her would wear. She never said a word to James about it that morning and he never even hinted that he had put it out for her or even that he was aware of the outfit hidden beneath her everyday work outfit.
The outfit? It was something very different and she was not even sure you would call it lingerie it felt almost like bondage rope but in the shape of lingerie. The top was like a black lace corset, it fitted her body perfectly holding her tightly in place with its soft lace hugging her. The corset did not have the typical cups to support and hold her breasts instead there was barely anything covering her breasts, only just a small triangle of lace enough to tickle her nipples as it rubbed against her. When she had put it on that morning her breasts had spilled out either side of the lace triangles and where outlined by the black string that ran either side of her breasts and over her shoulders. The only real support came more from the tight lower part of the corset then the lace scarcely covering her nipples and the lace around it.
The panties where very similar to the top. It was a series of straps holding the smallest black lace that only just covered her, it took her some time to even work out how to put it on as it was a spider web of black rope. Once she had worked it out the panties where like an expertly tied rope across her thighs, hips and around her buttocks.
The whole outfit was tight, very tight and no matter how she moved or positioned herself the tight black rope of the lingerie bit lightly into her soft subtle skin. Even the soft every day normal clothing she wore over the top did not overcome the harsh tight feeling that clasped her body. This was what had her so distracted at her desk right now. The feeling of the outfit her Master had given her to wear tightly holding her body, reminding of her not of the life that was seen by everyone else but the life she led behind closed doors with her husband, her Master.
When James arrived home from work the normal every day Friday routine was in full swing. Sally was in the kitchen cooking, the kids where doing their homework and once again every day normal life was rolling along. James did little to hint that he had any knowledge of the lingerie that his wife had hidden under her clothing as she toiled in the kitchen. It actually made her question if it really was James who had laid out the outfit for her but after all who else could it have been?
Though he gave no hint of it he had actually spent the day thinking about it just as much as Sally had been. He had been distracted at work all day by the thought of the hidden secrets that his wife had been wearing all day. To have seen him no one would have guessed that while he worked away his mind was preoccupied with what the night would bring, what his second life would lead them to once the sun set.
Only once throughout the night did he come close to acknowledging what was under his wife’s outfit. It was like a lightning strike when it happened. Just as Sally was finishing up the dishes after dinner he walked past her and brushed his hand ever so lightly over the curvature of her buttocks. As he dragged his finger across the navy blue skirt she wore his finger seems to linger, almost catch on the thin black string that made up the sexy lingerie panties she had on. That moment drove Sally crazy, all day she had longed for his touch and to be so close but so far was like a lightning bolt ripping though her body with unimaginable force… and it was only the lightest of touches.
Sally had done her best to seem so unaffected by his touch but both of them knew that was not the case. She even let out a little whimper at his touch but then he was gone again going through the nightly routine, going about cleaning this, putting away that saying nothing about the touch they had just shared.
Just part nine pm the house was quiet, the kids asleep, the world winding down for the night. Sally and James sat under their back patio looking out over the darkness that was their twenty acre property they owned. It was almost eerily silent but something they had both grown to love during the time they had lived in their own little paradise away from the world. Hidden by the dark was a below ground salt water pool as well in the not too far distance a silhouette of a larger then normal shed.
Not a word past between them as they sat there looking into the night sky. They both had a glass of wine and like many other people in the world where quietly enjoying each other’s company as the night rolled on. Of course this was about to change as very soon they both knew it would be time to step into their second life the one that they had been thinking of all day.
As Sally finished her glass of wine James stood up taking it from her and placing it onto the table next to her.
“It’s time,” he said quietly to her. His words sucking the breath from her lungs, it was the words she had wanted to hear since she had found what he had laid out for her to wear that morning.
“Yes Master,” she replied softly already putty in his hands understanding her role as his sub. After all day thinking about what may be coming it was now time, now time for them to enter their second life.
Standing up in front of her James offered her his hand and helped her to stand in front of him. He did not say another word to her, he did not need to as Sally would do anything to please him. She loved to submit to him and the feeling of completely giving all her control to him was one she loved and craved over and over again.
Almost painfully slowly James button by button started to undo her virgin white blouse as they stood together under the back patio. Each time his fingers brushed her skin it sent an electric shock through her body, hours of anticipation to this moment had made her hyper sensitive.
Finally, once all her blouse buttons where undone James slide his hands across her shoulders dragging her blouse down and letting the top slide down her arms and fall onto the wooden deck they stood on. He seemed to not react to the fact her breasts where hardly covered by the small and tight corset top but she could see a lustful burning in his eyes that was undeniable.
In silence he continued sliding his hands behind her and along the small of her back until he found the zip to her navy blue pencil skirt. It was like it was in super slow motion, Sally could feel each of the teeth undoing on her zip as he slowly lowered it. The expectation of what was to come was driving her crazy, she wanted to scream just rip it off but he was in control and he knew just what he was doing.
After what seemed like forever Sally’s skirt was freed, falling to the wooden deck to join her blouse. She stood there in the cool night air the outfit that had been hidden all day now on display to her Master. Sally made no attempt to hide herself from him, she knew he did not want that so instead she stood as confidently as she could in front of him. Her breathing had become deeper as her excitement was becoming harder to hide.
Still without a word between them James stood admiring his wife’s body and the lingerie she has been wearing for him for the day. The mix of small amounts of lace and rope made her outfit look more like Japanese Shibari then underwear. The black rope of her underwear was wrapped around her body so tightly it fitted her perfectly highlighting each and every one of her curves as well as caressing her in a way that he knew would have been on her mind all day.
James took his wife’s hand and slowly lead her from the back patio. With no resistance or hesitation at all Sally let herself be led by her husband leaving her clothing sitting on the wooden deck as they made their way down the steps and into the darkness of the night. The only sound around was the sound of her black high heels on the back deck which James had left on her along with the lingerie. Of course these where not your everyday heels but six inch black strapped stilettos which perfectly matched the lingerie she was wearing. She had not worn these to work that day but slipped into them when she had arrived home and had been wearing them as James had entered the house.
Step by step Sally followed her husband into the night, the cool night air made her skin tingle as she worked wore nothing other than string lingerie. The silhouette of the shed seemed to be more prominent now as they walked into the darkness away from the house. Though the large double roller doors where at the front James lead Sally down the side of the shed down a small pathway that ran down the left side and to the back of the shed. During the day this path was hard to see and if you didn’t know it was there you would not have noticed it hidden behind a shrubbery that bordered the sides of the shed.
With only the glow of the moon James was able to lead Sally around to the door he was looking for. The door itself looked like it was never used, it was old wooded and weathered with flaking paint, it looked as though it would not even open. The only real hint that it was ever used was the new chrome door locks, that seemed so out of place on that door.
James reached into his pocket to find a single silver key which slipped into the lock effortlessly. In the dead of the night the harsh metallic click of the door lock was so distinctively final. The sound gave Sally a flood of emotions from outright fear a frenzied ecstasy that washed over her. She did her best not to show her true feelings but her body always gave her away drawing in a huge breath as James opened up the door.
Even though the door looked so old it opened with ease. Behind the door was a thick black curtain hiding everything behind it, it was even darker then the night sky above them. The curtain was bordered with a silver braided rope that was the only indicator that it was a curtain at all. James slowly parted the heavy black curtain and stepped into the room leading Sally who followed with a nervous excited feeling one she always got when she was lead into this room.
As Sally stepped into the room the first thing she always noticed was the smell. It was not a dark musty smell like you would expect having seen the shed from the outside. Instead it was a mix of fresh leather, polished wood like that of meticulously cared for furniture. It was not an overpowering smell but one that you could easily pick even without looking around the room.
The room was dark with accents of red and silver splashed here and there. Most of the furniture around the room was black satin stained wood that was covered in black or red leather. There was a number of odd shaped furniture in the room not just your run of the mill household furniture. Most of it looking more in place in a torture chamber then in a shed of a happily married everyday couple.
James lead Sally to the red and black leather ottoman that was nicely positioned in the middle of the dark room. Sally was sure that through out the night he must have snuck off to set the room up for her as he had done so many times before for her. The air con was on making the room a perfect temperature even though her skin felt cold wearing next to nothing she knew it would not be long until she would be feeling as thought she was on fire.
James guided Sally, careful not to touch her body only her hand as he did so.
“Do not move,” he pointed to a spot in front of the ottoman, his words almost a whisper but yet still so commanding and strong. The sound of his voice made her heart melt and her body crave his, a day of her mind wondering to this moment had been an intense build up and one she may not be able to take any longer.
Sally did as she was told not even contemplating disobeying her Master. James ran his hand from hers ever so slowly letting his fingers find Sally’s left wrist. He then stretched her arm up above her head finding the leather and chrome cuff that was hanging from a chrome chain and spreader bar from a beam in the ceiling. He did not look away from Sally as he did so, instead staring into her eyes, into her soul as he worked the cuff around her left wrist and tightened it.
James then did the same with her right wrist leaving Sally stretched almost uncomfortably from the ceiling by the two leather cuffs, chains and spreader bar her arms wide apart and now struggling for her feet to reach the floor. The tiny lace corset she was wearing could no longer contain Sally’s breasts as she was stretched like that them spilling out of the top no longer covered by the small amount of lace that had done so before.
Being stretched like that Sally felt so on display so open and venerable to him. There was nothing she could do even if she wanted to. She could feel the tight grasp of the leather on her wrists and the way her skin felt stretched as she was now almost hanging from the ceiling at the mercy of her master.
James slowly moved behind her listening as her breathing became more intense with every second. He had hardly laid a finger on her but he could see the way she had become so turned on, her chest heaving up and down with every deep breath and her nipples standing erect now exposed from the small lace triangles that no longer covered her breasts. He could not help but smile, he knew that all the anticipation of the day, was finally catching up to Sally as she tried so desperately to stay in control of her own body but was plainly losing that battle.
Sally could not see James anymore and it was driving her wild. The cuffs felt as though they were digging into her skin as she stood there stretched out for her Master. It was the same feeling the lingerie had been giving her all day, not so tight as to be painful but tight enough to make her fully aware she was no longer in control. That thought drove her wild. Her skin no longer felt cold but hot to touch and almost like it was in fire so hyper sensitive and she knew the second James touched her she would lose the last amount of control she had over herself.
That moment came seconds later with James’s finger tips running over her lower back. The touch was so light but so electric making her let out a slight moan as he dragged his fingers over the top of the upper band of her black panties. She thought her knees where going to give way and it was really only the cuffs that held her that really kept her standing at that stage.
As though James hardly noticed her reaction he continued not giving her a chance to catch her breath but continuing to touch her lover back and the curvature of her upper buttocks. In one sudden and swift movement James hooked his fingers under the panties Sally was wearing and pulled them from her hips, not stopping until they were at her feet.
“Ooo...” was all Sally could say; a mix of shock and surprise as he had taken off her panties on one swift movement. This left Sally now standing there in only the black lace corset top and six-inch stiletto heels. She could not see James or turn to see him due to the cuffs but she knew he was standing behind her admiring her body and studying the red marks that the panties had left across her buttocks from being worn all day as he had wished her to.
Still not even giving a hint away as to what James had in mind Sally felt his hand run down her right leg ever so softly. The feeling both tickled and excited her as he did so. Once his hand reached the back of her knee he lifted her leg guiding her to place her six-inch stiletto onto the ottoman in front of her.
The other side to their life together was the opposite, something darker, something hidden from the everyday world around them. It was their Second Life, one that many who knew them would have been shocked maybe even unable to believe that it was the genuine happy married couple they saw from day to day.
Sitting at her desk at work you may have been mistaken that Sally was engrossed at what was in front of her on the computer, but you would have been wrong. While her hands typed away at the key board her mind thinking of other things. Instead of her work she was pondering on what was hidden under her clean virgin white blouse and navy blue pencil skirt. It was an outfit that had been placed out for her by her Master, not her husband James but instead the second side to her husband; James the Master; James the Dominant.
What Sally had found laid out in the bathroom for her that morning was a very small and seductive lingerie set. It was not very practical, not the most comfortable but most undeniably sensuous and sexy and very much something that the other side of her would wear. She never said a word to James about it that morning and he never even hinted that he had put it out for her or even that he was aware of the outfit hidden beneath her everyday work outfit.
The outfit? It was something very different and she was not even sure you would call it lingerie it felt almost like bondage rope but in the shape of lingerie. The top was like a black lace corset, it fitted her body perfectly holding her tightly in place with its soft lace hugging her. The corset did not have the typical cups to support and hold her breasts instead there was barely anything covering her breasts, only just a small triangle of lace enough to tickle her nipples as it rubbed against her. When she had put it on that morning her breasts had spilled out either side of the lace triangles and where outlined by the black string that ran either side of her breasts and over her shoulders. The only real support came more from the tight lower part of the corset then the lace scarcely covering her nipples and the lace around it.
The panties where very similar to the top. It was a series of straps holding the smallest black lace that only just covered her, it took her some time to even work out how to put it on as it was a spider web of black rope. Once she had worked it out the panties where like an expertly tied rope across her thighs, hips and around her buttocks.
The whole outfit was tight, very tight and no matter how she moved or positioned herself the tight black rope of the lingerie bit lightly into her soft subtle skin. Even the soft every day normal clothing she wore over the top did not overcome the harsh tight feeling that clasped her body. This was what had her so distracted at her desk right now. The feeling of the outfit her Master had given her to wear tightly holding her body, reminding of her not of the life that was seen by everyone else but the life she led behind closed doors with her husband, her Master.
When James arrived home from work the normal every day Friday routine was in full swing. Sally was in the kitchen cooking, the kids where doing their homework and once again every day normal life was rolling along. James did little to hint that he had any knowledge of the lingerie that his wife had hidden under her clothing as she toiled in the kitchen. It actually made her question if it really was James who had laid out the outfit for her but after all who else could it have been?
Though he gave no hint of it he had actually spent the day thinking about it just as much as Sally had been. He had been distracted at work all day by the thought of the hidden secrets that his wife had been wearing all day. To have seen him no one would have guessed that while he worked away his mind was preoccupied with what the night would bring, what his second life would lead them to once the sun set.
Only once throughout the night did he come close to acknowledging what was under his wife’s outfit. It was like a lightning strike when it happened. Just as Sally was finishing up the dishes after dinner he walked past her and brushed his hand ever so lightly over the curvature of her buttocks. As he dragged his finger across the navy blue skirt she wore his finger seems to linger, almost catch on the thin black string that made up the sexy lingerie panties she had on. That moment drove Sally crazy, all day she had longed for his touch and to be so close but so far was like a lightning bolt ripping though her body with unimaginable force… and it was only the lightest of touches.
Sally had done her best to seem so unaffected by his touch but both of them knew that was not the case. She even let out a little whimper at his touch but then he was gone again going through the nightly routine, going about cleaning this, putting away that saying nothing about the touch they had just shared.
Just part nine pm the house was quiet, the kids asleep, the world winding down for the night. Sally and James sat under their back patio looking out over the darkness that was their twenty acre property they owned. It was almost eerily silent but something they had both grown to love during the time they had lived in their own little paradise away from the world. Hidden by the dark was a below ground salt water pool as well in the not too far distance a silhouette of a larger then normal shed.
Not a word past between them as they sat there looking into the night sky. They both had a glass of wine and like many other people in the world where quietly enjoying each other’s company as the night rolled on. Of course this was about to change as very soon they both knew it would be time to step into their second life the one that they had been thinking of all day.
As Sally finished her glass of wine James stood up taking it from her and placing it onto the table next to her.
“It’s time,” he said quietly to her. His words sucking the breath from her lungs, it was the words she had wanted to hear since she had found what he had laid out for her to wear that morning.
“Yes Master,” she replied softly already putty in his hands understanding her role as his sub. After all day thinking about what may be coming it was now time, now time for them to enter their second life.
Standing up in front of her James offered her his hand and helped her to stand in front of him. He did not say another word to her, he did not need to as Sally would do anything to please him. She loved to submit to him and the feeling of completely giving all her control to him was one she loved and craved over and over again.
Almost painfully slowly James button by button started to undo her virgin white blouse as they stood together under the back patio. Each time his fingers brushed her skin it sent an electric shock through her body, hours of anticipation to this moment had made her hyper sensitive.
Finally, once all her blouse buttons where undone James slide his hands across her shoulders dragging her blouse down and letting the top slide down her arms and fall onto the wooden deck they stood on. He seemed to not react to the fact her breasts where hardly covered by the small and tight corset top but she could see a lustful burning in his eyes that was undeniable.
In silence he continued sliding his hands behind her and along the small of her back until he found the zip to her navy blue pencil skirt. It was like it was in super slow motion, Sally could feel each of the teeth undoing on her zip as he slowly lowered it. The expectation of what was to come was driving her crazy, she wanted to scream just rip it off but he was in control and he knew just what he was doing.
After what seemed like forever Sally’s skirt was freed, falling to the wooden deck to join her blouse. She stood there in the cool night air the outfit that had been hidden all day now on display to her Master. Sally made no attempt to hide herself from him, she knew he did not want that so instead she stood as confidently as she could in front of him. Her breathing had become deeper as her excitement was becoming harder to hide.
Still without a word between them James stood admiring his wife’s body and the lingerie she has been wearing for him for the day. The mix of small amounts of lace and rope made her outfit look more like Japanese Shibari then underwear. The black rope of her underwear was wrapped around her body so tightly it fitted her perfectly highlighting each and every one of her curves as well as caressing her in a way that he knew would have been on her mind all day.
James took his wife’s hand and slowly lead her from the back patio. With no resistance or hesitation at all Sally let herself be led by her husband leaving her clothing sitting on the wooden deck as they made their way down the steps and into the darkness of the night. The only sound around was the sound of her black high heels on the back deck which James had left on her along with the lingerie. Of course these where not your everyday heels but six inch black strapped stilettos which perfectly matched the lingerie she was wearing. She had not worn these to work that day but slipped into them when she had arrived home and had been wearing them as James had entered the house.
Step by step Sally followed her husband into the night, the cool night air made her skin tingle as she worked wore nothing other than string lingerie. The silhouette of the shed seemed to be more prominent now as they walked into the darkness away from the house. Though the large double roller doors where at the front James lead Sally down the side of the shed down a small pathway that ran down the left side and to the back of the shed. During the day this path was hard to see and if you didn’t know it was there you would not have noticed it hidden behind a shrubbery that bordered the sides of the shed.
With only the glow of the moon James was able to lead Sally around to the door he was looking for. The door itself looked like it was never used, it was old wooded and weathered with flaking paint, it looked as though it would not even open. The only real hint that it was ever used was the new chrome door locks, that seemed so out of place on that door.
James reached into his pocket to find a single silver key which slipped into the lock effortlessly. In the dead of the night the harsh metallic click of the door lock was so distinctively final. The sound gave Sally a flood of emotions from outright fear a frenzied ecstasy that washed over her. She did her best not to show her true feelings but her body always gave her away drawing in a huge breath as James opened up the door.
Even though the door looked so old it opened with ease. Behind the door was a thick black curtain hiding everything behind it, it was even darker then the night sky above them. The curtain was bordered with a silver braided rope that was the only indicator that it was a curtain at all. James slowly parted the heavy black curtain and stepped into the room leading Sally who followed with a nervous excited feeling one she always got when she was lead into this room.
As Sally stepped into the room the first thing she always noticed was the smell. It was not a dark musty smell like you would expect having seen the shed from the outside. Instead it was a mix of fresh leather, polished wood like that of meticulously cared for furniture. It was not an overpowering smell but one that you could easily pick even without looking around the room.
The room was dark with accents of red and silver splashed here and there. Most of the furniture around the room was black satin stained wood that was covered in black or red leather. There was a number of odd shaped furniture in the room not just your run of the mill household furniture. Most of it looking more in place in a torture chamber then in a shed of a happily married everyday couple.
James lead Sally to the red and black leather ottoman that was nicely positioned in the middle of the dark room. Sally was sure that through out the night he must have snuck off to set the room up for her as he had done so many times before for her. The air con was on making the room a perfect temperature even though her skin felt cold wearing next to nothing she knew it would not be long until she would be feeling as thought she was on fire.
James guided Sally, careful not to touch her body only her hand as he did so.
“Do not move,” he pointed to a spot in front of the ottoman, his words almost a whisper but yet still so commanding and strong. The sound of his voice made her heart melt and her body crave his, a day of her mind wondering to this moment had been an intense build up and one she may not be able to take any longer.
Sally did as she was told not even contemplating disobeying her Master. James ran his hand from hers ever so slowly letting his fingers find Sally’s left wrist. He then stretched her arm up above her head finding the leather and chrome cuff that was hanging from a chrome chain and spreader bar from a beam in the ceiling. He did not look away from Sally as he did so, instead staring into her eyes, into her soul as he worked the cuff around her left wrist and tightened it.
James then did the same with her right wrist leaving Sally stretched almost uncomfortably from the ceiling by the two leather cuffs, chains and spreader bar her arms wide apart and now struggling for her feet to reach the floor. The tiny lace corset she was wearing could no longer contain Sally’s breasts as she was stretched like that them spilling out of the top no longer covered by the small amount of lace that had done so before.
Being stretched like that Sally felt so on display so open and venerable to him. There was nothing she could do even if she wanted to. She could feel the tight grasp of the leather on her wrists and the way her skin felt stretched as she was now almost hanging from the ceiling at the mercy of her master.
James slowly moved behind her listening as her breathing became more intense with every second. He had hardly laid a finger on her but he could see the way she had become so turned on, her chest heaving up and down with every deep breath and her nipples standing erect now exposed from the small lace triangles that no longer covered her breasts. He could not help but smile, he knew that all the anticipation of the day, was finally catching up to Sally as she tried so desperately to stay in control of her own body but was plainly losing that battle.
Sally could not see James anymore and it was driving her wild. The cuffs felt as though they were digging into her skin as she stood there stretched out for her Master. It was the same feeling the lingerie had been giving her all day, not so tight as to be painful but tight enough to make her fully aware she was no longer in control. That thought drove her wild. Her skin no longer felt cold but hot to touch and almost like it was in fire so hyper sensitive and she knew the second James touched her she would lose the last amount of control she had over herself.
That moment came seconds later with James’s finger tips running over her lower back. The touch was so light but so electric making her let out a slight moan as he dragged his fingers over the top of the upper band of her black panties. She thought her knees where going to give way and it was really only the cuffs that held her that really kept her standing at that stage.
As though James hardly noticed her reaction he continued not giving her a chance to catch her breath but continuing to touch her lover back and the curvature of her upper buttocks. In one sudden and swift movement James hooked his fingers under the panties Sally was wearing and pulled them from her hips, not stopping until they were at her feet.
“Ooo...” was all Sally could say; a mix of shock and surprise as he had taken off her panties on one swift movement. This left Sally now standing there in only the black lace corset top and six-inch stiletto heels. She could not see James or turn to see him due to the cuffs but she knew he was standing behind her admiring her body and studying the red marks that the panties had left across her buttocks from being worn all day as he had wished her to.
Still not even giving a hint away as to what James had in mind Sally felt his hand run down her right leg ever so softly. The feeling both tickled and excited her as he did so. Once his hand reached the back of her knee he lifted her leg guiding her to place her six-inch stiletto onto the ottoman in front of her.

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It was almost a relief in a way helping her stand a bit taller to take the pressure off the cuffs that hung from the ceiling and held her in place.
James walked around Sally admiring her body as he did. He had always lover her curves, she had the kind of body that oozed sexual attractiveness and right now once again she was all his to do with as he pleased. A smirk came across his face as he noticed that Sally had once again had her pussy waxed bald just the way he loved it. There was something so sexy about it, not only did it make her look amazing but it felt amazing as well.
Sally noticed the smirk on his face as he walked around her and she knew just what he had noticed. It had only been two days ago she had gone to the beautician to have herself freshly waxed for him once more. It made her so sensitive being waxed like this and even though it had taken James some time to convince her to first try it she would not have it any way now.
James finished his inspection on Sally’s body taking his time knowing the slower he went the more it would tease her. He himself was already so hard it hurt though his erecting was well hidden under the slacks her was wearing. Teasing Sally was just as bad for him but they both loved it and he stayed completely under control.
Slowly James started once again to run his fingers along Sally’s leg. This time her left leg which was stretched straight supporting some of her weight as she dangled from the cuffs hanging from the ceiling. He felt her flinch as his fingers touched her almost as though she was shocked by his touch. He let his fingers follow the length of her leg up and across her buttocks which still had a number of marks across it from the panties that she had been wearing earlier that day.
“Please,” Sally begged the anticipation and now her precarious position she was in driving her wild. She craved for James to stop teasing her and just take her but she did not want him to stop the feeling of being completely under his control was one she had grown to love and craved every day.
Sally watched James as he come back into sight this time her walked past her and to the far wall of the shed which was also dimly lit. Sally knew just what was there, a wall full of what many would considered tools of torture then instruments of pleasure. This was part of their true second life, their hidden life, their life of BDSM.
She was breathing so heavy know, a reflection of how turned on she was as James found what he was looking for and walked back to her. He stood in silence holding in his hand a leather flogger. The black and red leather flogger hung in his hand loosely so that it was in plain sight for Sally so she knew what he had. The 29 leather fronds dangled and swaying almost hypnotically in front of Sally’s eyes once again the anticipation of the moment getting to her.
Seeing what James had in his hand made Sally instinctively hold her breath knowing what was now coming her way. She tried not to show her reaction, tried not to show how much she wanted him to continue. Memories flooded back into her mind of past experiences with the flogger and it made her wetter with expectation of what was to come.
James stepped right up to her slowly dragging the fronds of the flogger against her exposed stomach. The cold feel of the leather made her flinch slightly as she was not expecting it to feel as cold as it had.
“Punish me Master, I have been such a naughty girl today,” Sally moaned straining at her cuffs now to get closer to James. Her body also urged him on squirming a little as she struggled to get closer to him.
“Yes you have,” James said quietly, still sounding so in control of his own feelings. As he finished his sentence he expertly flicked his wrist so the fronds slapped against the smooth skin of her stomach. The sound of leather against skin reverberated in the room and Sally sounded as though she yelped having not expected the sudden movement and the feel of the fronds striking her skin.
The feel of the leather against her skin was not painful at all but more of a shock that sent a wave throughout her body. As she had flinched she pulled harder against the cuffs that held her feeling them bit into her skin reminding her that she was trapped where she was. Sally felt more of a euphoric relief that finally the anticipation of the day was over and James was starting to work her body just as she had craved all day then any fear that she was stuck and at the whim of James’s ever desire.
“Mmm yesss,” Sally moaned looking deep in his eyes craving so much more from him. “Please sir I want more I have been such a bad girl.”
Sally played the role expertly. It was more than just sliding into a role for her, this was her, this is what she wanted to be. Sally desired to be James’s sub and had so all day and right now there was nothing more she wanted in the world.
James walked around behind Sally and let the fronds slap onto her lower back on her soft and subtle skin. She moaned responding to his touch, squirming in her bonds pushing, her buttocks out towards James as an invitation for more.
Then finally came what she knew was coming. In another quick flick of his wrist the fronds of the flogger came crashing down against Sally’s left buttock in a red hot stinging manner. The squeal she let out would have been shocking or disturbing to most but it made James moan softly unable to control his own feelings hearing the mix of pleasure and pain in her cry.
It was less than a heartbeat before the fronds come crashing down again on her soft exposed skin. This time she shirked at an ear piecing level letting her master know just how much the mix of pleasure and pain was just what she had been craving throughout the day.
As James continued to flog her Sally found she had started to grip the chains that held the cuff bracing herself as time after time James continued to use the leather flogger on her. Every now and again she would bite her lip in an attempt to quiet herself but it did not work the feeling overcoming any control she had over her own body.
He was relentless not giving her any time to catch her breath before the next flogging came. A long time ago he would have hesitated at something like this but over the years they had both learned each other’s desires, wants and needs and James had learnt just how much this turned his wife on and how much she loves the mix of pleasure and pain.
“Oh fuck,” Sally screamed out bracing herself as James continued to work her buttocks with the flogger. Her body was on fire and she could feel how wet she had become even though he had not even ventured down between her legs at this stage. He body was hyper sensitive and she could feel everything, from the leather cuffs lightly biting into her wrists to the way her lace corset was now pinching against her erect nipples as her breasts where falling out of the top.
Finally, for what felt like forever James stopped using the flogger Sally now completely out of breath and in a state of being so turned on she could hardly stand. He saw the way her buttocks now glowed a rosy red from where her had worked her body with the leather flogger. He knew it would not bruise her in any way but he knew that her buttocks would be red and raw for some time to come.
He ran his hands over the red areas lightly rubbing her which made Sally moan more and more. She even starched her body just that little bit more so that she could press her butt against his hand as he rubber her.
“Please Master, I want you. I want you!” Sally pleaded wanting to feel James inside of her so desperately now that it was more painful than the flogger could have ever been. Even with her begging nothing seemed to happen, her cry’s where met with nothing but his silence as she writhed and twisted as much as she could against her bonds. What she did not know was behind her James had taken all of his clothing off exposing his hard erecting also not wanting to wait any longer.
Before Sally’s mind could keep up James was inside of her. In one swift movement he had lifted her other leg onto the ottoman, pulled her hips back as far as her bonds would let him and positioned her in such a way that he could easily slide into her from behind. His hard cock parted her wet waxed pussy with ease sliding in all the way to the hilt until he could not be in her any deeper if he tried.
“Aaaa...” all Sally could do was scream as with almost with no warning James entered her and the familiar wave of her climax washed over her body. James clawed at her hair bending her body back towards him as he held himself deep inside of her holding her as his captive as her orgasm made her body convulse against him and her bonds.
Sally did not bother to try and control herself instead let James continue to hold her tightly in position her breasts now completely fallen out of the corset top as she was bent over back toward him. He was not moving inside of her but he didn’t need to just having his cock inside of her was too much to bear. Wave after wave she continued to climax feeling the way her pleasure was now wetting his cock as she squirted over him uncontrollably.
As her orgasm subsided the only thing keeping her standing upright was the cuffs around her hands and the way James was pulling her hair to force her back onto his cock impaling her in position. Sally did her best to catch her breath but she was fighting a losing battle as he had no intention of giving her any time to recover.
James started to pound away at his wife’s pussy, almost the second she started to recover. He held her tightly pulling her hair to arching her back as he slid in and out of her now dripping wet pussy.
“Fuck fuck,” Sally yelped feeling how hard he was as he fucked her hard his hips slapping into her buttocks each time he drove himself as deep into her as he could. She could feel the way it took no time at all for him to also get close to climaxing his cock pulsing inside of her with each thrust, there was no way he was going to last much longer inside of him and she didn’t want him to she wanted to feel him cumming.
James let out a groan as he exploded deep inside of his sub his member pulsing deep in her filling her with his white hot cum as he did so. He flooded her so quickly that it over flowed from her, she could even feel his cum running down her thighs as he continued to cum inside of her. His grip on her was like a vice pinning her by her hair and pulling her back onto him making sure there was no where she could go as he came over and over inside of her.
Sally’s legs where useless now only James and the cuffs seeming to be hold her up off the floor. As James now also fought to catch his breath He slowly started to release his grip from her letting the cuffs take all of her weight.
“Oh Master thank you,” Sally said breathless as she felt completely drained by the events that she had just experienced. She felt as though she had been used purely by her Master but not used because he was mean or used because of hate. She felt used because of his uncontrollable desire to be with her, because of his need to have her that could not be satisfied by anyone else on this world.
James slowly slid back out of her and walked around to stand in front of her.
“Good girl,” he whispered leaning in and kissing his wife deeply for the first time that day. It would have looked like the most romantic kiss between lovers if it had not been for the leather cuffs, chains and the flogger resting on the ground in front of her. He lightly clasped the curvature of her beasts as they continued their euphoric embarrass.
After a small amount of time he reached up to release Sally’s bonds but as he did she pulled back from him a little and looked at him with a cheeky smile.
“Oh Master, if you let me go there is no telling what I may do to you,” This made James stopped to contemplate his next actions. He wondered what Sally may have in mind after he had teased her, flogged her and fucked her.
“Mmmhmm,” was his only reaction no longer reaching for her bonds but looking at his wife as though he was trying to work out what to do with her now.
“Please Master,” Sally begged smiling at her with the most sexual smile that made James hard again in seconds.
James reached up and unhooked the chain from the ceiling, not undoing the leather cuffs but still freeing her from her bonds. He did it slow enough to make sure that Sally could support her own weight as he could see her body still drained from the experience she had just had.
Sally dropped to her knees in front of her Master partly due to exhaustion partly because she wanted James more than just what she had had, she wanted to continue to serve her Master. Having him once was just not enough and right now she wanted him more, she felt greedy she wanted more and nothing would stop that. The lust she felt was uncontrollable and she had no desire to control it.
“Master… fuck my mouth,” Sally pleaded opening her mouth in front of her Master offering her mouth to his hard cum covered cock in front for her.
James did not need to be asked twice, he slide his hard cock into Sally’s waiting willing mouth. He was so hard and to see her submitting to her so openly so unrestricted was such a turn on to him.
Sally could taste the salty mix of both his and her own cum on his cock as he slid it into her mouth. The taste was so slutty, so naughty and so taboo to her and she loved it, it triggered something deep inside of her that was nothing short of pure lust. She craved more and there was no holding her back. She forced her mouth over his cock and swallowed him as deep as she could taking all of his manhood into her mouth even though she knew it would make her gag and choke.
“Fuck,” James moaned as he hard his wife choking his cock down as well as feeling her warm wet mouth envelop him. He could feel her pushing herself onto him as much as she could taking him as deep as her body would let her not even backing down as the sound of her gagging on her cock echoed in the room.
James started to lose control, fucking Sally’s mouth just as he had her pussy earlier. Her mouth was so warm and wet it felt just like her pussy and was so easy to slid in and out of her as he did. He knew he would not last long again feeling the buildup of cum deep inside of him.
With no time to spare he pulled back from his wife’s mouth and exploded across her willing waiting face.
“Yes Master, yes,” she urged him on as he came once again his cock pumping his white hot sperm but this time over his wife’s pretty face and not inside of her. He watched as Sally did her best to contain him as he seemed to keep cumming, over eight strong large spurts of cum streamed across her face, lips, hair and even over her exposed breasts.
As James came Sally felt her own uncontrollable climax as well unable to hold back such a feeling of being so naughty, so slutty letting him cum over her like he was. She reached down with her free hand and rubber her cum soaked pussy to bring on her own climax enjoying the experience and sharing her orgasm with her Master as he came.
Time stood still as slowly their orgasms subsided, James knelt down in front of his wife catching his breath but also taking in the sight that was his wife. She knelt there her, face dripping with his cum, her lips shinny with a mix of saliva and cum and her heaving chest and breasts also coated in ropes of his cum. She had the cuties naught smile on her face which was a mix of satisfaction and exhaustion.
Slowly James leaned in and kissed Sally deeply tasting his own cum on her lips as she did. Sally moaned as he did so turned on by the fact he was not afraid to kiss her while she was covered in his cum. It felt so taboo to her and she knew the average man would never do such a thing but James was no average man, he was her Master and would do anything for her. She felt so loved as well as so turned on she would feel it in the way he kissed her.
James moved in slow motion undoing the cuffs as well as helping her up from her knees to rest on the ottoman she had kneeled in front of.
“Don’t move” he asked no longer in his demanding role as her Master but back to the caring loving husband he was. He fetched two robes from a small cupboard in the corner of the room and placed it over Sally’s shoulders helping her cover up but not cleaning his cum off her instead he left it there are a reminder to her of what had just been.
“I love you my Master,” she moaned completely satisfied by him.
James took his time and slowly gave Sally a full body massage caring for his wife and showing her how much he loved her and how much joy she brought him. After almost another hour both James and Sally made their way dressed in the robes back to the house, back to their every day married couple life.
But there was always another adventure around the corner, always another adventure in their own private world hidden in the back of the shed.
James walked around Sally admiring her body as he did. He had always lover her curves, she had the kind of body that oozed sexual attractiveness and right now once again she was all his to do with as he pleased. A smirk came across his face as he noticed that Sally had once again had her pussy waxed bald just the way he loved it. There was something so sexy about it, not only did it make her look amazing but it felt amazing as well.
Sally noticed the smirk on his face as he walked around her and she knew just what he had noticed. It had only been two days ago she had gone to the beautician to have herself freshly waxed for him once more. It made her so sensitive being waxed like this and even though it had taken James some time to convince her to first try it she would not have it any way now.
James finished his inspection on Sally’s body taking his time knowing the slower he went the more it would tease her. He himself was already so hard it hurt though his erecting was well hidden under the slacks her was wearing. Teasing Sally was just as bad for him but they both loved it and he stayed completely under control.
Slowly James started once again to run his fingers along Sally’s leg. This time her left leg which was stretched straight supporting some of her weight as she dangled from the cuffs hanging from the ceiling. He felt her flinch as his fingers touched her almost as though she was shocked by his touch. He let his fingers follow the length of her leg up and across her buttocks which still had a number of marks across it from the panties that she had been wearing earlier that day.
“Please,” Sally begged the anticipation and now her precarious position she was in driving her wild. She craved for James to stop teasing her and just take her but she did not want him to stop the feeling of being completely under his control was one she had grown to love and craved every day.
Sally watched James as he come back into sight this time her walked past her and to the far wall of the shed which was also dimly lit. Sally knew just what was there, a wall full of what many would considered tools of torture then instruments of pleasure. This was part of their true second life, their hidden life, their life of BDSM.
She was breathing so heavy know, a reflection of how turned on she was as James found what he was looking for and walked back to her. He stood in silence holding in his hand a leather flogger. The black and red leather flogger hung in his hand loosely so that it was in plain sight for Sally so she knew what he had. The 29 leather fronds dangled and swaying almost hypnotically in front of Sally’s eyes once again the anticipation of the moment getting to her.
Seeing what James had in his hand made Sally instinctively hold her breath knowing what was now coming her way. She tried not to show her reaction, tried not to show how much she wanted him to continue. Memories flooded back into her mind of past experiences with the flogger and it made her wetter with expectation of what was to come.
James stepped right up to her slowly dragging the fronds of the flogger against her exposed stomach. The cold feel of the leather made her flinch slightly as she was not expecting it to feel as cold as it had.
“Punish me Master, I have been such a naughty girl today,” Sally moaned straining at her cuffs now to get closer to James. Her body also urged him on squirming a little as she struggled to get closer to him.
“Yes you have,” James said quietly, still sounding so in control of his own feelings. As he finished his sentence he expertly flicked his wrist so the fronds slapped against the smooth skin of her stomach. The sound of leather against skin reverberated in the room and Sally sounded as though she yelped having not expected the sudden movement and the feel of the fronds striking her skin.
The feel of the leather against her skin was not painful at all but more of a shock that sent a wave throughout her body. As she had flinched she pulled harder against the cuffs that held her feeling them bit into her skin reminding her that she was trapped where she was. Sally felt more of a euphoric relief that finally the anticipation of the day was over and James was starting to work her body just as she had craved all day then any fear that she was stuck and at the whim of James’s ever desire.
“Mmm yesss,” Sally moaned looking deep in his eyes craving so much more from him. “Please sir I want more I have been such a bad girl.”
Sally played the role expertly. It was more than just sliding into a role for her, this was her, this is what she wanted to be. Sally desired to be James’s sub and had so all day and right now there was nothing more she wanted in the world.
James walked around behind Sally and let the fronds slap onto her lower back on her soft and subtle skin. She moaned responding to his touch, squirming in her bonds pushing, her buttocks out towards James as an invitation for more.
Then finally came what she knew was coming. In another quick flick of his wrist the fronds of the flogger came crashing down against Sally’s left buttock in a red hot stinging manner. The squeal she let out would have been shocking or disturbing to most but it made James moan softly unable to control his own feelings hearing the mix of pleasure and pain in her cry.
It was less than a heartbeat before the fronds come crashing down again on her soft exposed skin. This time she shirked at an ear piecing level letting her master know just how much the mix of pleasure and pain was just what she had been craving throughout the day.
As James continued to flog her Sally found she had started to grip the chains that held the cuff bracing herself as time after time James continued to use the leather flogger on her. Every now and again she would bite her lip in an attempt to quiet herself but it did not work the feeling overcoming any control she had over her own body.
He was relentless not giving her any time to catch her breath before the next flogging came. A long time ago he would have hesitated at something like this but over the years they had both learned each other’s desires, wants and needs and James had learnt just how much this turned his wife on and how much she loves the mix of pleasure and pain.
“Oh fuck,” Sally screamed out bracing herself as James continued to work her buttocks with the flogger. Her body was on fire and she could feel how wet she had become even though he had not even ventured down between her legs at this stage. He body was hyper sensitive and she could feel everything, from the leather cuffs lightly biting into her wrists to the way her lace corset was now pinching against her erect nipples as her breasts where falling out of the top.
Finally, for what felt like forever James stopped using the flogger Sally now completely out of breath and in a state of being so turned on she could hardly stand. He saw the way her buttocks now glowed a rosy red from where her had worked her body with the leather flogger. He knew it would not bruise her in any way but he knew that her buttocks would be red and raw for some time to come.
He ran his hands over the red areas lightly rubbing her which made Sally moan more and more. She even starched her body just that little bit more so that she could press her butt against his hand as he rubber her.
“Please Master, I want you. I want you!” Sally pleaded wanting to feel James inside of her so desperately now that it was more painful than the flogger could have ever been. Even with her begging nothing seemed to happen, her cry’s where met with nothing but his silence as she writhed and twisted as much as she could against her bonds. What she did not know was behind her James had taken all of his clothing off exposing his hard erecting also not wanting to wait any longer.
Before Sally’s mind could keep up James was inside of her. In one swift movement he had lifted her other leg onto the ottoman, pulled her hips back as far as her bonds would let him and positioned her in such a way that he could easily slide into her from behind. His hard cock parted her wet waxed pussy with ease sliding in all the way to the hilt until he could not be in her any deeper if he tried.
“Aaaa...” all Sally could do was scream as with almost with no warning James entered her and the familiar wave of her climax washed over her body. James clawed at her hair bending her body back towards him as he held himself deep inside of her holding her as his captive as her orgasm made her body convulse against him and her bonds.
Sally did not bother to try and control herself instead let James continue to hold her tightly in position her breasts now completely fallen out of the corset top as she was bent over back toward him. He was not moving inside of her but he didn’t need to just having his cock inside of her was too much to bear. Wave after wave she continued to climax feeling the way her pleasure was now wetting his cock as she squirted over him uncontrollably.
As her orgasm subsided the only thing keeping her standing upright was the cuffs around her hands and the way James was pulling her hair to force her back onto his cock impaling her in position. Sally did her best to catch her breath but she was fighting a losing battle as he had no intention of giving her any time to recover.
James started to pound away at his wife’s pussy, almost the second she started to recover. He held her tightly pulling her hair to arching her back as he slid in and out of her now dripping wet pussy.
“Fuck fuck,” Sally yelped feeling how hard he was as he fucked her hard his hips slapping into her buttocks each time he drove himself as deep into her as he could. She could feel the way it took no time at all for him to also get close to climaxing his cock pulsing inside of her with each thrust, there was no way he was going to last much longer inside of him and she didn’t want him to she wanted to feel him cumming.
James let out a groan as he exploded deep inside of his sub his member pulsing deep in her filling her with his white hot cum as he did so. He flooded her so quickly that it over flowed from her, she could even feel his cum running down her thighs as he continued to cum inside of her. His grip on her was like a vice pinning her by her hair and pulling her back onto him making sure there was no where she could go as he came over and over inside of her.
Sally’s legs where useless now only James and the cuffs seeming to be hold her up off the floor. As James now also fought to catch his breath He slowly started to release his grip from her letting the cuffs take all of her weight.
“Oh Master thank you,” Sally said breathless as she felt completely drained by the events that she had just experienced. She felt as though she had been used purely by her Master but not used because he was mean or used because of hate. She felt used because of his uncontrollable desire to be with her, because of his need to have her that could not be satisfied by anyone else on this world.
James slowly slid back out of her and walked around to stand in front of her.
“Good girl,” he whispered leaning in and kissing his wife deeply for the first time that day. It would have looked like the most romantic kiss between lovers if it had not been for the leather cuffs, chains and the flogger resting on the ground in front of her. He lightly clasped the curvature of her beasts as they continued their euphoric embarrass.
After a small amount of time he reached up to release Sally’s bonds but as he did she pulled back from him a little and looked at him with a cheeky smile.
“Oh Master, if you let me go there is no telling what I may do to you,” This made James stopped to contemplate his next actions. He wondered what Sally may have in mind after he had teased her, flogged her and fucked her.
“Mmmhmm,” was his only reaction no longer reaching for her bonds but looking at his wife as though he was trying to work out what to do with her now.
“Please Master,” Sally begged smiling at her with the most sexual smile that made James hard again in seconds.
James reached up and unhooked the chain from the ceiling, not undoing the leather cuffs but still freeing her from her bonds. He did it slow enough to make sure that Sally could support her own weight as he could see her body still drained from the experience she had just had.
Sally dropped to her knees in front of her Master partly due to exhaustion partly because she wanted James more than just what she had had, she wanted to continue to serve her Master. Having him once was just not enough and right now she wanted him more, she felt greedy she wanted more and nothing would stop that. The lust she felt was uncontrollable and she had no desire to control it.
“Master… fuck my mouth,” Sally pleaded opening her mouth in front of her Master offering her mouth to his hard cum covered cock in front for her.
James did not need to be asked twice, he slide his hard cock into Sally’s waiting willing mouth. He was so hard and to see her submitting to her so openly so unrestricted was such a turn on to him.
Sally could taste the salty mix of both his and her own cum on his cock as he slid it into her mouth. The taste was so slutty, so naughty and so taboo to her and she loved it, it triggered something deep inside of her that was nothing short of pure lust. She craved more and there was no holding her back. She forced her mouth over his cock and swallowed him as deep as she could taking all of his manhood into her mouth even though she knew it would make her gag and choke.
“Fuck,” James moaned as he hard his wife choking his cock down as well as feeling her warm wet mouth envelop him. He could feel her pushing herself onto him as much as she could taking him as deep as her body would let her not even backing down as the sound of her gagging on her cock echoed in the room.
James started to lose control, fucking Sally’s mouth just as he had her pussy earlier. Her mouth was so warm and wet it felt just like her pussy and was so easy to slid in and out of her as he did. He knew he would not last long again feeling the buildup of cum deep inside of him.
With no time to spare he pulled back from his wife’s mouth and exploded across her willing waiting face.
“Yes Master, yes,” she urged him on as he came once again his cock pumping his white hot sperm but this time over his wife’s pretty face and not inside of her. He watched as Sally did her best to contain him as he seemed to keep cumming, over eight strong large spurts of cum streamed across her face, lips, hair and even over her exposed breasts.
As James came Sally felt her own uncontrollable climax as well unable to hold back such a feeling of being so naughty, so slutty letting him cum over her like he was. She reached down with her free hand and rubber her cum soaked pussy to bring on her own climax enjoying the experience and sharing her orgasm with her Master as he came.
Time stood still as slowly their orgasms subsided, James knelt down in front of his wife catching his breath but also taking in the sight that was his wife. She knelt there her, face dripping with his cum, her lips shinny with a mix of saliva and cum and her heaving chest and breasts also coated in ropes of his cum. She had the cuties naught smile on her face which was a mix of satisfaction and exhaustion.
Slowly James leaned in and kissed Sally deeply tasting his own cum on her lips as she did. Sally moaned as he did so turned on by the fact he was not afraid to kiss her while she was covered in his cum. It felt so taboo to her and she knew the average man would never do such a thing but James was no average man, he was her Master and would do anything for her. She felt so loved as well as so turned on she would feel it in the way he kissed her.
James moved in slow motion undoing the cuffs as well as helping her up from her knees to rest on the ottoman she had kneeled in front of.
“Don’t move” he asked no longer in his demanding role as her Master but back to the caring loving husband he was. He fetched two robes from a small cupboard in the corner of the room and placed it over Sally’s shoulders helping her cover up but not cleaning his cum off her instead he left it there are a reminder to her of what had just been.
“I love you my Master,” she moaned completely satisfied by him.
James took his time and slowly gave Sally a full body massage caring for his wife and showing her how much he loved her and how much joy she brought him. After almost another hour both James and Sally made their way dressed in the robes back to the house, back to their every day married couple life.
But there was always another adventure around the corner, always another adventure in their own private world hidden in the back of the shed.