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"In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas corpora. - Ovid"

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Competition Entry: Time Travel

Author's Notes

"Dear Reader, Just in case you are not familiar with the phenomenon: a dickgirl, also sometimes called a futanari, or futa, is a fictional/mythical, fully female character who also sports a penis – usually large, often with testicles, and generally with a massive libido to boot. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Dickgirls are not to be confused with hermaphrodites, or transsexuals, or ladyboys, or shemales. If you are interested in learning more, is an interesting website."


Ich komme, ich komme, grünende Brüder…

“I am coming, I am coming,” I sing, as my soft arms extend heavenwards – curling, flexing, fashioning out of my imagination leaves, vines, boughs of ash and laurel – as I embrace the gift of mother-goddess to water-nymph. Below me, strings churn and gambol, myriad-divided, like the viridescent light which shines dappled through my branches. Sinewy lines of unseen woodwind twist and twine upwards. “I am coming, my verdant brothers. Sweetly rises in me the sap of the earth.” Süß durchströmt mich der Erde Saft…

Violins shimmer, clarionet triplets caress my supple bark, a single hautboy ascends plaintively from earth to orb, eliciting my delicate echo, which soars where my soul has always been destined to fly. Violoncello flageolets bear me skywards, hovering between F-sharp major and a dissonant dominant seventh. “Gather my branches… accept me as a sign of eternal love…” Nehmt mich als Zeichen einziger Liebe… I sing, as my pentatonic ostinato fades into eternity. I am she who has been transformed.

But the audience never understand eternity. They want it to end too soon, to catch their trains home to the grime and squalor of their paltry lives. And they want to applaud, as if by some pathetic act of adulation they can sit in judgment on perfection. “Brava! Bravissima!” come the cries, the bouquets, the ovations. I smile sweetly, and bow dutifully. But I know that true joy lies beyond, for, like Gaia and Zeus, Ovid and Euripides, Gregor and Strauss, I too have touched eternity.


Lucy’s eyes are full of tears as she enters my dressing-room and embraces me. “Oh my god, Daph, that was wonderful!” She checks around her, before kissing me delicately on the lips, so as not to swallow too much makeup. “I love you, baby,” she smiles with shining eyes as she pulls back to gaze through mine into the beyond which still flickers, not quite extinguished, within.

“Let me get all this shit off my face, Luce,” I say, “and then you can give me a proper kiss, hey?” She grins mischievously, her short blond bob dancing as she nods. She is beautiful as sunrise, and my heart leaps to watch her.

Thirty minutes later, my dressing-room door is locked, and we lie naked on my couch caressing each other’s breasts. Hers are full and round and luscious, like ripe peaches; mine are small, like the budding leaves which graced my costume less than an hour ago. She kisses mine, taking little nibbles which send shivers through my body. Gently I hum Strauss’s final ecstasy-perfect F-sharp ostinato, as her lips explore my whole body from branch to root, sucking, nibbling, licking, caressing.

By the time she begins to taste my fertility, my cunt is moist as rich soil, damp as leaves in warm drizzle. Her tongue probes lovingly into my soft dark matting to find my clit, then glides slowly down my gently parting lips to my perineum. I moan and whimper uncontrollably, the last vestiges of Strauss’s divinely crafted phrasing swept away by Lucy’s earthy, raw talent. My clit swells and emerges from its sheath, glowing, pulsating, inviting; she responds, wrapping her lips around it, gently squeezing, stroking, pressing against it with the flat of her tongue. Soon I come, my cunt spasming into her mouth, as I squirt gently onto her lips.

“Oh yeah! She is vat you call a messy soprano!” Lucy giggles, in her best Borge voice. One of my pubic hairs clings to her lower lip, and wiggles as she speaks.

I laugh heartily. I’ve heard the joke many times before; but laughing is good when you’ve just come.

There is a knock at the door. “Oh fuck,” I mutter to myself. But I call out: “Who is it?”

“Apollon,” comes the leading tenor’s voice from behind the door.

“Can it wait till later?” I call out, grimacing to Lucy, then sticking my middle finger up towards the door and mouthing, “fucking dickhead”.

“All right. Ah will come back lateur,” comes Apollon’s voice, in his ridiculous French accent.

Lucy giggles again. “The tenor enters in single file,” she quips.

“Yeah, and always with his cock in the vanguard,” I add cynically. Apollon can sing, but that is the sum total of his qualities. “Dickhead,” I repeat, before lying down over Lucy, tasting my cunt on her pale face, and feeling my tit-buds bury themselves into her luscious boobs.

Lucy loves eating me out, but has never liked receiving that way. No, it’s not just that I’m no good at it. Lucy likes to joke about how someone as orally talented as me “just can’t eat pussy right”, but even she admits that no one has ever been able to get her off orally. She just prefers the feel of cunt on cunt.

We scissor our legs together, our clits mutually flip-flopping, out vulvas flaring, our juices flowing and mingling, and Lucy starts to talk. I can always tell when she is feeling good, because her speech starts to get filthy, just as mine launches into moans, groans and song. “Oh yeah, Daph, rub that cunt of yours against me, baby. Let me feel that swollen clit of yours against mine. Oh yeah, baby, kiss my pussy hard with those fucking cunt-lips, let your cunt drool all over mine. Fuck me with that big clit of yours.”

“Hey, baby, you want me to get my strap?” I suggest.

“Got your feeldoe?” she asks, breathless.

“Yeah, hang about,” I say, as I retrieve our favourite toy from my bag. It’s a tough one to control, and works my kegels no end, but Lucy loves being filled up, and I’ll do anything to make her happy.

“Oh yeah, that’s so good, baby, fuck me with that cock of yours!” squeals Lucy as the dildo slides easily into her wet cunt. We grind back and forth against each other, the shaft of the dildo hard against her clit, the bulb-end gripped tight in my pussy. “Fuck me, darling,” she pants. “Fill up my hot cunt with that cock! Make me come, baby! Oh yeah, fucccckkkk!” she hisses through her climax.

As Lucy’s orgasm subsides and we both come down from our ecstasy, kissing and stroking each other’s sweaty bodies, she says to me, “I love it when I can feel your girlcock in me. It’s so good getting fucked by you.”

“Sounds like you’d rather have a man than me!” I laugh.

“No way!” she corrects me. “Been there, done that. Love the cocks, but you can keep the rest. No, a girl with a cock: that’s the best…”

“So… do you wish I had a real cock?” I ask. She looks at me quizzically. “In your fantasies, I mean,” I clarify.

“That’s be weird: a girl with a cock. Is there an opera about it? Ligeti, maybe?” We guffaw uproariously.

“Don’t they study that stuff in your Institute?” I tease. She looks at me, scoffing.

“No, seriously,” I continue, “if I had a real cock, and you could taste it warm and throbbing in your mouth, and you could feel it stiff and pulsating as I fuck you… and then maybe if it could come… Hey, where would you want me to come?”

“Actually, that’s one thing I do miss about men: when you feel their cock jerking and spraying as they come in your cunt. And then it’s all squidgy and gloopy inside, and you can grind your clit against their cock as it softens… and, if you’re lucky, you can squeeze one more orgasm out, and as your cunt spasms you can feel it all squishing around – oh my fucking God…!” Lucy grinds harder against me with reawakened lust, her eyes glazing over briefly – before correcting herself: “Hey, fuck, girl, what are you trying to do? Turn me straight?”

“Well,” I laugh, “if you at your fucking Institute for Sexual Medicine ever find a way of giving me a cock of my own, I’ll take it. Then I can fuck you with it every day for the rest of your life! You and me fucking, together, forever, till death do us part…”

“You’re on!” laughs Lucy.

Half an hour later, Lucy is on her way home, I have showered the last vestiges of girl-slime off my body, and I am lying on my couch resting before the evening performance. There is a knock at the door.

“Fuck,” I think. But I say: “Come in.” It is Apollon.

“Apollon, what can I do for you?”

Ah, tu es très belle, Daphné,” he warbles, his eyes ogling my dressing-gown-clad body.

Et vous êtes très gentil, Apollon,” I reply, with an attempt at courtesy. “What can I do for you?”

“Was zat your geurlfriend?” asks the tenor with a smirk, as he sits down, uninvited, on the end of my couch.

“Lucy? Yes, it was,” I say, unremarkably.

“You were ‘aving feun togezzer?” asks Apollon.

My hackles rise. “Apollon, what we were doing together is none of your business. Is that all you came to say?” I stand up, moving to open the door for him.

“Ah sink zat a beautifeull geurl like you shouldn’t be feucking ozzeur geurls. You should ‘ave a man to take care of you.”

“Apollon, get the fuck out of here now,” I say, using my considerable vocal resonance to hammer the point home.

“Ah bet you really want a cock inside you,” says Apollon with persistence. He stands up too, grabbing and pulling me close, rubbing his crotch against mine. I can feel his erection, small but stiff, rubbing against me through my dressing gown.

I do not try to remonstrate any further. With as much force as I can muster, I jerk my right knee upwards, hard into his crotch. Pleasingly, I feel it pummel into that sensitive space between his balls. He howls, clutching his crotch with both hands. “Putain de salope!” he bellows, as he retreats through the door, which I slam in his face.

I scrabble for my phone, tears streaming down my cheeks. “Luce, baby, I’m sorry, have you caught your train yet? Something awful has happened. Please, come back, I need you… What? No, I’ll explain when you get here… Oh, thank you, baby. Okay, I’ll wait for you at the Artists’ Entrance… Ten minutes? … Oh, thank you, baby, I love you.”

Ten minutes later, and I am standing, my nerves shattered, my eyes red, searching up and down Floral Street for Lucy. It is a warm summer’s evening, and the London crowds course and flow up and down the pavement. A black cab pulls up on the opposite side of the road, and I see Lucy get out and start to pay the driver.

“Luce!” I call.

Daphné…” I hear a low voice behind me. I don’t need to turn to know who it is: I’d recognise that filthy accent anywhere, and I feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. In panic I run, stepping off the pavement into the street. As I do, I hear a car screech around the corner off Bow Street. In a split second, stretched in my consciousness into a lifetime, I see the vehicle hurtling towards me, the eyes of the driver wide open in horror; I hear Lucy screaming from the other side of the street, and Apollon shouting “Non!” behind me.

It all seems to happen very slowly…

And then, everything is black. And I am not there anymore.



“She’s waking up, Doctor.” A voice echoed, disembodied, on the edge of Daphne’s consciousness.

Daphne opened her eyes, to see, as if through a blur, two women looking down at her. “Where am I?” she asked.

“The Institute for Sexual Medicine,” replied one of the women. Daphne blinked, and the woman came into focus: large, dark-skinned, with frizzy black hair, wide hips, and huge breasts bulging behind her white lab coat.

Daphne started. “Is Lucy here?” she asked, urgently.

“Lucy…” the woman replied, hesitantly. “No, I’m sorry, she isn’t here.” She smiled down at Daphne with an air of almost maternal delight.

“But she works here, doesn’t she – Lucy Kuiper? She was there when I had my accident: she was just over the road.”

“Yes, she was,” replied the other woman, approaching closer. She was smaller, thin and very pale-skinned, her light blue hair tied back in a simple ponytail. She appeared to have pointy ears, like an elf. Daphne did a double-take, shutting her eyes and re-opening them again. But the ears remained pointy, and seemed to be waving slowly back and forth.

“Where is she now? Please call her. She works here, you know.”

“She did,” said the larger woman, cautiously.

“But not any longer? What do you mean? How long have I been unconscious?” Daphne tried to get up, but realised that she couldn’t move, or feel anything in her lower half.

“Daphne, please try to stay calm,” said the dark-skinned woman with a soft reassuring voice. She smiled again, making dimples in her chubby cheeks. “You have been asleep a very long time.”

“What do you mean? How long?”

There was a pause. “Two hundred and sixteen years.”

Daphne laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. That’s impossible.”

“It was impossible, Daphne. When you had your accident, the only option was cryogenic suspension. That is what Lucy, as your next of kin, chose for you.”

“And Lucy’s…”

“Long gone, Daphne. I’m so sorry. But we can send you back to her.”

“What do you mean, ‘send me back’? How the fuck? What are you talking about?”

“We now have the technology to turn time back for you, Daphne – if you consent, that is – to give you a second chance.”

“Well, I don’t want to stay here,” said Daphne, panicking. “I want to go home.” Suddenly, the sheer horror of what had happened hit home, and Daphne howled in pain and anger, thrashing against the bed with her arms. “No! no! no!” she screamed. “This is all wrong! I want to go home!” She tried again to get up, but her lower half did not respond: she could not feel it there at all. “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I move?” she pleaded, desperately.

“Daphne,” said the woman, “when you had your accident, you were badly hurt. Your lower half was crushed between the car and the wall of the Opera House. Your pelvis was destroyed, and all the internal organs in your lower half. You were on what used to be called ‘life support’ for a long time – thanks to Lucy’s intervention. And then we – my predecessors, that is – had to rebuild you. And for that purpose, we followed the instructions Lucy left for us. Before we remove the anaesthetic on your lower half, it is important that you hear what those instructions were. May we play them to you?”

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Daphne nodded, bewildered.

The small blue-haired elf-woman clicked a button on a remote-control device, angling the head end of Daphne’s bed upwards so she could view a screen on the wall, on which a film began to play. It was Lucy, red-eyed and weeping, speaking to the camera.

“Daphne, I don’t know if you will ever hear this message. But if you do, I want you to know that I love you – more than I can possibly express. I’ve lost you, my love. But I’m going to fight with every fibre of my being to save you. You are on life-support now, in hospital. And I will not let you go, my darling. Never.”

Tears welled up in Daphne’s eyes, and she choked.

But then the film cut to a new shot. Daphne started in shock, for Lucy looked older now. Not by very much – ten years, perhaps. She spoke again to the camera, gravely, but not apparently still in distress: “Daphne, my love, you have been transferred now to my Institute. The hospital refused to keep you alive any longer. But I am the Director here now – I was promoted last year – and we have determined that we can transfer you to cryogenic suspension, to keep you safe for longer. But there is a little catch: we can only get the funding to do it if it counts as ‘research’. Exactly what comes under that heading, I am not entirely sure at present. But I will do everything to keep you safe, my love.”

“Wait a moment,” said Daphne. “What the fuck is going on? What’s she talking about? ‘Research’? What are you doing to me? Am I a guinea-pig in some experiment?”

“Sh…” said the elf-woman. “Listen…”

Lucy was speaking again now. At least, Daphne knew it must be Lucy. In some ways it was unmistakeably Lucy. But this must be Lucy forty, fifty years later, maybe – an old woman. Daphne gasped and choked at the sight, for Lucy was still beautiful, and passionate as ever – but wrinkled, spent, tired. “Daphne, my love. It has been such a long time since I last heard your voice.” Her voice was croaky, but still recognisable and familiar. “I still visit your capsule every day when I come into the Institute. You are unchanged, frozen in time – whereas I am decaying. I have cancer, my love, and I won’t be around much longer. So I must now tell you what the Institute have agreed. I hope that you, if ever you wake up, will be happy with the choice I have made for you.

“Remember how you used to say that if the Institute for Sexual Medicine ever found a way of giving you a cock of your own, you’d take it? Well, the science is still in its infancy. But it may mature in the next few decades, and the Institute have agreed to fund your ongoing cryogenic stasis in order that you can become the first human woman ever to have a real live cock, when the technology is full developed. Sadly, I won’t be around to see it, so you won’t be able to fuck me with it every day like you promised you would!” Lucy giggled – and Daphne recognised her youthful sense of mischief piercing through the old woman’s features; she grinned with delight. “But this is my last gift to you. I hope you will enjoy it. It gives me joy to think that sometime in the future you will make some other girl happy with it. Daphne, I love you so much. You know that I never believed in eternity like you do; but I will love you forever – if such a thing as ‘forever’ exists.”

The film clip ended. Daphne lay back in silence, propped up on her pillows. Tears streamed down her face, and she sobbed: tears of grief, tears of confusion, tears of joy, gratitude, love. Quietly, she sang: Nehmt mich als Zeichen einziger Liebe…

Daphne did not know how long she sat weeping. The blue-haired woman drew the curtains open, and through the window Daphne could see the sky, clear and cloudless, but with the occasional strangely-shaped airship whirring across the horizon. Eventually she sighed, “Okay. So what do we do now?”

The black woman replied. “If you are ready, Daphne, we will remove the anaesthetic, and you will be able to feel your new cock.”

Daphne laughed. “How many women do you say that to, Doctor? ‘Your new cock’! How crazy is that?”

“About two or three a week, actually, these days,” replied the Doctor, smiling. “They have become quite popular. And by the way, call me Gaia. And this is my assistant, Melia.”

Melia bent over Daphne, held a small syringe up to her upper arm, and injected something. “It should take about five minutes, Daphne,” she said, smiling.

The restoration of feeling to Daphne’s lower half was one of the strangest things she had ever experienced in her life. Part of it meant the return of sensations which were familiar to her: her toes curling, her thighs squeezing, her knees bending, her bladder filling. But there was something new and inescapable: between her thighs, something was different. She couldn’t yet see it, but it felt as if her clitoris were larger, stronger, “more significant”, she thought to herself. “Oh my God,” she whispered, as she sat up, pulled back the bedclothes, looked down – and gasped. Between her legs, where her clit used to be, was a cock. Not just a big clit – she had always had one of those – but a real cock, with a glans, a foreskin, and a pair of balls.

Daphne reached down to touch it – and instantly she felt a jolt of pleasure course through her. “Oh fuck!” she exclaimed. “That feels so good!” Her cock bobbed and twitched, and began to stiffen. “Oh my God!” she squealed, as she wrapped her hand warm and tight around her cock-head. She began to stroke slowly up and down, feeling her member stiffen further as it lengthened to some eight inches, the foreskin gently sliding back to reveal a throbbing purple head. Süß durchströmt mich der Erde Saft! she sang, as she felt a surge from deep within coursing up through her shaft. It felt, she thought, a bit like she was going to pee, or squirt – but different: it was a boiling, thick, rich sensation, rising through her column of stiff flesh till it felt ready to explode.

Gaia and Melia must have seen this happen many times before because, without saying a word, they were immediately both there by Daphne’s bedside. Gaia reached down, cupping Daphne’s balls in her hands, gently caressing them as they released their first ever ejaculation. Melia, her skin and lips turning a pale shade of blue, and her pointy ears turning and twisting (“That must be what her species does when horny,” thought Daphne to herself), leant over and wrapped her lips around Daphne’s cock-head, ready to capture her girlcum as it exploded from her cock. “FUUUUUUCK!!!” Daphne screamed, as she orgasmed as never before. She felt her cock-cream splatter against Melia’s soft palate, swashing against her own spasming glans as it gradually filled the girl’s mouth.

Melia held her blue lips tightly wrapped around Daphne’s shaft until her orgasm had ceased, then opened wide to show off her mouth full of steaming, bubbling ejaculate. She straightened up, leant over, and slowly dribbled a long gloopy rope of cum into Daphne’s mouth. “Oh fuck, it’s sweet!” Daphne exclaimed, curling her tongue around her lips to savour the taste, then swallowing it down.

“Welcome, Daphne, to the world of the dickgirl,” grinned Gaia. “We have been able to transform women in this way for some thirty years now, thanks in no small part to the expertise of scientists from Melia’s planet. Are you happy?”

“Oh yes!” Daphne laughed with joy and relief. “Lucy and I used to joke about this.”

“Would you like to stay a few days, Daphne, to get used to it? We can find you some other girls to fuck. Or some boys if you prefer?” Gaia grinned mischievously… “Or some other dickgirls?”

“But can you really send me home?”

“Oh yes, certainly,” replied Gaia. “Melia’s race have taught us a lot about that too.”

“In which case,” replied Daphne, “let’s do it now. I want to see Lucy again. I want to talk to her, to touch her, and…” Daphne giggled, “I want to… well, you know…”

“Fuck her with that cock every day for the rest of your life?”

“Too fucking right!” Daphne grinned.

“Well, then, Daphne,” said Gaia, indicating a glass-fronted wardrobe in the corner of the room, “you will need to enter this booth. I can’t be sure exactly when and where you will reappear in your own time – though we will do our best, and it will definitely be at some space-time point along your original trajectory. You will replace your parallel self when- or wherever you appear. Best not to tell anyone, except, of course, Lucy: she won’t be expecting your, uh, changes. But if you explain, I am sure she will find it… amusing. Oh, and be careful: don’t make your original mistake and run out into the street – or we may be seeing you again in another two hundred years!”

Daphne got out of bed, walked naked across the room, and stepped into the cabinet, as Melia shut the glass door behind her. She felt a strange whirling sensation, and a yank behind her crotch, as if she were being pulled backwards without actually going anywhere – “like a Michael Jackson moon-walk,” she thought, “on speed…” Instinctively, she shut her eyes to stave off nausea, before finding herself, a few strange seconds later, landing back in her dressing-room at the Opera House, in full costume.



“Oh fuck, that was weird,” is my first thought. My second is, “What a crazy dream!” But then there is a knock at the door.

“Oh my god, Daph, that was wonderful!” says Lucy as she enters, tears welling behind her eyes.

This time, I am in tears too. She looks beautiful: more beautiful than I have ever known. Nothing has changed, except that I know that everything can. I embrace her, kissing her deep, wrapping my arms around her, feeling her soft breasts squish against me through our clothing. Tears course down my face, as I repeat over and over, “I love you, my darling, I love you. Don’t ever leave me…”

“Hey, what’s up, baby?” asks Lucy, as she wipes the tears off my face. “Strauss really got to you today, hey?”

“I want to fuck you, Luce,” I say. “I want it so much. Please, now, let me fuck you. I need you so badly.” I feel my new cock stirring in my panties.

“Thanks, Rich!” quips Lucy, her eyes darting up to heaven in mock-prayer, as I lock the dressing-room door.

“Luce,” I say. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“Ho ho,” she smirks. “What now? A new kink? A new game? A new butt-plug?”

“Not quite…” I tease.

“A new dildo?”

“Ooh, you’re getting warm. But I don’t think you’ll ever guess. Here, undress me, and you’ll see.” I curve my arms upwards, posing like Ovid’s laurel tree, letting Lucy remove my dress, my bra, and then, kneeling down… my panties.

She gasps. “Oh my God! Daph! How on earth?!” She reaches out to stroke my cock gently with her fingers.

I hold a finger to her lips, as I hum Strauss’s final ostinato. I feel my cock rising to her touch. Soon it is throbbing and rigid, as Lucy’s kisses explore the full length, from balls to glans, nibbling, caressing. She licks teasingly at my huge dangling balls, then probes underneath to find my cunt, already leaking sweet nectar. I feel two fingers slip inside, curving upwards in a come-hither gesture to find the perfect spot. I squeal, as my cock bobs up and down with sympathetic pleasure.

My cock is stiff and strong, like a new branch on a tree. Her tongue slides lovingly along its full length, gently flicking at the frenulum while she continues to finger my wet cunt. I moan and whimper uncontrollably: Lucy’s dick-sucking talent is clearly, like riding a bike, not forgotten. My cock glistens, pulsates, invites. Lucy wraps her lips around the shaft and begins a slow mouthfuck, gently sliding her soft wet lips down, enveloping my whole cock as her tongue plays games along the underside of my shaft. I groan in ecstasy. “Oh Lucy,” I moan, “that’s so good. I’m going to come if you’re not careful!”

“Well then,” she says, “you’d better fuck me with this thing first!”

Lucy lies down on the couch, spreading her legs wide so I can see her bald cunt glistening at me. I kneel, and watch in fascination as my cock disappears between Lucy’s fuck-lips for the first time ever. My cock is large and beautiful, rough-hewn but smooth, the veins throbbing and the head deep purple and bulging. As I begin to slide slowly in and out of her cunt, I feel something I have never known before the sensation of being enveloped, encased by hot female fuck-flesh, squeezing me, caressing me with her hot sweet walls. I fill her up, complete her as never before, cock and cunt fitting together like hand in glove. “OH FUCK!” I scream. “THIS IS SO GOOD!”

Now my cock is pounding hard in and out Lucy’s cunt. I feel my cock-head ram against her cervix, then drag itself exquisitely back, until it sits briefly poised at her hot pussy lips, ready for its next journey back into ecstasy. “Oh yeah, that’s so fucking good, baby, fill me up with that big cock of yours!” Lucy squeals. “Make me come, my love! Oh yeah, FUUUUUUCK!”

And as she comes, so do I. My sap explodes, deep into Lucy’s cunt. I feel it swashing around in our shared space, as our spasms gradually subside, and we bask in the joy of our interlocked bodies, melding, melting, one flesh.

We grin at each other with delight.

“Well,” I joke, “Now you’ve got a new paper to write for your Institute for fucking Sexual Medicine!”

She laughs with glee, grinds her clit against my softening cock, and kisses me deeply.



That night, as the lights dim, as the soft green light washes over the stage, as the divisi violins shimmer and the oboe chants his plaintive arpeggiated motif – I curl my boughs to the heavens, and sing:

Ich komme, ich komme, grünende Brüder…

No one but Lucy notices my cock; now, it is but another branch to my tree.

Nehmt mich als Zeichen einziger Liebe…

I am the sign of eternal love.

I she who has been transformed.



Written by GrushaVashnadze
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