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When Angels Cum Chapter 3.2

"Blaze makes a friend and also learns to fly."

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Author's Notes

"Synopsis (by dankmemez): A 20-year old named Blaze wakes up in a new world and with a new body. The world of Azra-El is filled with winged angels and demons, energy manipulation magic, and is devoid of men. The memories from his previous life guide his actions in introducing the concept of sexual pleasure to the innocent females of Azra-El, who have long since forgotten what men are. Delve into the intricacies of Azra-El, teeming with its own mystical creatures and factions, and the entirely new concept of sex. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Follow the adventure of Blaze as he explores new knowledge, power, and women. The world may have forgotten about the existence of men before, but not this time."

When Jie Er came back, Rebecca was teaching Blaze some of her own experiences with wing manipulation. One could always theorize with things like wing dynamics, but practical experience was also quite important. The brain couldn’t perform the required calculations while flying, so short cuts and rules of thumb gained through experience were quite useful.

“Here you go little Blaze!” Jie Er exclaimed, bringing out two sets of clothing.

The two cotton tank tops were red and white, while the two boxers were black and red. The ‘boxers’ which looked more like boyshorts, came with padding and a neat pocket for his junk. The tank tops were short and seemed like they’d only reach his lower ribs.

“Try em’ out!” Jie Er told him excitedly, while Rebecca looked on with interest.

Blaze sighed and got out of his clothes. He grabbed the red top and the black boxers, and quickly donned them.

“Perfect!” Jie Er exclaimed.

“A little old fashioned, but they look good,” Rebecca added in approval.

Blaze saw their expression and rushed to the mirror in the bedroom. He was aghast. He had hoped for a ‘manlier’ look; however implausible it was. But now, he looked more like a tomboy rather than a cross dresser. He wasn’t sure which was worse. His only consolation was that they were really comfortable to wear. He walked back to the kitchen, looking glum.

“Why the long face? They really do look nice,” Jie Er said, walking up to him.

She pulled his boyshorts up, uncovering his butt crease, and gave them a gentle slap.

“You should wear them higher. It would accentuate your cute butt” she replied.

Blaze immediately pulled his shorts back down. He took no joy in the fact that his buttocks were shapely and bouncy. He silently vowed to himself that as soon as he felt that there was no need to hide himself, he would get him some nice pairs of trousers and shirts. The fact was, he did not know why he had manifested in this world. It could just be a benign accident, but there could also be some other sinister reason.

The three of them quickly ate their dinner and went back to working on the room. They worked for the rest of the day, taking small breaks, and finished building the room by evening. Jie Er brought out some furniture from her space ring and decorated the room with it; a table and a chair, a couple of paintings, a lamp with a shade, and a wardrobe with a mirror. Jie Er had the materials for a bed, but they decided to postpone it for another day.

Later that night, they had another round of rigorous ‘workout’ before falling asleep in each other’s arms.


The next morning, Blaze woke up to an empty bed. He had been quite tired the previous night, but he did not feel like he had slept in too much. A bit apprehensive, he walked in to the kitchen to find the women in a deep conversation. They were sipping on two steaming hot cups of cocoa coffee.

“Mornin’ Aunties!” Blaze said with a smile.

“Have a seat Blaze Er,” Jie Er said seriously.

Uh oh

“Rebecca told me all about your plotting. What do you have to say for yourself?” Jie Er asked him, after he sat down. She looked quite displeased.

“Aunty… I am sorry!”

“How can I trust you now, Blaze Er!?”

“Aunty… I… didn’t mean any harm. I just wanted to convince you to let aunty Rebecca to stay with us. I was going to tell you all about it afterwards. I promise!” Blaze said with a pale face. Jie Er was the last person he wanted to disappoint, in this world.

Suddenly, Rebecca burst out laughing. Jie Er tried to look serious for a moment before her lips sprouted a wide grin.

Blaze was confused for a moment before realization dawned on him.

“Ha Ha Ha! Veeery funny!” he said sarcastically, before going to the stove and pouring himself a cup of the cocoa coffee. He came back and sat down with a pout.

“How cute!” Rebecca pinched his cheek.

“I am sorry Blaze Er. But it was quite entertaining. Rebecca came up with the idea after we discussed about her stay.” Jie Er patted on his shoulder.

“I guess I deserved that… So, what did you two decide?” Blaze replied, satisfied with Jie Er’s apology. He was going to get back at Rebecca though.

“We decided to try it out for a month. She will use your room until then. If things work out, she can continue her stay and we shall build you another room. If not, she will have enough time to find another place. What do you think?”

“Does it matter? You two are the adults!”

“Awww. Little Blaze is angry,” Rebecca teased.

Blaze got up from his chair and gave Rebecca a strong pinch on her right breast, before running away.

“Come here, you brat!” Rebecca chased after him.

After breakfast, the three of them decided to head out for the day. Rebecca’s battalion was posted near Varna, so she agreed to drop Blaze off at the library before going to work.

They said their goodbyes and Jie Er flew north, while Rebecca flew east with Blaze in her arms. Rebecca’s wings were bright red with a glossy sheen to them.

“Don’t mess around while in midair, little Blaze. I don’t want to accidentally drop you,” Rebecca warned him, noticing an evil grin on his face. She had seen his look before.

“Yeah yeah, I know. You aren’t getting away easily though. Just wait for it. I shall strike when you least expect it. Someone wise once said that waiting for an attack to happen is worse than the actual attack!” Blaze replied sagely.

Rebecca snorted but did not continue the banter. She dropped him off at the library and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, before flying off to her battalion.

Blaze marched inside and went to the librarian. He returned the history book & started browsing for more. He picked up “Ethics of the Angels vs Ethics of the Demons – based on the personal experiences of Nala White” on the first floor, and “Physics of energy condensation” from the third floor.

He walked to his previous spot and found the noble girl sitting at the same position. He sat down opposite to her, without trying to start a conversation. He picked up the book on Wind Dynamics and started reading it from where he had left it. He had only read about 30 pages of the three-hundred-page book

“I see you are having some trouble with it,” the girl said to him, after a couple of minutes. She might not have intended it, but he found her expression to be quite supercilious.

“No, stupid. I just haven’t read it for long enough. You were too much of a coward to take up on my wager, so I just read a book which was more interesting” Blaze replied caustically.

“Which one? The Bavarian Tales of Magic?” she replied sarcastically. Blaze had finally managed to prick her ire.

Blaze didn’t know what that book was, but by her tone he guessed that it was a children’s book.

“No. I was reading ‘How to deal with brainless snobby brats.’”

“Hmmph. You are so inane. Keep struggling with something you have no way of understanding” the girl replied and went back to reading. She was now reading a book on Physics.

Blaze snorted and got back to his own book. He wasn’t going to prolong a conversation he had already won. Her retort was nowhere as good as his.

Time flew by and afternoon arrived. Feeling hungry, Blaze got up from his seat. The girl did it at the same time. She seemed to be just a smidgeon shorter than him.

“Shorty!” he coughed softly and walked away. For some reason, this angel was getting on his nerves, and he knew it wasn’t entirely her fault. Maybe it had something to do with his new body. After all, he was technically a child angel. Did angels have hormones? Why was he acting so much like a kid?

The girl followed him out. She manifested a couple of beautiful twelve-foot-long golden blonde wings, gave him a condescending look, and took to the skies. Her feathers dazzled in the sun and her angelic form was truly beautiful to behold. However, it only served to further annoy Blaze.

“You are just gonna eat by yourself in some lonely corner of a castle or something,” Blaze said to no one and started walking towards Agatha’s shop. He was hoping he could grab some lunch with her and give some more input on his clothing.

Blaze bumbled his way through the streets, before finally managing to find her store.

“Little Blaze!” Agatha exclaimed and came up to greet him.

“Hello, aunty Agatha.”

“What are you doing here? Those clothes look really good on you! If I may say so myself”

“Just wanted to thank you and invite you for lunch, aunty. Aunty Jie Er gave me some pocket money. I also wanted to talk to you about the clothes” Blaze said with a smile.

“I would love to, dear, but I already cooked some food. Why don’t you just eat with me? There should be enough for two” Agatha replied going up to her shop’s door and changing the sign to closed. She then took his arm and led him inside.

Agatha’s home was connected to her store. It was a condo like Jie Er’s; living room, kitchen and a bedroom. Her home, however, was much more heavily decorated than Jie Er’s. The furniture had a lot pink and purple shades.

“Aunty Agatha? I was wondering if you could use colors like brown, orange, blue etc for the others. I am fine with just red, white and black too” Blaze told her as he nibbled on some fruit. He was gonna say that he hated pink, but his current surroundings took away that option.

“Sure, dear. I wanted to use pink for some of your clothes, but I don’t think pink goes with your hair,” she replied, seeming to read his thoughts.

Blaze nodded his head vigorously. He would rather manifest elsewhere than were pink.

“So, how do the boyshorts feel. Are they comfortable around your thing?” Agatha asked after they finished their lunch.

“They are very comfortable, aunty. Thank you!”

“How about when it gets big?” she asked nonchalantly.

“Ummm… I am not sure. It hasn’t gotten big while I am wearing them, yet…”

“Let’s try it out then!” she replied with a clap, quickly getting off from her chair.

Without further ado, she removed her transparent skit and pulled her purple thong to her knees. She leaned against the table and pushed her naked butt invitingly at Blaze.

He stared at her in perplexity, before shrugging his shoulders and getting up. In no world was he ever gonna say no. He guessed that he had left her quite horny the previous time and she probably wanted more.

So, he dropped his ‘boxers’ and grabbed her hips. He spread her legs apart at the feet and made her bend her knees until she was at his ‘height’.

Placing his now erect penis against her puffy lips he rubbed it against her gently. Slowly parting her lips under the pressure.

Agatha started letting out a slight moan, as her lower lips dampened.

“Aunty Agatha, do you want me to what I do with my aunt? I promise it will feel good” Blaze asked her with Rebecca in his mind.

Agatha looked back at him with a glazed look and nodded.

He untied the string of her bikini and pulled it off. 

He pulled up his chair and sat down on it. He leaned in, giving her slit a kiss and licking it. He couldn’t really place the taste, but she was sweet. He gently inserted the tip of his thumb and loosened her a little before shoving it in. She gasped.

He pumped his finger until her pussy was drenched. Getting up to his feet, he placed the tip of his head against her entrance. Agatha looked back and sucked in a breath of surprise.

“It’s gonna be fine,” he comforted her, massaging the small of her back. She nodded and turned her head back.

Blaze applied gentle pressure, as her puffy lips separated to let him in. The tip entered easily but he faced some resistance after. He slid his member to and fro, loosening it up. Finally, with one final push he shoved his entire member in.

Agatha moaned and her back shot up with an arch. He leaned forward and grabbed her perky breasts from the side. He pressed himself against her back and started humping her.

After a while he turned her around and made her lie on the table. He eagled her legs and entered her. Looking into her passionate eyes, he gripped her breasts once more and starting pumping into her.

Agatha’s moans got louder and louder, until she finally gasped, arched her back and came; flooding Blaze with hot wetness. Blaze grabbed her from under and leaned into her breasts. He started humping more vigorously as Agatha’s legs wrapped around him.

Finally, with one last strong shove, he meshed his nether regions into her and came inside her, coating her walls with sperm.

“I’d have to make you clothes for free if keep doing this to me,” Agatha said as she gently caressed his back.

“What are you saying, aunty Agatha? It feels just as good for me” he replied, lifting his head up. He gave her a kiss on the lips, sucking her lower lip for a moment before getting off her.

“Can we do it again some other time?” Agatha asked enthusiastically as she picked herself off the table.

“I am here to visit the library at least once a week. I will try to come by whenever possible,” Blaze replied with a smile.


Blaze donned his clothes, kissed her goodbye and went back to the library.


“That was a long lunch” the girl commented when he went back to his seat.

“Unlike some, I have people who like my company,” Blaze quipped back.


“What’s your name by the way?” Blaze asked after a couple of minutes.

“Elyssa. I didn’t realize you were interested in knowing.”

“Well, I can’t keep referring to you as ‘that girl’ whenever I curse at you in my head. Now that I think of it, I can just call you shorty.”

“You... you... Brat! Why do you even sit here if you dislike me so much?” Elyssa exclaimed.

Blaze was speechless for a moment.

“I’d have you know that this particular chair is very comfortable. The table too. And, the view. You can’t forget the view.” He tried to cover it up.

Elyssa looked at him dumbly for a moment before a knowing smile sprouted on her face.


“Nothing,” she replied simply and went back to her book.

The two of them read in silence for a couple of hours, before Elyssa got up from her seat.

“What’s your name, child?” she asked gently.

“Blaze” he replied without looking up.

“See you again, little Blaze” Elyssa replied gathering her books.

“Where are you going?”

“Unlike some people, I have other things to do besides reading,” she quipped and walked away, leaving Blaze dumbfounded.

“This little…”.

When Rebecca came to pick him up later that evening, he was still grumpy.


The week flew by with Blaze spending most of his day at the library. Despite their constant bickering, Elyssa was a tome of knowledge for Blaze and she freely answered any of his questions. He just had to put up with her airs after each question he posed.

She also told him about the practice rooms at the library. They were rooms with heavily shielded walls that people could use to practice their skills. He used them to his advantage and practiced his energy manipulation and wing manifestation skills whenever. Jie Er and Rebecca gave him more guidance in the evenings, and with all this help he made quick and steady progress.

“Mornin’ little Ely!” Blaze chirped happily, as he sat down at his seat that Friday morning. He had finally managed to grow his wings to two feet. Jie Er had told him that with his growth rate, he could be flying by the end of the year. The simple thought of soaring in the skies made him delirious with happiness.

“I told you to stop calling me that!” Elyssa said angrily.

“Which part? Little or Ely?” Blaze asked with an innocent face.

“You know which!”

“Ok, little Elyssa”

“I am gonna whack you.”

“You can call me a child, but I can’t call you little?” Blaze asked a little annoyed.

“But you are a child!” Elyssa stressed

“And you are kinda little,” Blaze replied, exaggerating her shortness with his hand. In truth, she still had forty years left to grow and although she was short for her age, no one could say how tall she would be by the time she finished her growth.

“How about a wager?” Blaze said gently as he saw her face turning red with frustration.

“What wager?”

“Let’s arm wrestle. If you win I will stop calling you little and if I win you stop calling me a child. And since I am a lot younger than you, if I win, I also get to order you around for a day. What do you say?” Blaze said provocatively.

“That’s not fair. Why do you get more out of the wager, if you don’t consider yourself a child?” Elyssa retorted.

“Ok. You get to order me around for a day as well,” Blaze replied, seeing her point.

“Deal!” Elyssa replied too quickly for Blaze’s comfort. She seemed way too confident and she wasn’t stupid. But, Blaze had defeated Rebecca and that was last week.

“What’s your specialization?” Blaze asked her skeptically.

“None. I am good at everything,” she replied haughtily.

“Bah! Let’s see how strong you are then,” he said leaning forward and placing his elbow on the table.

“You will regret this!” Elyssa smiled and grabbed his hand.

Without any indication, both unleashed their full strength. Their eyes widened as they stared at each other in surprise. They equilibrium was maintained for a minute before Blaze’s hand started to fall slowly. He exerted himself as much as he could, drawing as much energy as he could from within himself and the surroundings. His face turned red, but his hand’s descent did not stop. Elyssa gained ground slowly but steadily, and soon his hand was at a forty-five-degree angle. Despite the pain in his forearm he held strong for a while before he gave in.

“You are a brute!” he insulted her in indignation.

“So are you!” she quipped back as she flicked her hand to ward off the pain.

“Sigh. So, what do you want me to do? I am yours for a day,” Blaze said grumpily, after a while.

“Nothing. My win doesn’t count,” Elyssa shook her head.

“What do you mean?”

“You were not aware of my strength. I have the title of being the strongest young angel in the country. I’ve defeated many adult angels. This match wasn’t fair from the start. You are also forty years younger than me and yet, you held your own. I just can’t accept your loss” Elyssa replied morosely, but with a smile.

“Can’t accept my angel butt! A wager is a wager. Don’t insult me with that crap” Blaze angrily.

Elyssa gave him a deep look.

“As you wish. I order you to stop calling me little, and I order you to forget about the rest of the wager,” she said with a grin.


However, Blaze could see the sincerety in her eyes and he wasn’t the one to push for his own punishment, so he begrudgingly accepted.

“Do you want to be friends?” he said after a moment.

“Friends?” Elyssa asked dumbfounded. Firstly, she hadn’t expected such a request from Blaze, and secondly, she’d never really had a friend. She had always been a step above people her age, and adults considered her a child despite her strength. She suddenly realized that she had been treating Blaze the same way.

“What? Am I too much of a child to be your friend?” Blaze asked, a little miffed at her silence.

“No, I’d love to be your friend,” Elyssa replied with a brilliant smile, bedazzling him.

Blaze stared at her dumbly for a moment before he came to his senses. Peeved that she could have such an effect on him, he decided to prank her.

He got up from his chair and pulled another one beside her.

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“Ely. Since we are friends now, I will tell you a secret about growing taller,” he said mysteriously in her ear, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

“What?” she asked interestedly. Maybe there was a secret to Blaze’s height.

“The thing is, you need to focus your energies less on growing your breasts and more on just growing,” Blaze replied with mock seriousness, poking the side of her breast with a finger.

“You brat!” Elyssa shouted, pinching him hard on the thigh and not letting go.

“I am sorry. I am sorry. I was just joking,” he patted her shoulder.

“Wait, is that possible?” Elyssa stopped pinching and considered his words.

“What!? Of course, I can joke!”

“No, idiot. I meant refocusing energy from the growth of your breasts!”

“No, it is not! Definitely, not! I know this for a fact. Don’t even think of trying it. It’s dangerous.” Blaze said completely terrified. He did not need taller boobless angels.

Elyssa looked unconvinced as she glanced at Blaze’s chest. His height and lack of breasts was quite glaring.


Three weeks flew by after Blaze's friendship with Elyssa and with Rebecca dropping him off at the library almost every day, he and Ely spent a lot of time together. Over the weeks, they stopped getting on each other's nerves and grew quite fond of each other. Blaze still teased her, but both knew that it was just friendly banter.

Elyssa slowly stopped seeing Blaze as a child and now considered him her equal. Especially when it was related to Math and Physics. Blaze had surprised her with his mathematical understanding of flight dynamics. He understood concepts that most adult angels didn't even bother trying to learn.

Meanwhile, the intellectual exchanges with Elyssa helped Blaze understand more about the world. Blaze's initial impression of the world was that it was in a steampunk sort of era.

However, he couldn't have been more mistaken. The lack of technological proliferation seemed mostly because the angels seemed to be not as materialistic as humans.

But he couldn't really compare the technological advancement of the angel world with the human world. The angels had no concept of electricity. He found traces of the concept in their equations, but there was no physical technological equivalent.

The energy they used seemed to be something entirely different. Maybe dark matter and dark energy? He had an inkling that maybe the physical laws themselves may be different in this world or universe.

To put it simply, the angels seemed to be more advanced than humans in some areas, while less so in others. For example, they had no electricity, computers, or cell phones. But they could form energy weapons out of thin air and could shoot devastating laser like beams out of cannons. They had not traveled into space but had mastered the efficient use of energy in the world.

Blaze figured that the difference between the two worlds may be due to the longevity of the angels. The angels were theoretically stronger but practically weaker. They didn't have as many people to develop new things and change took longer than it did for humans.

Now five weeks since Blaze’s appearance, he and his two angel aunts gathered outside the walls of their cottage. It was the morning of Loredas and he was eager to begin his flying lessons.

His wing length had finally reached four feet, which was enough to jump high and glide short distances. Thus, on Blaze's insistence, Jie Er had agreed to teach him the basics. Rebecca was there to help in case anything went wrong.

The sight of three angels standing in the idyllic grass fields with their wings manifested was a sight to behold; spotless white fluffy wings of Jie Er, dazzling red wings of Rebecca & the red and white wings of Blaze. When he first manifested his wings, they were only red but now the inner regions of his wings were white and smoothly melded into his red outer feathers.

"Blaze Er, try flapping your wings as hard as you can without taking off," Jie Er instructed him.

Filled with excitement, Blaze channeled energy into his wings and flapped them hard. The wings managed to create a lot of wind, picking up dust and ruffling the angels' hair and feathers. They did not provide much lift. His heels were tipped off the ground, but it might've just been him standing tip toe in anticipation.

"Do you know why you didn't feel any lift?" Jie Er questioned.

"I guess we will all need a good shower after this..." Rebecca complained softly. She seemed to have received the brunt of Blaze's wing attack.

"Umm... probably 'cause I didn't angle my wings right?" Blaze guessed using his knowledge of wing dynamics.

Jie Er looked surprised for a moment.

"Smart kid! That's correct. After the first push, you must angle them this way while bringing them back down," she explained, demonstrating slowly with her wings. Her wings moved through the air in a graceful oar like fashion.

"Angling your wings, the right way, is very important. Wing movements depend on what you want to do in air.  There are six basic movements: taking off, ascent, descent, hovering, diving, and landing. We can learn the more complex ones after you learn to do these intuitively. It may be a little frustrating at the start, but all angels will eventually learn to fly as easily as they can walk," she continued with a smile.

Jie Er stepped back slightly, "Now, move back a bit."

"Stop!" she called out when they'd created a 50-meter distance between them. Rebecca stayed somewhere in the middle.

"Now try to fly to me. Use your instinct and don't be afraid. Rebecca and I will be here to catch you!" Jie Er shouted.

Not being one to fear minor injuries, Blaze nodded and concentrated on his wings. He moved his wings and went over the technique a few times, before he braced himself. He pushed off against the ground and leaped towards Jie Er; timing his feet and wings to be in sync with each other.

He managed to attain lift off with the first flap of his wings and then beat them rapidly to gain height. He soared to twenty feet and continued gaining elevation.

Unable to control his movement towards Jie Er, he awkwardly leaned forward and tried to angle his wings horizontal to the ground. His wings tilted as he leaned, gravity taking over as his body dived towards the ground.

He spotted Jie Er and Rebecca taking off towards him. His wings strained against the air as he drew ever closer to the ground. He desperately tried to regain control. The sudden feeling of lift pulled at his wings. A slow drag became a sudden yank against his back. The speed of his descent slowed, just as Jier Er caught him and he fell into her warm embrace.

"Good Job!" Jie Er beamed, as he hung on to her neck. The feeling of exhilaration filled him, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Not too bad for your first time, kiddo," Rebecca said, as she hovered beside them.

"Again!" Blaze screeched in excitement as he ran back to his position as soon as they landed. He felt like the first time he had learnt how to float in water; only this was much better.

The two older angels gave each other a grin before taking their positions.

For the next couple of hours, Blaze eagerly practiced even though he messed up almost every time. But slowly, he started gaining control and by the end of the day he had managed to crash right into Jie Er's arms on the ground. Learning to land was another day's lesson.

Jie Er and Rebecca repeatedly praised him while cooking dinner, and after a stimulating bath and a threesome, they went to bed for the night.

Although Rebecca got the new room, she barely used it, usually falling asleep beside the other two. However, Blaze had not taken the next step with Jie Er. The way their relationship was heading made him feel awkward about initiating such a thing. He had hoped Jie Er would ask him for it, but she gave him no such explicit indication.


The next day, Blaze worked on his landing. It was surprisingly hard to master, and the two angels taught him how to do it at different angles and speeds. At one point, Rebecca took him five hundred feet into the air and just dropped him without warning.

Blaze had panicked initially but managed to slow down before crashing into a terrified Jie Er.

Rebecca received a sound scolding for her recklessness, but Blaze secretly gave her thumbs up. He loved such thrills.

As they headed back to the cottage that evening, Rebecca spoke softly “I will be leaving after dinner. My division is having an exercise, and though it doesn’t start till tomorrow, I must meet up with my battalion tonight. I should hopefully be back by next Sunday.”

Blaze was a little disappointed. He would miss her 'company'; Rebecca leaving meant that he could not visit Varan over the week. Jie Er owned a small book printing store at a village to the south east and dropping Blaze off at Varan would add more than an hour to her flight time. Moreover, the two angels did not seem to have reached a decision on making Rebecca's stay official.

Regardless, they had a quiet but scrumptious dinner before Rebecca headed out.

"I will miss you, aunt Becky," Blaze said glumly, giving her a genuine hug.

Rebecca held his face between her hands and planted a deep kiss on his lips, before kissing his forehead.

"I will miss you too, little one," she said before leaning in to whisper in his ear, "I will let you use my other hole after I get back."

Blaze wasn't sure how much he liked anal, but her words brought up his spirits. Rebecca hadn't been too eager to try it after their first attempt.

"Jie Er. Since I am leaving a week earlier, I was wondering if you could extend my stay for another week. I love being with you two and I would like you to give me another week to let you decide," Rebecca asked her seriously.

Jie Er simply nodded but gave her a hug before seeing her out.

"I guess it's just us for the rest of the week," Jie Er sighed after Rebecca left. She took Blaze's hand and caressed it in consolation. Although Blaze had all his memories from before his manifestation, his emotions seemed to be governed by his new body. And since he was expected to behave like a child anyway, he gave in to his emotions.

The two of them spent a couple of hours reading books in the living room, before heading to bed.

Blaze got up from his couch and walked up to Jie Er as she placed her book aside. Climbing on top of her, he snuggled into her breasts. With his cheek resting on her left breast, he grabbed her right breast with his hand and gently squeezed it.

After a while, he peeled the cloth off her left breast; popping her nipple out. He lightly pinched it for a moment before he brought it to his mouth and started sucking on it.

"Shall we head to bed?" Jie Er asked quietly, after enjoying his ministrations for a few moments.

Blaze nodded without getting up. He moved his head to Jier Er’s shoulder and wrapped his arms around her neck. Jier picked him up underneath his butt, as he wrapped his legs around her.

Once they reached the bed, he stood on top of it and discarded his clothes before peeling Jie Er's off.

Pulling her passionately into bed, he lay beside her. Looking into her deep blue eyes, he sneaked his arm underneath hers, grasped her waist and drew her close.

Caressing her naked back, he started devouring her lips voraciously as Jie Er squeezed his butt and pulled him closer. His leg made its way over her hips and wrapped itself over as he pulled himself even closer. They mashed themselves into each other, feeling the velvety smoothness of each other’s skin.

Soon, Blaze felt an intense desire in his lower region. He broke contact with her lips and moved his body downward. He moved the head of his penis with his hand and placed it against her slit. It was hot and wet, and inviting. He did not look at her face as he battled against himself. Finally, he steeled his will and just pushed his way into the gap between her thighs.

Her legs were close together and her thigh gap allowed him to angle his tip away from her hole but still rub his base against her wet mound. She was so wet that it allowed his head to slide to and fro quite easily.

He hugged his face into her breasts and started sliding up and down and against her clitoris as he rotated his hips; one hand under her narrow waist and the other around her springy butt.

After a moment, Jie Er tilted his head up towards her, to kiss him deeply. He could feel her body respond.   With the hand placed on her butt, he could feel it buck against him, sliding her hot hole against his cock, as she moaned loudly into his mouth.

Their throes of passion nearly resulted in his penis entering her several times. He thought of how tight she must feel. How much it would grasp at him as she was penetrated for the first time. Her bright, blue eyes met his gaze, his teeth seeming to grind slightly as he resisted the urge to let it slip inside.

Each time he would line himself up to penetrate her should he thrust again, he would quickly correct his angle, so that it slid across her slit and into the smooth, wet gap of her thighs

Jie Er felt a growing need in the pit her stomach. Every movement of his member over and between her lower lips sent waves of pleasure, starting from the point of their contact and spreading throughout her body with increasing intensity.

She so wanted his member to penetrate her lips and her hips tried to angle her motions to allow such a result. She just wanted to grab his cock and push it inside her. But she could feel both his desire and his inexplicable hesitation. She did not want to force him to do something he would regret.

The frustration of not having him inside her built up simultaneously with her arousal. Her movements gained a modicum of franticness as she held him tightly and humped her hips into his. Finally, as she gorged on his lips with an insatiable hunger, her body shuddered in release.

Streams of warm liquid washed onto his penis and Blaze mashed his hips into hers as he came between her thighs.

After mindlessly humping against each other and releasing themselves, the two of them broke their kiss apart. They looked into each other's eyes in silent reassurance and acceptance, before Blaze snuggled into her breasts. She hugged him tightly as they fell asleep.


The next morning, Blaze was stranded at the cottage with only his books to keep him company. He read his books and practiced, but he missed the playful company of Elyssa. The fact that he had to endure the solitude for the whole week made him even more restless.

By mid-afternoon, he finally decided to do something about it.. He couldn't depend on Rebecca for too long. What would he do if it was decided that she wasn't staying? He needed to figure out a way to get to Varan by himself. Jie Er would never let him travel alone until he mastered his flight; which seemed like it would take a while.


So, he needed to figure out a way to get to Varan and back by the time Jie Er returned home. Walking or running wasn't an option; Jie Er had mentioned dangerous wild animals. But maybe he could glide his way to the town. No, simply gliding would take forever. I need to dive glide to get there in a reasonable amount of time.

The cold katabatic winds coming down the slopes of the nearby mountains blew in the direction of Varan in the early morning. The evening winds came from the north. If he timed it right, he could use the winds to help him speed up his travel time. But first, he needed to learn how to dive glide.

Dive gliding was a technique which combined diving and gliding to cover long distances with minimum use of energy.

He took a short nap before heading outside. The northern winds from the Purple Sea started late afternoon and were cooler than the ambient temperature

He tested for the wind, unfurled his wings and hopped over the outer wall. Moving some distance from the wall, he positioned himself in the direction of the wind.

The cool wind stirred against his feathers, although ethereal, they felt very tangible when they were fully materialized. Feeling the steady breeze, he flapped his wings and jumped. He soared to about twenty feet before feeling the pull of gravity. He immediately flattened his wings and tried to angle his body slightly towards the ground.

He had expected the wind to aid him in maintaining elevation even as he gained momentum. Instead, he divebombed. He tried to soften the crash with his feet and arms, but a twenty feet drop was no walk in the park even for a winged creature such as himself. He ended up bruising his knees and scraping his arms.

Theoretically, if Blaze held his wings at a slightly slanted angle against the wind, his wings should deflect the wind downwards, creating an upward lift that should negate the pull of gravity. However, putting the concept into action was apparently not as easy as it seemed.

Not being put off by a few scrapes and bruises, Blaze tried it again. His attempt was met with a similar result. Are my wings not big enough? he wondered after the fourth crash landing. Suddenly, he spotted a raptor soaring high up in the sky, looking for prey. It was too high in the sky to make out its exact features, but he could see it float against the wind, almost stationarily, as it scanned the lands for food. That's it!

He had been trying to go with the wind. Maybe he could gain the required height and momentum, if he first tried to go against the wind.

He quickly got up to his feet and jumped to the air. He spread his wings to catch the wind, which blew him back and up like a kite. He reached a height of around forty feet before his body stabilized.

It wouldn't be fun to crash from this height, he gulped as he tried to look away from the precarious ground looming underneath him and focus his attention on his destination.

Steeling himself, he keeled sideways like a jet plane, keeping his wings as rigid as possible. His body sped towards the ground, but simultaneously gained significant lateral distance. He had the urge to curl up into a ball, but he kept his wits about him.

When he was about three feet above the ground, Bernoulli's equation kicked in - the lift finally trumped gravity and his body surged. He glided another sixty feet before he managed to make an awkward landing; some hundred feet away from where he started out.

Blaze squealed like a girl in glee. It was like a roller coaster. He was the roller coaster. Blaze, The Rolling Angel, he muttered to himself, before launching off a second time. This time his landing was much smoother.

When Jie Er came back that evening, Blaze was zipping around like a wayward fly. He couldn't fly too high or too far, but he could easily glide around a hundred feet in good time. If he could maintain his speed, he calculated that he could make it to Varan in a couple of hours.

Jie Er landed outside the cottage and stared at him speechlessly, as he landed before her with overdone gracefulness. She had spotted an angel darting around her house, but she wouldn't have even imagined that it was Blaze. He was progressing too quickly. How can she even do that with such short wings?

"What have you done to yourself!?" she suddenly exclaimed, spotting his scrapes and bruises. She grabbed his hands and started fussing over his wounds.

"It's alright, aunty. I was just crashed a few times. Nothing I can't handle. Did you see me glide?" he said proudly.

"You should've waited for me to come back!"

"I was bored, aunty. It's alright. I can deal with minor injuries. But did you see me glide? How was it?" he asked, his excitement not abating.

She sighed, “That’s not the point! Come inside, I will apply some ointment,” grabbing him and jumping over the wall. She was awfully proud of him, but she did not want to encourage such reckless behavior.

"You weren't supposed to learn how to glide until your wings were longer and stronger. Can you promise me not to try such dangerous techniques, especially when I am not around? What if you fell from a greater height? I can't even imagine what sort of things you did to learn the technique!" she admonished him, while applying a white cream over his knees.

"I won't unless I have to," he promised her. He just had to get to Varan.

Jie Er coddled him a bit more before they went to bed. This was why he couldn't take things further with her. But he had kind of come to terms with their relationship. Besides, he had Rebecca and Agatha for his needs.


Written by CapDragon121
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