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What Lies Beneath

"Only a pure heart can receive a gift from Poseidon."

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Author's Notes

"Please let me know your thoughts on this one. I’ve always wanted to write a mermaid story and hope I gave it a unique feel."

Finn sits naked at the water’s edge, leaning back on his palms. Surrendering to the surrounding calm, his cock lies languorously against his thick thigh as his expansive chest steadily rises and falls with the swell of the sea. He awaits dawn—his favourite time—the time between the last whispers of night and the first breath of day. 

Then it comes. 

Colours slowly penetrate the darkness as stars disappear one by one before his eyes. He smiles as the hope and promise of a new day hang in these moments before the sun breaks the horizon. Hope is possible because of Him—the one he’s silently thanked for saving his people so long ago. 

Interrupting his time of reflection, slender legs encircle his waist. He glances down at the dainty heels nudging his resting cock. 

“You cannot be amorous again so soon,” he teases. 

Rylee presses the stiff peaks on her tits into his bare back and rests her chin on his shoulder. “How dare you let me wake up alone in that old lighthouse. You know how much—“

Abruptly turning his head, Finn shushes her with a lingering kiss, then twists his massive frame to climb on top of her, sinking them into the mottled sand. 

“You know… we couldn't be naked outside like this in a more populated area.” His cock flexes against her pussy alongside his words. 

“Mmmm, you’re so naughty, using sex to influence me.” She wiggles her hips and fusses again. “But I could do without this gritty sand in my arse. Now, what is it that keeps you glued to this desolate place?”

“Desolate? Do you not see the boats on the horizon already? Do you not see the fish swimming? Do you not see the seagulls swooping from overhead, looking for breakfast?” Finn pinches her nipples between each question, and after nibbling up her neck, he finds her eyes again. “My dear, the ‘old lighthouse’ and I are the caretakers of this land and this sea. Many a night has the humble light protected others from dangers otherwise unseen.”

However, despite his attempts to soften her either with his words, fingers, or mouth, he’s still met with the same incredulous expression. 

Sighing, Finn looks about his beloved home, then rolls off his lover, pulling her lythe body with him so they face one another on their sides. 

“To further explain, I think it's time to tell you a story.”


Centuries prior… 

Caden descended the lighthouse steps two by two after he’d spied the woman with golden hair that seemed to glow while she bobbed up and down in the stormy sea. 

His muscles burned, rowing toward her as fast as the tumultuous seas would permit, all while rain pelted him from all angles.

“I’m coming!” He hoped his voice carried above the crashing waves. 

As soon as he reached her, Caden hooked his arms under hers and dragged her out of the water as the eight-foot swells hammered the boat. When the small vessel suddenly pitched, he fell backward with her on top of him. It was then that he first saw her tail. Startled, he released his grasp and scrambled away from her, covering his face with his hands. Even through the blinding rain, she recognized the fear in him. 

When he dared a peek again, she was gone. 

He clambered around all sides with his flashlight, scanning the water’s surface, but there was no sign of the mysterious woman. The storm raged as another wall of water threatened to drown him, and fierce lightning drew nearer. His rickety wooden boat wouldn’t survive much longer, that much he knew. And so, chilled to the bone, he willed his tired muscles to row back to shore.


The following day, Caden sat on his favourite perch—a large boulder half-buried in the sea by the shoreline. It was the perfect viewpoint to watch the sunrise. Dark shadows under his eyes and raven hair that hung in tangles served as the remnants of a sleepless night. By the time the sun peered over the horizon, he’d convinced himself that the events of the prior night were the result of a grieving widow with an overactive imagination. He missed his wife so much. 

“You’re mind’s playing tricks on you again,” he mumbled aloud. 

No sooner than he had spoken the words, the golden-haired beauty surfaced before him.

His eyes shot wide as he wildly swung his legs to pull his feet from the water. 

“Do not be afraid.” 

Regardless of her pleading aquamarine eyes, he was afraid. Afraid he’d succumbed to insanity. Afraid of her beauty that seemed too perfect for this world—if she was indeed real.  

“I won’t hurt you,” she continued with an almost hypnotic vocal timbre.

Caden allowed his eyes to wander to the gentle curves of her naked breasts, which she made no attempt to cover. Surely, she was a figment of his tortured mind. He rapidly blinked and rubbed his eyes, but she remained in sight. 

“It… it was you last night, wasn’t it? It was real?!”

“Yes, I’m Maris. Please forgive me for putting you at risk. I love coming to the surface amidst a raging tempest, but I didn’t think anyone would see me.”

Her long hair flowed beautifully, gleaming atop the water, but it was her wide-set eyes full of a promise of something he’d yet to experience that held his own eyes captive. 

“I’m Caden… and you’ve stolen my breath.” The words poured out of his soul.

His words drew a smile from her lips, and she lifted her upper half onto the rock to touch his thigh within reach. “Thank you, Caden. I’ve watched you and your mate for many years. I know she’s passed away.” Her full lower lip quivered as she continued. “My mate passed away also… a fortnight ago. Since that day, my tears have endlessly fed the sea.”  

Caden covered her hand with his and they shared a few silent moments of understanding and sorrow for those they’d lost. It was an undeniable connection they both felt when they touched.

Caden wanted to tell her about his wife. “She was a kindred Spirit. The small things I miss so much. Like we’d watch the sun come up each day from this rock with my arm around her and her head against my shoulder.” 

“We’d watch it with you, and your romantic love was infectious. We liked to think that you’d have felt the same if you ever watched us.” 

Her tail flipped up in the water, and he lurched backward again. Yet that time, he immediately reddened for his retreat.

“Where… where did you come from?”



“Yes, I will tell you the story if you comb my hair with your fingers. Please, I miss it so. My mate combed my hair every day.”

Caden looked into her soothing eyes again, and his insides told him he had nothing to fear. Returning her smile, he scooted back down the rock so she could lay her head on his thigh while keeping her tail in the water. His hands hovered over her head until she wrapped her arms around his calf, snuggling against him; then, he touched her hair for the first time. 

She delightfully moaned when he raked his short nails across her scalp and began separating the wet tendrils splayed across his lap. The lovely mermaid released a well-pleased sigh and then began telling her story. 

“Poseidon loved my people like his own children. We loved him back and loved his seas, protecting all within his domain. But he quarrelled with Ares, and when his attentions were elsewhere, Ares plotted his vengeance. You see, Ares could not touch the seas, so he caused the great mountain range in the depths to quiver and quake, bringing about a wave as high as the eye could see. Poseidon returned moments after the brutal wall of water drowned our lands, sweeping us all out to sea. As we fought for breaths, Poseidon touched as many of us as he could with his trident, transforming us into merpeople. Now, we can live under the sea and on land, always helping to protect His waters and the other life within.”

Although incredible, Caden’s heart told him her story was true. “And so, some of you live on land, amongst us?”

“Yes, although the sea is now part of us; if on land, we must live within reach of it.”

She closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth radiating from his flesh. He trailed a fingertip down her cheek and began stroking her long hair again. And so, their friendship began. Every day forth, they’d watch the sunrise this way, drawing closer and closer to one another. 

Caden went to bed each night, intimately touching himself in the cover of darkness, trying to satisfy his growing need for her. But each time, his own hand left an empty hole in his heart afterward. And under the sea, Maris curled up, cuddling her tail, wishing it was Caden she was embracing. 


One morning, Maris was especially happy while lying in the shallows with Caden. He tried to listen to her latest happenings under the sea but couldn’t steal his focus from her tail, which he’d learned mirrored her emotions. It delightfully twitched, splashing about the water. 

She caught him staring. “Do you like it?”

“Like what?”

“My tail.”

“Yes, very much. It responds to your moods. And I find myself wondering…”

“What? Do tell me.”

“Wondering what it feels like.” The lines around his eyes deepened. He hoped he hadn’t gone too far.

She reached for his hand and placed it on her lower tummy, right where her skin turned to scales. His browline raised when he touched her slickness.

“Wet as expected, but incredibly soft… like velvet.” His fingers pressed upon the scales. “I expected stiffness, I suppose,” he offered while lightly stroking her unusual appendage.  

Then, her tail’s colours brightened unexpectedly and vibrated, stirring the water. He pulled back his hand. 

“Are you alright?”

“Yes,” she smiled, “my tail is my most sensitive part. Your touches are quite… stirring.”

He decided to ask the question that had been swirling in his mind. “Maris, if you can live on land, why have you never left the water?”

“My mate had no desire, and I guess I didn’t either… until now.”

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His pulse raised at her last two words, so he pushed his questions further. “Then, why now, do you not leave the water?”

Her eyes clouded with tears. “My tail is beautiful, yes? But what of my legs? Maybe they will not be so beautiful.”

“Impossible!” He pulled her into his chest in a warm embrace with the shallow water rippling around them. “How could they not be the most beautiful extensions of the rest of you.”

She rolled them over in the water until she lay on top, then whispered in his ear, “Thank you for your sweet words.” Her face lit up, and her tail wildly fluttered. “I have a secret… my mate and I watched you make love many times.”

He drew closer until their lips almost touched. “You did?”

“Yes, your love was powerful, and often we’d make love with you.”

With a timid hand, she stroked the swell of his cock through his wet shorts, causing him to pant. “Will you make love to me, Caden? In my human form?”

He swiftly removed his clothes. It was a question that needed actions, not words, as an answer, and so he lifted her chin and kissed her lips for the first time. So soft were her pillowy lips as he breathed her in. One kiss led to another and another until it exploded into a surging tide of warmth—warmth that dissolved them into one another. They quickly fell into a passionate rhythm that left them both panting when they finally broke away. 

Lifting her into his arms, he carried her out of the water, gently laying her on the sand. Within moments, her transformation began. He knelt beside her and watched, mesmerised, as the iridescent scales turned to flesh. Her tail was stunning, but her legs… he might not survive such perfection wrapped around his body. 

Her tiny waist curved into generous hips with a golden patch where her porcelain thighs joined. Caden reached to touch the flawless skin, narrowing to knees, toned calves, and then delicate feet. She wiggled her toes in delight. He smiled at her and captured her wiggling toes, sucking one into his mouth and tickling it with his tongue before spreading her legs. Varying shades of pink drew his eyes to her sex, which was already swollen with need. 

She followed his eyes and snapped her legs shut. She was shy and uncertain, but he applied slight pressure inside her thighs, opening her up again. He manoeuvred between her knees and lifted her legs to rest on his shoulders. His strong hands massaged her newly-formed legs from her thighs to her calves to her feet, drawing breathy moans from her. When he felt she’d relaxed, he lowered her legs and turned his attention to her pussy. What would she feel like? Taste like? Still aware it was her first time in human form, he slid his middle finger up and down her wet slit, acquainting her with his touches. 

Maris squirmed and begged, “More,” her mind uncertain of what was coming, but her body urging her forward. 

Caden pressed a finger gingerly into her pussy, slowly loosening her tight walls, and she grew wetter and wetter around his fingertip. His cock pulsed in response, ready to plunge inside of his lover. His finger probed and stroked, then curled into her special spot. Her cries were instantaneous.

“Do you like that, Maris?”

“Yes… yes… yes,” she stuttered, balling her fingers into fists and unable to find a grip in the coarse sand. 

Wanting more, she bucked against his finger, and he slid another inside. The fullness pushed her over the edge, and her pussy violently spasmed as she screamed. Her orgasm affected the sea with a surge of water rushing towards her. 

Caden withdrew his fingers and lay alongside her, gathering her tremoring body against him. He kissed her cheek and brushed her hair back from her face. 

“How did that feel?”

“Overwhelming. When I cum in mermaid form, the pleasure spreads throughout my tail, but this was more an intense pleasure.”

His eyes roamed her face, not quite believing she was lying in his arms. “You are so beautiful. My beautiful Maris, who brought love into my life once again.”

“Love? Do you love me?”

“Yes, I love you.”

Tears pooled in her lower lids. “I love you too, Caden.”

Her eyes kept flitting to his cock before she reached for it again, wishing to continue her previously brief exploration. As soon as her palm closed around his sensitive skin, he groaned in pleasure. Her hand lingered in one spot until he covered it with his own, showing her how he enjoyed being stroked.

Emboldened by his moans, she pushed his hand away and took over, fully enjoying his body. His fingers gripped her hip as the pulsing blood further lengthened his cock. Now and again, the water would reach them, and her skin would shimmer. 

Not wanting to cum yet, Caden pulled back from her grasp, then rolled on top of her. He sucked each nipple in turn while fondling her breasts. “I’m going to make sweet love to you now,” he promised, punctuating his words with a passionate kiss. 

Caden repositioned himself to cradle her, one hand behind her head and the other resting on her hip as her moist lips peeled open for him. He tenderly entered her with just the tip. Only when her face relaxed, and her legs fell open did he push all the way inside, humming at her tightness gripping his cock. They held each other’s eyes while he whispered sweet love to her. 

She began writhing beneath him, driving him wild with her whimpers. And when her hips bucked to meet each thrust, his fucking intensified. Their bodies rose and fell with the rhythms of the sea, the tide rushing in to cool their inflamed bodies. Her bottom half sparkled like yellow diamonds before becoming smooth alabaster skin once again. 

He lowered a hand to thumb her clit, and she gasped. 

“You like that?”

“Yes! Please, again!”

Caden rubbed her clit again, varying the pressure and delighting in her squirming. 

The sea rumbled as if responding to her trembling body. A wave in the distance began to rise while their limbs tangled, holding one another, fucking with abandon, the churning inside their bodies intensifying, rising, rising, rising, until… they crashed together with the incoming wave, clinging, crying, and finding love once again. 


When Maris awoke, she found herself nestled in the crook of Caden’s arm with one of her legs draped across him. She brushed sand off her thigh, then stretched out her leg, admiring the contours. Caden was stroking her shiny hair, now dry from the sun, yet his gaze appeared far away. 

“What are you thinking?”

He looked down upon her searching eyes, and was slow to respond. Despite their lovemaking, his mood had turned pensive while she slept. 

“I am of two minds with you—one of bliss when you are by my side and the other of agony when you return to the sea each night.” He squeezed her tightly against him as if he feared she might disappear that very second. “I wish I could join you in all things,” he whispered with sorrow drooping his eyes. 

She hesitated, then responded. “You can.”

“But how?” 

“You’d be risking your life, Caden.” Her fingers tugged at the hair on his chest when she thought about possibly losing him. 

“Tell me. I need to be with you always, Maris. I want the night’s whispers to come from your lips and the new day to begin with your sparkling eyes.”

She crawled upward to cup his face and look into his eyes. What she saw drove the following words. “Dive into the sea, Caden. Dive down as far as you can, calling to Poseidon. Only when the last drop of air leaves your lungs will He appear. You will be judged, and if He deems you worthy, you’ll receive the trident’s touch.”

“And if I’m not worthy?” 

“The watery depths will be your grave.” 

Caden deeply kissed her, ensuring she felt his love for her, and then he broke away.  

Her heart seized, watching as the one she loved disappeared below the smooth surface, but then she calmed, trusting that his heart and soul were pure. 

Many moments later, his head surfaced, and she dove back into the water, her tail swirling around his for the first time. 

They both thanked Poseidon for His gift and then disappeared within His seas. With more love in Caden’s heart than he thought possible again, he held Maris close as his cock unfolded from the pouch in his tail and penetrated her slit. 

The knowing sea created a bubble of tranquillity around them, so the current did not pull them apart. Still watching from a distance, Poseidon smiled as the newly mated mermaid and merman made beautiful love to last forevermore. 


Having finished his story, Finn stares into Rylee’s eyes, unable to decipher what thoughts are churning behind them. “Do you understand now?” He asks with hope, tucking a stray sun-bleached curl behind her ear.

She still regards him with vacant eyes. 

His heart bleeds and he pleads, “That was a story of my family, Rylee. My family! Don’t you see? Caden and Maris are my ancestors from many generations ago. And so, I will always live here, guarding the sea and seeking its comforts when needed.”

Suddenly, her pinched lips break into a grin. “Oh, I understand perfectly.”

Before he can respond, Rylee jumps up and skips toward the whitecaps that gently tumble onto the beach. She waves her arms about in a grand gesture and calls out, “Here I come, oh great Poseidon!” But as soon as her toes touch the water, the tranquil blue turns tumultuous, whipping at her thighs and between her legs. Right before the water douses her head, she calls to Finn over her shoulder, “Hope you like my new tail!” Then she is gone, swallowed by the sea. 

Finn knows he can’t interrupt her fate as heavy waves mercilessly crash one into the other. He paces on that shoreline, cupping his ears against the thundering noise and braving the blowing sand scratching his searching eyes. And even though the salty air has parched his throat, he calls her name over and over again—but she never surfaces. 

It isn’t until the sun dips below the horizon that Finn turns back toward the lighthouse. The waves cease their mighty roar, allowing the night’s whispers to soothe his ears. Light ripples resume its tender caress of the beach, washing between his toes. Calming him. Reminding him not to question Poseidon. 

He wipes away the last tear and trusts that with the new dawn will come a renewed hope for a worthy mate. 

Written by PurdyPeaches
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