Sienna watched the sky and waited. She didn’t fancy getting caught in the rain without good cause. A simple shower wouldn’t suffice, there needed to be a storm with thunder and lightning. Without it, heading down to the abandoned depot would be a fruitless walk in the rain.
She closed her eyes and could see his face, his dark hair, long and wavy, and his soul-piercing eyes, the color of dark chocolate. If she concentrated hard enough, she could feel his fingertips touching her skin, smell the scent of his cologne, and hear the sound of his voice, rich and deep. She ached for him with every fiber of her being.
“Stay with me, darling,” he’d said, “and we can be together forever.” Oh, how she wished she’d had the courage to say yes! How could she have known that he was the love of her life? She’d been afraid, too afraid to take a risk for happiness, to take a chance on love.
“I want to Kaden, I truly do, but I have responsibilities at home. I can’t just run off and let everyone think I’ve been kidnapped or, worse, dead,” she’d said to him the last time she saw him.
“Who is everyone?” he’d asked her.
“My cousin, my friends, and the people in my town, the ones that depend on me to help them with finding work, food, and shelter,” Sienna explained. “Without me, they will go hungry or end up homeless. I can’t abandon them.”
“I wish I could convince you otherwise,” Kaden had said sadly, “I’ve actually considered holding you captive until you simply cannot live without me. However, your ability to deny your own happiness for the welfare of others humbles me. People of my time have lost that type of compassion. So, it would be selfish of me to hold you here.”
She remembered how he had drawn her close into his arms and said, “But know this, I will always love you and cannot fathom ever loving another. The storm brought you to me, and it shall bring you home. Should you ever think of me and wish to return, simply follow the storm again and it will bring you back to me.
“I can’t ask you to wait for me,” she said tearfully.
“You’re not asking,” he said with a weak smile. “I just know my heart, and I hope someday you will know yours and follow it back into my arms.”
She touched her bare mound softly as she recalled how they’d made love while they’d waited for the storm. He’d touched her there gently at first, then ravaged her and made her feel more alive than she’d ever felt. She remembered how he brought her to climax again and again, and how he beseeched her not to leave him. She recalled how she took him into her mouth and then rode him with wild abandon as he filled her with his seed.
When the storm kicked up, he made no attempt to stop her, as sad as he was to see her go. She walked, by herself, in the rain and waited for the bright flash. She had changed her mind at the last second, but the strike of lightning snatched her before she could escape its fiery grasp, dropping her back onto the cold wet pavement at the depot half a mile from her apartment building. She’d been gone only a couple days from her time, after spending many weeks in his time, her future.
When she finally made it back home, she looked in the mirror and no longer saw the henna tattoo that Kaden’s sister, Mika, had given her. And gone were the jewels that his mother, Mirren, had bestowed upon her forehead, around her neck, and dangling from her ears. She’d cried, realizing that the symbols she had hoped would be souvenirs from her trip to the future were lost. They had loved her, accepted her, and she’d thrown it all away. And for what? She’d been a fool. She was devastated to realize that she’d given up her chance at happily-ever-after for a dismal existence without love.
In fact, she’d been so forlorn, she spent three days barely moving from her bed except to hydrate and relieve herself. Her cousin Penny, with whom she lived in a duplex and worked together as social welfare agents, finally dragged her out of bed.
“If you don’t get up and go to work, you’ll lose the very reason you used to come back from the future!” Penny chided her.
“So, you believe me?” Sienna asked, rather astonished. She wasn’t sure if she would have believed such a tale if the tables had been turned.
Penny snorted, “Well, duh! I mean, come on, we’ve known each other since we were babies! The Sisi I know wouldn’t let just anyone between her legs! Certainly not some stranger, anyway! There is no other explanation that makes sense to me, Sisi!”
“I could be mistaken; he could have been just some random guy. Maybe I got struck by lightning and hit my head. Maybe I dreamed all of it!” Sienna exclaimed.
“Why did you come back?” Penny asked.
“I told Kaden that I couldn’t leave the families that I help behind. But I think I was just afraid, Penny,” Sienna answered.
Penny sighed, “Afraid of what?”
“Afraid that I wouldn’t be enough for him. He’s a gorgeous, powerful man and a leader of his people. He surely would see, after enjoying me for a while, that I wouldn’t make a suitable mate. Then where would that leave me? In a future world with no one? With nothing? I couldn’t risk it,” Sienna said sadly. “Then, at the very moment that I decided I wanted to stay, the lightning swooped me up and dumped me right back down on the ground in front of our depot.”
Penny hugged her, “Well, then, I suggest you forget Kaden and the future world and clean yourself up. You’ve a dreary life as a spinster to get back to. Dozens of families rely on you for their welfare and there is simply no one else who could ever take your place in finding them food or shelter.”
“Are you mocking me?” Sienna inquired.
Penny ignored the question, “Or, you could count on your very capable cousin to help take over your caseload and get your ass back to the depot during the next storm.”
Sienna took a deep breath, “I can’t ask you to do that for me.”
“You’re not asking, I’m offering,” Penny replied. “Look, I love you and I will miss you terribly. But if the tables were turned, I’d fully expect you to do the same for me! If you stay, you’ll never give yourself the chance to find love. You’re far too entrenched in your work and extremely too compassionate for the less fortunate. But you deserve a life, Sisi! You deserve love and happiness.”
“I don’t know if I love him, but I miss him so much my soul aches,” Sienna admitted softly.
“Sisi, that’s what love and longing feel like! I know because that is how I felt when Roger died,” Penny answered with a hitch in her voice.
“Oh, Penny, that’s one of the other reasons I came back. I couldn’t leave you. I promised to always be here for you!” Sienna said, hugging her cousin.
Penny smiled and broke off the embrace. She grabbed Sienna’s shoulders and looked into her eyes, “And you have been here for me, my sweet girl. I found the love of my life with Roger. Then the plane crash took him away from me, and I was devastated. You took me into your home. You helped me finish my schooling, and you got the agency to hire me. But it’s been five years, Sisi, and we both need to move on. I can’t be the reason that you lose your chance to be with Kaden, and I have to stop being so comfortable here that I don’t get back out there and live my life!”
“And what if I said I was content with my little co-dependent life here with you?” Sienna asked, smirking.
“Then you’d be lying, and we both know it,” Penny answered. “It’s time we both stopped just being content.”
“So, what happens next?” Sienna asked wearily.
“We wait for the storm, you go back to Kaden, or forward, I suppose. Then, I finally push myself to find my happily-ever-after again,” Penny said.
Sienna nodded, “What if Kaden’s found someone else?”
“Then, my little time walker, you come right back here with me!” Penny giggled.
“You mean time traveler,” Sienna corrected.
“Time walker, time traveler, same thing!” Penny shrugged. “I think of time travel as requiring a machine of some sort. But you simply walked to the depot and rode the storm to the future. So, I suppose that’s why I think of you as a time walker.”
So, here she sat, looking out the window as the rain fell softly. There had been rain three times this week, but no lightning. She drifted off to sleep, praying that if she ever did get the chance to time walk again, it would be into the arms of Kaden.
She was roused from her sleep by a huge clap of thunder. Penny woke up too and shouted, “Sienna, get up! Where there’s thunder, there’s lightning! Hurry!”
Sienna hugged Penny, “Thank you, cousin! I’ll never forget you and will always be grateful for your encouragement!”
“And I will never forget you and will always be grateful for your support. Now go! Before you miss your chance! Walk to the depot and travel forward to 2221 and your Kaden! I love you, Sisi!” Penny said tearfully.
“I love you too, Penny!” Sienna answered.
By the time she got to the depot, the storm was raging. Lightning and thunder filled the night sky with sights and sounds that rivaled any rock concert light show. Sienna found the place where she’d stood the first time and waited. Her heart was pounding, and she felt giddy. Just as the lightning was about to strike, she realized her mistake. She was standing on the south side of the tracks instead of the north side. But it was too late! The lightning struck and carried her off, not to the future, but to the past.
Sienna woke up in a bed, with a handsome stranger sitting on the edge mopping her forehead with a cool wet cloth. Her eyes fluttered open and the stranger breathed a huge sigh of relief.
“You’re awake,” he said in a low voice. “I wasn’t sure you’d make it through the night. But here you are with your eyes open and I am so grateful for that.”
“Where am I? Where is Kaden?” she asked, confused.
“I don’t know who this Kaden is that you speak of. I’m Jacob. I found you on the ground out in my field. You weren’t moving or breathing, and I thought you were dead. But I couldn’t just leave you there. So, I brought you here. I stripped off your wet things and put you in one of my nightshirts and have been watching over you all night,” he said. “I ran and got the doc, who checked you out. He said you seemed okay but to let him know if you didn’t wake up. I promise I was a gentleman when I undressed you. I just couldn’t leave you in wet things.”
Sienna smiled weakly, “Thank you, I am certain that you were. Thank you for saving my life. My name is Sienna.”
“Sienna is a beautiful name. I imagine you were named so because of the color of your hair. I’ve never seen a woman with hair such as yours. It’s beautiful,” he said, then blushed. “I’m sorry, that was quite forward of me. I am but a simple farmer, and I don’t have the polished manners you must be used to.”
Sienna’s mind started to clear, “What year is it?”
He was puzzled by her question, but answered, “Well, it’s 1821 of course.”
“Of course, I’ve walked to the past, not the future,” she said, her heart nearly breaking.
“I beg your pardon?” Jacob asked.
She shook her head, “I’m just tired, and I’m not making any sense. May I have some water please, Jacob?”
“Yes, I’ll be right back. I need to pump a fresh pitcher full of water,” he replied.
Alone for a few moments, she allowed a single tear to trickle down her cheek. She’d been foolish to think she could time walk to Kaden. And now, instead of two hundred years into her future, she’d traveled that same amount of time into her past.
Jacob returned with a picture of water and poured some into a cup for her. “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I have some bread that I baked just yesterday and some fresh honey to dip it in.”
He was as kind as he was handsome, with sandy brown hair and soft blue/gray eyes. His gentle nature was endearing, even if he wasn’t the sophisticated man that Kaden was. “Yes, that would be lovely. You’re very kind,” she responded.
He stopped and tilted his head just a little, “Why wouldn’t I be kind? I’d like to think if the tables were turned, you’d do the same for me.”
Over the next few days, Sienna regained her strength and insisted on helping with the indoor chores. Jacob didn’t argue and seemed to enjoy having company. He scoffed at her story that she was from his future and chocked it up to her being struck by lightning. Eventually, Sienna agreed that she must be suffering from amnesia and stopped trying to convince him that she was a time walker. Funny, Kaden had accepted her story so easily, whereas Jacob thought it was pure fantasy. While she appreciated Jacob’s hospitality, it was clear this was not where, nor when, she was meant to be. She decided to be a grateful visitor and do her share to help out until the next storm came along.
Three weeks passed and not a drop of rain fell. Jacob sensed her unhappiness and wondered what, if anything, he could do to soothe her. She was not the pale, blonde beauty that he had often dreamed of ending up with, but she was easy on the eyes and the combination of her red hair and blue eyes stirred feelings in his loins that were becoming harder to ignore. He was reluctant to make a move. He was certain that when she regained her memory, she would leave. He tried hard not to develop an attachment to her, but he found himself wanting her in his bed. He knew most of the townsfolk would find that sinful. But perhaps, if he could convince her to stay, she’d marry him.

“You seem very unhappy, Sienna,” he finally said. “What is troubling you so?”
“I thought perhaps you were right, that I was just confused about who I am and where I’m from because of the bolt of electricity that raced through me. But I know that I’m not crazy. I know that I am from the year 2021 and I know that I’ve been to the year 2221. I’m in love with a man in that time named Kaden,” she explained.
“You call his name out in your sleep,” Jacob said quietly. “So, whether he’s from the year 2221 or not, you clearly have feelings for him.”
“I don’t know how to get back to him. I keep waiting for a storm to come through so I can see if that will take me back to him, or at least back to my time,” she continued.
“I see,” he said. “I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.”
“You’ve been so kind, Jacob. I really appreciate you taking care of me and letting me stay here with you. I’ve enjoyed my time here and I don’t want to appear ungrateful,” Sienna explained.
“I had hoped that perhaps I could convince you to stay with me, let me love you and take care of you. I’d take you as my wife and raise the child that you carry as my own,” Jacob said, looking down at the floor.
Sienna’s eyes flew open wide, “What are you talking about? What child? I’m not pregnant!”
Jacob looked at her sheepishly, “The doc said you were with child. It’s okay. I’d still care for you and the baby, even though another man is the actual father.”
Sienna felt like she couldn’t breathe. She looked down at her abdomen and saw the hint of swelling that she’d chocked up to all the cheese and honey and bread that Jacob had been feeding her. Had it already been like that when she arrived? She couldn’t remember.
She felt overcome by her emotions and started to cry. Jacob was moved to pity and took her into his arms, letting her lean her head against his chest, and held her while she sobbed.
When her crying quieted, he said, “Sienna, I don’t expect you to love me, but I can be a good provider for you and the baby. You can have a good life here with me. We can be a family.”
She said nothing but continued to let him hold her. His arms around her were comforting. She knew what he was offering came at a cost for him.
“I may not be the sophisticated lover that Kaden is, but if you’ll agree to be my wife, I believe I could keep you satisfied,” he continued. “We can take the buggy a few towns away and have a preacher marry us. That way, the folks here won’t know that you were with child before we got hitched. I’ll claim the child as mine and no one will be the wiser.”
Sienna pulled away from Jacob and sat down in a chair. “Jacob, that’s a lovely offer, but I can’t let you do that. You deserve to find the love of your life, not be saddled with a pregnant time traveler,” she said.
“I’ve already developed feelings for you, Sienna, so that’s not an issue for me,” Jacob said softly.
“Jacob, you’re so kind and sweet, but I love Kaden. It wouldn’t be fair to you, knowing that I’d be thinking about him while I was in your bed,” she explained.
“No disrespect, Sienna, but I can promise if you were in my bed, you wouldn’t be pining for some other man,” he said, annoyed.
“I’m certain you are an amazing lover; I meant no disrespect either. But even if I agreed to your idea, there is no way we’d be able to pass off the baby as yours. Kaden’s hair and eyes are very dark, both of which are dominant traits genetically,” she elucidated.
“I don’t care about that. It’s not like I mingle with the town folk all that often anyway. I want you, Sienna. I have for some time now, but I’ve been trying to be a gentleman. However, your breasts are beginning to swell from the pregnancy, and I keep imagining my hands on them as I make love to you. Please give me a chance to show you what it can be like with me. We don’t need to get married first if you are willing to lie with me without the benefits of matrimony. I mean, I guess you did so with Kaden, right?” he said, as his gentle demeanor gave way to reveal a man with needs, wants, and desires.
“I don’t want to be unfaithful to Kaden,” Sienna protested.
“What if you can never get back to him?” Jacob asked, “Are you going to suffer a life of celibacy, denying your own desires, for the rest of your life?”
Sienna was quiet. She knew that she couldn’t live a life without love and sex. But she couldn’t give up the chance that she might be able to find her way back to Kaden.
“I can’t marry you, Jacob,” she sighed. “But I will share your bed and lie with you.”
Jacob nodded, “I can live with that for now. But promise me you’ll keep your heart and mind open to the possibility that you could fall in love with me and be happy here.”
Sienna nodded, “That seems only fair.”
He offered his hand to her, “Then come to bed with me Sienna, let me show you that I am man enough to keep you satisfied.”
She took his hand and followed him to his bed. They removed their clothes silently, both feeling a little awkward and giddy at the same time. She couldn’t deny that she needed release and thought it would be foolish to pass up a chance to enjoy that for a time.
Once in bed, he kissed her on the lips, gently first and then fiercely like a man in heat. He wasted no time reaching down between her legs and discovering her wet heat.
“You’re ready for me, but I want to play with you first,” he said, surprising her. His fingers moved deftly among her pink folds until the treasure he sought was opened for him. He moved down between her legs and let his tongue find her sweet nectar. As he licked her, she felt shivers racing up her spine.
She moaned and put her hands on Jacob’s head, encouraging him to devour her needy pussy. It had been so long since a man had touched her. Her hips rocked as he sucked on her engorged clit and poked his tongue between her swollen labia. His cock just wanted to plow right into her, but he wanted to make her cum with his mouth first.
He upped the ante as he nibbled her tender nub, and she bucked against him. Suddenly, her back arched and she flooded his mouth with her juices. “God, yes!” she cried out as her orgasm ripped through her body.
He rubbed some of her nectar on his stiff shaft and opened her legs wider as he entered her. She felt so tight and hot, he was afraid he might explode instantly. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
Sienna sensed his struggle in holding back, “It’s okay if you cum fast, Jacob. I promise this won’t be the last time I lie with you.”
He pumped his cock into her and cried out as he filled her with his seed. He collapsed on the bed next to her and said, “I’m sorry that was so fast. Give me a bit of time and I can go again.”
She kissed him, tasting her sweetness on his lips, and whispered, “I’m not sorry. You’re an amazing lover! If I want more, I can always suck you hard again.”
He grinned, “You’re not like other girls I have bedded.”
“Well, I’m not from around here,” she teased. Then she scooted down and lifted his spent dick into her mouth and brought it back to life. They spent several hours in bed until they were both exhausted.
As the drought continued, Sienna allowed herself to feel content with her life on the farm with Jacob. They fell into a happy routine of sharing the chores, making love, and spending the clear nights watching the stars.
One night, while they sprawled out on a blanket looking at the night sky, Jacob laid his hand on Sienna’s belly. He was startled when he was greeted with a what felt like a poke.
“It’s the baby moving,” Sienna explained. Up until now she had convinced herself that the doctor was wrong. Usually the quickening happens sooner than this. But feeling the movement made her realize that she needed to start preparing herself for the fact that she would likely have her baby here in 1821. She didn’t want the baby to not have a father, so she made a choice.
“Jacob, do you still want to marry me?” she asked hesitantly.
“More than ever, Sienna,” he answered immediately. “Why?”
“I don’t want the baby to grow up without a father. I will warn you again, he or she won’t look anything like you, but…”
“I don’t care about that. I love you so much! Please, marry me, Sienna,” he said earnestly.
“Yes, Jacob, I will marry you,” she said quietly. She couldn’t say that she loved him, as much as she wanted to do so. She enjoyed him in bed and knew he would take care of her and love her and the baby. And she would be a good wife and take care of his needs, but her heart belonged to Kaden.
Jacob said, “We need to go into town and buy you a dress. You deserve a pretty dress of your own to get married in, rather than the hand-me-downs I got from the blacksmith’s wife.”
“You don’t need to go to any trouble or expense for me, Jacob,” she frowned.
“But I love you!” Jacob said. He waited for her to say it back to him, but the words never came. It was okay. Maybe she would learn to love him eventually. Until then, they enjoyed each other in bed, and she was a wonderful companion.
They ended up traveling three towns over, just to be sure they didn’t know anyone. He bought her a pretty white dress from the local mercantile and left her waiting in a lovely garden that would make a perfect setting for their quick nuptials, while he inquired in town about a preacher.
As she sat there waiting, the blue sky gave way to dark gray clouds. Sienna felt a chill as she smelled the distinctive earthy smell of Geosmin. It was going to rain!
As Jacob waited for the sheriff to round up the preacher, he saw the sky turn gray. A storm was brewing, and he’d left Sienna sitting alone about a ten-minute ride by horse away from the town. He knew she’d be smart enough to take cover under the tall trees near the rock where she’d been sitting. Then he heard a rumble of thunder.
‘No!’ he thought feeling panicky. ‘It’s the storm she’s been waiting for.’
He got back in the buggy and did his best to race back to her before the lightning took her away. He’d allowed himself to believe that Sienna was his and that the baby they would raise together would be his son or daughter. But he knew she still had feelings for Kaden and that the lightning would be her way back to him. His stomach churned as he pushed the horses harder than he should, trying desperately to get to her in time to change her mind.
Sienna looked up at the sky. The storm had finally arrived, and she could go back to her true love! Her instant giddiness was replaced by a bittersweet regret. She knew that Jacob would be heartbroken but, surely, he would find someone else, wouldn’t he? She couldn’t worry about that; this was the chance she’d been waiting for. She would finally be with Kaden and he would welcome her with open arms and be thrilled about their child! The sky was wicked with the crackling electricity swirling around in the air. She ran into the open field and waited for the lightning to strike her and carry her into the future.
“Sienna!” Jacob screamed. It was raining so hard; he could hardly see past the horses. When he got to the garden where he’d left her, he cried out, “Please! Don’t leave me Sienna! I love you! I can’t imagine life without you and our baby!”
When he heard no response, he realized he was too late. Sienna was gone. He slid down to the ground and wept bitterly.
“I loved you with all my heart, Sienna. I loved our baby just as much as if I had planted it in your belly with my own seed!” he cried out. He sat in the mud as his heart broke in two.
Sienna’s eyes fluttered open. She didn’t recognize her surroundings and sat up abruptly.
“Relax,” said a pretty woman standing next to her bed, “You just took a nasty spill and broke your arm, but otherwise you’re right as rain.”
“There’s someone waiting to see you. He’s been so worried about you. He’s thrilled that you and the baby are both fine,” the woman said.
Sienna scurried out of bed, oblivious to the fact that her arm was in a sling. She just needed to see him. Needed to kiss the man who had shown her what love really meant. The true father of her child.
“I thought I’d lost you forever,” he said, rushing into the room and taking her into his arms.
She felt the baby move just then, so she took his hand and placed it on her belly. “Feel that? That’s our baby! He loves you, and so do I, Jacob.”
His eyes filled with tears, “I’ve waited so long to hear those words! What changed your mind?”
“As I stood in the rain, I heard you call out, begging me to stay, professing your love for me and for this child. When I told Kaden I was leaving, he pleaded with me to stay, but then said he wouldn’t stop me; he let me go off in the rain alone. You ran your horses ragged to come after me. You’re my true love, my happily-ever-after. No one will ever love me as much as you do. And I do love you so much, Jacob!”
The preacher came around and married them before they headed back to Jacob’s farm. Several months later a baby girl was born with red hair and blue eyes, and no one doubted that she was Jacob’s daughter.