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The Temple of the Snake God

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"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking either. :)"

When we’d entered the cavern, it had been with high spirits. This was, for us, a bit of a lark, after all and we were experienced adventurers. Jonas had been given a map leading us here for payment instead of the gold we’d been promised, which hadn’t gone over well with Luke or Caspar, though they stopped complaining once we set out.  Sala usually went along with whatever Jonas said or did, and this was no different. As for me, it was the thrill of adventure that I craved, more so than that glint of gold, and this seemed like a nice diversion from the usual fare of fighting goblins and trolls.

“Here there be dragons!” Jonas announced dramatically as we filed into the cave, torches lit. Sala giggled a bit, looking around in wide-eyed wonder as if searching for mythical beasts behind the stalactites and stalagmites that grew out of the ceiling and floor like teeth in some great monster’s enormous maw.

“More likely salamanders and crickets,” Luke commented, doing his best to pretend he was bored while Casper wandered off to stand near a large pool of water collected in a basin. “Fish too. White ones.”

Me? I walked along the wall, looking for ancient markings or hidden recesses – something to turn the cavern into something more than it was.

“There’s a passage over this way,” Luke called out, having wandered to the far wall. “Oh, interesting. Looks like it was cut into the stone. Not at all natural.”

His comment both excited and disappointed me. On one hand, it promised adventure. On the other hand, I hadn’t been the one to discover it. Still, it meant that it wasn’t a dead end. The map had promised a treasure trove of riches. It had also promised a dire guardian or, at least, someone had drawn a nasty looking snake on it. In my experience, it was usually a ruse to keep people out rather than a real threat, but the possibility still excited me.

“Let’s have a look,” Caspar rumbled, scrunching up his face as he peered down the square-cut tunnel. It was low enough that even I would have to duck a bit, and Caspar was a large man. A very large man. Sala, of course, wouldn’t have any problems navigating it – one of the advantages of being three foot and a handful of inches tall.

“I could take a look,” she chirped merrily, gigging as she skipped deeper into the entrance before anyone could say something wise and sage like ‘be careful’ or ‘beware of traps’ or even ‘do you think that’s really such a good idea? There might be, you know, a giant snake or something’!

Not that any of that was needed. Besides, I went in right behind her, just in case she got into trouble, which is how I ended up setting off the trap that Sala had avoided and fallen down a pit and into a pool of what can only be described as slime. The upside about that was it broke my fall rather than my neck. The downside, of course was, it was slime.

While I had little doubt that my companions would soon find a way to rescue me, I wasn’t at all happy about being separated from them, especially since my torch had gone out. Thankfully, the pit was in the center of a much larger cavern in which walls were covered with some sort of glowing moss or maybe lichen.

“Yuck,” I groaned out load after wading through the slime and crawling out onto the stone floor, dripping with the vile thick green liquid, my voice echoing in the huge chamber. Looking around for some sort of hint of where I was, I spied several features which made me wonder if I’d found a short cut, rather than a trap. One. The floor I stood on was not natural, but rather fashioned of stone tiles. Two, there were carved pillars holding up the ceiling. Three. There was a stone tub filled by a softly flowing fountain near the pool of slime. Being a seasoned adventurer, of course I was suspicious, but other than the flowing water, there were no other signs of movement. There was, however, a pair of small round bronze doors opposite each other in the chamber’s walls that warranted investigation.  First things first, however. The slime smelled less than pleasant and there was a basin large enough for me to bathe in. Keeping a wary eye out for peeping toms and giant snakes, I stripped naked and climbed in. In retrospect, perhaps I should have waited for the others to join me, but I was confident that I could take care of myself. After all, who was it that had single-handedly defeated Fobor One Ear? Who had overcome (with Lukes’s help, admittedly) the Red Guard in the Tower of Shuten? And who was it that was victorious, more often than not, when wrestling with Sala’s cat over the blankets? The answer was me – Hannah the Hellion (or, as Luke liked to call me, Hannah the Horny, which was not nearly as flattering but perhaps just as accurate).

Surprisingly, the water was warm. I chalked that up to being drawn from a hot spring. Warm and soothing. Very soothing. I felt at peace, not to mention clean. In fact, so at peace, that I decided to relax a little and close my eyes for a moment…

When I awoke, I knew that something was wrong. Very wrong. For one thing, I was no longer in the basin. Instead, I was chained to one of the pillars. Someone, or something, had attached steel collars around my neck, ankles, wrists and waist! I struggled for a moment, but gave up pretty quickly after making a lot of useless racket. Obviously I was not going anywhere without a key or a set of lock picks which were, unfortunately, in a pouch with my clothing. Upside, my things did seem to be untouched. Downside? They were about twenty yards away. They might as well have been six towns over. I was, for now, a prisoner of unknown forces! Not that I panicked. Well, I did a little, but quickly calmed down. Jonah and the others would be here soon to rescue me. Sure, it would be embarrassing for them to find me like this – naked and helpless. I’m sure they wouldn’t let me forget it for a long time. After all, Luke still teased me about that time I lost a bet and had to ride through town on a bull while naked. Or the time I had to climb Jort’s Tower while naked. Or the time I had to race Sala through two feet of snow naked. Or the time…

I thought it best not to dwell on all the times the others had seen me naked and, instead, dwell upon escaping from my predicament. For one thing, it was making me incredibly horny!

So, I did my best to not think about the past and, instead, concentrate on the present. The present in which I was chained, naked and helpless, to a pillar. The present in which there was just enough chain to allow me to almost touch my pussy. Almost, but not quite. The present in which I was becoming increasingly turned on as I imagined my companions finding me like this and, instead of freeing me, taking advantage of me. The future in which one of the bronze doors began to open and I could breathe a sigh of relief at being rescued…

Only, it wasn’t Luke who came through the passage. It was a snake. A giant snake. Sort of. This one had two sets of arms and more than one cock. Not something you see every day. So that part had been accurate which meant that the part about there being untold riches might also be accurate. Jonah would be pleased.

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“Well, well, well. What have we here?  A comely young maiden. I don’t suppose it would be too much to ask that you’re also a virgin?”

I rolled my eyes and snorted at that. “Not since I was sixteen.”

“Story of my life,” the snake sighed, rearing up on its tail, its tongue flickering as it slithered closer.  “They never are. Just once, it would be nice to find a meek virgin who would scream in terror at my appearance waiting for me to ravage.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Not really the screaming type. If you’d free me, though, I could promise you an epic battle. I promise to go easy on you.”

This time it was the snake who snorted. “Not going to happen. While you might not scream, you’re still getting ravaged.”

To be honest, the idea wasn’t completely unappealing. To date, I’d never been ravaged by a giant talking snake before and the prospect, at the moment, was kinky enough to get my juices flowing, so to speak.

“Should we establish some sort of a safe word first?” I asked, just in case things got too crazy.

“That’s not usually how I ravish fair maidens. I mean, the entire idea of ravaging is to do whatever I want whether they like it or not.”

“Yeah, well, thing is, I’m a bit kinky, so unless you’re intending to poo on me, I doubt very much that I’ll have any issues, as long as you don’t leave any permanent marks or amputate anything. Also, eating me alive is right out.”

“You do realize you’re at my mercy, don’t you? If I felt like devouring you, I could just do it.”

“Yeah, but then you’d have to deal with a very angry boyfriend and some pissed off companions who are, at this very moment, looking for me.”

“I’ve dealt with their kind before.”

“Yeah, but you haven’t met Casper before. He’s a rock troll.”

The snake made a face at that. Rock Trolls were notorious in these parts. Nobody wanted to mess with a rock troll if they didn’t have to. Not even dragons.

“You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?”

“On my honor, what little of it I have, no. He’s a rock troll and I think he’s kind of sweet on me.”

“What would he think of me ravishing you if I left you alive and unharmed?”

“Depends on if I said anything or not. Make it enjoyable and maybe I’ll forget to mention it.”

So he did. Think about it for a minute. Flickering tongue? Slithery scales? a thick pointed tail-end? He started out using his forked tongue on my nipples. Damn, that had me writhing like crazy and begging him for more. To say I was getting worked up would be an understatement. Not only that, but he was really good at the dirty talk. Much better than Luke, even. He called me his nasty little snake-god fucking slut (and yes, as it turned out, it wasn’t hyperbole – he really was a snake-god, albeit it a minor one) to start with. After that, it got pretty crude, which as fine with me. I like crude. Cum craving hungry cunted snake whore. Big titted cock sucking bitch. That sort of thing. He called my boobs tits and my pussy cunt and he didn’t make love to me, he fucked me and ravished me and used me until I came, not just once, but over and over. Talking multiple orgasms of mythic proportions while I was still helpless and chained like a sacrifice to the pillar. He ate my pussy, sucked and bit my nipples, fucked me with his tongue, his tail, and his cocks. Yes, I said cocks.

Before this, I’d had no ideas that snake-gods, even minor ones, had more than once cock. In Fanta’shue’s case (yes, that was really his name) he had nine, all of which were almost too big for me to take. Notice I said almost. He fucked me in the ass, filling my bowels with so much come that it was leaking down the insides of my legs and puddling on the stone tiles. He fucked my cunt so much I was beginning to wonder if I might actually beg him to stop. He fucked my mouth and filled my belly with gallons of his snake cum. He even pissed and made me swallow it.

That wasn’t the only place he came (and pissed) either. By the time he decided to unchain me, I was covered with his spew and dripping with snake-god piss.

“Be okay if I rinsed off in the basin?” I asked, feeling dirtier than I have had before, which was pretty impressive, all things considered.

“Sure. I need to take a moment before round two starts up anyway.”

“Round two?” I asked incredulously.

“Round two,” he repeated. “Where things start to get kinky.”

Start to get kinky? Holy Mother of Syntal, I thought as I climbed from the basin, and readied myself for round two.

He hadn’t been kidding, either. Round two started with him using two of his cocks to fuck me in the ass and the cunt at the same time. Then he managed to fit two in my pussy while I gave him a hand job and blew him. After that, it got out of control. I got fisted, DPed, ThreePed, and more. I got spanked and motorboated and my ass eaten out. I ate out his ass too. Thankfully he only had one. And I came. More than once. More than twice. More than… well, I began to lose count after a dozen.

Afterwards, I lay exhausted against him, while he cuddled me gently.

“That was… incredible,” I managed, kissing him tiredly.

“It was. Can’t wait until round three.”

“Me either,” I giggled. “Although can it wait until I get my breath back?"

“Sure. But don’t take too long. I’m already hard for you.”

“All of you?”

“All nine.”

Round three was even more intense, if you can believe that. Even I have a hard time believing it, but it’s true. So much so, that when my companions came to rescue me, I convinced Fanta’shue to hide out with me in his secret lair until they left. I felt kind of bad doing that, since they all seemed pretty upset that I had apparently perished, I felt a little better when they discovered the snake-god’s treasure room, which seemed to cheer everyone up a little. I do admit, it was a little touching when they swore vengeance and vowed to never forget me and all that stuff before leaving, which they eventually did, burdened with more wealth than they could spend in a lifetime.

“I thought they’d never leave,” my serpentine lover sighed as I squirmed on one of his cocks.

“Why? You getting hard again?”

“You should know that perpetual hardness is one of my powers, slut. I am, after all, a snake-god.”

“I suppose you’re going to insist on worshipping your cocks then?” I asked playfully.

“I hope you don’t mind being chained up from time to time.”

“Not at all. I’ll even pretend to be a virgin if it would make you happy.”

He didn’t answer, at least not in words. Instead, he ravished me again, this time managing to fit three of his cocks in my cunt, fucking me and groping my tits with his hands until my screams of pain turned into screams of pleasure.


The End.




Written by sprite
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