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The Sake Of Intervention

"Sometimes moving on requires a little persuasion"

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Saturday Morning

There isn’t anything unique about this morning. Claire slept in a little longer than usual, having made herself a cup of coffee and returning to the bedroom for her morning routine.

Sean carries a half empty cup into the hallway when he stops. He can see Claire in their bedroom, idly going through a couple of drawers wearing her nightshirt. Her body is slender with long legs, the shirt stopping half way down her ass. The morning ache creeps into Sean. His eyes are focused on everything below Claire’s shirt. He can’t let this one go.

She doesn’t think twice about Sean walking into the bedroom, but a small smirk comes to her face when his hands slide up along her sides. She can feel him giving her shirt a gentle pull.

“So, I was thinking,” he says, exposing the small pair of panties wedged between two squeezable cheeks.

She lets him play with her clothes, turning her head to one side as he squeezes one cotton covered breast, then the other. “Mmm?” she questions with a hum.

He squeezes one exposed cheek, then the other. “I was going to hop in the shower and…” He gives Claire’s ass a firm squeeze and smack. He gives her a moment to spread her legs, readying herself for another. Sean spanks both cheeks to the sound of Claire’s satisfied hum.

“Is there something I can help you with in the shower?”

“Well,” he continues, fingering small panties out from between her cheeks. “I thought that you could suck on my cock for a while and…we’ll just see what happens from there.” He slides his fingers between her cheeks, continuing downwards until he finds an eager pussy.

Claire’s voice is a shallow breath. “Sean,” she lets out, wiggling her hips a little. Her hand instantly grabs for his exposed and rock hard cock. With a firm grip, she closes her eyes and anticipates the feel of his stiff, water dripping cock in her mouth. “Yes,” she moans, loving the way Sean plays with her pussy. “That sounds perfect.”

Steam rolls out from the shower as Claire leads Sean by the cock. She gives him gentle strokes as they enter, Sean’s hand keeping a firm grip of her hair from behind.

There’s hardly any time wasted. Claire squats in the shower, Sean’s thick cock in her hand and mouth.

“There it is, baby,” he says, taking his time to enjoy the hot water streaming through his hair and over his body. He winds Claire’s hair into a ponytail in his fist.

Claire is gracious with her mouth this morning. She jerks and bobs, spitting out hot water around an incredibly hard cock.

Fuck, baby,” she says between sucks, popping the head out of her mouth. “You’re so fucking hard this morning.” Claire jerks, feeling his fist on the back of her head to give her a convincing push forward. Back into her mouth his cock goes. She can’t control it, Claire rubbing her own clit as she does a little bob and suck motion. Sean is gently fucking her mouth to the rhythm.

Sean spreads his legs wide and leans back. He takes the body wash and opens it for Claire, pouring some in her hand.

Claire slides Sean’s cock out of her mouth and begins working the wash all over his cock and balls using both hands. “Making me service you, huh baby?”

Sean nods with eyes closed. “It’s just a courtesy.” He loves the way Claire squeezes and tugs on his balls.

Claire looks up at Sean while she works. “Too bad I can’t get Kayla in here to do this for me,” she comments, continuing to stroke and pull.

He bucks his hips at the thought. “Fuck yeah.”

She jerks harder, widening her squatting stance. “I bet you’d like that, huh? Get her big fuckin’ tits in here? Strip her naked? Innocent and timid as fuck?” A determined grip slides over Sean’s cock.

He can hardly stand it, his eyes remaining closed at the fantasy. “Please, baby,” he says, trying not to cum. “Get Kayla to stroke me.”

Claire shakes her head, a smile coming as she jerks faster. “Oh, no, baby. Not for you. For me.”

“Oh, fuck.” Sean is holding back. “Make Kayla your bitch?”

My pretty blonde bitch,” Claire replies. She rubs her clit harder at the thought, the water having washed Sean’s cock clean. “I’ll sit on her pretty fucking face while I suck you off, baby. She’d look pretty tied up on the shower floor, huh baby?”


“I’ll make her walk around the house topless, her big tits swinging. You can’t touch her tits, though. Those are mine.”

“Anything you say, baby.”

“You can have her mouth, though!” Claire is just scoring points now, doing her best to make him cum hard. “I want to watch you make her gag on my dildo, baby!”

Sean can’t hold back any more. “Holy shit!” he shouts, cock pulsing as cum shoots on the shower floor and Claire.

Rubbing her pussy to a climax, Claire moves herself closer to Sean and sucks his cock, feeling the thick shaft pulse one more time in her mouth as she squirts hard. It’s a shame that she’s not squirting on Sean right now. He’d like that, but for now she’ll just have to let it go.

Sean strokes Claire’s wet hair as she takes her time gently licking and kissing his balls. He does his best to catch his breath. “That was so hot,” he tells her. He’s not even sure where that came from, actually. Kayla is a friend of a friend. She’s curvier than Claire in every way, Sean having been obsessed with slender bodies like Claire’s all his life. Is making Sean want a curvy girl naughty for Claire?

Sean does his husbandly duties, helping clean up before lending a hand to Claire for a final wash. He rinses her back and cheeky ass, eventually holding Claire to the wall as he fingers her ass from behind. By the way Claire is squirming and lifting one foot off of the wet floor, he knows that she’s on the verge of cumming again.

Later that morning, with the tension released from her body, Claire slips on her auburn pea coat and heads out the door. Her morning session with Sean was a random and well-timed affair, doing a fantastic job of clearing her mind before driving in for another busy day at the firm. 

The familiar Maryland roads bend and turn as they always have, Claire driving the same route she always takes. An irritating commercial erupts over the airwaves, Claire’s eyes flicking to the radio dial before she quickly crests a sharp hill and slams into the back of a semi-truck stopped in unexpected traffic. 


Autumn – Ten Months Later

The coffee in Sean’s paper cup is cold by the time he rises from the park bench. 

It’s an incredible autumn day in Maryland, one in which visitors spend heaps of money just to travel great distances and capture colorful foliage on their phones. 

Sean’s hair is a little longer than most would recognize, unshaven stubble showing the hints of gray he previously attempted to hide. In a black coat and scarf, beams of light through tall trees give the edges of his handsome face a defined edge. 

He exhales, giving the cold cup a nervous rattle. ‘This is a bad idea,’ he thinks. ‘I shouldn’t have done this.’

These pangs of doubt seem to double, yet disappear, when he sees her walk toward him on the path. 

Kayla’s blonde hair flows in the breeze. Her face is round and bright, just as Sean remembers, her cheeks showing hints of chill and anticipation of seeing Sean. 

When he captures Kayla’s doe eyes, he can’t help but smile. It isn’t a deep sense of some primal, sexual urge that comes over Sean upon seeing Kayla. Any worries he previously harbored seem absent. The doubts in his mind feel to have been a waste of time. Sean is glad to see Kayla, grateful for her agreeing to meet him just so they can chat and catch up. 

“Hey,” she greets, white teeth showing in a genuine smile. 

“Hey, Kay,” he replies, giving the familiar pat of a hug that old friends do when meeting after some time has passed. “You look great.” 

“Thanks. So do you.” Kayla nearly laughs at how happy she is to see Sean again, but she contains it well. “We got lucky with this weather, huh?”

The small talk continues. Green trees sure have turned orange and gold. There aren’t too many people in the park today. No – this place wasn’t difficult to find at all. 

Everything agreeable occurs between Sean and Kayla, not a single one of the few souls they pass during their stroll knowing anything about them or their past. The further they walk, the more relaxed they feel around one another. It’s the best conversation either of them have had in months - ten months to be exact. 

Strolling not far behind the pair, a slender brunette in an auburn pea coat walks unnoticed, and unseen, listening to every word. Claire accompanies them on their walk today, her voice having remained silent though no one would hear her speak. 

Claire is…doing her best in light of the current situation. It was more than a mistake when Sean accidentally fat fingered his contacts and called Kayla. It was more than coincidence that Kayla’s meeting with a high profile client got canceled at the last minute, freeing up her schedule today. There’s more to all of this. 

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The three of them continue their stroll, Sean and Kayla oblivious to Claire’s omnipresence. Gray clouds cast a truly autumn feeling in the park and over everyone, Claire’s color remaining a little brighter from a subtle aura from any direction. She listens…

“I’ve been worried about you,” Kayla comments, seizing the lull in their conversation. She leaves it at that, looking at Sean. 

He thinks a moment, watching his own feet before looking forward. “Yeah? I’m ok.” 

Kayla is a smart listener, knowing not to push Sean very far. “I just want you to know that I was happy when you called. I’ve…wanted to get in touch with you for a while and…I’m glad today worked out.”

Sean looks at Kayla, a pressed smile on his lips. His mind shifts gears, a slight touch of mental panic as though he’s suddenly realized he’s driving into oncoming traffic, or about to rear end a parked semi-trailer. 

Claire finally raises her head, the ends of her hair remaining still in the shallow wind. She looks at Sean. “Say something to her.”

Kayla looks around, folding her arms. Her confidence begins to ebb. “I’ve thought about her,” she notes. They’ve stopped walking, standing on this nearly abandoned path through the woods. “I’ve thought about Claire. I miss her.” 

Sean nods. With hands in his pockets, he exhales and looks around. His eyes eventually find Kayla’s. There’s some concern, a hint of reluctance. 

“I’m sorry if I’m bringing up a sore topic, especially on a day like this.” Kayla admires the golden trees. “Did you and Claire ever come here?
“No,” Claire hardly says, “but I wish we did.”

“No,” Sean replies, looking for himself, “but I wish we did.” 

Claire isn’t manipulating anything in this moment. Sean’s thoughts are purely his own. 

Kayla gives him a minute, both of them looking at one another. “You can say her name around me. It’s ok. I just want you to know that.” 

“Say something,” a woman’s ethereal voice whispers. 

Sean nods, observing the ground before looking at Kayla. “Claire.”

“Claire,” Kayla echoes. She nods. It’s ok. 

A voice comes to Claire. “I know this is difficult,” He says to her. 

Claire watches for a moment, knowing that no one else is around. “I know. I knew this would happen.” 

This isn’t anything He hasn’t seen before. “And how are you holding up?”

Claire exhales. “I need to do something. Kayla needs help.” In that moment, Claire walks forward, stepping behind Kayla. Claire steps into Kayla, their souls joining. 

Kayla has a change of heart, her sorrow fading, somehow knowing to reach out for Sean. She unfolds her arms and inches towards Sean, reaching for his hand. She exhales a tiny smile when Sean’s fingers link with hers, a gentle tug on his hand to assure Sean that there’s nothing wrong with them being together. 

Claire allows the pair to continue on their own, opting to remain in place while letting Kayla do the rest. She watches them walk away, the two eventually leaving her sight. Claire gives a glance to the sky. “Thank you,” she says. “Thank you for allowing me to do this for them.” 

And with that, Claire is gone, returning to Him as she promised. That’s all Claire told herself that she needed to do for Kayla and Sean. 

That’s it. She’s done all that she can for the sake of intervention.

“Kayla!” a voice calls from the ritzy restaurant bar. An enthusiastic Tina weaves her way through the crowd to meet Sean and Kayla as they’ve finally arrived for their couples night. The girls find one another and hug, loud voices greeting one another over an even noisier establishment. 

Sean and Kayla grab wine and make small talk on a festive night as snow falls on the ground. They remain crammed together like this, Kayla leaning her weight back against Sean. As the other couple discusses something between them, Kayla leans her head back at the feel of Sean’s hand sliding around her waist to pull her closer. Her voice is in his ear. “I put something on for you before we came out tonight, baby.” 

He gives her a little squeeze. “Yeah? What is it?”

Kayla hums a selfish smirk, painted lips grazing Sean’s ear. “The smallest pair of panties I think I’ve ever worn. They’re literally just a tiny strip.” Kayla pushes her curvy hips back against Sean to feel him harden against her. 

“Oh, fuck.”

“Mmm,” she teases in a hum. “Who’s your big booty baby, huh?”

Sean kisses Kayla’s cheek. “You are, honey.” 

She reaches back and scratches the back of his neck. “That’s right, baby. Show mommy your appreciation.”

Sean’s cock aches for the entire duration. It helps that every once and awhile Kayla reaches out and gives his jean covered cock a secret squeeze to alleviate some of the strain, but it just isn’t enough for him.

The drive home doesn’t help. “Please suck it,” he nearly begs with Kayla riding in the passenger seat.

She strokes his thigh, having a difficult time restraining herself. She squeezes a heavy tit in her bra. “No, baby. You’ll cum too fast. I wanna make you cum hard for me later.” And that’s just what Kayla is fully capable of doing for Sean.

Having somehow making it home without bursting into flames, Sean and Kayla frantically do their best to get ready for what looks to be a very hot night of sex.

The tops of Kayla’s squishy tits jiggle in a cushy bra, the tiny strip of elastic around her waist and between her cheeks hardly visible in the low light. She chooses the couch and mounts, grabbing onto the back with large hips sitting between pretty feet. Blonde hair flips to one side. “Come find mommy, baby!”

Sean calls down the hall, walking her direction without any clothes, his stiff cock swaying. “Is that ass out for me?”

Kayla smiles at the thought of how much he loves her plush, round ass. The man can’t keep his hands off of it or her big, soft tits. The thought of Sean hauling her panties off makes her pussy tingle. The thought of what happened the last time she presented herself to him like this makes her ass tighten. Her heart skips a beat at the thought.

“There’s my big, curvy baby.”

“Mmm,” she lets out. “Does daddy like curvy girls?”

Sean grabs hold of Kayla’s g string, giving it a few determined pulls before it rips. He pushes the torn elastic aside.

“One, bad girl,” she says, gripping the couch as she keeps her position. “Two, bad girl. Three, bad girl…”

All ten spankings are administered – the punishment for being so curvy – red hand prints visible on a pearl white ass.

“Right there,” Sean says, pushing himself behind Kayla. A hard cock teases her pussy, rubbing himself on her to feel how wet she is tonight. “This is gonna go in easy, baby.”

“Fuck!” Kayla holds on as Sean pushes himself into her a little more aggressively than usual, the anticipation of tonight making him determined. “Right there, baby. Go deeper for me.”

It doesn’t take long for Sean to work himself into Kayla. He gently fucks her from behind as her ass shakes in waves. The noise alone from Kayla’s ass slapping against Sean’s hips is enough to make him cum, but he holds out for her.

“Sean,” her thin voice sounds, feeling pressure against her ass.

“Yeah, baby?” Sean has slowed his pace, gently working a vibrator against Kayla’s tight hole.

She holds onto the couch, unintentionally tightening her ass before telling herself to relax. “That’s my ass…”

“I know.” The tip of the vibrator is pushed a little harder before entering Kayla’s ass, an open mouth moan escaping her while Sean’s cock is pushed deep. “Just relax. It’s going in.” He can feel Kayla instinctively pushing her weight back, so he gently keeps working it in as her hips wiggle. “It’s going all the way in.”

“Oh, FUCK, baby!”

With gentle pushes and twists, the vibrator goes inch for inch into Kayla’s ass, Sean picking up the pace of fucking her once its securely in place.

Kayla’s ass vibrates from the six inches that’s nearly disappeared inside of her, Sean fucking her hard from behind with her ankles tight in his grip.

“Whose fault is this!?”

“Mine!” she gets out between thrusts. “It’s all my fault!”

Kayla’s got Sean right where she wants him. He’s completely obsessed with her curves, submissive to his burning desire for her body. Every inch of Kayla burns for Sean’s touch, the orgasm that’s building in her sure to leave his cock a wet mess. She may be submissive to his touch, but this boy comes running when momma calls.

Kayla’s voice is desperate. “I’m gonna cum!”

She does just that, shaking and squirting hard for Sean, his thick cock holding firm and deep while the high pitch hum of the vibrator in her ass encourages her to keep squirting. She would be able to relax and give her legs a break, but Sean just took a hold of her blonde hair and started fucking her again.
“You’re not done, honey,” he says, picking up the pace. “Now work that ass.”

Written by Gordon_Brail
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