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The Cave In Winter Wonderland

"Alex discovers her soul mate on her winter break in a shape shifting creature known as the Yeti."

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Author's Notes

"I enjoy storytelling if you enjoy my stories and my voice. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you look at my profile at other stories of mine."

Chapter One

“Damn it! Where did they go?” I mumbled to myself as I came to a fork on the icy path on this icy alpine mountain. Derrick, my boyfriend, thought this trip would be a great way to spend our winter break from the University we attended in Chicago.

Susie, my BFF, and Sean, her boyfriend,  all were excited about the trip. I guess I was the only one who didn't like the idea. The news has a way of making the world seem dangerous. Chicago doesn't have the best reputation, but I feel safe here.

We were on a path in the Alps that overlooked the village. I wanted to get some pictures.  I thought Chicago winters were terrible, but this little winter break from college with my friends is not what I thought.  They were in a hurry to get back to the village. I told them to go ahead; I will catch up with them.

I now wish I didn't do that. The wind is picking up, and the snow is coming down harder. In my head, I kept arguing with myself. Why did I tell them to go ahead? That I would catch up with them.

I looked down at the ground in search of footprints. There were none. The path is all ice. I tucked my map in my armpits and cupped my mittened hands over my mouth and blew. It was a vain attempt to warm my face up.

I looked at the village below and decided to take the path on the right. It seems to be going down which is the direction I want to go. The town looks so far. In my head, I hoped I did not freeze before I get there.

I know when I catch up to them I am going to let them have it. I know that Derrick is going to tease me about my blonde moment on the mountain. For the life of me, I do not understand why I stay with him.

I know I told them to go on ahead. But Derrick, Susie, and Sean could have at least waited for me. They were all in a hurry to get back, and I had to take those pictures. Shit, what am I going to do now?

My foot started to slip, but I caught myself. “Derrick! Susie! Sean! Where are you guys?” I screamed.

I tried taking small steps to keep my balance while walking down this ice-covered path. Thoughts were going through my head of Derrick telling me how much fun this trip would be. Now, they abandoned me high on this mountain. I will never complain about a Chicago winter again.

I suddenly heard something behind me. “Derrick, is that you?” Susie? Sean? Guys this ain’t funny?”

I know I heard something. I turned and took another step, and I listened to the noise again. I know there is something out there. I was getting scared. “Is this some sick joke. Guys, this isn’t funny!”

I took a small step. I heard the noise again. This time it was close. I turned my head and lost my footing on the ice. My legs went flying up. I fell on the ice. I went sliding down the path. I felt the ice-covered stones bruising my body. I tumbled off the trail and glided over the ice through some thickets and came to a sudden abrupt stop as I hit a tree.

I hoped I didn't break any bones. I ached from the treacherous trip down the path. I was half conscience as I heard the steps coming closer. “Who are you?”

I felt the arms picking me up and carrying me. “Who are you?” He lifted me as if I was so light. His arms felt massive. As he held me close to his body, I could feel the warmth of his fur. I could hear his low guttural growls. I tried to stay awake. I passed out in his arms.

Chapter Two

I opened my eyes, and I saw the beautiful stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Is this a cave? How did I get here? There was a blanket covering me. “Where am I?” I mumbled.

I heard the crackling of a fire and glanced in its direction. I saw a man. His hair was long and beautiful. He wasn't wearing a shirt. His back and his shoulders were massive.

"Welcome to my home," his voice echoed in the cave.

I tried to move, but it hurt. I looked at the stranger. "Who are you?"

"I am Jacques." His back still toward me.

I couldn't help but stare. This stranger had such massive muscles in his chest and back. His hair was long and blonde. He must be the envy of every woman around. "Ouch, it hurts to move."

"You took a nasty tumble." He never looked around to face me. He kept his back to me. He appeared to be cooking something. "You're not kidnapping me, are you?"

Jacques started laughing. "Kidnapping? No, I am not Kidnapping you. I saw you tumble down the trail and brought you here to help you. You can leave anytime you want."

Jacques was indeed cooking. The aroma was filling the cave. "What are you cooking?"

"Food," was all he said.

"NO, duh!" I removed the blanket and tried to get up. "Ouch, I can't get up."

"Are you hungry?" Jacques asked as he was nibbling on whatever it was he cooked.

"Yes, If you don't mind." I tried sitting up, but it hurt too much. "Could you help me get up and come over by the fire."

"Sure." Jacques stood up and stretched. Then I noticed he was not just topless. He was naked with a small waist, and that ass was like it belonged to a Greek god.

"You're naked!" I exclaimed shocked.

"Yes, I know that." He turned around to walk toward me.

"OH MY GOD, please can you put some clothes on." My eyes were glued to that cock. I have never seen one so huge. It was still limp.

"Don't you walk around naked in your home?" Jacques started walking toward me.

"Yes, sometimes when I am alone." I couldn't take my eyes off Jacques’ dick. "But not if I have company."

"I prefer to be naked whenever I can. If my company is offended by me being naked, they can leave." He smiled down at me.

Jacques was standing right in front of me. That cock was inches from my face. His balls were plentiful, and his dick was not only long it was thick. "There is only one problem?"

"What is the problem?" he asked with a smirk.

"I can't just leave. I am hurt.” I glanced at his face. Jacques had the bluest eyes, and they were hypnotizing. That is if I could look away from his dick long enough to stare in his eyes.

"Give me your hands," I offered Jacques my hands, and he helped me to my feet and led me to the fire. As this man helped me to sit down on a broken branch, I looked up, and that fat cock rubbed against my face.

"You did that on purpose," I shouted at him.

"I did what on purpose." His eyes showed he was baffled.

"You rubbed your thing on my face." I was trying to sound angry. I did not want him to know that in reality, I enjoyed it. I could feel my panties dampening. I kept wondering how big it is when it is hard.

I found myself staring at that limp monster visualizing it being hard. Would I be able to accommodate it? I don't even think it would fit. It is too big.

Jacques was tearing a piece of meat from the spit he had over the fire. He handed it to me. I took it and ate it. It was delicious. "Where did you get chicken from?"

"This isn't chicken. You are eating a rabbit," he said while taking a bite off a chunk he chose for himself.

I spit it out of my mouth. I looked at Jacques while trying to get the taste out of my mouth. He looked at me with amusement in his eyes. Then he started laughing.

"You mean, this is a rabbit that was not long ago hopping around outside." I was using my fingers as a toothbrush to try and get the taste out of my mouth.

The only thing Jacques could do was laugh. "Yes, this is the Easter bunny that didn't make it to Easter."

"Don't you have any real food?" I looked at Jacques.

"I am sorry, Pizza Hut and McDonald's got snowed in." He looked at me laughing and eating his rabbit.

"How long will I be here?" I looked at Jacques.

"You can leave anytime you want?" he told me as he was standing up again making it impossible for me to look at his face. The only thing I could look at is that cock.

"Would you cover that thing up, Please?" I stared at it.

"You are that offended by my Little Richard?" Jacques looked at me.

"It is not that I am offended by Little Richard," I was laughing at his name for his dick.

"Then what is it?" he looked down at himself.

"When I am talking to you, I would prefer to look at your face. But when Little Richard, which is not little, is hanging in front of my face, I can't take my eyes off of it. Your cock is humongous." I felt my face reddening from embarrassment.

Jacques turned around and started walking away. I looked at him. "Where are you going?"

"I am going for a swim." He walked away.

"A swim?" I was bewildered. It is winter and a snowstorm. "How are you going for a swim?"

"There is a pond over there that is very warm. You may want to go for a swim." He looked back at me with a smirk.

"Excuse me, have you forgotten so quickly." My body is like bruised all over and full of pain. How am I going to go swimming" I was stunned by his short memory loss?

"It is a magical pond. It will probably heal you." He stood there smiling.

"You know what? That is so pathetic," I scolded him for his outlandish remark.

"What is so pathetic?" He stood there with his hands on his hips and that snake hanging between his legs.

"I have had guys try to get me out of my clothes, but that comment takes the cake. The very idea of telling me it is magical." I looked at him like he was nuts.

"Suit yourself." He walked away, and I saw him jump and heard the splash of the water. "Oh my god, You do not know what you are missing? This pond is warm."

I tried to stand. I groaned as I managed to stand up. When I decided to walk it was even worse. The pain was excruciating. I took six-inch steps, and what seemed an eternity I managed to walk to the pond.

"Jacques," I called out as he was swimming and splashing around. "Jacques, please stop swimming for a second."

He stood up facing me. Those muscles rippled, and he shook his head causing that beautiful mane of hair to swing around. I just stood there staring at his manly shape.

"I'm sorry, did you call me." Jacques’ smile was just as heavenly as his beautiful blue eyes.

"Uhh, yes." I looked at him, and for a moment I forgot what I was about to say. "Were you serious, when you said the pond was magical."

"Yes, I was serious." He stood in the water looking at me.

"Can I come into the water?" I looked at him.

"Sure, If you want. It is wonderful." He ducked into the water came back up and started shaking the water from his hair.

"Would you stop that?" I looked at him.

"Stop what?" He asked while smiling at me.

"Oh, nothing." I saw his smile. "I can't go in with my clothes on."

"Well, take them off." He started swimming around.

"Jacques," I called his name then frowned. "Jacques, please, stop swimming."

"What is it now?" He looked at me laughing.

“I need help.” I looked at Jacques who was grinning at me.

“Help with what?” His grin turned into a big smile.

"I need help getting my clothes off," I mumbled while looking at the ground.

"What did you say?" he asked.

I looked at him. "I need help getting my clothes off," my face was beet red.

Jacques slowly walked from the water and stood in front of me and looking into my eyes. He reached up pulled my green skull cap from my head. Then he slowly unwrapped the colorful scarf from my neck.

My hair was around my face. Jacques used the back of his fingers, and ever so gently he moved the hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ears. The soft touch of those fingers sent waves of excitement throughout my body. He stared directly into my eyes.

Jacques unbuttoned my winter coat and slid it off my shoulder where it fell and landed on the ground behind my feet. My mind was going bonkers. I couldn't believe how aroused I was becoming. I looked into the blueness of his eyes. I could see visions of passion in their depths.

I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to feel his strong arms holding me. Inside my head, I was screaming for him to fuck me. I wanted to feel his length inside of me. I wanted him to make love to me.

I held onto his shoulders as he slid my boots off my feet and then my socks. He stood up for a moment our eyes locked. Jacques lightly traced his finger around my lips.

"Do you want me to continue?" Jacques was no longer laughing at me. I could see the lust in his eyes now. I have never felt so aroused. I could feel myself becoming wet. I could not take my eyes off him. I wanted to surrender to the passion I saw in his eyes.

I fought back the coward part of myself and swallowed the fear I had. "Yes, please continue."

Jacques hooked his finger underneath my sweater and lifted it over my head. He knelt as I unbuttoned my jeans and he slowly peeled them down my hips and off.

I undid the front clasp to my bra and pulled it free. My breast came out of the cups. I heard a sigh escape Jacques' lips.  He slowly peeled my panties down exposing myself to his eyes. I stepped out of them, and he kissed my shaved pubic mound, and his hands cupped my ass cheeks. I held his head close to me as his kisses excited me.

Jacques stood up and looked into my eyes as his fingers slowly traced a line up my hips rising to my breasts. He softly traced a circle around my firm orbs. He softly kissed my lips, and I felt his cock as it stiffened its length up my belly.

Jacques picked me up in his arms and carried me to the pond.

Chapter Three

"What the hell do you mean there is nothing you can do?" Derrick yelled at the hotel desk.

"What is your name, sir?" The desk clerk looked at Derrick

"Derrick!" that is my name and this is Susie and Sean," I shouted to him. “Remember? We checked in a couple of days ago?” You couldn’t have forgotten that quickly.”

"Please sir, you do not have to raise your voice. I am sure your girlfriend is fine." The hotel desk clerk seemed so unresponsive to the fact that Susie has disappeared.

"It has been three hours, and the weather is getting worse," Derrick demanded they do something. "At least call the police."

"Sir, the police will not do anything in this weather. I am sure your friend is fine," The clerk tried reassuring us.

I grabbed Sean’s hand, and we went to Derrick. I looked at Derrick. "Maybe we can go find someone who is brave enough to help us find her."

Derrick glanced at me. "That is a good idea."

The three of us left the hotel and walked down the road. The snow was coming down hard, and the wind was picking up. We found a tavern and thought why not.

We walked in, and a reasonably good crowd was there. We sat at a table, and the waitress came over. "I am Sonia, Can I get you anything?"

My eyes went from her beautiful almond eyes and her tan complexion to her breasts. I couldn't help but notices her thick nipples protruding through the fabric of the dress. "Yes, Well take three dark beers." I smiled at Sonia, and she returned the smile.

I looked at Sean and Derrick, "Let me go talk to the Sonia. Maybe she can help us get some people together."

As she was filling up the three mugs with beer, I sat on a stool by her. I couldn't help but notice her breasts jiggling beneath the dress as she filled the glasses with beer.

"Can I help you?"  Sonia had the most seductive smile as I looked up and seen she noticed me looking at her tits.

"I'm sorry." I knew I was busted. I regained my composure, "Can you help me?"

"What do you need?" she continued smiling at me.

"We lost our friend today. We need help finding her. The hotel won't help. They say the weather is too bad." I couldn't help but look at those tits again.

"The weather is bad." She looked at me.

"Isn't there any guys here that could help?" I pleaded with her.

"Where did she get lost?" she asked.

I looked at her, "We went up into the mountains today. She stayed back for a little bit to take some pictures. She told us to go on ahead, and she would catch up."

"She never returned?" she looked at me.

"No, she never returned. That is why we need help." I was looking at her.

Her eyes shot wide open. She dropped the mug of beer.
"Not again?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her. "This has happened before?"

"Yeti" she exclaimed. The bar went quiet. Everybody was looking at us.

"Yeti has struck again?" one of the men sitting at the far end of the bar exclaimed.

Derrick and Sean jumped out of their seats and ran to the far end of the bar where the men were. "Who is Yeti?" Sean asked.

"The great abominable snowman!" One man shouted.

"I saw Yeti once. He stood eight feet tall. He walked in the distance. He was half man and half ape." an older man at the bar was describing.

I looked at Sonia as the fear enveloped me, "Yeti is real!"

"Yes, Yeti is real." She looked at me. I didn't see the fear in her eyes. I saw lust.

"I saw Yeti as well," another man shouted out. "He isn't eight feet; he is closer to ten. I thought I was a dead man when he looked at me and roared."

Sonia looked at me and saw the fear. “Do not worry. Your friend is fine.”

"Does anybody know where this Yeti creature is! I need to save my girlfriend." Derrick was panicking as the men spoke of the legends of this creature.

"How do you know she is fine?" I looked at Sonia while glancing in the direction of the men.

"Yeti is entirely human. He is a shapeshifter. The few sightings of him are when he is the abominable snowman. Up in the mountains, there is a magical cave. He is a magical creature of lust and sex.” Sonia looked at me with a seductive smile.

“You have to be kidding.” I looked at her.

“No, I am not kidding,” Sonia continued. “When in human form he possesses a monster dong that no mortal man has yet to obtain. If your friend fell prey to Yeti then trust me when I say, she is getting fucked real good."

"Son-of-a-bitch, why couldn't he have taken me!" I whispered while looking at the Sonia.

"I agree, I have dreamed of him taking me for a long time. But he only takes foreign women — the smug bastard." Sonia handed me a beer.

"That Yeti doesn't know what he is missing." I looked at Sonia with a smile on my face.

"Why do you say that?" She looked at me while sipping a beer.

"I'd do you in a heartbeat." I smiled at her.

She gave me the most beautiful smile. "If Yeti has your friend she will come back."

"She will?" I looked at her.

"Yes, but things won't be the same." She looked at the men to make sure no one was listening.

"What do you mean?" I glanced at the men, then to Sonia.

"She'll have an uncontrollable desire that her boyfriend can't satisfy." She looked at me, "Only Yeti can satisfy her now. Most of the couples end in divorce or separated. The women become delirious while trying to satiate their lust. However, many are unaware of the lost legend; he searches for his soulmate. She will live for eternity with him. ”

An old man in the corner yelled out, “The Yeti eats our livestock and sheep. Maybe even people!” Derrick and Sean looked at one another.

“What is the lost legend?” I whispered to Sonia.

“If she is the chosen one to be Yeti’s mate. She will return to him for eternity.” Sonia smiled at me when she said that.

"Can anyone help us find Yeti?" Derrick looked at the men in the bar. "Who will go with us to help us find my girlfriend and rescue her from Yeti?"

Nobody was saying anything. I looked at Sonia, "I better get them out of here. Maybe we'll meet again." I made sure nobody was paying attention.

I motioned with my finger to the Sonia to come closer. She leaned over the bar. I planted a kiss on her lips which she seemed glad to return.

"Derrick" I grabbed him by his coat sleeve. "It is time to go. They are not going to help."

Derrick looked at me, "But what about Alex?"

Chapter Four
While holding me in his arms, Jacques carried me until he was chest deep in the water. He shifted how he was keeping me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.

Jacques looked deep into my eyes as his nose softly rubbed against my nose. It reminded me of the Eskimo kisses when I was a child. However, this was far more sensual. Our lips touched, and he was gentle in how he kissed me. It was so erotic, to see the pure lust that he kept subdued in his eyes.

I unwrapped my legs from Jacques' torso as he sucked my tongue into his mouth. His cock trapped between us, I could feel the considerable length sliding up and down my body as the motion of the water bounced me up and down.

I reached down between us and was barely able to wrap my fingers around the circumference of Jacques’ swollen shaft. I moved my hands lower and fondled his balls in my hands. They were massive, and I was unable to imagine the load I hoped he would be unloading on me.

“Are you still hurting?” he whispered to me.

I had forgotten all about the bruises and how much I was hurting. However, after Jacques asked the question, It occurred to me, there was no more pain. “No, I am no longer hurting. Except for one place.”

“Where would that be?” He kissed me again as I stroked my hands on that hard flesh.

“I have a hurting need to have you inside of my wet pussy.” My hands tightened around his manhood.

Jacques carried me out of the water, then laid me down on the ground. He knelt at my side and asked me to play with myself. I slowly began caressing my breasts and pulling my nipples.

I watched as Jacques was kneeling there by me, his eyes watching as I played with my tits. His hand was slowly sliding up and down his manhood. I stared at the sight of him masturbating. I have never seen a guy masturbate. And now, my first time was with a guy who had the enormous cock. 

Jacques watched as my right hand slowly traced a path down my belly and rubbed my swollen clit which was aching with need. A sigh escaped his lips while his left hand started fondling his balls. He kept his right hand moving over the mushroom head of his engorged shaft.

I slid two fingers inside of my pussy and started fucking myself while watching him stroke himself. Imagining that hard dick in my pussy and fucking me. I had three fingers inside me and was trying to get the fourth finger.

Jacques stared with complete lust as now I had my hand inside my pussy. I was going insane as I fisted myself. My body was aching with the need to have that fat cock inside of my cunt. I was so close to coming.  His fist now a blur as he stroked that swollen shaft. I squeezed my thighs around my hand as the orgasm overtook me.

Jacques knelt up at my side. He let out a monstrous roar as he thrust his hips forward.  His cock head was aiming at my tits. I watched as the monster load shot out. His cum was drenching my boobs. I looked at the pearly white necklace of cum. He laid down beside me licking his cum off my tits.

He would come up and kiss me. I sucked his delicious cum out of his mouth. He continued licking his cum off my tits while his hand started rubbing my clit. As he scooped his seed from off my breasts, we would swap it back and forth.

I started lifting my waist off the ground so he could rub my clit faster and harder. I was moaning, as his cum dripped into my mouth. He did not let up on my clit but moved his hand on it faster as my second orgasm took over.

Jacques spread my legs wide and slowly started fingering my wet pussy. My lips were wet and swollen, as he slowly entered his fat head into my gaping opening.

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“Oh my God, your cock feels wonderful in my pussy.”

He was careful and took his time as my body stretched wide to accommodate the massive intrusion. I felt his cock as it slowly slid into me inch by inch. “Oh Jacques, please fuck me.”

Jacques slowly withdrew his hard shaft and slid it back in. He began a real slow fuck. I laid on the ground and moaned with ecstasy as that beautiful cock excited nerves that were virgin to the joys of sex with this monster.

I felt his balls slapping my ass each time he pushed his length inside me. I could feel the shock waves shooting up my body as his cock touched things that I never before felt. I was delirious as I began begging for him to let me cum.

When the full length of Jacques’ hard penis had succeeded in sliding inside of me, he lifted my legs, so my knees were against my chest. He held his hands to my throat and fucked me hard with furious thrusts. He let out a growling noise as my fingernails dug into his back.

It was only moments, Jacques held me down. He began pounding the full length of his cock into my tight pussy. I was gushing juices all over his fat shaft. His balls were slapping my ass.

“Jacques, yes, yes fuck me, Jacques, Fuck me hard. Shit, I am going to cum!” My pussy squeezed that cock as I came harder than I have ever orgasmed. My eyes rolled back in my head. I saw flashes of light. My juices coated that cock of his. He grunted then let out a roar.

His cock erupted and filled me with his hot sperm. He let go of my throat and kissed his way across my breasts and down my belly. My legs were around his shoulders as he started licking his cum that dripped from my opening. He scooped our blended juices into his mouth and came up and kissed me.

I sucked the juices from his mouth and enjoyed the taste of our love, our passion. I looked in his eyes and saw the joy he had. The kiss he shared with me excited me because I felt we were joined and united as eternal lovers.

Chapter Five

I opened my eyes and was shocked to find myself lying on a bed. The door to the hotel room slammed shut.  Derrick stared in shock. “Where the fuck have you been?”

“What are you talking about?” I rubbed my hands over my eyes. Then I recalled the dream I had. It was a dream. I think it was a dream. I am not sure if it was a dream or not.

I looked under the sheets, and I was naked.

I remember being on the mountain trail. I remember someone carried me to a cave, I think. “How did I get here?” I looked at Derrick.

“That is what I wanted you to tell me!” Derrick shouted at me. “We have been looking all over for you. We even made a police report.

“I don’t know where I have been.” I looked at Derrick. “The last thing I remember is being on the mountain. And then..”

“Who is Jacques?” Derrick looked at me with his eyes full of anger.

“What are you talking about?” I looked at him.

“You were talking in your sleep- Jaques, fuck me harder..oh, Jacques, yes I am cumming, Who is Jacques?”

I vaguely remember what Derrick described. I couldn’t figure it out, was it a dream? It seemed real. I can’t remember. I looked at Derrick. I was becoming so aroused for some reason. I walked over to Derrick and tried to kiss him. “Darling, let’s forget about this and go to bed. You said this was going to be a romantic winter getaway.”

Derrick pushed me away. “I want you to tell me who Jacques is. I also have to let Susie and Sean know that you are alright.”

“Susie and Sean can wait. I don’t know who Jacques is. Let’s go to bed.” I tried to undo his belt.

“Are you fucking nuts!” He looked at me while at the same time someone knocked on the door. “I have to answer the door.”

I pushed Derrick back, and he landed on the bed. I reached down and tore his shirt open. I held him down on the bed. Derrick was in complete shock. “What the fuck are you doing?”

I looked at him as the anger of his attitude filled me. I shouted at him, “Shut the fuck up. I want you to fuck me. You are going to fuck me right now!”

Derrick was in a state of panic. He heard Susie and Sean outside the door. “Is everything alright!”

Sean opened the door, and he and Susie entered the room. They both were shocked at the sight of Alex on top of Derrick. Alex looked at Derrick, “Fuck me you bastard. It’s alright if you want an audience.”

The hotel manager came into the room, “Is everything alright?”

Derrick moved me off of him. I watched as he tried to button up his shirt. “Everything is fine. We found my girlfriend.”

I noticed the hotel manager looked at me. Then returned his attention to Derrick, “The police are downstairs and would like to talk to you, Mr. Derrick.”

I started laughing as Derrick tried to button his shirt. He only managed to find one button to fasten. “Susie, can you stay with Alex. Sean and I will go talk to the police.”

Susie looked at Derrick. “Sure, that will be no problem.” She walked the men to the door then shut and locked it after they left.

I watched Susie turn and lean back against the door. She smiled at me. I started wondering why she was laughing at me in such a way. “Why are you smiling at me?”

“Sonia told me you would come back. She also mentioned that you wouldn’t be the same.” She slowly began walking toward me.

“Who is Sonia?” I asked thinking that Susie has had a drink too many.

“A little hottie I met tonight.” I watched as Susie kept walking toward me very slowly with a wicked smile, “You fucked the Yeti!”

The bathroom door suddenly opened. I saw the man come out. As soon as our eyes met everything came back to me. I ran into his arms and looked up at him. He kissed my lips.

I turned to face Susie. “This is Jacques.”

Susie looked at me, “This is the Yeti?”

“What is Yeti?” I looked at Susie and Jacques began laughing.

“I am the Yeti, but my name is Jacque.” I watched as he held his hand out and kissed Susie’s hand which made her smile.

“What is Yeti?” I asked while looking at Jacque then Susie.

“Today he is known as the abominable snowman. But he is a shapeshifter. You were going to be left a life of wanting and not ever being sexually satisfied. Unless you were the one destined to be with him.” I saw a smile on Susie’s face as she looked at Jacque. “Is that why you came back?”

“The other women you speak of from legend did not remember me when I came back.” Jacques looked at Alex, “The one who is destined to be with me would remember me once I came back and looked at her.”

Susie looked at me, “You remembered him.”

“What are y’all talking about?” I looked at Jacques.

Jacques kissed me on the lips. He looked at me then at Susie, “Can you go out in the hall by the elevator and get a bucket of ice.”

I saw Susie look at Jacques, “I am not going to do that.”

“Susie, That is impolite.” I looked at her as she smiled at me, then she smiled at Jacques. While she was looking at Jacques, “Susie, do you remember Halloween?”

I giggled then looked at Jacques. I whispered in his ear, “Susie and I had a threesome with some lucky guy.”

Jacques smiled at me. “Are you recommending something?”

I looked at Jacques. “I am doing more than that. Can you handle three of us?”

I gave a puzzled look at Susie. “Who is the third?”

I smiled. “A little hottie I met tonight. Sonia has wanted her whole life to be with the Yeti.”

“Jacques,” I saw a look of concern in Susie’s eyes, “I don’t know what you can do in the way of magic. But is there a way we can get to the alley of the bar outside without being seen?”

Jacque put his arm around me then held his other arm out for Susie. Susie then came to his and Jacque held both of us. It seemed just an instant, the snow was coming down hard, and a few people walked past the alley where we stood huddled together.

Susie grabbed my arm and told me, “I am going to make sure you do not leave me. You don’t mind, do you, Jacques?”

Jacques just laughed as he watched Susie dragging me into the bar. I saw one girl who worked the bar sitting in the corner by herself. Susie had me by the arm leading me there. “Hi, Sonia!”

I saw Sonia smile at her. Susie made sure to talk in a low voice, “This is my friend, the lost one. Were you serious when you said you would like to be with the Yeti?”

She looked at Alex. She stared into her eyes, and she smiled at me. She looked at Alex, “Meet me in the alley.”

“I will slide out the bathroom window.” We ran back outside to the alley. I saw Sonia’s feet sliding out the window. Susie ran over to her holding her feet. As she was coming out Susie’s face disappeared between Sonia’s thighs. “Stop that!” Sonia told Susie.

“I couldn’t help it. That is why you sit in the corner of the bar by yourself.” Susie was cracking up laughing.

“A girl has to do something to keep herself entertained.” Sonia was shimmying down Susie’s body.

Susie cracked up laughing. “Why are you laughing so much.”

“Your vibrator is buzzing on my belly. It tickles.” Susie exclaimed.

Jacques was laughing at the two of them. “These two are your friends?”

“Well, one of them is, and I guess the other one is now as well.” Jacque and I started laughing.

The two came running up to Jacques and I. Sonia was pulling her dress down covering up her pussy. Sonia looked at Jacques, “Before I go anywhere, Can you prove to me you are the Yeti.”

Jacque unzipped himself, and he had me reach inside and pull out his dick. I stood there in the alley stroking the monster cock, and Susie’s eyes opened in total shock.

Sonia exclaimed, “The king long dong finally has me.”

The three of us girls cracked up laughing. Jacques put his arms around all of us. And the magic transported us back to the cave.

Chapter Six

I watched Susie and Sonia; they were excited about being in the cave. "One minute we are in an alley and the next we are in a cave. “Like, how awesome is that." Susie cracked up laughing, and Sonia joined her.

Sonia turned around and saw Jacques and me taking off our clothes. "Hey, that is not fair. We have to get undressed too."

Susie and Sonia joined Jacques and me in the pond. "Fuckin A, It is like a jacuzzi in this pond. How fuckin' unbelievable." Sonia shouted as she splashed water onto Susie.

Jacques was holding me in his arms and kissing me. Beneath the water, I was stroking Jacques hard cock. I saw Susie holding Sonia in her arms kissing her. She was twisting Sonia's fat nipples.

Sonia began floating on her back with her legs over Susie's shoulders. Susie was licking the seam of Sonia's pussy. Susie's tongue started dancing circles around her new friend's clit.

Jacques whispered in my ear then left the pond and laid down while watching Susie and Sonia. I joined them and started sucking on Sonia nipples. I looked at Sonia then went and kissed her moist lips while tweaking her nipples.

Susie began tongue fucking Sonia while I was rubbing her clit. Sonia was pulling and twisting her nipples until an orgasm hit her. She started coming as she floated on her back in the pond.

The three of us looked over at Jacques who was stroking his cock while watching us. I sat on Jacques' face so he could eat my pussy. I watched as Susie and Sonia were stroking and sucking Jacques' fat cock.

Before I came on top of Jacques' face, I slid down further. Sonia held that cock and Susie held my lips open as I slid down, impaling my pussy on that cock.

Susie and Sonia watched as that cock slid in and out of my wet pussy. They started kissing, occasionally stopping to watch Jacques' cock fucking me.

We started switching. After I came, Sonia had her turn. Susie laid beneath Sonia as  Jacques’ cock slowly slid into Sonia’s pussy doggy style. Susie was sucking on Jacques’ balls while he fucked Sonia hard.

Jacques unleashed another load of cum inside Sonia’s pussy. Susie was sucking the cum dripping from Sonia’s pussy. I went down and was kissing Susie and sucking Jacques’s cum into my mouth.

The three of us were kissing Jacques, who was happy to share the taste of his cum with the three of us. Jacques reached down and slid three fingers into Sonia’s pussy and brought it out. His fingers, coated with the mixture of his cum and Sonia’s juices.

The three of us were licking the mixture off his fingers and sharing the taste with Jacques. Then we pushed Jacques onto his back, and we all took turns sucking on the huge cock. Sonia was sucking on his balls while Alex stroked his shaft and I was edging the head of his cock.

I would softly scrape my teeth on the head. Jacques would let out a loud growl. Then I started sucking hard on that cock head. Jacques let a yell out as he thrust his hips off the ground and a massive load shot out.

Some of Jacques’s cum dripped down the side of his cock and Sonia, and Susie was licking it up. I went up to hold Jacques’s mouth open and allowed the cum to drop from my mouth and into his waiting mouth.

I went down and kissed him while Susie and Alex were sharing the cum he had on his belly. They came up, and the three of us were sharing his cum and our juices with Jacques as we all kissed.
Such is the raunchy tales of the magical cave in the winter wonderland which Alex, Susie, and Sonia live in orgasmic bliss as the servitudes of Jacques, the Yeti in Winter Wonderland.

Written by sm058
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