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The Big Score

"Luca takes on a difficult job that pays off."

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Competition Entry: Punked

      Lux: Street slang for the people with all the power and wealth. They run the corporations.

              The top 3% of the population. It is derived from the word luxury.

Luca adjusted the telescopic range of his right-eye optical implant. The target was tiny, far away, and moving. So he zoomed in until he got a lock on the box holding the bit of circuit, a critical safety function on the bottom of the high-speed elevator descending outside the towering Megacorp building.

Luca's internal processor was hacked into the city’s sensor network, being fed all the wind variables between his location and the elevator. He just needed to keep the crosshairs in his HUD on-target until all the aiming adjustments were made and his processor triggered the launcher on the tripod next to him. Milliseconds later, the launcher fired with a whisper of compressed air.

The finger-sized projectile flew true. It was slow enough not to be mistaken for a sniper attack by the building’s defenses. When it reached the elevator, it released a tiny electromagnetic pulse, destroying itself and shorting out the safety circuitry.

What happened next shouldn’t have been possible. Mechanical brakes that engaged and disengaged at each stop would automatically engage in the event of an electronic malfunction.  However, Megacorp executives resented the few seconds of delay that hardware imposed on their busy lives and had ordered it removed from their private elevator.

The Lux never experienced equipment failure, so where was the risk?

Luca’s Netrunner had pulled this piece of information from maintenance logs, safety violation fines, and letters resolving of responsibility from the elevator manufacturer. Knowing this info was the only reason Luca and Andra had accepted the job.

The elevator crashed into the Megacorp subbasement at full speed, killing all four men on board, including Luca’s target, Megacorp’s CEO.

Luca shut down his link and packed up quickly. The forensic drones that would be dispatched had a remote chance of identifying the cause and searching for an assailant. He used a spray gel to dissolve all traces of his presence from this location and left before the KwikMed unit landed six blocks away at the accident.

Luca light-footed down the several flights of stone stairs from the top of this monument to the plaza below. Unlike most Inds, he had no showy cybernetic prosthetics. While His muscles were enhanced for speed and flexibility, those body modifications didn’t alter his appearance. However, they did provide him with the skills to be the perfect acrobat or thief.

This late in the evening, the plaza would be occupied by board teens from the Lux crowd looking for sport. They would be wearing skintight neon fashions with programmable translucency to show off their sculpted bodies and zipping around on the latest mobility devices. Free from the consequences of their pranks here in the corporate hub of the city.

Luca also wore a skintight bodysuit. His had a greater range of options than the Lux fashion bodysuits and were currently set to matte black. The fabric could also turn a blade and stop a small caliber bullet. He now pulled up a neon pattern from last month’s fashion trends. Using out-of-date styles would place him in the middle ranks of these privileged brats. A quick command to his bodysuit, and he now looked like a Lux teen.

Luca saw the Lux couple when he turned the corner at the end of the monument. They were hard to miss, positioned under that streetlight.

The male stood with fists on his hips, chin up, and cock out. His exposed erection glowed bright red. His bodysuit faded from that, through orange to dull gray. The overall impression was of heated iron ready to be worked. Of course, the cock had been sculpted to unrealistic dimensions.

The female had her hands braced on the top of a bench, and her ass presented to that branding bar of a cock. She was a pale Asian exotic with silky black hair framing her exquisite makeup. Her bodysuit was set to full transparency, with animated flames at the crotch. Animated smoke twisted up the torso of her bodysuit.

She scanned her surroundings slowly, looking for something. Her cat-green eyes found Luca. She pinned him with an intense stare, and through her lascivious smile, a long tongue snaked out to brush her eyebrows. She uttered a deep-throated growl.

 Luca was enthralled. He leaned against the monument to watch. Her raw sensuality had him aroused already. He commanded his bodysuit to set his crotch area transparent with just enough light to display his normal, average hard-on to her. The rest of his body remained a mystery in the dark night.

She winked at him, then yipped at her boyfriend.

Pose unchanged, still staring indifferently at the sky, the head of her boyfriend’s seemingly red-hot cock lowered to align with her flaming pussy. She twisted from shoulder to rump and slowly screwed herself onto his cock. Mouth open in a big ‘O’, head nodding ‘yes’ several times, eyes locked with Luca, she clearly expressed how good it felt.

When she hit bottom, her boyfriend hip-thrusted her back off. Synchronized with his thrust was a sound, the ping of a hammer striking an anvil, and animated sparks flew away from the impact zone across both bodysuits. It was extremely realistic and, no doubt, just as extremely expensive!

She groaned and screwed herself back on. Then, they set up an even pace: PING . . . PING . . . PING, the hammer sounded, and sparks flew with each thrust. Luca couldn’t keep his hips from thrusting to that beat. Her eyes encouraged him.

A ComQst came in from his Netrunner, Andra. Since they were working a job and she was on overwatch, it auto-answered.

‘Luca, is everything ok? You stopped moving.’

Luca just opened his video stream to her.

‘Shit! . . . That is so HOT!’ Andra giggled at her own, so obvious pun.

The male, Luca tagged him Ironrod, suddenly pulled out and spewed semen all over Flamegirl’s back. His exaggerated spasms and moaning made it clear his orgasm stimulation was over-clocked. Same for the glans producing his jizz.

With his orgasm complete, Ironrod returned to his original pose, and Flamegirl slid back on his cock, her pace a bit faster. Luca was looking forward to seeing her cum.

‘News flash! Her father lies dead six blocks away and by our hands!’ Andra barked.

Cursing, Luca lost his boner. He was watching Jennifer Li have sex in the middle of Kensington Plaza! Netrunners could be such buzzkills. She was also correct. He only had a limited time to clear the corporate hub. He reset his clothes and jogged away.


      Jug: Street slang for the people with no power or wealth, tied to corporations by binding

              contracts and debt. Derived from the word subjugated.

During the shift change hours, the subway was crowded, so it was the best time for Luca to ride it out of the hub. It was easy to hide his appearance under the cheap sweatpants and hoodie he had pulled from his backpack. It took acting skills to hide his health and vitality.

The overworked and underpaid labor that serviced the city center, unseen by the Lux, had a minimum one-hour commute to where they could afford to live. Poor maintenance of the subway cars meant the lighting was dim. (The Jug always experienced equipment failure.) Most took advantage and got a good sleep.

Nobody wanted to be stuck for an hour with the unwashed poor. Not the cops. Not corporate security. The Jug may no longer have unions. However, they still understood the power of solidarity. Nobody victimized a Jug on a car full of weary Jugs, not a second time!

All Luca had to do was hunker down and be one with the sleepers.

Once the trains cleared the inner city stops, there would be a long stretch under parks, golf courses, and estates (the Lux green belt) that required no subway access.

Human nature being what it is, a little black-market trading gets done on the long unmonitored ride. Keep it quiet, no drama, and the sleepers will turn a blind eye. ‘Keep it quiet‘ also applied to the oldest known transactions, sex. Pleasure yourself, pleasure each other, pay for head, just don’t disturb those trying to sleep.

      Ind: Pronounced ‘in-dee.’ Street slang for people who have broken free of corporate employment.

              This was less than 7% of the city’s population. They lived in enclaves of free enterprise on the

              edges of corporate-owned property. Derived from the word independent.

Luca was too keyed up to sleep. He'd just assassinated the world’s richest, most powerful man and casually walked away.

Of course, that just meant Mr. Samuel Li missed a day of work. Megacorp’s crisis team was decanting one of his clones and getting ready to animate it when they got word of the accident. So, the ultra-rich never really died.

Luca decided to purge these depressing thoughts by playing the video of Princess Megacorp getting hammered in the plaza. (He groaned at his own too-obvious pun.) The playback would be on his eye HUD. With his hoodie pulled low, the small light leakage shouldn’t bother anyone.

Ms Li’s sensuous movements and arousing expressions had Luca’s erection growing quickly. He was focusing too closely on her art and lost his situational awareness. He jerked in surprise when a small, soft hand grasped his cock, and lips brushed his ear, whispering,

‘Watcha watching Ind boy?’

He may have been surprised. His gear wasn’t. It over-clocked in threat analysis:

    ta0.000 She smells good, she’s well-fed. The only weapon in her hands is your own! HA HA

    ta0.002 (sub-note debug humor routine)

    ta0.003 Screen glow in her right eye

    ta0.004 Conclusion: Not the Jug whore she’s dressed to look like – threat HIGH

    ta0.005 Internal DB face recognition search started . . . one match found

    ta0.009 Cloe O’Reilly, age 22, resides in Herman’s Outpost, occupation listed as Courier

    ta0.011 Conclusion: Ind - Threat downgraded to MODERATE

    ta0.012 Threat modifiers: (+1 Irish) (+1 Redhead) (+1 She’s holding your cock) HA HA HA

    ta0.013 Complete.

Luca opened a com port, hacked one of her ports into accepting his ComQst without notifying her, established an encrypted link using her on-file credentials, and created a chat window on her HUD with pink and blue chat bubbles. This all before she finished whispering ‘. . . Ind boy?’ He had good gear.

Luca took an honest three-second look down her blouse at her perky pink nipples before he popped a blue chat into her window.

Online Now!
Lush Cams

[What else may I do 4 U Ms O’Reilly] He glanced down at her cock-holding hand.

It was her turn to jerk in surprise. She’d been breached!

She activated her network defenses, virus scanning and validated the encryption on the link. It was a private link! The scan found and quarantined his small notification hack. All else came up clean and normal. So where’d he get her name and credentials? Five minutes passed before she could text back. She was still too frazzled to form a coherent question.

[who - fast - How U get net access???] Came up in pink.

The subway tunnel was deep enough to keep the vibrations of passing trains from disturbing a golf shot. Unfortunately, that depth also blocks all useful network frequencies.  Only security teams would have used it while on the subway, and they stayed clear when trains ran full, so it wasn’t considered worth the cost to Wi-Fi one hundred miles of tunnel.

Her network access question was the best one to lead with. Luca realized she didn’t know him and had grabbed the hard-on of a complete stranger. Cloe might be fun to know.

[What made U grab Ind - unknown capabilities?] He asks instead of answering her question.

[U R only other Ind I C pass as Jug & ride sub - A girl gets lonely U looked harmless - Lesson learned]

Luca patted his lap, inviting her to sit. Her petite body perched on his thighs, knees under his armpits as she sat facing him. Her hands dropped into his crotch. Here was the second set of piercing green eyes pinning Luca tonight.

[Cozy – Call me Cloe lol] She wiggled her fingers over his straining hard-on.

[Pleasure 2 meet U - Luca from Seven Corners] He was never given a last name.

Now she was bouncing with excitement.

[LUCA7C  NO SHIT ! ! U make the impossible happen!]

[Calmly  not wake sleepers   U mean like this?] He attached a jpg of her perky nips and sent a burst of vibrations through her fingers. She bounced again.

[Cant calm U keep doing shit  Whats that?]

 [Ur tits excited to C me lol]

[No smart-ass - not pic - the vibs]

[A TS212 oscillating orb implanted at the optimum location to stimulate your clit when you are adequately impaled on my cock ROFLMAO]

[I♡ it] Cloe texted back.

She leaned in and started a soft kiss. It lingered and progressed into a passionate kiss. Her hands rolled over to cup his cock and balls. His hands slipped up under her sweatshirt to caress her bare back. He pulled her in tight, and their tongues jousted.

[WTF . . . How I get past Ur armor?]

[Stand 4 1 sec]

She stood. He pulled his sweatpants down below his knees, exposing his bodysuit, now set to a dull gray color. Cloe took the opportunity to drop her sweats as well, flashing a red bush, then returned to his lap.

[Observe the Impossible!] Luca declared in his text.

Spreading his hands like a showman. He activated the FabricTek MicroZip sewn into the crotch of his bodysuit. The way the seam parted to expose his hard-on was like magic.

Cloe texted the Ooooh happy face Emoji.

If Luca were standing and limp, his cock would pass through the new opening. In his current state, his hard-on didn’t fit. Cloe wasn’t impeded by the small opening and fished his cock out. She moved over it and sat down.

[Im impaled - get started]

Luca checked the noise level of this subway car passing through the tunnel. It was higher than he expected, twice the decibel level of normal conversations. He adjusted some settings on his program library's most popular vibration routine.

[Ambient audio is 80dB    I set auto-off if Ur > 80] He warned her.

[OK] She agreed. She could be quiet while fucking, right?

They started making out. The initial vibrations were low and built slowly. It was several minutes before Cloe had a physical reaction. Her hips twisted forward. Minutes later, the program had her measure and fed her body what it desired.

Cloe gave up trying to make out. Instead, she clung to Luca’s shoulders, panting rapidly and grinding in circles.

The night’s stimulating events, the vibrator under his cock, and Cloe losing herself to pleasure all pushed Luca over the edge. He came hard. Cloe’s eyes opened big as she felt his cock jerking in orgasm. She tried to lean in for a kiss. Instead, she was hit with a power rhythm that sent her over the pleasure cliff. Her muscle spasms radiated out from her clit in waves, each causing her to emit a grunt. (All under the 80dB auto-off limit!)

Luca wrapped her in his arms to enjoy the orgasm with her. For several minutes, each time Cloe thought she was done, the orb under her clit would give a little buzz. This would send her through another set of spasms, prolonging her orgasm.

When finally done, Cloe drove her tongue deep into Luca’s throat with her passionate kiss. They made out for a while until they were fully recovered and emotionally bonded.

[Why the boner when we met?] Cloe texted.

[watching Lux get hammered in middle of Kensington Plaza] he let her view, but not copy the video.

[hot   wheres end?]

[hadt catch subway]

[this was tonight?   busy boy!]


Cloe and Luca walked out of the subway together, holding hands. Cheap residential towers and factories surrounded the station at the end of the line. It was also a few blocks short of the Smith’s Landing Ind enclave, where they planned to get breakfast.

With network access reestablished, Luca sent off a safe-arrival text to Andra:

[Out safe   What U got on Cloe O'Reilly from Herman's Outpost?] He immediately received a ComQst from her, which he accepted.

‘I have great news. We’ve received our bonus! The accident you created made it impossible for the Megacorp medical team to recover Mr. Li’s memory core intact.’ Andra practically shouted in her excitement.

‘We’re RICH!’ she crowed.

Without the memory core, all of Mr. Li’s activities, from his last backup one week ago to his death, would be unavailable to the new clone. Somebody needed this window of opportunity, enough to double the pay if Andra and Luca achieved the loss of all seven days.

‘That is great news!’ Luca’s statement made Cloe glance over. She seemed to be in conversation with someone as well.

‘I bet Ms O’Reilly is with you!’ Andra guessed.

‘Yes, I spent the night with her. I’m taking her to Cheap Charlies for breakfast.’ He responded.

That put a smile on Cloe’s face.

 ‘Ah, here she is, cute girl. Her job records go back several years, all completed successfully. Some with high-difficulty assessments. She gets most of her work from “The Mule.” Of note is her top rating in confidentiality. She has never divulged information on her packages or their recipients.

She is a well-paid and respected courier. I’m adding her to our contact list. Have fun, sweety.’ With that, Andra disconnected.

‘I plan on it. Bye.’ Luca heard Cloe conclude.

‘So, we have a green light to continue dating!’ Luca teased Cloe. Laughing, she replied.

‘Yep!  Hey, did you hear? The CEO of Megacorp was killed last night. Apparently, somebody removed the mechanical brakes from his elevator. We were lucky to get out when we did. The hub has been locked down since it happened.’

‘So sad,' Luca faked a tear.

‘Not a fan of the Lux?’ she asked


‘Hey, how did you learn about me without the net?’ she wanted to know.

‘I did a facial recognition search on my internal database.’

‘Bullshit! Nobody can carry a city’s worth of face-matching data.’

‘True. I only have the Ind population cataloged.’ He explained.

‘How did you manage all of that in five seconds?’ she asked, still unsatisfied.

‘It only took half a second. I spent the rest of the time enjoying the view down your blouse!’ he evaded again.

‘Half a second? Whose gear are you running?’

‘LUCA7C. I’m a nerd when it comes to tinkering with hardware. It’s my thing. Nobody builds better gear!’ he boasted just a bit. Others had tagged him with ‘Makes the impossible happen,’ so it was only a small brag.

‘Are you through with the inquisition? I’m hungry!’ he complained.

‘Let’s go, and then we can find a room!’ she agreed.


Luca arrived back in the Seven Corners Ind enclave a day later. He walked into the living quarters he shared with Andra. The sound and smell of sex hit him like a wave. Three young men were servicing Andra in the middle of the room. They all had bodies like Adonis.

The first was flat on his back, his cock pumping into Andra’s vagina. She lay on top of him, facing down. The second male knelt behind her, pushing his cock into her anus. The third knelt in front and filled her mouth and throat with his cock.

Andra could only greet Luca with her eyes. She did find a free hand for a brief wave before she had to clutch the shoulder of the stud below her. She trembled and choked her way through an intense orgasm. Her coming seemed to be the signal the boys were waiting for to increase their tempo. Her body writhed, building to the next peak.

Luca was instantly aroused. It didn’t matter that he had fucked Cloe earlier. His dick was hard again. He walked toward the pile of bodies, undressing. This was Andra’s party, so he’d watch and jerk off.

The stud fucking Andra’s ass saw Luca approaching with a hard-on. He reached both hands behind and spread his ass cheeks.

‘Come fuck my ass, lover.’ He invited Luca. Andra nodded her head in the affirmative.

Luca grabbed a convenient tube of lube and greased his cock. He stood behind Number Two and kissed him. Kneeling behind him, Luca pushed his cock into the stud’s anus. When fully inserted, he allowed the professional to do his job.

Number Two would push forward into Andra, then push back onto Luca. Having Luca’s cock in his ass made Number Two fuck Andra’s ass aggressively. Andra tried to scream with her new orgasm, only her mouth was plugged. Jets of spittle, with bits of scream, escaped from the gaps between her lips and Number Three’s cock.

Luca wrapped his arms around Number Two and grabbed a nipple in each hand. He sucked on the muscular neck before him while enjoying the anus sliding off and on his cock. He came in no time, spurting deep into Number Two’s anus.

He fell to the side, spent and satisfied. Worn out from a long day, he closed his eyes and listened to Andra writhing. Her activity would intensify, and she would peak, only to be driven to a new orgasm sometime later by the three cocks plunging into her.

A time later, Andra had her final orgasm, and she could not respond further. The studs withdrew their cocks, rolled her onto her back, and spurted pools of jizz on her tits and belly. They each gave her a long, passionate kiss and took their leave.

Luca and Andra spooned together, naked and sticky, on their living room floor. Andra gave a long sigh of contentment.

‘That was money well spent! Luca, I’m going to enjoy being rich!’ she declared.

Written by LordCephius
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