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The Astronomer's Wife

"A man of science puts his faith into the skies"

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Author's Notes

"An actual story, with Lush characteristics"

Puget Sound – Dawn, Breakwater Café

Shined loafers silently carry Ethan during his routine morning journey along the Breakwater Marina waterfront. It’s March, so spring is in the air as the brief walk from his house to the little café retains a cool breeze that slips into his slim jacket and matching slacks.

Ethan is lost in his own world for the moment, mindlessly going over the things he needs to do when he arrives at the university. It’s a bit of a surprise when he looks up, a line of people reaching out of the little shop, wrapping onto the sidewalk. Breakwater is never this busy, hence Ethan’s presence. This is a local place.

“Fantastic,” he grunts to himself, checking his watch as it ticks closer to 7:00 am. Ethan really doesn’t have anything to complain about. If he’s an hour late to work, then no one will even notice unless he’s giving a lecture. He adjusts the leather bag on his shoulder, letting out a huff as a stranger gives him a sort of ‘Howdy-do’ morning smirk.

The line slides inside, voices of the workers calling out completed orders – coffee and bagels and donuts and panini’s and that sort of affair. Ethan waits patiently.

“Coffee! Black! Little cream!” he hears, a single cup with a brief wiggle held above the line of heads.

Ethan wades beside the line with a whispered, ‘Sorry, excuse me,’ as he pursues the floating cup of salvation. He has to reach for it, the cup never coming down to his level. Success.

“You’re an angel.”

“Don’t angel me,” Valerie replies dryly, ringing up one order after placing another.

Ethan holds onto the paper cup, clinching his bag to keep from knocking people he doesn’t recognize. The name scribbled on the side of his cup reads Mr. Classic. Previous naming conventions have included Wiz Kid, Flatts, Spectacles, Dr Evil, Professor, and so on, all of them in Valerie’s handwriting.

Since moving to Puget Sound, Ethan has discovered and loved this little shop. It’s his first bastion every morning before hopping a train to the university. With longer hair and round spectacles, Ethan screams progressive beatnik in his suit and smooth morning shave. Slim and easy-natured, Ethan is a handsome man with light brown eyes, a silent touch of gray on a hair or two, and a noticeable physique under his blue suit.

It wasn’t always this way. There used to be shined boots instead of loafers, an officer’s uniform where a slim suit fits, and a tight haircut that even the stiffest of winds could never move. After his time in the Navy and completing his doctorate, Ethan couldn’t turn down teaching mass communications at the university.

Ethan’s coffee is half full by the time the line dies down, the morning resuming some sense of normalcy. He takes up his cup, the leather bag keeping his chair warm. He slides a twenty on the bar, Valerie scooping it up to cover his morning addiction. “Were they at least nice to you?” he jests, leaning on the bar.

Valerie’s long nails tap the keys, her long hair up in a ponytail. She eyes the tip jar. “Yes, actually.” She does her job breaking the bill, tossing the receipt, and sliding it back to Ethan. The morning rush hasn’t quite left her.

“Hey,” he casually emits, capturing Valerie. She leans on the bar across from him, a sense of being irked by Ethan’s interruption. Ethan’s fingers lightly touch Valerie’s, the ends of both lightly playing.

The customers never even noticed and, even if they had, it was fleeting at best. Valerie is as pretty as the sunrise across the marina’s blue waters. No magazine will feature her profile from the best side, which is a shame, but any fool compels themselves to guess her name. Shalya or Christine. Erica with a K or Brianna also known as Bee. With a natural streak of blonde in silky brown, pale skin from years from living up north under a cloudy sky, Valerie carries her own simple definition of beautiful. Prominent brows consistently follow her expression and attention which is currently passing over Ethan.

Valerie attempts to view the sky through the shop’s windows. “Cloudy today…”

Ethan turns and notices, feeling her fingertips slip away. She made a smooth escape. “A bit. Maybe it’ll let up this afternoon.”

Valerie sets to work on menial tasks. “So, you won’t be out on the deck this afternoon?”

Ethan shrugs, feeling the bottom of his coffee near. He watches her. The apron fits Valerie so well, round hips slightly shifting with every subtle movement. Ethan loves those hips. Her hair is a bit of a mess, which is wonderful and natural, her voice rich with casual curiosity. “I’ll be on the deck regardless,” he comments, turning the cup in place.

When Valerie reaches for Ethan’s empty cup, he places his hand on hers, extending the remnants of twenty dollars to her apron pocket. “Ethan, don’t,” she pleads. Still, she allows him to slip the money into the empty pocket, feeling his hand on hers as she retrieves the cup.

Ethan rises and goes for his bag, noting how business is picking up. He returns to the bar, pretending to be distracted. “What time will you get off?”

Valerie shrugs, a quick smirk at his terrible choice of words. There’s a simple smirk on her face.

“Before six?”

Her shrug is repeated. She pretends that ringing up a customer drowns Ethan out. “I dunno. What’s at six?”

“Sunset. I’ll see you on the deck?” Ethan hides his smile.

Valerie shakes her head. “No.” Hidden smiles are contagious.

Ethan adjusts the leather strap, a shake of his hair out of the way. “Shame. It’s gonna be a clear evening.”

“No, it won’t.”

Bye, coffee girl.”

Bye, space guy.”

Valerie rings up an order and calls it out, glancing to the window just in time to see Ethan walk out of sight. She curls the fingers that Ethan touched, a quick breath through the nose as she attempts to focus. Ethan has been offering for her to come see the evening sky on his deck at his house on the hill, something about a great view of the harbor. He knows where Valerie works, she knows where Ethan lives, both places being a stone’s throw away. Valerie has waved to Ethan on his deck as she’s driven past after work, his eye often buried in the telescope. There are hardly any stars out during that time of day.


Valerie clocks out and rolls up her apron, stuffing a thin roll of tips into her purse before turning out. They hardly notice when she leaves, the place having slowed to a crawl. Valerie walks past the parking lot and up the sidewalk on the hill, leaning into her steps as she adjusts the purse. It’s 5:18.

Ethan mills around his house at the end of his day, the double doors open to the second-story deck as the evening comes. It takes him a moment to put the two together when he hears, “Greetings from Earth!” from the lawn.

That’s Valerie.

“Hey!” he lets out, hands on the railing as he looks at her from above. “You came.”

Valerie looks around, unimpressed hands slapping at her side. “So…is this it?”

“Come on up. The side door is open.”

Holy crap. She came.

Ethan remains on the deck as Valerie makes it to the unfamiliar second story. She follows a breeze through the hallway and into the pristine spare room, thin curtains blowing in the wind. “Wow,” she comments with crossed arms. “That’s incredible.” The sunset is vivid, as is her smile. Valerie can see the harbor and hills, naked boats and shining waters for what is nothing less than a million-dollar view. A telescope points upward at the edge of the deck.

Ethan leans against the railing. “I’ve shown you pictures before.”

“Sure,” she comments, finding the deck’s edge. “But they don’t do this justice.”

He appreciates the way Valerie adores the sunset, loving how the orange rays shine on her hair. It’s a terrible shame that he doesn’t have a camera on him right now. Ethan lets her moment continue.

Valerie turns her head, noticing Ethan standing there. “What?” A smile grows, the wind doing wonderful things with the ends of her hair.

Ethan purses his lips and gives a dismissive gesture. “I’m glad you’re here.”

Her white smile disappears, but a smirk remains. “I’m not impressed yet.” She clears her throat. “I don’t see any stars.” Valerie follows Ethan’s finger as he points to the horizon. Out in the distance and above the hills, a single light shines. She grins, pressing a cheek to one side. “I guess there’s one star out.”

“It’s not a star,” he comments, moving to the large telescope. He points it in the right direction and adjusts his round spectacles. Having a look for himself, he ensures the light is visible, and larger, through the sights. “Take a look.”

Valerie waits for the punchline. It’s probably an airplane. If it’s an airplane, then she’ll jab Ethan in the ribs. Having a go for herself, she observes the vibrant brightness.

“It’s Venus,” he comments, looking its direction.

Valerie looks up, back into the scope. She smiles. “That’s great. Can you only see it now?”

“Every day,” he notes, watching Valerie hunch down to the scope. “Twice a day, every day. Venus rises and falls with every sunrise and sunset.”

She looks to him, a toss of her hair. “Every day?”

He nods, watching her expression. “Every day.”

Valerie returns to the scope. “Is this what you’re looking for up here? Watching for Venus?”
“Mmm, hmm.” Ethan notes the clouds in the distance. “It may even rise with the sun. It’s rare, but it happens.”

“It’s kind of blurry.”

“Here.” Ethan stands behind Valerie, placing her hand on the reticle to show how it turns. “A little left or a little right,” he comments, standing close behind. “Slight, tiny adjustments.” He keeps his hand on hers, their bodies touching.

Ethan catches the scent of coffee, jasmine, and grace – a constellation of Valerie. He feels her stand upright, her hand firmly under his as she observes the distance. “It’s not a full circle,” she notes.

He shakes his head, feeling Valerie rest her weight into him. Ethan’s hand slides up Valerie’s back, teasing and massaging her neck under that smooth hair. “Venus has phases just like the moon.” An easy hand massages her tired neck, allowing himself to press his body into hers. Ethan touches his face to her hair, taking her in.

Valerie loves the way Ethan rubs her tired skin, how his calm and cool nature brings her a sense of calm. She’s never been this close to Ethan, never allowed herself the liberty of satisfying the thoughts she’s had about him when she’s alone at night. Ethan’s hands feel perfect as they find all of the right spots on her body. Along her hips and waist, finding her shoulder before trailing along an arm chilled by the night.

Ethan can feel Valerie’s breathing become deep, sensing the rise and fall of her chest as she settles a little deeper into his touch. The hand covering hers on the telescope shows its way to her waist. Valerie is now in Ethan’s arms and, to be honest, neither of them are having second thoughts.

Valerie turns to kiss Ethan out of compulsion, confirming every hope she’s had that the man can kiss. She takes the first one, Ethan offering the next, both of them breathing deep as they finally have what they’ve wanted for so long. She instantly rises to her toes, fully turning into Ethan as he accepts the burden of her weight and desire. “Ethan,” she lets out, feeling him shift his kiss from one side of her lips to the other. The mention of his name goes unanswered, his response being that of fully wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close.

The way Ethan kisses is magical. His simple touch to her face drives her wild. He kisses her neck at the right moment, sending a shiver to her toes.

Nothing good will happen out here on the deck, so Ethan leads Valerie into the spare bedroom as she remains consumed by his heat for her. He told himself he wouldn’t do this. He promised that he would be able to control himself if she ever came to his house in Puget Sound. All of that now seems a terrible lie.

Desire turns to lust as soon as Valerie bumps up against the bed. Everything about Ethan is so new to her. His body is hard, his touch perfect, and the softness of his lips making her crave more of him. She can’t seem to get enough.

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Valerie’s blouse is frustratingly unbuttoned and tossed aside, a cushy bra pressed against Ethan’s naked, muscular chest. Without saying a word, Valerie feels Ethan touch and explore her body right on cue. His hands are in her panties, his lips are sliding down to her chest, the way he uses her legs to pull her closer on the bed causing her to laugh. This guy is great.

Although Valerie closes her eyes to feel him with her hands, Ethan isn’t shy about her beautiful body. With her lying back on the bed, he positions himself between her legs, leans forward, and slows down. Gentle hands slide from her face before trailing down her body, over her hips, along those beautiful legs, and to her feet. Valerie’s toes relax, the ripples of tension in her soul becoming smooth. Ethan explores Valerie, which she loves, his hands touching and pushing along every inch of skin.

Valerie closes her eyes, feeling Ethan’s warm mouth onto one nipple, then the other, lightly sucking on the bottom of her soft breasts. Smooth legs wrap around a sturdy waist. Ethan does things to her that no other man has ever attempted – a slow worship of her body by giving her all of the things she never knew she wanted.

Ethan isn’t an animal. He’s a masseuse. A sculptor. A master craftsman by the way he can shape Valerie in his hands. God, those hands. He possesses her like a man who has burned for a woman he loves for months, missing every moment of her touch.

Valerie would never let someone go there on a first date, but the way that Ethan is trailing kisses down her body right now…there’s no stopping this man. Her legs widen, slender fingers in his hair as she takes in a thin breath and holds onto it.

Ethan’s mouth is wet between her legs, gently licking and flicking to pull Valerie closer to the edge. He gives that sweet pussy a kiss here and there, savoring the taste before sucking on her clit.

“Oh, my God,” Valerie lets out.

Ethan has to hold onto her thighs and keep his mouth attached as she squirms. He can feel her pressing up against the headboard, sure of the fact that her eyes are open as she tries to find the words. Still, Ethan sucks before trailing his tongue up and down, out and in, flicking all the way back up until he finds her clit again.
“I want it,” Valerie hardly says. “Ethan.” Her torture finally ends when Ethan slides up along her body, his hands locking with hers as he leans in for a kiss.

Ethan doesn’t have to labor. Valerie is so wet from his efforts that he easily slides into her the first time. There’s no awkward working of himself, no unfamiliar positioning of her hips. The way he eases into Valerie is natural.

“Ohh, fuck,” she moans. Ethan loves that moan, continuing to gently work himself into Valerie. Her hand goes to his chest, eyes flying open to tell him something important. Her expression is one of concern and desperation. “I want…” she begins, catching her breath as Ethan slowly rocks into her. “I want…”

“I know.” That’s all he says, continuing his slow push into Valerie, feeling himself enter her a little at a time.

She nods, eyes on his, the look on her face remaining the same though she’s not entirely convinced. Valerie is struggling while Ethan is easy. Her hand remains on his chest as she feels him fill her perfectly. Ethan’s heart isn’t racing nearly as fast as hers, but men seem to have a way of being so sure of themselves.

Ethan’s words are a whisper, reassuring her that everything is ok. “Just a little push, honey.” He gives his hips a slow and continuous push until he’s all the way in, Valerie’s head rolling back as her face becomes trapped between pillows.

“Right there,” she moans, feeling Ethan toss the pillows aside. “Oh, holy fuck, right there.”

If there’s such a thing as a tender fuck, then Ethan’s giving it to her right now. With their hips touching, Ethan rocks Valerie’s body forward and back, the tight feeling pushing both of them to the edge. Ethan pulls back an inch and fucks, another inch and fucks, eventually pulling Valerie’s hips into the air as he uses her thighs for leverage.

Valerie is half-suspended in Ethan’s arms, tits bouncing as he fucks this beautiful woman in an open bedroom. Her legs bounce in the air, painted toes curled, her mouth open as she watches Ethan absolutely have at her. “It’s right there!” she says, trying to reach for him though he’s too far away. “Don’t stop! Right there!” There’s no denying Valerie now. From the way Ethan is rapidly rubbing the head of his cock against the right spot, she’s sure to cum and…there it is! Valerie mutters curse words in a sequence that no proper lady should ever say in public. Every syllable is perfect for this room with Ethan so close, every expression of her words and body admitting all of the things she could never bring herself to tell him on the balcony.

Ethan eases Valerie’s hips down to the bed. He isn’t finished, gently sliding in and out of her while she catches her breath. It won’t take him long. That soft look in her eyes, when Valerie somehow appears to become someone else, is his undoing every time.

The bedroom is quiet as Valerie recovers, helping Ethan calmly reach the edge with his words in her ear.


An Hour Later

“I didn’t mean to make you late.”

“You didn’t,” Valerie replies, buttoning up her top before looking for her purse. “It’s ok.”

Ethan leaves his shirt off, helping Valerie gather her things and make for home. She thanks Ehtan for his help, seeming distracted. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

“Tomorrow,” she replies. Did she wear her watch today? “Tomorrow.”

“Yes.” Valerie gives him a friendly smile, her hair whipping one way as she takes another deep breath.

They stand close to one another for a moment. It’s quiet. She’s not making eye contact with Ethan. There’s no kiss before departure.

Ethan watches from the balcony as Valerie leaves into the night, Venus shining in the sky to accompany him. He understands. There’s a little girl waiting at home for a mother who works too hard.

No – he doesn’t know the man who walked out on her life. Yes – he knows the little girl’s name; it’s Charlotte. No – Charlotte isn’t his.

Valerie doesn’t turn around or give a little wave which is unlike her usual self. Ethan knows where Valerie is at in her head and, to be honest, it isn’t good. It’s strange really, but after all these years, he doesn’t have her number to ask how she’s doing.

When Valerie turns her car to drive up the street and pass by Ethan’s, she doesn’t see him on the deck. The spare bedroom doors are closed. The telescope is gone.


8:05 am

The Breakwater is dead today. Why isn’t there a heavy rush to keep the morning moving along? Without a cloud in the sky, a warm morning sun greets Puget Sound, yellow rays highlighting a spot where a handsome man in boyish round glasses normally sits. Ethan isn’t here…nor has he been. Valerie rings up an order and makes another batch. 8:45.


5:52 pm

A telescope sits on Ethan’s open deck up the road. From a distance, Valerie watches as a tiny Ethan walks out onto the deck and muddles around. There he is, all by himself, peering into the scope. Valerie tries to see the horizon for herself, but it’s blocked by buildings and hills. She’s sure that he’s spotted Venus.

She watches with arms crossed, contemplating walking up to see him. Maybe she’ll just drive past and see how he’s doing. Maybe she should just go home.

Ethan disappears from the deck. Curious, Valerie watches for a moment before he reappears below. He doesn’t lock the door or hop in his car. Ethan walks down the street in front of his house and into the sunset at a brisk pace…and he’s gone. Valerie isn’t quite sure why, but she remains standing there, watching the empty deck from the side of Breakwater. Without expecting it, Ethan is seen casually walking back up toward his house, slower than before, and goes inside.

The doors close. The lights turn out. And that’s it.

With an unclimactic ending to the evening, Valerie hops into her car and drives the long way around, foregoing Ethan’s empty deck tonight.



No sign of Ethan this morning.

From within her car, Valerie watches Ethan walk down from his deck and toward the setting sun. Once again…it’s the same result. Ethan casually walks up the hill and back into his house. The doors close. The lights turn off.

Valerie drives away.



“I can’t,” Valerie replies, feeling Ethan reach for her fingertips before she pulls them away.

Ethan nods, giving Valerie the assurance that she needs. “Ok,” he tells her. “Not a problem.” Idiot. He knew it was a bad idea to have Valerie over that night. He knew she would do this. Why did he have to put his hands on her? Why did he have to ruin such a good thing? Valerie’s winds blow one way or the other, so why did he chance it? “Tomorrow, then?”

Valerie nods, her voice flat. “Tomorrow.”

Ethan turns away with full coffee in hand, knowing that he’ll arrive way too early for work.

Valerie doesn’t watch him leave. She forces herself not to look. Everything within her is different now. Why did she let Ethan get to her like that?


That evening, Valerie is sure about what she wants, about what she needs to tell Ethan. She knows where he will be and when, so she walks up the hill toward a prominent balcony in the sky.

Yes. Tell Ethan.

Valerie stops and turns away, taking a solid ten steps before stopping again. She can’t do this with him. No more men. Charlotte is too young to witness her go through this heartache again. No.

Standing there, Valerie crosses her arms from the effect of a cool breeze, Ethan emerging on the deck during a clear afternoon. Valerie watches, a simple curiosity of what she would have actually said if she had entered Ethan’s house unannounced. Her curiosity vanishes when Ethan makes a quick turn from the telescope. He isn’t walking – he’s running. Ethan bolts from his house, a heavy run toward the sunset at the end of the hill. Valerie begins walking up to Ethan’s. Something’s wrong.

Ethan sprints toward the sunset, his heart racing and breathing heavy as he bolts down the hill. There! It’s right there!

Venus has risen with the sunset, her light mixed and overcome. If any time is perfect for Ethan to act, then it’s right now. Who knows when he will get the next chance.

Ethan sprints down the hill and into the blinding light.

Valerie makes a quick jog to the top of the hill and looks into the sunset. The intensity of light has faded. Venus is hardly visible above the horizon. There’s no mix of bright light…and there’s no Ethan.


Ethan feels himself pass into the light, his sprint effortless as he lets it take him.

Concrete becomes cobblestone, the passing of cars replaced by carriage and horse. Ethan has given into the light, turning to see the old harbor before him. He doesn’t wait. There isn’t any need. He turns to look up the hill, a new Victorian standing where a lonely deck sat empty.

His legs atrophy, but he won’t stop now, running up the hill until his chest feels as though it will burst.

Arriving in front of the Victorian, he looks up to the second-story window that’s open to the breeze. He knows what’s inside. He knows what waits for him.

Ethan takes his time when he enters the house. A grandfather clock ticks by the stairs. It smells of finished mahogany and dusted hardwood. He’s here. He has returned. A slow hand slides up the handrail as she climbs the stairs, plush carpet silent under his shoes. Down the hall and towards the master, he can smell fresh jasmine on the breeze, hear Charlotte playing with her dolls in some fairytale land.

“Ethan?” her voice calls. “I’m in here.”

He gently opens the bedroom door, seeing Valerie in a long, white dress. She’s beautiful with her hair down, soft skin touched by the sun from her afternoon walks. She smiles at Ethan, a warm and gentle thing from the pleasure of having him home.

“I’ve missed you so much, angel” he lets out in relief, walking to her before kneeling down to slide himself into her arms.

“From just this morning?”

Ethan holds onto Valerie and breathes her in. It’s been so much longer than that. Though he holds her close now, having previously lain with her three days before, this Valerie that he knows is beyond those initial, trepid days that were so difficult for her when they were first together. They’re beyond second guesses. Beyond the decision to name her Charlotte.

Valerie holds onto Ethan, a gold band on her finger as she runs her hands through his hair. He hasn’t come to her like this in a long time. Ethan’s tenderness is welcomed, yet unusual.

She kisses his hair. Her voice is a whisper. “What’s happened? Tell me everything, love.”

Written by Gordon_Brail
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