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Sweet, Sweet Semen

"Some people like how cum tastes and some don’t. What would society be like if every man’s cum was irresistibly delicious?"

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Author's Notes

"This story was sparked by a comment I overheard: “I’d swallow it if it only tasted better.”"

The bedroom spokes-box woke me up first. I could still taste Ryken’s sweet, sweet semen and he smelled so good lying next to me. A hundred years after the advent of sweet semen, Ryken’s was said to be the sweetest. Every man’s semen was sweet, of course, but he made a handsome living with his as only a few others could, with his longer than most, thicker than most, more resilient than most, most handsome cock. 

Gods—the nectar! 

“Your morning wood appointment is at the door,” the box announced.

My boyfriend de la nuit stirred and I shook him. “Hey, it’s six. You have a client.” 

Ryken stirred, asked who it was, and cursed at the answer. This one always wanted a golden shower afterward, so Ryken would have to wait to pee. He told the spokes-box to let him in. 

“If you don’t like to start your day so early with a suck and a piss, why did you schedule him?” 

“He’s rich.” 

I got my robe on just before his client let himself into Ryken’s bedroom. “I knew you wouldn’t be awake,” he said. “Well, not all of you.” 

Ryken sat naked on the edge of his bed. Even though he was still half asleep, his wide-awake cock was a true professional. It took all my willpower not to clamp my jaws around it.  

“Jasson, it’s always good to see you,” Ryken said after a brief kiss. 

“And it’s good to see you. It’s a shame you’re not gay.”  

“It’s a shame you’re not a woman. You remember Lara. I think she wants to watch.” 

I did. 

“That’s fine, but I’m not paying extra for an audience—not for a woman, anyway. No offense, dear.” Jasson wasted no time getting naked or getting Ryken’s dick into his mouth. 

“I almost hate to admit it, but there’s no man or woman who can suck a cock like you can, Jasson.” 

I knew that Ryken lied to Jasson because he would never lie to me

“Good enough for a discount?” Jasson asked. 

“Not at six in the morning. Let’s get in the shower; I’m about to pop.” 

I followed them to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Jasson kneeled on the shower floor and bobbed his head on Ryken’s cock until, as promised, it pulsed in Jasson’s hand and squirted Ryken’s sweet semen into his mouth. I licked my lips but composed myself. 

“Go easy! Fuck, Jasson, don’t squeeze it so hard! ‘Empty the sack’ is just an expression.” 

“You charge too much. I’m getting every fucking drop.” 

“That’s all there is. Can I pee now?” 

Watching Ryken splash his piss on Jasson’s face and down his throat made me have to pee. Jasson didn’t like to fuck girls, but he still liked to watch them urinate, so I repositioned myself to give him a show. 

“This is the way to start a day,” Jasson said, shaking the last few golden drops onto his tongue and jerking himself off at Ryken’s feet. “I swear, your cum is at its best after stewing all night, and there’s nothing better than a hearty piss to wash it down.” 

“You’re not going to waste that down the drain…” I boldly asked Jasson, nodding toward his stiff and stern shaft. 

“It wouldn’t go to waste if Ryken would suck it out of me.” 

Ryken slowly shook his head. He could have made a fortune if he had been bi. 

“Very well, but I want a discount!” 

“Discounted,” Ryken agreed. 

Jasson stepped out of the shower stall and finished himself into my mouth. My fingers had gotten me primed, and his sweet semen triggered my climax. His seed wasn’t nearly as sweet as Ryken’s, but it was still very, very good. I thanked him and went back to the bedroom, but I left the door open. 

Ryken started the shower and handed his client a sponge. “Big day today?” 

“Same ol’, same ol’. There’s always plenty of work to do.” Jasson took the sponge to Ryken’s back. “They say the population is still dropping, despite the incentives. Women want cum in their bellies, not in their cunts. But you know that better than most. Why waste a man’s seed to make babies when it tastes so damn good?” 

“That was the whole idea, wasn’t it?” 

Ryken stepped out and wrapped a towel around himself. They debated whether the social engineers from more than a century ago had miscalculated about how much the population would drop, or that the genetic engineers did too good a job making the semen sweet. Humans weren’t an endangered species yet, but there were some who said that day was coming. There were some who were okay with that. 

There were times, lots of times when I wanted a baby. But even when I had the strength to let the man finish in my pussy, I would scrape it all out to eat it. I was typical. That was normal. 

I thanked Jasson again for my breakfast when he left, and I showered alone. I had to get to my job and Ryken had to get his cock sucked again. 

Fresh rumors were going around that the Powers were going to release a new retrovirus to reverse the effects of the one that inserted the sweet semen gene into the human genome in the first place, generations ago. Population declines aside, an increasingly significant number of people thought that we should never have edited human genes in the first place. 

Some opponents of the reverse retrovirus wanted to wait until a new population impact plan could be drafted. Others wanted to keep things as they were now because of their relationships, or due to the businesses that depended on sweet semen, like Ryken’s. 

Ryken’s best hope was that a vaccine against the virus would be available so that he wouldn’t be affected. He had dropped out of school as soon as he could and never picked up any other skills. His good looks, good cock, and good semen were all that he had and all that he ever needed. 

I had my boyfriends, and he had his girlfriends, but if semen stopped being sweet, I’d like Ryken to move in with me. My house was bigger than his even though I didn’t earn a quarter of what he did. He had his savings, and I would take care of him. I thought he’d make a good daddy. We could have lots of babies, and he could earn the father’s stipend. 

Why couldn’t they have made sweet pussies, instead? I should have had his problems. 


We had our women’s circle that evening—no men allowed. Even those of us who were mostly straight enjoyed having sex without the background cum craving. Too many men were assholes. They knew that no matter how poorly they performed, we’d almost always have an orgasm once we had a mouthful of sweet semen. I flatly refused to go out with guys like that a second time unless they were especially good-tasting. 

The event started with hors d’oeuvres, various intoxicants, and chatter. We usually did a good job of shutting up about men, but we couldn’t not talk about the rumors. I paired up later with Sallis, another straight girl, even though sometimes that could be awkward. We absently played under each other’s skirts, snuggled together in a big chair, and waxed philosophical. 

“What if I miss sweet semen?” Sallis asked. “Or worse, what if I don’t like it at all when it’s not sweet?” 

I told her she can’t think like that. “Sweet semen has conditioned us to expect cum in the mouth, and that’s not how nature was supposed to work.” 

“Has a man ever cum inside you? I mean, really deep inside? I have and it felt wonderful, like it was something shared, not like something I stole.” 

“But then I got all anxious,” I added, and she nodded. 

“You can smell it, right? And you can’t leave it there. You need to have it in your mouth and swirl it around your tongue until it melts away.” 

“I have one boyfriend who likes to lick my cunt clean, and then we’d kiss it back and forth. I have another who’ll do it, but he doesn’t like to do it.” 

We sat quietly for a while, enjoying each other’s attention. A finger’s not a cock, and there would be no sweet, creamy delight later, but the connection was welcome and needed. She kissed my head when I rested it on her shoulder. 

Sallis wriggled a little. “I knew a guy once. He wasn’t a boyfriend, but he was cute. He liked eating his cum out of me a lot. Half the time he’d swallow most of it and I hardly got any. He liked to masturbate too—I know, right? And one time I saw him try to suck his own cock.” 

It’s funny how the body works. As I was getting more aroused, without thinking about it, I fingered Sallis faster and deeper, and I added another finger. Pretty soon it was a two-way finger-fucking flurry and we laughed and squealed at each other to see who could get the other off first. 

Sallis and I cuddled for a while. “Are you going to be with Ryken tonight?” 

I half lied and said that I’d be going home. I didn’t see Ryken—I felt like I needed to step away from him—but I found a boyfriend with an empty bed, and I emptied his cock. He was delicious, so sweet, and at that moment I thought the Powers would be very unkind to take that simple pleasure away from me. 

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Ryken arranged for me to watch one of his gigs. “I told them that I normally charged extra to bring a voyeur,” he said, “but that for them, I’d do it for nothing. They had one rule.” 

“No sharing.” 

“No sharing. I’ll take you home with me afterward, though.” 

We were in transit when the news broke. The rumors were true. The Powers would return humanity to the way it used to be. People were encouraged to get tested for allergic reactions before the reverse retrovirus was unleashed. Then came the part that hit Ryken: Not only would there be no vaccine, but it would also be illegal to create one. The passengers quietly murmured their opinions amongst themselves. 

“Sounds like I’ll need to book some extra appointments fast,” was all that Ryken said. 


There were no introductions or niceties. I was confined to an uncomfortable chair in the corner, where Ryken whispered to me that they were very concerned that I would somehow swoop in and swipe his sweet semen at the last second. “I think they’re getting off on that, so do what you can to make them even more uncomfortable.” 

The man was naked, and the woman was almost when we got there. I kept my clothes on, as requested, and Ryken stripped. He was truly the maestro. His skin was smooth and flawless, his hands were soft, and yet there was a ruggedness about him. His serene, empathetic eyes were offset by the raging, pulsating veins in his cock. 

I knew what the game was to be. Ryken was on top of the woman, her cunt keen to be filled not from its depths but at its brim so that when the time came, his crème du sperme could easily be sloppily swapped from muff to mouth. Many an aficionado claimed that the right woman’s juices could enhance the man’s sweetness. 

People can be funny about their kinks. Ryken was told not to go down on the woman, and so his tongue and spit were not welcome where his cock and sperm would go. She lay on the bed with her knees raised and spread and he warmed her up with a couple of fingers. 

He penetrated her and quickly picked up speed. “I’m going to fuck you so hard and so deep that when I cum in your slutty cunt, you’ll be coughing up my spunk!” 

I tried not to giggle. Ryken had told me about that line, and I refused to believe that it was effective at all but there she was, moaning out her first orgasm at the very thought. I hammed it up for them with my hands under my skirt. “Oh, yes!” 

The man shot me a dirty look, obviously distressed that Ryken might shoot his load out of his reach. 

Ryken teased the woman (and by proxy, the man who was pacing alongside the bed, trying not to touch his own hard-on) by lying to her, pulling mostly out, and announcing his upcoming ejaculation. The anticipation alone thrilled her cunt and Ryken cruelly fucked her even harder as she climaxed again. 

The man was more than agitated. “Did you cum? You’re not supposed to keep fucking her after you cum!” 

Ryken silenced him with an upraised finger and withdrew himself until only the tip was still blanketed within her folds. The man licked his lips as he watched Ryken’s cock pump its load into the woman’s pussy and shoved Ryken out of the way at the first sign of an overflow. 

The man buried his face in the woman’s cunt and licked it all up, making appreciative yummy sounds. “God damn it, don’t you swallow any of that,” the woman warned. Ryken stuffed his cock into her mouth for her to lick clean and suck dry. Once her pussy was cleared, Ryken moved aside so that the man could fuck the woman and share Ryken’s mouth-watering sweet semen with her. 

I could smell it and I was envious. 

Ryken dressed—they had only paid for one load—and we watched the man’s ass expeditiously rise and fall. I had given myself a small orgasm while fantasizing about wrapping my tongue around Ryken’s cock. This job was like many others—the man and woman kept swapping his cum until it was gone and then the man fucked the woman, quickly releasing his own sweet (but not as sweet) semen. 

They moaned and kissed as we let ourselves out. 

I made Ryken sleep in my bed that night. I was promised morning wood, the sweetest of the sweet, and I wasn’t going to risk giving it up to an early-morning bed-crasher, especially since sweet semen was soon going the way of the whales. 

While mornings were best for sucking, late nights were best for fucking. Ryken’s marbles were marvels at cum-manufacturing, but even his got spent. His well-trained cock was locked and with no pressure from within or without, we had time for an unhurried screw. 

I laid him on his back and quickly impaled myself with his manhood. If I couldn’t see it, I wouldn’t want to eat it. I concentrated on how good it felt inside me and moved up and down with the tiniest of strokes. He caressed my tits, squeezed them, and flicked my attentive nipples. Ryken likes my tits, he’d said so often, and he didn’t get to play with breasts very often. 

Was getting paid to cum several times a day worth the loss of intimacy? His orgasms must have felt good, regardless. He looked so relaxed and happy under me with his eyes closed and his fingertips roving around my skin. I unhurriedly brushed mine on him everywhere I could reach. He dropped his arms onto the bed and, for a second, I thought he had fallen asleep. 

His cock twitched but he otherwise remained still. It did it again, and again, harder, and I saw a smile creep along his face. I rocked his cock a little faster and he thumbed my clit. I was afraid to cum, thinking he might too, and then we’d be done, but my cunt, she wasn’t afraid at all. 

Ryken read my mind. “Cum for me, darlin’. Cum on my cock. I promise not to cum yet.” I fucked him harder and faster and wailed when I came. He wouldn’t let me stop after that. “Do it again, cum again,” he said, and I did, right away. I collapsed on his chest, and he held me. 

“We can stop if you want. God knows I don’t need to cum again.” 

I wondered then how strong I could be. “Ryken,” I said, softly, scratching my fingers with his chest hair. “Cum in me. Don’t let me take it out. Help me keep it no matter what I say or do.” He kissed my head and thrust. 

“Stay on top.” He was controlled and in control. He used and pleased my pussy. I was so afraid of being weak, no matter how determined I was. He didn’t tell me when he was about to cum this time, he just came. 

I almost lifted myself off him, maybe out of habit, maybe because that’s how my brain was wired. He gently held me down. That’s right, I thought and tried to settle. I couldn’t. I pushed my torso up and tried to slide away. He wouldn’t let me. I meekly thanked him and fidgeted. 

Ryken wouldn’t let me give up. I struggled against him and cursed him under my breath, but I never begged. I whimpered and growled but I didn’t say out loud that I quit, and I was proud of myself for that. 

After a long while, I felt calm. 

“Are you okay?” he asked. 

“Yes. No. Don’t let go of me.” I wept a little and fell asleep. 

I woke up, my back to his, in the fetal position. My fingers didn’t smell or taste like sex, which meant that I hadn’t cleaned myself in my sleep. I made it, and I didn’t feel anxious about it at all. 

Then I smelled it: morning wood. I kissed Ryken’s cheek then I kissed his ass. I sixty-nined us and gobbled his cock. He laughed at me when he woke up and licked me while I sucked him. I came when he did, and I greedily swallowed every bit of his sweetest, sweet semen. 

Yeah, I’d pay for that, if I could afford it. “Let’s shower,” I told him afterward. 

“I need to tell you something,” Ryken told me as we lathered each other. “There are a lot of us who have been preparing for a new retrovirus. We have a secret, secure location to hide from it.” 

“You’ll have to come out sometime and you’ll be infected when you do,” I said. 

“We have scientists to make a vaccine if we can. If we can’t, then we’ll wait it out. The new retrovirus will die out. That’s how they’re designed so that they don’t permanently affect the ecosystem.” He brushed my wet bangs from my eyes. “I want you to come with us—with me. We’ll make babies, special babies.” 

At first, my heart skipped at the thought of babies, especially Ryken’s. But deep down I knew that souring semen was the right thing to do. I had other boyfriends. I couldn’t imagine how grand fucking might be if I didn’t lust over a mouthful of cum. 

I told him I’d think about it, and, like a coward, I never gave him my answer. None of my other boyfriends left, and I figured out which of his other girlfriends he brought with him. 


Semen the way nature intended is good and it doesn’t make me crazy like it used to. It still feels weird when I let a man dump it inside of me, even now that I’m pregnant. I miss Ryken and wonder if he was successful. I suppose I’ll find out, eventually. 

Written by dronette56
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