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Redemption: Ch.7

"In the beginning there was darkness..."

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Alluna refused to accompany her to Earth, claiming her master, Zak, would be very angry for real—whatever that meant.

Rayne roamed aimlessly through the space station and discovered a level guarded by four reapers. They wouldn’t let her explore it and refused to tell her why no one was allowed on level 523.

Frustrated, she went back to her quarters and tried to tap into Alpha 7’s mainframe. In a matter of minutes, information filled her mind, as well as images.

Alpha 7 had been home to thousands of Master Guardians appointed by the League of Stars; Lizdracs, Hazdracs, Crystalians, Edenians, Griegoes, and Seraphs.

The last Master Guardians to protect the Edenian solar system had been Devon of Angelos, Anniel Lyken, Lucien Black, Raguel Enoray, Zachariel Wilder, Sethaliel Whyte, and Remien Fyre.

They’d disappeared over three hundred years ago and the Edenian government tried to destroy the space station. Alpha 7’s automatic defenses protected it from obliteration and it was left abandoned until the Master Guardians reappeared almost five years ago.

Rayne leaned farther back in the chair and studied each one leisurely.

Devon. Hair so black and straight it looked like liquid satin flowing over his shoulders. His face was…perfect, eyes a bright blue that glowed, fringed by long thick lashes. He was tall, six-foot-ten, with a finely sculpted build and pale-pale skin.

Anniel was practically raised on Alpha 7. The Seraphian Master Guardian, Aria, gave Anniel and her mother refuge during the years Davariel’s followers were being hunted down.

She was a tall, muscular girl, half human, half Lycan, with the ability to shift into a black wolf. Her skin was dark, her eyes golden-green. Devon helped her develop her innate powers, but of all the Alpha Angels, she manifested the least. Still, she was a fearsome warrior with the sword.

Raguel, or as they all called her, Rowie, was rescued from Earth. She already manifested much power, was a natural born fighter and half vampire. Her father was a Master Guardian and had been one of Davariel’s apostles.

Her lover, Remien, was a red weredragon, also rescued from Earth as well as Zachariel, a golden weredragon.

The youngest, brought aboard and abandoned by his mother, was Sethaliel, the white weretigri, or weretiger. Seth was anointed an archangel at the tender age of nine. Given a divine sword by a Dominatio, just like Devon.

Lucien. He held Rayne’s attention the most. He’d come aboard Alpha 7 when he was eighteen. Just showed up one day while Devon and Anniel sparred in the training room.

He was beautiful beyond words. His hair was blond and his eyes a pale crystalline blue, big and almond-shaped like a Fae.

Lucien was no Fae, though. His name went from Black to Angelos, and he was Devon’s long lost twin, son of Davariel, otherwise known as the terrible angel of destruction throughout the universe.

What puzzled her was that she had memories, though vague of the other Alpha Angels, but none of Lucien.

The more she pondered the situation the more confused and anxious she became, until she searched out Cyneolle to help her understand why there seemed to be holes in her memories.

She found him in his own quarters, logged into the mainframe too.

“I need to speak to you,” she asked shyly.

Sitting at a large console with his eyes closed, he never acknowledged her presence.

Cyn was massive, a quarter of his face missing a section of skin to reveal the metal skull beneath. The right orb of his eye was shuttered over with metal. The lashes on his left eye were dark blond, the same shade of dirty blond as his hair, which hung in thick dreads to his waist. Cyn’s lips were full, just like his mother, Anniel’s. His skin was a few shades lighter than his mother, but he had the height and build of a Seraphian.

Rayne reached out and gripped a meaty forearm. His eyes opened, one mechanical, the other biological. The mechanical one held his natural iris within a titanium orb, both irises swirling blue, green and gold.

“What do you wish to speak to me about?” he asked, his voice ultra deep.

She swallowed. “Some of my memories have been erased.”

Cyn blinked once. “How would you know that?”

Rayne blinked, gripping her fingers together behind her back. “I know all the Alpha Angels, but there is no recognition or recollection of the Alpha Angel called Lucien of Angelos.”

Cyn’s chest expanded with a deep inhalation. He was about to speak when a female reaper stormed into the room.

“Where are they?” She snapped.

Rayne stared at her. The girl was beautiful, long fiery red hair, crystalline grey eyes and a pert nose peppered with freckles. Rayne knew her name was Amaranth.

Amaranth strode closer until Rayne had to tip her head back to look her in the eye. She was tall, her long legs clad in shiny black pants that matched the low-cut halter top barely cover her round breasts. Jet-black wings pressed against her back and she had blades strapped everywhere.

“Well?” Amaranth snapped.

“They’ve gone on a mission,” Cyneolle replied.

Amaranth growled, curling her plump lips to show her straight teeth. “Sethaliel said they weren’t leaving until Sleep cycle.”

Cyneolle just raised a brow at her.

Amaranth let loose a string of expletives as she turned on her heel, running an agitated hand through her red locks. “Well how long ago did they leave?”

“Only a few hours,” Cyneolle said.

The girl seemed to be thinking, pacing back and forth.

Rayne bit her lip as she studied the pretty reaper. If she was going to try and catch up to them, Rayne wanted to go along too.

“Please take me with you,” she blurted.

Amaranth stopped her pacing and frowned down at Rayne.

She looked at Cyneolle before coming to stand directly in front of Rayne. “Why’d they leave you behind?”

Rayne didn’t know. She’d been in the stasis unit. That’s what she remembered waking up in. “I must’ve needed some repairs, but I’m good now.

Amaranth looked at Cyneolle again. Thankfully, he remained silent. Rayne kept her eyes on the reaper.

The girl looked dubious. “Uh…you’re just a little half pint—no offense, cutie, but can you even fight?”

Rayne schooled her features, arranging her expression like Cyneolle’s. “I am cyborg.”

Amaranth raised one brow in surprise, she looked at Cyneolle, who nodded.

“Iophiel and I will accompany you also. You will need an excuse to land on Earth. We can manipulate the databases to produce a fake permit…for all of us.”

Amaranth frowned. “If they left a few hours ago, they must be using their powers to get them closer faster. Earth is like a month away from here. There are about twenty spaceports we need to go through.”

“Not if we get in contact with Drakken. He can get us there in two days time. I believe the Alpha Angels were going straight to Crimbregeere before continuing to Earth.”

Amaranth nodded. “That sounds good. I’ll get us a Starcruiser.” Looking at Rayne, she grinned and held out her hand. “Looks like you’re part of my crew, Rayne.”

Rayne stared at her hand before slipping her much smaller one within. The girl shook it with a big smile. Rayne smiled back, deciding she liked Amaranth.


All was quiet in the transport. Boy lounged in one of the seats, her hunger growing by leaps and bounds.

Only moments before, the reapers had obviously engaged in sexual sport within the cockpit, moans and shouts of ecstasy emerging from behind the closed door until Seth stormed in there admonished them.

The reapers took their sexual escapade into one of the back rooms while Remi and Rowie took over monitoring the cockpit.

Seth had sunk into the lounge next to Boy and had promptly fallen asleep.

There was no sign of Lucien to be had.

Finally dredging up the nerve to be bold, Boy rose from her seat and stalked to where she’d shared a meal with the reapers earlier.

She studied the food replicator unit, remembering how Natanael had made it function.

Tapping in a few directives, she managed to make a bag of cookies appear.

Grabbing the bag, she sank to the floor and reached inside.

Chocolate chip.

Boy sank her sharp teeth into the gooey treat, crossing her legs. Her tummy rumbled and she stuffed the rest into her mouth without swallowing the first bite. It was not polite, but since there was no one around to witness her gluttonous display, she figured she could indulge.

Halfway through the bag, Remi sauntered out of the cockpit adjusting the pants to his flight suit. He was missing the top portion and his chest gleamed with a fine sheen of sweat even though the transport’s interior was cool.

One whiff of the attractive red weredragon assured Boy Rayne Remi and Rowie had done a more quiet version of the reapers play in there.

Remi dropped down on his haunches with a grin.

“Whatcha doin’, Ray-ray?”

Boy Rayne’s mouth was full of cookies, so she just looked at Remi’s face, wide-eyed at the sound of yet another name. The list was long and it was getting confusing.

Remi chuckled and then stood. He looked back at Seth. The white weretigri was still asleep, but every once in a while he would let out a soft growl, as if having a bad dream.

Remi turned back to Boy, his grin even wider than before.

Something inside Boy told her whatever was going through the weredragon’s head was not good.

“Shhh,” Remi hushed, one finger pressed over his lips.

Boy watched as Remi used the food replicator. A small bowl of creamy white froth appeared.

Remi scooped up the bowl in one hand, biting his lips to stifle his snorts of laughter, and then tiptoed to Seth.

Boy swallowed her mouthful of cookies and held her breath as Remi lowered the bowl just in front of Seth’s face. Remi leaned down, grinning mouth close to Seth’s ear, silver lip piercings glinting from the overhead lighting.

“Remien Fyre, don’t you dare,” Rowie said softly in the doorway to the cockpit. Her eyes were wide and her lips pressed tight in an angry frown.

It all happened in the blink of an eye. Remi turned his head to pout at his lover for spoiling his fun, one long, silky strand of crimson hair floated down to tickle Seth’s pert nose, and Seth reacted by unconsciously reaching up to scratch the spot.

The white weretigri’s hand connected with the bowl, sending it up onto his face with a splat.

Remi threw his head back in laughter as the bowl clanged to the floor at their feet. Seth blinked surprised eyes, now fully awake. His entire countenance was covered in cream, except his gaping eyes and mouth. Some of it plopped from his chin upon his pristine dark blue flight suit. Meanwhile, Remi had long since doubled over, laughing so hard, tears leaked from his eyes.

With an enraged snarl, Seth launched himself at Remi. They fell to the floor in a ball of flying punches, snarls, and ribald laughter from Remi.

“Stop-stop,” Rowie screeched hopping from foot to foot and waving her hands.

“What the fuck is going on?” Lucien roared.

He stalked down the corridor, past Boy in nothing but his flight suit pants. He moved his arms in the air, hands clawed as if separating something. Lucien's power ripped them away from each other, feet up in the air and heads hanging down. Seth continued to strike out, trying to continue hitting Remi, but he was too far away now. Remi was still laughing, his face, hair, and torso full of cream.

Boy Gawked at the fiery glow of power surrounding Lucien.

“It’s still my turn to sleep and now you two clowns have awakened me,” Lucien shouted.

Seth finally gave up trying to nail Remi and clenched his fists at his sides, still hanging upside-down in the air. “That son-of-a-whore—“

“Hey, you don’t have to bring my dead mom into this,” Remi snapped with a frown.

Seth hissed.

Lucien ran his hands roughly through his blond locks, “This is like a fucking frat house.”

Both men suddenly crashed to the floor with a grunt.

Seth rose to his feet, muttering curses beneath his breath as he turned and stalked into one of the hygiene booths.

Rowie reached up and gripped Remi by one ear.

“Ow,” he laughed as she dragged him toward the back rooms. “Fuck, baby. Are you going to beat my sexy ass for being a bad boy?”

“Yes,” she snapped, “and then I’m tying you up and leaving you ball-gagged until our turn to monitor the navigation room is over.”

“Oh,” Remi replied with less enthusiasm as they went down the corridor. “Are we fucking again afterwards?”

“No,” Rowie answered closing the door to one of the rooms.

Boy blinked at the closed door. Was she really going to beat his ass?

“He likes getting his ass beat, Rayne. Don’t worry about him,” Lucien sighed sinking into one of the chairs in the lounge. “I knew Seth and Remi shouldn’t have been on the same transport together,” he murmured in a lower voice to himself.

Boy pouted, not having missed Lucien referring to her as Rayne.

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Did he miss the tiny black-haired female they'd left behind on Alpha 7? Did he want Rayne more? She was, after all all female, not a confusing mix of both sexes like...she was? He was?

Am I a BOY? Am I a GIRL? Why do I have to pick one or the other?

Boy frowned, watching as Lucien commanded the seat to recline, threw one arm over his eyes, and promptly fell asleep again.

It was eerily quiet now and Boy winced when she closed her bag of cookies. The crinkling bag seemed to make too much noise in all the quiet that followed the spectacle the weredragon and weretigri had made before. She walked carefully back to the seat she’d occupied since take-off.

Lucien’s pants were open, revealing inches of smooth golden skin beneath his belly button.

Boy frowned. Where had his pale treasure trail gone? There was no soft downy hair on his chest or under his arms either. His body was still beautiful though, and Boy stared at it until both her pussy and cock throbbed with want.

How she longed to put her lips around one of those light brown nipples to suck and tease, hear him moan like before when they’d fucked in the hygiene booth.

She’d offered to suck him off, and though she’d desired the feel of his man-flesh sliding into her hungry mouth, filling it with more of his strangely bitter-salty seed, what he’d done instead had been just as good.

There was something about the rough way he’d gone at her, his possessive kiss, fingers pinching her nipples, sending little jolts of pleasure-pain straight between her legs. Boy had been so aroused already, thoughts of him making her delirious with desire. His barging into the hygiene booth and mauling her had been…pure ecstasy.

Rowie emerging from the back room jolted, Boy from her sexual ruminations.

The girl walked down the aisle of the transport, her jet-black curls bouncing over a tight round ass clad in a flight suit. She was pure beauty, her skin almost as pale as Devon’s, making her ruby-red lips and obsidian eyes stand out.

She turned as she closed the hatch to the cockpit, giving Boy a conspiratorial wink.

Boy blinked, wondering what that was all about. Her pussy twitched around her cock, hard and erect and still pressed deep inside herself.

Unable to stand the ache any longer, she stood and scampered into one of the hygiene booths.

Her body felt hot and achy. After she closed the door to the booth, she lowered the lid to the toilet and sat on it. Her reflection looked back at her from every angle inside the mirrored booth.

Last night, Anniel had thought cutting Boy’s bangs into a V shape would bring out her Fae eyes more. She applied what she called shadow to Boy’s lids in a pearlescent pink, lined her eyes in black kohl and coated her lashes in black mascara.

Today, the hygiene unit in Lucien’s quarters had removed all traces of makeup from Boy’s long lashes, and though her lips were a pretty shade of pink, they were no longer shiny and wet looking from the gloss Annie had applied.

She opened her flight suit down to her belly button to bare her breasts. Her nipples looked reddened from Lucien’s earlier attentions, but were tightened into little points of need right now. She spread her long hair around herself as she leaned back.

Loosening the flap of material between her legs, she bared her genitals.

Boy ran her hand down the center of her chest, watching as her the pupils in her eyes dilated. Her face was flushed and her lips soft from biting and licking at them. Was this how he saw her? Is this what she looked like when he touched her? Was she pretty to him?

Looking at her reflection in the mirror in front of her, she focused her gaze on the area between her legs and spread them wider. Her black boots gleamed in the bright white light within the hygiene booth, and the dark blue material of her flight suit was a stark contrast to her pale skin and wet, pink girl slit. Boy’s fingers traced the deep blue vein that ran along the top of her cock before it disappeared inside her. Biting her lower lip, she gripped the root of her cock and wiggled it, startling a gasp from herself at the deep pleasure she felt.

Her cock twitched and slipped out a little. Boy groaned and used two fingers to press it back in, feeling the head of her cock slide deeper into her clenching hole.

Oh, it felt so good. Her toes curled within her boots and she spread her thighs until she felt the strain on her muscles.

Thighs trembling, she tipped her head back and began to fuck herself slowly with her own cock, imagining it was Lucien. Her hips began to buck to her thrusts, but the feel of her flesh, tight as a glove, squeezing wetly around her hardened dick had her snarling with unbridled lust. Fucking felt good, the feel of pussy around her cock delicious, and just like that her thoughts turned to the raven haired nymph left behind on Alpha 7.

What would fucking her have felt like? Her mouth had felt so good. How would it feel to have Rayne’s mouth sliding down her dick…or Lucien’s.

Boy’s hearts pounded so hard, her breasts bounced to the rhythm, or maybe it was from how hard she thrust her hips with every shove of her prick into her quivering little pussy.

She was panting, imagining Lucien looking up at her as his pouting lips engulfed her cock. If ever there was a mouth designed for cock sucking, it had to be Lucien’s, she realized. They were lush, pretty, and oh-so erotic. She could imagine him taking a lick up her twitching length before closing his eyes and taking her deep. Maybe Rayne could join in too. They’d both lick and suck her until she was weeping from ecstasy. Maybe Lucien would use his fingers to pump up her ass or use his own tongue to fuck her ass while Rayne devoured Boy’s aching cock.

Boy was coming…crying out and coming deep inside herself, her hips arched to take every last drop of cum as it spurted from her cock. She could feel it in a flood of heat deep inside. Her cunt clenched and absorbed every last drop.

Boy’s body shuddered with rapture, and she opened her eyes to see Natanael standing at the door, eyes wide with shock and lust.

Boy let her legs hang open, uncaring that he was there, too tired to move.

The reaper approached slowly, his eyes now completely black on the inside. “That was so fucking…hot,” he let out on a groan. “You’re so damn pretty and-and perfect.”

Boy’s cock began to soften in the aftermath of her self-inflicted double orgasm. It slipped out of her cum-drenched pussy. She felt weak as a newborn, but when the reaper fell to his knees and bent his head to the apex of her thighs, Boy planted her boot in the middle of his broad chest to hold him back.

“Don’t touch me,” she hissed through clenched teeth, a shudder wracking her sweat-soaked body.

Natanael pouted. “Okay. I get a little sensitive too when I come really hard.” He lickd his lips, making her realize his tongue was pierced with a silver stud, just like Remi. “God. Did you know your cum is pink?” Natanael bit his lower lip. “Like strawberry milkshake pink.” He groaned. “I love Strawberry milkshakes.”

The door opened suddenly, hitting Natanael on his wings. Lucien stuck his head in and scowled.

Boy gasped and slammed her hands over her deflated cock. Fortunately, Lucien was not looking at her. His pale-blue eyes were riveted to Natanael.

“Get out,” he snarled at the reaper.

Natanael stood, barely able to turn in the tight confines of the hygiene booth, especially since his wings were now ruffled out in agitation. He stepped out into the corridor and Boy watched as the two men squared off. They were almost pressed together, nose to nose, glaring at each other. Boy could almost taste the testosterone in the air that circulated through the vents.

She swallowed as the seconds ticked by.

“You should be sleeping,” Lucien said, his voice so deep it was almost a growl.

A nerve jumped in Natanael’s cheek. “So should you,” the reaper replied smoothly, eyes still black.

Lucien’s fists clenched, every delicious muscle on his body taut with rage. “Her boot was in the middle of your chest. She obviously didn’t desire your presence. Why the fuck were you in there, Nat?” he asked in a deceptively low voice.

Natanael smirked. “I had to take a wiz and didn’t know this booth was occupado, man. Chill, okay?”

Lucien did not chill. He leaned sideways and sent his long sinewy leg through the door to the booth in front of the one Boy occupied. Metal clanged and ripped off its track, falling into the other booth with a loud crash.

“This one isn’t occupado, buddy. I suggest you wiz in there,” his voice snarled between clenched teeth.

“Holy shit, Lucien,” Seth snapped. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Lucien forgot the doors to the booths open out not in,” Natanael chuckled.


Rayne entertained herself with crystal-vid recordings of the Alpha Angels. There were numerous and spanned many years.

After a while, she began singling out the ones that showed Lucien.

He was an enigma. Always very quiet and reserved, he tended to stay away from the males. He seemed to flirt occasionally with Rowie, but came on strongly to Anniel, who laughed at his advances playfully.

He was sexually dominant, and liked to play a little rough. The fact evident enough in a scene played out between him and the golden weredragon with a Gruesh female.

The girl’s bright blue skin gleamed with sweat, and nipple clamps had been attached to her four breasts. Both Lucien and Zak, Alluna’s Zak, though a much younger version of him, took turns sucking at the girl’s big breasts while the other flogged her from behind.

The female’s hands were cuffed and chained over her head and her legs spread-eagled. Her juices dripped to the floor showing how aroused she was. How could she not be with two gorgeous blond males working her body to a feverish pitch.

Lucien tapped her engorged clit with one finger and she jerked her hips toward him, begging to be fucked.

Rayne watched in shocked fascination as the two men unhooked her cuffs and proceeded to chain her to a spanking bench. Zak sank his cock into her mouth while Lucien took her from behind.

They looked beautiful. Zak’s hand fisted the girl’s dark blue hair, her lips straining around his girth and Lucien gripped her rounded ass cheeks as he snapped his hips, fucking her roughly.

The girl’s body was convulsing between them.

“Fuck, she’s coming,” Lucien growled.

Zak cursed and stiffened.

Lucien snickered, saying, “wimp.”

Zak growled and flashed his middle finger at him, grinding his pelvis against the girl’s nose.

“Fuck, let her breathe. Her pussy’s about to pulverize my dick,” Lucien laughed.

Zak stumbled back. He walked to the couch before the bench and sank into it to watch Lucien finish.

Lucien fisted her hair, tipping her head back and began to pound harder. The girl’s shouts of ecstasy bounced off the walls.

Rayne was panting, the area between her legs throbbing. She slid her hands between her legs to ease the ache and bit her lips as she watched Lucien’s fine ass move back and forth. His beautiful blond hair was plastered against his broad back. His muscles were straining, his long legs braced powerfully.

Suddenly, Rayne felt jealous. She wanted to be that girl. She wanted Lucien.

Her body was tensing and it was no wonder. She was rubbing herself between her legs and it felt…

Lucien began to come, his head tipping back so that his hair flowed over his lovely ass. Rayne cried out, accompanying him. Hot wetness flooded her panties as she bucked against her hand.

“Oh,” she moaned in wonder.

Lucien began to caress the girl and Rayne slapped the crystal vid orb off the holographic replicator. She didn’t want to see him being tender with someone else.

She didn’t understand her fascination with him. He was gorgeous, maybe too much for any man, but that couldn’t—shouldn’t be why she felt like she was in a thrall every time she looked at him. Had something happened between them and he erased all memory of it from her mind? Why?

She rose abruptly and scampered into the hygiene room. Stepping into the hygiene unit, she let the blue rays engulf, and refresh her.

If only it would refresh her memories, allow her to remember what was missing.

She had to find him. She needed to find him. Lucien.

“Hey, Half-pint,” Amaranth called.

Rayne stepped out of her hygiene room and walked back into the lounge.

Amaranth looked haggard. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Rayne replied. Are you okay? You seem upset.”

Amaranth rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Cyn. He went nuclear when I showed up with Garethiel. For a minute there I thought he was going to blast Gar.”

Rayne blinked at her. “Why?”

Amaranth shoved her hands in the pockets of her pants and rocked back on her heels. “I have no idea. Drakken told me to come and get you, that he would take care of the situation…” the girl shrugged. “Here I am.” She jerked her chin to the side before turning to walk out the door. “Let’s go, Pipsqueak.”

Rayne, frowned a bit at the new names the girl had for her, but followed without asking her anything.

Written by Levanahyll
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