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"Adam and Eve Return to Earth to Give Humanity a New Beginning"

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Competition Entry: Time Travel

Eons of eons in the future, or at least what humanity once called the future, earth and all of its inhabitants have long disappeared.  The sun, the beginning, and source of all life exhausted its hydrogen fuel, and, as a result, slowly expanded into a red giant.  Earth, and the other inner planets, had been swallowed up, vaporized.  Only a slowly cooling white dwarf remained to pinpoint where humanity began and once lived.

Humanity, however, did not die.  Just as the sun had evolved, so too had humanity.  The change was gradual, hardly noticeable as it was happening.  It was subtle.  The exact process is unimportant to this story.  Suffice to say humanity had moved from corporeal to incorporeal.  Emotions, feelings, primal urges all disappeared.  Discarded baggage on the path to so-called perfection.

Even after this transformation, humanity continued to change, eventually shedding even incorporeal individuality.  Humanity now simply was.  A single entity.  A collective of all who are, the ultimate perfection of intimacy.  Death had been transcended.  There was no longer a need for reproduction.  Sex was no longer a necessity for continuance.  Ecstasy became forgotten, unremembered, and unimportant.

In the early twentieth century, as the millennia were then reckoned, it had been discovered that space and time, matter and energy, were all inter-related and transmutable.  It was found that anything traveling at the speed of light had infinite mass, touching every point in time-space simultaneously.  Every point included the infinite parallel universes, themselves incorporating every possible outcome of every possible event.  In short, there are infinite timelines.  Time could not be measured as past, present, or future.  Time simply is.  All that happened, is happening and will happen.

No one ever said that Temporal Mechanics were easy, either to visualize or to understand!

Most of humanity accepted and embraced being incorporeal.  

Most, but not all.  Some missed the individuality of "time ago immortal."  Some longed to return before man became like a god – omnipresent and omniscient.  Humanity had not achieved omnipotence (and thus was not God), though it thought itself so.  Adam and Eve left the collective community and returned to the timeline of the beginning.  

It wasn't easy to find the timeline amidst all the infinite timelines.  But finally, they did.  Humanity's beginning.  An insignificant planet orbiting an inconsequential star in a nondescript galaxy no different than the billions of other galaxies, seen and unseen, in the universe and beyond.


Adam and Eve materialized naked in what later would be referred to as the Rift Valley. Although the surroundings were unfamiliar, they knew no fear.  Nor did the creatures, thriving in the pristine environment, fear them.  Without fear, harmony thrived.  There was peace among all who lived.

It was early evening and, looking up, the unpolluted skies revealed the uncountable stars of the galaxy stretched across the sky.  Falling back into the soft grasses, they were awed at sight unfolded before them.  The sound of a nearby river lulled them.

Holding each other's hands, feelings not felt for countless billions of years surfaced.  Looking at each other, neither felt shame in their exposed bodies.  Only desire.

Her eyes sparkled in the light of the moon.

He did not understand the irresistible draw of the women lying next to him, but Adam moved his mouth closer and closer.

She did not understand the smoldering desires emerging, but Eve's breathing quicken in anticipation.  
As their lips met, primal urges emerged.  Sexuality burst into an unquenchable flame.

They quickly pulled each other tightly into themselves as the sexual energy released flowed.  Their kisses became more passionate, more eager.  Soon, tongues began to touch, taste, search, and twirl.  An unknown current excited and surged.  Both bodies responded unhesitatingly.  Neither thought about themself, only the other.  True love, uncorrupted by societal expectations, was flowing between them.

Hands began to roam, to explore.

His fingers traced their way down the soft skin of her neck to her heaving breasts.  Squeezing the globes of flesh, Eve sighed.

Her hand slides down, grabbing the stiffening pole of pulsating muscle.  Adam gasped approvingly at her touch.

Their pawing intensified.

She began stroking his manhood.

He began sucking the erect nipples protruding from her breasts, rising rapidly with her quickening breaths.
Their moans filled the air as their feelings grew without anxiety.  

Unhampered, they were only concerned with pleasing the other.  Both totally abandoned themself to the other; Adam was conscience only of Eve, Eve only of Adam.  Total commitment abounded.

Beads of dew appeared at the tip of Adam's cock.

Drips of honey seeped from between the velvety folds of Eve's virgin pussy.

Fingers raked, drawing forth the nectars to their lips.  Eyes opened wide as each tasted the sex of the other.  The burning fires grew, consumed them both.

Eve arched her back as Adam kissed his way past her stomach until his mouth was posed at the entrance of her nether lips.

Prying the fleshy folds apart to reveal the moist pinkness of her tunnel, he darted his tongue inside to taste more of her.  The trickle of secretions became a flood.  Eagerly he lapped the juices flowing from her as if a dam has burst.  Pushing back her hood, he rasped against the tiny neb that was exposed.  She raised her hips and squealed at Adam's touch.  Squeals quickly morphed into unbridled moans of pleasure.  Adam's fingers joined his tongue darting into the inviting flesh that resided between legs now spread wide.  Her body began convulsing violently as her moans became screams of delight in between her gasps for air.  Shaking uncontrollably, Eve flooded his mouth with juices.  Drinking the elixir only whetted his appetite for more.  Soon, another earthquake arrived, deluging his mouth yet again.

Eve lay still, gasping for air.


 Drawing forth her juices into his mouth, Adam moved to kiss Eve again.

Lips met, tongues were traded as she responded with eager passion, as she tasted herself for the first time.  It fired an urge inside of her to taste him.

Eve pushed Adam over onto his back before kissing him again briefly.  She then nibbled her down across his chest and stomach, until the object of desire appeared.  Standing erect, if curved, it was poised like a lightning rod, ready to attract Eve's sexual energy.

Adam's body trembled as her fingers grasped hold of the thick, rigid muscle.  

She stroke it gently for a few seconds before darting her tongue against the urethral opening.

Adam bucked upward and gasped loudly.

Eve began circling her tongue around the head.

He began to thrash about at her touch.  His sighs and moans filled the glade around them.

She drew his cock into her mouth.

"Oooohhhh" he moaned.  Instinctively, he reached down to guide her head.

Back-and-forth Eve bobbed her head on Adam's cock.  She tried to take him deeper with each downward stroke.  As she hit her gag reflex, she hesitated.

Adam could sense her strain.  He could feel her fight, her struggle.

"Just relax your throat and breathe through your nose," he told her as he slowly, but firmly pushed her head down onto the length of his cock.

Don't fight it, relax, we can do this.

His cock stretched her throat as she swallowed the shaft.

He held her head still for just a moment before guiding it back up.

"That's it.  Breathe.  Breathe through the nose.  That's it, Eve.  That's it."

She slid her head downward against, stretching, swallowing.

The rapidity of her movements increased.  In-and-out Eve moved her head, his shaft appearing and disappearing.

Her suction was driving him wild, beyond his ability to restrain himself.  Adam fought the urge to release.  He didn't want this to end.

His ooh's and aahs became more frequent and louder as she continued.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Adam's hips raised up.

"Aarrgghh" he screamed, "Aarrgghh!"

Moments later, thick, white, salty cum exploded deep in Eve's mouth.  Instinctively, she tried to swallow but the torrent was more than she could handle.  As she pulled her head back, Adam's seed dribbled from the corners of her mouth and onto Adam's groin and the ground under him.

His cock continued spewing forth for several seconds as Eve tried valiantly to swallow it.

Finally, spent, Adam collapsed while he gathered his breath.  For several minutes he lay still in a daze.  The experience had overwhelmed his senses.

Eve too laid on her back, her chest surging.  Like Adam, she remained motionless.

Eventually, Adam rolled over next to Eve and kissed her again.  Traces of his ejaculate remained around her lips and in her mouth.  As he tasted himself for the first time, he could only look down at Eve's face.  In the moonlight, it appeared angelic.

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Neither Adam nor Eve knew what say of the experience they had just shared.  They simply held each other until exhausted, they fell into a deep sleep.




The sounds of birds chirping in the trees, coupled with the roars, grunts, and sounds of the other animals living around them woke them.  Sunlight greeted them as they opened their eyes.

Adam ran his fingers through Eve's long hair as she rested her head on his chest, mesmerized by his heartbeat.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Both stood and stretched, looking around.

Fruits of various trees, berries of various plants were close-by.  Grabbing bananas and some berries, both ate silently while gazing at each other.

After satisfying their hunger, Adam took Eve's hand and started walking towards the sound of the river. Pushing aside the reeds growing on the bank, both stepped into the fresh, crystal-clear, cool water.  Reaching down, both cupped their hands together and drank.  After a few minutes, they waded deeper until the water was up to their necks.  Both sank below the surface momentarily arising with a splash and shaking their heads.  Droplets of water were thrown from them.  After drinking again, Adam reached out for Eve's hand.  Fingers interlaced, the couple made their way back the lea from whence they came.

They sat together for a while, enthralled by the sounds, sights, and smells that surrounded them.  It was totally different from the collective where the senses, feelings could not be comprehended, understood.  Even the concept was foreign and, believe it or not, repugnant.  They ate more fruit and berries, savoring the different tantalizing tastes.

Finally, Adam broached the subject of the previous evening.

"So, what did you think?" Adam asked Eve."

Eve responded by moving closer to Adam.

"I can't believe that humanity ever gave that up.  It was so…"  Eve hesitated for a moment while searching for the right word.  "So intense.  Yes, that's the word.  I couldn't believe how intense it was.  It was like every nerve in my body was alive.  It was incredible."

Adam smiled and nodded approvingly.

"Intense, I don't think, truly describes what we shared.  Even incredible doesn't fully convey what I felt."

Eve moved closer to be near Adam.  Something unexplainable drew her to him.

Adam began stroking his fingers alongside Eve's face, across her lips, alongside her neck.

She sighed audibly.

"You like that don't you?"

"Yes, don't stop."

As Adam continued preening Eve, she turned her face to Adam to gaze into his eyes.

Once again, the smoldering embers of desire ignited.

Lips met electrifyingly.

Adam began kissing the side of Eve's neck.

Eve tilted her back and to one side while at the same time reaching down and grabbing his cock before slowly began stroking it.

She tensed and grabbed Adam's cock tightly as she felt his suction against her neck.

Eve gasped loudly.  The experience overwhelmed her senses and her breathing quickened.  She felt an unaccustomed tingling in her pussy and knew she was getting excited again.

Adam, too, was getting aroused from Eve's reactions.  It excited him.  He could feel his cock stiffen between Eve's fingers and longed to feel her mouth on it again.  He didn't have long to wait.

Silently, Eve moved her head to Adam's phallus.  Briefly, quickly she twirled her tongue around the purplish, bulbous head before sucking it into her mouth.  Her head began moving up-and-down on his cock, coordinating the movement with that of her hands. Adam's groans and moans again filled the lea.

After only a few minutes, Eve could taste the first droplets of cum seeping from his cock.  She eagerly swallowed the tiny beads but knew she wanted that cock somewhere else.  The tingling in her pussy had intensified and she knew what she needed.  After another minute or so, she stopped and raised her head.

"Don't stop Eve," Adam softly whimpered.

"I've got something else in mind for your cock."

"Yeah?  What do you in mind?  That felt so good!"

"I know, but I want you to put in here," she said, pointing down to her glistening lips.

"Really?  There?" he said, pointing.

"Yes, there."

"You sure?"

Looking longingly into his eyes, Eve said, "Yes, I'm sure.  Put it in me.  That's where it belongs."  Laying back, she craned her leg and spread her legs apart to give him access.

Adam knelt before her open legs and wetted his cock with her juices.  Rubbing the cock up and down her slit a few times, he finally positioned his cock.


Eve bit her lip, took a deep breath, and exhaled.


Eve let out a tiny whimper as her body tensed up momentarily, for just a second, as Adam's cockhead passed between her puffy, swollen lips and was swallowed up.

Both held still for a few seconds, getting used to the new sensations that both were feeling.

Seeing Eve relax, Adam pushed deeper.

Eve gasped as Adam's cock stretched her vaginal walls for the first time.

Slowly, but firmly Adam pushed his cock deeper and deeper to Eve until, finally, he bottomed out.

Eve's body was tense as she got used to the sensation of being filled.  Her eyes, wide as saucers, were fixed on Adam's face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Adam held still until he could feel Eve's body relax.

After a few more minutes, Adam pulled back.  Traces of blood from her ruptured hymen coated his cock.  He remains motionless for a few seconds before sliding the length back into her.

Eve clenched her fists and gasped.

Once more Adam remained still, for just the briefest of moments, before pulling back and, almost immediately, pushing back into her.

Once more, Eve gasped, whimpered loudly.

Emboldened, Adam began slowly thrusting in-and-out of Eve's sopping pussy.  The suction of her pussy on his cock was an indescribable sensation.  


Eve's gasps and whimpers were soon joined by moans and groans as she began raising her hips to meet his thrusts.  "Yes, oh yes.  Yes.  Yes.  Oh Yes."  She began screaming.

Adam began fucking Eve faster and harder.  His own groans and moans mixed with those of Eve.

Her body shuddered with each impact, the sound of his balls slapping against her ass filling the air.

Adam began to experience a feeling similar to that felt the evening before when Eve was sucking his cock.  He could feel its pulsations, but, once again, he fought to stifle his release.  He could also feel Eve's vaginal muscles tightening around his cock as he thrust back-and-forth inside her.

Eve began trembling as the tensions within her body began to build.  Like Adam, she fought to keep control of herself.  Like Adam, she was overwhelmed by the plethora of new emotions and feelings surging through her body.  Like Adam, she didn't want the moment to ever end.

Adam kept fucking Eve for several more minutes.  Finally, he lost control.  Ramming it into her as hard as he could, he would pull back and ram into her again.  

Occasionally, he would hear a whimpered "ouch" as he impacted her cervix.

After fucking her with abandon for a few minutes, Adam could no longer restrain himself.  With one last mighty thrust, he impaled Eve on his length and exploded deep inside of her.  His body shuddered and convulsed as he blew wad after wad of seed deep in Eve's womb.  Adam's screams of ecstasy were soon joined by a multitude of roars, bellows, and grunts as the animals in the area became excited at the unaccustomed noise.

Just as Adam began his orgasm, Eve too orgasmed.

Her body could no longer keep the stresses, strains, and tensions in check.  Giving way, Eve's body heaved upwards uncontrollably before wave-upon-wave of pent-up sexual energy was released.  Shockwave upon shockwave hit Adam's body.  Her body spasmed uncontrollably as orgasm after orgasm overcame her.

Eve too screamed in ecstasy as the sensations of her orgasms overwhelmed her.




Adam and Eve lay motionless in the meadow for several minutes as their audible breathing gradually returned to normal.

Finally, Eve rolled over to Adam and tracing her fingertips across his sweaty brow, said "That was absolutely incredible!"  Pulling Adam over on his side, she continued "Can we do it again?"

"What!  Again!  I agree, that was absolutely incredible.  But again?  You are ready now to do that again?"


"Well Eve, I can promise that we will certainly do it again.  And again.  And again.  But not right now.  You might be ready now, but I need some time to recharge myself."

With that, he leaned over to Eve and kissed her forehead and then her lips.  Gazing deeply into her eyes, he whispered "I love you, Eve."

Returning his kiss, Eve said, "I love you, Adam."

Grabbing his flaccid cock between her fingers, she asked "Now when can we do it again."

Adam exhaled, exasperated.

Written by Meagananne1986
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