In a time before mankind walked the Earth, even before it was the dominion of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses, the Titans ruled the Universe. Leader among these was Cronus youngest son and usurper of Uranus. During a coup planned with his mother Gaia, Cronus mutilated his father casting the offcuts into the Mediterranean.
From the chaos, beauty and love was born in the form of Aphrodite. She rose from the same sea, born of the desecration of Cronus. Where the war was ugly and full of hate, Aphrodite touched every being who encountered her, inspiring them to better things.
Cronus was no better than his father and it was only a few aeons before his own son, Zeus, and his brothers and sisters, again with the help of Gaia, overthrew him. This is where I come into the story. Born of my father Zeus and my mother Hera and with their eldest son, Hephaestus, making weapons in his forge I, Ares, was given dominion over war.
In the wars that followed between Olympians and Titans, I planned strategies for attack and counter-attack with my half-sister Athena. Charging at their head, in my chariot, I led Zeus' armies to final victory over the Titans. Those that remained alive were put to work or banished to Tartarus for all time and finally, we could return to Olympus. On our journey home, Athena and I visited my grove in Thebes, where I plucked a white rose for the Goddess I had set my heart on before my departure centuries before.
Still dirty from battle, with Athena, by my side, I drove my chariot to the very gates of Olympus. We entered triumphantly only for my heart to fall and shatter on the marble floor. The rose fell from my grasp as I looked over and saw my brother with my heart’s desire sat upon his knee.
As my hand reached for my sword, I felt Athena’s arm through mine, “Quite yourself, brother. Let us claim our accolades and maybe she will see the better brother.”
What neither of us had known was that while battles raged and immortals lay vanquished, Hephaestus had courted and won Aphrodite’s hand. It was with the knowledge that he had taken from me what I most cherished, that he looked at me and smirked.
“Easy now,” Athena’s voice reassured me once more.
“My children!" Zeus trumpeted when we were halfway across the hall. "Athena, Ares, Goddess and God of war. Welcome home, we have prepared a feast in your honour."
We were taken by nymphs and bathed and rubbed with oils. After, we dressed in the finest togas and had golden laurel wreaths placed upon our heads. Finally, we were carried back to the great hall on litters to join the feast. There was singing and dancing with food and wine aplenty. It was then that I found out about the wedding. Aphrodite approached me carrying the rose that I had dropped and asked for a dance.
“Sweet Ares, my God of war, if only I had truly known that beneath your facade, you held a light for me, your brother could never have lain claim to what should rightfully be yours."
“How…” I started.
Aphrodite cut me off, “Your sister in battle has your back here too. She explained. Over the centuries Hephaestus employed my services. The beautiful imagery on your armour and chariot, and those of your armies, were inspired by me. Every time you strode forth, you carried part of me with you.
“Alas, his plan was to win me over. He kept me in his forge where prayers could not be heard and with no knowledge of your devotion to me, he slowly won me around. When Athena gave me your rose, I didn't know what to do. The All-Father may grant a divorce but I fear it might cause a rift that would destroy Olympus in the shadow of your victory over the Titans."
I looked into her deep brown eyes and saw only sadness and regret. I knew also, that unless I walked away, I might unleash Khaos, the primordial, upon the hall. She had been mine to command through the wars but was on a tight reign. At that moment, I almost did not care that letting her run amok could cause the end of the universe. Almost.
“I’m sorry, I have to go.” I leant in and kissed her on the cheek, “This isn’t over though.”
I paused and held her gaze for a few seconds, then turned and walked to my father and mother.
With a flourish and a bow, I addressed them, "Father Zeus, mother Hera, thank you for this celebration in honour of my sister and me. Let us not forgot all those that fought with us and fell for our victory. With that, I am going to take my leave and offer blessings to those lost to us and then retire."
I looked over at Hephaestus and Aphrodite was sitting next to him. As he smirked at me, I smiled back noting that she was not on his knee. Athena had been watching and followed me to the door.
“I’m sorry, she had to know.”
I put my hand on her shoulder, “It’s fine, now she does, it means I can plan my campaign. If father won’t grant a divorce, I will happily make my brother a cuckold.”
“Please be careful, brother.”
I hugged Athena and kissed her cheek, “Thank you, sister, I will.”
Over the following months, I noticed that Hephaestus was spending more time at his forge in Lemnos. I took advantage of his absence and every morning before Helios breached the horizon I was astride Konabos, one of my four mighty steeds, on a race to my grove to gather a rose. I met with Ganymede and asked him to deliver it with Aphrodite's breakfast every day. I did not speak to Aphrodite at this time but I did take time to visit my brother.
“Hephaestus,” I cried announcing myself, “why are you spending so much time here?”
I had brought wine and was pouring him a cup as I asked.
“There is no crafting of weapons needed, the wars are over. Why hide yourself here?”
We sat staring at the fires burning in his forge for a while.
“Brother, while you were at war, Aphrodite assisted me, adding her beauty to the weapons and armour we forged for you. We fell in love over these very fires and our father blessed our union over my anvil.”
To his credit, he did not smirk and to mine, I restrained myself from driving my sword between his ribs.
“Since the war finished. Since we are no longer working together, she has been working with mortals teaching them how to appreciate beauty and to use that to produce art. She's been distant like she's not in love with me anymore."
The music to my ears was difficult to suppress and after we finished the wine we embraced and I left. A plan was forming in my head as I rode back to Olympus. Once bathed and in a fresh toga I sought out Aphrodite.
“Care to take a ride?”
“Ares! You made me jump,” she exclaimed with a smile. Looping her arm through mine, she asked, “Where are we going? What have you planned?”
“A picnic in my grove?”
She stopped and turned to me, holding both my hands, “Ares, remember I’m married.”
“Sweet Aphrodite,” I started paraphrasing her own opening from the celebration, “remember what I said, this isn’t over.”
With a smile, she put her arm back through mine and as we continued to my chariot she said, "If you insist."
My horses were swift and in no time we were in Thebes. Among the trees in my grove, was a pool at the base of a waterfall. Here, I set out a sheet and laid out the picnic. I took Aphrodite's hand and helped her from the chariot and led her to the picnic. She was smiling but her lips were quivering.
“What’s this for?” I asked, touching a finger to them.
She kissed the tip of my finger before replying, "Oh, you beautiful man. Watching you lay out the picnic for us, amused me. Not what you were doing, but you, the God of war who has laid waste to battlefields across the universe. You have toppled Titans and mortal, chained primordials and driven you chariot at your enemy to jump from it, spear and sword in hand and risen covered, head to toe, in their blood. You who were ready to unleash Khaos and destroy the universe to ensure the destruction of your brother.
“If all those you have vanquished could have seen you now…” she broke off giggling.
I pulled her in front of me and gave her a firm smack on the bum that made her jump and yelp. The dinner was good we drank wine and dined on ambrosia. Afterwards, we talked of all the times we had missed, Aphrodite was keen to hear my stories from the wars. I also noticed the more intense the story, the higher the deaths, and the more blood there was; the more she leant in to listen.
“You seem most keen on the dark and bloody side of my stories.”
She smiled a smile that lit up the grove and sparkled off the water rippling at our side, creating rainbows in the mist from the waterfall. “Just another side to me, dear Ares, I can be an angry Goddess, I can be jealous too. I love with a passion that can burn down civilisations but cross me and I will burn the heavens and the Earth.”
I believed every word, “And I thought Athena and I were the war Gods,” I smiled at my comment.
Through her beauty, I saw the fire of her soul, “You two went off to war and fought your battles but did your dear brother tell you what I did on his beloved Lemnos?” I shook my head.
“They refused to worship me, so I cursed the women to stink," she laughed, "They killed the men because they preferred having sex with the slaves. Glaucus of Corinth refused a request of mine so I drove his horses mad and they turned on him.
“Don't upset me, dear Ares," she finished with a hand placed softly on my cheek. "Don't forget, the Spartans worship me as a Goddess of War at your side, not Athena."
Her eyes lit up like the midday sun as she spoke and it just made me more determined that she would be mine. I stood and dropped my toga.
“Your bum is nicer than your brother’s, you know?”
I looked back and raised an eyebrow, “Of course, the cutest bum on and off of Olympus. Toned by the rigours of battle for the eyes of my beautiful Goddess.”
I dove into the pool to the sound of the joyous laughter of the Goddess of my dreams. I had swum for a bit and when I climbed out of the water, Aphrodite acted as if she wasn't looking, but I noticed the glance and the second one. Soon after we tidied away and rode back to Olympus. She kissed me on my cheek and thanked me. As we walked into the great hall Hephaestus was standing there with a scowl on his face.
“Oops, I’d best go,” she whispered.
As they left for her quarters, I heard raised voices but could not make out specifics.
I was mulling my plans when I bumped into Hekate, Goddess of witchcraft.
“Someone's deep in thought. What is worrying you, Ares?"
I hesitated, knowing that her first oath was as a protector of women.
“Is it you and Aphrodite?”
“How do you know?”
She just laughed, “I won’t help. Seek Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife. Do not ask for help seducing Aphrodite, find another way.”
I thanked her, though as I walked away I muttered, “Bloody riddles!”
“I heard that!” she called back, laughing.
Sometime after I was preparing my chariot when Aphrodite walked up behind me and kissed me on the cheek.
“Hello stranger, have you been avoiding me?”
“I could say the same. Since Hephaestus dragged you off, I’ve not seen you about.”
“Take me for a ride and I’ll tell you all about it.”
I held her hand as she climb aboard and with a flick of the reigns, my four noble steeds were away.
Aphrodite asked, “Where are you taking me?”
“You were going to tell me what you’ve been up to. I’m just giving my horses a stretch out, a quick run around Helios.”
“Well, while we were at your grove, my husband was looking for me. He wasn’t happy that I wasn’t there. He was less happy that I was with you and even less happy about the roses that were left for me with my breakfast. Did you know they don’t die?”
I laughed, “They are mine, you think I would let them die?”
“He accused me of having an affair with you, I just laughed at him. I told him you were my brother-in-law and the roses were a pleasant morning gift. Though it has been noted that you’ve stopped sending.” She paused giving me a hard stare but failed to suppress the glint in her eyes.
“Well he stuck to me like glue for a while but then we had a big falling out. You know I want children, not just mortals like Aeneas, I want to bear the child of a God. Well, my husband should be able to provide that if nothing else. By Gaia, he's supposed to be a God! He tried to make amends but he still carried the stink of Lemnos on him so I rejected him. This led to more arguments and now he's back sulking at his forge." She glared at me but I could see tears welling up in her eyes, "How is he supposed to get me pregnant if we do nothing?"
I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her to me, it was nothing more than a platonic move. Apart from anything else I really cared for Aphrodite.
“I knew my brother was not the brightest, I now think he’s the most stupid of all; man, Gods and Titans together. You are the most beautiful woman in existence and somehow he won your hand. Yet he has no idea how to treat you like a Goddess.”
“I’m sorry to burden you, sweet Ares.”
“Hush now. Blame me, if I’d not been a fool and let you know how I felt before heading off, things could be very different. Blame that halfwit brother of mine, if he had any sense he would spend every moment with you making you happy. Do not blame yourself.”
When we pulled up to my stables, Aphrodite just put a hand on my cheek and smiled, before walking away.
The very next morning I was off to Thebes again. While I was selecting a rose, I thought about what Hekate had said and an idea started to form. Once I had tasked Ganymede once more I was off to Mycenae, home of Agamemnon and his wife Clytemnestra.
“Good King Agamemnon,” I addressed him as I strode into his court.
The courtiers immediately went down upon a knee and Agamemnon rose from his throne to greet me. With a look, he cleared the room.
“Mighty Ares, to what do we owe this honour?”
“I have come to seek the counsel of your wife. In return, I will grant you victories in a war that is soon to embroil you.”
“But we are at peace,” Clytemnestra, who was standing next to her husband, spoke up.
“Hu…” Agamemnon started but I stopped him.
“No, she is right, you are, at the moment. Events will soon overtake you, young Paris will soon be on the verge of fulfilling his prophecy. I will ensure that he does and your name will be remembered throughout the ages.”
“Who is Paris?” he asked.
“In good time you will know. Now, Clytemnestra, if you could take me somewhere private.” Agamemnon looked worried and I laughed from my belly, “Good king, I am not my father, I do not consort with mortal women.”
When we were alone I spoke, "Hekate said that you may help me. My brother is desperate for a child and I wish to upset his plans. In return for your favour, I will grant the victories I promised."
“Speak your wish and return in ten turns of the sun in the sky."
“I wish that my brother, Hephaestus, cannot sire a child with the beautiful Aphrodite his wife.”

I bowed and left.
Ten days later, I returned and Clytemnestra had a brew ready, which she instructed me to add to wine and give to Hephaestus. I thanked her and repeated my pledge to her and Agamemnon.
Once again I visited my brother at his forge, carrying two skins of wine. As I greeted him, I threw him one. We drank and he spoke of his chagrin about not getting close to Aphrodite and I advised him to clean up his act and give her a child, which he promised to do.
It was a year later, a rose had been delivered to Aphrodite every day in that time, which caused more than one argument and even drawn swords on a few occasions. On this night, there was a banquet in Sparta but various arguments, followed by bribes and counter-bribes, led to a competition that was finally resolved in Aphrodite’s favour. Her bribe was to deliver the wife of the King of Sparta to Paris, her beauty was unsurpassed among mortal women and a thousand ships were launched to retrieve her.
I spoke to her as she was fondling her prize, a golden apple, “So it’s official, you are the most beautiful of the Goddesses and yet I could have told you that ten-thousand turns of the sun ago.”
“Yes,” she replied dreamily.
“And yet, my brother has still not granted you your greatest wish.”
“No,” her voice became distant and sad.
“I could…” but she silenced me with a hand on mine.
The touch of her skin was enough to know that more than anyone, I wanted my beloved Goddess. When she turned her face to me I wanted nothing more than to relight the fire that used to flicker and burn behind her dark eyes. Once more she kissed my cheek before walking away silently.
My frustrations were overflowing, I climbed aboard my chariot and whipped my four horses into a frenzy. I drove them around the planets and the sun. Harder and harder until the sweat was frothing on their hides. Still, I drove them on. I knew that Aphrodite loved me, I loved her.
I let a scream out to the universe, “Why do you frustrate me so?”
With my fiercest battle cry, I challenged the universe, "Meet me head-on, do not hide behind your cloak of stars. Raise a sword against me, that I might strike you down and all barriers you raise. Let me be for all eternity with the one I love."
I ended up, without thought, at the abode of Gaia and when she took me inside she had me stay the night. The following morning we were talking and I told her of my feelings; she reassured me that the universe had heard and I just needed to be patient. It had been thousands of years since I left for the war against the Titans, how much more patient need I be?
Now another war was looming, a thousand ships were headed to Troy to demand the return of Helen or to sack the city. It was time to keep my promise to Agamemnon. I stopped my chariot on the beaches and waited for the navy to arrive.
Agamemnon’s ship was the first ashore and he leapt from the bow as soon as it touched.
“Ares! Where were you? I thought you were going to aid me!”
“Mind your words, mortal! I am here now, my promise was to bring you victory, not to hold your hand getting here. First, seek out Priam, ask him to return Helen. You never know…"
Agamemnon followed my advice and was refused as I had no doubt would happen.
“King, I will keep my promise, but your outburst displeased me." With that, I got into my chariot and left.
My intention was to return ten or fifteen years later and give him his victory but at a price. Aphrodite was not the only vengeful one of the Gods. I returned to Troy on many occasions, walking the battlefield, fighting alongside the Greeks, ensuring the tide was in their favour but no more.
Along with the sojourns I continued to send my beloved Aphrodite a rose every morning. We also took regular excursions together. It was during these that she shared the troubles with her marriage and my brother’s inability to father a child. On one of these trips, I dropped the news on her that my half-sister had been approached by Hephaestus who tried to seduce her. Aphrodite flew into a rage and I held her for days as she calmed down.
We had been curled together, sleeping in the chariot when she suddenly awoke in a panic.
“We must go!” she cried.
My horses were awake and we were moving, “To where?”
“Troy, Aeneas is in trouble.”
I drove my steeds faster than ever, across the skies and seas. As they raced on, I dressed for battle, wearing the same armour the beautiful Aphrodite had inspired. She traced her fingers over the pattern before kissing my cheek.
“Thank you,” she whispered, even though it was just the two of us.
When we arrived in Troy, we had put on disguises and without care for her own safety, she ran into the seething mass of men. From this body, she snatched a shield, from that a sword. She kept as straight a line as possible only defending herself, until she raised her sword in defence of another. He scrambled to his feet and was helped away by a comrade. I was still fighting my way to Aphrodite when I saw her opponent stab forward. I knew straight away she was injured, she pulled her hand back, dropping her sword and gripping her side. As her opponent raised his sword to strike again, his head rolled free and I scooped my love into my arms.
Holding her with my shield arm, I turned and saw Athena look at me and shrug. I also looked over the battlefield and swore I would return and fight all of Troy to a standstill for this one soldier’s slight against my Goddess. Agamemnon would get his promise and sooner than I had planned. I lay my Goddess in my chariot before checking on Aeneas who had been badly injured but would recover and fight again. Taking herbs and bandages, I returned to my chariot and set off for Thebes and my sacred grove.
Aphrodite was unconscious when we arrived, so I made her a bed of fern and butterbur leaves and a pillow from yellow rose petals. From my pool I soaked some cloth and cleaned her wound, it was a deep gash along her ribs. I mixed honey with turmeric from my stores and applied it before blinding the cut tightly. For the next day and night, I sat with her, cooling her brow and keeping her lips moist and as Helios looked over the horizon on the third day, she woke up.
Her eyes looked into mine, “Ares!” Then she looked around, “We’re in your grove. Aeneas…”
She started to sit up and as soon as she winced, I lay my hand on her shoulder holding her down.
“Aeneas will be fine. I checked on him and he will be in battle again before long. You need to rest though. You lost a lot of blood and have a deep wound in your side.”
She raised her hand and signalled that I should come closer, which I did.
“Thank you,” she whispered, “thank you for checking on him and for looking after me.”
She turned her head slightly and the corners of our mouths touched when she kissed me. Her eyes closed and she lay her head back on the petals. When she awoke a few hours later, she felt much better but still weak. I gathered some fruits and berries and cut them up for her to eat. This went on for a week or so, Aphrodite slowly, for a Goddess, healed and started to get her strength back. We were now swimming daily in the pool and clothes had really become optional.
We were sitting by the pool after a swim about a month into her recovery when she asked, “Have you spoken with Hephaestus or even had word from him?”
I shook my head.
“He's my husband he should have been soothing my brow and washing me down. It's a husband's duty to nurse his sick wife and yet here you are." She sighed, "It was his duty to give me an immortal child too and he failed at that too."
Aphrodite turned her head and looked into my eyes. Although she sounded sad, the fire had returned. As we sat drying ourselves in the sun, she whispered, “It isn’t over, though.”
Time stood still. She leant towards me, she could have been wrapped in full Spartan armour and I would not have noticed. All that existed in my universe, were her eyes, deep brown swirling eddies drawing me in. I know I leant in to meet her and our lips touched for the first time, properly, laden with passion. It was as if a rainbow from the waterfall had exploded and was showering us with all the colours and more.
I gathered my senses and broke the kiss after a few seconds. I did not move away, just looked Aphrodite in the eyes. She gave a little nod and I could feel a smile break out on my face as our lips reconnected. Her hands came to my cheeks and mine went around her back as we started to explore each other's lips for the first time. She was insistent, pressing hard against me; where I was willing to take my time, to savour this moment that I had been waiting for aeons for.
The kiss carried on, our lips parting and inviting the other to invade. Our tongues took turns advancing and exploring and then retreating to welcome a new friend into our mouths. At times it was just the tips touching; at others, we would be pressing our tongues hard together. Now twirling and turning, now pulling back and closing our lips around the other. Holding with teeth and lips, sucking and teasing.
Aphrodite lay back, pulling me over her. Our lips did not part as she changed position. When she was settled, I finally broke her kiss. Looking into her eyes and seeing her smile in them, I kissed her on her lips before dipping my head to the side and kissing her neck. She let out a little sigh of satisfaction and lifted her chin moved her head opening her neck to me. My hands slid down her arms and we linked fingers. Then I kissed around to her throat and bit against it.
“No marks,” she sighed
I gave her a peck and kissed the top of her chest. Side to side, higher and lower, each pass getting lower until I was kissing against the top of her breasts. Aphrodite broke her grip with mine and took hold of my head, her fingers running through my hair and then gripping it. My hands now free roamed up her sides from her hips to the side of her boobs. I pushed them together presenting them to myself.
I nipped at one nipple and then the other. A quick suck on one before moving over. When I settled on one, my opposite hand fondled and stroked the other, keeping it ready for me. As I was giving attention to her boobs, my free hand drew over her stomach. I could feel her muscles tensing and quivering as I moved lower and lower.
“Oh god,” she breathed.
“Your god,” I returned. “Now is our time, now, in my grove, we will fuck and make love and fuck some more.”
As I said this my hand pushed between her legs. Aphrodite parted them, allowing me access while also raising her hips to meet me. I could feel her heat and as my fingers ran over her pussy, how wet she was. When I slipped a finger into her she cried out, grabbing my head with one hand and driving her nails into my shoulder with the other.
When she looked up, in her fire filled her eyes, gold was flickering behind the brown. She squirmed and pushed shifting under me, sliding down driving herself onto my fingers but not just that. Our faces were level again and she pulled me to her, driving her tongue into my mouth.
I felt her hand on mine, guiding my fingers. When I pulled out, she pushed a second finger to join and with her finger on mine, all three entered. She was now humping up like she was possessed. Pushing my fingers so that they stroked her g-spot as we withdrew. Her head fell back so I started to kiss what she exposed to me. The fingers of her other hand were clawing at me and I wondered about the no marking rule with a smile.
Then it hit, she drove her hips up and forced our fingers deep holding them there. Her other hand wrapped over my back possessively as her nails clawed fresh marks over me. Before she had relaxed, she looked me in the eye, hers were both glazed and clear.
“Fuck me now Ares, hard. For all those centuries, fuck me!”
When I pulled out my fingers she pulled my hand to her mouth and sucked them clean as I positioned myself over her. I stroked my cock up and down a few times, teasing her until I saw the fury in her eyes and she bit into my fingers. Then I drove into my beautiful Goddess inch by careful inch. Savouring every new depth I reached. When our hips touched, she looked at me and gave a little giggle.
“I know why Zeus made you the God of War now… Your brother’s a tool and you have…”
I pulled out as she was talking and drove back in making her gasp.
“He does not come here, he is not welcome here, let us not speak of him here, now,” driving in with each statement.
“No, yes,” she sighed, “Keep doing that.”
It was not long before she tensed and her legs wrapped around me held me close as she shuddered through another orgasm. I kept moving slowly but as she came down she pushed me back, rolling me over. Then straddled me, grabbing my cock and slowly lowering herself onto me.
She leant down and kissed me and with a wicked glint in her eye, said, “Now it’s my turn.”
Her hips started to move and she ground on me and then she lifted herself and slammed back down. Grinding a little before repeating. Each time she dropped she cried out, with each grind she moaned. I watched, fascinated, for a few moments before starting my own movements. As she dropped, I pushed up, meeting her thrust.
Sweat was running from her brow, a sheen covered her perfect skin, yet still, she drove on. Her hair whipped back and forth as we tried to connect even closer, trying to merge our bodies. I knew I was not going to last much longer and a few drops later, I gripped Aphrodite by the hips and held as I pushed as deep as possible, flooding her insides with my seed. This triggered her and her head flew back and it was as if banshees were loose in my grove.
Aphrodite collapsed on my chest, I put an arm around her to hold her to me. With my other, I reached over and pulled my cloak over both of us and lay with my beloved Goddess in my embrace. It took a few minutes for our breathing to settle. Then she looked at me with her head still laying on my chest and put a finger on my lips.
When she spoke I understood why, “I knew, the first day in the grove you outshone your brother. Now, you have done what he couldn’t.”
I raised an eyebrow and she smiled before saying, “A Goddess knows. It’s going to be twin boys.”
Of course, being just a God, I did not know about these things and so over the next weeks, we made love and fucked in my grove, just to make sure. We confessed our love and mourned our lost time and that we could never be married. Aphrodite also told me that she would hold these children up as mine and let Hephaestus do what he will. We agreed that we would name our sons Phobos and Deimos, panic and dread, and when they were of age they would ride into battle on my chariot.
I kept my promise to Agamemnon and drove the Trojans from the battlefield, it was a further five years before they devised the wooden horse and finally ended the siege. Aeneas never made it home to Greece, He landed in Italy and his descendants, Romulus and Remus founded Rome.
Clytemnestra’s potion did not work quite as I expected and after exposing our affair, Hephaestus went on to father children with one of the fates. Aphrodite and I went on to have five further children.
Thank you to the moderators for helping me get this published.
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.