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One Last Chance

""I’ve got to try Syd. Fuck it, I need to try.”"

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Competition Entry: Time Travel

“Hey Syd, I wanna talk to you for a sec,” I said motioning him in my direction. He shuffled towards me, adjusting his black-square shaped spectacles tightly onto his nose-bridge.

“Yo Marcus, what’s happening, baby?” Syd stopped about a foot in front of me, clapped my hand into a shake and a bro-hug. For a guy of his diminutive stature, his back pats packed a wallop.

“I’ve been thinking about what you told me the other day. That stuff you were working on.”

“You mean the time travel prototype? I’m surprised you were actually listening.” He chuckled and pointed a finger.

“Usually you’d be right about me not listening to you talk science. This time though...”

My speech lingered. Our twenty year high school reunion and it was just like the old days. Well almost, because I was actually going to listen to him harp on about one of his science projects for once. The crowd was a lot more than I expected too. I figured most from my graduating year were either dead or too consumed with an actual life to care about this drivel. Amazingly enough, many of the greatest hits attended. From the jocks and mean girls, to the minnows in the Chess clubs, Magic the Gathering groups and girls in their ugly duckling phase. The baby blue banners sagging by the doorways and up above saying, Colton Perry High Class of 2000 was a decent touch with their capitalized purple fonts. No doubt the work of Mrs. Grady – always the interior decorating nut.

“What is it Marcus?” Syd asked in a lowered tone.

“It’s just… Nessa should be here ya know?” I folded my lips and stared off into the distance. My hands were nestled in my pockets, picking and twisting the loosening threads that lined them. A shrug of my shoulders followed.

“I know man.” Syd glanced at the floor and peered up raising an eyebrow. “Not dismissing you or anything though, but…”


“You asked me about my research, then you veered off to Nessa? What’s going on brotha?”

“What if…” My eyes darted about, opening and closing my mouth repeatedly before just going for it. “What if we could prevent what happened to Nessa from happening?”

Syd lunged at me and clutched my arm. “Let’s not talk about it here.”

We marched out of the school’s gym, through the out-swinging double doors and onto the hallway. Grey lockers with chipped paint and fluorescent tube lights overlaid it. We leaned on some lockers; side by side about to continue or conversation – An all too familiar scene from twenty something years prior.

“My man,” Syd said with a smirk, “Are you telling me that you wanna use my prototype to jump back into time and save Nessa?”


“Okay. How do you plan on doing that?”

“Going back to the day she ‘fessed up that she was in love with me and responding the way I should’ve.”

Syd stepped away from the lockers and howled with a closed-fist to his mouth. All five-foot-six of him spun on his heels to me, and then held the sides of his face until his hands slid down into a prayer pose.

“That’s your plan? To save Nessa. That’s it fo’ real?” Incredulous laughter belted out of him once again. Thank goodness for the blaring music in the gym because someone would’ve eventually peeked out to investigate.

“Listen to me Syd, I’m serious here.”

“Man if you were serious, then why not jump to the day her husband killed her, man?”

I paused and swallowed. No matter how much I continued swallowing, the lump in my throat refused to dissolve.

“Look… even if I stopped him from doing that, what’s to stop him from getting at her again? What’s to stop her from getting with someone else that’d do the same thing? Her selection of guys after high school wasn’t exactly stacked with up-standing pillars of the community.”

“Aight aight aight.” Syd raised his hands, palms up facing me. “So what you really got in mind?”

“Everything pretty much went downhill from the day I turned her down. If that doesn’t happen…”

“She doesn’t get involved with all of those losers. Including the one she married.” Syd dropped his hands and nodded.

“Truth is, I was still getting over being rejected by Tina the day before. Nessa blind-sided me with her confession, man.” I palmed the smoothed rear of my noggin with one hand and braced the other on my hip while shaking my head.

“Okay look: Let’s talk a bit more on our way to the university I work at alright?”

“Why we going over there?”

“Because that’s where the prototype is.”





On our way to his lab, Syd dropped some facts related to his work. I couldn’t understand the scientific terminology for shit, but I did pin-point the most important things: The jump only lasts sixty minutes; one jump every twenty-four hours max; from 9am tomorrow morning, the project would no longer be solely under his control. I had a single shot at this. One shot to correct the last twenty years; more importantly, one chance to save Vanessa Schofield’s life.

While Syd fastened me to the prototype’s gurney, my legs and fingers trembled. I was drenched with sweat and blinking in uneven patterns as if sending out Morse code.

“Yo Syd, you’ve tested this out before right?” I called out to him as he attended a glaring laptop a few feet south of the gurney’s tail-end.

“Of course I have.” His face scrunched. An expression of, ‘Did this motherfucker really just ask me that?’

“Tell me a bit about it.”

He whirled back towards me in his swivel chair. The laptop in use for this procedure was saturated with different shades of blue blended with white lines and font on its screen. He slapped both thighs and chortled before replying.

“The few tests I’ve done, the most I’ve travelled is within the same day. So like if it was night, I travelled back to the morning; if it was morning then vice versa.”

“Sooo, whatcha saying is…”

“Twenty years is the biggest challenge my prototype has yet to meet.”

I exhaled loudly, puffing my cheeks and blinking in Morse code again – all dots on this go.

“Okay. So what happens if it doesn’t take me back that far?”

“You either don’t go all the way or you don’t go anywhere at all.”

“And I wouldn’t be able to go again for another 24 hours?”

“You wouldn’t be able to go again period. That is unless you wanna ask the University’s directors’ permission to do the jump again?”

“Right. Got it.” I gave a thumbs up and a sarcastic grin.

“Do you remember the exact date? Time?”

“The date, I think so. About June 5th, 2000.”

“My man, you have got to be sure about the date and time. You only got sixty minutes to work with remember?”

No more words were spoken for a bit as he swung to his laptop, tapping away again.

“What makes you believe not rejecting Nessa; saying you wanna be with her is gonna change anything man?” Syd asked while not facing me, “What makes you believe you guys don’t just break up and she ends up being with those losers anyhow?” A portion of the laptop’s screen was now occupied by a green timer displaying 1:00:00.

“She won’t. She and I had a bond…it’s hard to explain. I just know that if we’re together, she’ll be safe. Truth is I did like her, but I figured she didn’t like me so us being friends was cool or whatever. But as I said before, I was too obsessed with Tina and blew her off.”

“Aight. Look there’s something else.”


“I figure you’ve seen enough Sci-Fi movies to figure this out but: Any changes to the past will affect the present. Not everything, but some things. For all you know, you end up making things worse.”

“Can’t be any worse than they are now Sydney,” I said raising my head off of the gurney to look at him – not that I could move anything else with these metallic bonds across my body anyway. It didn’t make sense given he was still backing me. His lab was littered with giant chrome machines digitally displaying numbers and lines of varying colours; A faded gray scheme for the walls and floor and a few medium sized folders everywhere.

“It’ll affect anyone else’s lives you come across too, my man. You’re essentially creating a new time-line.” He birled back to me and took his glasses off.

“Syd…all I dwell on every single day for the last fourteen years is what I could’ve done. If I stayed in contact with her more. If I could’ve detected something in her voice when she called the week before it happened. When you told me about your project, I thought it was far-fetched, but then I thought, ‘what if it isn’t? What if I can erase the trauma of her death?’ I’ve got to try Syd. Fuck it, I need to try.”

Syd sighed, stood up, bopped in my direction and folded his fist. I folded mine in response and he fist-bumped me while it was stuck to my thigh.

“Alright, so you’ll receive mental reminders of your remaining minutes after every five that pass. When you go back, you’ll be in your younger body. Also, when you return, you’ll be the only one that recalls the old timeline – well for about a day before all memories of that are gone and replaced by new memories. Feel free to tell the updated version of me about if it worked by the way.”

“Suppose you aren’t working on time travel in the new timeline?”

“Muthafucka, time travelling been my dream since I turned eleven. Whatchu talking ‘bout?”

We both expelled a hearty laugh on that exchange as he strolled to his laptop. The date June 5th, 2000 was entered onto the display above the timer.

“Do you remember the time that you guys had the conversation?”

“Probably…” I studied the ceiling as if the answer seeped through its cracks. “Around 2pm. I remember it was right after History with Mr. Kim.”

He clacked away at the keys again to enter the time of my next destination and just before he hit Enter, he uttered the following:

“Good Luck Marcus. Save Nessa.” He clicked the Enter key and my world faded to black in an instant. When I came to, I was in Colton High’s hallway. Elongated figures were contracting until they fit the shape of a regular human being. Static started to clear up and resemble actual voices and decipherable sounds. Cloudy features and bodies cleared up until I recognized who was before me and what they were saying. Tina and her entourage stood before me with raised eye-brows and bubble-gum popping by the lockers. Jocks were approaching from the distant stair-well. That’s when it struck me that June 5th, 2000 wasn’t the day Nessa confessed to me her feelings. June 5th, 2000 was the day I confessed my feelings to Tina!






“What is it you wanted to tell me, Marcus?” Tina asked with large textbooks pressed tightly to her ample chest. The spicy yet floral scent of Agent Provocateur was near intoxicating.

Think fast muthafucka. Think!

“Nessa, where is she?”


“Nessa. Vanessa Schofield?”

“Oh her?” Tina blew a raspberry and glared over her shoulder at the other mean girls. Their brows furrowed in unison and a giggle followed. “I think that freak went home sick.”

Heat from my skin could’ve burnt through a rhino’s hide and my fists clenched until my nails cut into my palms.

“Hey, you better watch your fucking mouth!” I jabbed my finger only an eye-lash length from her rounded face. Her and the Council of Clowns gasped with bulging eye-balls. Disbelief was the order of the day because eighteen-year-old me would’ve never said that, but thirty-eight-year-old me wasn’t taking any shit.

I’m not fucking failing.

I left the high-school peakers – mouths still agape – in a one-eighty spin and dash. Shoving and squeezing past everyone with reckless abandon to get to my old Wrangler in the car-park. My pulse thumped in my head, limbs and stomach. No matter what it took, I had to get to Nessa’s place. I had to before my clock was up.

“Fifty-five minutes.”






Each zone I zipped through, I ensured that I was just below or directly adhering to the speed limit. A traffic stop from a cop would’ve been an absolute disaster and my patience gauge was completely depleted. The pot-holes – or rather moon-craters – closing in on Nessa’s neighbourhood however didn’t give a damn about my patience.

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An explosion followed by screeching metal and sparks flying in my wing mirror indicated my rear left tire was done for. A Possibility the rim was too with that impact.

“Fuck! Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck FUCK!”

I slammed the steering wheel with both hands repeatedly and continued my expletive-filled tirade until:

“Twenty-five minutes.”

Temper Tantrums had to fuck off for a bit as I had business to attend to. I scraped the Wrangler along because even though I slowed significantly, it would’ve been faster than getting out and running. My over-thinking was in over-time, extra-time, every fucking time. So much so, I nearly missed Nessa’s house.

Focus. Relax.

I parked next to the curb, jumped out – leaving the door ajar – and sprinted up the walk-path of circular slabs to her door-way.

“Twenty minutes.”

I held the doorbell down with my index finger until a response came.

“Gimme a sec!”

That voice; so much younger than I recalled. Less worn and haggard than when last I heard it fourteen years prior. Or would that be six years later? Time-travel was confusing. This is why I always left the science to Syd.

The door creaked inwards and my shotgun pounding heartbeat switched over to a sub-machine gun as I froze upon her gaze. Vanessa Mariah Schofield stood in my purview with her straightened, lavender-dyed hair in a pony-tail tied at the nape of her neck; Lip-piercing on the left, nose-stud on the right. Her bottom half was adorned with crotch hugging, navy blue tights and the top was draped with an off-white wife-beater – Nipples pricking through to say hello.

“Heeey Nessa,” I said raising a shaky hand, “Um… I heard you weren’t uh, feeling too good.”

“Oh that?” She rolled her eyes and spun around; gliding into the house’s narrow halls. “Just didn’t feel like being there so I fed them some bullshit story about a migraine or something. Plus I didn’t wanna be in the same building when you embarrassed yourself in front of that slut.”

I stepped in and closed the door. As she walked to the living room couch, my eyes were transfixed by her buttocks flexing and wobbling the further she stepped from me.

Why was I obsessed with Tina and this was begging for attention?

“I didn’t do it.” I slid towards Nessa as she settled into the four-seater; arms laid across the top.

“What?” Her lips stretched into a grin and giggle. “Why not?”

“Because I like someone else. No, I… love someone else.” I dropped onto the seat directly to her left.

“Really now?” Her grin dimmed into a smirk and her blinking slowed. “And who is it?”

I paused for a moment, then remembered I didn’t have that luxury.


Nessa’s smile contracted and she gulped, followed by her jaw dropping and nothing audible but unintelligible murmurs and breaths.

“Wait hold on. You’re fucking with me right?” She pointed and resumed her smile. A light giggle escaped but it dissipated when my facial expression remained stern and unchanged.

“This is no prank, Nessa.” My voice lowered. That’s how she always knew back in the day when I was serious and all jokes had ceased.

“Marc… I… I don’t know what to say,” she replied with a cracked voice and hazel eyes brimming with tears. She covered her mouth and sobbed for a bit. I could only imagine what was running through her mind at that moment.

“You don’t have to say anything Nessa.” I tucked a sweeping bang from her face behind the ear and pulled her hand down. Her chest heaved rapidly and eye-lids fluttered as I cupped the back of her head and massaged it. I leaned in and she shied away initially, then bent forward to meet me; bristling our noses and lips against each other.

“Marc… I don’t understand,” she whispered as cinnamon filtered into my nostrils. Nessa’s affection for Big Red chewing gum was a memory no longer lost.

“Fifteen Minutes.”

The teasing was set aside as our lips locked and smacked. Saliva smeared all over them and trailed after pulling apart – still drooping as I pulled her wife-beater over-head. Her upward pointing nipples were no longer interested in introductions and rather deeper conversation. The smacking transferred to her chocolate brown areolas and their stiffening core as my tongue circled and explored every bump covering their terrain. Nessa bridged her hips off the couch and pulled her tights down to expose a freshly waxed cunt. My fingers floated toward it and eased in like a cat burglar. Splaying, curling and twisting with no regard of leaving an evidence trail. Her moan sent a rush of blood down under and she tugged at my entangled member. I responded by grunting into her supple bosom.

“Maaarrrc,” she shrilled, “My momma’s gonna be home any minute… fuck. You gotta fuck me quick… ooh shit!”

I sprung up from the couch and dropped my slacks in one motion. My dick thrashed any which way until she caught it and pecked the glossy, pink glans.

“Mmmm, I’ma have to suck on this big boy another day.” She licked the slit, pulled away and slithered her tongue, vibrating pre-cum in a wave-length pattern. “Come here.”

I lowered until my knees were braced on the couch – either side of her – and I dangled by her wet, glistening crevice.

“Fuck me, Marc,” she hissed while stroking my arm and then moved down to stroke my dick; legs sprawled with both feet planted on the couch’s edge.

I pushed forward until the head brushed her lips. Then I pushed some more until it sucked into her, leaving the naked, veiny shaft. Her mouth gaped and she mouthed, “Oh my God,” until more than half of my shaft vanished.

“Ten minutes.”

She wriggled and hooked her knees by the biceps as I ground against her insides. Many instances Nessa bit her lip when we had our conversations, disagreements or just out of the blue. The lust behind it however was undeniable in this moment. Her eyes flattened into slits and as I bent forward to kiss her, she clutched my afro and pressed me against her lips. Her bust hopped with the first few proper thrusts. After the aggression increased, they leaped and dropped in opposing crescents. Before much more had passed, her legs gripped my torso in a vice-grip and her nails dug into my scalp with violent spasms along my length. She blubbered and jerked against me while holding my face. The warmth of her palms against my cheeks was soothing and provided a sense of peace that was pretty much forgotten.

“Five minutes.”

“Your mom’s gonna be home soon, I better-”

“No,” she said and rested her index finger against my lips, “You didn’t cum yet.”

I rose off of her and she popped up and rotated on all fours, bracing her face against her knuckles laid out on the couch’s top – elbows flared in opposite directions and tail wagging.

My time was almost out, but I had to make the most of it. I spread one cheek and eased in my dick with the other hand. She whimpered as I slid in balls deep. Grinding turned to pounding and her pony-tail acted as reins needed to ride this horse to the finish line. Nessa’s brown cheeks squished, bubbled and clapped until a surge built from my toes and climbed along my shins, thighs and eventually my balls ready for release.


Tidal waves of semen broke against her shores. Each break sapping power from my legs as they skated apart and I seized her neck with both hands. The shudders were getting further apart until they ceased. My chin rested against her shoulder and she swung her face for a post-orgasm kiss until:


Everything elasticized again – All colours bleeding into one. Decipherable Sounds were replaced with garbled static. Numbness overcame me and then I lost consciousness to end my sensory trip-out.







When I came to, I was at the high school reunion again. The same gym, same banners, same people. My stomach did cartwheels and somersaults.

Why is everything the same?

I scanned the room; Scanned for an inkling of hope. Scanned for something to tell me things were different. Something. Anything!

Come on man. This can’t be it. Fuck!

My eyes welled with tears. Nostrils became blocked; throat ached until it got ice-numb. Syd closed in on me with three drinks in hand; sold out by his signature bop since my vision was too clouded from springing droplets.

“Marcus… big man. You alright fam?”

“It didn’t work Syd. It didn’t work.” I continued sniffling.

“What didn’t work? Whatchu talking about?”

“Nessa. Saving Nessa… It didn’t work.” I flailed my arms at my sides and plonked them against my thighs.

Why are my arms so heavy?

I lifted my arms palms up and was taken aback by the amount of space they occupied. They were the size of tree-trunks. I patted my chest, abdominal region and thighs. All solid and muscular.

What is going on here? Why am I so jacked?

“Syd… why am I so buff now?”

“Buff now? You kidding me? My man, you’ve been crushing weights since we left high school.”

“Since we left high school? And wait a minute, why you got three glasses?”

“Dude, you trippin?” Syd asked, “You sent me to get two Jack and cokes for us and one Cranberry juice for-”

“Me,” a voice behind me interjected, “Thanks for that Sydney.”

My body shivered into beads of perspiration. That voice. Familiar yet evolved. I didn’t want to give myself any false hope. Anything but that. That would’ve ended me then and there.

“You gonna pass me that glass, Marc?” A woman’s hand slapped against my newly swollen shoulders. I turned slowly with my eyes shut tight and then gradually re-opened them.

“Ne… Vanessa.” My voice broke and I covered my mouth with a fist. I strode forward and tightly embraced her. My torso humped as it met an obstacle to this tight embrace; her distended stomach.

“What’s gotten into you? Were you crying? Are you okay?” She brushed the dorsal side of her hand against my forehead and caressed my jaw. Thirty-eight-year-old Vanessa Schofield blessed my eye-sight: a pixie-cut poised with platinum blonde tips; matching gold hoops for the lip/nose ring combo and plumper portions of breasts, arms and ass to complement her swollen belly.

“I’m okay now.” I broke into a smile. “And hey, congratulations.”

“On what?” She shook her head.

“The pregnancy.” I laid a palm on her stomach. “How far along are you?”

Nessa folded her arms and raised an eye-brow.

“I should really smack you, you know that?”

I plucked my hand from her stomach and alternated glances between her and Syd. He seemed just as confused as me, but definitely for different reasons.

“I… I don’t get it,” I murmured.

Helllooo, you were with me at the OB-GYN this afternoon remember? Now stop playing around and get that cranberry juice from Sydney will ya?”

I retrieved the glass from Syd and handed her. On the pass-off, the gym lights bounced off her wedding band as well as mines.

Wait. Could it be?

“Seven months pregnant with your child,” she said, “No insanity plea’s getting ya outta this one Marc. You’re acting like we ain’t had three previous stints of this.”

“Thr…Three?” I stumbled.

“Marc, I swear to God if you don’t stop this nonsense right now. I don’t care how big you are and how swollen I am, I will-”

“Alright, you know what. You’re right. I’ma stop playing around.” I gently cupped her shoulders.

“Good. Now kiss me and go hang out with Sydney. I’m gonna catch up with Jenny waaay over there.” She arched away and pointed in Jenny’s direction without looking.

“Okay.” I smooched her and tried to act as normal as possible given the circumstances. The plan exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds. Not only did I save Nessa’s life, but Jenny being here meant she was never admitted to a mental institution – a side effect of her close friend’s murder.

My initial confusion was slipping as new memories flooded in and were parallel with the old ones. Three children aged nineteen, fourteen and ten; Nessa saying I’d be super-hot if I worked out; her mom being pissed at her for getting pregnant shortly after high school. Oh man, was she pissed!

“Be back in a few.” She winked at me and squeezed my butt before sauntering off to Jenny. I stared at her chunky ass bouncing and swaying in her draping red dress; anticipating beating those cheeks later on that night.

Syd appeared at my left from the corner of my eye, handed me a glass and droned:

“Marcus, this is gonna sound crazy but. Is… the reason you’re being so weird becau-”

“Syd buddy.” I snatched his arm and gave him a maniacal grin, “We need to talk.”

Written by CarltonStJames
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