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Nursing the Warrior

"Deep in the forest a resourceful huntress and a battle-wounded warrior cross paths."

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Eolfica hid behind the dense tangled brush and watched the small gray hare leap away.

“It is your lucky day, little one,” she called after it. “I am not so hungry today that I would kill—” She stopped herself in mid-sentence when she saw the blood on the leaves of the thicket.

Looking down, the lone huntress saw the impression of a large boot on the mossy forest floor. She discovered another footprint nearby. After drawing an arrow from her quiver she followed the trail deep into the forest.

* * *

When a shadow moved past the entrance of the cave, Lenken drew his sword. He saw a young woman crouched behind a boulder with a drawn bow.

“Who dares to enter my house bearing arms against me?” the warrior called out.

Eolfica moved slowly and let her eyes grow accustomed to the dim light of the cavern. She studied the warrior carefully. Recognizing the etchings on his blade and seeing in the depths of his eyes a kind gentleness, she realized that he would be no threat to her. She loosened the bowstring and lowered her weapon.

“I am Eolfica. This is the forest of my tribe. It is you who are in my house. Be warned that I am a slayer of those who serve the King and a friend to his enemies.”

“I believe you are who you say,” the warrior spoke hesitantly and swayed unsteadily. “I have never known the people of this forest to be anything less than truthful.” He smiled weakly and lowered his sword. “I am not an ally of the King and I meant no trespass.” When Lenken’s sword slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor with an echoing clang, Eolfica saw the wound on the side of his leg.

“You are hurt,” she exclaimed.

“It is nothing,” he dismissed her concern. From below the side of his right knee reaching almost to his ankle, there was a long bloody gash that had cut through his leather leggings. “It is merely a glancing blow from an axe.”

“The Royal blades are often poisoned,” as the young huntress spoke Lenken appeared to be disoriented. “You look ill. Let me take a look.”

“That won't be necessar–” the tall man fell backward against the cave wall and slid to the floor.

Lenken's visitor rushed to his side and inspected the wound. “It is festering already. I must get some herbs from the forest immediately.”

Eolfica hurried from the cave and searched the forest floor for a particular plant that she believed would help the warrior. She was familiar with poisons and knew the seriousness of the man's injury. When she discovered the herb and brought its leaves back to the cave, she found Lenken on the ground in the same position that she had left him.

“How do you feel?” she asked while mashing the leaves into a thick green paste with a small round stone.

“I am very tired.” He forced a grin and looked down at his wound.

Eolfica knelt beside him and applied the poultice to his leg. As she worked on him, she noticed that his eyes were fixed beneath her short skirt. With the herb applied, there was nothing more that she could do but wait.

“Is there something that interests you?” she smiled with amusement. Strange how this man could be so close to death and still have other things on his mind, she thought.

Lenken's cheeks flushed. “I was only–” His voice trailed off. In his weakened state, he was unable to hide his embarrassment. “It is just that–” he searched for the words. “I'm surprised– I mean, uh– Well, you are not– uh– wearing undergarments,” he finally blurted.

Eolfica threw her head back and her hearty laughter echoed in the depths of the cave.

“We of the forest are less modest than your womenfolk,” she giggled but her smile faded quickly when Lenken's muscles slackened and he fell back unconscious.

She touched his forehead. The warmth she felt there confirmed her suspicions about the poison. She looked around the cave inspecting the man's belongings and noticed a large bearskin. She spread the hide on the ground beside the wounded stranger and rolled him onto it.

* * *

Lenken was taken by the poison for four days, during which time he lapsed in and out of consciousness and was seized alternately by blistering fever, then icy chills. Eolfica stayed with him the entire time and nursed him back to health. She prepared stews of small game and forest roots for him. When he was burning with fever, she removed his clothing and cooled him down by bathing him and when, in turn, the ghostly frost crept through his bones and made him shiver she snuggled up against him and wrapped the bearskin around them to warm his body with hers.

Eolfica was intrigued by this visitor and found herself becoming attracted to him. During his illness the handsome warrior lingered often in the gray world between sleep and awareness, from where he would call out in a constant stream of babble. Most of the man's ramblings were incoherent to Eolfica but, when she was able to understand, she discovered much about him. She learned his name and that he was what his people often referred to as a “ranger,” sent here to this forest to intercept and kill the Royal soldiers on their treks to and from their evil King.

The forest woman was soon confident that she could save Lenken from certain death and began to look on him as though he were merely resting peacefully. She enjoyed watching the ranger sleep and admired his beauty. She liked to run her fingers through his shoulder length hair and caress his short beard and when she bathed him it thrilled her to feel the solid muscularity of his chest. She was awed when she first saw his organ. It was larger than any she had known and she enjoyed watching it grow when she washed it. She grew excited when she held it in her hand and wondered how it would feel inside her.

“Would it hurt?” she whispered in his ear. “Or would it feel oh so wonderful?”

Each time that she cleaned his swollen shaft her cleft became sodden and each of those times she satisfied her lusty thoughts by pleasuring herself with her fingers. On the last day of Lenken's sleep, however, Eolfica sought her release in a different fashion. By that morning the warrior's temperature had finally returned to normal, but the young huntress wanted to bathe him regardless. She shook with excitement as her small hands slid over the sleeping man’s powerful chest and, when his staff rose to her coaxing, she struggled to control her passion. While she placed her hand between her legs and coated her fingers with her slick secretion, the sleeping warrior stirred.

Now! I want him now!

She grasped the man's erection and smeared her lubricating juice on its cap.

He opened his eyes when he felt the woman’s hand on him and watched in silence as his nurse knelt beside him and stroked his staff. With her attention fixed on the man’s quickly stiffening manhood the horny huntress did not notice that he had awoken. He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep to see how far she intended to take her passion. She raised her knee across his body, straddling him, and then lowered herself down onto his thick shaft. He stifled a groan.

Eolfica winced as it penetrated, expecting pain along with the anticipated joy, but her only discomfort was overshadowed by an exhilarating sensation of intense pleasure. She felt as though her body was melting down around his hardness. Moaning with a shuddering gasp, she lifted herself up again.

Lenken’s eyelids fluttered. The young woman then slid down on her man again and began to pump her body on his, quickening the pace as she grew accustomed to his girth. She cupped her hands on her bouncing breasts and squeezed her turgid nipples between her fingers while she repeatedly impaled her body on his rigid staff.

A barely audible moan escaped from the recumbent warrior’s lips and his body shook as his load shot up inside his nursemaid. He tried keenly to keep up the appearance of sleep, concerned that he might startle the woman and interrupt her heated fervor. She rode him with animal-like enthusiasm until a powerful rapturous climax took hold of her and carried her away. Her screams filled the cavern, yet through it all Lenken appeared to be sleeping silently.

When at last she calmed, Eolfica remained motionless atop the ranger with his stiff manhood still deeply implanted. Without a sound she sat and admired the serenity of Lenken's seemingly uninterrupted slumber – his chest rising and falling in smooth gentle rhythms, his small lips curved in a pleasant grin.

After awhile she lifted herself off his fullness. Tingles of pleasure rippled through her tender vulva as she pulled away. A blissful post-coital calm had engulfed the ranger and after the huntress climbed off him he drifted back to sleep. His lover sighed and lay down beside him and after kissing him softly on the lips, she joined him in the world of dreams.

* * *

Eolfica left the side of the sleeping man when he stirred. She sat on a smooth stone opposite him and waited patiently for him to wake up.

Lenken opened his eyes and immediately glanced around silently without moving his head. Stone walls, low ceiling? A cave? Yes, the cave! And the woman! He shook his head trying to break the cobwebs of sleep. His eyes fixed on her as he appraised his situation. She came here after the battle with the King’s men and made love to me when she thought I was sleeping! He remembered, then sat up and stretched.

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His muscles felt weak, his joints stiff.

“How long have I slept?” he asked the huntress. She smiled. The soft tone and soothing cadence of his voice felt comforting and familiar like that of an old friend.

“For four days and four nights the poison held you captive,” she replied. He pulled the bearskin blanket aside and looked down at his leg. A thin red scar had replaced the bloody slash from the axe. When he looked up in disbelief, his nurse explained how she had dressed the wound with medicinal leaves and cared for him the past few days. Conveniently she forgot to mention what she thought had been a one sided intimacy with him.

While a thin smile bent Eolfica's lips and her eyelids drooped in a dreamy satisfied gaze, Lenken realized that he was naked and covered himself discreetly.

“I shall let you get dressed,” she said cheerfully and when she headed toward the mouth of the cave she told him that she would find something for breakfast.

“What did you say your name was?” he called out anxiously as she stepped outside.

“They call me Eolfica,” her silhouette answered from the mouth of the cave.

“I am Lenken,” he called after her.

“Yes. I know.” With the warm morning sun shining brilliantly behind her, Lenken was not able to see the woman’s face clearly, yet he knew by the sound of her voice that she was smiling. His brow furrowed and he stared at her silhouette with a puzzled expression. “There is much I know of you,” she said struggling to suppress a giggle and then disappeared into the forest.

Moments later Lenken emerged from the cave opening, winced and shielded his eyes form the bright sunlight. He leaned against the cold stone wall. His legs were weak, not having supported his weight since the day of the battle. He rested there a short while, then staggered to a smooth barkless log that lay beside a neatly built campfire.

* * *

The ranger felt stronger after he had eaten. He poked a stick into the expiring embers of the campfire. Eolfica sat on a smooth stone on the opposite side of the fire ring.

“I owe you my life,” he said casually. “I shall travel with you until my debt is paid.”

“You owe me nothing,” Eolfica laughed. “You needed help and I gave it. I would like to think that, if the situation had been reversed, you would have done the same for me.”

“Perhaps,” Lenken said to the ashes as he stirred them with his stick. “Nevertheless,” he turned toward Eolfica. “I am offering you my sword and you will accept.” The ranger was intent on convincing the young huntress to agree to his offer of protection. It was a matter of honor and nothing would stop him from fulfilling his obligation to her for saving his life.

“You are very determined to tag along with me,” the huntress smiled. “These days your sword may very well come in handy,” she considered, her smile broadening as she gazed across the fire ring at his crotch. “But I might find you more useful in other ways.”

“Other ways?” said Lenken. He was puzzled by Eolfica’s meaning at first but then the woman’s body language quickly made her lust for him obvious. She sat with her legs slightly apart, her skirt high on her thighs, her carnal parts freely displayed. Ah, yes. I remember now. She does not wear underclothes! The thin fabric of her one-piece garment readily revealed her unmistakably erect nipples and when the warrior observed the hunger in her eyes and what they were fixed on, he knew exactly what the huntress had on her mind.

“I would split you in two!” he exclaimed, distracted by her lusty aggressiveness.

“I think not,” Eolfica countered confidently with a playful grin.

“What makes you so sure of that?” said the warrior. Amused concern wrinkled his brow.

“I have already felt you inside me and I have lived to tell of it,” she smirked. A brief moment of silence froze the air around them; then Lenken threw his head back and laughed heartily.

“Is that so?” the ranger said between laughs. “Do you mean to tell me that you took advantage of me while I was ill?” He tried to feign outrage but nearly fell backward off the log and chortled with amusement.

“I am happy that you are not upset by me taking liberties like that,” Eolfica chuckled along with him.

“Upset? Why would I ever be upset? I am pleased that you were able to get some sort of reward for your labors.” His laughter ceased but he smiled broadly. “I too found your efforts quite enjoyable last night.”

“As long as we are of like minds,” Eolfica paused and moved her legs further apart. Lenken now had an unobstructed view of her nether region – he could clearly see the pink folds of flesh, glistening with wetness between her puffy lips. He shifted his weight on the log and felt his manhood begin to swell. Aware of the distraction that she was causing, the forest woman repeated what she had begun to say.

“As long as we are of like minds, perhaps you could show me your appreciation for having saved your life in a way that I would find pleasing.” Leisurely she slid her hand upward along the inside of her thigh while she awaited the warrior’s response.

“That I would gladly do,” he licked his lips hungrily and gaped at Eolfica’s finger slithering between her labia and fondling her moist flesh. “Merely tell me what you would have me do.”

The young huntress continued to play with herself for a short while, then rose from the stone that she had been perched on. As she slinked around the fire ring toward the warrior she pulled her garment up over her head and let it drop to the forest floor. She stood naked between his knees and cupping one of her breasts she leaned forward and lifted it to his lips.

“Suckle my teat,” she serenely ordered.

When Lenken parted his lips and took Eolfica’s firm nipple into his mouth, he felt her hand at his groin kneading his engorged shaft. She rubbed briskly as he sucked her nub into his mouth and caressed it with his tongue, his beard tickling her breast. The harder he pulled on her tit the more vigorously she stroked him. He took hold of her buttocks and massaged them with his palms. His fingers bent into her crack and slid down to where wisps of her wet pubic hair jutted out. Soon his fingers were gliding between her folds. The forest woman moaned and after pulling her breast away from his mouth she handed him the other. He sucked and tugged and probed. And she moaned and stroked. Suddenly she jerked her body away from Lenken and walked toward the cave.

Eolfica stopped in front of a huge sun drenched granite boulder. She climbed on top of the giant rock and lay face down on its flat surface. The warmth of the stone felt soothing on her breasts. Her legs and buttocks hung over the edge of the rock facing the warrior.

“Come here, Lenken,” she called over her shoulder.

While the ranger strode toward the woman on the rock, she brought her hands below her buttocks and spread her lips apart.

“Take me!” she cried out. “Take me here! Fill me with your staff!”

The warrior disrobed quickly and was behind her in an instant. The shimmering wetness of the pink between her spread lips called to him. He stepped to the end of the stone grasping his rock-hard erection. The boulder was of ideal size for this situation – as Eolfica lay on it, her genitalia were at the same height as Lenken’s. He positioned his cap into her slick slit and slid it up and down until it was coated with her slippery nectar and then pushed it into her waiting opening.

“Ohhh,” she shuddered as the warrior’s long thick member advanced inside her. Apprehensive about causing her discomfort, he thrust slowly. Carefully he pushed in deeper and deeper until his pubic curls mashed against her cheeks. Then he withdrew quickly and plunged back in, gradually building up speed with each entry until he was pumping her like a wild dog.

“Yes! Lenken!” she screamed and raked her nails across the hard granite. “Faster!”

He pumped madly to please her, his ball sack colliding against the unforgiving stone with each frantic thrust. In and out his rigid rod slid, carrying with it her slick juices and musky scent. He closed his eyes and inhaled her aroma deeply, savoring it like the bouquet of a sweet wine, while he continued to plunge his manhood fervently. Soon he felt her muscles tighten around his shaft and he heard her mumble unintelligibly.

“Arghhhh!” she howled. Her whole body jerked up off the stone then dropped back down. She sucked air through her mouth in short rapid gulps and uttered long sorrowful-like whines. Her toes curled and her fingers dug into the boulder top. Lenken knew that this was her moment and he continued to pump steadily. She writhed and twisted on the stone bed and rode her orgasm to the very end. As soon as her body began to relax, her lover slowed his pace.

“Spill your seed inside me!” she beckoned over her shoulder. “Fill me with your hot pudding!”

That was all the encouragement that the warrior needed. A few pumps after she asked for his seed, he obliged her and spewed his thick load deep within her.

When they were finished they lay together upon the granite boulder and let the warm rays of the afternoon sun bathe their naked bodies. Eolfica sat up first.

“There is a stream nearby where we can bathe,” she said as she jumped down from the rock.

“Lead the way,” he smiled and joined her. They walked side by side toward the stream.

“I hope that you realize that I am still indebted to you,” Lenken said. “And I will be traveling with you wherever you go until that debt is paid.”

“That is fine with me,” Eolfica grinned.

Written by Fogticus
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