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Miria's Temptation

"A young mage succumbs to a forbidden temptation."

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The diminutive mage begins to weave wonders from sheer light, letting out a girlish chuckle as the brilliantly luminescent particles twirl and fade. A garish display that earns at least a few pained sighs from fellow students.

With soft waifish features hidden beneath wavy blonde locks and piercing blue eyes that glimmer with ravenous curiosity, Miria looks like any other girl you’d find entombed within the depths of the Mage’s Guild. Her skin is frightfully pale from years of candlelit study.

This assumption has woefully spelt the end for many would-be romantics. For despite her demure charms and vivacious spirit...

Miria is, in fact, a boy.

“Did you see that!?” he exclaims, seemingly unaware that the spectacle has blinded half the class and driven away a good deal more.

“The practical is in ten minutes. Have you at least prepared the incantations?” comes a deadpan response from Miria's partner, Lorrian. The raven-haired mage remains hunched over an aged tome, despite Miria’s every attempt to rouse his attention.

“Obviously. Just who do you take for me for?” pouts the young mage. Lorrian neglects to respond. “Y’know, I’ve heard the new instructor is crazy is strict… she used to serve the Magi or something,” Miria continues, idly toying with a lock of his hair.

“If you have time to waste on idle speculation, then start diluting the wraith essence. We can’t afford to mess this up,” replies Lorrian flatly. Despite his attitude, the gloomy scholar is rather attractive in an unconventional sense. Not that anyone would ever care to admit it.

“Sheesh, you’re pushy today…” mutters Miria, wondering how he ever entered into such an unlikely partnership. Since time immemorial mages have studied in pairs, keeping careful vigil over their partner, lest the temptation of darkness should befall them. In reality, it’s a painful inconvenience.  


The two novice mages stand before the class, doing their best to conceal any traces of trepidation. The intricate geometric incantation engraved before them belies years of careful study. Despite this, even a minute slip-up could have disastrous implications. The kind neither of them would walk away from.

Today, they’d be summoning a familiar - a daemonic servant eternally bound to the material realm. If all went well.

“My, I think the two of you have built quite enough suspense. On with it,” orders their instructor. A shapely woman who’s likely seen more than enough budding young mages combust in her time. She knowingly takes a step back.

“It’s now or never, right? Time to show em’ what we’re made of,” chimes Miria, seemingly unaware of the grim atmosphere settling in.

“Indeed. Just follow my lead and don’t get careless,” replies Lorrian as the two of them begin channelling their mana. The rapturous flow of energy is blissful, but even a momentary lapse in concentration would tear the both of them apart from the inside out.     

The incantation begins to shine a dull blue. Magical particles trailing off into the musty darkness. “J-Just a little longer…” pants Miria, his face erupting into a hot flush as the spell begins to take its toll.

“Don’t lose focus now!” cries Lorrian as the light grows brighter, their spell reaching a mighty crescendo.


In a brilliant flash, the incantation vanishes. In its place lies a writhing mass of flesh. It is nothing like the elegant drawings in Lorrian's book. Miria gasps, doubling over, peering up at his instructor for even the slightest hint of approval.

“I think it’s… kinda cute,” Miria manages to choke out as the unfathomable reality of their failure dawns on his partner, his face growing even paler by the moment.

“How spectacular. That was even more dismal than I could have imagined...” replies their instructor who’d already begun ushering in the next pair.

“Did we pass, Miss?” asks Lorrian. She doesn’t grace him with an answer.


The pair begin the short trek back to their quarters in silent contemplation, at least until Miria has other ideas.

“I think we’re dwelling too much on the negatives! We were so close to pulling it off… did you see the looks on their faces?” says Miria in his usual sing-song voice as Lorrian draws to a sudden halt. Turning on him at once.

“Is this a joke to you?”

The question strikes Miria as a surprise. By all accounts, he’d really given it his all. It only makes things all the more confusing when Lorrian shoves him against the wall, the impact alone knocking the air right out of his lungs. This has taken a surprising turn.

“Well!? You made us look like fools back there!” snaps Lorrian as the petite mage writhed in his grasp. “Or was that another one of your petty tricks? Just admit it already!” he continues, tightening his grasp around Miria’s collar.

“I-I’m sorry…” gasps Miria, gaze lowering to the floor as his face turns red. “I really tried my hardest… I promise!”

“I don’t want to hear it. This on you, do you understand?” demands Lorrian. His partner can only nod meekly in return.

“Good. Then make this right.”

He releases his grasp and Miria slides to the floor, panting desperately. With a look verging somewhere between pity and contempt, Lorrian departs.


“Idiot!” Miria balls his hands, sinking his head into the stuffy bedroll as if it’d somehow excise the shameful series of mishaps that had led him here. Of course, Lorrian would pin this on him! It was just typical. Do all the brooding types have a quota of cruel outbursts before you can win their trust?

No matter. Miria wasn’t one to admit defeat, not when his debatable reputation is on the line. He’d show Lorrian that he means business. Who knows? Maybe he’d be grateful to have such a remarkable partner after this.

With a knowing grin, Miria sets his sights on the grand archives.


“So heavy… this really is the worst,” Miria sighs, doing his best to conceal the unfairly proportioned tome under his robes. Snatching it up had been an ordeal, but this was sure to prove Lorrian wrong. So long as he could make it back without collapsing under its weight.

With a gasp, he forces his way through the sturdy oak door that guarded his personal quarters. The candles are still burning dimly from earlier. “There we go!” Miria sighs a breath of relief, dropping the tome on his bedside counter with a resounding thud. It wasn’t exactly elegant, but he’d pulled it off flawlessly. Nobody would suspect the book is missing for some time.

“Time to get serious!” Miria chimes, preparing himself for the endeavour to come.


The finished incantation has taken over a good portion of his chambers, scrawling across the floor with feverish precision. This might just be his best work yet! If only Lorrian could see it…

Miria begins channelling the relentless torrent of mana through his body, feeling himself grow lighter as the warm sensation spreads. Many mages lose themselves to the throes of casting, allowing themselves to be consumed entirely. He practically shudders as the spell takes hold.

An ominous crimson glow begins to envelop his cramped quarters as the incantation bursts to life. For the first time, he feels his confidence waver. There's no going back now. He’s fed enough mana into the incantation that cutting off the flow would only destabilise it. The resulting explosion would wipe out this wing of the Guild. The forbidden tome has earned its moniker.

In a flash that sent Miria reeling, the incantation vanishes, a dense purple miasma spilling out and enshrouding the mage at once. Just stay calm… it’s working perfectly. Miria repeats it in his mind like a mantra, frantically searching for any traces of movement. It’s near impossible to see in these conditions.

“Fufufu… aren’t you a precocious one? Master dearest.” The deep sultry voice comes from within the haze, her every word dripping with amorous intent. Miria can’t see her at first, but he feels her presence. A deep primal fear he harbours is giving way to something entirely unfamiliar. Before he can even formulate a response, she steps forward.

Cascading locks of purple hair spill over her curvaceous form, her horns emerging wickedly. Upon seeing Miria, her fanged smile twists into something knowing. At first glance, one might mistake her for an unnaturally beautiful woman made in the very image of carnal desire. Every inch of her sculpted body is sinfully inviting, but that changes when Miria notices the strange markings that adorn her pale lilac flesh. Her leathery wings still half-shrouded in fog, belie a predator of unmatched grace.

Her crimson eyes narrow in anticipation, eating up the delectable suspense as her prey squirms. It’s moments like these that are etched into her memory forever, flickers of light in an infernal purgatory.

“Ahem… could you clear some of this fog? I-It’s a little hard to breathe,” pants Miria, waving away the billowy wisps of miasma. Unperturbed, the succubus takes a step towards Mira’s prone form. Staring down at him with lascivious amusement. Her pointed nails brush the pallid mage’s cheek as she cups his face, turning it side to side.

“Aren’t you a curious little thing. Tell me... are you a boy or a girl?” Not that it matters to her. The mage would make a wonderful plaything either way.

“I’m a boy actually, Miss,” Miria responds curtly. The succubus’ pointed ears prick up at his response.  

“My name’s Miria! Please forgive me, I’m still something of a novice when it comes to this whole summoning business...” his words trail off as the succubus lets out a hearty chuckle.

“Aren’t you just precious! To think one such as you could summon me.” The succubus can’t hide her bemusement. She’d never had a master so lacking in experience.

Miria brushes himself off and rises to his feet. Though his demonic entourage still stands a full head taller than him. “Well, aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” he cheerily asks without trepidation.

He’s awfully forward. No matter. “My name is Lilith, though you may call me whatever you desire… master.” Her words shift into a velvety whisper as she draws closer to Miria, her breath tingling his exposed throat.

“I think Lilith works fine, actually,” Miria remarks casually, painfully unaware of the mortal peril he’s in.

What is wrong with this boy? I can’t tell if he’s fearless or just plain stupid.

“Then might I ask why you’ve summoned me? Or would you rather forego this silly game and submit to me now?”

“It’s a class assignment actually! We kinda messed up, and now it’s up to me to fix things up…” Miria grumbles, biting his lip as he remembers Lorian's cold dismissal. If she was confounded before, Lilith was now well and truly lost. She’d been summoned by countless petulant mortals, all clamouring for her favour. But never this.

“You wish to bargain for arcane wisdom? You’ve summoned the wrong demon then, boy.” How painfully typical. Humans never cease to amaze her with their hubris. She ought to merely devour him and leave…

“Hey! You’ve got it all wrong. I just need to bring you to class to prove I can summon a powerful familiar,” Miria cries out.

A demonic familiar is bound to a mage for life, an arrangement Lilith was none too keen on. I didn’t take him for an exhibitionist. These mages are an odd sort.

“Me? Your familiar? Don’t flatter yourself.” The succubus draws closer, trailing a finger down the boy’s throat, willing him to beg. “Though, I might be able to help you… for something in return of course,” she whispers.  

“Oh. What is it that you want?” the boy asks, his glassy eyes glimmering with puerile innocence. Oh, It’ll be fun to break him.



Miria feels his body grow hot as she breathily whispers in his ear. An unbearable rush of pheromones suddenly shrouds his mind. The first pangs of panic course through him as his thoughts grow hazier. He finds himself unable to break away from her ravishing form, transfixed by how her shapely ass shifts beneath the candlelight. She saunters towards the messily arranged bed, leading him to certain damnation.

“Wait! This is wrong…” he pants, as she forces him down. The room reduced to a nauseating blur. “L-Lilith, I don’t feel good.” Her twisted smile grows. There is no need to hide her cruel inflictions any longer.

“Oh? But you seem to be enjoying it ever so much,” she remarks, settling her hand on the growing warmth below. Their mouths might lie, but their bodies are all the same. She teases it. Content to watch him shudder and mewl with pleasure as he grows harder.

“I command you to stop...” he moans half-heartedly, unable to meet her crimson gaze any longer. A hot flush erupts across his delicate face, and for a moment Lilith forgets she’s straddling a boy at all.

“Did you really think such an infantile spell could control me, master? I almost pity you,” she scolds him. Her wings coiling out magnificently as he writhes beneath her.

Lilith waves a hand and whispers a spell in her alien tongue. Miria stifles a cry as his robes are reduced to mere shining particles of light, trailing away like flickering embers. It was a cruel twist of irony, though in this state he could hardly appreciate the pretty spectacle.

Miria trembles; caught between the throes of pleasure and shame. His petite body is well toned and subtly curves outward in all the right places. It seemed unfair that a boy like him should be gifted with such an alluring form, putting many of his less fortunate classmates to shame. Alas, this world is cruel in its convictions. Though it certainly seemed Miria is getting more than he bargained for.

“D-Don’t look at me!” Miria snaps. But the succubus simply holds his lithe wrists down, drinking up every delectable ounce of his shame.

“But there’s ever so much to see… to think a precious thing like you has been holed up in here his entire life. Such a waste,” Lilith coos, grinding herself against his cock till his pitiful whimpers turn to something more deprived. Without realising it, his hips begin moving, desperately seeking a release. “Eager are we? I suppose I’ve kept you waiting long enough.”

The mage’s breath hitches as Lilith raises her ass, her toned thighs already slick with sweat and her own arousal. She savours one last moment of the boy’s quivering anticipation before sinking down onto his cock. Lilith’s voluptuous lips twisting into a wolfish grin as his length disappears inside of her.

With a gasp, Miria arches his back, savouring her warmth as his body is wracked with a wave of mind-numbing pleasure. He can only whimper as she slowly raises herself once more, crimson eyes smouldering with a voracious hunger. He needily begins cloying at her thighs, trying to pull her back down onto his glistening member. “Were you hoping for something more? I want to hear you beg, master,” she orders mercilessly.

“I-I want you…” Miria stutters, his whole body searing with white-hot tension.

“You’ll have to do better than that,” the succubus purrs, raking her nails across the boy’s chest till a trickle of blood stains his porcelain flesh.

“Please, just… fuck me,” he begs, shivering as Lilith draws closer till their lips barely brush together. The boy begins to hungrily run his tongue over her lips, parting them with a breathy moan. Their tongues coiling together as Miria kisses her feverishly, yearning for something more.

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The succubus begins to gyrate her hips, slowly at first, burying Miria inside of her with callous disregard as his choked sobs grow more heated. She starts to ride him faster, breasts bouncing with each frantic thrust. Time seems to fade, each moment of rapturous bliss bleeding into the next.

Tension begins to build deep in his stomach as he fucks her harder, sinking his hands into her thighs and biting back a languid moan. His every thought seemed to dissolve into nothing but pleasure, eyes rolling back as his body is enveloped by one all-consuming fire. A moment of free fall and blinding light. At that moment, it seems that the mage known as Miria has disappeared entirely.


Miria’s body lies sprawled out across the bedroll, slick with sweat and Lilith’s own juices. He pants, body still twitching from the heated climax. The succubus stares down at him in bemusement, her body shining even more radiantly than before. She’d only stolen but a glimmer of the boy’s life essence. He has no reason to be so melodramatic.

“You haven’t died, have you, master? I did try ever so hard to be gentle,” Lilith coos, wondering if the vitality of mages had been vastly exaggerated. This boy hardly lasted a few minutes. Not that it was anything worth savouring.

“I’m okay, Miss. Though you could've at least warned me first," He chirps up, rolling back over and pulling the sheets over his lithe body in a desperate bid to win back some dignity. Truth be told the ordeal has left him shaken, but if it meant taming such a powerful specimen, he’d do it again in a heartbeat. Well, perhaps a quick breather would be in order first...

Lilith arches her brow quizzically. In this state, the mage reminded her of the many female paramours she'd amused herself with. Hair still messily splayed out across his tender flesh. It was startling to her that the puerile toy she'd ridden just moments ago was anything but a fair maiden. For the time being, reality refuses to settle in.

“So considering I’ve paid my part in full... you’re totally my familiar now, right!?” Miria cries eagerly. “I suppose you ought to start cleaning up then. We made a real mess of this place,” continued the boy as Lilith grinds her teeth.

“Your familiar? Oh, darling. You misunderstood,” starts the succubus, cupping Miria’s face in her hands. “When I told you the price, I meant it quite literally,” she finishes, allowing Miria a moment to let the words settle in. 

"W-What do you mean? You just fed on me!” he exclaims, breaking free of her grasp.

“Fufufu… Do you call that feeding? I merely needed some of your precious male vitality for what’s to come,” murmurs Lilith, drawing out each word with glee.

“No fair. That wasn’t the deal, lady!” exclaims Miria with a pout.

How pathetic. It’s impossible to take this boy seriously. Before he could utter another word of defiance, Lilith whispers a sultry incantation. A familiar tingling beginning to spread below. Miria could only stare on in dismay as the vestiges of Lilith’s pussy fuse into what resembled a flaccid cock. Swinging limply between her shapely legs. Even at this meagre length, it is starting to put him to shame. Licking her plump lips, she begins teasing it, moaning wantonly as it grows.

“Don’t pretend this isn’t exciting you, master…” She is rock hard now, cock already glistening with precum as Miria backs away. His trembling legs threatening to give out under him.

“W-What are you doing with that thing...?” He wretchedly sobs as she forces the boy down to his knees.

“Isn’t it obvious? I want you to put that pretty mouth of yours to use,” Lilith teases.

“No way! This isn’t happening! I mean just LOOK at it… there’s no way it’ll-”


"Y-Yes..." He can barely meet her gaze as she towers above him. 

"With a mere snap of my fingers, I could dispel the ward protecting this room." Even before she can finish the succubus' intent is made all too apparent. Miria shifts on his knees, appalled at his own arousal. 

"Now I'm certain you wouldn't want to be caught in such a compromising position, master dearest." Her mock sing-song voice sends shivers down his spine. Divines, she truly is a monster. Miria can only sigh in resignation. 

"Just be gentle, okay! A boy really shouldn't be doing such... crass things," he murmurs. 

"Wonderful! Now, open that mouth nice and wide for me."  

"L-Like this...?" 

Miria’s words are soon reduced to a choked gag as she forces her cock down his throat. Watching it bulge and distend around her length as he splutters desperately for air. "Ah! I think you've gotten the hang of it." The succubus relishes the rush of new sensations. The tightness of the boy’s throat really is divine. She wraps a bundle of his blonde locks around her hands, using it to pull his head even closer. With a gasp she watches the last traces of her cock disappear into his mouth. After a few moments of precious trepidation, she releases him. He coughs violently, strands of spittle still trailing from his lips to her member.

“I-I couldn’t breathe! Are you trying to KILL ME or something? I’m your MASTER dammit! Wait… what are you-” Lilith yanks his hair, sinking her cock into the warmth of his throat once more. She soon falls into a steady rhythm, sloppily fucking his mouth as he gags noisily, looking up at her with teary eyes.

“Use your tongue darling,” she purrs, feeling it tentatively tease the end of her cock. “I must admit, you’re rather good at this. Surely this can’t be your first time?” she teases with a hearty chortle, feeling his throat tense up in shame. “Oh, that’s quite enough. I don’t want to use you up just yet,” she coos, releasing the poor boy at last. He gasps for air, backing away against the bed. It’s as if he can read my mind. Maybe he’s good for something after all…

“Divines, surely that’s enough! The others will hear at this rate,” whines Miria. The prospect of his fellow mages discovering him in this sorry state was a none too welcome one.

“Then perhaps you ought to stifle those moans of yours. Oh, to be burdened with such a careless master...” chides the succubus, forcing Miria’s face into the bedroll and propping his perfectly rounded ass in the air. In this compromising position, he looks even more like a girl. How unfair. With a figure like this, he puts some succubi to shame.

“H-Hey! Don’t look at me there… it’s disgusting,” whimpers Miria. He’d never imagined a maiden subjecting him to such a crass position. Though to his horror, the prospect was strangely enticing. Divines… this truly is revolting. He suddenly gasps as Lilith’s snake-like tongue begins to tease his ass, tracing circles around his tight opening. Her hot breath sending shivers racing down his spine. “W-What are you doing!?” he hisses, secretly willing her to go just a little further. Oh, don’t pretend you’re not enjoying this.

With a slight chuckle, she delves her tongue inside. Miria inhales sharply, his whole body jerking as he feels her tease his insides. Deeper… please. She coils her tongue around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Savouring the feeling of him writhing against her, ass frantically gyrating as he fucks himself. Curses. Why does it feel so good? Her tongue sinks in and out. The boy’s tight ass becoming tender as abandons his inhibitions.

Lilith pulls her head back and the boy mewls needily. Cloying at the bed sheets as she begins stroking her cock once more. “Getting flustered, are we? There’s no shame in it. Though perhaps we ought to stop now,” chides Lilith.

“No…” The words barely leave his trembling lips.

“Then beg for it, master dearest. Otherwise, I might just lose interest,” replies Lilith cooly, watching the poor boy toy with himself out of desperation.

“Please! I-I want it.” Miria cries. Hardly believing the words even as he speaks them. She must have me under some foul hex!

“As you wish, master.”

The boy gasps feverishly, wincing as his ass begins to stretch around the tip of Lilith’s engorged cock. “Fuck!” She digs her nails into his hips, pulling him closer and watching how his tight ass struggles to swallow her cock. His entire body trembles, beginning to go limp in her hands as she sinks deeper. She buries herself in the poor thing with a languid moan, wondering if he’ll give out before she gets balls deep.

“J-Just a bit more...” He traces a hand over his toned stomach, feeling the bulge of her member as it pushes further inside. With a sultry gasp, he forces his ass down. It claps noisily against her thighs, greedily lapping up what little of her remains. He jerks spasmodically, a jolt of pleasure rippling through him as his taut stomach distends. The outline of her swollen cock clear to see.

“My, I never thought you’d take it all, master,” purrs Lilith. Shifting herself inside of him and savouring each of the boy’s delectable moans. “Though perhaps you’re looking for a little more…” She slowly pulls her cock out, teasing the boy’s ass before sinking back in again with a squelch. Biting her lip, she begins teasing his nipples, watching him squirm pitifully in her grasp. “Aren’t you sensitive? I’m starting to think you might just be a girl after all.”

Lilith quickens the pace, watching as the boy’s ass ripples and claps against her. She smiles wickedly as the first changes begin to take hold. It’s subtle at first. Even if the mage wasn’t enraptured with pleasure, he might not notice. Impossibly, his skin grows paler, taking on a faint purple hue as her demonic energy pours into him.

The familiar infernal markings of a cursed incubus beginning to form. His ears start to resemble that of an elf, poking out from under his hair. Then his features soften, becoming even more sensuous as he stifles a moan. Fangs barely visible through his parted lips.

I feel so dizzy. Miria can hardly think anymore, merely craving the next moment of sweet ecstasy. Is it so wrong to feel this way? He pants breathily, eyes glimmering a dull crimson. At the mere sight of him, Lilith grows more frantic, ravaging his petite body without regard.

She’s close now. The tension reaching an unbearable high. “You understand, there’ll be no going back after this?” She whispers, caring little for his response either way. Whether Miria realises or not, he belongs to her now.

“Just fill me with your cum already!” He gasps, looking back at the succubus with unbridled lust as she pounds his tender ass harder. Wonderful. He already looks the part.

In a dizzying rush, she feels the pressure release. Wracked with pleasure, she sinks her cock into him one last time. Trickles of cum already spilling down his precious thighs. Miria gasps at the unexpected sensation of fullness as she fills his ass completely, determined to savour every last drop. Catching her breath, the succubus pulls herself free, watching the torrent of hot cum burst from his used hole. “L-Lilith… something’s wrong!”

Seems the poor thing is starting to catch on. A pity he’s too late.

“Just relax, master. It’ll all be over soon.”

The boy begins to panic, frantically scrabbling to his feet, but it’s much too late now. His body’s already absorbed enough of her essence.

“What did you do to me!?” He shrieks, as the corruption begins to take hold. It might’ve been a trick of the candlelight at first, but his once petite form now sumptuously spills outward. His ass and hips generously shaking as he stumbles from one revelation to the next. He still couldn’t compare to Lilith, but with a body like this, he’d soon be the object of fervent lust. Sure to break even the most pious of believers.

“Just stop it, okay? I’m not playing around anymore!” cries Miria, mana crackling in his palms as he readies a spell.

“I wouldn’t recommend that master,” sighs Lilith, but it’s already too late.

“Just shut up! I’ll make you wish you hadn’t messed with me.” The surge of energy acts as one final catalyst. He releases the spell and is enshrouded by a maelstrom of darkness. Shrieking as his body twists and warps to Lilith’s every whim. I never promised it’d be painless…


Miria wraps his newfound wings around himself, desperately trying to hide his demonic form. He sobs wretchedly, looking up at Lilith for some kind of conciliation. “I-I’m a monster! Just look at me… this isn’t cute at all.” Lilith has to suppress a groan.

“How ungrateful. Most would sell their soul in a heartbeat for my gift,” offers Lilith, pondering if the noise-cancelling wards she’d summoned could endure this boy’s punishment any longer.

“You wanted to make Lorrian regret hurting you, yes?” she whispers, kneeling down and brushing aside a strand of hair from Miria’s face. His true intent had been clear from the beginning. It was only fair she give her master exactly what he wanted.

“So? He won’t even be able to look at me like this,” replies Miria, wondering how long it’ll take for him to be imprisoned in the Guild’s murky depths. He’d really messed up this time…

“Oh, that’s not entirely true,” she purrs with a coy smile, her eyes gleaming wickedly.


Lorrian grimaces, his hand tentatively hovering above the door handle. A night spent hopelessly twisting back and forth had led him here. He knew full well that it’d been his own damned arrogance that’d cost them months of research. He tried to flaunt his powers and couldn’t control the ensuing flow of mana, destabilising the incantation in moments. Only for Miria to once again take the fall…

He resents the boy’s casual indifference. How could such a blithe excuse for a mage put him to shame time and time again? He toils over every excruciating minutia of magecraft only for Miria to carelessly surpass him. Is there really such a difference in their natural abilities?

Steeling himself, he pushes the door open, his eyes quickly adjusting to the dim. Miria peers up at him from behind a dark, leather-bound tome. The mere sight of him enthralled by such a scholarly pursuit was frankly unnerving. He presumed Miria had forgone the practical task of reading a long time ago.

“You could at least knock…” he murmurs, barely paying attention as Lorrian crosses the room. Hopelessly pondering over whatever it is that comes next.

“Is now a bad time?” What an infantile question. Why is this getting him so worked up? It’s a simple apology, nothing more.

“Sleep is a no-go for me. I’m not really in the mood to be pinned against a wall, though. Maybe in the morning?” Miria’s remark stings. He isn’t trying to be spiteful, but Lorrian can’t help but ball his hands.

“I’m not here to hurt you,” he states flatly as Miria places his tome to the side.

“Well… this is new. Did you wanna talk about something?” asks Miria with a slight smile. For a moment, Lorrian can’t break away from his lingering gaze. He’d never cared much for Miria’s girlish demeanour, but the way his lips languidly part makes the callous mage’s heart skip a beat.

“It’s just…”

Miria pouts playfully, beckoning him closer. “I’m not used to seeing you all flustered! You must really be worked up.” Without realising it, Lorrian had sat beside him. The air seems thick as if the room itself had been shrouded in fog. He could feel Miria’s breath on his throat. Since when had they been so close?

“It was my fault.”

A finger ghosts over his collarbone, sending shivers running down his spine. “I know… but we don’t have to dwell on that now,” coos Miria, a flicker of crimson spilling into his eyes. The boy’s mouth is warm, their tongues playfully coiling around each other. Lorrian shudders as his thoughts dissolve. Miria tastes so sweet, he can't bear for their lips to part.

How much time has passed?

“You’ll do as I say from now on, won’t you...?” whispers Miria. Lorrian can only nod feebly as his body is seized with pleasure. The lithe mage giggles, shedding his human facade.

“You’re such a good boy.”

Written by MayaFae
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