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Lost at Sea, book 1: Where There's a Will, chapter 11

"A sexy pirate fantasy adventure"

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It was too late to stop, or think, or worry about any kind of modesty. The ritual was complete and would no longer be denied. Bella’s back arched. Her shoulders and hips were the only part of her in contact with the table. One hand clutched the card in her hand. The other reached up to hold onto Tonya, who grabbed her arm to help steady her. She felt Will’s cock start to jerk inside her, she lunged forward and hooked her hands around his neck, pulling him into a searing kiss, and then her orgasm took her. And his too. Usually when Bella came, she let out small squeaks that she was still faintly embarrassed by. This time, the noise that escaped her was low and ragged, more animal than human.

The fully expanded and powered pattern linked them as one. They were suddenly sharing each other’s sensations. Will’s orgasm was surging, violent, and sudden. It triggered Bella’s thundering, rolling, shocking storm of pleasure. Bella had felt something like this before. She could feel the yearning, pleasurable thrusts. She knew she was enjoying the feeling of her own clenching vagina as experienced by Will’s driving cock. She had to admit, being a man felt fun, but still, it was over too soon. She only had to ride out the short feeling of blissful eruption as Will climaxed before she was back to the familiar feeling of her own long awaited longer, rolling release.

Will didn’t understand what was happening to him at all. It felt like he was melting and bursting at the same time. His eyes were closed, but he could still see the brightness of the red light coming off of them though his eyelids.

The unending humming thrum of the sigil heightened everything, and Bella’s orgasm, strengthened by the build up and denial, crashed over him and left him shaking and gasping against Bella’s lips. They shook together with each pulse of release. It was like one of his own normal orgasms at first, and then another one but lengthened. Stretched out over longer time. Not a sudden burst, but a quake. “Holy fuuuuck,” he groaned against Bella’s lips. She just grinned as the pleasure surged through her.

He felt like he was still ejaculating. His cock was jumping, but there was no way anything could still be coming out of it. Eventually it all subsided. No. Another burst washed through him as Bella shuddered with an aftershock.

“Is that you?” he asked, finally catching on.

“Mmmhmm,” Bella nodded. “It worked. We synchronized. We’re both feeling what the other feels.”

Captain Vex, still standing in the doorway, was gaping openly, dumbstruck by the scene. Her new navigator was glowing and holding a fan of tarot cards while fucking a stunning N’madi woman with giant breasts, who was also glowing, and there were more cards stuck to her body. A petite second girl appeared to be holding the N’madi girl down. In spite of the strangeness of the tableau, the mystically charged orgasm she’d just watched was so powerful that she swore she felt it from the doorway.

“I’ll ‘ave what they’re ‘aving,” Vex said, gesturing with a small metal cup.

Will looked over and fully realized the spectacle he was part of. His new captain and seven working girls were looking at the three of them, and behind the cluster in the doorway most of the Lounge was straining for a peek as well. Bella rolled her head to the side and blinked. Then she started laughing. Will couldn’t help but join her.

“Hi, Captain,” he said giving Belita a little wave.

“Hi yerself,” Belita snorted. “What the hell was that?”

“Magic?” he shrugged.

“Issat yer witch?” Captain Vex asked, gesturing to Bella with her cup. Bella wasn’t the sort to blush. She carefully placed the card she’d drawn on the third glowing swirl, just below her belly button. She raised an eyebrow at will, waiting for him to answer the Captain’s question.

“Sure is,” he chuckled. He realized his cock was still hard inside her. He figured ‘in for a penny in for a pound,’ and gave Bella a little bumping thrust. She gasped and stared at him, half impressed, half scandalized. His eyes went wide as he realized he was still feeling what she felt. One of the girls in the doorway cupped her hands to her mouth. “Fuck her!”

“Don’t enc- nngg- courage him, Alyssa!” Bella managed to say, waving feebly toward the woman who’d egged them on. Will pulled out a bit and bumped forward a little harder. Their small crowd cheered. Even Captain Vex was laughing along to their unplanned sex show.

“Will!” Bella squirmed, trying and failing to sound indignant. He bumped again, reveling in the combined sensation of sex from two perspectives. Bella grabbed the table and groaned. The doorway girls cheered louder.

“This was not how I wanted to meet the captain!” Bella said, trying to hold back how good it felt.

Vex snickered and tipped her hat Bella’s way. “Ye make one hell of’a first impression.”

Bella’s exasperated sigh was completely ruined by another thrusting bump. “Tonya,” she said to her apprentice, who was still sitting on her chair, unsure of what to do. She’d managed to tug her blouse back up over her chest, but that was about it. “Can you,” Bella continued, gesturing ambiguously at the door. Another thrust sent shivers of bliss through her, triggering another clenching aftershock. Will and Bella gasped at the same time, both feeling it.

“Huh. That’s how I make you feel?” Will was a bit overwhelmed. “That’s amazing.”

“Well, you had some help this time,” Bella grinned, tapping the still glowing, but much dimmer sigil.

“I almost went for the salt,” Tonya said, finally standing up and taking the few steps to the door. She started to tug the curtain closed. A few of the girls watching boo’d and aaaw’d. Tonya swatted at one of them. “Don’t even pretend you aren’t going to keep watching through the cracks you harlots.” A few of them laughed.

Captain Vex reached up and stopped the curtain from sliding, her eyes narrowing in confusion as she squared off against the diminutive Tonya. “How come ye got a clown nose on?”

Tonya blinked in confusion and touched her nose, then her eyes widened. She yanked the curtain closed and rushed over to the mirror on the wall, seeing the little red smudge of red cream for the first time. “How come neither of you told me!!” she shrieked.

Will and Bella both erupted with laughter. The curtain girls joined in. Tonya rubbed at her nose. “When? How? Wait, when you tapped me on the nose?”

Bella nodded, unable to form words through her laughter. Will bent over and put a hand on the table to hold himself up while his body shook.

“This whole time?!” Tonya rubbled. Bella waved her hands feebly, trying to breathe. Tonya finally got the edge of the dot to peel up. It came off in one piece, but left a faint pink stain behind. “Oh, come on!” she yelled at the mirror.

The squeezing and clenching from the uncontrollable laughter had both Will and Bella struggling between the pleasure and the comedy of Tonya’s plight. The petite girl turned around and glared at Bella. “You let me give a blowjob with a red nose?”

More shrieks of laughter exploded from the door curtain.

Tonya sat down on her chair in a huff. “See if I keep you from spontaneously combusting again.”

“I’ll make it up to you,” Bella giggled.

Tonya’s eyes narrowed shrewdly. “I’m listening.”

Bella tapped the faintly glowing pattern on her chest. “This stuff isn’t just paint.”

“Well yeah, I know that,” Tonya huffed. “I helped you make it. It’s got a bunch of Cerise’s drugs and stuff in it too.”

“It does?” Will asked.

“Yes,” Bella replied to them both. “A few of those oils and powders, in combination, make a fairly potent aphrodisiac.”

“So?” Tonya shrugged, “That’s just part of the ritual stuff.”

“Sooooo, Will’s still hard,” Bella grinned. Tonya’s eyes lit up and she looked to where Bella and Will were still joined. “He’s going to be hard for hours.” Will’s brows rose.

Tonya excitedly grabbed Bella’s face and bent down to kiss her, but Bella’s finger got in the way. “Hold that thought. We aren’t quite done yet, so you still can’t touch the pattern.”

“Hurry uuuuup!” Tonya said, bouncing on her chair. There was more laughter from the door curtain.

“Patience, or I’ll make you do some denial practice with Rocky,” Bella smirked.

Tonya looked at the phallus on the ground with trepidation. “Can we keep him on low?”

Bell laughed. “Maybe if you’re lucky.”

“So what now?” Will asked.

“We still have to close the ritual properly so we can do the reading,” Bella said. “I’m tapped into your aura, so your curse should be overlapping both of us right now. That will let me get a strong reading about how my presence will interact with it later.”

“How do we close it? Do I need to do anything?” Will asked.

“Just kiss me,” Bella said.

Will leaned down and they completed the ritual the same way they began it. Bella slowly pushed withdrawing Will’s hard length from her with a small, happy sigh, breaking their kiss at the same time he fully withdrew from her. Through their link, Will felt the sudden feeling of emptiness that Bella experienced.

“That is so weird,” he said.

“Oh, it’s going to get weirder,” Bella said. She swung her legs down, enjoying the relief and the ache in them from keeping them braced and clenched for so long. “Mmmm,” she groaned, slowly standing up.

“Ok, it’s all done. You can trade me,” she said to Tonya. Somehow the cards stayed exactly where they were, stuck to Bella’s body.

Tonya used the purple tablecloth to wipe up the slick of perspiration Bella had left behind. “You two are messy.”

“Good sex usually is,” Bella shrugged sitting down in Tonya’s chair.

Tonya untied her skirts and let them fall in a puddle on the floor. Suddenly nude from the waist down, she hopped up on the edge of the table and spread her knees, too excited to bother with any kind of seduction.

“Wait, wait,” Will said. “This feels a little… impersonal.”

Tonya and Bella shared a look. Bella shrugged. “He’s like that.”

Tonya rolled her eyes and then looked up at Will. “Alright, how do you want to fix that?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” Will shrugged.

Tonya looked at Bella gain, her face full of frustration and questions. Bella had pulled all the cards off of herself and laid them out in a line on the table. Now she was picking Rocky up off the floor. She looked up at Tonya’s imploring face and shrugged. “I don’t know, convince him.”

Tonya’s eyes flashed. She hopped up off the table slid to her knees in one motion, quickly sliding Will’s cock into her mouth. Will grabbed her head in surprise. “That wasn’t quite what I-”

“Hush,” Tonya said with her lips against the end of his cock. He tasted like Bella. She licked all up and down his shaft enjoying the flavor. “I need this cock in me right the hell now. Rocky’s great, but he isn’t real. He isn’t this. Do you want to make sure everything feels just right or do you want to fuck my tight little body?” She plunged her mouth back down his shaft as far as she could take him.

Bella took a deep breath, her hips rolling into the chair. Even though she and Will were separated, their sensations were still merged. Their hearts still beat as one. She could feel what he felt as Tonya’s enthusiastic mouth worked on him. “Didn’t think this through all the way…” she gasped, putting her hands down flat on the table and squeezing her thighs together. Another aftershock trembled through her, and also through Will.

Will’s cock jumped in Tonya’s mouth as he felt the shuddering orgasmic echo move through Bella. Will groaned. Tonya stopped and looked over her shoulder at Bella. “Wait, so when I blow him, you feel it?”

“For right now, yeah,” Bella said.

“And when he fucks me, you’ll feel it?” Tonya grinned, stroking Will’s cock while she talked. Bella nodded, her eyes wanting to roll back in pleasure.

“I’ll feel what he feels,” Bella clarified.

“And he feels what you feel.” Tonya said rhetorically. Bella nodded again.“Sex magic is so much fun!” Tonya said, hopping to her feet.

She pulled Will by the cock around the table, then she knelt down next to Bella’s chair and grabbed the older witch’s thighs. She spread Bella’s legs and and turned her a bit, then tugged her right to the edge of the seat.

Bella let her, quickly seeing where this was going. “I’m still full of his cum,” she said. It wasn’t really a warning. To Tonya, it was more like incentive. The petite girl let out a “Yessss,” and buried her lips between Bella’s smooth legs.

Will felt a rush of a warm, wet sensation somewhere at the base of his cock, which twitched. It was a strange thing. A feeling that felt like it was his, but that he knew hadn’t come from him at all. “Well that’s different.”

“Less talking, more fucking me!” Tonya said from between Bella’s thighs. She wiggled her hips back and forth enticingly.

“In a just a minute. I want to feel something,” Bella grinned, her eyes bright with anticipation and arousal. She beconned to Will. “Come here.”

Will knew better than to ask why. That look always meant something he’d enjoy. He took a few steps around Tonya to stand next to Bella. Tonya whined in frustration. Bella pulled Will a little closer and looked up into his eyes as she slowly brought her mouth down over his cock. Her lips closed around his head and her tongue swirled. She groaned and rolled her hips as the sensations of Tonya lapping at her clit and actually feeling the blowjob she was giving each tangled together inside her. Bella bobbed a few times, lower and more luxuriant than Tonya’s more frenetic pace. She came off of him, her lips finally coming together as his cockhead slid all the way out. She kept stroking with her hand. “The last time I did this ritual, I hadn’t learned how to do the throat trick yet.” Then she pushed his shaft back into her mouth again, sliding slowly deeper and deeper, taking him all the way to the root. Will groaned and put a hand on the ceiling to steady himself. Bella rolled her hips harder and moaned, grabbing desperately at Will’s hip and Tonya’s head. She rolled her head around a bit, keeping him fully sheathed down her throat, not wanting to come up for air because of how good it felt to feel what she was doing to him. Will groaned as well, feeling the amazing blowjob, and also the unfamiliar feeling of a tongue on a phantom clit. Bella bobbed a bit, her whole body writhing. She moaned into Will’s pelvis the whole time. Eventually she just had to stop. She came off his cock with a gasp, her eyes watering. She took a deep breath and grinned. “I can see why you like that so much.” Will nodded. Bella continued her blowjob, pushing all the way down on him, bumping her lips and nose against the very root of him, and then coming all the way off. Her hips were shuddering constantly as the deep, strange pleasure rolled through her. She didn’t know how Will was managing to keep his hips still.

She held Tonya’s head in place and squeezed with her thighs, covering her apprentice’s ears, isolating her from everything except the work her swirling tongue was doing. Tonya squeaked in surprise, but didn’t fight. Then Bella gathered as much saliva in her mouth as she could and came off him one last time, leaving him completely soaked. Then she pointed to Tonya’s heart shaped rump. Will grinned and carefully moved behind Tonya without touching her. He knelt, lined himself up, and slid into the petite girl with one solid thrust, bottoming out firmly with his hands on her hips, pulling her back into himself hard. Bella let go of Tonya’s head. She didn’t have a choice. Feeling Will’s cock fuck into her apprentice caused Bella to grab at her chair and roll her hips forward involuntarily.

Tonya squealled and grabbed at Bella’s for support, her own legs lifted off the ground by Will’s strong arms lifting her hips as he drove into her. Her legs kicked spasmodically, like a baby deer trying to stand. “Ohgodsssss-” she hissed through clenched teeth, her eyes as wide as they could go. She’d been with other men, and some of them had been bigger than Will, but in that moment, after so much build up, the sudden, unexpected penetration made her feel more full than she could ever remember.

“That feels amazing. I love her squeezing,” Bella breathed.

“Me too.” Will held himself there, rooted deep inside Tonya, just rolling his hips against her soft butt. Tonya regained control of herself and managed to get her toes and her knees back under her. She arched her back and rolled her hips against Will’s, her insides rippled and squeezed. Her internal muscles weren’t as strong and controlled as Bella’s but she was clearly naturally gifted. Will had learned that “tightness” didn’t really have anything to do with a woman’s size, but in Tonya’s case there was a correlation. The petite girl was smaller everywhere, and it felt fantastic. Will pulled back a fraction of an inch and bumped back into her, feeling the head of his cock just barely tapping against the end of her inner walls. He breathed out and bumped into her again. The sensory amplification from the still faintly humming sigil, and the strange overlap of feeling what Bella felt cranked up the intensity of just being inside Tonya to the point that just being inside her and barely moving at all had him feeling like he was ramping up to the edge quickly.

“Please-” Tonya mewled, resting her head on Bella’s thigh. “Please just fuck me already!”

“I am fucking you,” Will teased.

“FUCK ME YOU BASTARD!” Tonya yelled. The curtain burst into laughter again.

Bella nodded, her eyes hungry. “Fuck her. I want to feel it.”

Will slid back slow, enjoying the feel of his shaft sliding out, and the contrast of the cool air against the skin exposed inch by inch. When only his head was still inside, he pushed back in, equally slow. Tonya tried to push back against him, eager to be filled hard and fast, but Will held her firm, forcing her to endure his slow, agonizing pace. She kicked a tiny foot beneath him. He slid slowly out of her again and back in. A high pitched keening escaped her and she clutched Bella, biting gently into the witch’s leg. “I’m gonna die…” Tonya moaned at the next slow thrust.

Bella laughed, and stroked Tonya’s hair. “Put her out of her misery, Will.”

“Aye, Captain,” Will said, and brought his hips forward, strong and hard. Tonya gasped. Will hammered home again. And again. Bella rolled her hips into her chair again, grabbing Tonya’s hair as the sensation of Will’s thrusting ramped up and washed over her.

Tonya wrapped her arms around Bella’s waist and laid her head down, holding on for dear life as Will practically lifted her off the ground and fucked her as hard as she could. She felt like a rag doll being picked up and shaken by a dog, but it was perfect. She was so close already. Every thrust filled her and pushed her and spread the straining heat building inside her. Bella reached underneath her and slipped her skilled hands into Tonya’s blouse, cupping her apprentice’s breasts and squeezing her sensitive nipples. Tonya’s orgasm swelled and crashed through her, clenching her whole body, squeezing tightly around Will’s cock. He didn’t slow. He fucked right past her tension and kept the orgasm rolling until her body relaxed and went limp. “Ohgods,” she whispered. He wasn’t done. Another orgasm began to build on the aftermath of the last. Tonya reached between her legs and found her clit, pushing down and flicking quickly back and forth. The sparks lanced through her and quickly built, amplified by Will’s thrusting. Her whole body clenched again as she lost her senses to the burst of pleasure. It wracked her. She clenched and released, too spent to hold herself up beyond clinging to Bella for dear life. Will kept fucking her. “Ohgods,” she whispered again. It was all she could say. All she could think. After what Bella had done to her with Rocky, and two large back to back orgasms, Tonya was spent, exhausted. It was starting to get uncomfortable but she didn’t want to stop. She shook her head weakly. “I can’t… I can’t… no more.”

Will slowed, going back to his original, slow pace. Now it didn’t feel like torture. It felt like bliss. An aftershock unexpectedly rocked her. She didn’t even have the energy to move. Her insides trembled weakly. Bella stroked her head with one hand and massaged her breast with the other. Her hips were rolling, still connected to Will and feeling his every thrust. Tonya realized they were both fucking her. She knew it was only Will, but to because of the ritual linking them, they were both feeling what it was like to fuck her. Something about the thought of Bella feeling what Will felt, and being so loving at the same time, brought tears to Tonya’s eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Of course, dear. You did so well tonight,” Bella said quietly.

Will continued his slow, gentle strokes. Tonya just breathed slowly for a while, gathering her strength and enjoying the little tremors that occasionally came. After a minute or so, she lifted her head and looked over her shoulder. “I want you to finish in my mouth, Will. I want to taste you. I’m not sure I can keep going though.”

“That’s alright,” Will said. He slowly pulled free. Tonya’s body shuddered at the feeling of sudden emptiness. “You felt amazing. Hope I didn’t hurt you.”

Tonya shook her head. “It’s Rocky’s fault. Normally I have a lot more endurance.”

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Bella beckoned Will towards her. “How about I take over?”

“I’ll never say no to that,” Will smirked.

He gently set Tonya down. She curled up like a kitten with her head in Bella’s lap. Will stepped around her. Bella opened her plump lips and guided him in again, enjoying the taste of her apprentice on him. She wasn’t teasing this time, or getting him ready for a ritual, or for Tonya. She wanted him to cum. She pushed her mouth down his entire length and then back up, using her hand in tandem. Her head bobbed. She groaned as she felt his pleasure ramp up. He put his hand on the ceiling again and tried not to thrust forward into her mouth. After choking Tonya earlier he was trying to be extra careful, so even when almost overwhelmed by pleasure he was trying not to move. Bella’s mouth and hand took on Tonya-level blowjob intensity. The difference was, Bella was a master fellatrix, and she could actually feel what Will was feeling so she knew exactly what to do.

It was hands down the best blowjob Will had ever had.

Unfortunately, after the ritual, it was taking him a while to reach his own orgasm. The intensity was building, and he felt like he was close, but he couldn’t quite get there. “I’m not sure I can have another one so quickly after the last,” he said, a bit worried. He loved everything that was happening, but he didn’t want Bella to be wasting her effort.

Tonya slowly gathered herself off the floor and stood up, watching the masterful skills Bella ws displaying. She was envious and impressed. When Will announced that he wasn’t sure he could cum again, she suddenly felt a lot less bad about running out of wind herself. She saw Rocky on the table and got a delicious idea.

She picked up the phallus, cleaned it on the tablecloth, and then put it into Bella’s hand. The beautiful witch didn’t even stop. She just grinned around her mouth full of cock.

She brought the stone toy between her legs and rubbed it’s cold, hard length along her still wet slit. Will’s eyes opened wide at the unfamiliar, and unexpectedly cold sensation. Bella took her mouth off of him just long enough to say “Low.”

Rocky came to life, the marbling along its length beginning to glow, and the bumblebee hum building up. Bella took Will back in her mouth again as the vibrating phallus warmed and sent those wonderful little sparks up her spine from her clit. Will’s whole body shuddered. “Woah,” he let out. That little stone had a lot of power.

Bella slid Rocky up inside her and slid Will’s cock into her mouth and down her throat at the same slow pace. Will’s toes curled and he grabbed the ceiling with both hands. The overlapping sensations made it hard to pick out which feeling was which.

Bella began to bob up and down at a faster pace, matching Rocky’s penetration to her own mouth. She popped off long enough to say “Medium,” and then kept going. The vibrations intensified and so did Bella’s blowjob. One of Will’s hands clutched at her head, grabbing her hair. Part of him wanted to pull her off, make her stop before he lost control of his body and fucked into her mouth without meaning to. She shook her head and popped off him again. “Do it.”

Will shook his head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. Promise,” Bella said. Then she shoved her lips down over his length and the buzzing toy up into her, hard and fast.

Will jerked and pulled her head into his pelvis, sliding all the way into her throat and holding her there, his eyes closed, his whole body tense. Bella pushed Rocky up inside her again, as far as it would reach, shuddering, feeling the deep, buzzing penetration and Will’s hard cock being massaged by her mouth and the muscles in her throat. She was close. He was close. She pulled back for air and pulled Rocky out of her with a gasp.

“Holy fuck,” Will swore.

Bella brought Rocky to her clit again and bobbed fast and hard on Will’s cock, her hand becoming a blur. The electric storm building inside her from the buzzing against her clit finally released it’s bolt. Her orgasm lanced through her. The faint glow on the pattern on their bodies surged. Bella’s orgasm wracked through Will. It triggered his own orgasm. Ropes of cum fired out into Bella’s mouth, her hand still stroking. Will’s orgasm erupted through Bella, causing her to arch her back and tense. It set off another orgasm of her own, another lighting bolt of pleasure lancing up her spine from her clit. She shoved Rocky back inside her and let out a long squeak around the head of Will’s cock. Her second orgasm passed through Will, amplifying the end of his own. He felt like he was paralyzed, all he could do was cum and shake. Finally it subsided for both of them.

Tonya’s eyes were wide. “Wow.”

Bella beckoned her apprentice over. Tonya knelt next to Bella, who gently grabbed her face and brought her in for a lusty kiss, passing Will’s cum from master to apprentice. Tonya moaned. She’d forgotten that she wanted to taste it, but Bella hadn’t. They kissed for a few long moments and Tonya sighed, swallowing as she pulled away. “Alright, new favorite way to get a mouthful of cum,” she said with a silly grin on her face.

It was one of the most erotic sights Will had ever seen. With the aphrodisiac from Bella’s red cream still active, he was still hard. Watching the two beauties pass his cum from mouth to mouth made his cock jump next to their heads. They looked. Bella laughed. “Down boy!”

Tonya grinned and took his cock in her mouth, milking the last few drops of cum from him. “Mmm,” she said when she was finished. She licked her lips. “Maybe I still like the original way too,”

“You are such a cock fiend,” Bella snickered.

“Yup!” Tonya said, throwing her arms around Bella’s neck and giving her a kiss. Then she hopped up and threw herself into Will’s arms too, kissing him. “This was the best night of my life, and you two are so amazing.”

Bella stood and embraced her apprentice again. “I never thought I’d have an apprentice. You’ve already made me so proud,” she smiled. Will could see Tonya’s eyes get watery. She squeezed Bella with all the strength in her tiny body.

Bella kissed Tonya again and then let go. Tonya sat on the edge of the table, looking at the three cards that still hadn’t been turned over. Bella stood up and pushed Will down into the chair, then sat on his lap.

“Ready to do this reading?” Bella asked. “Or do we need to get sidetracked again?”

“I think Tonya deserved that sidetrack,” Will said.

“Yes she did,” Tonya said proudly.

“Alright, fine. It was a worthy distraction. The connection ritual usually lasts a few hours, so we had time. How about we finish what we were trying to do in the first place?” Bella said.

“It’s your show,” Will said. “What do we do? Just turn the cards over and see what you drew?”

“Basically, yeah. It’s a bit anticlimactic,” Bella shrugged.

Tonya pulled a chair over opposite them, sitting down and leaning her elbows on the table with her head in her hands, watching and thinking. “So, the divination is on yourself,” she said, trying to make sure she understood everything, “But, because you two are linked right now, and because of when you drew the cards, they are charged with the power of the ritual and your connection, and also has the strongest possible connection with Will’s curse, short of having it yourself.”

“Exactly,” Bella nodded. “It takes a surprisingly large amount of power to tap into and manipulate fate even if it’s just for an analysis of what might happen. It seems like it’s just a small thing, cards and some questions, but for an accurate, precise reading it takes a lot of juice.”

“I thought it was called oomph?” Will grinned.

Bella swatted him on the arm. Tonya looked confused. “Nevermind,” Bella told her apprentice. Tonya still looked confused, but didn’t ask questions.

Bella looked down at Will’s cock which was still hard and rampant, standing tall right next to her hip. She looked at the cards and then said, “Couldn't hurt.”

She stood, readjusted and then sunk herself down onto his shaft once more, sitting sideways on his lap, facing the table with his length buried inside her. “Mmmm,” she said, shimmying and getting settled. Will was a bit confused at first, but wasn’t going to complain. He was starting to think he was going to be raw and chafed later.

“I guess we are getting sidetracked again?” he asked.

“Nope. I just figured that since you were still hard, and the sigil is still active, that this was the best way to make sure that the connection between us is as strong as it can be,” she explained. “Also, I just like how you feel inside me.” She squeezed. “And, I like feeling what you feel when you’re inside me.”

He rolled his hips and took a breath. “Oh, the feeling is mutual.”

“Literally,” Bella grinned, “At least for right now.”

“Someday, I really want to try that,” Tonya said.

“Someday you will,” Bella nodded. She rolled her hips to feel Will churning inside her and put her hand on the first card. “Alright. This card represents my current situation. It was drawn when Will and I first joined and sealed the ritual, but before we’d synchronized. So, it will focus on what is currently happening to me, and Will’s influence on me as a separate entity.”

She turned it over. The highest swirl on the red pattern on her body surged. The card revealed was The Magician.

“I don’t know the first thing about magic,” Will shook his head.

Tonya rolled her eyes. “It’s not about you. It’s about what you represent in Bella’s life. The Magician is the card representing action, and the manifestation of power. The card says your presence is the catalyst of a powerful force in Bella’s life, but the card doesn’t show whether that force is good or bad.”

“Excellent breakdown,” Bella nodded. “The magician is about having the power to do things. It might be about what I’ll do in response to you, or what you’ll do with me, or what I’ll do for you, or even what you will gain through my actions. Or any combination.”

“Hmm. Seems like a lot of that we already knew,” Will said.

“Some, yes. What we guessed at least. It’s nice to know for sure,” Bella said.

“It seems so vague though,” Will said “How do you know? What stops you from just leaning into what you read and conforming your perception of what ends up happening to what you thought was going to happen when you flipped over the cards.”

“Practice, I guess.” Bella said. “A lot of fortune tellers just leave the cards to chance and see if they can parse out meaning from a reading, looking for ways that the cards align with what’s going on in the lives of the person the reading is focused on. I even do that myself sometimes when I’m doing a reading for a client who’s just there for some general guidance and a bit of a show. It can definitely be a solution, looking for a problem.”

“This time isn’t like that,” Bella continued. “There’s as much oomph as I can summon wrapped up in this reading. It’s very specific.”

“I believe you. I just don’t see how it’s helpful yet,” Will said, having trouble shaking his skepticism.

Bella put her hand on the next card. “This card represents challenges to come. It was drawn when we merged and began feeling each other’s perspectives. Our hearts synchronized. They are still beating together now. Will’s curse overlapped with me, so it’s energy is directly linked to the divination regarding the challenges themselves.”

She flipped over the Knight of Cups. The second swirl on her pattern swelled briefly with light. Bella’s brows furrowed. “Hmm. That’s weird.”

“I don’t remember this one very well. Isn’t it a good card? Something about following your heart?” Tonya asked.

“Partially…” Bella said, staring at the card. “Following your heart is one possibility. It’s about romance and adventure also. It’s fitting that it’s connected to Will and I and what we are doing, but it’s odd that the card is in this position.”

“So romance, adventure and following our hearts is going to be our challenge?” Will asked.

“It will be the challenge I’ll face because of you. That challenge will be the effect your curse has on me,” Bella said.

“Well that doesn’t sound so bad,” Will smiled.

“No, it doesn’t,” Bella said grimly. “That’s why I’m worried.”

“You’re going to have to explain that one,” Will said.

“I do a lot of readings. I’m good at it and I like having an idea of what to expect. It helps keep me safe and prepared. If a reading seems like a warning about something, I pay attention,” Bella said. “I’ve learned that it’s always the readings that seem like they don’t make any sense that are the ones that end up having the biggest impact in retrospect.”

“Well, maybe it will make more sense after the third card,” Tonya said.

Bella put her hand on the third card. “This one is the advice or guidance card. It’s where fate can be bent a bit. It’s the hardest one to get right, and where nearly all the oomph goes. It’s the difference between fortune tellers and Diviners. It was drawn when Will and I were at the apex of our power, when everything we were was consumed by the energy we’d created, and when we were as close as we could be. This card tells me what I should try to do in regards to Will and his curse.”

Her last sigil flared from low on her body, between her belly button and her mons. She revealed The Star.

Tonya laughed, “Wait… so the guidance card is… guidance?”

Bella snorted, “Close. The Star is a good omen. It’s about hope and staying true to a positive course. So either I’m going to be that for Will, or he’s going to be that for me. Or both.”

“Or the curse is,” Tonya said. “Right?”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Bella nodded. “Could be. Doesn’t really seem likely though.”

“No,” Will said, “Definitely not.”

“That really didn’t seem like a bad reading,” Tonya said, sounding surprised.

“I’m still worried about the challenge card, but overall, no. That was surprisingly benevolent,” Bella agreed.

“Was it helpful?” Will asked.

“I think so. It tells me that I don’t have anything to fear from going with you. I can trust my instincts and know that you and your curse aren’t going to have some catastrophic effect on my life or who I am,” Bella said. “And maybe it means I’ll be able to be that counter to your curse that you were hoping for.”

“That’s good enough for me,” Will shrugged.

“Me too. I think I’m ready for our adventure now,” Bella grinned. “Thanks for letting me draw all over you.”

“Oh, it was worth it,” Will said flexing his cock inside Bella. She squirmed and giggled.

“I think we’re done for the night, you brute. You’ve pummeled both of us enough for one night,” Bella said, slowly lifting herself off of Will’s cock. She sighed again at the empty sensation. “You’re just going to have to deal with being hard for a while.”

She picked up her clothes and started getting dressed. Tonya shrugged and followed suit. Will sighed. It looked like the fun was over. He stood up. Tonya immediately dropped to her knees and put his cock back in her mouth with a satisfied moan. Will stopped in surprise, putting his hand on the ceiling again for balance. “Uh, Tonya?”

She bobbed along his length and Bella nearly fell over. She’d been balancing on one foot stepping into her skirts when the unexpected pleasure of the blowjob rushed though her. She put a hand on the table to keep from falling and hopped a bit. Tonya licked all down his length, and then bobbed on his head again, getting all of Bella’s juices and pushing him as far into the back of her mouth as she could go. Will groaned and put a hand on the back of her head. Bella put her other hand on the table and just stood still as the sensations washed over her.

Tonya bobbed a moment longer and then came off Will’s cock with a pop. She stood up and grinned like an evil cat. “I just wanted to make sure you were all cleaned up.”

Bella put her head down on the table and sighed in exasperation. “You’re insatiable.”

“You trained me!” Tonya said proudly and reached for her skirts.

Will shook his head and tried to ignore his now once again throbbing and wanting erection. He really didn’t think he could go again right now, at least not all the way to another orgasm, but part of him wanted to try. He shook his head and reached for his pants.

In short order the little alcove was cleaned up and the three of them were dressed. Bella pulled her curtain back and abruptly the Lounge burst into applause. There were five girls standing right in front of the curtain who didn’t even have the good grace to look ashamed at being caught spying. Working girls and patrons alike were hooting and jeering. Some stood up while they clapped. Bella looked at Will, her face a mask of faint amusement and poise. She linked arms with Tonya and said “We’re going to the bath to clean up. Have fun.”

Will watched the two girls leave and then wandered out into the crowd. A couple customers clapped him on the shoulder. One asked him how much he paid for that. One of the girls asked him if he wanted to give a repeat performance. He did his best not to engage. He just sat down at the bar and ordered a bourbon.

“Well that was something,” Caine said, trying to hide his barely suppressed smile behind his tankard.

“Don’t you start too,” Will said.

The attractive bartender laughed and poured him a double. “On the house,” she said. “That little show earned me a whole night’s worth of tips in under an hour.”

“I didn’t realize we were bing that loud,” Will said. The bartender laughed.

Caine snorted, “Loud? You think that was the problem? You were putting on a whole light show. You didn’t notice all the glowing and the red? Not to mention that weird sound, whatever that was. Chance started taking bets about what was going on in there. He’s probably cornering Bella about it now.”

“Aw, hell,” Will muttered.

“They had to cancel the stage show,” the bartender said. “No one was paying attention anyway and the performers were getting distracted.”

“Chance is going to chew my ear off,” Will groaned. “He said he’d toss me if anything weird happened.”

“He might kiss you,” Caine chuckled. “Whatever you were doing in there was making everyone all randy. The only girls who aren’t busy right now are the ones who wanted to wait until after the show. Look around.”

Will scanned the room. The Lounge was packed. Every alcove curtain was closed, save for the apothecary, Cerise, who had four customers crowding around her. The girls who’d been clustered around the curtain were leading customers away. The singer in the mermaid dress from earlier was climbing back up onto the piano and talking to the crowd near her. There was a second bartender behind the bar. “Feels like it used to,” Will said, “Back before the Magistrate came.”

“Aye,” Caine said. “The lounge hasn’t looked like this in years.”

“Well, you can thank Bella. It was her thing. I was just a hapless volunteer,” Will shrugged.

“I think ye owe Colin an apology, Sterling. Ye brought him ‘ere, an’ ‘e might ne’er be th’ same,” Belita said loudly, swaying gracefully through the crowd in spite of being obviously drunk. Her blue frock coat was gone, leaving her only in her tight beige trousers, her tall boots, and a blouse that was surprisingly see-through. With no corset to hold and hide her impressive assets, Will could plainly see the curve of her breasts and the shadows of her areola through the thin material. Will was suddenly uncomfortably aware that he was still hard. Mister and Missus North were right behind their captain. Mister North was carrying the captain’s coat. Belita crashed her cup into Will’s sending half his bourbon sloshing to the ground between them.

“All his innocence, dashed on the rocks,” Danica North said with exaggerated tragedy.

“Uh, sorry?” Will said, not sure what else to say, looking down sadly at his spilled drink. Belita laughed like he’d said the funniest thing in the world.

“He might thank ye.” She leaned up down next to him at the bar, draping a friendly arm around his shoulders. Danica North squeezed in on the other side, her husband grinning right behind her.

“What the hell was that, Sterling? Sounded like you were fighting a pack of succubi in there,” Danica asked.

“Looked like it too,” her husband added.

“Not telling,” Will said. “I hear there’s a betting pool.”

“Colin put his money on summoning a demon,” Danica snorted.

“I put mine on witchcraft,” Belita winked.

“Well that’s not fair, you had an inside source.” Will sipped his drink.

“Aye!” Belita squeezed his shoulders. “I ain’t gonna pass up free money.”

“Here comes Colin now,” Mister North said, gesturing across the room. Across the room came the big man with a voluptuous dark skinned girl on one arm, and a tall, tanned man on the other. Colin looked like a kid in a confection shop. The pair of prostitutes both gave him a kiss on the cheek and pushed him toward the bar before smiling at each other and turning to look for new prospects. Colin was walking a little unsteadily.

“Wha’s our bearing, Helmsman?” Belita said, turning around and leaning languidly against the bar. Everything she did had a sort of liquid grace, even when she was drunk. Perhaps especially when she was drunk.

“No idea cap’n,” Colin shrugged. “I lost all sense of direction about an hour ago.” Mister North and Captain Vex laughed.

“He’ll never be the same again,” Danica sighed. “Let’s get him out of here before he spends every coin he has on pretty faces and pouty lips.”

Will downed his cup and slid it and a pair of coins across the bar. The bartender pocketed them and winked at him. Captain Vex did the same, putting her cup down and pushing off the bar, headed toward the exit. Her liquid stride made her hips swing, her ass perfect in her tight trousers. Will caught himself staring and shook his head. Danica saw him looking clapped him on the shoulder. “I think you’ve had enough tail for one night, Sterling.”

“No argument there,” Will said.

He stook a couple steps and shook Caines hand.

“Good to see you, Will,” his old friend said. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” Will said. “I’ll see you when I get back,”

A stocky young man in a suit that looked too big for him sidled up to Captain Vex as she was leaving and said “What’re your rates, darlin’?

Captain Vex stood up to her full heel-assisted height and looked straight into the man’s eyes. “I ain’t for sale. Shove off.”

The man blinked in confusion, then looked Belita up and down with a leer. “You sure?” he asked. “Maybe we could work somethin’ out anyways?”

Belita punched him.

Written by CaptainSterling
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