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Lost at Sea, Book 1: Where There's a Will, Chapter 1

"A sexy pirate fantasy adventure"

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She had hips that rolled like the ocean. A constant, unstoppable churning that was trying to drag him under. All he could do was hold on. She smiled down at him with one black eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face. She rolled her hips harder. Something inside her squeezed.

“Holy fuck!” he said through clenched teeth.

“It is kinda like that, isn’t it,” She laughed. Her laughter sent ripples through her whole body. The tremor pulsing through her inner muscles stole his breath.

“Where did you learn to do that?” he managed to say, his hands tightening against her hip bones, his fingers digging into the top of her plush bottom.

“Fortunes of a misspent youth,” she said with a small gasp of her own. “A lady can learn all kinds of interesting skills growing up in a circus.”

She kept up the constant rolling but added her thighs into the mix, slowly lifting herself up and dropping back down again in delayed, rhythmic bounces. Her smirk never left but her hazel eyes closed as her pleasure built. He started pulsing his hips to her rhythm and she groaned. “Yes. Just like that.”

She leaned forward and put her hands on his muscular chest, careful not to disrupt the intricate sigils she’d drawn over his heart. She bumped and ground her clit against his pubic bone. Her eyes closed as small waves of pleasure hit her. He watched her with awe. Her breasts were incredible. Each one was almost as big as her head, round and full, rippling hypnotically as she bounced on his hard cock. He leaned forward and caught one of her nipples in his mouth. She gasped again and opened her eyes. “Mmmm. Yessss.” she hissed, running one of her hands across the side of his handsome face and through his slightly unkempt hair. “Careful. Don’t mess up the spell.” she said, glancing down at the sigils over her own heart.

“Mm hmm,” he said with a small nod, his lips sucking and his tongue flicking as her nipple tightened in his mouth.

“Bite a little,” she said in a breathy exhalation. He did. She whimpered and bounced harder but not faster, her hips still rolling. He ached for her to speed up but she didn’t. She kept moving slow, steady, letting the pressure build.

“Why didn’t we do this years ago?” she groaned, moving her other breast to his waiting mouth.

“Yoo ere maa aa me.” He said around her nipple. She popped it free.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she said, grinning.

“You were mad at me,” he chuckled.

Her eyes narrowed in playful anger. “Oh, yeah. I forgot.” She lifted herself all the way off of him, slowly, so that only the head of his cock was inside her and stayed right there, not moving. “Why was I mad again?”

“Because of Jack,” he said, running one finger up her stomach, admiring her smooth olive skin. She swatted his hand. He laughed. She glared.

“What about Jack?” she asked pointedly.

“You didn’t want us to go? Or, rather, you didn’t want Jack to go with me.” he said with purposefully wide, innocent eyes.

“And what happened?” she asked, her voice edged.

“I got knocked out, stranded, and cursed.” His face screwed up in embarrassment and disgust.

She inched down a little bit on his cock, bringing him back to the moment and reminding him what they were doing. She wiggled her hips just enough to roll the head of his cock inside her entrance. “Soooooo…?”

“You were right,” he huffed.

She abruptly sunk back down on him with a groan and started slowly rolling again. “I love it when you say that,” she smirked.

“I don’t know what I was thinking,” he admitted, running his hands back up her stomach to squeeze her full breasts.

She bounced and squeezed on him. “Keep going…”

“I’m an idiot?” he chuckled.

She moaned like he was talking dirty to her. “What else?”

One of his hands ran down between her legs, his thumb tucking between their bodies, through her trimmed dark hair and finding her clit.

“I should have listened to you,” he said with over exaggerated earnesty.

She leaned back to give him better access and began the rippling internal squeeze that had his toes curling.

“Yes, you should have,” she said, looking him right in the eye. “We could have been doing this a lot sooner.”

He focused all his attention on that little nub at the top of her flushed pussy. She leaned back, her back arched, her hands braced on his knees. A faint keening began low in her chest and built in pitch and volume as he rolled his thumb in time with her slow, building pulses.

“Not… that I’m complaining…” he managed to say, “But you never told me… why we are doing this now?”

She pushed down on him harder, faster, her head thrown back in ecstasy, her thick tangles of black hair bouncing everywhere as she slammed his cock into her pussy. “Because…” she tried to say, but was swept away before she could finish.

Her orgasm rolled over her in waves, the combination of his circling thumb and thrusting cock kept it going, her body tensing, her voice crying out until she ran out of breath. Another wave crashed into her. She gasped, shaking. She ground against him as hard as she could. She could feel him cumming inside her. He was holding her hips down against him as hard as he could, his knuckles white, his eyes clenched shut. She slumped against his chest, the two sigils painted on them joining. A faint, brief glow came from the markings, but neither of them noticed. His breath came in short bursts. She trembled as the aftershocks started. He ran his hands into her thick hair and stroked her head.

“Because Jack’s back,” she purred into his chest.

His eyes opened wide. “Holy fuck!”


“You sure know how to show a lady a good time, Mister Sterling,” she grinned, sprawled across the bed in all her naked glory. He made a face while he pulled on his breeches.

“Just Will, please,” he said.

She was stunning. All smooth olive skin with accents of dusky rose. Her large breasts were her most prominent feature. They caused her no end of trouble, drawing looks of all kinds everywhere she went. All she wore was a silver chain dotted with charms around her waist. He’d had a thing for her since the day they met. She had that effect on a lot of people, but he’d been careful to keep things friendly between them because of Jack. That was all in the past now. At this point, he would have a hard time caring less what Jack thought about anything. “Being called Mister Sterling makes me think I’m back on a ship.”

She laughed and put on his tricorn hat from where it hung on the bedpost, pulled the sheets over her shoulders like a cape and sat up on her knees with an exaggeratedly rigid and pompous posture. “Yer gonna swab my deck ‘till it shines, Mister Sterling.”

Will gave her a sarcastic salute. “Aye aye Cap’n Bella. Right away, Cap’n Bella.”

She patted the bed. “Swabbing can wait. Sit down, I want to do this reading.”

He sat and looked down at the markings on his chest. “What’s all this for anyway?”

“Jack came back with another scheme. I’m sure you’re going to get roped in. I want to make sure it doesn’t go like last time. I care about both of you too much for that.” She pulled a velvet pouch out of her bag and opened it, dumping an oversized deck of cards into her hand.

“I’m not getting roped into anything. I have no reason to ever want to work with Jack again. I got screwed over bad last time. Cursed and left for dead, remember.” He shook his head emphatically, his brows furrowed.

“You’ve been cursed plenty of times.” Bella rolled her eyes and with a comically bad impression of Will’s baritone huffed. “It comes with the job.”

“Not… like this.” He shook his head, a slightly pained expression on his face. “The Magistrate did a full dispelling on me as soon as I got back. It didn’t work. They still took my money though. Tight-assed, penny-pinching bastards, the lot of ‘em.”

“Really?” She said, setting her cards down on the velvet bag. “You sure you’re still cursed?”

He laughed. “Oh yeah. That’s why I retired. After that, every single expedition I went on turned into a disaster. None of the freelance captains will contract with me anymore. A few of them have given orders to draw down on me if I get within a hundred paces of their ships. Every other time I go get a drink, a brawl breaks out. At first I thought it was just bad luck, but I still win at dice and cards about as often as I used to. It’s more like I’m a chaos magnet now.”

“I never got the story of why you settled down. Most folks think it’s because you make more money planning other people’s adventures than going on your own.” Bella knew enough about curses to be concerned. It was painted all over her face. “Is that why you don’t come down to Merry Mary’s anymore?”

Will nodded. “Chance told me I was bad for business. I only go to The Captain’s Daughter these days.”

Bella’s eyes widened. “That place is a hell hole.”

Will grinned. “Yeah. I figured an extra stabbing or bar fight would be a drop in the bucket. Keeps me on my toes. Drunks really like picking fights with me these days.”

Bella laughed, bemused. “I thought you were just avoiding me.”

Will shook his head sadly. “I thought you probably wouldn’t want me around anyway. You were pretty upset last time we saw each other.”

She had the grace to look chagrined. “Not my finest hour.”

“Nor mine.” Will shrugged. “You were right. I never should have gone.”

“The cards don’t lie.” She tapped the deck and picked them up again, giving them a sifting shuffle. “Which is why we’re going to do this now. I’d rather you were forewarned this time.”

“What’s going on, anyway?” He said, crossing his legs and sitting across from her.

“Nu-uh. Thinking you know things can influence the reading. I’ll tell you after.” She fanned the cards. “Close your eyes. Think of yourself. Pick a card.

He pulled a card and turned it over. He’d drawn The Lovers. Will wagged his eyebrows at his naked fortune teller. She laughed. He watched her chest bounce with a slightly dumb grin on his face. “Calm down, lover boy,” she said covering her breasts with the fanned out cards. “That one is actually about protection. See how they’re beneath the angel? It’s also about communication. Look at how they’re looking at each other.”

“I don’t feel particularly protected these days. I do have a gifted tongue though.” he smirked.

“Oh, do you now?” Bella giggled. “Next time, we’ll see if that’s just a boast.”

His eyebrow raised. “Oh, so there’s going to be a next time?”

“Yes. You passed your audition.” She smiled like a cat with feathers in its mouth. “Now think of Jack. Draw another one.”

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He pulled a card. “The Fool? Yeah, sounds about right”

Bella laughed. “It’s a card about potential. Beginnings. Journeys.”

Will’s face scrunched up in apprehension and disgust. “And that’s Jack’s card? I don’t think I like where this is going.”

“One more card.” She said. “Think of your relationship with Jack.”

He drew the last card. “The eight of swords.”

“Fuck.” Bella sighed and picked up the cards, shuffling them once and putting them back in their bag.

“What’s it mean?” Will asked.

“It means you have to go.” Bella said, perturbed. “Someone is going to try to hire you. You need to take the job.”

“No I don’t.” Will rolled to his side and stretched out on the bed. “I can stay right here. I have great work now. More clients than I can keep up with. For the first time ever, I feel kinda stable. And there’s this. I mean, with you. I don’t know what this is yet, but I like it. Why would I want to leave?”

“This isn’t what you think.” Bella said giving him an exasperated look.

“What do you think I think? I don’t even know what I think.” He laced his hands behind his head.

Bella watched the swell of his arms and traced the lines of the elaborate tattoo that wound from them all across his torso. She smiled. He could be insufferable sometimes, but he was easy on the eyes. “Do women you haven’t seen in years often knock on your door and tell you that they have to have sex with you?” She asked with exaggerated patience.

“I admit, that was a first.” he grinned.

“And why do you think I might have done that?” she continued.

He looked like he was about to say something witty, but then his brows furrowed. “I wasn’t going to question my good luck at the time, but now that you mention it, it doesn’t seem like you at all.”

“No, I should say not.” Bella flopped down on the bed next to him.

“So this was just a witch thing?” he asked, rolling onto his side again  so he could look at her face. He glanced down at the markings she’d drawn above his heart. “I guessed that, what with you drawing on me, but I admit I hoped it wasn’t just a witch thing.”

She nodded, tapping the mirrored symbols drawn on the swell of her breasts. Her fingernails were short and clean, without any of the lacquer that was becoming popular among the upper class. “It was the fastest way I could think of to make the connection I needed to do an accurate reading. I almost thought I’d have to work out some other way when you took off your shirt and already had lines tattooed all over you. I’m glad your treasure map puts the X off to the side of your chest instead of where your heart actually is. That wouldn’t have worked out well.”

“I thought that’s where the heart was? It’s supposed to be… symbolic!” A bit dismayed, Will looked down at the fancy X drawn on his left pectoral. “So, the heart is actually in the middle? So where’s my map lead?”

“Muscle, and then your shoulder blade, I think. I’m not a doctor. I just know where to put the symbols for emotion-based incantations. The heart isn’t exactly in the middle. Just closer to the middle than most people think.” Bella tapped him slightly to the left of the center of his chest. “Your map goes to meat.”

“That doesn’t quite have the same romance to it.” Will scowled. “Telling a girl they can follow the map to my meat might give the wrong impression.”

“Or the right one.” Bella laughed, tracing lightly down his stomach, through the trail of short dark hair that led lower from his navel. “Clearly you need another tattoo for that.” She drew an X with her finger just below his beltline.

“Ow.” Will winced at the thought of tattooing that particular area. “No, I’ll pass.”

“It’s good that your tattoo didn’t get in the way. I might have had to resort to blood.” Bella said, making a finger into a claw and scratching lightly across his the lines on his chest with her short nails. “Following the map would have worked just fine for that.”

“Given the number of times you’ve stitched me up, I’m surprise you don’t still have some of my blood laying around,” Will grinned.

Bella wrinkled her nose. “If I did it would be more than two years old. It needs to be fresh for blood magic. Also, ew.”

“Would that qualify as Necromancy?” Will asked.

“Probably. Blood doesn’t have much of a shelf life before it goes from living to dead.” She tossed her hair out from under her head, letting it sprawl across the pillow. “I’m glad it worked out. I’m bad at blood magic. I’m great at sex magic.”

“Yes, you are,” Will agreed. “What did the sex and the symbols have to do with the reading, though?” he looked down at her velvet bag. He knew better than to touch her cards.

“A strong connection between the person doing the reading and the person being read helps with accuracy. We hadn’t seen each other in years. I needed to reconnect as fast as possible.” She put her cards back in her bag.

“You mentioned a next time? Will that still a witch thing?” he asked.

“Maybe. It certainly could be. It would be nice to not be having to think about that stuff next time though. Being on top and in control is nice, but if I’m not having to concentrate on spell work I can really let go, you know?” she turned her head and their eyes met.

“I’d like to see that.” Will said, leering with a comical, overly predatory grin on his face. “I didn’t notice a lot of spell casting though. When I go to get curses removed there’s always a lot of praying and chanting and ritual stuff.”

“Sex magic is a lot more primal. The symbols are to catch and bind the energy. After that, it’s just about generating enough magical ‘oomph’ to complete it.” Bella explained.

“Oomph?” he chuckled.

“Energy. Focus, Mana, Vitae, Chi, Mojo. Whatever,” she shrugged. “They’re all a bit different, but basically the same. Mostly it’s about how you gather them and what they are best suited for. It’s like how when you age booze in a cask that had something else in it first, it takes on the properties of the original spirits. Energy takes on some of the properties of the method you use to gather it. All of them have particular uses that they are good for, and others they aren’t good for. If you’re a skilled caster you can fudge it. Under the right conditions you can even change one kind into another. That’s basically what Alchemy is.”

“And the sex kind is called Oomph?” Will continued to tease.

“Would you prefer ‘Primal Quintessence?’” Bella wrinkled her nose.

“Oomph is fine.” Will grinned.

“You can’t do complex stuff with it, but it’s good for a brute force approach to simple things. When it comes to generating power, sex is almost as good as a sacrifice, and usually a lot less messy.”

Will shook his head. “Let’s not do that. I like my blood on the inside.”

The corners of Bella’s full lips twitched up. “Sex with you was necessary for the reading to work like I wanted, but it was still fun. I wouldn’t have done that for just anyone. I liked it.”

“Me too. That thing with your hips is… wow.” He laughed. She shimmied her hips a bit into the bed and winked at him.

“Feel like telling me everything now?” he asked.

She let out a long breath. “Alright. You’ve earned some answers.” She stared at the ceiling for a few moments collecting her thoughts and getting more serious. “Jack came back earlier today. There’s an expedition. Something about finding a lost temple. They were looking for you and thought I might know where to find you.”

“Everyone knows where to find me. I’m not exactly low profile around here.” Will rolled his eyes, clearly not thrilled with his notoriety.

“That girl you have running your office is a battleaxe,” Bella giggled. Her lightly accented voice had a throaty rasp to it. “Jack said she was told you were scheduled out for three weeks and not seeing anyone without an appointment. Apparently they all showed up here this afternoon. Jack, along with the captain they hired for the expedition, the rich guy who’s running the whole thing, and their bodyguard. Your assistant ran them all off.”

Will chuckled. “Janie’s a good kid. I’m obviously not paying her enough.”

“Well, when she shot them down they came to me. I guess Jack hadn’t heard that you and I haven’t been talking much lately.” Bella yawned and stretched with an adorable squeak.

“But you’re still on my ‘no questions asked’ pass to my office, so when you showed up Janie let you through.” Will said, starting to put the chain of events together in his head.

“That was a pleasant surprise. After what Jack told me about Janie, I was worried I was going to have to hex her to get to you.” she smirked.

“That would not have been a good idea.” Will said wryly. “I paid a small fortune for the wards on this place, and before Janie worked for me, she was an acolyte of the Magistrate.”

Bella’s brows rose. “No wonder she was able to run off Jack’s entourage so easily.”

Will nodded. “So Jack came to you, you got worried because of the mess that happened last time, and you came here to try to sort it out.”

“Pretty much. Mostly I just wanted to get an idea of what’s going on so I could point you in the best direction,” she laced her fingers beneath her breasts, and smiled as she watched Will get distracted again.

“I appreciate that.” Will said, still watching her chest. “So what’s the best direction?”

“For you to go with them.” She looked apologetic about it.

“And you think they’re going to show up again.” Will said, idly tracing his fingers along her neck while he thought.

She shivered. “When have you ever known Jack to take no for an answer?”

“When have you ever known me to do anything I didn’t want to do?” Will retorted.

She laughed. “All the time! Well, no. That’s not quite right. There’s lots of things you’ve done that you made a show of not wanting to do, but you always did them anyway. Either because you knew you had to, or because you were doing it for someone that you didn’t want to disappoint. You just like complaining.”

Will opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again and sighed. She was right. “And this is one of those times?” It wasn’t really a question. He already knew the answer. She nodded. He groaned and flopped his head back into the pillow. “Why? What did that last card mean?”

It was getting towards dusk. The sky was shifting to reds and oranges in the west, where the open window pointed. A shadow dropped into the window sill and shrieked like a banshee.

“What the hell!?” Will said, sitting bolt upright and trying to spin at the same time, one hand raising to protect his head and the other reaching for a weapon at his waist that wasn’t there. At some point in the process his breeches, which he had never bothered to button, got twisted and one of his feet caught in the blanket. He tumbled off the bed, thumping to the floor but managed to scramble upright with surprising agility.

Bella was scratching a monkey.

Will tugged his breeches back into place and stared, blinking. The monkey was small. If Will had held his hands together, the monkey could have curled up in his palms. It was covered in black fur that faded to red on its face and at the ends of its arms and legs. It’s long tail was a thick series of alternating black and red bands.

“He’s with me.” Bella smirked. “And you’re about to have visitors.”

Written by CaptainSterling
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