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Her First Lesson Learned

"Delia had expected her first lesson learned from her new mentor would have been some new magical theory she had never heard of. The truth was less glamorous."

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"The first lesson for today will be regarding basic arcane formulae, the building blocks of spellcasting as we know it." Her teacher began, softly tapping a piece of white chalk against a large blackboard situated at the far end of his office. "Seeing as how it is our first week together, I wish to ensure you have your fundamentals in order before we continue on." Soon enough, the elven man had drawn out the basic formula for each element; earth, fire, wind, lightning, and water.

The formulae were, essentially, a visual representation of how one was to move their mana and allow it to flow when casting spells, with each formula tied to a specific element and having specific requirements. They were the first thing any spellcaster would need to learn.

Hence, why Delia had already learned them ages ago. But she held her tongue, rather than draw the ire of her teacher. After the amount of trouble her family had gone through to procure his services, she had sworn to be on her best behavior all through the year she would be under his tutelage.

Idly twirling a curl of her auburn hair around one finger, she did her best to act like she was paying attention, eyes focused towards the board as the elf continued, marking notes upon each of the formulae as he spoke.

Really, she didn't quite understand why someone who took only one apprentice at a time, who had served as teacher to some of the greatest magicians in the history of their kingdom, and whose reputation as both a magician and a teacher was unparalleled on the continent, would even be bothering with the absolute most basic of basics in spell-casting.

Surely he hadn't actually taken students with no knowledge to speak of? A man whose time had cost her family a king's ransom, whose reputation was known across the globe? Teaching someone how to cast their first spell from scratch?

Ludicrous. She wasn't certain just what his purpose in going over these basics with her was, but if this was a test to see if she could listen to someone drone on for ages then so be it.

Her eyes followed the elf as he began to pace back and forth before the board, continuing his lecture. "And, with the combination of these formulae, you can achieve spells which do not fall under the basic categories. There are some known combination formulae, such as wind and water overlaying with one another and creating the arcane formula for ice magic." Sure enough, he made several sharp, precise strokes of his chalk, filling more empty blackboard with basic knowledge she had picked up years earlier in her studies. "Other advanced forms exist, but we will save those for another time." What? Ugh, fine. Delia tried to hide away her disappointment, having been excited for the briefest moment before the elven man had shot down her hopes of learning something interesting.

"For the meantime, perhaps you would like to explain to me why you have been paying little mind to my teaching?" he asked, turning to regard her with an easy expression of placid neutrality.

She almost started for a moment, but quickly reined it in. This was clearly part of the test he had been presenting her with. "I'm not sure what you mean, Lord Landriel," she replied immediately.

"Hm. Really now?" he asked, quirking one delicate silver brow. "Then perhaps you could repeat back what I've just explained?" His expression had lifted from neutrality to something just south of smugness, piercing pink eyes locked to her own as his lips tilted upwards ever so slightly.

Hmph. "Would you like me to recite from the beginning of the lecture or a specific point, sir?"

He chuckled just a tad, the most emotion she had seen from the elf to this point. "My, my, how diligent you are to volunteer yourself to recite the entire lecture." Landriel stepped towards the table she had been seated at, settling himself into the seat across from her. Placing his elbows on the table, the elven man was soon cradling his face between his two palms and idly observing her. "But it will not be necessary. Begin from my explanation of the magical formula for ice."

She recited the formula perfectly, knowing it by heart. While she was a young woman, having only just celebrated her twentieth birthday shortly before coming to study here, her dedication to her craft was second only to the true masters; one of whom now sat before her with a mocking smirk as he watched.

"Excellent memory, my dear. You recited that flawlessly from recollection." She preened at the compliment, but Landriel had more to say. "Such a shame that was not what I asked, however."

"W-What?" Delia was shaken from her moment of victory by that, meeting his eyes again to see them narrowed in an almost gleeful way. "I don't understand, Lord Landriel. I recited the formula as you asked?"

"You recited the formula splendidly, yes. However, that is not what I asked. I asked that you recite my explanation for the formula." His smile was ever-wider, looking for all the world like the cat who caught the canary. "My explanation was complete and utter rubbish, in case you were wondering. Oh, it certainly sounded proper, enough to fool a wandering mind at least, but if you had been paying full attention I'm quite certain such a studious little thing as you would have been outraged by my botching of the arcane arts."

His head nodded towards the board, and Delia was horrified to realize that he was entirely correct. The formula for ice had been written out, but it was some kind of abomination upon closer inspection, intermixed with subtle yet completely out of place inklings of other elements in ways that simply would not function when put into practice.

Swallowing lightly, the girl turned her gaze back towards her teacher, whose catlike gaze pinned her to the chair. "Now... why is it you were paying me so little heed, dear girl? Do be truthful. I positively loathe being lied to."

"I... I already know these formulae. I've been studying magic for years with the best tutors my family could find," she mumbled, flushing bright red at being caught so handily. And on her first day. This was going to be her first impression with him?

"So, then, you believed it was not worth your time to listen to me?"

"I believed I already knew this material," she insisted, trying to salvage the situation. "I didn't want to offend by insisting we move forward, but these basics are all things that I learned years ago." Hopefully, she would earn some points for the supposed cordiality, though in reality she had been content to simply daydream for a bit while he lectured in the background.

His voice was smooth like silk and refreshing like a summer breeze. Charm and elegance practically dripped from his every word and action, and he was positively gorgeous from a physical standpoint. His garments were not particularly tight, but neither were they terribly loose, revealing his lithe figure beneath the greys and golds of his robe, all the while his face was almost girlishly pretty save for the wizened gleam of those hypnotic pink eyes, all framed by silky silver hair tied back in a braid.

All in all, yes, she could have sat there and idly watched him all day even if he had been spewing gibberish from his lips.

But her teacher did not need to know that part. Delia was already humiliated enough as it was.

"I see, I see." Landriel hummed, rocking his head from left to right between his palms. "Then, you prefer to offend me by way of disregard rather than restlessness? Certainly a different approach than I am used to." He chuckles yet again, and if the sound hadn't been at her expense Delia may well have found her cheeks coloring from an emotion other than abject humiliation. "Ever since I settled in this old tree, I've been teaching young ones the ways of magic. One by one, personally, to ensure that they understand as I do; to allow them to test the limits of what is possible, as I have, and perhaps even to surpass me." His smile is small, soft, and tender as he says this, seemingly lost in memory for a moment. "Ah, but well, that typically comes with a sort of... reverence, perhaps is the word. I'm more used to students hanging off of my every word in search of some secret than disregarding me entirely!" And indeed, he seems more bemused than truly frustrated.

"Does... that mean that you are not angry with me?" she chanced, fingers gripping into her own purple robes nervously.

"Oh, anger is not something I can be brought to easily," the elf admitted, pushing back from the chair to stand. He stretched his arms overhead and rolled his back, the action accompanied by light popping noises. "But, my dear, there is still the matter of punishment. While I may not be particularly angry, that by no means exempts you from what you are due."

"Ah... I see." Delia mumbled, biting her lower lip. "What will my punishment entail, sir?" Well, it was certainly not ideal, but punishment did not seem to imply her expulsion from his tutelage. Perhaps it would be extra coursework, perhaps it would be menial labor, but it seemed as though the worst had not come to pass. She even briefly entertained punishment of a lewder variety before discarding it.

"Hm? Oh, dear." This time the chuckle was closer to a full-blown bark of laughter. "Your parents didn't tell you, did they? How irresponsible of them. I made it quite clear just how I handle discipline, you know? They sent you to me despite that. I would have expected you would be warned in advance, though perhaps that lack of warning is just why you've toed the line so early." He seemed to be going off on something of a tangent, though Delia made no move to interrupt, lest she find some way to dig herself deeper. What had her parents neglected to inform her of in this arrangement?

Finally, after mumbling to himself for a bit, Landriel turned back to her. "For your infraction today, you've earned yourself a spanking." He ignored her choked reaction and continued. "Since it is only your first offense, I won't be terribly harsh with you."

"W-Wait, sir, you cannot be serious?" Delia gasped out, staring at him with big, blue eyes. "Surely you're joking?"

"Not so, dear girl," the elf laughed back, stepping back towards the side of his office and settling into the couch pressed against the wall; a large, comfortable-looking thing with a high, cushioned back and similarly cushioned armrests. Notably, though, as the man made himself comfortable, he was clearly positioning himself so that there was enough room for something to be in his lap.

Or, as she realized with mounting dread, over his lap.

"To cut off any protests, allow me to be clear; yes, your parents did know full well how I choose to discipline my students. They sent you to me despite that. If you are to be a student of mine, this is how I will punish you when you misstep." He patted his lap with the flat of his palms. "As I said, today I will be lenient and only bare your bottom. I may even let you off without any time on display in the corner, if you are cooperative."

Delia trembled, white-knuckled from gripping her robe, face positively alight with humiliation even as the beginnings of tears tickled the corner of her eyes. "But... but..."A spanking? She hadn't been spanked in years. Her mother had done so to her only once in her life, and it had been after an ill-advised adventure into the woods to practice her magic on the local wildlife back when she had first begun learning magic.

When she had returned, Mother wasted no time in stripping off her filthy dress, taking her over her knee, and lighting her little bottom on fire with her palm. Younger as she was back then, her mother hadn't even hesitated to bare her bottom in front of the servants, and she had never been more humiliated.

It had been her first and only spanking.

"Of course, if you would prefer to retire from our agreement, that is also fine," Landriel spoke up, smiling brightly toward her. "If you were not informed of my methods, I won't be so cruel as to keep you here against your will. But, well, that will be it I'm afraid; we will part ways and you will return home."

Unfortunately for her, that was about to change.

This was too great an opportunity to be lost, especially over something as small as this. There was no greater teacher than this elf before her, and if the sacrifice she made for his teachings was merely this embarrassment, she would have to endure it.

Delia grit her teeth, standing slowly under the watchful eyes of her teacher. Her steps were slow, unsure, as she struggled with herself to move closer towards him, all while he looked on, lips again quirking into that smug smirk.

If it wasn't at her expense, she was quite certain that smirk would have had her panties dropping for an entirely different reason. As it stood, though, they would be coming off grudgingly as she reached her hands under her robe and started to pull it up.

"Now, now, that won't do at all," Landriel commented, snapping a finger to draw her attention and halt her. "First offense or no, we'll be doing this properly, dear. Come over here and allow me."

Her face burned bright red, but Delia bit down her protests, trying to look anywhere but at him as she approached.

Soon enough, she was within arms reach of him, and the elf took great pleasure in watching her squirm.

The purple robe she wore was one full piece, embroidered with reds and golds that were befitting of her station while at the same time not being ostentatious. It hugged her figure, and now that he had a closer look at her Landriel was pleased to say she had quite the figure indeed. From the curve of her hips to the swell of her breasts, his new student was almost picture-perfect. And, of course, the flush of her cheeks and trembling of her lip, even as she turned those darling blue eyes towards the wall to try and save herself the embarrassment of meeting his gaze.

This one was, quite frankly, adorable. If he were to describe her in one word, he would choose soft. From the curls of her hair, the shape of her body, and the vulnerable way she stood before him, Landriel could think of no other word that better suited this delightful creature.

He could hardly wait to have his hands on her. "Hands above your head, dear," he announced, softly but firmly. As she followed his directions, Landriel gathered two handfuls of her robes and began to roll it upwards, bearing inch after inch of smooth, pale skin.

Soon enough, only a single garment covered her decency. Embarrassed tears were already trailing down her cheeks, and for a moment Landriel felt for her. The elf sighed, eyes rolling with exasperation as he secured the hem of her robe at her hips. After ensuring it would stay, Landriel stood.

The sudden motion startled Delia, who had been doing her best to refrain from looking pitiful but failing miserably. Hands still behind her head, she whimpered a tad as he stepped forward.

His hand found her cheek, thumb brushing away her tears. "Listen to me for just a moment, dear girl," Landriel began, looking down to meet the eyes of his student. She stood just about a head and a half below him, he noticed, smiling a tad as he regarded her, to try and put her at ease even just a bit. "You are talented. You are dedicated. You are hardworking. I know these things. You are not just some silly girl who I've taken in just to embarrass. I know well your achievements, and I did not set this lesson up with intent to trip you on your first day."

She likely thought he had done this all with full intention to humiliate her, but that couldn't be further from the truth. "Those elemental formulae I've written on that board, while they may look monstrous at a glance, they work."

"What!? H-How?" Forgetting her position and state of undress, the inquisitive nature of his new student drove her to ask. "They're... they're completely wrong, how could they work?" she asked, eyes wide as saucers, curiosity overtaking her humiliation for the time.

Landriel couldn't withhold his laughter, taken in by the brilliance of her enthusiasm. "Worry not, dear girl, I have many secrets and I am more than happy to share them with you. I took you in as a student because I wanted to teach you, after all. But..." He trailed off, allowing his hand to leave her cheek. "Well, as I've said, we've other matters to attend to first."

That was the reminder she needed to realize her bare legs and panties were on full display, and it brought the flush back to her cheeks all at once.

But while she was nervously chewing her lip and trying to avoid his gaze, Landriel was pleased to notice the girl seemed less anxious.

Excellent. While her embarrassment was something truly lovely to observe, there was a fine line he did not wish to cross. Momentary humiliation was a delightful treat, but he had no desire to give one of his students an inferiority complex or something of the like.

He wanted her to stay, to learn, and admittedly he wanted her to make many missteps along the way so he could administer discipline to her lovely little backside. He wanted to watch as she grew to become the best magician he could make her. Just as he had done with all the rest of his students.

Perhaps he had too much time on his hands, but what point was there to a life not spent doing what one loves? His discipline was merely another price to pay for his tutelage.

"Hands, dear," he reminded her gently, as the girl's hands had broken position while he was reassuring her.

Biting back a whimper, Delia returned her hands to position behind her head. "Sorry, sir," she mumbled out quietly.

"Worry not, dear. I am a fair man. I'll not fault you for something I did."

"Thank you, sir." She breathed, small and quiet, perfectly submissive even as she wiggled nervously under his gaze.

Landriel felt a throb of raw desire, smile growing wider.

"You're quite welcome, dear. Now, let us do away with these..." Landriel felt his smirk grow as she shifted and squirmed all the more, knowing precisely what he meant even before he had knelt back down. Idly, the elf allowed his hands to trail up the side of her porcelain pale thighs as he inspected her. A rather cute pair of underwear, lacey and red, hugging her hips deliciously. He was tempted to make a comment, but decided to spare the poor thing for now.

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As he allowed himself to enjoy the softness he had been anticipating, Delia let out a soft, startled gasp at his touch. His hands found the band of her panties and dexterous fingers quickly hooked them, before beginning the long, slow journey downward.

It hadn't been until the first time he had done this, so many, many years ago, that Landriel had come to appreciate the act of unwrapping a gift. Something about it was just... exciting. Sometimes, he would take things slowly, carefully... others, he would simply rip away whatever was covering his present.

Today, he took the slow and measured approach, and was rewarded by renewed squirming and unintelligible murmurs as the first of his student's auburn curls were revealed to him.

He continued on, dragging them down inch by inch with his index fingers while the rest remained splayed, trailing down her hips softly.

Soon enough, the undergarments were hung loosely between her knees, his student biting her cheek to stem her embarrassment as he allowed himself to admire her.

How cute. His previous student had been completely smooth, so it was a refreshing change of pace. Landriel was looking forward to seeing more and more of this girl as their time together continued. Chancing a glance upward, he saw her face had turned cherry red, his student knowing full well just where he was looking and what he could see.

For now, though, it was time to get down to pleasurable business. He settled back onto the couch, tucking his braid back over his shoulder and out of his way. "Now, come lay across my lap, dear," he ordered lightly, patting his hands on his thighs.

Delia complied, moving slowly, though he certainly didn't mind the show as she shuffled forward awkwardly, made more difficult by the panties she was desperately trying to keep around her knees.

Gods, did he love that. He'd have to make one of her future punishments consist of a day of training with her robe rolled up and panties around her knees. Extra swats for every time they fell, delivered at the end of the day... or perhaps right there. It might depend on how hard it was to keep down his desire for her at the time.

Though, there were of course a great many other things he was eager to do to her. He couldn't wait until she committed an infraction worth of a bath-time spanking. The thought of her nude, straddling the bench on her stomach, bared cheeks dancing under his palm...

Later, later. He first had to ease her into this new routine, and there was simply no better way than a classic. Over his knee, that bubbly bottom in full view... He really hoped she was a kicker.

New students were always such fun. Soon enough, she had assumed her position across his lap, and Landriel wasted no time getting a feel for his target. One hand descended to lightly caress her pale cheeks, rubbing them softly as he spoke up. "Are you comfortable, dear?"

"A-Ah!?" Delia gasped at the touch, squirming her hips out of reflex. "Uhm... y-yes, sir..." she admitted quietly, reluctantly. As much as she didn't want this, as humiliated and exposed as she felt, she found him surprisingly reassuring. His touch, unexpected as it was, wasn't repulsive. It felt... nice. For now. She expected that opinion would change shortly.

"What is it, Delia, that you are being punished for?" Landriel asked, giving her a soft pat on the center of her bottom. Not enough to even sting, but certainly more than enough to catch her attention and make a light sound.

"Eep!" she gasped at the sudden sensation, shifting in his lap once again, bare cheeks wiggling enticingly."F-For, ahm, i-ignoring you sir," she squeaked back, very aware of the feeling of his cool, soft hands lightly trailing along her naked backside.

Like this, with her hips across his own and her face pressed into the cushion of the couch, Delia had never felt more vulnerable. He had positioned her with her bottom slightly elevated, all the better a target, and he seemed to be... quite familiar with this.

It hit her at that moment that those heroic magicians she knew of, students of this elf and legends in their own right, would also have been victims of this perverted discipline. She wasn't so certain how she felt about the idea of so many of her greatest role models half naked and squirming over the knees of what she was quickly realizing was a deviant elf.

On the one hand, it certainly didn't leave her feeling quite so small. On the other hand, the idea of the powerful and reliable captain of the royal guard being bared and punished like a little girl was something she hadn't expected to even consider until this very moment.

"Good, good," Landriel cooed, continuing his exploration of her soon-to-be dancing cheeks. "Tell me, Delia, what is it that a bad girl who ignores her teacher deserves?"

Oh, gods no, he wasn't going to make her say it that way? She twisted to look up at him, meeting his gaze. Judging by his expectant look and that damnable smile, he truly did mean to have her debase herself.

"... A bad girl..." she began, biting her lip in mortification. "D-Deserves to be spanked."

"On her bare, naughty bottom?" Came the reply, clearly expecting her to continue, giving another light pat to her pale cheeks and watching the soft flesh jiggle.

"Y-Yes. On her bare, n-naughty bottom," Delia managed to bite out through her humiliation.

"Good girl, good girl," the elf praised, awarding her with several more gentle pats to her bottom. "We'll see how well you take your punishment. If you do well, I may let you put your panties back on when we're done." Landriel chuckled at the fresh round of nervous fidgeting that earned, delivering his next announcement with great pleasure. "Oh, and don't worry, I know it's hard not to kick or fidget. I won't give you extra for it." Though, he may just have to give her that corner time after all, out of principle... He would let her find out for certain after he was through with her spanking.

"T-Thank you, sir..." she mumbled, certain it was what he wanted to hear. Judging by his pleased hum, she had been correct in that assumption.

"Such a well mannered girl. Perhaps I won't need to discipline you as often as I had been suspecting." Landriel hoped that wouldn't be the case, though.

He always felt bad when his students gave him little reason to indulge and he was forced to find infractions over minor things. It was so much more satisfying when they had actually been bad. He could never bring himself to be too harsh if they hadn't actually earned it. "Enough dallying, though." He announced, placing his left hand on the small of her back and raising his right.

That was the only warning Delia received before the first strike landed dead center, so sudden and sharp that she jumped and a startled gasp broke from her lips, only the firm hand at her back keeping her from lunging forward with the impact. The follow-up struck her left cheek, then the next her right, before the pattern began to repeat.

Center, left, right, center, left, right. The sound of flesh striking flesh and gasps of shock and pain echoed out as Landriel continued to pepper her bottom with palm prints, quickly overlaying and painting her formerly pale backside a bright pink very quickly.

His strikes were calm and measured, delivered with perfect tempo, and struck harshly enough that Delia jerked each time his palm made contact with her naked rear. Just as the sting of one spank would begin to fade, another fresh swat would have her dancing over his knee once again.

Landriel was pleased to learn that she was, in fact, a kicker. It seemed she really hadn't been spanked often, something he was quite happy with as a matter of fact. Certainly, he had fun bringing his more stoic or hardy students to their breaking points, but there was something about the inexperienced ones he just loved.

It hardly took him five minutes before Delia was squirming and kicking her legs, putting on a lovely show as her swiftly reddening cheeks bounced under his palm. He had ensured her bottom was upraised enough that his view would be uninterrupted if she couldn't hold still, and it was just as satisfying as he had hoped. The panties which had started around her knees were slowly making their way further and further down those creamy legs as she tried and failed to keep her composure.

"I." A sharp spank dead center, harsher than the rest, made her jerk forward. "Am. Your. Teacher." Each word was punctuated by another harsh strike. "And I will have your respect. Am I clear, Delia?" he asked, letting his hand rub across those perfect, wobbling cheeks as she sniffled and squirmed.

"Y-Yes sir!" Delia replied, fighting back tears and gritting her teeth, hands clasping to the fabric of the couch cushions. "I'm s-sorry sir! I'll never do it again!"

"I'm happy to hear that. But you were sorry from the moment I caught you, dear. It doesn't mean that you won't be punished." He grinned at the nervous whimper that earned from the girl, before raising his hand once again.

The next several swats, he landed right in the middle of her bubble butt, enjoying the show as she predictably kicked out her legs with each and every strike of the barrage he laid into her. "Oh, ow, owie ow ow!" she grit out, unable to hold back any longer.

Landriel felt his ears twitching and his smile quirked a bit more, enjoying the sweet sounds of a naughty student receiving their due. "Are you learning your lesson, dear girl?" His question was accompanied by another spank.

"Owie! Yes sir! I'm sorry sir!" Delia's butt was on fire. She had forgotten, more like thrown from her mind, just how much this actually hurt. Before she had thought the humiliation would be the worst part, but now the actual spanking was quickly making a case for itself.

She wanted to beg for his forgiveness and plead for him to stop, but Delia was fairly certain that was a quick way to earn herself more. She got the feeling that Landriel was enjoying this far more than he ought to, but even if that was the case she would still have to submit to this if she wanted him to teach her.

So even as more and more strikes fell upon her cheeks, even as tears began to fall and her whimpers and squeaks of pain turned to outright bawling as she finally reached her breaking point and was reduced to a naughty little girl in need of discipline, Delia kept her hands clenched in the couch and made no move to resist her punishment.

It was so cute Landriel found himself flushing a bit, ears flitting up and down excitedly. She was adorable, indeed! Outright defiance could be quite fun to play with, but that determined submissiveness was an absolute treat.

"Alright, dear," the elven man breathed, leaning down close to whisper to the sniffling girl, one hand moving under her chin to gently raise her head. "I'm going to have you count the next ten. If you miss a number, we start from one again. Understood?"

"Yessir..." she blubbered out, hands clenching and unclenching on the couch as she took in the brief pause in her punishment. By this point, her poor bottom had been chastised so thoroughly she couldn't have argued even if she had wanted to. If she had to count off the next ten to finally put an end to her punishment then it was a small price to pay, right?

"Excellent. We're starting now," Landriel announced, moving his left hand from her chin to the top of her head, idly stroking her hair and admiring the softness. His other hand rose and fell shortly.

"O-ONE!" Delia squealed, taken by surprise at how sharply this strike had landed, bucking harshly, head held in place by his palm so she couldn't throw it back.

Were all of these last ten going to be so hard? The thought brought a new pit of dread to her stomach.

Judging by the next swat she received, the answer seemed to be yes. "EEK! T-TWO!" This was going to be just as bad as all the ones she had received to that point! "TH-THREEEEE!" Half of that had been her counting and the other had just been a pained shriek, but her tormentor seemed to accept it nonetheless.

She had to count them all. Delia couldn't take another ten of these. She wasn't sure she could even take the remaining seven she had coming, but if the alternative was an unthinkable restart of this portion of her spanking then she would just have to force herself even if she had no idea how.

As his hand crashed down on her defenseless bottom again, she howled and kicked her legs, the final straw before her panties found themselves kicked off of her entirely. She didn't really notice, though, occupied as she was with the sting. "FOUR!" Another crash of his palm, another round of kicking. "OWIE! F-FIVE! OH, I'm sorry sir!"

"Just a few more. You're doing so good." He purred, taking a moment to run his hands along the thoroughly chastised cheeks of his student, allowing her a short reprieve at this halfway point. "You really have taken your punishment like a good girl, Delia," Landriel praised, breathing long, slow, even breaths.

"T-Thank you, s-sir..." the girl managed to get out through her sniffles.

Aw, such a sweet, pitiable little thing. Perhaps he could give her an out. Though, of course, skipping out on one punishment only meant he would find another for her to trade. Glancing to where the frilly red panties lay on the floor, he chuckled and decided on his offer.

"I'll tell you what, dear, since it is your first offense and since you've been so good, I'll let you off without the last few," he announced, giving one of her cheeks a soft squeeze. "But, in exchange, you'll be completing your lesson just like this; skirt up and bare bottom readily available in case I need to apply another dose of discipline to it."

That was a no-brainer for her, once she had a moment to process what he had said. "Y-Yes, please, sir! T-Thank you!" She almost stumbled over her words, so quick to make that trade.

Delia knew full well by this point she didn't have any modesty left to hide from him, and if it got her out of those last five punishing strikes she would have taken just about any deal he had offered her. She supposed it was just good fortune that her teacher hadn't decided to do away with her robes entirely; she certainly wouldn't put it past him at this point.

That was supposed to be him taking it easy on her because it was her first time? Delia didn't know when the next time would be that she could sit comfortably. "S-Sir..." she mumbled out, not even minding that his wandering hand had become more and more bold, lithe fingers caressing every inch of her abused cheeks. "Um... May I... f-finish the lesson... standing?"

"Certainly, dear," he replied, moving his other hand from her head to her bottom, allowing it to join the first in caressing her abused cheeks. "Just let me know when you're ready to continue and we will return to the lesson."

One part of Delia wanted to get back to the lesson right away, put this incident as far behind her as her aching butt and exposed lower body would allow, and hope she could avoid any further punishments during her stay with this perverted magician.

But another part of her was desperate to let him continue his ministrations on her sore bottom, as the feel of his soft, cool hands was like magic against the flame those same hands had ignited.

Even as he began taking more and more liberties, groping fingers trailing close to the split of her cheeks, threatening to slip between, she couldn't bring herself to complain. Delia was fairly certain he would take her silence as an opportunity to continue enjoying his handiwork, and she wondered just how long she could remain like this before he would move back to the lesson.

Landriel, for his part, couldn't care less about that. He had plenty of time to teach her what he knew of magic, but who knew just how much time he would be allowed to freely grope and caress this delightful little rump?

Perhaps once night fell, he would make a trip to her room with some ointment. The thought of her bottom propped up by pillows, nightgown lifted to give him access to her, he had to fight down a shiver.

He never knew just what he would end up with whenever he took in a new student, but each and every one was unique and exciting.

Landriel had gone just a tad overboard for a first spanking, though he certainly wouldn't let Delia know he had gotten caught up in the moment and given her quite a bit more than he intended to at first.

Even if he had been harder on her than planned, she certainly still got off better than that firebrand he had taught years ago.

Captain of the Royal Guard she may be now, but Landriel remembered quite fondly just how often he'd been given the chance to strip and spank the aggressive girl. Her outbursts had often warranted days at a time where she was denied clothes, so he would have easy access to punish her.

He could hardly imagine this soft little thing inhabiting his lap taking a spanking every morning, noon, and night for a week without a scrap of clothing to cover her shame.

... but, well, he certainly couldn't deny the appeal now that the thought had come about. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too well-behaved, there were so many things he wanted to do to her but they just wouldn't feel the same without a good reason.

He might still give them a try just for the sake of it, but justification always made punishments all the sweeter to dish out.

Unaware of the dangerous ground tread upon in her teacher's mind, Delia soon found herself drifting, coming down from all of the rampant emotions that had been whirling around in her as she took her first punishment. Between her exhaustion, the soreness in her bum, and the soothing feel of his hands, she didn't even notice once she began to doze off.

"Oh?" Landriel mumbled, blinking down at the girl lying across his lap, realizing after a moment she had fallen asleep on him. "Awwww. You poor thing..." He chuckled, leaning back into the sofa and making himself comfortable. "Alright, alright, we'll start again once you wake up. Heh, perhaps I'll allow myself a nap as well." And until he felt himself start to doze off, he certainly had something to keep him occupied.

Written by Adamantite
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