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From a Brave to a Squaw

"When a tribe is nearing extinction, one has to go to extreme changes to save the clan."

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It was the disease the white man brought to us. It wiped out almost our entire tribe. There were only thirteen of us left. The worse part was it wiped out all the women and children. We were a tribe consisting of twelve braves and one witch doctor. Our tribe was only a generation away from being extinct.

The winter was almost over and spring was upon us. It was the time we would usually form a big hunting party and have a feast that night. But as I crawled out of my tipi I noticed no one was getting ready. Not that I could blame them. It was a horrible time to be part of the tribe.

I gathered my bow and headed out anyway. It would keep my mind off things. Or at least I thought it would. While I was scouting I kept trying to think of ways to help the tribe. Maybe we could get women from some of the other tribes to bare our offspring. The children wouldn’t be pure tribe members but we could overlook that.

However, the more I thought about it the more I knew there was no point. Eventually the tribe would consist of an entirely new race of tribe members. Maybe it was best to let the tribe die out with us.

I didn’t kill anything that day. I’m not even sure I tried. Mostly I walked around the woods thinking. I had come to a conclusion. I wasn’t going to stay with the tribe. When I got back I was going to pack my belongings and spend the rest of my life wondering the mountains. I imagined I wouldn’t be the only one that would choose that path.

I expected everyone to still be in a sour mode, and to be honest, I expected half, if not all, to have been gone. However, I was surprised by the fact they were all still here and seemed to be in great spirits. Some of them were making a great bonfire while others were getting meat ready to be cooked. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had went hunting.

“What’s going on?” I asked Clayton. He was my closest friend. I was happy he survived the plague.

“Where have you been?” he asked. “I was afraid you had run off to wonder the mountains.”

“That was my plan once I got packed.”

“Well I’m glad I found you before you left. Itan has found a way to save our tribe.” He exclaimed.

Itan was our witch doctor. He was getting up in age. He was born when the white man first came to our land. This would put him around seventy winters old. He was a nice man when he was around. For the most part he stayed deep in the woods, searching for what I never knew. The chief said Itan was on a consist vision quest. Maybe it had finally paid off.

I tried to get Clayton to tell me how the tribe was going to be saved but he didn’t know either. He only knew that tonight would be a ceremony and we would be saved. I asked if there was anything I could do to help and he told me to get more firewood.

It wasn’t glamorous but it was what needed to be done. I spent the next hour getting wood and stacking it where the bonfire would be. Everyone seemed better. Everything seemed better. Our tribe would survive after all and everyone was very hopeful.

After several hours of planning and getting ready the feast began. We all sat in a semi-cycle facing Itan. He was in rare form tonight. He ate and drank with the best of us. Finally, a silence fell over the tribe as we waited for him to reveal his plan. He sat on a piece of unused firewood and slowly began to speak.

“I have talked to Napi, the trickster god, and he has given us hope. It is only a small glimmer of hope but it is all we have. For this to work everyone must all agree this is our only option.”

All of us looked at each other with confused faces. I had no idea what the old man was talking about. But I continued to listen.

“Napi has given me a potion and I have spent the entire day preparing it. The potion is designed to transform a man into a woman. A brave into a squaw. This potion was used as a joke when Napi was bored but he has taught me how to make it permanent. My plan is for us all to take the potion and see who it works on. Only those who are right will be made female. My hope is half of us will change and our tribe will live on.”

When he stopped talking all of us just stared at him in stunned silence. A few began to laugh thinking this was a joke but I knew Itan, and I knew he was not the one to joke. After a few minutes people started to ask if this was real and he assured them that it was.

At first many complained and said they wouldn’t do it. Itan made it clear that either we all tried it or no one would. He further went on to say that only those who really wanted to become a girl would. The desire had to already be in the individual to begin with.

“That makes no sense,” I said. “None of us want to be female.”

“Then you have nothing to fear,” he said.

“I will take the potion then,” I said proudly. That was all it took and soon every member of the tribe agreed.

Itan took several cups and poured a small amount of liquid into them. There was one for each of us. Even Itan took one. I remembered thinking how funny it would be if Itan was the only one transformed into a woman. Seeing as how old he was it wouldn’t do any good for the tribe.

The cups were passed out and I stated into mine. It was a creamy white looking liquid that made me think of cum. I was afraid it was going to taste horrible. Clayton said since I was the first to say I would do it, then I should be the first to drink it. So with a little hesitation I gulped down the liquid. It didn’t taste bad at all. In fact, it tasted great. The others followed suit and soon we had all downed the liquid.

“Now we all must rest. The potion will make us all sleepy. During the night I hope half of us change. I wish you all a good night.” He said and went to his tipi.

I was starting to feel the effects already because I could barely keep my eyes open. It looked like the rest of the tribe was starting to feel that way too. I barely made it back into my bed before I passed out.

I dreamed that night. It was a very vivid dream. I dreamed I was riding on a horse that had no destination. It was just running trying to find its way. Before I woke up I remembered the horse had finally found its home and it was happy. It was safe.

When I woke I felt exactly the same and this made me happy. I remembered everything that I should remember. As in, I remembered I was a man and that’s what I should remember. Of course the second thing I remembered was I had to pee. That’s was normal too.

I went behind my tipi, but before I did I noticed I was the only one awake. Maybe I was the only one still a man. That would be a dream come true; me and twelve women. I liked that idea. When I got behind my tipi I reached down to find my cock.

I felt around but it wasn’t there. I knew it should be because it has always been. It was a little chilly this morning and I really had to pee. Maybe my cock was small because of the potion, or maybe because of the cold morning air. I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to believe the other thing. I couldn’t have changed. The thought of women still attracted me. The thought of a cock didn’t appeal to me at all.

The urge to pee finally got the best of me and I started to let it out, but before I did I squatted down for some reason. I knew then, when it felt so right to squat, that I was a girl. I peed then reached down to clean myself. It was the first time I touched my pussy. It felt nice. I always enjoyed the feel of a pussy.

That’s when I checked out my breasts. I had always loved sucking on tits and sometimes even wondered what it would be like to have a set of my own. I wasn’t wearing a top so my breasts were out in the open. When I looked down at them I realized why I hadn’t noticed them before. I was fairly flat chested. They were cones that stuck out from my chest and with the cool air my nipples were standing straight out. I reached up and pinched them. It felt so good that a moan escaped my lips.

My sense of duty forced me to go to the center of the tribe and wait for the others to awake. I wondered how many others would have turned. Six would be nice but a few more would be better. When I walked around my tipi I saw Clayton sitting in the circle with two other braves. Well, that’s three that didn’t change. When they saw me they stood up and smiled. Considering I was coming from around my tipi they knew it was me. That’s what they said anyway. I’m sure a part of me still looked like me. I shyly walked over to them and sat on one of the logs.

“Wanikiya, is that you?” Clayton asked and I nodded my head. “Wow, you look amazing,” he said and blushed. The others couldn’t take their eyes off me. Clayton was having a hard time looking at me. We had known each other for so long and had been such close friends I’m sure he was having a hard time thinking of me as a girl.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence. I don’t know why but they didn’t seem to know how to talk to me anymore. Finally, others began to awaken and come out of their huts. One by one my heart began to sink. It sank to its core when the last man came out. I was the only one turned by the potion.

“At least we have been blessed with one female. And it will be enough to ensure the survival of our tribe. I was told the potion would instantly make fertile anyone changed. So now is the time for you to pick a mate.” Itan said to me.

I was at a loss. I didn’t want a mate. Or at least I didn’t think I did. And how could I decide between all the ones remaining. However, before I could think about it anymore I was interrupted.

“Wait,” Patamoon said. “We were promised women. Not just one. It is not fair that only one gets to lay with her.” He said pointing to me.

“What are you suggesting?” Itan said.

“It is wise that she lay with all of us. It will increase the chances of her getting pregnant and we will all look at the child like it was our own because there will be no way to tell who the baby belongs to.”

It was weird hearing them call me a “she” and “her”. The fact that they were talking about sharing me didn’t even cross my mind. Or maybe it did and I didn’t mind. I wasn’t sure. While they discussed it I looked around and saw many of them sporting a hard-on. The thought of them getting hard over me was kind of flattering. I wondered what I looked like. I made a mental note to go down to the river and see myself. I got so engrossed in what I looked like, and all the hard cocks, I had lost track of the conversation.

“So it is agreed. Aponi will be shared by the tribe. So long as she agrees,” Itan said and they all looked at me. Apparently they had given me a new name.

I knew what I should do but for some reason I nodded my head. Itan said we shouldn’t wait because I was fertile. I was told to go to my tipi and get ready. I was in a daze as I walked into my hut and took off the remainder of my clothes.

Was I really going along with this? Did I want this? I asked myself these questions while lying down on my cot. I reached down to touch my virgin pussy and it was soaked. Maybe I did want this. I know I wasn’t trying to run away.

After a few moments one of the braves came in. He smiled shyly, looking down on my naked body. He wasted no time and stripped down to. When I saw his cock, hard and leaking precum, I knew I wanted this. Maybe it was the potion or maybe it was just me, but either way it didn’t matter. I needed to be taken by his cock.

He got down on his knees between my spread open legs. He leaned forward till his cock was at my entrance. I rocked my hips up so his cock was touching my pussy.

“Are you ready?” he asked nicely.

I nodded quickly and he pushed himself inside of me slowly. He tore through my hymen and was soon imbedded in my pussy. It hurt a little and a few tears ran down my cheeks. But all-in-all it felt right. After a minute I put my legs around him and he started to thrust into me. It felt wonderful.

He began to kiss my neck and then worked his way down to my nipples. He didn’t stay there long because I was so short it was hard for him to keep fucking me while sucking my nipples. He brought his head back up and placed a hand under my head. He held on tight as he pumped me full of cum. He stayed on top of me for a bit then thanked me and left.

It was only a few seconds before the next one came to me. I smiled and told him to get undressed. His cock was beautiful too. I wondered how they would taste. I told him I wanted to suck him off but he said everyone had to dump their cum in my pussy until I was pregnant. Then all holes would be opened.

“Can I suck on it for just a little bit?” I asked with my best cute girl voice.

He nodded and came over to me. I was on my knees and quickly sucked his cock into my mouth. I knew right away this would not be the last cock I sucked. His precum got in my mouth and it tasted like the potion I drank. I loved it.

“Aponi, stop. I need to cum in you,” he said.

I thought about not stopping and feasting on his cum but he was right; the point was to get me pregnant.

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And I know he wanted to be a part of that so I got on my back and spread my legs. It was in the nick of time too, as soon as he was inside me he came hard. He held me close while putting his seed in me.

Everyone was being so nice to me it made me know this was what I was meant for. I was saving our tribe and making everyone happy at the same time.

The third man to come into my tent was Itan, the witch doctor.

“You don’t mind, do you?” he asked.

I told him it would be my honor and he undressed. His cock was big but it was soft too. He apologized and said it wasn’t easy for him to get a hard-on.

“Let me take care of that for you.” I said and began to suck on his cock.

It tasted wonderful and I loved how it felt in my mouth. I bobbed up and down on him. I felt him grab my long shiny black hair as he began to get hard and thrust himself into my mouth. His cock hit the back of my throat and I swallowed, taking his cock down my throat. It was amazing. I was surprised at how natural this all came to me.

“Get on your back!” he ordered.

I got down and spread my legs wide for him. He easily slide his cock into me and pumped a few times before he came inside of me. It was then I realized I had three loads of cum in my pussy and I had yet to have my own orgasm. I did want to cum but as long as they were cumming was all that mattered.

Patamoon entered next. We had never got along and it was his idea that I become the tribe whore. I was about to tell him to get out when he dropped his pants and I saw the biggest cock ever. It was close to a foot long and as hard as it could get.

“Get on all fours, slut.”

I don’t know what it was about him, or him calling me a slut, but I got on my hands and knees eagerly and waited for a good fucking. However, the fucking would have to wait. He pulled a discipline stick out from behind him.

“Don’t move or it will be worse.” He said. “Now count them and don’t scream. We wouldn’t want to others to ruin our fun.”

The first blow came down hard on my ass but I didn’t scream. I counted it and the next one came. I kept count as the tears begin to roll down my cheeks. But something else was happening too. My pussy was leaking juice like crazy. And not just cum. I was about to cum. I was so close to cumming when the final blow landed. I just needed another few hits.

“Roll over and spread your legs.”

I did as I was told and waited for my fucking. I needed to be fucked now. But he didn’t fuck me. At least not yet. He told me to hold up my pussy and he began to slap my clit with his hand. On the fourth hit I finally came. My legs buckled and my head began to swim. I was cumming.

When I calmed down he ordered me back on my hands and knees. When in position I felt his hands on my hips, then right after his cock entered me from behind. It stretched me so good. It felt like I would split open. But I wanted more.

Patamoon was not gentle like the others. He took me hard and made sure I knew my place. And know my place I did. He made sure I knew by questioning me.

“What are you?” he asked.

“A slut!”

“Who’s slut?”

“Everyone’s! I’m everyone’s slut” I said as I came again.

“There will never be a day when you don’t have a cock in you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, god yes!” I said. I couldn’t even remember a time when I didn’t crave cock. It was like being a man was a different life. Like it was a dream. I wasn’t sure what I was or wasn’t but I know if given the chance I wouldn’t go back. This was my life now and I loved it.

He dumped his cum into me and slapped my ass one more time. Then he was gone. I was still in that position when the next man entered. I didn’t even look back. All I know was in no time he was inside me, fucking me in the same position. My mind thought about what Patamoon said while I was getting fucked. Every single day I would have a cock in me. It made me wonder about the day I gave birth. Would I have to suck cock that day? And all the days until my pussy healed? The thought of it make me cum. The man behind me was cumming too. It felt great.

When he left I rolled over onto my back. The next several guys came in and fucked me full of cum. I tried my best to give me all good attention but I was getting tired. Finally, I saw Clayton enter the tent.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” I said and smiled at him.

“Is this too weird? Do you want me to leave?” he asked.

“Please don’t leave,” I said.

“Okay,” he said but kept his clothes on. “Want to talk a while?”

I said that would be nice and we sat there. We weren’t really saying much but he kept stealing glances at my naked body. He told me he was the last one. The others had gone hunting or fishing. They were all very happy now.

“I’m glad I could make them all happy,” I told him. “I hope I can make you happy too.”

“You’ve always made me happy. You’re my best friend and that will never change. In fact, the only thing that has changed is now I want to have sex with you. Actually, that’s not correct. I want to make love to you.” He said.

I smiled and pulled him close to me. I have had sex with eleven men but I was about to do something for the first time. I kissed him on the lips. He looked surprised for a second and kissed me back. I opened my mouth when his tongue touched my lips. He laid me down and began to kiss me even more. It felt amazing to be kissed. It was like a slow fire building me in. It was different than being fucked. It was better, smoother, and it lasted longer.

When I came up for air I pulled his clothes off. I had seen him naked many times before but this was the first time I paid attention. He was gorgeous. I kissed down his chest and kept going. When I reached his cock I planted little kisses all over it. It was hard and beautiful. I licked the tip, tasted the precum, and stroked it. I loved the way it felt in my hand.

I lowered my mouth onto his cock and began to suck on it. He laid back and I began to bob my head onto him. I ran my hands over his hairless chest. His cock hit the back of my throat and I kept going, sucking him deep into my throat. I let my tongue out and licked his balls as he was completely down my throat.

“Baby, stop or I’m gonna cum.”

I didn’t stop. I wasn’t going to waste this. I wanted, no I needed, his cum in my mouth. I wanted to taste him, to swallow him. I had to have it. I kept sucking his cock. I was now holding onto his hips, I wanted to make sure I didn’t lose his load.

“Baby, baby, baby,” was all he could say.

I pulled his cock out of my throat but kept it in my mouth as he came. He shot six loads of cum into me and I savored every drop. I wanted to keep sucking him but I knew I needed to swallow. Eventually I pulled off his cock but I kept his cum in my mouth. I wanted to be sure I savored the taste. I let it slide over my tongue. It was a little bitter but something about it just appealed to me. I loved it. I finally swallowed it all down and smiled at him.

“Baby, I was supposed to cum in your pussy. I wanted to know I was in the running to father your child.” He sounded a little disappointed.

“Oh, lover. You will be,” I said and sucked his cock till it was hard again.

Once hard I climbed on top of him and lowered my slick pussy onto his cock. It went in all the way and I held it there, flexing my pussy muscles on him.

I began to bounce on top of him. I did this until I came on his cock. Then he rolled me over and fucked me until I came again. But he didn’t stop, he kept fucking me, slow and steady, until he began to go faster. He sped up and I knew he was close. I wanted to cum with him so I reached down and fondled my clit. My legs were pulled so tight against him. He tensed up and held his cock inside me, spurting me full of cum. The thought of my best friend impregnating me, combined with me fondling my clit, sent me over the edge and I came again. He stayed on top of me for a while. I liked having his weight on top of me. It made me happy.

“Don’t go,” I said when he rolled off of me. He just smiled and cuddled up with me.

“I love you,” he said. Before I could say anything he continued. “I know you belong to the tribe and I have no right to ask you to be faithful, and to be honest I’m not sure you should be. The thought of you being used by the tribe makes me really hot. But I just wanted you to know I love you.”

“I love you too. And I feel the same way. I will always be your girl but I will always let the tribe have me.”

He smiled and we went to sleep that way.

In the morning there was a line waiting outside my tent. They all wanted another round.

“Let me pee first and then I’m all yours.” I told them. Patamoon told me to pee in front of them. I was already naked so I squatted and let loose a stream of piss. They all cheered me on. I cleaned myself and went back in. However, I told them Clayton was already in here and he would go first.

He smiled when I said that. I could tell he was ready to go just like the rest of them. Clayton climbed on top and fucked me like crazy. However, it didn’t take him to long to cum. When he was done he went to get breakfast and promised to bring me some when I was done.

The day went very similar to the one before. I spent most of it on my back or on my knees. The big difference was that everyone went at least twice. I had a minimum of twenty-four loads of cum in my pussy that day.

After several months of this I started getting morning sickness. I told the tribe and they were ecstatic. We had a big feast that day and while out by the fire I realized I hadn’t worn clothes since I became a woman. I quickly dismissed the thought because why on earth would I need clothes. It was a good day.

That night they all came to my tent as usual and took turns on me. However, when Patamoon entered it was a little different. After my spanking he gave me a different command.

“Lie on your stomach and spread your legs,” he said. “You’re gonna love this.”

I did as I was told and soon felt him lay behind me. I heard him spit and turned around to see him putting it on his dick.

“Just relax, this will hurt. I will go slowly for a short time but then I’m going to fuck you hard.”

He slowly slid his cock in my ass. I tried to resist at first but he slapped my already sore ass checks. I pushed back and his cock popped into my ass. It hurt like crazy but I tried to stay relaxed and let him have his way.

He kept pushing deeper and deeper, I was starting not to like his huge cock. That is until he pushed the last inch into me. I don’t know what changed after that but I loved the feel of his cock in my ass. I knew from then on everyone would get a chance to ass fuck me. He slowly withdrew it and slide it back in.

“Okay, enough of this easy shit,” he said.

“Fine with me. Fuck me in half,” I said.

And he did. Or at least it felt like it. He rammed his cock into my tight virgin ass so hard I thought it would break off. Next he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back.

“You like this?”

“God yes!” I screamed.

He fucked me in the ass for I don’t know how long. He pulled my hair and slapped my ass checks. I thought he was done when he pulled out but he laid on his back and made me mount him reverse cowgirl style. His cock slide back in my ass and I began to bounce on him.

“I’m getting close, slut. Cum with me. You know what to do,” was all he said.

He was right. I knew what to do. I started slapping my clit hard. I spanked my clit while he spanked my ass. This was all while his twelve inch cock was in my ass. After the third slap on my clit I came hard. I came so hard I almost passed out. I think I would have too if not for him filling my butt with cum. When he was done three others took my asshole that night. I couldn’t sit properly the next day but it was worth it.

I was getting closer to delivering my baby. The closer I got the more cocks I sucked but the less I got into my pussy. That was okay with me, I loved sucking cock so this was good.

There was a part of me that hoped I would give birth to a boy. A girl would help the tribe survive but I wasn’t ready to share all the cocks. I knew it would be many, many years before I would have to share but I loved all my braves.

The day finally came and I delivered a girl. I was so happy that all my jealously left me right away. And Patamoon was right, I still sucked a lot of cock that day. And for the next few weeks while my pussy healed. I must have swallowed a gallon of cum a day. Life was good.

Over the next twelve summers I gave birth to thirteen children; nine girls and four boys. I never had any more children after that but not from lack of trying. I was still fucked on a daily basis. Up until I was close to my seventh summer. I lived a long happy life and got to see my kids and grandkids grow up. The tribe just reached its hundredth member and I couldn’t be happier.

Sometimes I look back on my life and try to remember my life as a man. I can only remember patches of it and when I remember it feels like I’m trying to recall a dream. I know my time is drawing near but I am not afraid. I have lived an amazing life and I got to save my tribe. What more could a squaw ask for?

Written by Ms_Marvelous
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