I was trying to get down a steep hillside instead of walking several miles around the ridge to get to the same destination, when I slipped and fell. Hard. I started sliding down the embankment and by the time I ended up at the bottom, my dress was up around my armpits and my ass felt like someone had spanked me with a porcupine. I hopped up quickly, no terrible harm done, no protruding bones, and started on my way again.
"You there! Are you okay? That was a nasty fall!"
I noticed the big human man at the same time he spoke. A stinking human. Oops! Elves aren't supposed to show ourselves to humans, apparently they believe they're the only intelligent beings on the planet. But, he saw me before I could hide.
"Uh, I'm not an elf!"
"I can see your pointy ears," he said. "And you're a little green person." He stepped closer and I almost ran away, but he wasn't a bad looking human and he didn't smell as bad as some others I'd met. "I've read about your kind; I always believed in you."
"I'm not Santa Claus, you know," I said. "I exist whether you believe in me or not." I was playing it cool, looking for a way to get out of the situation, but still, I didn't want to lie to the guy and maybe scar him emotionally for life. Or something. Humans are generally very weak and whiny creatures and most seemed to rely on fairy tales to get them through their lives.
"Okay, I'll give you that," he said. "You're not Santa Claus. Oh, actually you can help me with a little problem."
"Oh, here it comes," I said. "It never fails. Every time one of you humans enters the woods it's all about ass-fucking an elf." I pointed at him and wagged my finger. "You look at way too much porn on the internet, mister! It's like you people go on elf quests, or something! Don't you guys have human women to ass-fuck?"
He looked confused and shocked and I immediately realized I'd probably been wrong about his intentions. In fact, he seemed to be looking for a polite way to get away from me. The thought was crazy, a lowly human trying to get away from an elf.
"Uh, all I wanted was your help getting out of the woods," he said. "I'm a bit lost and the GPS in my phone says I'm in Spain. But if you could just point..."
Yep, I took about a thousand foot leap toward the wrong conclusion, there. "Oh," I said shyly. "Sorry. I'd be glad to show you the way out of the woods."
He smiled and seemed relieved. "Great!" he said. He stepped closer and I could smell him. "Do elves have names? Mine is Steve."
"Of course we have names," I said. "We're not savages; we're more cultured and refined than you humans are." That was another thing that really got on my tit: humans putting elves down just because we lived in the woods. I lived in a castle, for fuck's sake. I had a cell phone! I went shopping!
"No offence," he said.
Now I felt bad about treating him so badly and decided I should make an attempt to be friendly. Who knew, he might go back and get a gang to come out and attack us or something. He seemed okay, too, apart from being human. "You can call me Aggie," I said. "Owe!" I suddenly got a sharp pain in my butt. I must have bruised it when I fell. I really didn't mean to say it out loud, though. He probably thought I really was an idiot.
"Something wrong?" he said. He looked behind me, as if expecting some sort of attack to come around me and get him, too. "Is someone attacking?"
"No, it's nothing," I said. "I must have bruised my butt when I fell," I said.
"Oh," he said. He smiled. "I can check it if you want me to?"
Well, maybe he was a doctor or something, I thought. And bruises really can't be ignored. They can lead to all sorts of medical problems. I shrugged, turned my back to him, and raised my skirts.

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"See anything?"
"Yep," he said. "You've got a bruise right here." He poked my ass cheek with his finger. "Oh, and another here." He poked me again. "Don't worry, though; I know how to take care of booboos."
I thought he was making fun of me, but then he dropped to his knees and kissed my butt. Then he kissed it again. Good, old fashioned healthcare is always the best. I felt better already. Then, he kissed me right on my asshole and I felt even better!
"Ooh," I said. I didn't mean to, honestly. I meant to whirl around and slap a few teeth out of his big, gross, human mouth. But I moaned. And it encouraged him. A lot! Before I could say 'go away stupid human' he rammed his big human tongue right up my butt! "Ooh!" See! Humans made ass-fucking journeys! I was sure of it, now. I certainly didn't do anything to encourage it that I was aware of.
The man had talent, though. And a huge tongue. He was kneeling there in the forest, me bent over and holding my skirts up, ramming his tongue in and out of my ass, slurping loudly. I couldn't take any more. I started to put a finger up my cunt, but he beat me to it. His huge, human finger rammed me like a cock, lifting me off my feet with every thrust, and all the while his tongue was still burrowing deep into my bowels. I couldn't stand anymore and fell down on my hands and knees, but it didn't slow human boy down. At first I thought he tongue had returned, but soon figured out he had just plunged his big finger up my butthole. He started moving it in and out so fast my teeth were chattering. There was no way to tell him to stop, or at least slow down. Then, two fingers! My god, two big human fingers in my tight little hole felt as big as a horse cock. That's it, big fellow, pound me good!
But, shit! He stopped. I started to speak, but the fingers went back to work. Not ramming me, he had one finger of each hand in my ass, spreading my little hole open. There I was, head down, ass up, with some smelly human pulling open my asshole... and letting his saliva drip inside me. Now, I wasn't stupid, I knew what was coming... FUCK! He rammed his huge cock in my ass right up to his balls. I could feel my entire belly stretching with each thrust as his thighs slapped against my butt cheeks. I had to grab hold of a root, otherwise he would have pushed me all over the hillside. "Good," I moaned. "Fuck my little ass."
Smack! Damn! He was... Smack!... whacking my ass as he pounded me. The fucker! Smack! Ummm...
"You like that don't you, slut?" he growled.
"Teach me a lesson, Daddy," I said. Probably not the right thing to say, because he really laid into me. Talk about bruises, my ass was gonna be one big bloody mess. He was whacking me so fast and hard I didn't have time to scream. I squirmed and cried, trying to get away from him like a child wriggling under the discipline of a brutal parent, but he had a firm hold on my bunched up skirts and was pumping and spanking, riding me like a bucking bronco. I damn-near passed out, but then suddenly my insides received his load. The boy came like a horse, too, just kept pumping cum up my ass. Then he pulled out quickly, popping his big head out of my ass, and sent me into a moaning, squirting orgasm. I fell over on my side, unable to move, sobbing, but still squirting my juices, again and again, cum running out of my gaping asshole, until I was completely exhausted.
I heard him zip up his pants and realized it was over, and as I rolled over on my back, I saw him walking away. Wait, didn't he need my help to find his way out of the woods? I didn't have the strength to ask; I just closed my eyes and fell asleep. Contended, happy, and spent.
The End
"Yep," he said. "You've got a bruise right here." He poked my ass cheek with his finger. "Oh, and another here." He poked me again. "Don't worry, though; I know how to take care of booboos."
I thought he was making fun of me, but then he dropped to his knees and kissed my butt. Then he kissed it again. Good, old fashioned healthcare is always the best. I felt better already. Then, he kissed me right on my asshole and I felt even better!
"Ooh," I said. I didn't mean to, honestly. I meant to whirl around and slap a few teeth out of his big, gross, human mouth. But I moaned. And it encouraged him. A lot! Before I could say 'go away stupid human' he rammed his big human tongue right up my butt! "Ooh!" See! Humans made ass-fucking journeys! I was sure of it, now. I certainly didn't do anything to encourage it that I was aware of.
The man had talent, though. And a huge tongue. He was kneeling there in the forest, me bent over and holding my skirts up, ramming his tongue in and out of my ass, slurping loudly. I couldn't take any more. I started to put a finger up my cunt, but he beat me to it. His huge, human finger rammed me like a cock, lifting me off my feet with every thrust, and all the while his tongue was still burrowing deep into my bowels. I couldn't stand anymore and fell down on my hands and knees, but it didn't slow human boy down. At first I thought he tongue had returned, but soon figured out he had just plunged his big finger up my butthole. He started moving it in and out so fast my teeth were chattering. There was no way to tell him to stop, or at least slow down. Then, two fingers! My god, two big human fingers in my tight little hole felt as big as a horse cock. That's it, big fellow, pound me good!
But, shit! He stopped. I started to speak, but the fingers went back to work. Not ramming me, he had one finger of each hand in my ass, spreading my little hole open. There I was, head down, ass up, with some smelly human pulling open my asshole... and letting his saliva drip inside me. Now, I wasn't stupid, I knew what was coming... FUCK! He rammed his huge cock in my ass right up to his balls. I could feel my entire belly stretching with each thrust as his thighs slapped against my butt cheeks. I had to grab hold of a root, otherwise he would have pushed me all over the hillside. "Good," I moaned. "Fuck my little ass."
Smack! Damn! He was... Smack!... whacking my ass as he pounded me. The fucker! Smack! Ummm...
"You like that don't you, slut?" he growled.
"Teach me a lesson, Daddy," I said. Probably not the right thing to say, because he really laid into me. Talk about bruises, my ass was gonna be one big bloody mess. He was whacking me so fast and hard I didn't have time to scream. I squirmed and cried, trying to get away from him like a child wriggling under the discipline of a brutal parent, but he had a firm hold on my bunched up skirts and was pumping and spanking, riding me like a bucking bronco. I damn-near passed out, but then suddenly my insides received his load. The boy came like a horse, too, just kept pumping cum up my ass. Then he pulled out quickly, popping his big head out of my ass, and sent me into a moaning, squirting orgasm. I fell over on my side, unable to move, sobbing, but still squirting my juices, again and again, cum running out of my gaping asshole, until I was completely exhausted.
I heard him zip up his pants and realized it was over, and as I rolled over on my back, I saw him walking away. Wait, didn't he need my help to find his way out of the woods? I didn't have the strength to ask; I just closed my eyes and fell asleep. Contended, happy, and spent.
The End