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Déjà vu

"A split in space and time, a different history, another chance."

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Joey awoke in sudden shock. Light poured in from the gap in the curtain; in fact it was too light. Something was missing, he struggled to place what it was and then it dawned on him, the music was missing. He glanced at the clock and it said eight fifty in the morning on the twenty first of July. The radio switched itself off at eight thirty, which was why he was fucking late.

Normally Joey got up when the radio went off, showered, dressed and started on his journey to work. Today, he just picked up the phone and rang in to say that he was taking the morning off because he had a doctor’s appointment at ten. Fuck it, he thought, he wasn’t going to rush his arse into work thirty minutes late just to be told off by the boss.

Joey slumbered out of bed and headed to the shower and started the obligatory manhandling of his cock. It happened every morning, he loved it, he was addicted to it; it was a shame the women weren’t mesmerised by it in the same way, but that’s life.

He got his fair share of female attention, but not quite in the same way. For a forty year old guy, he was doing okay. He had his own hair, good looks and an excellent sense of humour. He had been working on his sense of humour since he was sixteen. Everyone told him that women looked for a sense of humour in their men, someone who could make them laugh and he was going to be top of their list in that regard. But as for the rest, perhaps he went for the wrong type of women.

He towelled his body until it was dry, cleaned his teeth and sprayed the underneath of his arms. Leaving the shower, he scrambled around the makeshift wardrobe for a new shirt and casual trousers. By the time it was nine thirty he was ready to face the world. He gathered up his leather case and headed out of his flat and down the stairs.

The sun hit his eyes quite hard and he grimaced and squinted in retaliation to the onslaught of high intensity light. He guarded his eyes with his hand until he rounded the corner of St. Andrews street.

A voice rang out from the other side of the busy street.

“Joey, how’s it going,” a thumb was raised in the air pointing upwards and he returned the gesture.

“Great, man, great.”

He didn’t know who the fuck it was, but the guy obviously knew him from somewhere. It certainly wasn’t to do with his job because he wouldn’t get to meet posh people wearing suits and ties.

Joey was headed towards his nearest café, which was only about twenty yards away, when he decided to multitask. He reached into his bag to get his phone out at the same time as walking. He reckoned that he could grab a quick Costa coffee, pay for it with the App on his phone and keep walking to work; perhaps through the park, a longer but more pleasant way to work.

As he approached the café he dropped the phone. Bending down at the same time as twisting to pick it up was a disaster waiting to happen, but he managed it.

That was until he turned upright and was faced with the disbelieving look on the face of the woman exiting the café. Her face echoed a state of horror; like she was experiencing, first hand, a major disaster in her life. Perhaps she was.

Joey smashed into her sending her flying and crashing into the glass door. The pile of papers she was carrying spewed into the air and came floating down around them. He grabbed her quickly by her arm to steady her and then wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close to him in a vain attempt to stop her from falling through the door.

“Fuck! I’m sorry,” he blurted out, “are you alright?”

She didn’t say much in return. She just looked stunned and shocked that all her paperwork was in disarray; lying dormant on the pavement.

“Let me get them for you,” he told her.

Joey dumped his bag on the nearest outside table, dropped his phone on top of it and started to root around for every piece of paperwork he could gather together.

“I think I have it all,” he finally confessed, nodding his approval at her and smiling.

She held out her hands to take the pile of papers, but the sad look on her face was still apparent.

“Thank you,” she sighed, as she looked at the mess he was handing to her.

Joey found himself staring at her red radiant hair. It glistened in the sunlight as if she was wearing a headgear made of fire. Her face was hidden as she stared downwards into the pile of papers, so all he could make out were the features of her slim face and pert nose.

My funny-self, he thought, would have made a smart comment at this moment in time, such as ‘You’re Katniss Everdeen aren’t you’, but he managed to shut his funny-self up in time. Instead, he said nothing and looked between the pain on her face and the pile of papers in her hand. He didn’t know what to do.

“Look, I’m really sorry, why don’t I buy you a coffee and we can sit together and try and sort out these papers in order. It’s entirely my fault. It’s the least I could do.”

To his surprise, she nodded her approval and turned to go back inside the café. She headed for a table and he followed her.


“Americano, black with one sugar please,” she said, interrupting him.

Joey bought the coffee and headed back to the table where she was already trying to sort out some of the papers. He put the cups down and decided to place his on the table next to them. His reasoning was that he would be less likely to spill his coffee over her work, thereby preventing the mishap from being compounded.

“Important stuff?” he asked, pointing to her papers and knowing that it was a stupid question.

“Thesis, on theoretical displacements in time and space,” she returned.

He nodded as if knowing what the fuck she was talking about.

“You’re in university then?”

She nodded back in his direction. He picked up a few of the papers and started to read. He understood some of the words like ‘and’ and ‘when’ and even ‘spacetime’, but most of the long words were beyond him.

“Would you mind handing me the sheets so that I can interleave them?” she asked quietly.

That was very astute of her. There was no way he was going to understand the words on those papers to help her much, and as they were not numbered, he settled for the manual labour job of handing her the pages, one by one.

They chatted, he even made her laugh. She even cried at one point when she became frustrated at the time it was all taking. He settled her nerves and told her not to worry, and that it would be okay.

“But it needs to get to my tutor by one this afternoon,” she confided in him.

“It will, it’s only ten o’clock now,” he told her.

They were already half way through the job when he came across a page of diagrams with straight lines and squiggles on it. They looked nice, but he guessed it was no artwork. She seemed to know exactly where they should be placed and she inserted them with ease.

He stopped handing her the papers and waited for her to lift up her head to look at him, which she eventually did.

“What’s your name?” he asked whilst cocking his head to one side.

“Sorry,” she replied, “Jennifer, call me Jen.”

“I’m Joey, nice to meet you Jen.” he said, offering her his hand.

It seemed to hover over the table for ages until she put the papers down, took his hand, and shook it gently. He started to hand her the papers again.

“I don’t suppose there are any sex scenes in here?”

Jen looked at him, almost in disgust, and then started giggling uncontrollably as she interleaved the next sheet of paper.

It made him laugh too and before they knew it they had entered a slightly different realm; at least she wasn’t mad at him anymore. He knew he had a good sense of humour and at least now she had started laughing with him.

“These – theoretical displacements, do they ummm, do they –“

“No, they don’t get very large at all,” she offered.

“And they never get excited all that much either,” she added, looking at him through raised eyebrows.

At least she seemed to be on his wavelength, at last. He ended up laughing and after taking a sip of his coffee, he replaced it far away from danger.

“That’s a shame,” he nodded.

“They have all the time in the word though,” she replied, winking at him.

Joey smiled. He handed Jen the final page and she checked the whole document through.

“All present and correct, and thank you for helping me.”

“And with two and half hours to spare. Not that bad after all,” he added.

Jen took her cup and he watched her drink about half the coffee in one gulp; it must have been cold by the time she swallowed it. He was not sure he could have done that.

“What shall we do with two and a half hours?” she asked.

Her question caught him unawares and he caught himself unawares with what he said next.

“You’re really nice, you know that don’t you,” he shrugged as he said it.

After replacing the cup, Jen’s hand came up to cover her mouth, she bit on her index finger and then smiled at him.

“What do you think a theoretical physicist does in two and a half hours?” she asked.

Joey pondered the question. She had picked on the wrong person for intellect, but he managed to scrape something from the bottom of his brain that made her laugh.

“I don’t know, I guess it would have to be relative – “

“Very funny, but I’m not making the same mistake twice,” she said as she placed the papers into her bag and closed the top.

“It’s okay, I’m not outside this time,” he replied. They both laughed at that.

Jen placed her hands on the table and looked at Joey, their coffee was getting cold. He sensed a mischievous grin appear on her face.  She glanced towards the door and then back at him. He knew what was coming so he decided to say it first.

“Well, I guess I had better be off. You have to get that thesis to someone and I have to get to work.”

Jen nodded. They both rose and headed for the door. Joey opened it to let the lady through and nodded like a knight in shining armour. He reckoned that if she went first then she wouldn’t walk into him should he stop for any reason.

He walked into Jen about five feet outside the café. She had turned around to face him and had stopped dead. He pulled himself up just short of their noses touching. Her hand came up behind his neck to keep him close to her.

“Would you like to get inside my knickers?”

“Would I – What? – Now?” he said as he breathed over her nose and nodded.

Joey didn’t know where this was all coming from but it was all very welcome. The last woman he slept with was over four weeks ago, and he thought she only did it because she was so pissed. Joey didn’t usually sleep with just anyone. Well, perhaps he did sometimes and this was turning out to be one of those ‘sometimes’.

“I live a few doors up, come on, let’s go,” she replied, smiling.

Jen strode forward. Her hand slipped to his and he was dragged away to a lair somewhere in a flat on the high street. Not all that far from his own. In his head he was expecting her to grow fangs, strap him to the bed, tease him, torture him and eat him alive. Well, that was what he hoped for anyway.

When they reached Jen’s flat, the key was in the door in seconds and she pushed it open, Joey followed her up the narrow staircase. He glanced back to see the main door close slowly. This was it. He was expecting creaking sounds but there were none. Jen had opened the next door and they both stepped inside. Her bag hit the floor just inside the door. His followed closely behind it.

Both of her hands came up behind his neck and head as she clamped her lips fast to his. They rolled their lips together before their tongues found their way inside their mouths. Joey felt her hands come up to his shirt and roughly tug at the buttons holding it together. His hands fought with her trousers, and he managed to unbuckle the belt and undo the top button. The zip flew down as soon as he pulled her jeans apart and he started pushing them down her thighs.

By this time, his top was finally undone and Jen pulled it apart in order to remove the shirt off his back. He helped her out of his own clothes, pulling his hands roughly through the cuffs of his shirt. Her hands decided to unbuckle his trousers while he was doing this. She had far more practice at that than he had, that’s for sure. His hands came up onto her breasts and he mauled them as their lips clamped together one more time. Joey lifted up her T-shirt and started to unclasp her bra.

He struggled.

He pushed and pulled at the simple clasp but its release eluded him.

Jen pushed his trousers down to his thighs after she broke off their passionate kiss. She stepped back, pouted in his direction, and deftly undid her bra with ease. She pulled her T-shirt over her head and let the bra slip from her arms to the floor. He slipped out of his shoes but still had his socks on. Jen slipped out of her sandals as well, leaving all their clothes in a single pile between them.

Joey’s hands were back on her tits as soon as she had freed them. Her nipples responded to his touch and they grew to unprecedented proportions. He was bending his head to suck them into his mouth when Jen dropped to her knees; taking his trousers with her to the bottom of his legs. She left the trousers piled there and he had to do his best to kick them from under his feet. His underpants were next in line for the same treatment.

Joey’s cock bobbed to attention. In its semi-erect state, he heard a murmur from Jen.

“Mmmm, oh, my!”

Her hand was on his precious manhood immediately and he watched her pull his cock to her lips, sink them over the head and drop down on it like a nymphomaniac on heat.

She sucked at it for ages. She rolled it around her lips, pulled it from her mouth, and licked the shaft. She tried her best to swallow his balls whole and then suck on the knob again, taking it back down her throat.

Joey wanted to do the same to her. He put both his hands under her armpits and pulled her up towards him. He pushed her backwards towards the sofa and then onto it. As she fell backwards, he grasped the waistband of her trousers and knickers and tugged them off her. By the time he knelt on the floor her legs were open and almost tucked under her arms. She was splayed open in front of him and he could do nothing but smile at her ginger landing strip just above her clit. A true redhead, he thought. Jen stared at him with a lascivious grin over the top of her pubis.

His mouth immediately descended on it; the entry point to her pussy was labelled, not even he could miss out on that. His tongue extended and he licked over her clit and downwards over her pussy. Her lips parted and his mouth and tongue collided with her velvety wetness.

It was exquisite. She tasted heavenly. She was heavenly.

Joey slipped his tongue into her several times. Her juices flooded into his mouth and over his face and he licked up all that he could. Her hand clasped the back of his head and Jen started to groan. Expletives, that he would not have expected, left her mouth. A second hand clasped over the first and she pulled him into her. His mouth left her pussy and he clamped it over her clit. The effect was electric. Jen pushed her pussy up to meet his lips and she screamed. Her orgasm enveloped her and she bucked her groin into his mouth.

At one point, Jen panted and pushed his head away from her pussy as it rested just out of reach of his mouth, holding him from her by his hair and the palm of her other hand. When she let go of his head, he immediately started to suck on her clit again. Jen screamed a second time and he could feel her insides being pushed outwards as she reacted violently to his oral onslaught.

In what must have been about five minutes, Jen was having multiple orgasms on his tongue and through the actions of his lips. He eventually pulled back from her and lapped at her pussy before kneeling up and aiming his cock at her entrance.

Joey was desperate to fuck her. He had looked after her needs so unselfishly and now his cock needed to feel what it was like to be inside her.

Jen groaned as he slipped his cock in to the hilt. He groaned as well. It felt heavenly as he pushed it inside her velvet sheath. It made its way upwards and Jen pulled back on her thighs to look at it disappear inside her.

The sight of her watching his cock in that way, from a few inches away, was intoxicating. He grasped her waist and fucked her hard and within a few minutes, pulled his cock out and spurted over her body. He didn’t want to come that fast. He was hoping to last a lot longer but she had him so riled up that he just couldn’t help himself.

She un-wrapped her legs and let her feet rest on the floor, either side of his thighs. Panting in unison, they just looked at each other.

It was all over in a matter of fifteen minutes; so much for the two and a half hours, thought Joey.

It was only fifteen minutes later that Jen and Joey had cleaned up the mess and were back in their clothes. They shared a few kisses on the way, and they played with each other en-route to being fully clothed. Joey did remember holding up her knickers and frowning at how large they were before she ripped them from his hands to put them back on.

I guess the quick and needy fuck that they both needed had run its course. As they left her flat, she complimented him on his oral technique and the size of his cock.

“Yeah, that was great,” he replied and then added, “Jen, I really like you.”

She smiled and then nodded. He was waiting for her to reply and perhaps take the next step but she remained quiet.

“I guess I’ll see you around,” he said.

“You know where I live,” she replied.

They parted a little awkwardly considering what they had just done. Jen headed off in the general direction of her college and Joey headed for the park and work.

It would have been nice to turn up at work and say ‘sorry, I’m late, I was tied to the bed and fucked by a nymphomaniac until her pleasure was sated’. But he just walked in, apologised and got on with his boring day job. No-one ever asked whether he was alright or what the doctor has said.

However, his day job had changed. He was now day dreaming for most of it. The only thing on his mind was Jen.

Back at the flat that evening he found that he was kicking himself. He had thought about Jen and the amazing fuck they shared. He wanted to give her a ring but he didn’t have her number. He didn’t even know what bars or clubs she frequented and he felt that he could hardly turn up on her doorstep and say hello. Joey slapped his head with his hand. He remembered the compliment she gave about his cock and he never returned her a compliment. Not once.

All he said was a fucking pathetic, ‘I really like you.’

For fucks sake, they had an amazing sexual experience and all he could say was ‘I like you.

Fucking pathetic.

Joey fell asleep that night feeling totally useless.


Joey heard the radio come on in the morning and decided to doze for a while. A flash of sexual gratification crept across his mind as he snoozed.

A bright flash of light filled the room momentarily and as he opened his eyes to try and see where the light was coming from he was almost blinded; he could have sworn the walls shimmered as fluorescent lights danced over them.

He heard the radio come on.

He was momentarily puzzled by that. He was sure that he had heard the radio come on just a few moments before. He stroked his cock and cuddled into the bedclothes and waited for the music to stop. Like he always did.

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Joey awoke in sudden shock. Light poured in from the gap in the curtain; in fact it was too light. Something was missing, he struggled to place what it was and then it dawned on him, the music was missing. He was fucking late.

No, he was fucking late, again!

Joey looked at the date on the clock which indicated that it was the twenty first of July. Yet, for some reason, he remembered being late.

He decided to try and rush to work as quickly as he could. He started the shower and got in, washed as quickly as he could, dried himself, brushed his teeth and sprayed under his armpits with antiperspirant. He only just covered his second armpit before the can ran out. He threw it into the bin, missed it, and had to pick it up. He must have picked it up twice before it stayed in the bin.

Leaving the shower he tried to find suitable clothes to wear. He couldn’t find anything. Why was the fucking wardrobe empty when he really needed it to be full? He had looked five times through the layers of shirts and trousers in the ironing basket, and found that he had to iron one shirt and half iron the clean trousers that were there. Everything was contriving to make him later and later and he didn’t know why.  By the time it was nine thirty he was ready to face the world. He gathered up his leather case and headed down the stairs of his flat and out the door.

The sun was sharp as hell. Just before he walked through the door he remembered that it would be a bright day and he found himself squinting and covering his eyes in preparation. He headed up the street in the direction of work.

There would be no time for a coffee this morning, he reassured himself.

He heard a shout from across the road.

“Joey, how’s it going,” a thumb was raised in the air pointing upwards and he returned the gesture.

“Great, man, great.”

Joey looked at his thumb, raised in the air and thought of how he had done exactly the same thing before. He wondered how many times he had met this man, at this time in the morning.

It was a clear case of déjà vu and Joey struggled to remember what would happen next, just in case it was something disastrous. In his head, he had started to list all those events that appeared to be exactly the same as yesterday. They were mounting up.

He was heading towards his favourite Costa coffee shop but he knew that he didn’t have time to go in. Yet, he started to ponder that a quick one on the way to work wouldn’t be a bad thing. He had reneged on breakfast and to be honest he was starving as well.

He started to get his phone from his bag when he dropped it on the floor. He quickly bent down to pick it up while still walking forwards.

As he turned to enter Costa’s he clashed with a woman coming out of the café. Her face looked at him in disbelief, she was horrified that he had walked into her. A pile of papers flew upwards and spread out in mid-air, scattering over the whole area; slowly, they floated down to the ground.

Joey watched them in disbelief, yet somehow knowing that it was going to happen. He was really starting to struggle with all these similar events. He remembered them, but only slightly. It was worrying him, nevertheless.

He managed to stabilise the woman before she fell back through the door of the café.

“Fuck! I’m sorry,” he blurted out, “are you alright?”

Joey looked at her face, her red hair was on fire and her brown eyes sparkled. Somehow a name popped into his head, Jen.

He offered to pick up the papers seeing as it was entirely his fault that she was in this predicament in the first place.

“I think I have it all,” he finally confessed, nodding his approval at her and smiling, and remembering. Those words, this event, it happened before. He was sure of it.

She held out her hands to take the pile of papers. He could see that she was nearly in tears.

“Thank you,” she sighed, as she looked in disbelief at the mess he was handing to her.

“Do I know you?” he asked.

“No, definitely not,” she replied, with just a hint of bitterness in her voice, “Look at the mess, I’m never going to get this to my tutor on time.”

Joey felt really sorry for her. He stared at her red hair and found himself wanting to say a phrase, one that he remembered; a phrase that he had perhaps said before, something to do with Katniss Everdeen, but he relented.

“I’m really sorry, why don’t I buy you a coffee and we can sit together and try and sort out these papers in order. It’s the least I could do.”

Joey wasn’t surprised at all to find that Jen had nodded and agreed to go back inside the café with him in order to sort out her papers.

“Let me guess,” he said, “Americano, black with one sugar.”

Joey pointed his finger in her direction with a smile on his face.

Her mouth opened in disbelief and she just nodded.

“It’s okay, you looked like a black coffee girl,” he said, jokingly.

As he brought the coffee back to the table, he looked at Jen trying her best to sort out the ordering of the sheets of paper.

“Why don’t I hand them to you and you interleave them, it all looks so important and technical,” he told her.

“It’s my dissertation, a thesis on theoretical displacements in time and space.”

“I guessed it was important, it looks complicated. That diagram there, is that describing the many world theory?” he asked.

Joey couldn’t believe the words that he just uttered. Where the fuck did that knowledge come from? Many fucking worlds theory! How come he knew about that crap all of a sudden? He struggled to make sense of everything and yet all he could do was shake his head.

He was a little baffled to say the least, but the words he used seemed to go down well with Jen. His comment broke the ice nicely and they ended up chatting and laughing much faster than he somehow knew they would.

Joey told Jen that everything would be okay and that they would get this all back together in no time at all. She smiled at him and she seemed confident that he was confident. When they reached the pages with lines and squiggles on them Joey immediately knew what they were. He looked at them and then looked back to Jen. She was still sorting the papers that she had in her hands.

“I haven’t seen Feynman diagrams in ages,” he said.

Jen never said anything, she just smiled at him, took the page and interleaved it into her document. Joey on the other hand was amazed that he somehow knew what kind of diagrams they were.

“I’m Joey by the way,” he told her as he handed her the next page. He didn’t see the point in waiting for her to realise the next page was delayed. He waited for the obvious.

“Jen,” she replied.

Somehow, he knew what her name was anyway, but it was reassuring to know that he was right. He knew what was coming next. Some quip about sex scenes in the document. He looked at Jen and smiled at her. He said it anyway.

“I don’t suppose there are any sex scenes in here?”

Jen looked at him, and then started giggling uncontrollably as she interleaved the next sheet of paper.

“Just the one,” she replied.

“Really? Where?” he questioned.

She laughed again. Joey shook his head at being caught out by her teasing nature and handed her another page and then another.

Jen finally checked the whole document and declared that it was all in one piece, ready to be handed in to her tutor.

Jen looked at him before taking a squig of coffee. For some reason the number two and a half popped into his mind.

“Do you have any idea what we can do with a spare two and half hours?” said Jen.

Then it made sense. Joey just shrugged his shoulders, by now he had got used to the idea of knowing what was coming, though they had strayed a little from what his brain was telling him was going to happen, to what actually did. There were minor changes, but significant minor changes nevertheless. He didn’t know exactly how to describe them. He didn’t know what was happening. All Joey knew, was that he understood some of this shit about multiple histories and he almost knew what was coming next.

With that revelation in mind, he decided to create his own deviation and ask Jen a question.

“Tell me about the many worlds theory. I know a little but what happens exactly?”

Jen started to describe exactly what was happening.

“Well, a split in space time, often associated with a departure in realities causes our histories to divide. Multiple universes are formed.”

“On the one hand,” she continued, “there exists a world that I have memories of and on the other, a new world, a new history, a new today. At the point of juncture there is a brief period of uncertainty as to which history is followed, but you would only remember one of them.”

Joey found himself understanding most of what she said.

He asked Jen what would happen if, people in general, could remember the other history and she explained that it would be impossible for anyone to be in two histories at the same time.

A physical impossibility and it would cause space time to fluctuate beyond its known boundaries, at least in this Universe.

Joey stared at Jen for a while as he pulled his memory apart. He then realised that he was experiencing two histories, and the really strange thing, was that one of them, namely himself, could remember the other history, the one he appeared to leave for this one, and that was taboo. It was evident that he, Joey, had not made his mind up which history he was choosing.

Joey stared at Jen and wondered why him? Why did space and time choose this moment to divide It was like the Universe was giving him a second chance at something.

He decided to quicken the division of this timeline.

“Do you know something special,” he started, “I think you’re really fascinating, intelligent and absolutely gorgeous.”

He saw a redness spread across Jen’s face and neck. She blushed heavily.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she replied.

Jen placed her papers into the bag.

“For safe keeping,” she indicated and pointed at the papers being tucked safely away.

Joey waited in silence for her to suggest that they leave; silence apart from the hum-drum of Costa’s café that is.

“Shall we go,” said Jen.

He struggled to remember that exact line, but he thought it was him that said it last time. This history was changing fast and he hoped it would be for the better.

They both rose and headed for the door at the same time. Joey still opened the door to let the lady through as he would always have done. He nodded with his head and indicated that she should walk through with the palm of his hand open in front of her.

Joey stopped short of Jen just outside the café. He didn’t need to walk into her again. He knew she was about to stop and turn around. She did just that, she turned to face him. Her hand came up behind his neck and he felt goose bumps trickle across his skin. His mind was on fire and he knew how much her next words would affect him. He loved how bold she was and how she was not afraid to tell people what she thought.

“Would you like to get inside my knickers?” Jen asked.

“I would love to get inside your knickers,” he replied, smiling at the thought. Another deviation by him, but he wanted her to know, in no uncertain terms, how much he wanted her.

“I live a few doors up, come on, let’s go,” she said as she pulled him along with her.

Joey walked alongside her, he knew there were no vampires waiting. There would be no torture and he knew that she would not eat him alive. Not this time. Not the last time either, as he remembered.

They reached Jen’s flat, she opened the doors and as soon as they were inside both of her hands came up behind his neck and head and she clamped her lips fast to his. They kissed passionately. Joey felt her hands wrestle with his shirt as buttons were undone. He undid the belt and button of her jeans with ease this time and tugged them down her body. He slipped out of his shoes and wrestled with his socks trying to discard them by only using his feet. For a generally clumsy person, he succeeded.

Joey pushed himself back from Jen, removed his shirt, unbuckled his belt and undid the top button of his jeans; it was pointless letting her struggle with them when he knew exactly how they worked.

By the time she pressed her body back against his to clasp at the zip of his jeans, Joey had his hand inside her T-shirt and had unclasped her bra with one hand. He pushed his other hand up inside her T-shirt and brought it around to her front and under her bra; massaging her breasts in the process.

It was Jen’s turn to push Joey backwards while she removed her top and bra and pushed her jeans down to the floor. She stepped out of them quickly and stepped back in to kiss him. Their tongues melted together and they shared the moment in abject bliss.

Their clothes were in a single pile that lay between them. Joey was fondling Jen’s nipples as she dropped to her knees taking his trousers and pants with her.

His cock bobbed to attention. In its semi-erect state, he heard a murmur from Jen.

“Oh, Fuck, it’s gorgeous,” she told him. But he already knew that.

“So are you,” he retorted.

Jen smiled up at him before placing her hand on his cock, followed by her lips and mouth; her throat joined in a little later after she licked him with her tongue.

Jen did all those things to his cock that he remembered her doing in a previous history. She was sensational, but he didn’t remember it lasting all that time and he was seriously at risk of losing it.

Joey pulled Jen up towards himself. He pushed her towards the sofa and then onto it. As she fell backwards, she opened her legs and he immediately sought his goal. He had to smile at her ginger landing strip once more. It was so beautiful and vibrant against her pale skin.

His tongue extended into her pussy. He licked at her lips, teasing her, and then he licked over her clit and downwards over her pussy. He knew that any moment now she would erupt with the pleasure that he was giving her.

The confidence he exuded was all due to the memories of a past life. They hadn’t faded yet; they were still telling him exactly how this was going to play out. There were some significant differences, but all in all, he knew how she would behave when he would clamp his mouth down over her clit and suck on it.

Jen’s hands found the back of his neck and she pulled him into her. His tongue finally left her pussy and he clamped his mouth over her clit. The effect was just the same as before, no surprises, just a jolt of electric current running straight to her brain. Jen’s orgasm flowed through her and she bucked her groin into his mouth as she came hard before finally pushing him away to ease the sensitivity.

“You taste fucking gorgeous,” he told her.

“That’s right,” she replied, “And you can taste more of my gorgeousness in a minute.”

It wasn’t even a minute before his mouth was repeating the action as Jen came again through the action of his lips and tongue. They continued in this way through several more orgasms, for her anyway. Joey wasn’t even put off when she finally gushed into his mouth; it was exactly what he wanted to happen again.

It was Jen that finally instructed him to fuck her.

Joey knelt on the floor and pointed his cock at her pussy.

“Are you bothered which one I fuck,” he told her.

“Try the top one first,” she replied.

Joey honoured her wishes and fucked his cock into her pussy; sliding it gently between her lips before pushing it firmly inside. He then fucked her, hard. The sight of Jen watching him fuck his cock into her was electrifying, yet he was determined to last a little longer than he could remember from the last time. The memory though, was fading.

He fucked Jen hard before pulling out and covering her body with his juices. They both laughed at their athleticism and at the energy they both spent at the expense of a quick and dirty fuck.

They did however, have things to do, like work and thesis delivery.

Joey was starting to struggle to remember what happened next. The other history was fading and he could just about manage a hint of what Jen or he would say or do next. He vaguely remembered them fucking each other and then leaving her flat and he thought, going their own way.

Jen un-wrapped her legs and let them rest on the floor, either side of his thighs. The two and a half hours lasted about twenty five minutes in the end. It was indeed a quick and dirty fuck.

By the time they had cleaned up the mess and headed out the door, the clouds had settled over the bright morning and the weather was threatening rain. It confused him a little and he struggled to understand how a bright day could turn so readily into something so gloomy.

As they left Jen’s flat they exchanged a barrage of compliments between each other. Apparently Joey’s oral technique was second to none as was her cock sucking technique. As for his cock, well, that went down well too.

Outside the flat, after Jen had locked the door, she turned to him.

“Are we going to see each other again?”

“Try stopping me. I think you are so special. How about we have dinner tonight?”

Jen nodded her approval.

“Ring my bell, and I will definitely answer,” she said, with a smile and a wink.

Jen headed off in the general direction of her college and Joey headed for the park and in the general direction of work. As far as he was concerned the evening couldn’t come fast enough.

Jen and Joey had dinner that evening at a local foodie place. He loved her company. She was amazing, and he remembered telling her ‘how amazing’ she was on several occasions. He only stopped when she told him that he had said that about ten times and that she was becoming embarrassed.

They ended up at Joey’s place that night and didn’t fall sleep until about two o’clock in the morning. It was just as well it was Friday.



The next morning Joey awoke with a start. The bedclothes were crumpled to bits and the light was streaming in through the window.

He distinctly remembered a woman in his bed the night before but looked around the room to find that no one was there and there were no feminine clothes lying around. There was no sign of an apology or a note on the bed to say how sorry she was and that it should not have happened.


He held his hands in his head as he sat on the edge of the bed; his elbows on his knees. Something was troubling him. A noise. Water was rushing down a drain; probably a tap left running from his nocturnal visits to the loo, no doubt.

He followed the sound to the source which ended up as his shower. Sure enough, it was half off and it was the constant dripping of the water onto the plastic floor that drew his attention.

Joey sighed, the biggest sigh of his life and wondered if any of the past two days were true. He still remembered the Feynman diagrams and the conversation he had with Jen. He remembered the fuck they shared at her flat and the meal. But last night was a bit vague.

Joey decided to put it all behind him when the doorbell rang out. He quickly put on a few clothes and rushed downstairs to open the door.

A surprise made him grin. A redhead stood there, wearing his shirt and smiling at him.

“You ran out of milk and the bread was stale,” she said.

Joey watched as Jen scraped past him into the narrow hallway. Her slim arse slithered from side to side in her tight jeans as she climbed to the first floor flat.

He watched Jen in all her glory. He couldn’t, for the life of himself, remember why he had been so lucky as to bump into Jen in the first place. Her body was gorgeous, her actions mesmerising and he was so glad that she was still here.

He watched until she disappeared inside the flat. By the time he arrived he could smell the toast and the coffee. She started singing with her back to him and as he approached her he leant into her. His arms flowed around her waist with ease.

In that very moment, he fell in love with Jen, and somehow, in his heart, he knew she felt the same way about him.


Written by DarkSide
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