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Death Makes Me Feel Alive

"When she meets the god of death, is he everything she imagined?"

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I have watched over earth for thousands of years, and my existence has faded to myth and legend. Over time, my kin became mere shadows of the beings they once were, until they disappeared altogether. My wife, Persephone, was the first to disappear. More like a companion than a wife, she had long been without purpose. I am the only one left with a job; to care for the dead.

Since my wife disappeared, I had become obsessed with my work. Recently though, I had become restless. The vast underworld wasn’t enough. Something was calling me to the surface. It was like an itch I couldn’t scratch. So, for the first time in over a thousand years, I left my post. I abandoned my job. My curiosity got the better of me. What was waiting for me on the surface?


It was another late night. Like most nights, I was the last to leave the library. My Master’s thesis consumed my life, bringing me late nights and early mornings. It also left very little time for a social life, not like I had one. People seemed to avoid me. I wasn’t sure whether it was my intellect, my interest in ancient societies, or the morbid way I dressed that put people off, but I was almost always alone. I checked my cell phone. It was 2:00 AM. I sighed. I was beginning to worry I’d hit a wall, and had spent all night looking for new information. My thesis on the ancient Greek cult that worshiped Hades was dying. I would have laughed at the irony if I wasn’t so desperate to save it. The cult really was fascinating, but many of their artifacts had been lost through the years. I was scraping the bottom of the barrel.

With a groan, I packed up my things, stuffing my books, papers, and computer in to my backpack. I swung it over my shoulder and let out an “oof” as pounds of books bared down on my back. There was nothing more I could do tonight. Not when I was this sleep deprived. I might as well go home and go to bed. I scampered down the flight of stairs to the library door and pushed the lever to open the door. There was a click, but the door didn’t budge. It was locked.

“Shit!” I smacked my forehead against the door. Rob must have already left for the night. He’d taken to doing that lately. Instead of kicking me out at closing time, he would just close, leaving me to my work. It looked like it was going to be another long night in the library. I turned around to head back upstairs, hoping to find a somewhat comfortable couch to nap on, and almost had a heart attack.

A man stood there, just a few feet away from me. How did he even get in? I know Rob wouldn’t close while anyone was here, unless it was me. His hair was black and slightly shaggy, falling a little bit below his ears. His skin was almost as pale as my own. His bright blue eyes captured my green ones as his eyes roved over me. I was nothing special to look at right now, wearing converse, old jeans, a black shirt with a skull, and my ever present skull necklace, but his gaze still made me nervous. No one had ever looked at me like that before. I reached behind me, hoping to find something to defend myself, but found nothing. I glanced him over from the bottom up. He wore combat boots, black jeans, and a black t-shirt. He wore a couple rings on his fingers, old signet rings. It was the medallion around his neck that caught and held my attention however. The symbol of the cult of Hades. I fainted.

When I came to, I had no idea where I was. I was in a bed, but it definitely wasn’t my own. The bed was much too big to be my tiny dorm room bed. Confused, I glanced around, but I was in complete darkness. It all came rushing back to me then, the library, the strange man, the symbol of Hades…

Suddenly the room lit up. It was richly furnished and lit by a chandelier. I was lying in a king, four-poster bed, with heavy curtains drawn back all around it. There were velvet chairs in one corner. There were three pictures on one wall. One of the man from the library, one of a man with light brown hair and sea green eyes, and another of a man with bright blonde hair and electric blue eyes. I shook my head. It couldn’t be.

The man from the library was standing in the doorway, leaning against the side of it. He was tall, at least six feet. He was without his boots now, only wearing black socks. I wondered if it was because he didn’t want to get the carpet dirty. It looked very expensive.

“You’re awake.” he sighed with relief. His voice was deeper than I imagined.

“Who are you?” I demanded as he sauntered into the room and sat on the end of the bed.

“I believe you already know,” he said, his bright blue eyes meeting my green ones once again. I felt a jolt of electricity go through me as his eyes stared into mine. They were as deep as the sea.

“Hades,” I whispered. “The god of death.”

“It seems I am not the only one interested in death.” He reached out lightly to touch my necklace, his long fingers only slightly brushing it.

“I’ve always been slightly morbid.” I responded. “Skulls are part of my daily outfit. People rarely understand why it’s so interesting. But I find death fascinating.”

He chuckled, a rumbling from deep in his chest. “That explains why you are studying ancient death worship. Sorry,” he explained with a slight blush, “I went through your research.”

“That’s okay,” I mumbled, slightly in shock. “It’s about you anyway.” I glanced around the room again, this time picking up smaller details. The fireplace was marble. The bed was carved out of some giant bone, not wood. “Where am I?” I asked.

“My room,” Hades responded. “In the Underworld.”

“The Underworld?!” I squeaked.

“You passed out!” He sounded panicked. “I didn’t know what to do… There was nowhere else for me to take you.”

“Why were you there in the library anyway?”

“I was looking for you!”

“Why did you come all the way up from the Underworld to find me?”

“You were calling to me. I could feel it deep inside my soul. Because of you, I had become restless. I had to find you. Though I never imagined I’d find a princess of death.” He smiled, a brilliant grin. His teeth were a bright white.

I blushed. “I’m no princess.”

“But you are as beautiful as one.” Now he was the one that was blushing.

“Are there any more of you left? Persephone? Your brothers?”

His head drooped. “They all disappeared long ago. She never loved me anyway. She was just a companion, to keep the loneliness at bay. I’ve been alone for over a thousand years.” His face fell and I missed his smile.

“So when you felt me calling…”

“I was just tired of being alone,” he murmured. “The dead aren’t very lively.” I placed my hand on his arm, and his hand came up to wrap around mine. His skin was surprisingly warm. “You don’t have to pity me.”

“I don’t.” His eyes snapped up to mine. “I understand.”

“You are alone?” He asked, taking my hand in his and drawing abstract patterns on my palm.

“Besides my parents I’ve always been alone. I’ve never really had any friends, and I’ve never been with anyone. I always just put school first,” I said, watching him draw on my hand.

“I just had Persephone but she kept to herself most of the time while she was here. I never should have brought her down here. I was just so desperate for companionship.”

“So why did you bring me down here?” I asked. “If you regretted doing it to her, wouldn’t you regret doing that to someone else?”

“I never planned on keeping you down here, unless you wanted to stay. Plus, you looked like you could handle it, princess.” he chuckled again.

“Don’t call me that!” I blushed furiously.

“But you are a princess, or you could be if you wanted to be.”

“Oh, I’m not beautiful enough to be a princess. Though I know people that are.” I began. He put a finger over my lips to silence me.

“You are a beautiful princess of the underworld, what with your skulls, pale skin, and piercing green eyes.”

“Why would you invite me to stay here with you? You hardly know me.”

“But I want to know you.

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You are the companion I’ve waited thousands of years for. I can feel it.” He took my hand and placed it over his heart. I felt heat flow from his heart to mine. He gently placed his hand on my heart. They beat in synch.

Is this what I wanted? I asked myself. “I would age…”

“Not if you stayed here. You would always be free to leave of course. I would never force you to stay. I made that mistake once, and I was just as lonely as I was before.”

I looked at his face, and I felt my heart fill. Was this the man I had been waiting for? I had always been fascinated with Hades and the underworld. I now could explore all I wanted. And Hades was handsome, not at all how the books had portrayed him.

He reached up and touched my face, bringing his in close to mine, and lightly pressing his lips to mine. I gasped, pulling back slightly.

“I’m sorry…” he murmured. “I went too far.”

“No I just… have never… kissed…” I stammered.

“Me either.” he blushed. “Persephone would never let me touch her and would hardly speak to me.”

“Oh…” I breathed. Feeling slightly emboldened by the fact that we were on the same page, Hades leaned in and softly placed his lips on mine again. They were soft and warm on mine, yielding yet demanding at the same time. He placed a hand lightly on my shoulder, and I rested my hand on the back of his neck. Caught up in my reaction he scooped me into his arms, kissing me harder. I felt heat spread throughout my entire being, and my hands tangled in his hair. His tongue swiped my lip, causing me to moan and pull on his hair, drawing a groan out of him. I traced his lips with my tongue and his slid out, running alone one side of the tip of my tongue. I felt heat sluice through my body, moving down to between my legs. I’d never felt this aroused before.

I broke the kiss, gasping. “I… uh… I’ve never…”

“Me neither”, he said, panting. “I’ve never felt like that before. You make me feel like I’m on fire.” He swept back my hair from my neck and began to place light kisses there, causing me to squirm lightly.

“Who thought the god of the dead would make me so alive?” I joked. He chuckled, and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. “Don’t… don’t stop. Please”

He continued kissing my neck, nibbling at my pulse point. I gasped and moaned. I couldn’t seem to control myself. It was all so much. I slid my hand under the hem of his shirt and ran my fingers up and down his chest, causing him to shiver. Moving away from me slightly he raised his arms, allowing me to slide the shirt off. I ran my fingers over his stomach, feeling the muscles ripple under my touch. He sighed.

“I don’t… know how much self-control I have left,” he stammered. “If you want to stop, we need to stop now.”

I shook my head and pulled him on top of me, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He moaned, his mouth meeting mine, and his tongue snaking inside. My fingernails scratched lightly down his back, making it arch. He reached down to the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head. He reached back to undo my bra, but quickly became confused by the clasps.

“Here, let me.” I giggled, sitting up and easily undoing them. I slid my bra off my shoulders and he took it in his hands for a moment, studying it. After a second, he discarded it, his attention returning to me. He stared at my breasts, and reached out slowly, running his thumb over the rubbery nipple of my left breast. I gasped and twitched.

“Does that feel good?” He pinched the nipple this time, causing me to cry out in pleasure.

“Oh gods yes!” I moaned. He leaned down to my right nipple and took it in his mouth, swirling the nipple around with his tongue. He began to pinch the other nipple while he sucked and I let out a loud moan, my hips moving, pushing against a growing bulge in his pants. I reached down to undo the button and zipper on his jeans. He stood up on the side of the bed and slid them off. He bent down to slide off his socks, and he stood naked before me. He really did look like a god. His stomach and pelvis flowed perfectly together, and what was between his legs… It stood hard and at attention, probably about eight inches and extremely thick. I gulped. How was I going to handle that?

“What do you think?” He asked, posing over dramatically.

I laughed. “You look… wow. You’re very large.”

He grinned wickedly and grabbed it, giving it a long stroke. “And this is all for you, my princess. Now let’s get the rest of those clothes off…” He unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, pulling them off. Getting on his knees between my legs, he placed a kiss on my navel, then placed a kiss on my covered pussy. My hips twitched and I moaned. He really knew how to drive me crazy.

“Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” I asked with a chuckle.

“I’m sure. Your body just speaks to me. I know what you need.” He hooked his fingers on my panties and slid them down my legs. Suddenly I was naked before him. He devoured me with his eyes.

“Do you like what you see?”

“Oh fuck do I…” he cursed, burying his tongue in my folds. I cried out as his tongue circled my clit, stimulating my most sensitive area. He then stuck two fingers in my wet hole, causing me to scream. “That’s right babe”, he cooed. “Scream for me.” He moved his fingers fast and hard, and before I knew what was happening, my pussy muscles clamped down on his fingers and I screamed. This was the first orgasm I hadn’t given myself, and there was no comparison. He slid his fingers out of my pussy and sucked my juice off of them. “You’re delicious,” he whispered in my ear.

I chuckled. Here was the mischievous god of death I had imagined him to be. He was certainly an interesting one, mischievous and sensitive. He had my head spinning, and I loved it. I pushed him over to lie down, and he brought his hands up behind his head. His cock stood hard at attention, and I reached down to touch it. It was hard and soft at the same time. I squeezed the tip and he grunted, his hips twitching. I had a wonderful idea, and with a wicked grin I leaned down to lick his cock from the base to the tip.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned, his hips thrusting upwards. I sucked just the tip in my mouth and he groaned, his hands moving from behind his head to rest on mine. After a moment he tapped on the back of my head, signaling me to stop. He was panting.

“I wasn’t going to last much longer, and I have better plans for my load.” He smiled, and flipped us over, causing me to laugh. He pressed his lips to mine again, and I kissed him deeply. I could feel him lining up at my entrance.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered against my mouth, filling my pussy in one solid thrust. I cried out as he broke my hymen and stretched my pussy beyond its previous limits. A few tears escaped from under my eyelid, but he kissed them away. After my tears were gone, he brought his mouth to mine and kissed me until I nodded, giving him the okay to move.

He began to thrust, slowly at first, and the pain quickly gave way to pleasure. He and I both moaned with each thrust, overcome with the feeling. His long, hard cock felt so good inside my pussy, and I could tell my pussy felt good around his cock. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him even deeper inside me. I could feel something building at the base of my stomach, a pressure that built greater and greater each time he thrust inside me.

“I’m not going to last much longer,” he groaned. “Your pussy… it feels too good.”

He thrust harder a few times, and I felt myself come undone. My pussy clamped tight on his cock and I screamed. I felt his cock twitch, and he yelled, releasing rope after rope of cum into my pussy. He then collapsed next to me, gathering me into his arms.

“Are you in pain?” he asked. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“No, I don’t hurt. I feel amazing.” I smiled at him.

“So… will you stay?” he asked. “I’ll make a good life for you here. And you can leave whenever you want.”

“Okay I’ll stay.” I agreed. “On one condition though.”

“And what would that be?”

“That you help me on my thesis! It’s due at the end of the month!”

“Alright”, he grinned. “But I’m not done with you yet!” Kissing me he pulled me on top of him and I wondered if, at this rate, my thesis was going to be finished at all.

Written by kittykat94
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