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Dark Angel Part 10

"Ashriel tries to prove himself worthy of Anniel"

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Anniel blinked at the darkness around her. Most reapers could open portals, like Devon. She wondered if Amaranth could open one to Alpha 7. She really needed Remi’s healing fire. She was tired of not being able to see.

“I know it's none of my business, but why are you so mad at Ash? What did he do?”

Anniel smoothed her hands over her belly. Her bump was still small, but it filled her with bittersweet longing. Pregnant again with another jerk for the father. Three hundred plus years later, and she was still making the same stupid mistakes.

Amaranth’s hand smoothed over her belly as well.

Anniel heard her soft gasp. “Ashriel’s?”

Anniel nodded. “Yes.”

“Your aura has four different colors swirling within it. I recognize Garethiel’s, and Ashriel’s, as well as…Devon.” Her voice lowered to a quiet level. “Who’s the forth?”

Anniel gulped. “L-Lucien.”

Amaranth remained quiet for a long time. Anniel frowned. “Garethiel was my first. When I went into heat on Alpha 7, Devon and Lucien helped ease my discomfort. That was a very long time ago. Ashriel…is recent.”

“Ash only has one color staining his aura. Yours.”

Anniel frowned. “Look. I’m not looking to trap him. I didn’t mean for this to happen, and as far as I’m concerned, he owes me nothing. This is my baby and I plan on keeping it…not him. He can go screw the rest of the universe like his horn-ball brother for all I care.”

“But you do care,” Amaranth said softly.

Anniel gulped. Her eyes stung with tears. “It doesn’t change anything. I’ll get over him the same way I got over his brother.”

“Oh, Anniel. Garethiel was just your first time crush. You’re a woman now, and I can see how much you and Ash love each other.”

Anniel laughed bitterly. “Maybe I’m Ashriel’s first time crush too. He’ll get over me just like his brother. I’m not going to let myself be hurt anymore. I’ve heard reapers are especially horny the first time they fall from grace. It’s impossible for them to remain true to one person.”

Anniel realized too late what she’d said when Amaranth remained quiet.

“That’s not true,” the other girl finally sputtered, her voice full of indignation. “Death angels have that bad reputation because we usually get screwed over our first time. We do our best to remain pure. When a reaper decides they want out of their calling, we take on a hundred-siglon task. When we complete that task, we are honorably released and are free to join with whomever we wish afterwards. Most of my kind have been tricked or taken by force.”

Anniel thought of how she’d practically forced herself on Ashriel that night in Haddasha. He’d been slamming himself into the walls, fighting the raging Liquid X induced lust. He would have flown away, but had come docilely when she’d begged him not to leave. After that, she’d pretty much tackled him and pushed herself onto him.

Anniel shivered remembering how good it felt. God-help-her. She craved Ashriel.

The hiss of the top rolling open brought Anniel’s attention back to the present, and the feel of a body practically wrapping around her had her gasping.

“Anniel, we were so worried about you,” Angel cried.

Anniel hugged her back, feeling the link between all of them grow stronger again. Once more, she felt Rowie and Remien’s anguish.

“Angel, what’s going on?”

Angel sighed, cupping Anniel’s cheeks—most likely examining her eyes. “The Vildminorian council is hunting them. They want to see their babies, but Remi doesn’t trust them.”

Fear made Anniel shiver. “No one really knows where Alpha 7 is. “

“Actually, very powerful Master Guardians can easily find us with the energy Devon, Seth, Rowie, and Remi put out.”

“Devon won’t let them hurt the babies,” Anniel assured caressing her own belly. Angel’s hand smoothed over her bulge too.

“No. My Devon will not allow anything to happen to any of us.”

Anniel focused more on the feel of Devon in her mind. She felt his love for her like the burning rays of the sun warming her from the inside out, but she could not see him in her mind. He was blocking himself off. Why? Even the link with the others was muted. It felt strange and a bit scary. She craved feeling them fully.

Remi and Rowie’s presence grew stronger in her mind, until the mingled scent of cinnamon, fire, and roses engulfed her.

Hey bubble-butt— Rowie’s voice giggled in her mind.

Angel clasped her hands as Anniel grinned at Rowie’s annoying nickname for her.

Ragweed— Anniel countered back with a laugh.

Everything’s gonna be okay, gorgeous. Don’t be so hard on Ash— Remi added. Soon we’ll all be together.

I miss us being together— Zak’s voice suddenly joined the conversation.

Anniel missed the physical closeness, how good she felt and comfortable with them, and then the sadness over the loss of Lucien became a dull ache. Poor Luke.

They retreated again, making Anniel sigh before she remembered.

Remi— she called out. My eyes. Can you heal them?

Don’t worry, babycakes. I’ll get to you as soon as I can.

Thank you, sweetie.

Anniel sent them all a telepathic kiss, felt their power wrap around and caress her very soul, before they withdrew again and became a distant vibration.

“We should head back home too,” Angel said helping Anniel out of the fire chariot.

Anniel let her power flow out to get a feel for her surroundings. She hated still being blind, but until Remi fixed her eyes, she had to use her telepathic skills to feel her way around.

There were four more points of life within the Utuduodian vessel. A disgruntled Abdiel, Jazriel, who was taking a nap, and Princess Glory and her sex slave, who were holed up in her personal quarters… fucking.

Anniel shied away from the energy they put out, fearing she’d go into full heat herself.

Her face flamed at the memory of the last time she was pregnant. She’d allowed Devon and Lucien to mount her in order to ease the excruciating pain going into full heat had caused her

Once again, she caressed her belly, wondering if she’d be affected this pregnancy as well. As of yet, she felt fine.

Angel patted her arm, sensing her distress. “Everything will be fine, Annie. Once the boys are done here, they’ll come back home.”

Anniel frowned. “But what about Edenia? Ashriel wanted to investigate the cause of the war. Now that he’s free to roam wherever he pleases, he wanted to find out what happened. The entire galaxy stills blames us and we had nothing to do with that.”

Angel’s fingers on her forearm tightened briefly before relaxing. “Ashriel was very distraught after you were taken. I think he’s changed his mind about pursuing the cause of the war. At least for now.”


Anniel fought the warm feeling in her chest at the thought of Ashriel being distraught over her disappearance. Did he truly care or was it just his sense of responsibility?

She shook her head as Angel steered her toward a chair in the control room. Abdiel called out a greeting to her and she responded.

Anniel made up her mind to play it safe and just keep Ashriel at arm’s length. He’d grow tired of trying to seduce his way between her legs, more so now that her figure was growing rounder with pregnancy. If he wanted to remain in their daughter’s life, she wouldn’t deny him that, with the condition he didn’t parade a line of lovers for their little girl to see. She didn’t want to see that either.

Biting her lower lip, she smoothed her hand over her tummy and let her mind touch the tiny life there. Peace. Her daughter slumbered in utter peace.

“Everything’s going to be fine, sweetie,” she whispered. Her mind thought of Gareth. She’d go back to him, somehow, and she’d never let either of her children out of her sight again. There had to be a way perhaps Devon could convince Gareth to come back home.


Garethiel whisked Reiven and Amadashiel back up to the Utuduodian vessel and then returned for Seth and Ashriel. His twin was a Master Guardian, and allowed certain privileges wherever they went. Being able to venture wherever he pleased made it easy for them to traverse the restricted higher levels of the city.

Garethiel’s com-unit blipped alarms and incoming hails incessantly. He opened his communication link and practically snarled at the security officer on the other side.

“I’m heading toward the black market. Make the way clear for me. No media. Got it?” Garethiel snapped.

Ashriel and Seth remained hidden out of the camera’s line of view.

A few minutes later, Garethiel spoke with another security guard at the black market.

They were allowed access.

Garethiel sighed, turning in his seat to grin down at Seth and Ashriel huddling on the floor.

“We’re in, boys. While you guys do your thing, I plan on getting myself something to warm my bed tonight. I’m staying at the Hyatt. You can come over and chill there too. I love orgies.”

Ashriel grimaced. “No, thank you. We’re getting Nat and Erie and then getting the hell out of here.”

Garethiel shrugged. “Whatever.”

Ashriel and Seth exited the fire chariot and headed down a corridor similar to the one where they’d docked the starcruiser. The quarters assigned to Garethiel were similar to the ones appointed to them, but they didn’t stop to admire their opulent surroundings.

“Do you think they’re in our quarters?” Ashriel questioned as they pushed their way out into a lobby.

Seth halted in his tracks. There were many strange beings milling about, but the majority of them were grouped around an enormous fountain. The lobby looked as if it were made almost completely in gold with jewels. The floor gleamed black onyx with precious gems embedded within. The walls were pearl with gold lacing from floor to ceiling. Chandeliers hung from the arched ceilings, dripping with diamonds, but everyone ignored that for whatever was happening in the fountain.

Seth edged his way through the throngs of aliens with Ashriel following in his wake.

Ashriel wasn’t prepared for what his eyes beheld. He gaped at the scene in the fountain. Eriel and Natanael were wrapped around each other, kissing and writhing their naked bodies. They both wore cock rings, which kept their erections swollen and ruddy. Water sluiced over their bodies, plastering their still blood-red hair against their pale flesh.

“W... what the hell are you two doing?” Ashriel snarled pushing Seth out of his way to glare down at the two misbehaving reapers.

Natanael’s eyes snapped open and he grinned up at Ashriel. “Oh, hey. You’re missing all the fun.”

Ashriel winced when all Eriel did was run his mouth down Natanael’s body until he latched onto his dick and began deep throating his friend. Natanael groaned and closed his eyes as his fingers gripped Erie’s long dark red tresses.

“Hey,” someone growled behind Ashriel, “Stop trying to get them to stop and move out of the way.”

Ashriel bristled, and directed himself to Eriel and Natanael again. “We’re heading back to the starcruiser. I want to leave as soon as Devon gives us the signal.”

Natanael nodded, both hands gripping Eriel’s head as he snapped his hips and fucked Erie’s mouth deeply. Ashriel grimaced at the sound of Erie choking.

“Shit,” Ashriel hissed. “I think you’re killing him”

Natanael opened his mouth, but all that came out was a scream of pleasure as he obviously found his peak. The reaper quivered, his hips jerking in short hard thrusts. Eriel’s face was completely smashed against Natanael’s groin and he thrashed in the water, unable to breathe.

Natanael finally fell to his knees, leaving Eriel gasping and coughing. Ashriel backed away as Eriel man-handled Natanael to his hands and knees, trying to spear him onto his cock.

“Fuck, Erie, no. You know I don’t like being topped. Erie, no. Don’t fuck me. Stop.”

“Shut up and take it. It’s my turn to cum.”

Ashriel shook his head in shame, closing his eyes to the spectacle Eriel and Natanael presented to the circle of voyeurs. He didn’t want to see anymore. It sickened him. They were holy warriors. What they’d been reduced to was sad and pitiful. He would never reduce himself to such a low stature.

Seth and he made their way out of the lobby into the main corridor in the arena.

“Do you remember the way back to our starcruiser?” Ashriel asked Seth, head bowed.

“Yes, but we might not make it there yet. Look up, Ash.”

Ashriel did look up, out of curiosity, and then regretted doing so. The arena was packed with paparazzi. Hundreds of thousands of droid vid-crystals zipped around them vying for the perfect angle. Holographic images of reporters tossed hundreds of questions at both of them. Ashriel felt overwhelmed and wanted to flee.

“Is it true King Dred has bought out your time on this planet? Are you going to be his sex slave?”

“Are the rumors about how the fallen ex-Master Guardians of Edenia engage in orgies true? Do they really tie you down and take turns fucking you?”

“Are you really searching for the dark prince to become his love slave? It was said he was the one to make you fallen.”

Their ridiculous questions had his mind reeling.

“We don’t tie him,” Seth said with a perverted snicker. “He willingly bends over for us.”

Ashriel grabbed Seth’s arm. “What the hell are you saying?”

Seth turned with a sneer. “No matter how much you try to tell them the truth, they always report what they want, Ash.”

Ashriel released Seth’s arm angrily. He would not have his honor besmirched anymore than it already was. Looking up at the vid-crystals and holographic images, he took a deep breath. “I have only lain with one. I have not willingly allowed another’s touch.”

“Do you like being forced, Ashriel?”

Ashriel stared aghast as they began reporting that he enjoyed rape play. It wasn’t what he’d said.

Seth turned to him with a frown. “I tried to warn you. Trying to tell them the truth only gets your words twisted into something worse.”

“Get me out of here, Seth.”

They began swatting at the crystal orbs and made their way slowly down the corridor. The music was loud and to Ashriel’s left was railing. The corridor was nothing more than one of the many tiers overlooking the arena where merchants paraded their wares. Amongst the products were slaves of every race and origin—some happy to be there, others not.

Seth found their quarters and headed straight for the starcruiser. They didn’t stop to talk to the creatures awaiting their return. Regardless, Mambri sprang up and accosted them with questions.

“What happened? How’d you escape the king? For sure, I’d thought he’d eat you. He can never resist extremely attractive humanoids,” the Lizdrac said, dogging their steps. “I heard there was an attack on the palace.”

“Mambri, leave us. Ashriel needs some rest. See if you can clear out this room for us.”

The Lizdrac faltered in his steps. “Uh…okay, but when is he going to go out on stage? The patrons are about to riot out there.”

“Soon,” Seth said.

Ashriel snorted. He had no intention to take the stage…ever.

They boarded the starcruiser and Ashriel stomped up to the helm again. Letting himself fall into the nearest chair, he tried to collect his thoughts. The whole purpose of diverting to Rhylos was to be able to infiltrate the Edenian solar system. Ashriel was to be nothing more than the sexual plaything for an Utuduodian ambassador, played by Anniel because she was one of the least known Alpha Angels

“Everything went to shit very fast,” he hissed.

“Most missions do, Ash,” Seth sighed dropping in next to him. He propped his feet up on the ship’s console.

“You’re more self disciplined than the rest of them.”

Seth regarded Ashriel solemnly. “I’m not really.”

Ashriel frowned. “But I’ve never seen you interact with them with the same intimacy I’ve seen them engage in.”


Ashriel’s eyes narrowed. “They kiss each other like lovers do, with open mouths and tongues. They bathe all together naked and don’t hesitate to touch and fondle. I’ve never seen you participate in any of that.”

Seth’s eyes lowered and a blush stained his cheeks. “They raised me since I was a cub. They kind of feel like they’re my parents.” He said the last with an eye roll. “That’s why they won’t touch me the way they touch each other. They’re different with me. It’s a different type of love.”

Love. That’s what Anniel had told him. They loved one another and did not restrain themselves from demonstrating it.

Briefly, he wondered how that would feel.

The sight of Devon striding up the ramp stopped his thoughts cold.

Ashriel shot to his feet. “Where have you been?”

The commander of the Alpha Angels was impeccably dressed in his black uniform, his hair a sleek fall of jet over his broad shoulders.

“I’ve been busy.” His glowing blue gaze moved to Seth. “After we get Natanael and Eriel back aboard, I just have one more thing to do before we leave.”

“That girl, Rayne, from Arboria is here. Anniel wants to take her home with us.”

Devon nodded. “Luke was taken with her. Maybe we can coax him back home with the girl. Yes. She’s definitely coming back home with us.”

“Lucien?” Ashriel spat. “You’re still bent on rescuing him? He’s a demon.”

Devon’s burning gaze remained on Ashriel’s face. “I am a demon…but what is a demon?” Devon’s head tipped to the side in a considering manner. “Nothing but a fallen angel, Ashriel. In the end, aren’t we all just fallen angels, trying to find our way back into the light?”

The sound of Eriel and Natanael’s laughter down in the level below drifted up.

“Let’s go, Seth,” Devon ordered striding to one of the seats in the helm.

Natanael and Eriel rushed up the ramp, naked and wet and still laughing about their escapade.

Ashriel buckled in, remembering the awful way Seth piloted and tensed when he felt the starcruiser moving.

The com-unit began blipping, but Seth chose to ignore it. Outside the gelatinous covering of the black market, the sky was blotted out by the media.

Ashriel tensed. “We’re trapped.”

Devon smiled. “Trapped. Something that’s invisible can’t be trapped.”

“You’re cloaking us?” Seth asked looking around for a spot to squeeze through.

“I am,” Devon answered.

Ashriel saw his eyes glow brighter and some of the sky crafts moved aside, letting a shaft of sunlight permeate the cloud of transports around them.

Seth carefully maneuvered through until they were rising out of the deep hole in the planet’s crust. They rose until the city’s skyline surrounded them and kept rising until they were the same level as the floating islands over the city.

The sky was choked with vaporous green clouds and the sun was just beginning to dip behind the mountains visible just beyond the city limits. Ashriel had thought it was midnight while he was in the city’s deepest bowels.

“Where to now, Dev,” Seth asked.

“Land on the highest peak of the palace.”

Ashriel frowned. What was he up to?

Seth turned the craft around and headed toward the royal palace.

“There are vaporizing canons mounted all over that palace,” he informed what they should already know.

“Trust me, Ash,” was all Devon said.

Ashriel tensed when they began climbing higher among the floating islands with their reflective glass domes. His eyes widened when he realized they weren’t reflected on the mirrored glass. They were truly invisible. He looked down at himself and then back out the glass shield of the helm that gave them a three hundred and sixty degree view of the landscape around them.

Even if they were visible, the canons were programmed to register heat and movement on a molecular level. How Devon managed to fool such sensitive technology was mind-boggling.

But Ashriel soon realized he hadn’t begun to see the extent of Devon’s power in display.

They landed with a gentle thud on the highest peak of the palace. Ashriel knew it was King Dred’s throne room. “What happened to the king? Did you kill him? That’ll throw the civilians into mass hysteria, no matter how deranged and psychotic their ruler was.”

“Dred was nothing more than a figure head. The government runs this planet…and the LOS runs this government, like they do every government,” Devon answered, getting up. He turned and strode down the ramp, leaving Ashriel baffled.

“Where is he going?”

Seth kept his eyes on the glass shield before him. “Just watch,” he replied.

Ashriel blinked in confusion and turned to look at Natanael and Eriel. They also looked outside, almost leaning out of their chairs.

The tension charged the air in the helm as everyone seemed to hold a collective breath.

Ashriel was sure his eyes were playing tricks on him when he saw Devon striding out upon the curved dome.

“Is he mad? Did he open the hatch? He’ll kill us all letting in that poisoned air.”

Devon stood in the middle of the glass dome and looked around slowly. He lifted his hands and turned in a slow circle. His eyes were closed. The wind made his dark hair wave like a flag.

“He’s really hot. Can’t believe he was that squirming little baby who’d scream his head off whenever we took Lucien too far from him.”

“Quiet, Erie,” Natanael shushed.

The air around Devon distorted. It wasn’t the same as when a reaper released his powers. This was different…more powerful. It looked like a ripple of water that grew ever larger, more ripples flowing from Devon, faster. Ashriel didn’t feel a thing, yet everything around him trembled like a watery image. As the waves of power flowed over everything, the sky became clearer. The greenish hue gave way to the tones of blue, pink and lavender typical of a sunset.

Devon began to emanate light until Ashriel had to turn away from the blinding intensity.

Ashriel covered his face from the heat and wondered if he meant to blow up the entire planet. Had the demon finally gone mad?

Ashriel fell to his knees and crawled down the ramp. Down below he saw the hatch wide open. Gripping his divine sword, he pulled his respirator and goggles over his face and ran the rest of the way down until he stood outside.

Devon stood in a pool of bright light. It was almost too bright to see him, but Ashriel made out his glowing form. The sight nearly brought him to his knees again. Devon looked as if made of pure fire. On his back were a pair of giant flame wings. It was his true divine form.

“Oh-god,” Ashriel whispered.

Devon turned slowly, the light fading as he returned to normal. For a moment his eyes did not glow and he looked like a normal humanoid. But as his grin grew across his breathtaking face, his flesh paled to near white and his eyes began to glow again, making him look inhuman once more.

Loud thundering sounded around them, like detonations.

“What in hell’s name is that?” Ashriel gasped.

“The walls around the city. I’m liberating these people from this hell. They’re free now, Ash.”

Ashriel frowned. “Free? Free to do what? There’s nothing but a wasteland on the other side of that wall.”

Devon frowned and looked around. “I see no wasteland. This planet is alive and thriving once more. I’ve brought it back to life.”

Ashriel stiffened and took a good look around. The mountains looked green now and the ocean glittered blue.

“What did you do to the king?” Ashriel asked gaping at the miracle around him.

“I restored him to human again. He’d been tricked to think small amounts of the Rhylosian air would make him powerful and immortal. It poisoned him and drove him insane. He’s ready to retake his place and rid these people of their corrupted government.”

Ashriel stared at Devon in amazement. “That man tortured and killed people.”

“He was insane. I’ve restored him and he’s learned not to manipulate his physiology anymore in vain hopes of becoming a god.”

“Right. And he’s really going to do that. He’ll just find some other way to—“

“I’ve done more than I should here, Ashriel. I’ve restored the king’s sanity and the planet’s life. The king and his army will remove the corrupted government and tend to their people. I cannot continue to involve myself or my people here. We must leave.”

“And Gareth?”

Devon began walking back to the starcruiser as Ashriel tore off his goggles and respirator. Sweet fresh air filled his lungs.

“I’m going to talk to him. It’s all I can do.”

“Anniel said she’d come back to stay with him if he didn’t come back to Alpha 7.”

Devon stopped and shook his head, not turning to face Ashriel. “Annie’s mine. She’ll do no such thing.”

Ashriel felt his jealously spike and stomped toward Devon. “Anniel is not yours.”

Devon turned to Ashriel with a grin on his face. “She’s as much mine as you are.”

Ashriel gripped his arm and shook him. “I am not yours, you sick fuck.”

Devon shoved him back. “Tell you what, Ashriel. You wanted a piece of me for a very long time. How about we fight, no swords or power play, just brawn against brawn. If you manage to kick my ass, I’ll stop saying you’re mine.”

Ashriel looked him up and down. Devon was almost as tall as he was, and though he was muscular, he wasn’t anywhere near Ashriel’s size. Ashriel had carried boulders up and down Mount Chielos for over three hundred siglons. Not to build his body up the way he had for vanity, but rather for humility. He taught himself to crave hard arduous labor instead of pleasure. He knew one slap would toss Devon flat on his ass, and he itched to do it.

Ashriel nodded and began to circle Devon, whose eyes lit with delight.

“Go on and smile, pretty boy,” Ashriel hissed, angered by his insulting grin. “Pretty soon you’ll be crying.”

Devon laughed. “You think I’m pretty?”

Ashriel bristled. “You have a beautiful mate. I never will understand how you can flirt with others. I have eyes for Anniel only.”

Devon grinned, his look flirtatious… just like Davariel. “But you still think I’m pretty.”

Ashriel lunged, but Devon sidestepped away. When the demon kicked out, trying to nail him in the kidneys, Ashriel used his wing to swipe at his leg, sending Devon onto his ass. When he tried to fall upon the downed man, Devon kicked up, his boots getting Ashriel square in the gut to send him stumbling back and unable to draw in breath.

Devon sprang back onto his feet and put his fists up. “Is that the best you can do?”

Ashriel gasped and coughed before glaring at the insolent fool. “I’m trying not to hurt you too much. I don’t want to upset your mate. I like her.”

Devon frowned and came closer, fists up, circling Ashriel. Ashriel lifted his own fists and drew closer as well. If he wanted a fist fight, he’d get one. It was a shame to smash that beautiful face, but the man was really asking for it.

Ashriel struck out the same time Devon did. His fist clipped his jaw, but Devon followed his hook with a hard jab right into Ashriel’s gut.

Ashriel swung again, aiming for his nose, but Devon ducked and slapped him soundly, making Ashriel’s face flame in a burst of pain.

With a roar of fury, Ashriel lunged and they both went down in a tumble of legs and flying fists.

He’d managed to get Devon onto his back, straddling him as one hand gripped his throat while the other pulled back to nail the black-haired idiot good.

“Remi, no,” Devon shouted angrily.

Ashriel was knocked over by a red blur.

He was punched three times before Devon wrestled the enraged weredragon off Ashriel, almost throwing him off the dome.

Remien Fyre’s dragon wings popped out of his back and he was airborne.

“This is between me and Ash, you idiot. Go back with Rowie. How many times do I need to tell you not to open portals,” Devon snarled as Ashriel jumped back onto his feet.

“It’s okay, Devon, “Ashriel snarled. “Two for the price of one. I’ll kick both your asses.

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It’ll be my pleasure.”

“No,” Devon shouted, his eyes blazing. “This is between you and me. Remi, get out.”

A bestial snarl ripped from Remi’s lips. “I’m not leaving you alone.”

It was all the idiotic loyal weredragon said before he rushed Ashriel.

“Don’t use your wings on him, Ash. I’ll fucking maim you if you really hurt him.”

Devon’s fervor shocked Ashriel, made him hesitate resulting in the weredragon being able to tackle him right off the top of the dome. They fell a few feet before they used their perspective wings to circle each other warily.

“Your commander does not wish me to harm you.”

“Well that’s too bad. Come on, Ashriel.”

Ashriel merely crossed his arms over his chest. “No. Much as I would like to beat your ass from here to eternity, especially after what you did to Anniel and me, I was in the middle of a wager with Devon. A wager that you interrupted.”

Remi seemed to cool down considerably. “You weren’t trying to kill him?”

Ashriel glared at him. “If I’d wanted to kill him, I’d use my divine sword, not my fists.”

Remi pursed his lips and then nodded. “Okay. Sorry I interrupted.”

Ashriel felt the fight go right out of him as he flew back to the dome and stalked past Devon.

“What about our fight?” Devon asked trudging behind him.

“Fuck you,” Ashriel snarled, in a foul mood. “Fuck you both.”

“So, does that mean he’s yours too?” Remi asked making Ashriel’s hackles rise.

“He’ll always be mine,” Devon chuckled. “Just like you.”

Ashriel heard feet running up behind him before Remi peered around him, trying to keep up with his long strides.

“That makes us brothers, Ash. You’re one of us,” he grinned.

“Go away,” Ashriel growled, stomping all the way up to the helm.

When he finally settled in next to Seth, the weretigri turned his head and grinned at him. “Welcome to the family.”

Ashriel stared at him in shock—fine time for the somber imbecile to find his humor. “Piss off.”

Seth chuckled as Devon and Remi strolled up and strapped themselves in.

“Why aren’t you traversing a portal to go back to your mate?” Ashriel asked the red weredragon in irritation.

Remien scowled, but Devon answered for him. “He took a chance coming to me. Already, Master Guardians have locked onto his life force and are waiting for him to lead them back to Rowie and the babies. We need to confuse them. Seth, head out to deep space.”

“What about Rayne?”

“We’ll come back for her. Link to Gareth and let him know.”

Seth nodded. “He calls himself Cyn now.”

Devon thought for a moment and shrugged. “I think I like it more than his real name. Why did Anniel name him after his father? Can’t stand that...“ His eyes shifted to Ashriel. “Sorry.”

Ashriel grunted. “I can’t stand his conceited ass either. Don’t apologize.”

Remi turned and gaped at Natanael and Eriel, who still had his infamous shade of hair. He began to laugh and gave them a thumbs up sign.

“Where are we headed?” Seth asked.

Devon leaned back in his chair. “Megdoluc.”

Remi’s laughter stopped abruptly and all eyes turned to Devon.

Ashriel stared at him too, taken aback. “You’re leading a band of vigilante Master Guardians to Lucien?”

Devon shook his head. “Lucien is in another realm. Just because there’s a good portal on Megdoluc to reach him doesn’t mean they can find it.”

Ashriel’s eyes narrowed. How many times had he searched for that portal? Just like the one in Davariel and Luciel’s old mansion on Sjoria. Now Devon just might lead him right to both. He’d finally be able to find Lucien and the portal to the realm of shadows, where Davariel had been cast along with his lover.

If Lucien was truly repentant of his actions, Ashriel would spare him, like he had his father, but the thought of Davariel’s return had to be avoided. He was still the angel of destruction and Ashriel had no idea what his state of mind would be if he managed to escape. He could be evil again, bent on the destruction of all creation. Ashriel had to destroy that portal, even if it cost him his own life.

He thought of Anniel again and the child she carried in her womb—his child—and hoped someday she’d forgive him.


After a while, Eriel and Natanael went down into their cabin to put some pants and boots on. Remien Fyre tapped his foot impatiently on the floor of the helm, a frown growing on his countenance as each second ticked by.

He puffed out an aggravated breath. “Exactly how long is it to Megdoluc?”

Seth cleared his throat. “At the speed we’re moving? About two day cycles.”

Remi shot up from his seat with a roar, the green of his eyes filling up the white as his irises expanded. “No,” he snarled, his voice savage.

“Calm,” was all Devon said.

The red weredragon spun to glare at his commander, his chest heaving part in rage-part in panic. “I need to feed Row. The babies drain her blood.”

Ashriel winced. “Blood?”

Remi ran a hand through his unruly of hair and looked at Ashriel. “They’re blood dragons. Like me. They nurse from her breasts, but they’re ravenous little devils.” He turned to Devon again, this time with a pleading look in his eyes. “Rowie needs to feed from me. They’ll drain her and make her…her blood lust will re-awaken.”

Devon frowned, his finger tapping his lips. “Seth, can you keep this flying bucket of bolts together?”

Seth arched a brow. “Planning on speeding things up a bit?”

Devon nodded, his glowing gaze bright.

Ashriel snorted. “But won’t that help the Master Guardians after your dragon home in on your power signature?”

“They’re already following us,” Devon replied.

Ashriel looked out through the glass shield of the starcruiser, even though he knew he’d never see the ships that followed them. A shiver went up his spine as the presence of power skittered around him.

“They won’t attack. They want the others. They want all of us,” Seth said.

“Devon took a deep breath, his eyes closing momentarily. “They know we know.”

Ashriel raised one brow, his eyes going over each of their faces. He heard the whispers in his mind. They were communicating to each other telepathically.

Devon suddenly stood and stood next to Seth. Remi came up on the other side of Devon.

Curiosity assailed Ashriel as he watched Devon take both Seth and Remi hands in his.

A wash of power rolled over Ashriel, making him suck in his breath. He felt sick at once and blinked in confusion when the view outside the glass distorted. The vacuum of space and all its uncountable stars turned into a soup of distortion. It was a horrifying sight and Ashriel had to close his eyes to block it out. His body felt strange, as if his very physical being was disintegrating, turning into…unstable matter.

“Stop,” he finally shouted, his voice echoing in the terrible silence surrounding them.

Hands cupped his face and he opened his eyes to behold the fiery visage of Devon. Once again, the Alpha Angels’ commander glowed like an ethereal being, the light blinding and to Ashriel’s shock, so did Seth and Remi.

The light was too bright and he had to close his eyes, fearing he’d go blind otherwise.

Devon’s hands caressed his face. “It’ll be alright, Ash.”

“Shit,” Remi shouted, “We’re headed for the funnel.”

Ashriel blinked his eyes back open. Devon’s touch left his face and the blinding white light dissipated.

Ashriel only knew of one funnel on Megdoluc, and it led to the gates of Hell.

They hit hard. The ice cracked and the black waters of the abyss swallowed the starcruiser whole. Still, Ashriel felt the craft hurtling forward at incredible speed.

The three Alpha Angels were no longer glowing. Everything was now dark around him. He tried in vain to see where they were headed, but it was hard.

“They’re trying to follow,” Devon said and then cursed. “Tenacious bastards. They’ll kill themselves.”

“Are we still descending?” Ashriel gasped, his heart hammering loudly. “You’re taking us straight down to the gates.”

“Fear not, Ashriel,” Devon murmured.

Light began to glow ahead, and Ashriel began to feel disorientated again. Gripping the armrests of his chair, he clenched his teeth and groaned, feeling as if they were shooting straight up, but that was impossible. They had been descending—hadn’t they?

The starcruiser’s nose broke the thick layer of ice, shattering it like glass. Through the glass shields of the helm, the skies of Megdoluc boiled with reddish-black clouds. Not far from where they’d broken through the surface, a mega volcano blew a column of fire into the stratosphere. Devils flew by the thousands in the sky, making Ashriel’s feathers ruffle in agitation. His hand itched to feel his sword and he stared at the unclean creatures the way a predator watches prey.

The starcruiser wobbled unsteadily in the air as the winds buffeted and batted it, tossing it around like a little leaf caught in a storm.

Seth dipped the craft and headed straight toward a cliff face. Ashriel squeezed the armrests of his chair in a death grip as they struck the ground and bounced a few times before coming to a halt in a pool of water at the base of a water fall.

“Hell, Seth,” Ashriel cursed. “You are the worst pilot I have ever had the displeasure of flying with.”

“Thank you,” Seth replied rising from his seat. “Hurry. Let’s go.”

Again, Ashriel felt confused. They’d crash-landed on the surface of Megdoluc. The winds outside, aside from being one hundred percent poison, were raging so hard, he was surprised it wasn’t lifting the craft again.

Regardless, he followed the others down the ramps to slosh into the icy water of a pool. He watched Seth and Remi run into the waterfall, followed by Natanael and Eriel. Devon turned and held his hand out.

“Come-on, Ash. I need to close this portal quickly.”

Devon gripped his arm, and Ashriel gasped when he was propelled through the water. The sensation of falling had him beating his wings. Still his hands and knees hit a pale grey floor hard enough for him to wince.

He stared in bewilderment at his wet reflection in the shine of the floor. His hair dripped making an ever-growing puddle around him. Looking up, he blinked in astonishment at the tall glass walls with a view of a setting sun over an ocean. Beams of metal ran up at least three stories. Behind him was a fireplace with a high mantle. A mirror reflected the opposite side of the large room, showing three floors of balconies. Everything was white, metal and glass. They were in Davariel and Luciel’s old mansion.

Devon’s booted legs blocked his view as he bent to offer Ashriel a hand up.

“What the hell just happened?” Ashriel asked, feeling like his head was still spinning.

“We ditched our tails.”

Ashriel only blinked at him. They’d managed to evade the Master Guardians intent on capturing them, but what about all the reapers on Alpha 7… and Anniel?

He turned when he heard a woman exclaiming in joy and turned to watch Rowie Enoray run into Remi’s arms.

A few reapers appeared on the higher balconies, along with others he did not recognize.

“What’s going on here?” Ashriel asked.

“Some of them were here when we arrived. Families from when my father and mother resided here. I didn’t have the heart to turn them out. This is the only home they’ve known.”

Ashriel turned back to Devon. These people were the descendants of Davariel’s followers. They were still waiting for him to return.

He swallowed and turned to see the red-haired weredragon falling to his knees as his mate wrapped her arms and legs around him. Her face was buried in his neck, her fangs deep in his throat. Even from twenty paces away, Ashriel heard her deep gulps as she drank her lover’s blood. Remi’s half-dragon’s wings popped through the flesh of his back and he growled in pleasure as his mate fed from him.

“Come with me,” Devon said walking toward a stairwell at the other side of the cavernous chamber.

The sun cast a reddish golden glow through the glass walls. The large mansion had barely any furniture. As Devon and he passed various rooms, some held bare mattresses on the floors and a few trunks.

“Where are we going?” Ashriel asked.

“You’ll see,” Devon answered.

They entered a room at the end of a long glass corridor. A large bed was set up in the very center of the room where Devon’s golden weredragon and his very pregnant mate lay.

The girl was propped on big pillows and Zachariel massaged one of her legs.

He looked over his shoulder as Ashriel and Devon made their way across the room.

“This was their room.”

Ashriel did not need to ask whom Devon meant. The sweet scent of Davariel’s essence still lingered in the air…even after over three hundred years.

On the other side of the room was a glass partition that led to a grand bathroom. More ceiling to glass walls showed the beauty of the beach below. The sinks were along one solid wall, but there were no mirrors. The counters were made of white stone and the floors were still the same pale shade of grey as the rest of the house. In the very center of the bathroom was a black-bottomed pool, filled with steaming water.

Ashriel watched Devon circle the pool once, whispering low.

Ashriel narrowed his eyes and looked down. Through the wavering water, an image began to form. He could see what looked like a ceiling with softly glowing recessed lighting.

“Go in, but head first. Hold your breath for a few seconds until the air feels dry.” Devon touched his arm as Ashriel frowned at him. “Don’t look to the sides.”

Ashriel pulled his shoulders back. Devon treated him as if he’d never traversed portals before.

Ashriel crouched and drew closer to the pool. Placing his hands on the edge, he closed his eyes and let himself tip forward. The water was warm and wrapped around his body. The sense of disorientation was momentary, and all too soon he found himself floundering out of a pool of water in his old quarters in Alpha 7.

Dragging himself out of the smaller bathroom, he walked soaking wet into his hygiene unit. Blue rays engulfed him immediately, leaving his skin and wings dry and fresh.

He turned to look at the pool he’d just crawled out of. The water still rippled, but no one had followed him. Peering into it, he saw Devon had closed the portal once more.


Anniel took deep breaths and listened as she lay on her bed in her quarters in Alpha 7. Zachariel was whispering endearments to Alluna. He’d lifted her foot to his mouth, kissing and sucking each toe, making her wriggle and clutch at the sheets beneath her. Even though she was heavy with her pregnancy, her core still clenched at the sight of him.

“Master, that tickles,” she cried out.

Anniel smiled. Yes. Zachariel was very sexy with his super buff body and ultra long blond hair.

Zak chuckled and kissed his way down Alluna’s leg, the scent of her arousal making his mouth water.

Anniel blocked them out as much as she could, unwilling to invade their intimate moment, but ran headlong telepathically into Remi and Rowie.

Her fangs were buried deep in his neck and the sweet taste of blood filled her ravenous mouth. His scent filled her nostrils and the feel of his hard body beneath her had her dry humping the hard ridge of male flesh bulging through his leather pants.

Remi arched his neck until his back ached, enjoying the pleasure of her bite and the feel of her ripe breasts pressing against him. He wanted to fuck so badly, but knew she needed to feed his sons first.

And you promised you’d fix my eyes— Anniel thought, doing her best not to let her body react to the surge of lust riding the couple hard. Her mouth watered, regardless, and her skin twitched, her inner beast wanting to lap up some of the weredragon’s blood too.

Anniel snarled, and steeled her hips from thrusting like Rowie’s, as her mind filled with the images of her friend fisting Remi’s fiery mane. The scent of cinnamon, spice, and blood filled her nostrils.

It was moments like this that made it difficult for them to keep their hands to each other. The feelings would become confused and there had been many times when the temptation to fall all together in a heap of…

Love. Baby, I love you— Remi cried out feeling on the verge of coming in his pants. His hips thrust in tandem to Rowie’s rocking hips. He grabbed her ass and Anniel gasped, feeling as if he were groping her.

She distanced herself from them and sighed sullenly.

Loneliness assailed her.

Her thoughts went to Ashriel.

Hearing and feeling the others sharing their bodies made her own body respond.

Her hands reached up to cup her breasts. Ashriel. He was already aboard Alpha 7. She sensed him.

She closed her eyes and imagined his shiny, dark brown hair, how it spilled through her fingers like water, his scent when she pressed her face to his thick neck, the living warmth of his beautiful jet-black wings. Her dark angel’s blazing storm-colored eyes and powerful build terrified all who looked upon him, but Ashriel’s heavenly beauty took her breath away.

Her teeth dented her lower lip, wishing it was his mouth she bit instead, so lush and full. It was a shame he was always frowning. He’d looked so devastating when he laughed the night they’d made love in the storage level of Natanael’s starcruiser.

He’d been so intense, so passionate.

Sometime during that long sleep cycle, they’d conceived the tiny little girl inside her belly.

Anniel’s feelings of lust turned into a maternal warmth that had tears springing to her eyes.

Before she felt the tender hands that touched her cheeks, the scent of wind and rain let her know Devon had come into her rooms.

The bed dipped with his weight and the heat of his body pressed over half of hers. He kissed each of her eyes and finally her nose.

She smiled, keeping her eyes closed. “Alluna is almost ready.”

“Yes. Pretty soon we’ll have three little dragonesses running amok with the rest of the hoard of children aboard Alpha 7.”

Anniel lifted one of her hands and stroked her fingers through the satin of his hair. He was still her pretty baby.

Devon chuckled at her musings, his hands sliding to her belly as his lips playing over her closed lids.

She giggled when his tongue darted out to lick her lashes, thinking at him—ew, really?

He only chuckled in reply.

“What of the Vildminorian Master Guardians after Rem and Row’s babies?” she asked.

“They’ll never find us’” Devon assured her. “All our children will be safe, Anniel. I promise.”

She sighed when he slid down and placed his head over her belly, as if listening to her child.

They stayed that way for a while, with her absently stroking his hair.

She was lulled, almost asleep, when Ashriel’s scent teased her nose.

She sat up with a gasp, almost knocking Devon to the floor.

Two things shocked her immediately. The first was that she could see. The second was the look of rage on Ashriel’s face as he stared daggers at her and Devon.

Too late, she realized what it must look like to him with her lying there naked and Devon sprawled out over her, one long-fingered pale hand curved over her rounded belly, the other against the side of her thigh.

“What are you doing?” Ashriel hissed.

She opened her mouth, but it was Devon who spoke first.

“Remi was busy, so I came to fix her eyes.”

Devon straightened, his hand leaving her belly, the jet silk of his hair sliding over her bare skin in a loving caress. She actually heard Ashriel clenching his teeth tight enough to shatter as his eyes blazed with fury from across the room.

Devon turned to look back down at Anniel and actually smirked, making her wince. The brat. He was enjoying Ashriel’s jealousy.

Devon brushed his lips on her cheek before he stood. “Guess I’d better leave.”

Ashriel narrowed his eyes more. His furious gaze followed Devon as he walked toward the doorway. Fear had Anniel holding her breath when every feather on Ashriel’s black wings lifted and his brows drew together so close they were practically touching. His nostrils flared and his eyes seemed to glow, glued, as they were to Devon’s approach. Every muscle on his god-like body was taut, prepared.

For a moment, she thought he would unsheathe his sword and try to hurt Dev. Her body tensed and she sat up straighter on the bed.

The movement drew Ashriel’s scorching stare. It made her wince, the intensity of those inhuman eyes. At least they were still silver, not pitch black in kill mode.

Devon slipped by him, unharmed, as Ashriel and Anniel continued their stare-down.

The front door to her quarters swished closed softly, letting her know Devon made it out safely. Ashriel hadn’t torn him to pieces or turned him into a pile of ash from Ashriel’s reaper powers.

Poor Devon. They hadn’t been doing anything wrong. Just cuddling like they always did since they were children. Suddenly, Anniel felt really incensed. He couldn’t just walk into her quarters and act all possessive. She was a free woman after all. He’d never asked her to be his mate, and she wasn’t going to force the issue just because he got her pregnant. Besides, he’d questioned the baby’s paternity and was probably still bent on leaving Alpha 7…just like Garethiel.

Hurt zinged through her.

Frowning, she pulled one corner of the fuchsia sheets strewn over her bed to cover her breasts.

“How dare you,” was all she could think of saying.

Without warning, Ashriel stomped over to her and yanked the sheet away making her gasp in shock.

“Do not cover yourself from me after letting another touch you,” he snarled, crawling over her. “I have seen and tasted ever inch of your body and a part of me grows inside you.” His hand cupped her belly and her traitorous daughter flipped around in obvious glee at her daddy’s touch.

They both froze.

“Oh, God,” he choked out, obviously overwhelmed from emotion.

Her anger melted away at the sight of tears shimmering in his eyes. A lump wedged in her throat and her hand covered his as her baby rolled in her belly again.

It was like a surreal dream, feeling life within her again when a few days ago she’d been empty, her heart bereft with the pain of her missing son.


He was alive.

Her tears flowed freely now, and she fisted Ashriel’s silken hair to pull him down for a passionate kiss.

Her tongue shot past his lips, making him moan, all jealousy and anger forgotten in that moment of magic. She savored his taste, breathed in his angelic scent, smiling when his wings began to fan harder.

Reluctantly releasing him, she whispered a mere inch from his lips, “I’ve got to go back to Rhylos and convince Gareth to come home.”


All the elation he’d been feeling took a nosedive into the seventh circle of Hell. Go back?

His eyes raked down her naked form, snagging along the way on her big, round, chocolate tipped breasts before settling on the amazing evidence of his virility rounding her stomach.

It was only when his wings struck the low ceiling, that he realized he’d spread them out fully. Wincing, he retracted them until they lay against his back. He didn’t even bother trying to unruffled them. He was too agitated to concentrate on making his feathers lay flat.

“Anniel, that’s too dangerous,” he snapped.

Wrong tone.

Her half lidded eyes and soft smile transformed into a frown, her green-gold eyes flashing in irritation. “I’m pregnant not handicapped, Ashriel. I’m only going to see my child.”

“He’s not a—“ He took a deep breath and tried again at her low snarl. “Please, Anniel. Devon just liberated that planet. It isn’t unusual for wars to break out. The ruling party isn’t going to turn over their power easily and those living comfortably under that ruling will join the fight.”

“I want my son home,” she began, her voice angry even though her eyes filled with tears again.

His hands smoothed over her belly and he tried for a soothing tone. “Yes, I know. I understand your desire. I also want him home.”

Her eyes widened. “You do?”

“Of course, Anniel.”

“B-but he’s Gar...“

“He’s your son, and he also carries my blood. It doesn’t matter that I didn’t sire him, Anniel. I love him like a son too.”

Now she looked confused. It was time to confess everything to her.

“I knew you were with child and that my brother had abandoned you. As a high priest there wasn’t much I could do, except watch over you…both of you.”


Ashriel felt his cheeks warm with guilt. “I wanted to make sure you were safe, living here with…” When she frowned in confusion, he sighed. “Annie, understand. I made a vow to keep this universe, our realm, safe from evil. I had to keep an eye on Davariel’s spawn...“ At her scowl, he huffed, “Devon. I still don’t trust him fully, and trust his twin even less.”

Anniel’s eyes widened and she nibbled her lip. “Lucien? Oh, but he’s just a poor wretch now. We’ve been trying to coax him back into Alpha 7, but he refuses to come back.”

Ashriel frowned. “He still sports demon wings. His blood is tainted.”

Anniel shook her head. “Those horrid appendages are practically rotting off his back. The toxins in them aren’t strong enough to turn him fully demon.” She bit her lip again, caressing his cheek as she stared imploringly at him. “We want to try to save him.”

Ashriel didn’t want to cause her anymore anxiety, but he knew Lucien’s reluctance to return didn’t bode well. The toxins in the demon wings implanted into his back would make him unstable. If he didn’t go insane, he’d surely die anyway.

“One thing at a time, my love,” he breathed, brushing his lips over hers in a sweet caress. “I will go back to Rhylos and speak with Gareth.”

The tip of her tongue traced his lower lip, making him tremble. “Oh, Ash, baby, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“You are not asking me. I am telling you what I am going to do.”

Anniel leaned away and frowned a bit. He sensed they were about to start arguing again.

“We can go together,” she insisted, still keeping her tone sweet even though she was no longer smiling.

Ashriel took a deep breath. “I’ll take Devon or Seth with me. We can go in and come back before you realize.”

“Devon has his hands full trying to keep Rem, Row and the twins hidden. And Seth takes over for him here when he’s too busy.”

“Then I will take Natanael and Erie with me.”

Her brows rose. “Three fallen reapers? Unaccompanied? You must want to get your ass kidnapped.”

Ashriel sat back, straddling her and feeling insulted. He felt his wings rising in irritation again.

“I have fought legions of demons and devils. You think me weak?”

She rolled her eyes. “Baby, I didn’t mean it like that. Fighting supernatural beings comes easy to you, but your powers don’t affect beings from our universe.”

“You think me weak,” he hissed incensed, getting up off the bed.

Feeling shamed and angry, he stalked out of her room.

“Ashriel? Wait. Don’t be such a big baby.”

Ignoring her calls, he stomped out and headed toward the end of the corridor to the elevators.

The trip to the reapers level was short. He strode down the corridor straight to Natanael’s rooms.

The minute he stepped into Nat’s quarters he spotted the group of reapers standing close together obviously watching porn from the sounds of slapping flesh and moans emanating from the holoviewer.

Abdiel turned, his face flushed, and gaped at Ashriel.

“Ash,” the blond reaper shouted.

Ashriel narrowed his eyes when every reaper turned to stare at him wide-eyed. The sound of the holoviewer died, making him wonder what the hell they’d been watching.

He approached as they parted until Natanael was revealed in the middle of the group of about twenty reapers.

Natanael pocketed the small crystal orb quickly and grinned at Ashriel.

“Looking for me?” he asked nonchalantly.

Ashriel looked at Natanael’s inky blue Mohawk with a frown before staring pointedly at the little bulge in his pocket where he’d slipped the vid-crystal.

What in hell’s name had they been viewing, and why was everybody so tense?

“What’s the matter?” Ashriel asked.

Natanael looked at Eriel, who had his hands shoved into his pockets with a blank look on his usually animated face.

“The matter?” Natanael echoed before shrugging with wide innocent eyes at Ashriel. “Why should anything be the matter?”

Ashriel’s eyes narrowed even more. The insolent fucker was hiding something, but it had to wait. He needed to get Gareth back for Annie and fix the piss-poor image she had of him.

“I need you and Erie to accompany me back to Rhylos.”

Natanael’s eyes widened. “Er… why?”

“Annie wants her son back.”

Natanael grinned and clapped Erie on the back. “A mission, Erie.”

Eriel only nodded and sighed. “My ass is ready, I guess.”

“It’s not that kind of a mission this time,” Ashriel said with a scowl.

Eriel looked at him sullenly, taking a deep breath before letting it out with an emotionless “right.”

Ashriel turned to Abdiel. “Under no circumstances are you to let Anniel out of your sight, and do not let her leave Alpha 7.”

Abdiel’s brows rose. “And how am I supposed to do that?”

“Think of something,” Ashriel grated, turning on his heel to leave with Natanael and Eriel following in his wake.

Written by Levanahyll
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