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Another Kind of Blood Magic

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“Just drain it!” Pelleas yelled down toward his incredibly erect member.

“It’s not that easy!” Hek hissed back, her panicked, accusatory eyes glancing up at him. She was on her knees, but not for any reason somebody in front of an erect penis would usually be. She ran her eyes up and down his shaft. Letting out a sigh, her breath just barely grazed Palleas’ uncovered skin. “I’m sorry.”

“Just get rid of it!”

“I’m sorry!”

“I know, I know! Just fucking get rid of it, gods!” Pelleas tone was hurried, less awkward but angrier. She grabbed the test tube sitting on the desk. The one once full of generously donated human blood only five minutes ago. It had been completely drained. What had been done, had been done. His pained yells echoed through the empty office, Hek hastily shushed him.

“Shut the fuck up! The cleaners might fucking hear us!”

“You should have thought of that before turning my dick into an overcooked sausage,” as he groaned, Hek glanced to the floor, to the open book lying there and the piece of machinery next to it. A simple mechanical structure, a hard drive sealed behind zip-lock, angrily broken into hundreds of pieces only magic could fix. A perfect, small job for an intern or two. The book she chose to use, however, wasn’t as simple. An ancient tome of many rites of passage. Not uncommon, but certainly not for beginners. A tome on blood magic. It had proven helpful for other jobs, who could fault her for thinking it would work now? She found it in the office reliquary under the ‘Repair and Fortify’ section for the gods' sakes. “Are you even listening to me?”

“Hold on,” she took the hefty book in one hand and scanned the pages with vigour.

“It hurts,” he moaned, not pleasurably. The thing above his thighs pulsed red, too red for someone as pale as him, “It won’t stop fucking throbbing! It feels like it’s going to explode Hek!”

“How big is your penis?”

“What? I beg your fucking pardon! It’s right there I’m pretty sure you can get a rough fucking estimate!”

“Stop the sarcasm. I’m being serious,” she spoke in a dull, but thoughtful monotone. Her eyes, encased in amber that glittered under her thick specs, punctured through her charcoal dark-elven skin as she scanned the pages, “On a regular day, how big is your dick?”

“I don’t kno-”

Hard. What’s its size hard?” her deep tones, from the back of her throat, muttering that one word: Hard. The emphasis on the ‘-aar’. That made him even more so, as much as it hurt already.

“Ah- it stings! Urgh, I mean, On a normal Felsday? About six inches,” upon him saying six inches, her eyes widened in glee. Like before, not glee for the usual reason anyone on their knees in front of an (estimated) seven-and-a-half-inch penis would be. This was a different kind of glee. The glee of a scientist planting a foot and breaking ground.

“It worked? Oh ho! It fucking worked!”

“What? It’s supposed to take the pieces of the hard drive and bound them back together. Why the fuck would a repair spell make my dick hard?” as Pelleas powered through the gritting pain to voice his confusion, Hek rolled her eyes behind her thick-rimmed glasses and scoffed.

“That’s not the point! That was a nth tier spell! You should be glad we’re even still alive, I had no idea I could pull something like that off!”

“What? All we had to do is repair a hard drive, why pull something out of that book that could fucking kill us?”


“Oh,” he rolled his eyes just as she did “oh fuck you.” Trying to ignore the fact that she was pleasantly surprised, he scoffed at her and attempted a foolhardy clapback, “Yeah, well, of course it would take magic for you to get me hard.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t want to do that anyway, sorry for messing up and making that mistake,” she stifled a smirk. As awful as this situation was, she did love the ribbing. But this was different. They’d laugh and rib between classes always but this, she felt differently towards it. Was it because of…? No, that can’t be it. Though, she did wonder. She lifted a finger to the head, the light reflecting off the bulbous flesh. It was moist. Clear liquid had trickled out slightly. She wasn’t sure if that was part of the spell.

“You’re taking your sweet-ass time down there,” Pelleas ran a hand through his blonde, messy hair, only a couple of unkempt weeks from becoming matted. As dirty as it was, it had a lot of colour variation. From afar it probably looked kind of cute. Pelleas wondered if the space between his head and his dick was far enough. He gave a forcefully cocky smile, “I’m not complaining.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be in excruciating pain?” she shoved her finger forward, touching his engorged head and squishing it slightly. He winced.

“Is there any way we can fucking solve this? You did look in the book right.”

“Yeah, there is.”


“We bleed your dick out.”


“Hmph,” she narrowed her eyes, a movement emphasised by the bottle-cap thick glass sitting on either end of her nose.

“Hek, that’s not an option.”

“I know. Shit man, I honestly think there’s only one thing we can do,” she stood up, her hand uncomfortably swaying idly next to his member. His eyes widened. “Carlie stays at her office late on Felsdays. She’ll know what the hell to do about this.”

“Hek,” Pelleas sounded uneasy, like he was cautioning a cat to hop off a china-laden cabinet, “I appreciate your commitment, but I’m not walking up to my boss with my dick out.”

“Then put it in your pants then? Pretty obvious,” she felt her hand wander idly, pondering the logistics of their next course of action, “okay, I’ve got a pretty good relationship with Carlie. She’s helped me out of multiple situations just like this.”

“With dicks involved?”

“What?! No! Hells no. I mean- she’s seen me drunk, so she knows me on that level- fuck it, it’s the only option we have,” with a wry chuckle, Hek looked to the book on the floor, her hands fiddling at her sides thoughtlessly.

“You gonna lead the way?”

“Of course.”

“Then stop playing with my dick and lead the way then,” Pelleas face was unassuming. Hek’s eyes widened as she looked down to see her hand softly squeezing his erect dick.

“Oh! I- I didn’t mean to,” her sudden shock, her head being pulled out of the clouds, made her instinctively give it a startling squeeze. He grunted. She pulled her hand away, “I’m- I’m sorry I didn’t know I was-”

“Let’s just get going, it’s really starting to hurt.”


“Did you try bleeding it?” the small tusks glimmered in the shine of the desk-lamp, clean and white and jutting out of Carlie’s mouth. She lifted a deep emerald, orcish hand to the ethereal haze in front of her, putting a finger into it and pulling forward slightly. The haze fluttered above a projector of some kind, sitting in the middle of her overstuffed workbench.

“I mean, no,” Pelleas tilted his head in confusion, “she thought of that though,” Carlie smirked at Hek, amused and surprised. Her blue eyes, so smug and dismissive, made the space between Hek’s legs tense and quiver.

“How do we lift the spell?” Hek was blunt, rejecting the feeling between her legs.

“Oh come on now Hek,” she spoke with a laugh, following it with a tone a bit too sultry, “you know how.”

“We’re not fucking!” Pelleas spoke loudly, “And if that really was the solution, I’m sure I’d be able to find a bathroom and sort myself out there.”

“No, you wouldn’t,” with a defeated sigh, Hek looked over to Carlie, “Look, the book I was using was the Encyclopedia of Connective Blood Magic, it’s fairly old but since it was in the general reliquary, I thought I’d be able to use it.”

“Mhmm,” stifling a chuckle, Carlie turned from the mechanical apparatus and to Hek, a smirk had crept itself over her face. A professional’s smirk at a beginner’s folly.

“And it worked for repairing wires and two-piece breakages so I thought I’d be able to use a nth level bonding spell from it to repair the hard drive you gave us and I just want to know why the hell it made Pelleas’ dick hard to be honest,” she sounded out of breath, sick of the whole situation before it had even properly begun. With a raise of her thick eyebrows, Carlie responded clinically.

“A bonding spell,” Carlie enunciated the word ‘bonding’, bringing bold attention to it, “not a repairing spell. These days, these are considered the same, but generations upon generations ago, bonding spells, however…were different,” Carlie opened her eyes wider, gauging to see if either of them got at what she was insinuating. They blankly stared, invested but unanswering. She rolled her eyes, “They are supposed to repair broken things of a non-physical type. They have multiple names in the modern alchemic lexicon. Romantic Enhancements, Unrebounds, Familial Strengthenings, Siblingisers.”

“Oh, gods,” both Hek and Pelleas groaned in dismay.

“Funny. I thought spells like that can only be cast when there already exists a personal connection,” Carlie had retired to her chair, setting aside the arcane artifact she was working on and feigning disinterest. Rubbing a thumb against her polished, dark red nails, “Father to son, mother to daughter, husband to wife, lover to lover-”

“We are nothing like that,” Pelleas snapped.

“I haven’t gotten to my point,” she gazed at him with those eyes again, like a tomahawk right to his mouth. “Physical connection under complete unbroken focus. That is one possible way the bonds set by blood magic can be broken. The slap of a caring mother, the ungiven touch of a lover, the gripping hand on your scalp of a one-night stand who you assumed wanted to be something more. Physicality is the point, a rejection of the magically-imposed emotion. To take advantage of how the blood rushes in specific circumstances, like that one, for instance.” With her pen, she pointed to the tent Pelleas was pitching, flashing him a sarcastic and spikey grin. “Stop being coy you two, you wouldn’t have been here in the first place if loving intimacy wasn’t something, you’d both want from each other.”

“Oh- bullshit,” Hek reacted instantly, a scoff in her voice. A forced scoff, like she was only pretending to discard what Carlie was saying. She went silent, tight-lipped and glaring at Carlie, “Okay, fine, what do we do?”

“You need to use each other. Deny the possible romance and devolve into making use of each other’s bodies. Nothing more.”

“We are not going to just start fucking,” Pelleas looked over to Hek as she spoke and for the first time noticed how angry she looked. Far more than flustered, her eyebrows had conjured themselves down into a few angry puffs away from a scowl. She remained calm.

“Never said that you were. I’m just telling you that you’re thinking about this wrong. Magic like this is too old, even I’m not sure if a physical denial of ephemeral romance is a way to break the spell- oh, aside from the ‘cutting his dick’ part. That would work, you were on the right track there! Ha!” she gave a guttural, sudden laugh.

“Do you think this shit is a joke!” Pelleas stepped forward, groaning in pain as he took a step forwards, “You know what? Fuck it.”

“Dude. Dude!” With the swift rip of a zipper and a shove downward, Pelleas’ dick flopped out from under his underpants, veins standing proud and his length peculiarly longer than before. Carlie looked on, unblinking and unphased.

“No, no I’m sorry, Hek, we’re solving this right the fuck now. Fix this shit.” With heavy panting and stiff lips, Pelleas glared at Carlie. Carlie’s face remained unchanged. Calmly, with a casual tone, Carlie opened her mouth.


“Y- yes?”

“Would you be a dear and put Pelleas’ cock in your mouth please?” Hek felt tense at Carlie’s words, at her blank and almost caring tone. At the underlying soothing below it.

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“Unless you have an issue with doing that. In which case, I hope you are both prepared for a long and loving relationship. You do know how to suck dick right?”

“Yes, I…I do know how to suck dick.”

“So, you’re fine with putting his dick in your mouth?”

“I…yes, yes I am,” Hek’s once-solid demeanour had changed, abruptly, to something else. She seemed much more relaxed. Her voice was higher pitched, her anger replaced with an oddly agreeable tone. Quite submissive. Pelleas squinted at her. She wasn’t salivating, but her lips lay slack by an inch. Did she want this? Surely, she didn’t, but it made Pelleas wonder. That familiar feeling between her legs twinged again, as she clumsily got down on her knees in front of his dick once more. “I’m- I’m sorry about this. I don’t mean to take advantage of the situation.”

“Urgh, again you’re not getting it,” with a slight growl, Carlie rolled her eyes, “you are taking advantage of the situation to break the spell- gods if I have to repeat myself one more time…”

“Don’t apologise,” Pelleas’ smiled, trying to ignore Carlie, “I just want to get this ov-ohhhkay.” As she lowered her head down onto his head, he trailed off, being taken completely off guard. She worked her tongue over the creases of his foreskin, in the folds at the bottom of the tip. Lips puckered softly over his engorged head, she focused, pushing her glasses up her face and breathing in through her nose.

“Sorry, what was your name again,” Carlie cut through his sudden absent-mindedness, “focus, boy. Tell me your name.”

“I…” Soft slurps came up from below him as he tried to focus, “Pelleas.”

“Elven, right? A human with an elven name… ‘Pelleas’ Tell me about Hek. Anything at all. Let’s start with how you met.” She was starting to lower her mouth downward now, leaving the shaft to focus on the length of his cock. Hek breathed in sharply through her nose as she pushed her head forward, tilting it ever-so-slightly upward, allowing him to slide her throat with ease. She fought a gag, her face turning red as she held herself in place for a moment, before sliding back.

“Mphhl- laahh,” she let out a soft moan as his dick slid out of her mouth, “st- start with the lab tutor…” She huffed another breath in and pushed her head down onto him.

“Ohh shit,” he stifled a louder moan, gripping the sides of the table tightly, his hands turning red. “We…we were both having issues with our- fuck. Urgh, we were both having issues with our lab technique around two years ago. We joined an after-class tutoring session and-”

“Mmmph,” letting out a long and pronounced moan, Hek’s vibrations travelled out of her throat and into Pelleas.

“Don’t tell me…” Pelleas winced, his voice trying to upkeep a twinge of feigned disgust, “d- don’t tell me that talking about the time we met is…is turning you on, Hek.” He looked down at her, her eyes closed, thick eyelashes batted over, eyes squinting hard. He noticed movement, very brisk movement. Her hand had slipped under her skirt and was going at it furiously.

“Oh my god,” he sounded dismayed, lustfully dismayed.

“And?” Carlie looked on, unphased. At least, it didn’t seem like she was that phased.

“A- and?” with the memory of a goldfish, his eyes winced as he glared at Carlie.

“Urgh, and what did you see?” rolling her eyes, Carlie picks at random something for him to answer to. Something pretty generic: appearances, “And keep it to surface level. Tell me what you saw not felt, saw.”

“I…uh, I saw a girl with long, long orange hair, which…surprised me because, because her skin was so dark. From her eyes I could tell she was a dark elf but, her eyes- ah,” he whimpered as his cock slid out from Hek’s throat. From the bottom of his idling gaze, he caught her looking up at him, stroking his member very slowly, collecting her saliva in her hand and spreading it evenly across his whole length. Through the darkness of her skin, two luminous sparks looked up at him. It made him even harder.

“What’s wrong?” with a mocking undertone, Carlie leaned forwards in her chair. “She’s looking up at you, Pelleas. Why not look back?”

“I- I can’t.”

“Why?” a cocky smirk came over her mouth as she leaned back, “Keep going. What were her eyes like? What were the eyes of this body you are now using like.”

“Her eyes were just…very bright, as orange as her hair. They were so big, taking up so much of her face. I’m not a language student dude I can’t keep describing-”

“Keep going,” her voice was stern, scalding almost. Dominative, with all the connotations that came along with it. It gave him a shot of adrenaline that he needed. One he liked a bit too much for his comfort. He reached down, running his hands over Hek’s long, pointed ears. She let out a whimper, her breath brushing up against his dick.

“They were…I don’t know the word.”

“Find a word then. You’re not a fucking idiot are you?” Carlie’s mocking did exactly what it needed to, sending that small shock of anger and arousal down his spine and into his cock. His hands gripped Hek by the ears, pulling her away from his dick. She knew what was coming. Hek opened her mouth.

“Sultry! They were sultry, okay? It’s such a corny word, but they fucking were,” Hek spluttered and groaned as Pelleas’ forced her head down onto his dick. Her throat enveloped it in a matter of seconds. Then, he starting pumping, holding her head in place and pumping away madly.

“Ha! That is corny,” with a scoff, Carlie tapped her fingers impatiently on the table next to her. She crossed her legs and tilted her head upward, seemingly very comfortable in having sway over Pelleas’ actions. “Too corny. Don’t make me gag, you got a perfectly good whore in front of you that’s better suited to that than me. Fuck this whore’s cheap face.”

“Hmmng,” what sounded like a groan of anger throttled through Pelleas’ dick.

“Oh? You don’t like it when I call you that?” Carlie was enjoying herself a bit too much. Her mouth had curled itself into a devious grin. Her eyes were eager, hungry and invested in what was going on in front of her. But her degradation pushed both of them along nicely, as Pelleas was pulling her mouth vigorously on and off his dick. She did a surprisingly good job keeping it down, only letting up for the occasional splutter or quick gag. “Good. Hate it. Hate how he uses you, there is no love between you, just the lustful thrusts of two bodies making use of one another. I mean look at you Hek, what other word is there for someone who can take it down their throat that easily? No matter, perhaps we should go back to what you were saying about her eyes, Pelleas?”

“Wh- why?”

“I just think you can do better than just ‘sultry’-”

“Dick sucking eyes.”

“Good! There you go!”

“Dick sucking eyes!” as he shouted it louder, Pelleas’ skin turned bright red with shame as the words instinctively left his mouth. His hands let go of Hek’s eyes. She kept going, the same speed. He thought he was forcing her head down, but now he wasn’t in control, as if he ever was. Again, he liked this feeling way too much. How unfortunate for him that her mouth felt just as good. Just as good and he hated it, “Fuck! I feel so filthy saying it, just her eyes were so good that…fuck, your mouth, Hek. It’s-”

“Stop getting distracted!” Carly firmly jeered, “‘Her eyes were so good that’, that what?”

“That I…I just wanted to see her on her knees looking up at me, like- just eyes perfect to stare into while…I- I sound like a pervert when I say it out loud like this.”

“Say what?”

“Say that I- I want to see those eyes fucking p- painted in cum”

“Haha! That is devilishly perverted,” she loved teasing him, almost as much as he loved being teased. She was struggling to not slip a hand under her dress. “But we’re beyond that now. Tell me, why aren’t you staring down at her? Since you just love those eyes so very much.” He felt his hips quake, his pelvis buckling and his muscles around his crotch contract.

“I’m close,” he murmured, “I can’t.”

“Look down, Pelleas.”

“No, I’ll…I want this to last longer.”

“Look down you fucking pervert.”

“No!” But his actions discarded his words, his eyes betrayed him. He looked down. They stared at each other for the first proper time since they entered the room. He looked into her eyes as his dick was buried right down to the back of her throat. They burrowed into him, two angry and sharp flecks of yellow. She was frowning furiously, her face flustered, her hair unkempt. What little eyeliner she had was running, creating two streams of what looked like black tears leading to her eyes. Eyes that glowed so scornfully above a mouth full of the object of her hate. “That’s it! No, that’s fucking it I’m…” She pulled her head back in one sudden heave for survival as he started to cum. She gasped, coming up for air.

“Don’t!” her shout was futile, as a single jet spouted out of his dick and all over her face. Four strong and sticky ropes. It wasn’t a lot, but it was quick. Quick enough to have her freeze in place with disgust. With an open, shocked mouth, her dark-elven skin painted dripping trails of white, she spoke in brief and exhausted whispers. “Ew. Urgh. That was-”

“Disgusting, I didn’t mean to-”

“Fucking awesome,” she opened her eyes to stare at him, trying to fight a smile from breaking out over her face. She scoffed, coughing. They stared at each other, both trying not to laugh. They failed, breaking out in guttural laughter at whatever the hell had just happened.

“It was pretty fun yeah.”

“Oh, ‘it was pretty fun’? Shut the fuck up, that was amazing. Geez,” she let out a soft exhale, tired and exhausted, but seemingly satisfied. Seemingly. She glared at him, putting on a mockingly bitter tone and jesting, “I didn’t even get to climax. Typical man.”

“The point wasn’t for you to climax; it was for you to feel like you were being used.” Carlie’s hard footsteps echoed behind them as she stopped next to Hek. She lifted a finger to Hek’s face, taking up a sizable glob of Pelleas’ cum and thumbing it around slowly. She brought her eyes to Pelleas, who seemed quite fixated in the sight of his cum in between her inquisitive fingers. She smirked, staring at Pelleas’ penis deflating in the afterglow, “That should have done the trick, unless, of course, you want to keep trying?”

“Hm,” Hek looked to Pelleas’ penis, noticing how the purple markings slowly were starting to fade as he went flaccid. She lifted her hand to his penis and wrapped her finger and thumb around his base playfully.

“I’m glad that I was of help. Hopefully, that did the trick. Please be careful, whatever you do. The spell might not have been broken, so all sex between you should be…hm, not of a loving variety in the least,” Carlie spoke with that same commanding aura she deployed during their ritual. She closed her eyes and put her index and middle finger in her mouth, quickly sucking Pelleas’ cum down. She opened them, turning on her heels quickly, walking across the room back to the arcane machinery she was experimenting with. They both watched her calmly walk across to her desk, back to her machinery. They traded glances in silence, both smiling too widely. “Oh, and one more thing. Get out of my office.”


“You look like you need a tissue.”

“Nah, I don’t think I do.”

“That’s filthy.”

“I know, absolutely disgusting,” they giggled to each other giddily. There was less awkwardness between them than either of them expected in the corridor. Without even thinking, caught in the humour of the situation, Hek leaned her head on Pelleas’ shoulder and rubbed his back. They stopped and stood silently for a minute, taking it in. The sight of the parking lot outside of the reception doors. One car was parked directly in front of the door. It was Hek’s. Carlie’s cautionary words echoed silently through the hall. Neither of them heard them, but they remembered, they remembered what she said about the prerequisite of an already existing bond, about a long and loving relationship if they weren’t careful. Both froze. Hek opened her mouth, her voice quivering.

“So, uh, do you want to catch a ride with me tonight?”

“I don’t know, do you?”


This is the first in a series of stories set in Scalpel Bay, an Urban Fantasy city: A place of modern mundanity for some, a place of magical debauchery for others. You can read other stories in this series on my profile.


Written by SomewhatEvil
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