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True Memoirs of an Airline Pilot Part 1

"Life as an airline pilot has its ups and downs. This episode was an up!"

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Author's Notes

"After 12 years in the military flying transport aircraft, I joined an airline as a junior First Officer. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Then the ride began for real!"

Manchester for three days. The worst possible layover on the roster. There were several reasons why nobody wanted to do the three-day rotation out of Manchester. One was that all the flights were night departures to a Greek destination with a return early in the morning. The second reason was that the crew stayed at the airport hotel, The Holiday Inn Express, right on the M56 interchange. The other reason was that there were very few places to eat within a few minutes walk, not even a fifteen-minute walk so we almost always ate in the hotel. Most of us tried to break our sleep into two, a few hours after the flight, from about seven until midday, and again from about four or five until seven or eight for the flight at ten o’clock.

I met a few of the crew for lunch, a steward and two stewardesses, or flight attendants, as we should call them. I had a salmon salad that day. We chatted about nothing in particular and went our separate ways a little before twelve-thirty. I walked through the lounge to get to my room. It was less than half full, about fifteen people in total. In a corner near the window sat a couple, seats pulled close, faces locked together in a passionate kiss. Her right hand stroked the inside of his right thigh. His left hand was under her skirt, sliding up to the top of her leg before returning to just above her knee. Her skirt covered the hand from view.

Her left hand held the back of his neck, pulling him close. His right hand lay across her neck, his fingers stroking her exposed skin below her hairline. They kissed with ferocious intensity as if it might be the last kiss they would ever have. I paused, unable to take my eyes off the tableau before me, about fifteen feet away. On the table in front of them sat a beer, the head long gone but the glass still almost full. In front of her sat a cup of coffee, also not touched. They looked like props on a film set. I sat at a table about twenty feet away and pulled out my paperback novel. I pretended to read, peering over the top of the page to observe their congress.

He looked to be in his mid to late thirties, A tad overweight but with a full head of hair and well dressed. She looked a bit younger, late twenties or maybe early thirties. Slim and smartly dressed, a junior executive or mid-level administrator, I decided. I thought about their situation. Evidently passionate about each other, evidently unable to release all that pent-up passion since they had limited time and no hotel room. I guessed they met here frequently and indulged in as much physical contact as they could get away with in public. It occurred to me that I could help resolve the one issue that would make all the difference, the lack of a hotel room. 

They looked as if they needed about ten minutes on top of just one of the beds in my room! I prepared to be met with hostility if and when I disturbed them but I figured I could withstand that and get through to them that I wanted to help. I had no real ulterior motive, I simply wanted to help.

I closed the book and approached the table.

“Excuse me. I think I can help you.”

They broke apart. The lady grabbed her coffee. It looked cold. He glared at me, obviously annoyed that someone had disturbed them in their private embrace.

“What? What do you want?”

He reacted exactly as I expected so I did not react to his hostility.

“Would you like to use my room?” I asked politely.

He glared at me for a moment until she put her hand on his forearm. She spoke quietly.

“Why would you do that?”

“I have two double beds in my room and I don’t need either of them until about three o’clock. I’d be happy to let you use one of them for as long as you need.”

“I asked you why?”

“Because you look as if you need a room and I have one. No other reason. Just being kind. It’s me, I guess.”

I laughed a little as I said my last few words. I held the key card and moved my hand toward her. She looked at the card, looked at me then looked at him.

“Come on, Greg, let’s go.”

She stood and pulled Greg out of his seat. He looked reluctant, unsure of the situation but she had evidently heard enough to convince her I had no ulterior motive. 

“Which room?”

“One-four-nine. This floor, though the fire doors and turn right.”

She moved to the side of her chair, extended her hand to me and said, “Show me.”

I didn’t think I needed to show them the way. The directions I had given them were simple enough and the room was not difficult to find. I led the way, holding the fire door open to allow them through. I pointed along the corridor. I followed them past seven doors.

“This one, on the left.”

The lady slipped the key card into the slot, the door lock clicked and she pushed the door open. She entered the room and he followed close behind her. I turned to return to the lounge, trusting them enough to return the key when they had finished whatever it is they planned to do.

“You too, Mister Kind Man. You get to watch.”

“Seriously? Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. It’s something we have talked about already and you win the jackpot. You are the first to put us in a position to allow this fantasy of Greg’s to be fulfilled. Come on in. We have forty minutes.”

As a thirty-four-year-old pilot, I have been around and seen and done a lot of things that most people would never dream of. The airline I work for, like most others, provides an annual supply of nubile, impressionable, attractive and often accommodating young women, and men, of course, every spring. I had been taking advantage of this endless supply of fresh faces since I joined the airline four years previously. I had taken advantage of my square-jawed good looks and enjoyed the low-hanging fruit on offer. A few drinks, a few flattering words, a lot of attention, some sympathy, some worthwhile advice, some empathy, understanding and patience, and I had an almost endless supply of sexual partners a decade or more younger than me. I am not ashamed of my indiscriminate behaviour since I am single and will probably remain that way until I tire of having enthusiastic sex with nubile twenty-somethings. Long may it last. This, however, was something new.

I closed the door behind me, folding the safety device over the bolt to prevent the cleaning crew from entering. I turned to see Greg shucking off his jacket. The lady slipped off her jacket and flung it on the bed with the crumpled covers. The other bed had not been used. He flung his jacket on top of hers. She unzipped her skirt, and he unzipped his trousers. I sat in the chair by the window, the light behind me, the better to observe the upcoming display. The trousers and skirt joined the jackets. Shirts and pants followed seconds later until they were both naked, standing by the unused bed. She stood almost as tall as him, her shoes had maybe three-inch heels. He kicked his loafers off, she kept her high heels on.

They embraced, hard, close, firm bodies mashed against each other. His erection looked ready for action. The Lady leaned back, pulling him with her. She dropped back on the bed, her body flat, her legs open as he knelt on the bed between her outstretched thighs. He spat on his hand and transferred the saliva to the head of his fairly sizeable cock. She did the same, transferring her spittle to her vagina. He shuffled forwards on his knees, his cock in his right hand. She held her lips open for him, inviting him in. He aimed, lunged and ploughed into her eagerly awaiting pussy, one thrust, deep, right up to the hilt. Lady moaned and looked at me, our eyes locking as she smiled. Her mouth opened, her tongue protruded and she made as if to lap some unnamed liquid into her mouth. My cock twitched.

Greg concentrated on fucking her to the best of his ability. He stroked slowly in and out, his arms rigid on either side of her breasts. His knees on the bedcover between her upraised legs. She had her ankles resting on his shoulders, splaying her sex wide open for the onslaught. He looked down at the conjunction of their bodies, watching his glistening cock slide in and out of her hairless pussy. I had an erection, hard, demanding, rigid, and in need of release. I had not been this turned on since my Chemistry teacher, Miss Fitzackerly, had fucked me in sixth form college.

Lady’s head rolled from side to side. She moaned and spoke words of encouragement to Greg. He ploughed on, driving deep into her with each stroke. Her hips rolled up, forcing him inside her ever deeper. Her head turned in my direction, once again, she opened her mouth and licked her lower lip, making as if to swallow something. Her left arm moved from Greg’s hip. She pointed at me and curled her index finger, motioning me to her. I stood up. She put her forefinger in her mouth and sucked. I got the message. I dropped my trousers, shucked off my T-shirt and pants and approached the bed. Greg continued to plough into her pliant body. He didn’t look at me or acknowledge my presence. Lady’s right hand flashed across her clitoris, spreading moisture all over herself and Greg’s lower body. As I approached the bed, Lady shook and shuddered as her orgasm ripped through her. Her body became rigid, not pliant as moments before. Greg continued, faster, harder, grunting with the exertion as his climax exploded with him grunting and shaking as he blasted into her. He had lasted about three minutes, which considering the situation and urgency might not be so unexpected. 

Lady reached for me as he pulled out and hurried to the bathroom. She reached for my cock, pulling me to her. I stepped closer and her head moved more sideways, my cock slipped into her open mouth and she sucked. Oh, how she sucked!

I came about two minutes after the initial contact. I had never come so quickly in my life. Her hand had pumped, her lips gripped, her tongue swirled and her cheeks hollowed as she sucked me into her voracious mouth. Her right hand caressed my balls, toyed with my ring, pressed, relaxed, probed and scratched around the tight ring of dark muscle. I felt powerless to resist and indeed, made no effort to do so. I wanted this, wanted this abrupt and spontaneous orgasm to run its course. I relaxed and let it happen. She slipped her forefinger inside, just one knuckle and I felt the trigger released as she entered. I felt the abrupt explosion deep within me, unsure of its origin but relishing the heat and adrenaline that coursed through my body. I shook and roared my approval, shooting several strong blasts of hot semen into her mouth. She continued sucking, shaking, moaning, cumming once again as Greg returned from the bathroom. He turned and looked at me as he came closer. He frowned as Diana licked the last drops of cum from the tip of my cock. 

I stepped back as she let my now diminishing erection slip from her mouth. Greg slumped into one of the chairs, Lady remained flat on the bed, her long, lean body stretched as she put her arms over her head. She looked at Greg and smiled. Then she smiled at me. I dropped onto the bed beside her, my hand resting on her left hip. 

“That was amazing,” said Greg.

“Fucking awesome,” said Lady.

They looked at me as if expecting me to add to the expressions of appreciation.

“What’s your name, Lady?”

“Diana, like the princess.”

Lady Diana Spencer had only recently married the heir to the British throne.

“Pleased to meet you. I’m Jeff. Jefferson to my Mum.”

“Likewise, pleased to meet you. Could I have some water?” asked Diana.

“Sure. You need to wash that away?”

“Not at all. I love the taste and feel of cum in my mouth. I’m just thirsty, that’s all.”

“So tell me a little about your situation. Why the meetings in this hotel at lunchtime?”

“Greg is married and has the most awful wife. I am married to the most awful husband. We work in a bank in Ringwood. I’m his boss. He’s my Assistant Manager. We’ve been lovers for three weeks and only twice managed to have sex, both times in his car but it’s too small and too exposed hence, too quick! We come here to do what we can. We sometimes manage to have an orgasm if it’s not too busy in the lounge, well, I do. Greg’s worried about the mess. What about you. What are you doing here?”

“I fly for Centerline. I’m here for three days. Night flights to Greece. If you want to stay the night, you can. I’ll be away from eight-thirty tonight until seven tomorrow morning.”

Greg spoke up.

“Thanks, but we can’t. As Diana said, we’re both married, however badly. We have to be home at night. We have an hour every lunchtime and make the most of it. We asked about an hourly rate here but they told us to fuck off. Well, almost. How long are you staying?”

I laughed a little, a chuckle. They smiled.

“Two more days. I check out on Friday night before the flight to Corfu. If you want to come tomorrow and Friday at lunchtime, I am happy to repeat the performance, if you are.”

They exchanged glances. Diana nodded and Greg agreed.

“That would be fantastic, thank you. Do you have condoms? I’m ovulating right now but I’d love for you to fuck me tomorrow. Greg would like to film us if you don’t mind. Is that OK with you?”

I paused, unsure if I wanted to become a porn star. I decided that even if it was seen by their friends, I was unlikely to be recognised by anyone that mattered.

“Okay, just don’t use my name.”

“Great. Can we meet you in the lounge at twelve-thirty?” asked Diana.

“I’ll be here,” I replied.

Greg went to the bathroom. He returned a minute later and began to dress. Diana followed suit, spending a lot longer in the bathroom. I wrapped a towel around my waist and stood near the door as they prepared to leave. Greg led the way, shaking my hand as he passed. Diana followed, gripping my hand and kissing me full on the lips. Her tongue darted into my mouth. She stepped back and said,

“Tomorrow then. Twelve thirty. Don’t forget the condoms.”




The flight to Athens went according to schedule, there and back. We took off just before the airport closed at five to ten p.m. Flight time to Athens in still air is about three hours and forty-five minutes. We arranged the take-off time to get us back to Manchester for the early morning opening time of six o’clock. I got into bed at six forty-five and slept until twelve. I showered and made it to the restaurant by ten past twelve. Another light salad with coffee sufficed for lunch. At twelve-thirty, I walked into the lounge. Greg and Diana sat at the same table, no drinks in evidence this time. I nodded and produced my key card. I motioned for them to follow me. I hung the ‘Do not Disturb’ sign outside the door.

I turned to see both of them undressing with the same haste as they showed yesterday. Greg stepped away from the bed, went to Diana’s voluminous handbag and produced a handheld movie camera. I recognised it as a Canon Zoom 318. He left the handle stowed and placed it on the windowsill, good light streaming into the room. He made a few settings and rejoined Diana, now naked, on the bed. She immediately began to caress and fondle him while he held her shoulders and hips. They kissed once again as they did before. 

Diana turned to me and said,

“Jeff, get naked, join us, please.”

They rolled onto the bed, embracing, kissing with the same passion and intensity as yesterday. I undressed and moved closer to the bed. It had already become evident that Diana dominated the pair, she had control. She held out her hand and pulled me towards her. 

“Get behind me, Jeff. Stroke my breasts and back.”

We lay together, Diana facing Greg, her strong body sandwiched between two men with solid erections. Mine lodged in the crack of her arse. Diana had trapped his erection between her legs. They kissed. I did as instructed, massaging her full breasts and stroking her back and shoulders. I pinched her nipples, rolling them to and fro. She moaned but I had no way of knowing if I had been the reason or Greg’s passionate kisses, or maybe his erection between her legs. It didn’t matter. It served to arouse the sexual tension between us. 

“I want you two to spit roast me. Greg, you can come in my mouth. I want to fuck Jeff. Is that okay with you both?”

I moved as if to kneel on the bed. Greg hesitated. I imagined that he had spoken about this happening but had perhaps not realised that the reality might give him reason to pause and reconsider. Diana evidently sensed his reluctance.

“Greg, come on. We talked about this. It’s what we both wanted. Jeff deserves this. Don’t back out now, Darling, please. He’ll have a condom so he won’t actually be touching me in there, will he? Come on, we want this, and so do you. Relax and let it happen, Greg, Darling.”

Diana’s slightly pleading tone and what sounded eminently sensible argument to me turned out to be enough to overcome his reluctance. He knelt up and moved to her head. Diana got on all fours and looked behind her. I had already begun to unwrap the condom, rolling it down the length of my erection. I had glanced at Greg’s equipment several times and noted that mine had about an inch in length advantage but he had some extra girth. I wondered which Diana would prefer! Diana put her left hand on the cheek of her arse and pulled, exposing her pink pussy to my lustful gaze. I edged closer, lowered the head of my cock to make contact with her outer lips and thrust, slowly, gently, overcoming the slight tension in her pussy muscles until I had my cock lodged deep inside her. She smiled back at me. I returned the smile and looked down at her beautiful backside. The globes of muscle shook each time I drove into her.

Greg stood at the side of the bed, his cock level with her mouth. Diana repeated the moves she had made for me yesterday. Greg told her to hurry. Diana stopped, turned her head and looked up at me, holding eye contact. She smiled, approving of my steady fucking rhythm, the beats about in time with the hit of the time, Macarena. I did vary it a bit, slowing down, pausing even to let the sensations subside a little. I had time to savour this beautiful experience. I did not feel the need to hurry, nor did she apparently. Diana returned to sucking on Greg’s naked erection. I couldn’t help noticing that it flagged a little, below the horizontal, for sure. She bobbed her head and sucked, making appreciative noises. Greg began to grunt, a precursor to his orgasm, as I had heard yesterday. Greg roared his appreciation and blasted his ejaculation directly into Diana’s sucking mouth. She sucked and swallowed, pumping his cock until he had drained every drop he had into her hungry mouth. He pulled back and went to the bathroom.

Diana also moaned as she swallowed his emission. Her hips swayed left and right. She began to thrust back against me, keeping time with me. The volume and pitch of both groaners increased. Diana began to shake, shudder and rock her body as her orgasm ripped through her. I increased my tempo, determined to finish close behind her upcoming orgasm. I felt the release, deep down somewhere inside me, expanding, rushing outwards like a ripple of energy, reaching every nerve ending as I exploded inside her. I pulsed, jerked, and drove in hard and deep, rocking my hips to ensure I had also drained my balls inside her hot body. I pulled back, holding onto the condom, feeling replete, complete, drained and satisfied after an incredibly intense orgasm. I fell to my left, alongside Diana who lay diagonally across the bed. Greg emerged from the bathroom and moved to the table by the window where he switched the camera off. They had fifteen minutes of high-class porn to amuse themselves in their future somewhere.

Greg sat in the chair once again. Diana visited the bathroom and ran the shower. I spoke to Greg meanwhile.

“Will you two get together, do you think?”

“Probably not. Diana’s husband is a politician and she lives in some style in a mansion with a gardener, a housekeeper and so on. She has a two-year-old son and is trying to get pregnant again. I’m surprised she insisted on you wearing a condom, really.”

“Maybe she thinks you would be less reluctant when I wear one. I can see her point.”

“I’ve already accepted the fact that she will not leave her husband but we will continue for as long as we can. We only just got started, as you can tell.”

Greg laughed quietly. 

“It’s a pity we can’t get to use a room here every weekday. That would be awesome. Do you do these stopovers in Manchester very often?”

“No, about once every two months. But listen. I can find out who’s doing the Monday to Wednesday next week and ask him if he could arrange to do the same for you. You might have to have sex with him to make it worth his while. If it works out then you can ask him to arrange the same deal with the Wednesday to Friday layover.”

I spoke half in jest, not expecting Greg to jump at the chance.

“Would you do that? Fuck, that would be awesome.”

Diana emerged from the bathroom. She wore a towel tied around her waist, her breasts uncovered, as most men would wear one. She had stunningly beautiful breasts so perhaps she enjoyed showing them off. They sat high, globular and firm on her chest. Her slightly defined six-pack ran down to her navel.

“Darling, Jeff says he will ask whoever is staying here next week to try and arrange the same set-up. Lunchtimes in his room. What do you think?”

“Will I have to fuck him too?” she laughed.

“It might be a she. We do have some female first officers, six or seven, I think. But hey, no harm in asking whoever it is. I should tell you that some pilots will say no. Some have principles, wives, religion, morals and other reasons for not screwing a beautiful twenty-something however great an opportunity is presented to them.”

“I’m thirty-three. Same age as Greg,” replied Diana. 

“Wow. Well, you could have fooled me.” I replied.

“Greg, do you want a shower? We need to go soon.”

“Yes, I will have a quick one. You sure you don’t mind, Jeff?”

“Not at all, Greg. Go ahead. I won’t join you!”

We all laughed at my weak joke. Greg entered the bathroom. Diana dropped the towel on the rumpled bed and began to dress. Watching her dress turned me on almost as much as when she got naked. 

“Greg tells me you want another baby. Do you want it to be Greg’s?”

Diana paused as she buttoned her shirt. She looked at me and gave me another of her dazzling smiles, lots of teeth on show, wide and sparkling. I could easily become hooked to this woman given half an ounce of encouragement.

“I don’t mind one way or the other. I only screw my husband about once a fortnight just so that if I do get pregnant I won’t have to lie to him. He’ll assume it’s his since he assumes I am faithful to him.”

“I see. Does Greg look anything like your husband?”

“Not really. But my husband looks a lot like you, come to think of it. Can we screw tomorrow without the condoms? I am right in the middle of my fertile period so maybe you could be a sperm donor for me. You’d never know, then again, nor would I since it is most likely to be Greg’s. What do you think?”

“I don’t see a problem with that. I’ll be sure to have some extra protein for dinner.”

“Great. You are being such a good sport about all this. I only wish we could thank you in some way.”

“Diana, having orgasms like I never had orgasms before is more than enough reward for me.”

“Greg, I was just telling Jeff that I don’t want him to wear a condom tomorrow. That way we will never know who the father is if I do become pregnant. I shagged Stephen last night so it might even be him!”

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“Whatever you say, Darling. It’s your choice. Thanks, Jeff, you are one of a kind. So we will see you tomorrow, same time?”

“Yes, I’ll be here. Take care. I’ll get some sleep now, just pull the door closed behind you.”




The flight to Rhodes went exactly like the previous night’s Athens. Just a fifteen-minute longer flight each way. We landed back in Manchester pretty much on time so it was straight to the room, a quick shower and into bed, curtains were drawn and five hours of much-needed sleep. At twelve-thirty, I stepped into my room behind Diana and Greg, expectant, anticipating the upcoming event with some degree of excitement. Instead of ripping their clothes off, they sat in the two small armchairs on either side of the round table. They looked troubled.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

Diana dropped her heavy bag on the floor.

“Greg fucked up. He put the camera on his desk and went to eat dinner. His kids finished while he and Susan sat chatting at the table. His eldest walked in twenty minutes later and asked, well, you tell him, Greg.”

“He said, Daddy, what are you doing to that woman on the television? And who is the man you’re with? He’s eight and has been told on pain of death not to go in my study.”

“I trust he’s still alive,” I replied.

“Yes, but Susan has thrown an absolute fit. She has gone stark raving mad. She’s threatened to cut off my dick at least three times. Luckily, I still have it.”

“How come your son got to see the video?”

“I’m so stupid. I hooked the camera up to the TV and set everything ready to play the movie. I wanted to do some editing and add some music. Susan called us for dinner and I left it without shutting the camera off. I turned the TV off but forgot about the camera. Derek must have gone in and turned on the TV. I guess it was about the time I shot my load into Diana’s mouth.”

“Oh, fuck. That is not good. That is not good. No eight-year-old should have to see that sort of thing. What happens now?” I said.

“Susan knows who Diana is, they’ve met a few times with work parties and so on. It’s you she’s more bothered about. She wants to know if we’ve had sex!” Greg sounded bitter.

“I trust you told her the truth.”

“Yes, she knows we’re lovers. No, of course not. I didn’t mention your name. I told her we didn’t know. That seemed to make her even more annoyed. Now she’s threatening to tell Stephen. She’s met him at the parties we mentioned.”

They looked at one another. They weren’t smiling. I got the feeling there was a, But or a However, about to come.

“So what did you tell her to persuade her not to?”

“Well, she wants to meet you. She watched the film twice and then she said. ‘I want some of that' and she pointed to your cock as you are going at it with Diana.” said Greg.

“Right. I see. And, so what happens now? Did you tell her I don’t live anywhere near Manchester?”

“Yes, I told her you are from London but she said it only has to be a one-time thing.” 

“So, when is this one-time thing supposed to occur? I check out later today.”

“Well, er, now. She’s in the car outside. Can I go and get her?”

I sat on the bed. I had met these two people only two days ago. I had enjoyed some fantastic, unforgettable sex with them, well, with Diana and now, all of a sudden, I am expected to perform with Susan. I have no idea what Susan is like, what she looks like or how she will react when she sees me. I only hope she is not a vindictive, revenge-driven madwoman! I owed them nothing but I had been the instigator that got them into this hole. I guess I had some obligation to try and help them out of it.

“I guess you’d better go get her then.”

Greg leapt up and shot out of the door. I went over and sat in the vacant chair adjacent to Diana. She sensed my reluctance. 

“She’s really very nice. She’s just so shy and well, straight-laced. She only ever lets Greg screw her in the missionary position and she never has an orgasm. According to Greg, she was a virgin when they met and he is the only man she’s been with. So I was as surprised as you are when he told me about her ultimatum.”

“I hope this doesn’t turn ugly. I hope she genuinely just wants to get her revenge on Greg and that it doesn’t become personal, or worse still, physical.”

“She’s tiny. Don’t worry. She is as quiet as a church mouse most of the time. I’ll get the door.”

Diana rushed to answer the knock. A tiny woman, about four feet nine inches tall, entered the room, followed by a sheepish-looking Greg. She walked toward me, extended her arm and said, “I’m Susan. What’s your name?”

“I’m Jeff. I’m very pleased to meet you.”

We shook hands. Firm and brief.

“Really? I imagine you are not only dismayed to meet me but also annoyed at having to deal with a very annoyed stranger who had no idea of your existence until last night.”

“Er, well, no, not at all. I’m sure everything will turn out fine. I’m not sure of the protocol here just now so perhaps you’d like to tell me what it is you want to do.”

Susan began to unbuckle a rather smart raincoat, a Burberry, I think. Underneath, she wore nothing. She threw the coat onto the dishevelled bed I had already slept in. She stepped over to the other bed and pulled the top covers down to the floor at the foot of the bed, exposing the tightly fitted bottom sheet. She sat on the bed and said,

“What I want is to show this moron what he is missing. He has done nothing for the past seven years to encourage me to be anything other than a complaint fuck-doll. He has no idea about foreplay. He has no idea about the female orgasm. He has no idea about the sexual needs of his wife. All he ever did was take my virginity after we both drank too much, make me pregnant and have the decency to marry me when I was three months pregnant. Since then, he’s been totally fucking useless. Useless at fucking too. Haven’t you, Greg? And yet here you are with the glorious Diana, fucking her and somehow, apparently, pleasing her enough to allow you to strike up this liaison with her for the past month. Just how did that happen, Diana? How did he persuade you that his lovemaking ability is worthy of consideration? He’s fucking useless, believe me. All he can do is shag, missionary position shagging is all he is interested in. That he blew his load in your mouth yesterday comes as a complete shock to me. I’ve tried to get him to come in my mouth a dozen times and every time it ends in failure. He seems to think that because I’m a Catholic I can’t be interested in giving head or getting my pussy eaten by a man. Idiot. He has never once even suggested that he might like to give me head, not once in seven years.

Jeff, please don’t wait to join me. I need some cock to suck and yours looks like the biggest cock I have ever seen. So what are you waiting for?”

I looked at Greg as he stood near the door with a hangdog, a sheepish expression on his face, if there is such a thing. I looked at Diana seated demurely in the chair, close to me. She had the slightest hint of a smile on her lips. I looked at Susan, leaning on her elbow, waiting for me to move. She smiled at me, her eyes ablaze, green and bright. She looked elf-like, a miniature woman in every respect. She has all the right curves in all the right places. I estimated she is about thirty. Her weight I would put at around ninety pounds, wringing wet. Her breasts sat firmly on her chest, no droop, no sag, not much more than an A cup, I guessed. Her pubic hair, what little I could see of it, appeared to be almost ginger, matching the red hair on her head. It frizzed around her head in a sort of ball, a red Afro almost. Not often a loss for words, I hesitated.

“Er, right. Well, if that’s the deal I guess I’d better honour it, whatever that means. I am not one to forego the offer of a blowjob from an attractive young woman so I guess I’d better get started.”

I stood and undressed. I didn’t have what I would call a full erection yet but my cock felt plump as it sprang free from my Kalvin Klein's. I looked at Greg. He had not moved, simply observed the activity from his position near the door. Diana had made no move to join in the festivities. I guessed it would be just me and Susan while they spectated. I knelt on the bed near Susan’s head. She turned and without hesitation, took my cock in her hand guiding the head directly into her open mouth. Greg looked on, apparently unable to react to the verbal onslaught from his tiny wife. 

I didn’t give a shit one way or the other since I now had a warm, soft, pliant mouth sucking the crown of my dick, a firm tongue slurping under the head, hot lips sucking me into a slippery mouth. Fingers scratched at my ball sack, fingers probed at my ring-piece and soft murmurs emanated from the woman lying below me, appreciative murmurs of pleasure as she enjoyed herself. I let her get on with it. I turned and saw Diana observing Susan’s oral repertoire. Susan’s spare hand went to her pubic mound and stroked. Diana smiled and made eye contact with me.

“Diana. Get your clothes off and come here. I have the feeling that Susan needs some of your oral expertise.” I said.

Susan murmured louder, despite her mouth engulfing my cock. She looked toward Diana and nodded her head. Greg hadn’t moved. Diana stood, undressed in a moment and joined us on the bed. Susan rolled onto her back, her legs splayed. I knelt next to her head. She kept my cock in her mouth as she moved, gripping the shaft with both hands as Diana positioned herself between her legs. Diana lowered her head and shoulders until she got herself into position to assault Susan’s clitoris. Her tongue made firm contact, lapping and sucking as soon as she connected. Susan moaned once again, louder.

Susan pumped my cock into her mouth with both hands. The word voracious sprang to mind. She sucked, swirled her tongue, pumped with her hands and forced my cock deep into her mouth, hard up against the back of her throat. I can’t describe it as deep throat but as close as it gets without the actual entry to her throat, if you know what I mean. She whimpered, not simply moaning. Diana concentrated on her clitoris and pussy lips, her mouth and tongue worked hard, two fingers slipping and sliding deep into her almost hairless pussy. Susan has the tiniest ginger strip of pubic hair above her vagina, about two inches long and half an inch wide.

Minutes passed, pressure built, sensations peaked, adrenaline flowed, and orgasms approached. Susan began to hum. She vibrated from her hips down to her toes. Her upper body suffused pink as she came with a mighty roar, a shout, letting go of my cock as she did so. I had been this close to coming when she came. I grasped my cock and pumped twice, her head lying back and facing me, her mouth wide open as she cried out. I jetted five or six strong blasts straight at her. The first hit her on the cheek, splashing up over her forehead into her hair. The second I managed to get directly where I had aimed; into her mouth. She flinched when the first shot struck her face but held my hip as the last few ropes shot into her mouth. She closed her mouth around the head of my cock and sucked a few times, pumped my shaft and made sure I had nothing left in my balls to give her. She turned her head to Greg and with an exaggerated flourish, she swallowed.

Diana sat on her haunches, and began a little round of applause! The room went quiet. Diana lay next to Susan and stroked her belly, breasts and shoulders with her right hand. Susan turned her head the other way and they kissed. Diana licked my cum off Susan’s face. She used her finger to pull the short string of cum from her hair. She licked her finger clean. Their lips swirled and sucked and nipped and tucked as they swapped saliva and my cum between them. Diana’s hand slid lower, down to Susan’s pubis, cupping her sex with her strong fingers. Her middle finger disappeared inside and her hand began to rock back and forth.

Susan rolled onto her back once again. Diana rolled with her, laying her weight along Susan’s right side. Her hand curled, rubbed and slid over Susan’s pubic region. They continued to kiss, mouths locked, breasts squashed against each other. Susan lay with her right arm around Diana’s shoulders and her left hand squeezing her tiny breast, a mere handful of firm, pliant flesh. She rolled her nipple between her thumb and her fingers, pinching herself. Throaty rumbles emanated from her body as she approached her second orgasm in the space of five minutes. I sat at the end of the bed, watching the spectacle of two beautiful women making love not more than a foot away from me. Diana upped the tempo with her hand, rubbing furiously at Susan’s pussy lips and clitoris. Her hips began to buck, her knees shook, her legs trembled as the pitch of her humming got higher, the volume of her rumbles increased and she came, loud, long, violent and fantastic to watch!

Susan cried out, grabbed Diana’s head and clung to her, shaking her whole body as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her small body. Twenty seconds passed before she lay still. Her red hair had a ring of sweat around the roots, and her whole body glistened with the effort she had put into her orgasm. Once again, she and Diana kissed, stroked and murmured to each other as Susan came down from her orgasmic high. Greg had still not moved from his position leaning on the wall near the door. He had his hands in his pockets and had followed the action with intent interest.

It seemed our plan for me to attempt to impregnate Diana might have to be put on hold or cancelled since there would be no way of knowing how Susan would handle such an arrangement. I hoped nobody would broach the subject as I didn’t want to have to explain anything to Susan. Susan broke off from her caresses, and leaned up on her elbow, looked at Greg and said, “So now you see how it’s done, don’t you? I have asked you many times for oral sex but you always made some excuse. You even told me on several occasions that I wouldn’t like it! On the few occasions I sucked your dick you went soft on me, despite my best efforts. Did Jeff go soft? Did he end up wanking on my tits with a soft dick? No, so it has nothing to do with my oral skills, it’s your repressed juvenile obsession with my religion. Of course, that all stems from your religious upbringing, which you never talk about but your mother does. She told me about your obsessive masturbation, your lurid porn collection, your attraction to a few unsavoury subjects which I will not mention, to spare your already crimson blushes. The reason your sex life is a bag of worms, Greg, is because you have no concept of pleasing a woman other than the application of KY jelly, penetration, thirty seconds of thrusting, if I was lucky, your orgasm and obsessively cleaning your dick afterwards. Foreplay, what the fuck is that since we met? Did you see what Diana did with her hands, with her mouth, and what I am sure Jeff did yesterday with Diana? Did you ever stop to think that there is more than your narrow-minded and misogynistic approach to sex?

"Jeff, Greg told me that you were going to impregnate Diana today, along with his and Stephen’s load from yesterday, Diana will be filling up! How about you fuck me instead, if you still have the stamina. No need for a condom. My period is due tomorrow, regular as clockwork. What do I need to do to give you another erection?”

“I can help there,” said Diana.

She swung around on the bed and gripped my cock in her right hand. She lowered her head and took me straight into her mouth. The warmth, the wetness, the grip, the tongue, the teeth and her pumping hands combined to increase the blood flow into my cock and restrict the blood flow out! My cock swelled, grew, pulsed and hardened at the prospect of fucking this delightful woman laying a foot away from me, intently watching Diana’s mouth and my cock. She rested on her elbows, her legs splayed, still wet from the orgasm Diana had so recently given her. Diana moved her head up and said,

“He’s ready. Jeff, sit on the chair.”

Diana stood and led me to the chair, keeping a hold of my erection. I sat and as I did so, Susan climbed onto the chair and stood above me, her pussy level with my face. I held her hips and pulled her to me, my tongue extended, her pussy open and ready for me. I made sure my tongue carried plenty of saliva and spread it across her outer lips. She bent her knees. Diana held my stiff cock vertical as Susan lowered herself closer and closer. As her lips touched the head of my cock, she paused. Her arms rested on my shoulders, holding hands behind my head. She looked me in the eye and said, “Hello, Jeff. Kiss me.”

As I kissed her, she descended the final six inches onto my cock. The feeling of that hot, tight tube of womanly flesh gripping my cock as she engulfed it inside her body felt beyond description. I closed my eyes and savoured every second until she hit rock bottom, my cock lodged deep inside her. She remained motionless, just our lips and mouths moved, sucking, licking, swirling tongues, even teeth making contact occasionally. My hands held the globes of her arse. They were big enough to encompass almost the whole globe! My legs stretched out straight in front of me. Susan felt almost weightless as she rested her whole weight on my hips. After about a minute of silence and stillness, Susan began to move, just a little, rocking her hips back and forth. No up and down movement, not yet. Just back and forth, maintaining the depth, increasing the friction on her lips and clitoris. Her hands held me close to her, gripping my neck and the back of my head. The kissing became relentless, mashing lips hard, tongues gripping each other, hard, teeth knocking together, not too violently. Fluid rushed back and forth between us. She began to moan. Deep, low rumbling noises from down inside her. She rocked harder, pressing her clitoris hard against my pubic bone.

I have had women orgasm with almost no movement, but this felt like the most minimalist fuck I had ever experienced. She ground down hard and moved maybe an inch in either direction but it seemed as if it did the job for her. She just kept going, knowing her orgasm had already begun somewhere inside her. She ground on, not hurrying, just hard, relentless, grinding as her knees bent under her armpits with each stroke. She kept going, kept going, and her moaning increased in pitch and volume. She gripped my head more tightly. She opened her mouth to its fullest extent, sucking air into her lungs from around my mouth. Her knees dropped alongside my hips as she began to vibrate. Her head went back and she screamed, a real, loud, long and piercing scream. Her body shook, vibrated, shuddered and squirmed as her orgasm blasted through her tiny body. This went on for maybe twenty seconds until she slowed and eventually stopped shaking, her legs and arms relaxing around me.

“Can you carry me? Fuck me up against the wall,” she whispered in my ear.

“Yes, I think so. Are you sure you want me to come inside you?”

“Oh, God, yes, please.”

“Right you are, then. Hold tight around my neck.”

I stood up and moved to the wall beside the bed. The space between the bed and the wall looked to be about two feet. I needed a bit more so that I could lean against the wall, my legs braced behind me a bit. Greg leaned against the wall near the door. I needed to be there.

“Greg, take a seat, would you?”

Greg levered himself off the wall, looked around as if in a daze and did as I asked him. He sat next to Diana, who remained naked. I took his place against the wall, pushing the almost weightless mass of Susan hard against the wall as I leaned my weight into her, holding her arse in both hands. I bent my knees a few inches and began to stroke in and out. We resumed our kiss. I kept time with Macarena once again, in on every first beat, out on the second beat. Her pussy gripped and squeezed in time with my thrusts. For four or five minutes I concentrated on pleasing her. I made the right moves, banging my cock hard against her as she hung, impaled on my erection, gripping my neck and shoulders, hanging on for dear life as yet another orgasm approached. Her moaning began again, her squeezing around my cock meant I did not have far to go for my orgasm. 

I decided to try to come with her. I doubled the tempo, fucking her now on every beat of the tune in my head. She dribbled saliva onto her breasts as we kissed furiously, sucking, licking and biting now on each other’s mouths and lips. We came together. We both shouted, well, hers was more of a scream, on a par with her first only about ten minutes earlier. I blasted my cum deep inside her, filling her hot body with my equally hot juice. She shook and shuddered against me as I held tight to her backside, keeping her in place until we had both finished coming. She took a lot longer than me to come back to earth!

I turned, stepped to the bed and sort of fell, leaned, and sat as we clung on to each other, ending up lying on our sides on the bed, she still with her knees up near my armpits, me with my cock still embedded in her pussy and our mouths still glued together as the passion subsided!

“What time is it, Greg?” asked Diana.

“Five past one. We have twenty minutes. Why?”

“I want to find out how good you are at sucking my pussy. Believe me, Greg. If you fail to make me come, we are finished. I guess the few times we had sex already I hadn’t noticed your lack of expertise since I was in just as much of a hurry as you were. Now I hear the other side of the story from Susan and I am seriously thinking that I made a big mistake. I felt you going soft on me while I was sucking your dick yesterday while Jeff screwed me. Why is that? Now’s your chance to prove me wrong. Get on your knees and worship at the portal of lust, at the temple of Diana!”

Susan stopped kissing me and turned her head to better observe her husband at work. I wasn’t too bothered so I lay with my head on her shoulder, licking quietly at the sheen of sweat on her white skin. Greg got on his knees between Diana’s thighs. She spread her knees and scooted her backside forward on the chair. Her pussy sat at the edge of the chair, at about the perfect height for the kneeling Greg. 

Greg knelt, as ordered, but made no move towards her pussy. He studied it from a distance of about ten inches. I already knew that Diana had a neat pussy, the outer lips simple raised ridges about two and a half inches in length. The hood of her clitoris nestled at the upper end of her pussy, barely visible. Diana opened her legs wider. Her lips parted a little, exposing the inner lips. Greg looked mesmerised as he observed the unfolding labia in front of him.

“Greg, tell me you know what to do with what you see. Please.”

“Er, well. To be perfectly honest, I’m not a hundred per cent certain exactly where to begin. The truth is, I never did it before. You’re right, I suppose. I am not what I seem. I’m sorry I misled you and I’m sorry to you, Susan for not being honest with you all these years.”

“Greg, oh, Greg. What are we going to do with you?” said Diana.

Susan sat up, leaning on her elbow. 

“I’ll tell you what we’re going to do and if you say one word of disagreement, we are finished, you understand?”

Greg swallowed and nodded his head.

“Say it! Greg, say you agree or you can leave now and never see me again.”

“Er, right, yes, fine, I agree, whatever it is. I’m sorry, Susan.”

“You said that already. Here’s what will happen. I do not want you to leave me for Diana. Now that she knows just how useless you are, she will probably not want you anyway. From now on, you will spend your lunchtime breaks at our house. I will be waiting for you both to get naked and Diana and I will begin by giving you lessons in pleasing us both. You will have a lot to learn and you are only getting this chance because I am attracted to Diana in ways you will never understand.”

Diana smiled at Susan and gave her an encouraging thumbs-up.

“Now get up, get dressed and take Diana back to the bank. Jeff and I are going to have a siesta, aren't we, Jeff?”

Written by JeffersonMerrick
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