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The Wager

"There no such thing as a sure bet, but he sure was going to have fun now!"

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She really should have known better. Rochelle had decided this year to watch the Super Bowl with her boyfriend, James. She didn't know much about football, but she knew he was a big fan so she thought she would sit with him and see if she could grasp the fundamentals at least. James normally went down to his favorite sports bar to hang with his friends during his team's football games, but because Rochelle wanted to watch it with him and learn, he chose to stay home with her and watch it so he could teach her something about the game. She in turn, made them up some Super Bowl munchies to snack on during the game.

Rochelle knew that James favorite team was playing and she thought she would make the game interesting for him. "So who is playing in this Super Bowl?" she asked. James told her who the two teams were and where they were from. "Oh okay, well I know who you are rooting for, so I will pick the other team and root for them!" she said in a smart-alecky manner.

"Oh, is that so? Well maybe you'd like to wager on the game?" he said, playing along.

"Sure, what will we bet?" she asked. He thought about it for a minute. "How about if I win, I will dare you to do something and you have to do it. And if you win, I will do your dare?"

Rochelle and James often made little bets like this on different things. James usually won, and had Rochelle perform sexual favors for him. It was part of their sex life, and they both enjoyed it. This time would be different though.

"That sounds fair enough. You're on!" she said. They shook on it and Rochelle walked into the kitchen pretty sure of herself. She was going to have fun with this bet! She made her bet based on some stats she'd seen on television earlier in the day. The sports reporter seemed to know what he was talking about - he sounded pretty professional at least. She felt pretty confidant in her wager.

That Saturday was the big game and Rochelle laid out the spread on the living room coffee table. Chips and dip, hot wings, and an ample supply of his favorite beer were all in the ready.

The game started and was going just as Rochelle's sports reporter predicted. Her team was ahead by two touchdowns going into the fourth quarter and her team had the ball. But a fumbled turnover gave James's team the football and they wasted no time taking advantage, scoring a touchdown and extra point. Then a couple plays later, an intercepted pass gave James's team another touchdown, tying the game. Both James and Rochelle were excited about the way the game was tied and both were rooting for their teams to win. Then in the final moments of the game, Rochelle's team threw a pass which was intercepted and ran into the endzone for another touchdown and the game ended with Rochelle's team losing by six points!

"I win! I win!" James said excitedly, as Rochelle sat back on the couch with a little girl pout on her face. After losing the bet, Rochelle had assumed that James would want her to blow him in the car, answer the door naked, or some other kinky thing like that. He loved her to show off that way, and to be honest she loved doing it. Rochelle was an exhibitionist and had no qualms about flashing a boob or hiking her skirt and showing him that she wasn't wearing any undies. So long as they didn't get into trouble, she liked the adventure and "naughtiness" of publicly exposing herself. Plus, she knew how teasing him like that would always get James turned on and lead to great sex.

But after the game, when she asked him about it, all he said was, "You'll see."

As time went on, she'd brought it up on several occasions, but James just smiled. "Just wait, you'll see..." was his only answer.

About a month later, she'd actually forgotten about the bet, until he called her from work one day and they tried to decide what to do the coming weekend. They both lived on the south side of their town of Huntsville, Texas, and sometimes it was a little hard to find something fun to do. This was one of those times - they didn't have a lot of money, being between paydays, and there wasn't a lot going on. So they had to get creative!

"So what are we going to do this weekend?" she asked.

"Well I need to run down to Houston on Saturday for some things... wanna come with me?" he said.

"Sure! That sounds like fun. I haven't been out of Huntsville in forever!" she said.

"Good. I figured we could go and make a day trip of it. Have lunch someplace different and maybe do some other shopping while we're there," James said.

"Sounds good to me," she said.

"Okay I'll pick you up on Saturday and we'll go on a little road trip then. But I want you to do something for me," James said, with a playful grin.

"What's that?" Rochelle asked.

"You remember the Super Bowl game and the bet we made?"

"Yeaaah..." she said hesitantly. She didn't know where he was going with this, but it didn't sound good!

"Well, I've figured out what I want as my dare."

"And what is that?" she asked, wanting to know what he had in mind.

"Well, I need to go to the Willowbrook Mall in Houston and while we are there... I want you to flash so I can take a few pictures of you!" he said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You want WHAT??" she said, not believing what he was suggesting.

"You heard me. You made a bet and this is your dare. And you have to do it too because you lost the bet!" he said. "Unless you are going to cop out on the bet?"

"No, I'm no welcher!" she said, indignantly.

"Good. I'll pick you up Saturday morning then!" he said and hung up the phone.

"He can't be serious!" Rochelle thought to herself. He must be playing some kind of a joke. She put the idea out of her mind. James was always fond of practical jokes and his wild and crazy side was what first attracted her to him. This had to be another of his stunts, although she didn't see the funny in this one just yet!

The next couple days passed by uneventfully. She had almost forgotten about James peculiar phone call when, that Friday after noon, he called her again.

"Hi babe, I just wanted to remind you of tomorrow. We still going to Houston?" he asked.

"Sure, I'm looking forward to doing some shopping myself. I love going into the big city and getting away from Huntsville for a bit!"

"Good. You can wear whatever you like - it may be cool out. But no bra or panties - I want a good view of you when you flash me!" he said.

Rochelle groaned, realizing that he hadn't been joking and he was really making her do this! "Okay, James I'll do it... but only because I lost the bet and we will be in Houston, where nobody knows us!" She hung up the phone.

He was out of his mind. Did he really expect that she was going to go to a big public shopping mall and expose herself just so he could take some dirty pictures? And what was he planning to do with those pictures anyway?

Yet, the thought of walking naked through the crowd at the mall was kind of exciting.

Still though, this was the craziest idea he had ever come up with! James had pushed her to some pretty wild stuff in the past... opening the door naked for the pizza guy, skinny dipping in the apartment complex pool late at night... and she did those things willingly for him because they, in fact, turned her on as well. She was somewhat of an exhibitionist, but this was just insane.

She thought about calling him and telling him that she wasn't going to do it. But then, a bet was a bet. There'd been times when he'd lost too, and she made him do some pretty crazy stuff. There was the time that she'd made him masturbate in the park. There hadn't been anyone around of course, but still it had excited them both. Exhaling, she decided to at least try to complete the dare he had set out for her.

The next morning, she got up early to get ready for the trip. She showered and while she was in the shower she got a naughty little idea. If James wanted her to flash him so he could take pictures, she would give him something to take pictures of !

She got out her shaving cream and a new razor. She had kept her pussy fur trimmed usually anyway, so it wasn't too difficult to shave herself completely bare. She watched as her dark pubes fell away and her smooth silky peach emerged. It was wonderfully erotic and she ran her fingers over the newly de-nuded area. She made sure she was as smooth as she could safely get herself and when she was satisfied she was perfectly smooth she couldn't help but masturbate.

Rochelle sat down on the little plastic seat in her shower and threw her legs wide apart. She flipped the lever in her shower to direct the water to her hand-held shower head and adjusted the head to a pulsing spray. With one hand she aimed the pulsing water jet onto her throbbing clit and with the other she shoved two fingers into her hungry hole. She finger-fucked herself to a quick but quite satisfying orgasm, the combination of the water and her fingers making quick work of her "itch".

A quick rinse and she got out of the shower and got dressed for the day's activities. She remembered what James had told her - she could wear whatever she wanted so long as she didn't wear a bra or panties. Because of a mild winter and an early spring, the temperatures that spring were higher than normal, with that particular Saturday supposed to get to 74F degrees (23.3 C). So Rochelle decided that she would wear her white camisole top and her short jean skirt. This would allow her to be able to give him the flashing he wanted easily, but let her cover up quick in case someone tried to see what they were doing. She picked out her cork wedges to go with her outfit giving her the "casual country" look.

Dressed, she stepped back and took stock of herself in the full-length mirror on her sliding closet door. At five foot six inches tall, Rochelle had long, dishwater-blonde hair that fell down her shoulders like a waterfall until it reached a bit below her shoulder blades. She had soft, green eyes that you just wanted to swim in all day long. Her smile could warm a snowman's heart and it was all wrapped up in a heart-stopping 36D-27-36 package!

Rochelle turned this way and that, inspecting her looks. Then standing square to the mirror, she "flashed" herself, pulling her top down. Her large, tear-drop shaped breasts, capped by dollar-sized pink areole and already hardening nipples, stood up by themselves. She giggled at her reflection. Rochelle took care of her breasts, and thought they were one of her best features... to which James readily agreed.

Continuing the inventory in the mirror, she raised her skirt and saw her now naked pubic area between her thighs. Her legs, shapely from regular workouts ran down to the wedge shoes with her red painted toes sticking out of the front.

Rochelle turned, to see her bare ass... she looked hot... no, not hot... horny would be more the word. Standing there in her "casual country" she looked quite cute and she hoped that James would feel the same way.

That was it. She was ready.
Closing her eyes, she imagined the scene, for a moment. Walking through the mall, never knowing just when he would tell her to drop her top or raise her skirt and "flash" him, letting him take dirty pictures of her right in public. Who would be around? Would they stare at her naked body. She moistened at the thought, wetting her inner thighs slightly. The idea turned her on, she had to admit that to herself, but still... she couldn't actually go through with it.

Could she? Her nipples tingled, growing erect. Running a palm slowly over her taught belly, she moved it towards the warmth between her legs. Unconsciously, her index finger reached her clit and she pressed lightly... watching her young hot body shiver in the mirror. Her breathing came heavier. If only she could do it, she thought to herself, watching her breasts rise and fall.

Before she could talk herself out of it, she walked downstairs, grabbed her keys from the hook in the kitchen and left the house, locking the door behind her and waiting for James on the front porch.

She shivered... not from the cold. It was plenty warm already that day and would get warmer still. She was shivering from fear, and excitement. Wetness rolled down her inner thighs and her nipples pulled at her. Rochelle decided she had better sit down before her weak knees gave out on her.

She sat there thinking about what she was doing. As she waited for James, she tried to imagine how the day would go. She pictured herself in a mall surrounded by people. Her and James are walking along and he spots a "photo op". He tells her to stand here and then flash him. As she stands there exposing herself, people gasp and point, whispering to each other.

Suddenly, Rochelle started to chicken out. She was just about to stand up and go inside to call James and tell him to forget it, when she saw him coming up the street in his 1969 Pontiac GTO convertible. It was too late to back out now.

"Hi 'Chelle, you ready to go?" James asked.

"Yeah... I guess so," she said.

"You don't sound too sure - you don't want to do this?" he asked.

"I'm... just a little... nervous is all," she said.

James turned in his seat to face her. "Sweetheart, you know I love you more than anything and I would never do anything that would hurt you in any way. We are going to Houston, but if you don't want to go through with this dare at any point, you just say the word and it will stop. I can find something else to dare you with, okay?" he said.

"Okay. Thank you James. You know I'm no prude, but this is... we'll see how it goes," she replied with a soft smile.
They took off from her house and headed to Houston. It was an 80 mile trip to Houston from Huntsville and would take them about an hour and a half, if traffic wasn't too bad.

The plan was that the pair would head south on Sam Houston Ave and take it two and a half miles until they got to Route 19 south. Then merge onto Route 19 and drive one and a half miles until they reach the I-45 which would take them the rest of the way to Houston.

The Sam Houston Avenue leg was a little busy, but James expected that since it was going through the middle of Huntsville. They wouldn't be on the highway until they merged onto Route 19. They got through it easily enough though and before she knew it, they were coming up on Route 19 onramp. Once he had gotten them on the highway, it was time to start the fun.

He slid his hand over her knee, parted her legs, and ran his hand up the inside of her thigh as the traffic thinned, her legs splayed wide, her skirt hiked up and her pussy in full view.

James looked in the rear view mirror and saw a trucker approaching in the right lane, and he slowed the car to allow him to pull alongside. With it as warm as it was, James had put the top down before he picked Rochelle up and now the trucker could look down and see Rochelle's long tan legs, her soft thighs and his hand playing with her pussy.

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Sliding his hand up cupping her big full tit, feeling her hard nipple, he said "You fucking love the way I put you on display like this don't you slut?"

She moaned her answer, hiking her skirt higher and spreading her legs for him, allowing the trucker to take a long look at her beautiful pussy.

The trucker came up to his exit and showed his appreciation of the show by laying on his air horns. James looked over at her and she was smiling and gently rubbing her pussy. "Chelle, you really are a naughty little slut for me, aren't you," he said, with a mischievous grin.

"Mmm hmm," Rochelle giggled softly.

James knew that they still had some time before they got to Houston and so he decided to play with her a bit.

"Put your seat back all the way and lay it back a little," he said. She reached down and moved the lever to scoot her seat backwards, then leaned it back. When she was done, he slipped his hand between her legs and pulled them apart. Rochelle spread her legs as wide as she could in the cramped car interior, and James slid his hand up her leg until he found her damp heated pussy.

"I really like this shaved little slut pussy," he said, rubbing a finger between her wet, swollen lips.

Rochelle moaned and closed her eyes, giving herself over to the sensations James was creating in her. He toyed with her pussy lips tugging on them gently, rolling them between his fingers and tracing little circles around them. He flicked his fingertip across her throbbing clit and rubbed back and forth across the sensitive button, sending little lightning bolts of pleasure racing up her spine.

Rochelle's pussy was soaked and she was pushing up against his fingers trying to coax him into entering her. James smiled mischievously... he loved getting her worked up like this! He loved teasing her and keeping her moaning and writhing.

Rochelle's hand moved down to press on his. "Oh, do you want more, my little slut?" he said teasing her further.

"Please..." she whined softly.

"What's that? I couldn't hear you... the wind you know!" he said. James heard her just fine, he just wanted to draw her out more.

"Please, James... please go in... " she cried a little louder.

"Tell me. Tell me what you want, 'Chelle," he said.

"Ohhh James! Finger me! Finger my wet pussy!" she cried loudly. James smiled triumphantly as he pushed two fingers into her hungry pussy. Rochelle kicked off her wedge-style shoes and put her feet up on the dash spreading them wider and allowing him better access to her most intimate spot.

James fingers twisted and churned inside her, curling around and touching all of her favorite places. Rochelle moaned and grabbed the headrest of her seat as she humped up at his hand. He manipulated her pussy as she rocked and ground her hips trying to help him touch her where she needed it.

"Oh James! Oh please... right there Oh god, I'm going to cum!" she cried out.
James immediately pulled his fingers out of her. "Not in my car you aren't!" he said.
She looked at him incredulously."W-what? What are you doing? Please James... please make me cum!"

"I will sweetheart... in due time. I just want to make sure you are hot and ready for today's fun!" he said. He let her cool off just a bit as they approached Houston. She sat her seat back up and scooted it forward as they got into town.

James and Rochelle wound their way through town to the Willowbrook Mall. James found a parking place that was away from other cars (he didn't want his "baby" scratched by some idiot parking next to him!) and they went into the mall. James went into the stores he needed to hit and once he got what he came for, it Rochelle's turn.

"Why don't we get something to eat?" he suggested. It was about lunchtime anyway, and the food court had some great offerings. They found a table in the outdoor seating area and they had a nice lunch together. After lunch, James threw away the trash and put the tray in its place and came back to the table.

"What's next?" Rochelle asked innocently.

"Funny you should ask!" he said, reaching into his shirt pocket and pulling out a small pocket digital camera.

"Here?!" she said, wide-eyed,"You want me to do it right here in broad daylight?"

"Pull your top down and show me those pretty tits, baby!" he said. She looked around quickly. Seeing no one close by, she did as he asked, pulling her top down and fishing her ample tits out.

"Now show me that bald little beaver I was playing with on the way down here!" he said. She smiled and pulled up her jean skirt to flash him her pussy. James clicked off a couple pics and she straightened her clothing back up. She looked around again and no one seemed the wiser.

With lunch over, they decided to walk around the mall a bit. She wanted to do a little shopping herself and he had some more pics he wanted. They hit a few select shops and James talked her into a few more pics. Rochelle was really getting into flashing him too - even suggesting a few pics herself. She found herself getting wet as she exposed herself, getting more daring with every shot. She flashed her tits and her pussy and even bent over as if tying her shoe to show off her ass to his camera. James shot picture after picture until he had a good 20 to 25 shots of her.

"Well we'd better think about heading home," he said.

"Yeah it's been fun, but I'm getting tired," she agreed.

"One thing left to do before we head home, though."

"What's that?" Rochelle asked.

"I want you to go into that restroom and take everything off. Then we'll walk to the car and head home."

"You want me to walk through the mall and into the parking lot naked?" she said. She couldn't believe what he was asking of her!

"Yep," he said simply. He pointed to the ladies room, "The rest room is right over there."

Rochelle walked over to the ladies room in stunned silence. She didn't even remember going in there - she was so shocked by what James had tasked her to do she just went there automatically. She looked at herself in the mirror. Was she really going to do this? She knew that James wouldn't do anything to harm her and she trusted him implicitly. But this was far and above anything she had ever done before. The idea of walking through the mall naked was terrifying... so why was she so wet at the thought of it?
No, she lost the bet fair and square, and would live up to her end of the deal... just as she would expect him to do.

She opened the bathroom door and peeked out. James was sitting on one of the mall benches waiting for her. Not that many other people around... if she was going to indulge James's bet-fantasy by going out in public totally naked, this was as good a time as any. Rochelle pulled the door open wider, standing in the frame. She sucked in a deep breath and stepped out into the mall corridor.

She felt so naked, utterly exposed as her breasts swayed in front of her. Save for her heels, she was nude in front of the whole world! Her legs quivered and her sweet spot melted between them. God, what was she doing?

She walked across the corridor and handed James her clothes just as he had said. Then she turned and walked through the mall toward where they had parked. James fell back a bit to watch the show as Rochelle continued on her way.

As she walked through the mall, she noticed her reflection in the store windows. She shivered again - all around her, the world appeared usual. She saw the reflection of the stores behind her with people staring at her from their entrances.

But in the center of the reflection, she saw herself completely naked. She saw her large, uncovered breasts, and bare shoulders. She saw her long legs and her bare, exposed pussy. She looked somehow out of place... naked where she shouldn't be. Her pussy throbbed. Unable to stop herself, she again snaked a hand towards the heat between her thighs, and pressed at her clit, watching herself in one of the store windows.

She was totally nude, pressing her finger into her pussy right out in the open walkway of a public shopping mall! If she didn't stop, she wouldn't be able to stop. She would end up masturbating herself to orgasm right out here in broad daylight.

Hurriedly, she withdrew her hand from her dripping snatch and spinning her head around again, she tried again to see everywhere at once. Her nipples throbbed into hard nubs.

Rochelle continued on. She had to walk down one corridor, down an escalator, down another corridor and across a wide open central area to get out the front doors of the mall. Then she would have to cross the wide open parking area to get to the car. It was torture!

She was focussed on her path until she heard a sound she was hoping she would avoid.

"Hey Dave! Look at this!" the man yelled suddenly, waving at someone. Coming to the front of the little shop, another man suddenly appeared at the entrance and peered out.

Rochelle trembled. Her hands shook. Her nipples pulled at her.

"Holy shit!" the second man said.

Rochelle was mortified, scared, and excited all at the same time.

"Hey baby!" the first man said, as the second whistled. The two men began following her, laughing and tossing catcalls at her as they walked down the corridor towards the escalator.

Suddenly a third man appeared, stepping out of another store ahead of them, curious about all the noise.
"Lookit this!" he exclaimed, "that chick's fuckin' naked!"

Despite her fear, Rochelle's hand found its way between her thighs as she continued to walk, staring straight ahead, scared to death. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest.

She pressed herself, pushing her palm against her swollen clitoris... it felt dirty, and delicious, and she couldn't stop.

"God look at those tits!" she heard one of them exclaim.

Daring a look back, Rochelle turned her head to see the three men staring at her and following her... making rude gestures with their hands. One of them lifted two fingers to his mouth and slowly pushed his tongue between them.

"Man, I'd eat that pussy..." he said.

Her hand moved faster over her clit.

"Yeah baby, play with that sweet little pussy," one of them said.

"You're a hot little slut huh?" another one of them said, jeering.

Finally she made it to the escalator and rode it down one level to the main floor. She proceeded down the corridor and across the center open area and out of the mall, the crowd following her getting larger and rowdier with every step it seemed.

When she finally made it out of the mall, she thought she was in the clear. All she had to do was make it to the car and she would be done. But the parking lot had it's own fan base!

As she crossed the parking lot, she could hear the sounds of car tires screeching and people shouting whisting and catcalling at her. She saw little old ladies standing in shock as she passed by them while they loaded their cars. She never realized until then just how big the parking lot really was!

At last she made it to the car and got inside thinking she was free.

The seat felt strange, but not unpleasant beneath her bare ass. She shivered once more as a wet spot formed on the seat between her legs. Reaching for it, she diddled herself for a second.

It was so tempting to get herself off right here in the car. But, she was afraid that if she did that, James would be mad at her for making a mess in his car and getting her pussy juices all over his "baby". The feeling of excitement, the sexual tension of what she had just done made her high... she wanted it to last.
It was the sexually charged feeling that was pushing her on. She knew that as hot as she was, If she made herself cum, it would be a tremendous one.

She closed her eyes for a second, she played at her clit, just a moment more... it was torture... bringing herself so close to the edge, but then having to back off.

Opening her eyes again, her heart stopped. Through the passenger side window, a young man stood on the sidewalk, watching her. She knew he could plainly see her naked body, and hand between her legs.

Rochelle nearly came there and then.

The young man had been watching her masturbate; totally naked, in her car at the curb with a look of shock, and... oh, god, was it lust in his eyes? He'd doubtless never seen a naked woman masturbating in public before... just as she'd never been seen like that before.

Rochelle imagined that his cock had probably been as hard as iron in his pants at the moment... the very moment that their eyes had met, and she'd nearly cum all over herself in the seat.

Just then James showed up and started the car and pulled away... Rochelle watching the stunned young man in the rearview.

They headed out of the parking lot on their way home, and as she pictured the young man's face again, staring at her in disbelief, her pussy pulled... for a moment she was tempted to have James turn around, drive back, and see if he was still there.

Adrenaline raced through her... lighting her on fire. The sexual energy was incredible. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. Her body trembled and her pussy pounded, begging for relief.

She was sopping wet, and yet, she was frightened out of her wits. Her mind struggled with what she was doing.

On one hand, being seen... totally nude in public... playing with herself was the single, hottest thing she'd ever experienced in her life.

On the other, it was crazy and insane and it scared her. The mixture of emotions coursing through her veins was like an injection of a heady cocktail laced with sheer ecstasy and poison.

"So did you have a good time today?" James said as they reached the road that would take them to the highway home. His voice broke the sexual spell she was under.

"Oh James! That was the most exciting and terrifying thing I have ever done!" she exclaimed. "It was sooo HOT!"

"I can see that. You are going to have to clean that up young lady, when we get home!" James said, pointing to the puddle under her.

"Yes sir!" she said, blushing at her wetness, "Oh, but James that was incredible! At first I didn't think I could do it. Then when I started out, I was scared to death I'd get caught. Then when those men started following me and jeering and saying those things... fuck, I've never been so horny in all my life! It was all I could do to keep from masturbating right there in front of everyone!"

"Hmmm... maybe that will be our next wager!" he said, reaching over and kissing his beautiful girl.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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