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The Stripper Wife, Chapter 3

"Donna's first day has come at last... will she be able to go through with it?"

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The next day shortly after James left for work, Donna called up Lisa. "Lisa, Rachael called me about the job and I went to see her. I got the job and the boss gave me a $250 advance to get some dancing outfits. Want to go shopping?" she asked excitedly.

"Hell yeah! I'll be over in about twenty minutes!" Lisa yelled, and hung up the phone.

"Good, that will give me time to do a couple things here," Donna said to herself.

She put a load of clothes in the washer, loaded up and started the dishwasher, and made the bed. She also got out one of their very seldom-used suitcases, planning to use it to store her clothes when she came home. It had been ages since they had gone on a trip and she didn't see them taking one in any future she could see. It would be a good hiding place until she could take them to the club and put them in her locker.

Lisa showed up right as she had finished getting ready herself. Grabbing her purse and the envelope with the money from the club, she and Lisa headed to the 5th Avenue Mall and Candy's Boutique.

The girls walked into the store where they were greeted by a older, but still drop-dead gorgeous woman in her late forties or so, Donna figured. She was stacked with an amazing figure and had short, pixie-style blonde hair.

"Hello ladies, can I help you?" the woman asked.

"Yes, I am here to see Allison?" Donna said.

"I am Allison, how can I help you?"

"Oh, hello then. My name is Donna and Mr. Hawkins sent me to see you about some..." Donna looked around to see no one nearby "...dancing clothes. I am going to start working at The Dollhouse."

"I see," Allison touched her arm gently, "Don't worry honey, a lot of the girls from there come here to get their outfits. I used to dance myself many years ago, so I know what the men like!"

"Yes, Mr. Hawkins said you would be a big help," Donna said.

"He is a sweet man. And he is good to his girls from what I hear. Not many bosses in that line of work are like him. You have a good man there, hon. Now, what do you want your routine to be about? What is going to be your gimmick?"

"My gimmick?" Donna asked.

"Yeah you know, what's going to be your hook... to set you apart from the other girls. A schoolgirl? A cop? A naughty nurse?" Allison asked.

"Oh, I have no idea! I never asked about that! What do you think I should be?" Donna asked.

"Well you are brand new to this whole thing, I assume? I think you would make a wonderful young girl-next-door type. Being new, young, and pretty, it would work well for you. And we have lots of clothes for that kind of scene," Allison said. She took Donna and Lisa over and showed them some things that she thought might work for Donna's dancing routine.

Donna blushed at how skimpy most of the things were. Even her starting skirt and top left little to the imagination! They looked at the G-strings and bikini tops, the lingerie and a few other things. They laughed and giggled as they talked about how tiny the clothes were.

"You need to try some of these things on!" Lisa said.

"I agree with your friend. We need to see how you look in some of these things," Allison said.

Donna looked at the two of them, at Allison's knowing face and at Lisa's goofy happy excited face.

"Okay, I guess I might as well get used to wearing these bitty things!" she relented.

Donna picked a few things out and went into the changing rooms. She tried on some of the clothes and lingerie to see how they fit. Looking in the mirror, she couldn't believe how naked she looked, even dressed. But Lisa and Allison's encouragement calmed her fears and bolstered her confidence. Donna decided on three outfits, a couple lingerie items, and then it was time for shoes.

Donna wasn't much of a high heel kind of girl. She had only been on heels once in her life and that was to get married. So climbing into six inch stilettos was going to be interesting! But Allison showed her how to walk in them - and especially how to strut in them, shaking her ass and showing the men that she was worth paying attention to! She also gave Donna some clear adhesive traction pads.

"This is the secret to a dancer's shoes - put these on the bottoms of your shoes. The guys can't see them, and you won't bust your moneymaker!" Allison said.

Donna picked out a couple pairs of sexy heels and they brought all her items to the register to ring them up. 

"It comes to $216.00 sweetie," Allison said as the final item rung up.

"Wow, Mr. Hawkins gave me just enough. I was hoping to take you to lunch, but that might have to wait till next time," Donna said, a bit dejected.

"Tell you what hon, I had a good time helping you and I know you will be back in here to get more clothes as you get to working. Plus Mr. Hawkins and the other girls have done a lot of business with me. So I'm going to knock off $50.00 if you promise to come to me the next time you need any dance wear. Deal?" Allison said.

"Oh Allison yes! Oh thank you! Now I can take you to lunch, Lisa!" Donna said happily. "Mr. Hawkins was right, you are wonderful, Allison!"

Allison leaned forward and the girls kissed in their cheek-to-cheek way.

After a very nice lunch, Lisa went home and Donna got started taking the tags off her new clothes. She made sure all the tags and other packaging went into a trash bag and that bag went straight to the dumpster - she didn't want any telltale evidence! She washed all the items she bought, and then put them all into the suitcase. She also put away the makeup she had bought for work as well.

The next day was Thursday - the day of her "orientation". As soon as James went to work, Donna leapt into action. She showered and while she was in there decided this was the perfect opportunity and excuse to shave. So she shaved herself baby smooth from the neck down. Then she powdered and perfumed, she got dressed in nice, but regular, street clothes, and put on her makeup. She wasn't planning on dancing that day but she would be ready just in case they wanted to see her in action.

Donna put all the clothes and makeup she bought into a couple plastic grocery bags then called the cab to take her to the club. Once there, she went inside and went straight to the back break room. She located an empty locker and put her things away. Once she had stored her things and locked her locker, she went to look for Rachael.

"Hi Rachael, I'm here!" she said.

"Oh hi, Donna! Ready to learn how we do things around here?" Rachael said.

"Yes... I guess so," Donna said.

"Okay, to start with, David will announce you when it's your turn on center stage. He likes to make some smart-aleck statement when doing it - like for me he'll say, 'Here's honey, Guys, have you ever seen anything as sweet?' For you, he might say, 'Here's Lexus, I wouldn't mind driving her, how about you?' Anyway, once he announces you, you come out and do your first song without undressing, just tease the guys some. Your next song is when you begin stripping. This is a topless bar so the men expect to see your boobs, but you have to stop at the G-string... at least out here. We have some private rooms I'll tell you about later.

"Once your second song is done, you move to one of the satellite stages, whichever one is active. During the day we only have one or the other going, but at nights they are usually both being worked. If they are both active, you can choose which one you want to work. Once your satellite performance is over, you come out onto the floor. Usually, you will have been invited to come sit with one of our customers during one of your performances. If that's the case, you go sit with them. If not, you can walk around and see if someone wants you to join them.

"You work the floor (or your customer) until it's time for you to dance again. Remember who you follow and when the DJ calls their name on their first dance, you'll know you are up next. It's pretty simple.

"Now, when you are asked by a customer to come sit with them, they have to buy you a drink. When they do, Rick will make yours 'special' with little or no alcohol in it. Whatever you do, don't let your customer taste it - they will know it's been watered down and they will be pissed! Stay with him and finish your drink before you get up to leave the table, even if you have to belt down the last bit.

"Now, I'm sure you are wondering how you make your money here. Well, you get a salary just for working. But your real money comes from drinks and table dances. You want to get your customer to buy you a glass of champagne. You get more of the percentage from the champagne because it costs us less. And then there are table dances... you keep everything you make there. You also keep everything you make in tips while on any of the stages.

"You remember me telling you about the private rooms? Well, in these private rooms - and there are four of them - things are a little more lax. When you convince your customer to go to a private room, what happens in there is between you and them. You decide how far you want to go and how much it will cost him to take the trip. And you keep the money, so going into a private room is very profitable for you. The only caveat is that there is no fucking or blow jobs. But truthfully, they do occur, we just don't want to know about it. You can give your customer a handjob, that's okay. You just set the price and if they agree, party on! In each of these private rooms there are two large panic buttons on opposite walls. If your customer starts getting out of hand, a slap to either one will bring the boys.

"Finally, pay days are Fridays, and from your pay the house will take its cut. Unlike most clubs though, you don't have to pay the bartender or the DJ - they get their own pay. Of course if you want to tip them for doing something special for you, I doubt they would object and you might find it a nicer place to work. But that's up to you.

"I know this is a lot of info really quick, but you'll get the hang of it pretty easily. And either me or one of the other girls or guys here will help you if you have questions. Rick knows the way things work as well as I do so if I'm not here, he is a great help. Do you have any questions for me right now?" Rachael said.

"No, I think I have most of it," Donna said.

"Good, now did you get to go shopping for outfits yet?"

"Yes I did! I got some nice things. Allison was very helpful and she even gave me a break on the prices. I didn't know she used to dance!" Donna said.

"Yeah. Not here, but she was a dancer in Los Angeles and in Dallas. She is a sweetheart," Rachael said, "So let's see what you have to work with."

Donna took Rachael over to her locker and showed her some of the outfits that she had picked out.

"These will be perfect!" Rachael said, "Hell, I may even borrow one or two of them sometime!"

"Anytime, Rachael," Donna said, smiling.

"Okay, now tomorrow when you come in, just go to your locker, get your makeup kit out, and find a makeup table that isn't being used.

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Putting your makeup kit on it will claim it for you. No one will mess with it after that. Then you can get dressed and get made up and ready to go to work. If you need any help, just ask someone. Tomorrow when you come in, I will introduce you to David and you can tell him your stage name and about your girl-next-door routine. That way he can start figuring how to introduce you," Rachael said.

"Okay sounds good," Donna said. "I guess I will see you tomorrow then."

"You'll do just fine honey, don't worry," Rachael said.

Donna left the club and returned home to get dinner ready for James. The whole cab ride home she was thinking about tomorrow and her first day as a real stripper. She tried to go over all that Rachael had told her and imagine how the day would go along. She was still quite unsure she could pull it off, but she had to give it a try. She had to work at least long enough to pay back Mr. Hawkins for advancing her the money for the clothes.

"What has got hold of your mind this evening, sweetheart?" James asked as they ate dinner. He noticed she had been lost in thought since he got home and was just picking at her dinner.

"Huh? Oh nothing, hon. I am just worried about tomorrow," she said.

"Your first day at the new job eh? Well don't you fret - I have every confidence you will do great. Heck by this time next year, you'll probably be running the place!" James said.

"Well I don't know about that. I just hope I do a good job," Donna smiled.

"Honey, when you put your mind to something, you always do your best. I've never known you not to give everything your all," he said.

"You are too sweet," she said, kissing him.

* * * * *

Donna arrived at the The Dollhouse right at 9:00 am the next day. James had been very sweet that morning, wishing her good luck on her first day of work. Donna really hated deceiving him like this, but she had tried - really tried - to do things the right way and find an acceptable job. But she had struck out over and over. Now she had to do things another way if she was going to help with the bills. Quite frankly it was this, a loan from her parents, or they would lose everything.

Donna said hi to Mike at the front door, who buzzed her right in. Once her eyes adjusted to the interior lighting, she went back to the break room and got her makeup kit out, claiming her makeup table for the shift. Then she went to her locker again and picked out the outfit she would wear for the shift. For her first set she would wear a yellow short sleeve crop top tied in front and a pair of cheeky, high-cut boy shorts similar to what professional cheerleaders wear, only a bit skimpier. It was pretty tame compared to some of the girls' outfits, but this would help her get more comfortable out there. Besides, this was just for the first song. After that she would be shedding her top completely and taking off the boy shorts down to the very tiny G-string she wore underneath. That would be the real test of whether she could do this!

Once she had gotten dressed, she put on her makeup and fluffed her long black hair a bit. As she was finishing up, Rachael came into the break room.

"Wow! Now you look like a stripper!" Rachael said, admiring her outfit.

"Thanks, Rachael. But I feel like I'm about to throw up!" Donna admitted.

"Just first time jitters hon, they will go away once you get going. When you see the effect you have on the men out there, you will forget all about your stomach. Trust me, you are going to knock them dead! There's nothing to boost a girl's confidence than to have men gawking at you slack-jawed as you dance seductively in front of them!" Rachael said. "Now let's go see David, and get you ready to show all this off!"

Rachael took Donna up to the curtain leading to the main stage. "Wait here - we don't want to ruin your debut!" she said. Rachael went through the curtain and returned a moment later with David.

"David, this is Donna or Lexus here. She's just starting today," Rachael said.

"Hi Donna. So what is your gimmick? What is your theme going to be?" he asked.

"Well I guess for now I'm the girl-next-door," Donna said.

"Very cool. Don't know any man that would turn down a young hot girl-next-door!" he said. "So do you have a favorite song that you want to start off with?"

"No, not really. I can't think of anything," she said.

"Well looking at you and how you are dressed, how does Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Walk sound to you? It has a good beat and the words fit you," he suggested.

"That sounds just fine, David. Thank you," Donna said.

"Okay, Angel is out on the floor right now and will be coming up in a couple more songs. I will put you right after her. Angel is the blonde over there in the corner sitting with the gentleman in the gray suit. See him?" Rachael said.

"Oh yeah, I see her. Okay," Donna said.

Rachael left and David went back to his sound booth. Donna stood there watching through the slit in the curtain. The bar wasn't real crowded, only about a dozen guys. There were five girls in total working that shift including Rachael, but she was more hostess so she didn't perform like the other four girls, she just brought the drinks to the tables and made sure everyone was having a good time.

After a couple more songs, Angel heard the name she had been waiting for. She excused herself from the table she was at and headed for the curtain and the back room to get ready to dance.

"Angel? Hi my name is Donna - Lexus - and I guess I'm going to be following you. This is my first day and I'm not real sure about all of this!" she said.

"Hi Donna, it's not that hard. You just go out there and shake your tits and ass, a guy will come up and put a buck in your britches and maybe ask you to come sit with him. Just treat the guys nice and give them something to look at - they'll show their appreciation!" she said.

Angel had done this enough that she had gotten pretty jaded. She didn't care whether the customer had a good time or not - she was there to do her time and that was it.

Donna watched her leave to go out on stage. 'I hope I never get like that!' she thought to herself. Donna watched Angel dance and she even danced mechanically. There was no smiles, no real interaction. She went through the motions and if no one paid attention, it mattered little to her. She knew that Angel was not the kind of dancer she wanted to be. And she wondered with that kind of attitude just how well she did. She was good looking enough, but there was just nothing behind the face. No personality at all.

Then Donna heard the words she had been both anticipating and fearing. "Ladies and Gentlemen we have a special treat for you today. A brand new girl to The Dollhouse and one I'm sure you are going to love. She's the ultimate girl next door - I wish she lived next door to me! Let's have a warm Dollhouse welcome for Lexus!"

The song he had picked out for her began playing. Donna took a deep breath, pasted on a nervous but pleasing smile, and strode out on stage.

Donna walked out to the end of the stage where it widened into a dancing platform. There was a stripper pole in the center of the stage, but she had never used a pole and didn't want to start with everyone watching her. She took a quick scan of the men scattered around the bar and they all seemed to be watching her. Well, she had their attention...

She began dancing like she had seen the other girls do. She remembered what Rachael had told her: "Pick one guy out there in the audience and dance for him. Make eye contact with him and hold his gaze."

Donna looked out and found her one guy. He was a middle-aged man a little older than her sitting by himself at a table one row away from the stage. He was fairly handsome, with black hair and the first few specks of gray showing up. He was dressed in a business suit, so he must have a good job. She looked at him and strangely, he looked like he wasn't having a very good time. He looked like something was weighing on him. She wondered for a moment what could have him so down in the dumps. It didn't matter, she would cheer him up!

Donna began dancing for him. She used her fingers to draw a little smile on her lips to see if she could get him to crack a smile. It worked - he gave her a weak smile. She knelt down and crawled seductively towards him, stopping just shy of the edge of the stage and turning sideways to lower her chest to the stage and raise her ass high. Then she got to her feet and looked over her shoulder and she placed one hand, then the other on her ass cheek. She shot him a little wink and about that time her first song was done.

She went over to the DJ for a second while she waited for her next song to start. When it did, she turned around and went back to the center of the stage. She smiled when she noticed he had moved up to a stool on the edge of the stage - what they called the "meat rack".

While he watched, Donna began peeling off her top. And oddly, she wasn't concerned that she was getting naked in front of a stranger! She just started taking her top off as she watched him watch her. She untied the knot in the center and using some teasing flashes here and there, she kept his attention until she dropped the top to the floor. She pushed her tits together and rubbed her nipples as she had seen the other girls do. Then she began to wriggle out of her boy shorts, pulling them slowly down to reveal her ass a little at a time. Finally, they fell to the floor and she stepped out of them.

The man held up a five dollar bill and she slithered over to him. She turned around and stuck her ass out and he slipped the bill into her g-string. She turned back around to thank him.

"If you aren't taken, would you come sit with me?" he asked her.

She had her first customer!

"I have one more dance over there, but after that I'm all yours, baby!" she said.

'Where did that come from?' she thought to herself.

He returned to his seat and watched as she finished the song. She was feeling rather proud of herself. Her first set and she had already gotten her first customer! This may not be as bad as she thought!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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