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The Sleepover - re written

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I’d known Emma, Isabella and Rob for most of my schooling life, with all four of us approaching eighteen years of age and in the sixth form of our local school in England. Emma, Isabella and I had been having sex with each other and boyfriends since we had turned sixteen. If only one of us had a boyfriend, we encouraged the other two to be involved sexually. It was very exciting and the boyfriends appeared to like the opportunity of watching the three of us having lesbian sex and then fucking us all.

Rob, was disabled. He’d fallen from a second storey bedroom window when he was two and was then diagnosed with something called Charcot Marie-Tooth about ten years later. It sounds so bad when you write it down but he’s not as bad as the scenario your mind is probably developing, however a little background is important to this story. He is about 5’ 2, with short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was good looking and there was no question, he had a terrific personality. He was very clever and funny but had never had a girlfriend, been kissed or had sex, most girls simply wouldn’t look beyond his disability. If we took him out, he’d use a wheelchair but at school, with help, he used to walk between lessons.

Rob’s parents were going away for the weekend and he’d asked the three of us if we’d like to sleep there on Saturday night, so his parents wouldn’t need to find a babysitter. We had stayed there on many occasions previously but with parents there. However, we’d always helped him with things he couldn’t do, there was no question that he was comfortable with all three of us. The older we became, the more we’d tease each other, which often spill into the area of sex. Emma, Isabella and I had often put on a show for Rob, teasing him and making him hard. Indeed, a few times, we went too far and he’d cum in his pants but he loved it. There was never an intention to shame of belittle him, in fact, I’d argue he was proud to be so turned on and never tried to hide that he’d cum . We hadn’t confirmed that we would stay but he’d only asked the day before and hadn’t had much chance to discuss it. However, it was unlikely that we’d have said no to him, we all enjoyed being around him and it would be a fun few days too.

Emma and I had a few free periods, mid-Tuesday morning at school and had been into the town centre to look around. It was a pleasant day but both had on our coats over our pink school dresses. Emma stood around, a few inches shorter than me, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and C cup breasts. By comparison, I was 5’6, long dark curly hair, blue eyes but with smaller B cup boobs. We had made our way back onto the school grounds and were heading towards one of the back entrances to the main building.

Entering a small courtyard, we were behind the school library and could see through the windows of the office library, where Rob would spend much of his time typing his notes onto his laptop. Sure enough, as I glanced through the courtyard, I saw him sat on a chair with his back to the window. I thought it was odd to see him sitting there without his blazer on but no sooner had those thoughts entered my head when I saw him pull his shirt up over his head to leave him topless. Immediately, I grabbed hold of Emma’s left wrist and pulled her back, motioning with my eyes for her to look into the office.

She mouthed, “Oh my god Jo” as we crept quietly towards the window, attempting to stay silent and remain unnoticed to him. As we got closer, we watched him, push off his shoes, unfasten his leg splints and remove his socks, before pulling off his trousers and underpants to leave himself naked. Standing to one side of the window, we peering in to see what was happening. With his back facing us, we had growing confidence that Rob wouldn’t see us standing there and continued to watch.

As I watched his left arm movements, it didn’t take much working out that he was rubbing his hard cock. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second, remembering that I’d been naked in the school library, many times, masturbating and being fucked by two of my male friends. My pussy was throbbing as I watched him slide off the chair and onto his knees. Suddenly, we had a perfect view of his arse.

“There’s nothing wrong with his arse Jo”, Emma whispered.

At the same time, I felt the zip of my coat being lowered, followed by the buttons of my dress being undone. Meanwhile, Rob had shifted again, allowing us to see his throbbing cock for the first time. My heart was pounding as I felt Emma pull my thong down over my hips and thighs. We couldn’t resist trying to get a better view, moving further to our right and in front of the window.

Instinctively, I wiggled my legs, kicked off my shoes and then, flicked with my right foot to send my thong three or four metres away from us. The cool air on my stomach, breasts, thighs and wet pussy lips acted like an intoxicating aphrodisiac, unable to resist moaning in pleasure as Emma plunged her fingers into my pussy. I watched Rob tense, turn to look nervously at the window but then smile with relief as he saw who was watching him. He rolled onto his back, lying on the floor, giving us an unobstructed view of his body and cock. To our surprise, Rob’s body was hairless, making his cock appear much bigger.

“His cock s lovely too”, I said as I turned my head to Emma.

An instant later, we were kissing, tongues entwined, enflaming our passions still further. I felt her shuffling behind me with her hands and as she pulled her mouth away from mine, she began to finger fuck me once more. Looking at Rob, I pushed my coat and dress off my shoulders, letting it slide down and off my arms to leave me naked. Emma’s fingers moved effortlessly in and out of my dripping pussy as I lifted my right foot onto the window-ledge. I wanted Rob to be able to see my body better but at the same time, allow Emma greater access to my pussy.

I was moaning more and more, feeling Emma’s wet pussy grinding against my arse with the same rhythm as she was fucking me with her fingers. Rob sat up; facing us with his legs spread apart, cock twitching furiously, pre-cum flowing steadily and heavy looking balls resting on the wooden floor. He wasn’t stroke himself, simply watching Emma and I, through the window as she fucked me, allowing his hips to buck. I was so wet responding to Emma, pushing my arse hard into her pussy. We were both approaching our orgasms, breathing, moaning and writhing more and more as we looked at Rob sat naked and his throbbing cock twitching furiously.

Suddenly, he tensed, eyes closed and hips thrust forward. His eyes opened as his cock spewed its first rope of cum onto the floor, between his feet. Again and again, his cock erupted as he watched Emma and me, her thumb teasing my clit as her fingers continued to fuck me. I gasped as my pussy contracted violently and pushed hard against her. Just as I was about to squirt, I felt Emma cuming over my arse cheeks. She pulled her fingers away from my pussy an instant before I began to squirt, juices splashing hard against the windows.

My legs felt so weak, putting my right foot back onto the floor and turning to kiss Emma. A minute later, we were getting dressed and making the decision to sleepover at Rob’s on Saturday night. We turned to look into the office and saw that he was far from dressed and needed our help.

Emma and I walked quickly into school, down the corridor and into the library. Once through the door, we entered a huge room, with bookshelves full of books covering each wall floor to ceiling. To my surprise, there were a handful of students scattered around, sat randomly by the long tables that were positioned in the main body of the room. However, as we passed between the sectioned off areas, for more private study, there was nobody around. We turned left, towards the office where we’d been watching Rob through the window. He smiled as he saw us approach the glass door, sitting on the chair, shirt underpants and trousers back on. Without saying a word, we knelt on the floor either side of him and began putting on his socks, leg splints and shoes. Once he was fully dressed, we informed him that we would be taking up his offer and staying with him the following Saturday evening and he smiled as though he’d just won the lottery.

The next few days passed by as normal. Although if I’m honest I’d tell you that I masturbated a little more than I normally would, with the thoughts of being naked at school and Emma fucking me, in my head.

Saturday morning finally arrived and I was sat on the window-ledge of my front room, waiting for my friends to pick me up and go into the city centre. We had arranged to go shopping, something I was never very keen on but was looking forward to spending time with Rob, Isabella and Emma. I was, wearing a pair of jeans, no undies, a low cut v neck t-shirt and was sat with my bare feet on the wooden ledge as I looked out of the window.

I’d been waiting for the girls to arrive for round thirty minutes but I wasn’t shocked, neither of them was good at making it anywhere on time. Finally, I saw Emma’s car turning the corner and come towards my house. I jumped off the window-ledge and rushed to the front door.

I opened the door and Isabella got out of the car and skipped towards me. Within a few seconds, she was in front of me, wrapping her arms around my waist and our tongues swirling together as we said hello. After about thirty seconds, our attention was taken by the sound of the car horn being blown and Rob shouting, “Come on you two, you’ll have it dark!”

We stopped kissing and laughed, before I turned to go back into the house and finish getting ready to go. Isabella followed me into the living room but she picked up my trainers and socks, encouraging me to go to the car barefooted. I put on a jacket before picking up my bag for staying the night at Rob’s house. Isabella asked if I had packed everything because the bag looked very light. I giggled and said I had my toothbrush, hair brush and change of clothes for the following day.

“And what about for sleeping in tonight,” Isabella quipped, with a naughty glint in her eye.

“I’ll be sleeping in the bed, is there a need for me to be in anything else,” I replied.

“Seriously Jo, what about Rob? We are all sleeping in his room and he’ll see you naked again”

Isabella had always been quite reserved or shy around people she’d not had sex with, so her reaction wasn’t that much of a surprise.

“I’m going to be naked and want him to see me. He knows us well enough now, so why not let him look at my body and he saw it the other day at school. He’s been hard so many times, so I’m sure he’ll love it,” I replied as we headed out to the car.

I climbed into the back seat of the car, sitting directly behind Emma who was preparing to drive us into the city. Isabella had walked around the car, getting in via the opposite rear door to sit beside me on the back seat. Isabella was 5’ 10, with long dark, almost black hair, big brown eyes and gorgeous dimples in either cheek when she smiled. Her parents were of Italian descent, so had inherited their dark sultry skin. She was heavily set with DD beautifully shaped breasts and shaved pussy, it was impossible not to see how sexy she was. She was wearing a black short sleeve blouse, with white spots, black bra, white sweat-top, black three-quarter length trousers, a black thong, white socks and trainers. Her clothes summed up her conservative upbringing

Isabella dropped my socks and trainers onto the floor of the car and leaned towards and kissed my lips tenderly, just before I said, “Why did you put trousers on. We can’t perv on your legs now.”

She laughed and then began to kiss me passionately. As our tongues swirled slowly together, I couldn’t resist running the fingers of my right hand up and between her thighs. The heat from her pussy was incredible on my fingers and as I felt her fumbling with the button and zip to my jeans, I followed suit, slipping my hand inside her trousers and thong.

The journey into the city centre was only ten miles or just under twenty minutes but plenty of time for both Isabella and I to cum I thought as her fingers slipped between my pussy lips. As soon as I felt her pussy, her arousal became obvious. Her pussy lips were soaked and as I eased my fingers into her, felt her throbbing and heard her muffled moans as we kissed. Within moments of me touching her, we were mimicking the others actions. Our fingers slipping in and out of the others pussy in slow long strokes, gradually increasing in speed as our bodies responded.

Isabella pulled her tongue away from mine but immediately began kissing my neck. As I opened my eyes and tilted my head, I looked towards the front of the car. Rob had twisted and turned his body so he could watch what was happening behind him on the back seat. I couldn’t resist winking at him as I began to moan and Isabella started sucking and biting my neck. I knew that I’d be getting love bite marks because of what she was doing but the thought of that was turning me on even more.

Our bodies were responding to the others touch, hips writhing with growing desperation. I began to tease her g-spot, circling it hard and slow. I felt her body tense and get appreciably wetter the quicker my fingers moved. I allowed my pace to alternate between fast and very slow, for approximately ten seconds each time and wasn’t long after before she stopped sucking my neck.

Both Isabella and I were moaning more and becoming more desperate. My jeans were becoming saturated with my juices, as were her trousers and the smell of sex was filling the car. We’d had sex in the car many times before and done it completely naked but it was the first time we’d done it in front of Rob. It felt so naughty and risqué. My pussy was throbbing so hard and I was close to the point of no return, when she began to tease my clit and g-spot at the same time. I followed her lead, using my fingers on her g-spot and thumb on her clit, moving slow and hard at first but gradually increasing speed.

Isabella moaned, oh god yes, as I teased even harder. I was being driven on by her moans, her body reactions and of the look of incredulity in Rob’s eyes. Just as I felt her tense and heard her gasp, my pussy contracted hard, we were going to cum at the same time. A second or two later, we were squirting hard, moaning with pleasure and drenching our clothes further.

Emma was chuckling as she told us it would be her turn to fuck us later and Isabella and I began to kiss once more.

It was only a couple of minutes later before Emma had parked the car and had taken Rob’s wheelchair out of the boot as we prepared to hit the shops. With the door open, I put my socks and trainers on and felt how wobbly my thighs were as I stepped out of the car. I helped Rob into his chair but couldn’t help laughing when he passed comment about the large wet patch on my jeans.

The three of us took it in turns to push the wheelchair, going from one shop to the next but not buying anything. We arrived at the last store and strolled down the aisles looking at the clothes. Finally, I found two items that I wanted to try on, as did Isabella, so we left Rob with Emma and went to the changing room.

I’d found a bikini that I thought would be ideal for taking on holiday in the summer months when I couldn’t sunbathe naked. I’d also selected a multi-purpose garment that could either be worn as, a long top and skirt or the top as a short dress or alternatively, simply as a top or skirt. With my selected clothes in hand, I entered the changing room with Isabella. She’d found a brightly coloured, flimsy and very revealing dress to try on, a pole opposite to her public persona.

It didn’t take long for me to strip down to my socks and sat down to watch Isabella undress to her underwear.

“You obviously enjoyed having sex in the car. Look how wet your undies are,” I quipped as I pointed to them.

As we were talking, I put on the bikini I’d selected to try on and stood up to look at myself in the mirror. It was as brief as I’d hoped, the top, barely covering my nipples but the material caressed and shaped my breasts perfectly. The bottoms were almost obscene, straining to cover my swollen pussy lips and the string covering nothing of my arse cheeks. I noticed that Isabella was watching every move I made, so slowly turned around to give her a full view of me in my new bikini.

“I just adore your arse Jo but I hope you won’t be wearing socks when you sunbathe in it,”

We both laughed as I sat back down and took it off. Isabella quickly put on the dress she’d taken into the changing room and a few seconds later, I had on my new outfit. As we looked at ourselves in the mirror, we agreed that Isabella shouldn’t wear anything underneath her dress. Despite her conservative upbringing, she had a daring side too and the dress she was trying on would definitely allow her to express that side of her personality

I started to take off my outfit and Isabella hers, leaving me standing in nothing but my socks. I watched as she stripped down to her undies and bra and smiled, admiring her body. Suddenly, she pushed me back against the wall, started kissing me passionately and pushed her right leg between my thighs. I wanted her bare pussy on mine, took hold of her undies and with a swift violent tug, ripped them off her body, letting it fall onto the floor.

Within an instant we were grinding our pussies against the others thigh. There was no subtlety in our action, thrusting hard, fast and desperately as our lust for the other overflowed. I sank my fingernails into the cheeks of her arse, pulling her harder against me as Isabella pounded so hard that she was making it almost impossible for me to keep my feet on the floor. Our tongues swirled together faster, mirroring the desperation of our desire.

From the second Isabella pushed me back against the wall my pussy began to throb hard. Her desire and desperation had made me feel so sexy and that sensation always turned me on. As her thigh pounded against my pussy, I could feel my wetness on her skin. The more frenzied our actions became the more we moaned. At first, those moans were muffled but once our mouths parted, the sounds of pleasure echoed through the room. My pussy was throbbing with growing intensity and knew I’d cum before long.

We’d had sex many times before and knew exactly what the other liked. Similarly, we knew when the other was about to cum. Isabella was as close to her orgasm as I was, both pounding as hard as we could onto the others thigh. Suddenly, within an instant of each other, we tensed hard and drove our pussies into the others thigh. We were cuming, juices trickling down the others leg as we started to kiss once more.

My legs we shaking as I started relax and we stopped kissing to get dressed. I sat back down on the chair, still breathing heavily and just as I picked up my jeans, another girl came into the room to try on clothes. I took a few seconds to look at Isabella, who was putting on her blouse and I couldn’t help feeling a little proud as I noticed her shredded thong on the floor.

It didn’t take long for the two of us to be dressed, and heading to the checkout to pay for our new clothes.

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As soon as we stepped out of the changing room, Emma and Rob were there waiting. Emma immediately laughed as she told us that they could hear us moaning, so knew we’d had sex.

“It was kinky sex though, Jo was still wearing socks and I was in my bra,” Isabella quipped.

“How does that make it kinky,” Rob asked with a puzzled look on his face.

By then we had made it to the checkout and Isabella was paying for her dress, so it was Emma that answered, telling him that it was unusual for us not to be fully naked when we had sex. I could see his mind working overtime thinking about what she’d said.

We were all going to be sleeping in the same room that night, Rob’s bedroom. It was a big room, converted from a double sized garage and had double and single bed, plus a sofa, so would house us all comfortably.

“You’ll most likely see, when we’re in bed later that we have sex naked,” Emma told Rob as I moved to pay for my clothes.

With our shopping completed we walked slowly back to the car-park, talking continuously, making sure to include Rob in the conversation so he felt as though he was part of the group. Soon we were back in the car and on our way home. We decided to take a detour to the Chip shop and buy Fish and Chip to take home and eat, meaning that we didn’t have to cook anything ourselves.

As soon as we arrived back at Rob’s house, I took the clothes we’d brought into Rob’s room, took off my trainers and jacket and went into the kitchen. Emma followed me so she could change her clothes, leaving Isabella to put the Fish and Chips onto plates. I’d noticed straight away that Isabella had taken off her trainers and socks and went to help her finish serving out the food.

Just as we were putting our food on the table, Emma skipped down the hallway and into the kitchen, wearing nothing but a flimsy white, very short nightie. Both Isabella and I noticed immediately how seductive she looked, adoring what we thought were perfectly shaped legs. Her blonde hair hung loose, over her shoulders and down her back. The fabric of her nightie barely covered her breasts, spaghetti straps allowing us to see more flesh. The material was virtually see-through, Emma’s hard dark nipples clearly visible as was her belly button and pussy lips. As she stood beside the table, the nightie was so short that I could easily see the base of her arse cheeks and my mind filled full of naughty thoughts.

We all sat down to eat. Rob was still in his wheelchair and sat at one end of the table to my left, Emma to my right and Isabella directly opposite her. There was silence as we began to eat, devouring our Fish and Chips. I noticed Isabella grin, recognising the cheeky glint in her eyes, that usually signified she was hatching a mischievous plan. I took another mouthful of food and then looked down between Emma’s thighs. She’d spread her legs and Isabella’s right foot was between them. Emma was rocking gently back and forth, with two of Isabella’s toes between her pussy lips and big toe wiggling on her clit.

It was getting harder by the second to focus on eating my food. Emma smiled at me when she saw me looking at her. She was moaning a little, making my pussy dribble uncontrollably. Rob had virtually emptied his plate and I guessed, trying to ignore Emma’s moans but waited patiently for me to finish eating and drinking before he asked if I’d mind helping him to change his clothes

I’d helped him many times before, so his request was nothing out of the ordinary and followed him into his bedroom. He immediately transferred from his wheelchair onto the bed and told me he wanted to put his pyjama bottoms on but went bright red when he admitted that his cock would be fully erect when I took his clothes off.

“That’s ok Rob; it makes me feel sexy when you get hard and it’ll be a huge turn on to see you naked and hard.”

I sat down on his wheelchair and took off my socks, throwing them into the corner by my trainers. Then, I took hold of his left foot, undid and pulled off his shoe, followed by his foot splint and his sock. I couldn’t resist running my tongue across the bottom of his toes and looked up to see him close his eyes and tense up. I put his foot down on the bed and then do the same with his right as I’d done with his left. However, instead of licking, sucked each of his toes, all the time looking into his eyes to watch his reaction.

“Do you like that Rob?”

“God yes. It feels very erotic. Do you like it too Jo?”

I couldn’t lie to him. Even sucking his toes had made me wetter, so told him that it really turned me on when I had my toes sucked. He smiled. I unfastened his trousers and pulled off his top. It took a few seconds for him to relax a little before I took hold of his trousers. I made sure he was looking into my eyes, knowing I’d have not gone further if he’d shown any signs of doubt. He took a deep breath and raised his hips off the bed, so I wasted no time easing his trousers down and off his legs.

There was a big wet patch on his briefs, the material straining because of his erection but rather than procrastinating, took hold and pulled them off quickly to leave him naked. We sat in silence for a few seconds, as I became transfixed by how his cock was twitching and had pre-cum oozing out steadily. Although I’d seen him naked a few days earlier, I was excited to be so close to him and didn’t want to waste the opportunity to look at him properly. I noticed how his upper half looked strong and well developed but that his legs were weak with a lot of muscle wastage.

“I loved seeing you cum the other day. It was so hot seeing your cock throbbing and spurt like it did,” I blurted out.

He looked at me with a big grin on his face and growing confidence in his eyes and then jumped off the bed, crawling into the bathroom. I watched as he knelt up by the toilet and prepared to pee.

Thoughts were racing through my head as to what I should do next Rob turned around and sat on his knees, watching as I undid my jeans, took off my top, jeans too, to be left naked and looking at him. It was as though he was too nervous to move, his cock still twitching and oozing pre-cum but eventually, he plucked up the courage to crawl to the bed and get on it beside me.

“You have an amazing body Jo!”

“Should I bother to put anything on or do you want me to stay naked. I’ll let you decide,” I asked him as he sat on his knees beside me.

Suddenly, before he had chance to answer there was a look of terror in his eyes and an instant later he was cuming, spurting stream after stream of cum onto my stomach and his thighs.

He immediately started to apologise but I reassured him that it was only natural and started to massage his cum into my skin. I asked again about me staying naked and to my surprise said, if I stayed nude he would too. I stood up and suggested we go and join the others and Rob told me he’d follow once he’d cleaned himself up a little.

I went into the living room and lay down on the sofa, with my feet dangling over the edge. Emma was on the sheepskin rug; face down by the fire with her arms raised up above her head. She turned her head calmly to look at me and simply smiled. Isabella had taken off her jeans, undone her blouse and was knelt between Emma’s feet, kissing the back of her thighs. I sat and watched her kiss higher, up to the base of Emma’s arse cheeks. My pussy began to throb and dribble as I saw Isabella take off her blouse and throw it onto the floor.

I was so focussed on watching the girls that I’d not noticed Rob crawling into the living room naked. The first time I noticed him was as he knelt on the floor beside my feet and began to suck on my toes one by one. I smiled as he looked at me and the fingers of my left hand slipped deep into my pussy, moaning a little. From the corner of my eye, I saw Isabella pushing Emma’s nightie up her body, revealing her arse cheeks and kissing them all over, followed by the base of her back.

Emma was breathing heavier the more Isabella kissed her body. I didn’t know if I was being turned on by watching the girls or from Rob sucking my toes but by the time I was wondering which was turning me on most, he’d started to lick the bottoms of each foot.

I asked Rob to come up on the sofa and lie down beside me, so we could watch what the girls were doing. I moved so I was resting against the back of the sofa and he climbed up to lie on his back next to me. I leant over to kiss him tenderly on his lips as I noticed his hard cock standing proud.

Emma turned over and lifted her arms invitingly. As if attuned to what she wanted, Isabella took off her nightie and as she threw it to one side, Emma sat up, reached behind Isabella’s back, unclipped and took off her bra. We were all naked!

We watched as Isabella sit on Emma’s thighs, wrapping her legs around Emma’s waist and then start to kiss her passionately.

“Don’t the girls look gorgeous Rob, they have amazing bodies,” I said.

As I spoke, I ran my fingers between Rob’s legs and cupped his balls gently. I squeezed and massaged them before circling the shaft of his cock with my fingers and thumb. He tensed as I began stroking up and down very slowly.

“Does it feel good, me stroking your cock?”

Emma and Isabella moved so they were lying down on the rug. They continued to kiss but as they began to finger fucked the other, made sure they’d spread their legs wide enough for us to see everything.

“Think how good it will feel to have your cock where their fingers are.”

“You can fuck us all tonight if you want to Rob,” I continued.

I opened my legs, putting my left foot and calf on the top of the sofa back-rest. I stopped stroking his cock for a second, took hold of his right hand, straightened two of his fingers and slipped them into my pussy. Immediately, I felt my pussy squeeze his fingers and smiled at him when I saw the look of amazement on his face.

“God Jo, you feel so wet!”

Gradually I guided his hand so his fingers slid in and out of my pussy. I rotated his fingers a little until I felt them on my g-spot and began to guide his movements again.

“You’re teasing my g-spot now Rob.”

“It feels so good. Keep teasing it hard and you’ll make me cum,”

Once I thought he was confident enough with what he was doing, I released his hand and went back to stroking his cock, finding the same rhythm he was using to tease my g-spot. I was dripping wet, feeling juices dribble down my thigh and was starting to moan as my hips and body writhed in pleasure, the more he teased. A steady flow of pre-cum was oozing from the eye of his knob and he was breathing extremely hard.

I gradually started to stroke faster as I watched his face contort, realising he was getting close. He was struggling to focus on my pussy, his hips beginning to hump involuntarily against my hand. Suddenly his back arched and body dropped down into the sofa. An instant later, his hips thrust upwards, almost violently as he shot his first spurt of cum into the air. I quickened the pace stroking his shaft faster, wanting to intensify the sensations and give him the best possible orgasm. He spurted rope after rope of cum into the air until he slumped down and relaxed, with a look of total ecstasy in his eyes.

“Let me show you how I squirt Rob!”

Without giving him a chance to respond, I rolled on top of him and sat so I was straddling his stomach. I took hold of his right hand and circled two of his fingers with mine. I placed his fingertips on my clit and started to circle slowly. Within a few seconds, I was moaning and rocking my hips. I could feel my pussy throbbing hard and dribbling juices onto Rob’s stomach. He was resting his head on the arm-rest of the sofa, watching as I used his fingers to tease me.

“God Jo, your pussy keeps opening and closing.”

He was right, that’s exactly what it was doing as it throbbed in response to my clit being teased. I knew I’d cum soon. I was so turned on by giving him the opportunity to have sex with us. Each contraction of my pussy was making it harder to breathe and forcing me to moan more. Each time my body writhed back and forth, I could feel his still erect cock rub against my arse cheeks and wondered how he’d react to having it buried deep in my bum.

I moved his fingers even faster on my clit and felt the sensations intensify even more. Suddenly, I arched my back, gasped and closed my eyes. I let go of his fingers but he continued to tease and an instant later, whoosh, my juices spurted all over Rob’s face. Still he teased and a second later, with another moan of pleasure, I squirted again.

Rob looked so pleased with himself, not caring that cum was dribbling down his face but I knew we were far from finished with him.

I gave myself a few seconds to recover and then moved my left leg so I was sat on the sofa side of Rob’s legs before pulling him up. We shifted a little further, allowing me to lie down and then suggest to Rob that we should kiss. As he sat by my side, he leant over my body and nervously put his lips to mine. I opened my mouth, encouraging him to do the same until I began teasing his tongue with mine. I felt him trying to alter his body position to get more comfortable so pushed him back up.

He looked very disappointed until I told him that we should get into a more comfortable position and immediately raised my legs, and pulling my feet over my shoulders.

“Kneel by my arse Rob.”

I didn’t need to ask twice, Rob was quickly on his knees by my bum, looking at me between my open legs.

“You look so sexy Jo. Can I kiss your tits?”

“Your pussy is still so wet,” he continued.

“Yes Rob and it’s still throbbing because of you,” I replied

There was no need to say any more, he put his hands carefully either side of my body and leant nervously over me as I put my legs down, one each side of him. At the same time, my attention was taken by moans of pleasure to my right. I couldn’t resist turning my head to see what was happening. The girls were in a sixty-nine position, Emma on top and their bodies situated to give me a perfect view of her arse, as Isabella’s tongue probed in and out of her pussy, Emma writhed on top of her. Both girls were moaning louder and louder, sounding as though they were close to climaxing.

Rob had ignored that I’d turned my head to look at the girls, sucking on my left nipple and then my right. Both had been fully erect for most of the day and by the time he’d begun sucking, were extremely sensitive. Involuntarily, my body tensed and I started to moan as he teased each nipple. He was learning quickly, feeling my responses to his actions and developing his technique accordingly.

His cock was still hard, rubbing between my open legs as he worked on my breasts. I put my hands on his body, underneath his arms, guiding his mouth to mine. Within an instant, we were kissing, sucking his tongue into my mouth, swirling around it gently. As I moved him upwards towards my mouth, his body shifted on top of mine. I wrapped my legs round him as the shaft and knob of his cock pressed against my pussy lips.

We continued to kiss. Rob continued to learn, kissing with growing passion and almost feminine expertise. He was turning me on way more than I’d ever expected. I’d always envisaged that it’d be me seducing and satisfying him but instincts were encouraging me to grind my pussy against his cock, I was losing control.

Rob’s began to grind rhythmically on top of me. My pussy was so wet that his shaft and knob slid effortlessly along my lips. I put my feet down onto the sofa and placed my hands on his hips. With a few subtle movements, I felt my pussy lips spreading and with another manoeuver, his knob slipped between them.

I felt him freeze a little, almost as if scared of the new sensation. Once again, I wrapped my legs around him, pushing my hips up and forcing his cock fully inside my pussy. I’d not say he had the biggest cock I’d ever had inside me but I felt completely full and immediately started to throb hard on his shaft. He stopped kissing me, pulling away enough to look into my eyes.

“Do you like how your cock feels inside me Rob?”

“I thought you wanking me was good but your pussy feels incredible. You’re squeezing me so hard!”

Even though we only spoke for ten seconds, it gave him time to relax and as I started to move my hips, he too began to fuck me. I was so turned on and immediately moaned with pleasure as he gradually increased the pace of his rhythm. I instructed him to rotate his hips a little as he pushed in and out.

I groaned, “Oh fuck yes. That’s perfect,” as I felt his shaft tease my g-spot and clit. My pussy responded by throbbing even harder and moans became more desperate. With my feet anchored against the sofa, I rotated my hips, accentuating the sensations radiating through my body. Rob was moving faster with every passing second, growing in confidence.

My pussy was throbbing with an almost unbearable intensity and I was struggling to breathe. My clit and g-spot were being teased mercilessly by Rob’s cock. I couldn’t resist any longer, thrusting my hips upwards, driving his cock as deep as it would go inside me but with as little as twenty seconds of effort, I was cuming, squeezing and milking his shaft.

Still he fucked me, pounding into my soaked, throbbing pussy. I felt sapped of energy and relaxed under him, taking hold of my ankles, pulling them up and over my shoulders. He started to thrust harder as his cock seemed to fill me further, until with a grunt and violent surge he was cuming. To my surprise, it was no ten second orgasm; he squirted over and over again, with a look of exhilaration etched on his face.

I relaxed underneath him as he lay motionless, breathing hard, looking into my eyes. Rob’s cock remained fully erect and throbbing gently inside my pussy. It felt as though we stayed that way for a long time but in reality, it was only about a minute, before I noticed that Isabella and Emma were knelt beside the sofa.

“Did you enjoy fucking Jo. We know she loved it, we know when she orgasms really hard,” Emma said as she and Isabella chuckled.

Rob blushed as he pushed up away from me, slowly easing his cock out of my pussy. My pussy hadn’t stopped pulsating and feeling him pull away so slowly was driving me crazy. Instinct was screaming at me to pull him back and to fuck him again but as soon as he’d moved away far enough, Emma leant forward to begin snogging me. Even though I refocused to the sensation of kissing her, my feet pressed down on the sofa in an effort to keep him inside me but after a few seconds he was free of me and I felt my the concoction of mine and Rob’s cum, trickling between my thighs.

My sense felt alive, smelling the pungent aroma of our arousal, feeling the sensations of pleasure radiating through my body and hearing the sound of Isabella kissing Rob.

A short while later I heard Isabella suggest that we’d be more comfortable in Rob’s bedroom and before I had chance to think, Emma had pulled away from me, standing to the left of Isabella. They each took hold of one of Rob’s arms, encouraging him to his feet I stretched out on the sofa, watching the girls guide Rob, arm in arm out of the living room, as I felt the juices begin to flow steadily from my pussy. After a few seconds, I got to my feet and giggled with a little pride as I looked down at the gooey puddle I’d left on the cushions.

Written by Joanna86
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