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The Party

"He's the entertainment for an all girls' party"

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The Party

I didn’t suspect a thing when my friend Cynthia called asking me to be a waiter at a birthday party she was planning for her friend. Renee’s husband has been ill, so hearing that “the girls” wanted to have a party for her was no surprise. They’ve all hung out together for years and sometimes all they need is an excuse to have some kind of celebration.

“It’s just going to be us girls, and we want to have a couple of servants to bring us our drinks and hors d’ oeuvres,” she told me. “We just want to feel like queens for a night, with guys waiting on us for a change.”

“Sure, I guess I can be persuaded,” I replied, knowing that my schedule was clear for the night in question. “It ought to be fun, as long as I don’t have to listen to all of you bitching about your husbands all night.”

“No worries,” said Cynthia. “This is going to be a sleep over party at Diane’s house, so we can all cut loose and get as shit-faced as we want. Nobody will have to drive, and we’re all just looking to relax and have fun, and party like we did back in the day.”

“Okay, you’re on. Do I need to bring anything?”

“Nope. Just yourself. I’ll even have a uniform for you.”

“Uniform?” I questioned.

“I’m still trying to figure it out, but it won’t be anything elaborate,” she said. “Just show up ready to serve us for a few hours, ok?”

We left it at that. I penciled it in on my calendar and went about my business. I was very busy at work, so the next ten days passed quickly, without me thinking too much about the party. I knew this bunch of 60ish women would get a bit silly and probably a bit drunk, so it would be a fun time for all of us. Most of us went to school together a long time ago, so I was pretty relaxed about the whole thing.

She messaged me the day before the party to confirm the time and place. “7pm at Diane’s house. Other waiter is Danny.”

“Ok. What about this uniform crap?”

“Not a big deal. Can you handle wearing a bow tie for us?”

“Not my favorite but I guess I can play along. C U tomorrow”

“U R a sweetheart. Just relax and we will all have fun. Wear that great cologne. I like my waiters to smell good. LOL”


I arrived at Diane’s big old house a few minutes before 7:00pm on Saturday. It’s a beautifully restored older home with an open floor plan downstairs and at least 4 bedrooms upstairs. I’ve always admired it, and it was the perfect venue for the women to party, especially for an overnighter, and considering the fact that Diane is single, she didn’t have to kick a husband out for the night either.

She opened the door with a smile. “Come on in Tom. I’m glad you agreed to help out. This is going to be so much fun!”

“Have you been drinking already?” I teased her. “You’re awfully happy for this early in the evening. You better pace yourself or we’ll be carrying you to your bed before the evening’s half over.”

“Don’t you worry about that…I’ll be just fine! Now, Cynthia is in the kitchen laying out the goodies, so you’d better go see what she has in mind for you to do,” she laughed.

Stepping into the kitchen I noted that Danny was already there, helping Cynthia set up trays with various finger foods. I knew him, but not well; he’s more a friend of Cynthia’s. He’s one of her gay friends, of which she has quite a few. Not a surprise, considering she had a lesbian lover on the side for quite some time in her earlier years. I’m a closeted bisexual myself, and Cynthia is the only one in our circle of friends who is aware of that, thanks to a late night drunken confession. Part of the reason we’re such good friends is that she’s discreet and she’s kept my secret for almost ten years.

“Hey, you made it,” she greeted me. “We’ve just about got all the food set up, and the punch is already made in the fridge. Give me just a couple of minutes to finish up here and we’ll get you guys all set up. Then I can go over the plans for the evening.”

I nodded at Danny. “I guess we have to look out for each other tonight, huh? All these women get a little crazy when they’ve been drinking.”

"You know it, brother and this one’s the ringleader,” he grinned, nodding at Cynthia. “It’s hard to say just what she’ll do when she has a few drinks in her.”

Very soon she was finished with the food and led both Danny and me into the pantry adjacent to the kitchen. There was a coat tree and two kitchen chairs there, and a bow tie lying on each chair. Cynthia picked one up and held it out to me. “Here is your uniform for the night.”

I started to turn up my collar and button the top button of my shirt when she reached out to stop me. “This is your uniform. Your entire uniform. All I want you wearing is this,” she stated evenly, looking me in the eyes.

“What?” I asked incredulously. “You have got to be kidding me. What kind of crazy shit have you got in mind?”

“It’s cool, Tom. We girls want to have a really fun party and naked waiters is something we’ve all talked about for a long time. And this is just like Vegas…what happens here stays here.”

I was still trying to wrap my head around her request when I heard the jingling of Danny’s belt buckle. He was dropping his pants and his shirt was already off. “Hey man, it’s cool,” he told me. “What’s a little nudity among friends? It ought to be fun.”

“You knew about this?” I asked. Turning back to Cynthia I said, “So why did Danny know about this in advance, but you’re just springing it on me now?”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t show up if you had too much time to think about it, silly. All of us are looking forward to this, and you might like to know it was Beth who suggested you. Evidently when you dated her sister years ago, she heard some good things about you.” She finished that statement off with a wink and a wide smile.

“I don’t know…” I began, but she cut me off.

“Didn’t you tell me one time that you regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did?”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts. This is one of those things you will regret if you don’t do it.”

She had me there. I really had said that and meant it at the time. She took my hesitation for capitulation and reached toward me to start popping the buttons on the front of my shirt loose.

“Alright, I’ll do it,” I said, hardly believing myself. Cynthia threw her arms around me, squealing delightedly.

“I knew you’d be a good sport! We are going to have so much fun!” She began to fill us in on the plans to start the event. “The girls are supposed to get here together so Diane will let them in and get them sat down. We want you guys to come in then with trays of punch and get them all served. From there, we will go to the food trays before they can get too carried away. That’s a tequila punch so keep an eye out that nobody is getting too loaded, okay?”

I nodded, still in something of a daze, and Danny spoke up. “Don’t sweat it, Sweetie. We got this.”

We heard the doorbell ring and by this time I was naked, and Cynthia reached up to clip my bow tie around my neck. Then she reached down to fondle my ass. “Okay they are here, so give us about five minutes and then bring out the drinks.” Stopping in the doorway, she gave each of us a long look, from head to toe. “Mmm, mmm, mmm,” she said as she headed for the living room.

Danny and I were alone in the pantry. He is slightly shorter than my six feet, but more muscular. It was obvious he spends time in a gym, unlike me. For almost sixty, I’m in decent shape, but I have a bit of a paunch, so I was a bit self- conscious. Below the waist I was even more intimidated; I’m average sized on a good day, but he is certainly better hung than me. Not huge, but slightly longer and a bit thicker.

He saw me looking and grinned. “Hey man, it’s just because you’re nervous. Try to get in a frame of mind where you can chub up a bit. Before the night is over you’ll probably be sporting full wood, but if you can, try to make an entrance half hard. You only get one chance to make a first impression,” he joked.

“Have you done this before?” I asked. “You seem pretty relaxed.”

“I’ve done this a couple of times, but never for an all-girls party. I was the entertainment at a couple of gay bachelor parties and also at a swingers party. Just chill. It’s all good. They all know what the entertainment is tonight.”

I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to think sexy thoughts and taking a few deep breaths. My eyelids snapped open at the feel of his hand around my cock.

He winked at me. “Hey man, you ok? Just trying to lend a helping hand here.”

When I didn’t react, he dropped to his knees and took my dick in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the head a few times, then sucking the whole thing into his hot wet mouth. After only a few seconds of that treatment, I began to grow and stiffen. Danny bobbed his head a few times to help me along and then released me.

“There you go,” he said. “Now you’re ready for a grand entrance. Let’s do this. I’ll lead the way and you follow me in, ok?”

I nodded and we got the trays with glasses of punch out of the fridge. When we got to the door, he turned to me. “Smile man. You are going to enjoy this. You’re at a party, not an execution. Here we go.”

He pushed the door open and stepped into the room. There was no way I could have gone first, but I took a deep breath and entered the room behind him. The ladies chatter was replaced by hoots and whistles.

“That’s’ what I’m talking about!” “Oh, baby!” “Why didn’t we do this years ago?” “Yesss!”

There was a steady stream of comments as we moved into the room. The two sofas and three armchairs were arranged in a semi-circle, affording all of the ladies unobstructed views. The birthday girl, Renee, a buxom strawberry blonde, was seated in the center, and Danny went to her first.

“Would you care for some punch, Miss?” he asked formally.

Her grin was huge as she accepted a glass, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Danny’s penis.

I went to Diane, who was sitting next to Renee, offering her a glass and she was similarly eyeing me as she took her drink. As Danny and I worked our way around the group, giving drinks to them all, they all devoured us with their eyes as they took their glasses. Everyone seemed extremely happy by our service, but not too many comments were directed at us personally.

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Beth, whose sister I had dated years before told me “I’m sooo happy you decided to help us out, Tom. I’ve heard so much about you.” Then she looked directly at my penis, then into my eyes, and winked.

Going back to the kitchen to get snacks, I was blushing from head to toe, but my chubby was threatening to turn into a full hard on, and my heart was pounding. Danny came in a moment later, in about the same condition. “What did I tell you man? Isn’t this a hoot?”

“It was scary as shit,” I told him. “I have to say, though, that it sure makes you feel alive. And they seem to appreciate it.”

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet,” he replied. “After a few drinks they’ll probably start getting all touchy feely. I’ll be surprised if they don’t.”

We both took trays of food and headed back out into the party area. Diane stood up and got everyone’s attention. “Okay, ladies. I am going to invoke a house rule now. As you can see, both our waiters are entering the room together. I think it should be understood that one of them is in the room at all times. After all, we don’t want anybody getting bored because there is no eye candy, right?”

This announcement was greeted with cheers, laughter and applause, and it was decided unanimously that either Danny or I should be in the room at all times.

We continued serving food and more drinks to the ladies. After a bit they began to flirt more openly with us both, and everybody seemed more relaxed with the nudity of Danny and me. As I bent to offer a drink tray to Jill, Sally was the first woman to caress my ass. I jumped just a bit, but managed to avoid spilling any drinks.

Sally is a little bit older than us; her first job out of college was teaching at our school, and I had a little bit of a crush on her during my junior and senior years of High School. She has aged very well. She still has the same dark hair and her green eyes were sparkling. “Well who would have envisioned this all those years ago?” she asked rhetorically. “The skinny kid who was always trying to get peeks up my skirt or down my top serving drinks to me without a stitch on. It seems like poetic justice, doesn’t it Tom?”

I blushed at her words, but my cock had a mind of its own, going from half hard to full erection in seconds. “If I offended you, I’m really sorry, Sally.” I replied. “I was just a perpetually horny teenager. I was trying my best to be discreet.”

“You think I missed it when you had to carry your books in front of you leaving class?” she laughed. “It was actually kind of flattering, and I always wondered what you were hiding. And now here it is, right in front of me.”

She reached for me and gave me a few light strokes, and that was all it took to get the precum flowing. She seemed a bit startled at first, but then took her index finger and wiped it off the tip of my cock. She looked at the shiny liquid on her fingertip for a moment, then looked me in the eye as she brought her finger to my lips. “Open wide.”

I did as she asked and she inserted her finger in my mouth. “Suck,” she told me, and again I complied. She began to slowly finger fuck my mouth and I suddenly realized the room had gotten quiet. Everyone’s eyes were on us, or rather, me. I felt more naked than when I initially entered the room, standing there with both hands holding a tray of drinks as she fucked my mouth, my hard on throbbing and drooling more precum.

Jill was sitting next to her and noticed I was about to drip on the floor, so she caught the drip on her finger. “My turn,” she announced, and Sally removed her finger. I didn’t fight it as Jill began to finger my mouth like Sally had. After a moment she removed her finger to scoop up the next drops that were hanging from the end of my prick. This time she inserted two fingers, and her strokes were slower and deeper. She was looking deeply into my eyes the entire time and the room was totally quiet.

Louise, the quiet, reserved one, broke the silence. “I think he should try the real thing.”

Again it was quiet for a moment, and then Patti chimed in. “Oh yeah. That’s a great idea! I’ve always wanted to see that.”

Others began to murmur their agreement. Cynthia was sitting in the next seat and our eyes met.

“Remember,” she told me. “What happens in Vegas…”

We stared at each other for a long minute, then she reached out and took the tray of drinks out of my hands. She nodded her head at Danny, who was standing only a couple of steps away. Following her nod, I stepped in his direction.

As I sunk slowly to my knees I had never felt more vulnerable or submissive in my life. I couldn’t believe I was going to do this in front of eight women, all of whom I had known for many years. Up close, Danny looked even more impressive than he had earlier. A tiny drop of precum glistened on the tip, and his masculine smell filled my nostrils.

Hesitantly I wrapped my hand around his hard prick, giving it a few light strokes, then I extended my tongue to lick the end of his cock. “Oohhh,” moaned a female voice quietly. He tasted great, and the encouragement was all I needed.

“In for a penny, in for a pound,” I thought, as I opened my mouth wide and engulfed the head and about three inches of the shaft. I flicked the underside of his cock with my tongue, as I slowly pulled back. As his cock came into view again, wet with my saliva, I was hardly aware of the female moans in the room. I stroked his hard prick several times, and cupped his heavy balls with my other hand. I didn’t take long for another heavy drop of precum to emerge and start to drip off the bulbous head. I leaned in and caught the slimy liquid on my tongue, and I heard Cynthia whisper “Oh, fuck yes! Suck that cock, boy!”

Her comment reinforced in my mind that I had an audience, but by now I didn’t really need anything to spur me on. The women watching only added to the excitement I was already feeling; the desire to suck Danny’s stiff spear had already taken me to that place in my mind where I was craving man meat and cum.

I began to bob my head, taking in as much as I could on every stroke, stopping just shy of gagging, and stroking his hard shaft with my hand to stimulate him further. Occasionally I would stop to lick up and down the shaft as I caught my breath before going back to taking him deep in my mouth. I couldn’t take him all the way to the root, but I took him as deep as I could, applying as much suction as I could. When he put his hand on top of my head it reinforced the submissive feelings I already had, and I began to bob my head more enthusiastically as he got closer to his release.

Even in my own little world, I was aware of more moans from the women, as they watched my performance. I could feel Danny starting to tremble as he got closer, and his balls were beginning to pull up in his scrotum. His grunts were louder and more pronounced, and I knew he would soon be cumming, and I intended to get every spurt, every drop of his salty seed.

His balls were pulling up really tight in his sack as he got closer, and I intensified my efforts to get him off. I was totally into giving him the best blowjob he had ever had and providing a great show for the women.

"Unhh, unhh, unhh.” By now he was grunting with every breath as he climbed toward his peak. I forced myself to drive him just a little further into my mouth and applied even more suction, trying to suck his cum out like a milkshake through a straw. The head of his cock was swelling even bigger in my mouth and I knew the moment of truth was quickly approaching. I pulled back and sucked hard on just the head, using my hand to take him over the top.

“Arrggghhhh!” he groaned as he began to shoot off. Thick ropes of cum were quickly filling my mouth and I had to swallow to keep it from overflowing and running down my chin. I held the last of it in my mouth as I nursed the last dribbles, savoring the flavor and reveling in the depravity of what I had just done. Finally he could take it no longer, and pushed my head away.

“Too sensitive,” he groaned, and I turned my face toward the women. I opened my mouth to show them the cum that remained, and swallowed it down with a flourish. The ladies were all watching with rapt interest, but they were not just passive observers either.

The birthday girl, Renee, was pinching her nipples ferociously and her knees were pressed tightly together as she squirmed in her seat. Diane was likewise occupied, except she had a hand in her crotch as she rubbed her pussy through her pants. The rest of the women were all obviously turned on and touching themselves in one way or another, but the highlight was Jill and Cynthia.

Jill was slunk down in her chair squeezing her own boobs while Cynthia had her long dress pulled up and her hand inside Jill’s white panties. Jill’s eyes were barely open as she succumbed to Cynthia’s ministrations to her clit, but her mouth was hanging open while she panted her way closer to climax.

Danny had stumbled away to a chair on the other side of the room to catch his breath, so I stood and began to stroke myself. Knowing it wouldn’t take long to shoot off after all that had happened, I tried to take it slowly. I was enjoying being naked and vulnerable and about to cum in front of all the women, so I was getting close all too soon. Sally recognized my approaching climax and pointed. “Right there,” she said.

Cynthia had pulled Jill’s panties loose and was fingering her wet pussy in front of everybody. Sally had pointed at Jill’s dark haired bush and wet pink pussy, so I took a couple of steps to be next to her. With a groan, I came as hard as I had in years, firing off several thick ropey streams of hot cum onto her pussy and Cynthia’s fingers. Cynthia dropped to her knees between Jill’s wide spread thighs and began to lick my hot cum off of her, paying particular attention to her clit. I did the same as Danny, staggering away to sit down and catch my breath after my explosive orgasm.

The smell of pussy was strong in the air as all of the women were engaged in some form of masturbation, watching Cynthia on her knees devouring Jill, who was by now holding her knees up and wide open to let Cynthia have access to both of her holes. Cynthia was on her like it was her last meal, and Danny came over and tapped me on the shoulder.

“Let’s get out of here,” he whispered. “I think they all saw what they came to see, and they need some privacy now.”

Nodding at him, we made our way to the pantry to retrieve our clothing. “That was wilder than I could have imagined,” I told him. “Did you expect all that to happen?”

“No way did I think all that would go on,” he said. “That’s the wildest party I’ve ever been involved in.”

“Well, what happens in Vegas…”

“No sweat,” he smiled. “Hey, you give a great blowjob. If you ever want to go to Vegas again, just give me a call!”

I just chuckled, because it was far too late to play coy. “You never know, I do love to travel.”

We high-fived each other as we let ourselves quietly out the door, locking it behind us.

Written by bareman
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