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The Mark

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Charlotte’s eyes burned as she stared into the little video box on the laptop screen in front of her.  She watched a policeman extract a thin laptop from a safe in the wall, one of three Brumble had stashed.  In the study, another ran his fingers along a thin line of caulk on the drywall next to a bookcase, courtesy of Sersha last night.  Subtle beacons in a perfect house.

The little clues had never failed.   

Today Sersha had turned on the computer in Brumble's study as he languished in bed naked, thinking she was in the kitchen.  She typed in his password to allow Charlotte wireless access to his computer, then left as Charlotte hacked into the M15.  When she succeeded, leaving his IP as a trail of digital breadcrumbs for the cops, Charlotte called Sersha's burner cell to tell her it was done.

Standing next to Brumble in the bedroom on her phone, Sersha had acted shocked.  A family emergency, she told him, nearing hysterics.  She fled out the side door.  

Moments after, the police arrived.  Brumble had glanced out the front window at the commotion, then ran to the back of the house.  They broke down the door, chased him through the flat, and knocked the pompous prick through the glass patio door in his bathrobe to arrest him.    

That was a nearly an hour ago.

Charlotte exhaled. The hot, humid air over her fingers made her realize she was pinching her lower lip.  

Releasing it, she sat back in the office chair and drew her legs up.  Hugged her knees to her chest.  The refrigerator huffed in the kitchen, then settled into a droning hum.  The only noise in the irritatingly tidy apartment.  

“Come on, Sersh.  Where ya at?” she murmured at the video screen.

Brumble, Clarke, the Smiths, they were all the same.  Every mark was an integral part of establishments that polluted lands and waters, ripped up smaller companies like the roots of weeds, and cared nothing of people they might hurt. 

People like Sersha’s father, leading him to suicide two years ago.  

She'd come to Charlotte's window in the middle of a storm, makeup a wreck from the tears and rain.  They kissed for the first time.  Talked all night, slept wound in each other's arms.  Within a week, Sersha's grief was eaten by anger and Charlotte thought up a plan for revenge.  

It was the only thing that pushed Sersha's pain away, for a moment.  But she lingered longer every time, to watch the men and women get taken down.  It was cathartic, but dangerous.

This can't be the day.  Charlotte closed her eyes.  Propped her elbow on her quad and massaged her eyelids lightly with her thumb and forefinger.  Come on, baby.  

A thud was followed by the ripping sound of the sticky front door.  

Lurching forward, Charlotte killed the video feed and slammed the laptop shut.  Bllinked away the blur in her eyes and looked up, heart pounding.

“Holy shit, what a rush!”  Laughing and out of breath, Sersha swung into the room.  Kicked the door shut behind her, blue eyes bright in the overhead light. The collar of her grey cape-style coat swept the boxy line of her jaw.  “I barely made it out of there before the cops came!”

Relief poured through Charlotte’s body like a balm.  She exhaled, the entire carriage of her body shrinking to normal.  “Thank fucking Christ, it’s you.”

“Of course it’s me!”  Smile beaming, she flitted to Charlotte and pecked her lips. Then she leaned back, crouching as she swiveled Charlotte’s chair around to face her.  Her long, golden ponytail hung from her shoulder.  “You were watching, right?”

Her eyes seemed wider and more expressive with the winged liner and false lashes, that smile more mischeivious outlined in deep burgundy. 

Lightness blew through Charlotte's body, an automatic reaction to her girlfriend's happiness.  She fought her lips down, forced herself to be serious.  “Of course.  We did good, but baby… you gotta stop hanging around.  Someone will put it together.”

“I know, I know.”  Sersha stood, still grinning.  She reached up, undid the button at her collar and opened her coat.  Shed it and tossed it on the couch as she looked out the window.  “It’s just always so good to see them get theirs, you know?”


"Wait."  She went still, gaze glued on something outside.  Holding up a finger to Charlotte, she crept closer, her pencil skirt gripping the pert bubbles of her ass as she brushed a gauzy drape aside.  “Oh, Charlotte.  It’s him!” 

“What’s who?”

Sersha whipped around, her smile stretched impossibly wide on her small face.  “This guy... he walks past Brumble’s every day, always with this sad look, like he’s driving himself mad.  He barely sees where he’s going, nearly bumps into streetlamps and cars, things like that.  He must be taking this way because Brumble’s road is blocked!”  

Always alone, always sad, driving himself mad... Charlotte crept to the corner of the dim room behind Sersha and peered out the window, toes curling on the hardwood floor as if they’d keep her grounded.  

The street was nearly vacant, police lights flashing at the cross street behind a man further up the hill from their flat.  He was a bit hunched under a knit cap, hands in his coat pockets as he walked along the row of empty cars.  The light from a streetlamp glowed ice-white behind him.

Something about him broke a wedge in the shadows of her psyche free.  Something deep, ignored, that had been pulling at her frays of her mind for awhile.

She straightened, shifting her weight to her heels as she watched.  

He meant something.  But what?

Sersha twirled around, grabbing her hand.  “We should celebrate.  Let’s give him a show.”  

Before she could reply, her girlfriend pulled her to the back bedroom.  Let go to flick on the light, illuminating the queen sized bed, the Black Keys poster above the overpriced dresser.  She left her in the doorway as she backed toward the window.  Her eyes remained on Charlotte's as her head tilted to the side, awaiting her response.  

It was everything she loved about Sersha.  Her physical beauty, her empathy, her daring.  Not to mention her intelligence.  The sudden flick of the light had been sure to draw the stranger’s attention on the darkened street.

The game had begun.  

Sweet tension coiled in her mind.  She felt like her body changed.  Grew stronger, but more intense.  More predatory.  Ever aware of her white shirt, dark nipples.  Aware of the cling of her blue lace boyshorts in the cleft of her pussy, the air at her backside.  Everything Sersha was purposefully ignoring with her challenging gaze.

“Convince me.”  Charlotte leaned against the doorjamb and crossed her forearms, pressing her tits together in the scoop of her shirt.  

Sersha smiled.  Her tongue moved across the side of her upper lip, then hid again.  Raising her arms, she closed her eyes and stretched, serenity clear on her face. 

Charlotte had to smile with her.  Sersha was never more calm than when she was performing.

Relaxing, Sersha’s long, thin fingers fluttered to the front of her white blouse.  Unbuttoned each pearl as she looked at Charlotte, the fabric gaping open.  She pulled it back, exposing her cherry red bra, the hints of breasts burgeoning from the cups, and the fine line of muscle down her pale abdomen.  The top slid down her slim arms and onto the floor.

Charlotte heard herself breathe.  Sniffing, she regained her composure.

“Oh, that old thing?  Sure that’s enough to keep his attention?”  Charlotte asked lightly.  

Laughing, Sersha reached behind her, the movement pushing out her breasts as she unzipped her skirt.  She hooked her thumbs at the sides and pushed it down, wiggling until it fell to the floor.  Her panties matched her bra, with satin straps rising over her hips and lace stenciling flowers on her skin. 

Swaying as if to music, the beat from somewhere within, Sersha pointed at her, beckoning her until Charlotte was almost shown by the window. 

Charlotte dropped to her knees.  Looking at her girlfriend’s gorgeous face, she reached up.  Curled her fingers under the straps of Sersha’s panties and rested her knuckles against her hips.  Smiled.


Her girlfriend wiggled, the fabric pulling down a bit but Charlotte didn’t budge.  Wanted to push her to her limit. 

 “Mmm.”  The inner parts of her brows lifted and pushed toward each other, tiny muscles no one else ever saw.  

In that second, Charlotte knew the stranger outside meant nothing.  None of it did.  Everything was back down to both of them.  Their history, their love.  Them against the world, always.

“Baby… please.”

Tsking, Charlotte kissed Sersha’s outer folds.  Drew a line down one side with her nose.  There was nothing silkier than Sersha’s body, but the panties were a close second.

“Make me come, Lottie.  Show him what you do to me.”

Her girlfriend was breathless, her words leaving Charlotte’s fingers electric.  Made her feel even more powerful, needed, alive.  Arching her hips to push out her ass, she ripped her loose white tee over her head, crumpled it, and put it under her knees to cushion.  Her nipples tightened in the sudden free air.  

She stroked the hot, wet belly of Sersha’s panties, feeling the plump give of her labia, the little bumps of her inner lips pressing through the folds.  Her sweet, musky fragrance.

Sersha whimpered, grinding her pussy against Lottie’s finger.  Mouth open a millimeter, eyes heavy lidded and brows knit.  Her fingertips tickled Charlotte’s crown.  “Please,” she begged, her voice breaking.

Charlotte snatched the panties to Sersha's knees.  Dropped them and grasped her smooth hips.  Dove forward with a long lick to spread Sersha’s slick split, then pulled her closer, tongue searching.

Her girlfriend gasped just as Charlotte found it.  

Charlotte slid her hands over Sersha’s beautiful ass, clutching and spreading her bouncy flesh.  Pointing her tongue, she flicked it across Sersha’s hardening little button.  Looked up to see her girlfriend’s head rolling side to side, her lower lip trembling.  Her painted mouth opened wide then narrow, wide then narrow.  Words lost with Charlotte’s tongue.

Sersha looked down, lids hooded.  Gaze struggling.  She glanced out the window.

Oh, I’ll give him something to see.  Charlotte flicked her tongue faster, faster.  Thrashed the little nub, pussy juice coating her mouth. Sersha’s small rocks turned into jerks.  Charlotte closed her eyes just in time to fall into Sersha’s shuddering, convulsing orgasm.  Her breathless, high pitched cries filled the room.  Charlotte continued, riding the crescendo, nose crushed against her girlfriend’s mound, Sersha's thighs tense around her, until her quivering slowed.  

So slick and ready.  Charlotte wished she could slip on her strap-on.  She’d push Sersha to the window, split her wide around her cock and show the man outside how she fucked her into oblivion.

But she thought about him.  Alone.  Life seemingly the same everyday.  

Tonight would be different.  

He’ll remember it always.  Us, always.

Charlotte leaned back, butt to her heels.  She looked up into Sersha’s blue eyes, stroked the smooth curve of her calves and forced herself to ignore the pale, glistening pout of her pussy.  The rich swell of her breasts in that bra.  “Stay.  Do whatever you have to do.  Maybe I’ll bring you a present back.  But right now, do exactly what I tell you.”  

Sersha let out a breathy giggle.  “I love it when you get like this.”  

Charlotte felt like glowing with pride.

“Look out the window, but not directly at him.  Keep him in your peripheral line of sight.  Stay coy, and tell me how he reacts.”

Her girlfriend moved her head like an afterthought.  Brushed her hair from her face and looked out the window, her jawline inclined in the most regal posture Charlotte had ever seen.  The light shone from above made her smoky eyeshadow darker, the white of her eyes more pronounced.    

Charlotte slunk from the window to the bed, away from his sight.  Snatched a hoodie from the top of the mattress and pulled it over her head.

As Charlotte pulled her hair loose from the neck of the top, she watched Sersha turn from the window and walk to the dresser.  She grabbed a big rounded brush from its surface and pulled it through her pin-straight hair, a smile teasing her lips.  

“He saw.  Definitely,” she said without looking Charlotte’s way.  “The streetlight he’s under is blown, so he must feel like he’s invisible.  Maybe he feels like that all the time.”

Charlotte plucked a pair of jeans from the floor and tugged them on.  As she buttoned the top, Sersha met her eyes in the mirror.  

“Careful, girl.  Don’t spoil the surprise,” Charlotte said softly.  She pushed her feet into the white trainers, laces loose and still tied.

Sersha looked back at her own reflection, pulling the brush through again.  “I’ll be watching.”

“Counting on it.”  She shot her a smile, then turned away.

She dashed through the open doorway, through the dark living room, and yanked open the sticky front door.  Playing her tongue stud against her teeth in a glissando, she bounded down the stairs and didn’t stop until she blew through the outside door.

Cold seized every millimeter of her exposed skin, making her bristle.  A second later, she remembered to ease the door shut, freezing her palm on the silver handle but leaving it just ajar.

She walked to the front of the building, staying close to the brick as her eyes acclimated to the dewy shadows of the city.  Looking up, she found the pocks of light lining the street.  Followed them to a point of darkness between the even row and traced it down to the sidewalk.

He was taller than she’d thought, almost a full person away from the top of the dark lamppost.  He was looking down, then glanced around as he hung his head.  A moment passed and he looked up at the apartment window.  A faint shimmer reflected on his eyes from the lamp to his right.  

For a moment, she felt guilty.  Shy.

Then she realized Sersha was probably putting on a show and she clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.  

My turn, baby.

Smiling, she pushed her hands in her front pockets.  Looked both ways on the empty, rain misted street, then dashed across it.  She slowed her stride, quieting her steps, and snuck up behind him.  Back to the holly lining the other side of the sidewalk, she looked up to follow his gaze.

Sersha was bent over the dresser as if looking into the mirror, wagging her bouncing ass as she pulled the brush through her long blonde hair. 

Charlotte fisted her fingers in her pockets, fighting the urge to take that brush from her hands and spank her with it.

She heard a soft exhale, a reminder of the stranger.  Saw the last trails of hot breath dissipate in front of his face. 

Dude never had a chance.  A bubble of glee rose inside her.  

Licking her lips, she rose on her tiptoes.  “Beautiful, isn’t she?”

He jumped and she stepped back.  Stilled.  

The man whirled around, feet tap-dancing on a small patch of ice.  His arms flailed in jagged windmills, breath fogged in the air like steam from a locomotive.  She had to press her lips together to keep from laughing as he finally found his footing, arms to the sides for a second more before dropping down.  

Eyes wide, his gaze flickered over her face.   “I… I… Ah… Aya…”  

"Shhhh."  She lifted her brows.  Turned her head left and right, looking down the slick and empty streets.  Saw the faint strobing halo of blue and white cop lights down the road and faced him again.  

Two people, one moment.  Intimacy.  

”Your secret's safe, Mr. P. Tom.”

"Please. I'm… sorry."  The man glanced past her toward Brumble’s, then refocused on her.

"What for? She's irresistible, right?" She leaned closer, hoping he’d smell the sweet perversion of Sersha’s pussy on her face. "Wouldn't you just love to taste her?"

He stared. "Well, I…” 

His lips seemed to search the air for the rest of the sentence, but it was lost.  He shut his mouth.

Come on. 

The gaze of her girlfriend egged her on.  She took a small step forward, felt the tips of his fingers through his coat at the sides of her abdomen.  He backed against the lamppost.  

She stared at his mouth, the pout of his lower lip. "No, what I mean is, would you like to taste her?”

He blinked.  It was just too sweet.  Too honest.

This is a good man.  The thought shaved at her naughty high.

Having dealt only with the bad, she wondered if she’d lost that sweetness she might’ve had.  That true honesty, and the ability to believe it.  To trust anyone.

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That’s not what tonight’s about.    

Tilting her head up, she raised higher on her toes.  Focused on his mouth, closing her eyes as she pressed her lips to his.  They were cool and pliant, but hesitant.  She brought her other leg forward, pressing closer, opening his coat to feel his hard cock press against her thigh.  

The world narrowed to the heat between them.  His open mouth.  The fevered slide of their tongues, mingling and sawing until everything in her was nothing but a hot, breathless, panty-soaked mess, existing on every iota of his being. 

He pulled away and she nearly lost her breath.

“You?” he said. 

I what?  Swallowing, she followed his gaze up to the window, where Sersha was still running that fucking brush through her long, shimmering hair.  Tart

Ah.  He tasted her pussy.  Charlotte smiled.

The man turned around.  “How?”


Grinning, she thumbed over her shoulder toward the corner of the building.   “An alleyway from her place. Pops out just there.  So what do you think? Does she taste as good as she looks?”

"Uhhhh, yes.  I mean… no. Better, in fact." His gaze flickered everywhere, from Sersha’s window to the slick streets, then back at her before looking down at the ground as if he could read it. "Actually, I don't know.”

You don’t, huh?

"Well how about we make sure?"  Reaching up, she tucked her thumbs under his knit hat and pushed it a little above his ears.  Noted the softness of his earlobe, its faint hair catching a glint from the streetlight a few meters away.  Turning her hands upward, she trailed her fingers down his temples, the bumps of his cheekbones, and held him.  

Leaning in, she trapped him with a kiss again.  But his response was intent, purposeful.  Sound and sight evaporated and she was weightless, drawn to his heat and how all that reluctance had just melted from his lips. 

Their mouths parted, both sucking in a breath just before going back for more.  Softer, more playful as her tongue barbell clicked against their teeth, and she remembered her role.  The girlfriend, the tease, the dignitary of debauchery.  Owner of this tall, quiet man. 

She pressed her hips against his, found the sturdy answer of his thick cock.  She drew back, imagining how she tasted to him, how her breath smelled.  "What about now?”

A questioning look passed over his face, then vanished.  "Yes. Definitely. She tastes amazing. You're very lucky.”  

Yes. Yes I am.  Grinning, Charlotte slithered her hand away from his face, pausing on the pulse in his neck.  She drifted down again, over his chest, his soft but toned abs, to rest on his hard cock.  

Thick, solid, hot.  Everything about him was intoxicating.  

How long has it been since I’ve been properly fucked by a man?

"Oh, what have we here?"  She traced its outline, trying to ignore the plight of her own cunt even after giving his dick a few gentle squeezes.  Movement in the second story window caught her attention from the periphery, but she kept her eyes trained on his.  "Turn around.”

He complied. She slid her arms around his hips, fondling his cock as she pressed her breasts against his back.  She looked up, smiling as Sersha faced the window.  Her girlfriend clutched her ample breasts, flesh pushing out from her thumb and forefingers.   Letting go, her fingers sought forward, pinched her nipples, clearly defined as she turned to the side just so.  

The stranger’s thick dick twitched in Charlotte’s grasp.

Never had a chance, my love.  Power rising inside her, Charlotte leaned close to his ear.  

"Tonight, you're the lucky one. She wants to watch you come.”  He turned his head to look at her and she tried not to laugh at his deer-in-headlights expression.  She nodded.  “Here. Now. It's only fair."

His eyes widened and he glanced up and down the street. "I can’t."

"Sure you can."  Pressing closer, she fumbled for his zip.  Caught the little metal in her fingers and lowered it.  

He didn’t move.  

Curling her fingers, she slid the smooth backs of her nails down his abdomen and dipped under the elastic belt of his underwear.  Tiny hairs tickled her fingertips but before she allowed herself to react, she pushed her hand outward, away from his body.  The elastic strained against her as she pushed down.  She tucked it into the bottom of his gaping zip, the waist of his pants brushing her forearms.  

She flexed her kegels, tamping down on the warm beg of her throbbing clit at the seam of her jeans.

Her breath was a tiny poof in the atmosphere.  

Gaze locked on Sersha, Charlotte wrapped her hand around his hot shaft and slowly moved up and down.  She ground her mound against his backside, her pussy drooling to be filled.  "Mmmm. "See? Nice and hard. Just how she likes it.”

Just how I fucking need it.

God, all she could picture was the man she’d watched Sersha fuck a month ago.  Wet, hot, raunchy.  Quietly raging with lust, she wanted to feel what Sersha had, for a man.  But not that man.  Not any man.

But maybe this one.  Something about him made her both possessive and shy.  Powerful and powerless.  

She felt her blood vibrating through her.  

Gliding her hand to his cockhead, she palmed the salivating tip of him.  Hesitated, fighting the urge to make him hers and taste his sperm herself before bringing it back.  

Charlotte bit her lower lip.  She loosened her wrist, pumped her fist down his shaft from tip to root, hand meeting his hips.  Smeared the precum down his cock, and continued stroking his thick, lubed shaft.

Above, Sersha cupped a breast with one hand, gliding the other between her legs.  

He twitched again, impossibly harder.

"Look at her. Such a show-off." 

He nodded. 

"She loves being watched. We both do. Somewhere off the beaten track, but public enough where we can be caught. Last weekend it was the park, against a tree. A man walking his dog watched me finger her."  She pumped his shaft, barely able to breathe as she fought the intoxiation of lust. "It was so naughty. So exciting.  And now you.”

Easing her grip, she trailed her fingertips down his rod, then lightly forward.  Enjoyed the smooth texture of something so hard.  She circled her fist around him again and stoked his full length, melting her body against his back.  Her eyes never left Sersha in the window.  "Can you imagine what she feels like inside? All wet. Hot. Excited. I can't get enough of her pussy. So tasty. She looks sweet and innocent from the outside, but she has a dirty streak. Loves to take charge. Loves to make me eat her until she can barely stand. Until she peaks. I'm totally hers. I'll even come out into the street and jack a guy off if she asks." 

Her girlfriend twirled away from the window.

Blue lights shot forward, bouncing on the buildings.

Charlotte darted around him, hand never leaving his cock, and looked into his eyes. "Hug me.” 

Without question, his arms wrapped around her.  Warm, strong arms, trapping out cars and the cold and her girlfriend.  He looked down at her and she stroked him, tilted her face toward his.  His mouth found hers again, and everything faded into the moonlight.

A motor ramped up beside them, then passed.  The cop car.  

Sersha would be waiting.

Charlotte broke the kiss and turned toward the window.  Sersha was naked, stroking her tits with one hand and her pussy with the other.  Insatiable, she thought in admiration.

She turned her head to look at the man holding her, the window a glint of amber in his eyes as he tracked her girlfriend’s every movement.  A candle of jealousy burned her stomach.  

Don’t be stupid.

Giggling, she skipped her fingertips up his thick shaft, over his abdomen, and to his delectable mouth.  "Now that was exciting!"

He glanced back at her, pale pink flushing his cheeks.  The corners of his mouth lifted a millimeter.  ”Speak for yourself. I was terrified.”  


Charlotte licked her lips.  Raised her arm to rest her spooge-coated fingers on his lips.  Raised her eyebrows.  

He opened his mouth.  Ran his hot tongue over her fingertips.  His breath fogged through them and every iota of her being was filled with sensation.  

"If that's you terrified, I'd love to see you in control."  The words were out before she could think.  She withdrew her hand.  Stepped to the side, bits of dirt hissing under her trainers as she twisted around, safely behind him again.  Breasts to back.  She reached around his coat, hands moving south as she looked up at the window.  

Sersha lifted her fingers from her between her legs and suckled them.  Drew out her lower lip as she pulled them out, the faintest hint of pink tongue visible.  Then rubbed them on both of her stiff nipples.  Her mouth dropped open, head tilted back. 

Charlotte’s throat tightened.  Her arms missed the tremors of her girlfriend’s orgasm.  The little mewls she was probably making in the quiet room.  Her skin on hers.  

And Sersha probably knew it.  

God I love her.

 "Now where were we?" Charlotte grasped his cock in her hand, his cum and saliva making it easier to glide.  "Ah yes, right about here."

His breath caught and in that second, she felt feline and sexy.  Powerful, confident.  All due to Sersha, with the icing of this man’s vulnerability and trust.  A stranger, taking a chance at something new and exciting.

She wanted him.  In so many ways.

Sersha looked down at them.  Her lover, her best friend, her partner in everything.  Like she knew.  And maybe she did.  

"I love pleasing her. Sometimes, if she's really into a guy, she makes me watch while she takes her time to—" Charlotte shifted her weight and leaned toward his ear, barely touching it with her lips, “—fuck him. Dominating him. It gets her off knowing how much I want her afterwards." 

He groaned quietly. 

"One time, she demanded a guy tie me to a chair so I was totally helpless.”  Her pussy was so hot and wet she wanted nothing more than to fuck the both of them.  She took a tight breath, then forced her mouth to move.  “Then she sat in my lap and made him screw her. I could feel and smell them both, every thrust, every groan, desperate to have her, writhing like a caged animal the whole time beneath them. I only got her to myself after he left and she untied me. I pounced—"

"Please," he whispered, his cock twitching and hardening more than she’d ever imagined. "Oh, God.” 

Everything pulling inside her begged her to drop to her knees and receive his cum herself.  Be his whore, his exhilarating memory forever.  But she needed more than that.  

She and Sersha both did.

Directing his boner down, her spare hand quickly wrapped his cockhead.  Sersha fingered herself as she looked down on them, breasts gyrating with her hips.  He sucked in a breath through gritted teeth seconds before his shaft kicked, unleashing spurt after spurt of hot cum into her cupped hand.  

Fuck.  Charlotte's body screamed for its own orgasm.

Sersha licked her lips as he topped off her palm, flow waning.  Her gaze was pure, debased desire.

Charlotte released him, then sprung to his side on the balls of her feet.  Forced herself to meet his eyes for a moment.  ”She’ll love this. Thank you.”

Heart pounding, she clasped his cum and jogged down the sidewalk, then crossed the empty street to the alleyway.  Yanked open the door and started up the stairs. 

God, she wanted him.  Needed Sersha to let her have him.  As a pet, a plaything, a lover.  

A partner?

She grasped the cold railing and paused on the stairs’ switchback, gaze on the single fluorescent light above the flight in front of her.

He could be the perfect thing to offset Sersha’s obsession with watching the marks fall.  He could even assist, if he was into it, and he seemed so… familiar… something told her he’d be intrigued.  Nervous, but excited.  Just like he’d been outside. 


Renewed with energy, she pounded up the stairs.  Pushed the front door to the flat open and followed the soft bursts of bass to the bedroom.  

Sersha faced the street, fingers still at her clit.  Those blue eyes met Charlotte’s in the window's hazy reflection.  Her girlfriend turned, allowing her profile to be fully visible to the stranger outside.  

Charlotte smiled and stepped into the line of sight and faced her.  God, she was beautiful.  

Biting her lower lip, Sersha cupped Charlotte’s clasped hand and pulled it toward her face.  She raised their hands, mouth parted, and sucked one of Lottie’s fingers inside.  Her lips moving down to the webbing, hot tongue massaging.  Cleaning.  She backed away and moved down from her index to pinky fingers, then lapped her palm like a cat with milk.

“We talked about you the whole time, baby,” Charlotte murmured, trying to earn the strength back in her knees as Sersha’s tongue dragged over her palm.  “How sexy you are, how hard he was for you, how I’d do anything for you.”

Sersha moaned, hot breath sailing across Charlotte's palm as her hand dropped between her legs, knuckles working feverishly, hips hitching and mouth open for more.

She was a vacuum for all the molecules in the room.  Colors a blur, air on fire.  Charlotte curled her fingers, closing her hand to massage Sersha's saliva and the remants of the stranger's cum into her skin.

“He was so hard for you, for us.  I kissed him, let him taste you on me and he wanted me to tell you, your come tastes like a dream.”

“Don’t stop.”  Sersha’s breath was fragile, frantic.  Chin forward, head back.  Eyes slits as she watched her.  “Tell me.”

Charlotte felt heat tingle her cheeks.  “He was thick and hot.  You were stunning, prancing around in the window with your gorgeous tits and that beautiful body.  I wanted to take you both, at the same time.”

A high pitched moan rushed from Sersha’s throat.  Her body tensed, hips rocking, head lolling.  Pink flushed her skin as her eyes squeezed shut.  Little gasps escaped her mouth

In her own world, on the edge of falling.  Vulnerable and weak and beautiful.  Her fingers shone with wetness.  

Charlotte stroked her cheek, wanting to and needing to hold her.  But her girlfriend was in a zone.  Blissed out and beautiful and weak.  Too filled with sensation to appreciate the distraction.

“You want him,” Sesha whispered into her palm.

Her stomach erupted in butterflies.  “I love you.”

“But you want to fuck him.”  Her voice was peaceful, sweet.  She nestled her smooth cheek against Charlotte’s palm, turning from the window as she looked into her eyes.  “Don’t you?”

“Y-yes.”  Charlotte swallowed, feeling outside of herself.  Dizzy, out of control.  "But more than that.  Does he... remind you of anyone?"

A faint smile played on Sersha’s lips.  Straightening, she pushed her pebble-hard nipples against Lottie’s chest and kissed her.  Her hand teased Lottie’s stomach, making Lottie wetter than ever.  Her fingers danced at Charlotte's abdomen.  “Sad.  Lonely.  Over sexed?”

“Or under." 

“You see him and see us.”  

Charlotte leaned over to pull the cord to the blinds and saw the man looking up at her.  She waved weakly, then closed the blinds and shut out the night.  “Something like that.  He seemed like... like heat in a city of cold.  Like he might belong with us, both fucking and in the plays."

She turned around to see Sersha smile.  Raising her arm, Sersha smoothed Charlotte's hair with her hand.  Soft, sweet, familiar.  Her touch lingered at her jaw and she kissed her, lips gentle, squeezing Charlotte's breast through the thick sweatshirt.  She broke away, let her lips tickle Charlotte's ear.  “We should shake it up, not get stale.”

“The world needs saving,” Charlotte murmured.

“And we need dick.  Enough, but not too much.”

A warning.

Charlotte pulled back to look into her heavy eyes.  Her mascara had smudged at the corners, the disarray making her even sexier.  More like the girl she’d always known.  Her lover.  Her rock.

She cupped Sersha's hot, wet pussy, and was rewarded with a gasp that left Sersha's mouth hanging open, her tongue in view.  Exhaling and feeling her open pussy clench, Charlotte curled her fingers and pushed two tips inside her girlfriend's snatch. 

Sersha moaned and ground herself against Charlotte's hand but her eyes burned into Charlotte’s.  Her fingers left Charlotte's face and plunged into the hair at her nape, gripping tightly and making her knees nearly buckle. 

Charlotte pawed at her girfriend's hip, waist, breast.  Fingers wet with cum, desperation filling every synapse.  

"Please," she begged.

“You've been such a good girl tonight.  I look forward to directing him on how to fuck you.  Make you cum so hard every light is a fucking shimmer and your muscles are god damn useless.  Make him think he has the world.  And then he can do the same to me.”

Sopping wet, Lottie’s could almost feel the discomfort of the stranger’s thick cock hitting her cervix.  She squeezed her pussy, begging herself to wait.

"But make no fucking mistake, Lottie.  You're mine.  Mine."

Sersha let her go.  Pulled away from her reach, leaving her dizzy and breathless.  She sauntered over to the bed, butt jiggling deliciously, and sat down.  Lay back and spread her legs, showcasing her her pink labia, gleaming with cum.  She dragged a finger through her folds, making a small sloshing sound, and smeared it down her inner thigh.  

Charlotte swallowed hard and Sersha smiled seductively.

“Get him.”





Written by Katherine
Contributing Authors
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