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The Halloween Party

"We attended an exclusive Halloween Party"

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I am a fairly successful businessman and own my own company. At six foot three, 225 pounds I am in good shape thanks to a relentless personal trainer at our local gym. With a healthy six figure salary, in addition to perks and bonuses, we live comfortably.

My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sensual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 107 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length auburn hair. She inherited her long, sexy legs from her mother's side of the family. She loves to dress to show off her great shape that she works hard at the gym to maintain. Sometimes, she undresses to show off her incredible body. Diane is several years younger than I am. She has learned to be more adventurous since we have been married thanks to our little adventures.

Di's family lived in the small town where I had spent summers of my youth, but she wanted to attend the University near my home at the time. Her parents really couldn't afford to send her there and had urged her to attend the local Community College for her first two years.

During one of my visits to her home town I saw her at the little restaurant where she had worked as a waitress and she explained her dilemma over tuition and housing for College. I mentioned that I had a large house, with extra unused bedrooms, and could possibly hire her to work part-time for my company while she attended school. Diane got excited and asked me if I would call her parents and make the offer, which I gladly did on her behalf.

While she lived and worked with me during her four years of college everything was purely platonic, with no activity between us. But she was exposed to a variety of ladies I dated and heard stories about our activities.

After graduation, she continued to work for me and live in my home. I had helped her get a job as a hand model as she has beautiful hands. But as a result she has to be extremely careful and does not wear any rings on her hands.

It didn't take long after graduation for us to begin to flirting and finally do what we had both wanted to do for a very long time. After officially dating for several months, we were married and eventually moved back to her home town after selling controlling interest in my company.

As Halloween approached, she was caught up in trying to determine what costume she was going to wear. She loved shopping at second hand and thrift stores to get different outfits for all types of occasions. She had previously bought an old style button-up dress that she had used to perform an impromptu strip tease in my garage workshop. So I suggested that she stop by some of her favorite shops and see what she could find to wear for the costume party we planned on attending.

We had been invited to attend a Halloween costume party at a very private club in the greater Orlando area. The guidelines for the party were very specific and included a mask be wore around the eyes, no jewelry could be worn that might identify an individual, no business was to be discussed and no cameras, video or recording devices were allowed. The club is an exclusive membership country club with a car service and on-site cottages for out of town members or members in no condition to drive home.

Diane had found several different assortments of clothing from which she hoped to come up with a costume. She dropped her assortment of clothing onto the dining room café style table and began showing me what she had found. She had bought several old style dresses and suggested going as a witch, a bag lady or cleaning lady. I reminded her that most of the other people would probably be wearing rented professional style costumes and would probably be dresses a little sexier. She showed me some outfits and suggested going as a streetwalker or working girl.

I kind of shook my head no and gave her a look to let her know that it wasn't a good idea.

We continued to browse through her purchases which included a black wide brim fedora, a few short skirts, and a jacket.

"What's with the jacket," I asked.

"It's cute and looks good on me. Look!" she stated as she pulled the jacket on over her shoulders.

It was a tan colored leather jacket that fit tight around her and came down to just below her butt. There was a matching leather belt that pulled it snug.

"Wait a minute," I requested as I reached for the fedora. "Put this on and pull the front down over your eyes."

She did as I had asked and I led her over to the hallway mirror so she could see herself.

"You look like a secret agent dressed like that.”

"You think so?" she asked rather tentatively. "It's not very sexy, is it?"

"I don't know, I guess it would depend on what you wore underneath the jacket. Why don't you see what you could wear under it and then we can decide."

"Okay." And with that she headed off to our bedroom and her walk-in closet to try on a variety of clothing.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and turned on the TV in the den expecting to see her come waltzing out of our bedroom showing off her latest creation. I didn't hear or see her for a while and decided to go check on her and what she had found.

I walked into our room and was greeted with a vast assortment of clothing strewn around the room, with Diane sitting on the end of the bed in her bra and panties, crying softly.

"What's wrong, honey?" came out of my mouth before I had time to think. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I know the answer before I asked. Her response would be...

"I have nothing to wear with the jacket that looks sexy," she cried, "I might as well go naked."

Of course I am still not thinking sympathetically towards her and her needs, so of course the first thing I thought of came spilling out of my mouth.

"That's a great idea," I almost shouted. "That would be sexy as hell."

The look on her face was priceless. Her mouth was open and her blue green eyes were wide in amazement. Time to think fast.

"Look, you've worn all types of revealing clothing on a variety of different occasions. This is Halloween! You don't have to be yourself. It's in Orlando. It's anonymous. There won't be many people there we know. You know how you get when you get to show off your body."

I was talking as fast as I could trying to stop the tears and get a smile on her beautiful face and it seemed to be working. The more I said the softer her look became until she was smiling.

"Really? How would that look?" she asked as she began to grab the jacket and stood at the end of the bed.

She swung the jacket around sliding her arms into the sleeves and fastening the belt in place. She reached for the hat which I had picked up off of the bed and pulled it down over her long hair.

"Well? What do you think?" she asked as she twirled around in front of me.

The jacket just covered her ass as well as accentuated her boobs. Almost as if she knew where I was looking, she pulled at the top of the jacket showing more cleavage.

"You want me to investigate you?" she teased.

"No, but I wouldn't mind frisking you." With that I stepped towards her, began unbuckling the belt and undid the three bottom snaps holding the jacket closed.

I reached around her slender waist grabbing a handful of her ass and pulled her close to me. Our lips met in a passionate kiss while we groped each other. Our intensity increased as we continued to caress each other, my hands running over her newly exposed nakedness, her tugging at the belt and zipper on my pants. Quickly we were both naked and fell onto the bed continuing our groping of each other.

I love the feel of her smooth, tanned skin and shuddered as I ran my hands up and down her flat belly and settled in our massaging her soft, firm breasts. Her breasts amaze and tantalize me. They are firm standing out on her chest with no sign of any sagging, yet are soft to the caress. I could play with them for hours.

To make it easier to play with her breasts I turned her away from me until we were spooning with my cock firmly wedged between her butt cheeks. I had my right hand under her holding her right breast with my left arm draped across her holding her left breast. Both of my hands were grabbing, groping, squeezing and pinching her magnificent titties. Diane was reaching down and began fingering herself. She was making little mewing sounds as her excitement built. She started to quiver and shake indicating she was about to explode so I worked my cock fervently between her ass. As her climax peaked Diane's body shook uncontrollably causing my own release to pour out between us, covering the small of her back and my belly.

We lay like this for a few minutes, each of us trying to breathe normally, when she finally spoke.

"So you like the costume?"

"Yes," I managed to say before I stood, "very much."

A little unsteady on my feet I made my way to the bathroom to clean up and returned with a warm washcloth to wipe the excitement off of Diane's back. I sat on the edge of the bed wiping the gentle curve of her back, cleaning up the mess I had made. I tossed the cloth towards the bathroom hamper and began stroking her back, her butt and the top of her legs which still dangled over the edge.

"You know, when we go to the party you are going to stir up a lot of attention. I think if anyone asks what a secret agent wears under her coat, you should show them." I let that sink in for a minute. "Hell, maybe no one will ask, but you do know how horny you get showing off that terrific body of yours."

She turned over onto her side and looked at me with one of those looks only a wife can give you. She started to say something changed her mind and said simply, "Pervert."

She then headed for the bathroom, closing the door behind her, while I was left sitting on the bed. After a minute or two I heard the water running and knew she was settling in for a nice hot bubble bath. Smiling to myself I followed her towards the bathroom, only to find the door locked. So I headed back to the den and the unfinished beer.

Neither of us spoke about the upcoming Halloween party until the middle of the week prior to the party. She brought up the subject of the party and her outfit.

"Do you really think I should wear the secret agent outfit to the party with nothing on under it?"

"Yes, you see the affect it had on me." I was trying to look thoughtful and wise. "Like I said, it's a very anonymous party miles from home so we will know very few people there and you like showing off. It's a perfect setting."

"Alright. But I am not going to show everyone what's not on underneath. They will just have to use their imagination." That was the end of the discussion.

Halloween weekend came so on Friday afternoon we drove to Orlando and checked in to a hotel with affiliations to the club where the party would take place on Saturday night. The hotel was in an area away from the attractions Central Florida is so famous for and located in a complex of hotels, restaurants and entertainment suited more for the adult interests.

Diane and I decided to get some dinner and go to one of the local nightclubs within the hotel area. While I dressed business casual, Di chose a more revealing outfit. She wore a short white top made from some almost transparent material with thin spaghetti straps, and a short tan mini skirt with a belt that was almost as wide as her skirt. She did wear panties but went without a bra.

The restaurant we decided on is a well know chain with an Aussie theme. Needless to say we joined the group of expectant diners on the front porch waiting for our little light-box to go off signaling our table was ready. Diane attracted the attention of a number of the male and female diners waiting outside and I could tell it was having an effect on her. When we were finally seated she squirmed around in her seat throughout our entire dinner. She practically yelled 'No!' when the waitress asked if we cared for any desert. Diane insisted I just give the girl money so that we could get out of there.

We had strolled to the hotel enjoying a typical Autumn Florida evening and the attention Diane was creating with her little outfit. On the way back to the hotel Diane kept saying that we should have driven as it was too far to walk (especially after she had had a few drinks before and during dinner). I was really getting into her arousal and wanted to take advantage of it, so I kept slowing down her rush to return to the hotel.

As we rounded one corner there was a small courtyard area that belonged to a little restaurant that had closed for the evening. It was landscaped with bushes and shrubs to help block the traffic noises while customers ate, and the courtyard had many dark corners late at night. I pulled Diane into the courtyard and asked her what her why she was in such a hurry to get back to the hotel.

"All that attention in the restaurant got me horny. I just want to go back to the hotel and fuck."

"Not so fast," I said to her. "Stop for just a minute," as I put my hands on her shoulders and turned her to look at me. "We're going to take our time walking back to the hotel.."

"But, I'm horny," she interrupted, "I just want to fuck you."

"No. I'm going to enjoy this. Take off your underwear. Do it, now." I commanded.

She blinked at me a couple of times before responding, "What?"

I looked at her and repeated, "Take off your underwear. Here, let me help."

I reached for the hem of her short skirt and began to lift the material. Looking around cautiously she grabbed her underwear and pulled them down her long legs, stepping out of them.

"Now what?" she asked rather impatiently.

"Now stick them in your purse and let's start walking, slowly back towards the hotel," I instructed as I began to lead her out of the courtyard.

We stepped into the walkway just ahead of a group of what appeared to be businessmen well into their partying ways. There were a couple of whistles and cat calls that made Diane cling to my arm with both hands. She rested her head on my arm as we walked and I dropped my hand from around her waist to her tight skirted ass. I slipped my hand down under the hem of her skirt and touched her wet spot, which evoked even more cat calls and crude remarks. The movement of my hand told the gentlemen following behind us that I was doing my best to get my wife off as we walked. After a couple of minutes of this Diane turned her head, nipping me on the shoulder as her body shook and shuddered in orgasm.

This elicited a cheer from the group behind, followed by a brief applause. We were very close to our hotel so Diane turned and flashed our following entourage before we darted off to the hotel entrance.

Before we made it all the way back to our ground room Di was pulling her top off. As I slid the card through the locking mechanism she was unzipping her skirt and stepped out of it as she stepped into the room. She grabbed me and locked her lips on my while her hands fumbled to undo my belt buckle and unzip my pants.

"Hold on." I mumbled into her mouth as I grabbed my belt buckle and quickly had my pants down around my ankles.

I let my mouth find its way from her lips to her lightly scented neck. I nipped and nibbled her neck while one hand continued to massage her back and the other hand fondled her breasts. I heard her moan into my hair.

"Touch me down there," she whispered breathlessly. My hand worked its way free of her breasts to be replaced with my mouth and tongue, and I slid my hand slowly down her body, down her waist and gently found her mound. I caressed her clean shaven mound as she ground her hips into my hand. I was kissing the bottom of her tits as my finger found it's way inside her. I felt her body shudder as I worked another finger inside her and then used my hand to guide my cock inside of her. I pushed her back against the hotel door and started thrusting hard into her. She continued to moan and tremble and my cock worked its magic. My fingers continued to draw little circle around her right nipple. Diane has her left nipple pierced so I took hold of the piercing bar and pulled, causing Diane to squeal. My hands continued to knead her breasts and Diane shook in my grasp.

“I'm going to come again," she practically screamed. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Uhuhuh, Ohhh, God that was good."

With that she went limp in my arms, so I carried her to the bed, where the covers had been turned down by the hotel staff. I kissed her forehead, telling her good night and that I loved her very much.

Saturday morning I got up, got dressed and retrieved the Orlando Sentinel from outside the room door. I decided that since our hotel room was on the West side of the building the sun would not be shining in through the wall of windows that lined the bedroom wall of our room. So I opened the curtains, ordered room service for breakfast and sat down by the windows to read the paper. The windows included a sliding glass door with access to the pool patio and overlooked the parking area and rear entrance to the hotel.

After a short wait there was a knock at the door, identifying himself as 'room service'. Knowing that the server would be setting breakfast up in the small dining area of the room, I rose from the chair, swatted Diane on her naked ass and told her that breakfast was served. I opened the door for the server allowing him to bring in the tray full of food I had ordered.

The server was sandy haired young man about nineteen or twenty years old. He was tall and lanky, but moved with a fluid movement as he went about uncovering the various dishes, filling the coffee cups, and completing the place settings. His name tag identified him as 'Brad'. As he began to pour the orange juice Diane entered the living area of the room in her state of undress from the night before. The young man overfilled the glass he was pouring and did not realize what he had done until I called his attention to the little accident. Brad started to apologize profusely as he worked to clean up the mess he had created.

"Sorry about that," Diane understatedly said as she turned to leave the area. "I guess I better put some clothes on, huh?"

"Our friend here would probably rather have you stay the way you are," I turned my attention to Brad and added, "wouldn't you."

Diane had stopped and turned to face the two of us standing near the breakfast table, looked at the young man with her dazzling smile as if to wait for an answer. Nervously, he looked at Diane, remembered I was there and then began to glance back and forth between Diane and myself as if trying to stall for time to think of an answer.

"Go get dressed,” I suggested to Diane and pointed towards the bedroom area.

"Okay," she threw over her shoulder as she turned towards the back portion of the room.

I looked at the face of a very stunned young man, smiled sympathetically and offered, “She had a little too much to drink last night. You'll have to forgive her this morning."

Straightening himself up he replied, "Certainly.

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No problem" as he glanced towards the bedroom.

I signed the receipt with a good tip for the poor guys trouble. When the young man left Diane rushed back into the room, wearing only my button-up shirt for the previous nights outing.

"You could have told me that the guy was still here.'

"Would it really have made a difference?"

"Maybe I would have put on a better show," she replied as she made her way to where I stood, wrapped her arms around me, adding, "you will just never know. You should have seen the look on those guys out on the pool deck drinking coffee."

"I love you so much."

She kissed me deep and long while I ran my hands over her terrific body. We continued this for a few minutes until she broke free and sat down to eat.

"I really enjoyed last night. You looked incredibly sexy and put on a great show. Everyone agreed."

"I am sure I don't remember all of it, but I hope you enjoyed yourself. I think I'll get my revenge this evening at the party."

We finished our breakfast with small talk about the hotel amenities, local attractions and the preparations for the evening's festivities.

We spent an uneventful afternoon shopping at the large area mall and had a late lunch at a Mexican based restaurant which had outside seating. We were people watching while people were watching us casually enjoyed our lunch.

The time for the party was approaching and the car service would be picking up the two of us as well as a few other guests staying at the hotel about a half an hour before the party. Diane and I enjoyed a hot shower in the suites oversized shower, washing each other's back while grabbing a cheap feel or two. We got out of the shower and I teased with Diane telling her she would definitely be spending more time on her makeup than on her choice of clothing.

I retreated to the bedroom, leaving Di to do her hair and her makeup while I donned a NASCAR driver's suit complete down to the shoes. I had purchased the complete outfit at a charity auction around the time of the Coca Cola 400 race in Daytona. As a part of the prize, the suit was custom fitted for me as the driver and I are different sizes.

The time for the car service arrived and Diane and I made our way to the lobby to await our ride to the club and a very interesting evening. While we stood in the hotel lobby a man approached from behind us and instructed us to put on our masks. When the gentleman finished speaking we were joined by six young ladies in Mardi Gras type outfits with elaborate masks and headgear, and two other gentlemen who appeared to be considerably older than anyone else. The two men wore business suits with cloth masks reflecting a lack of imagination in their selection.

I couldn't help myself so I asked the one closest to me, "What are you supposed to be?"

The gentleman sneered at me, replying, "Rich. Very, very rich."

I stepped back towards Diane who was giggling at the man's answer and my responding reaction.

"Asshole," I muttered.

"A rich asshole. A very, very rich asshole," she corrected me teasingly and continued giggling.

"Whatever!" It was a line I had learned from the late Hugh Culverhouse.

We all made our way to the stretch limo and the two older gentlemen settled into the back seat and observed all of the young women entering the car. There was some minor groping of the ladies by the two perverts, but no one offered a protest. The gentlemen were quiet on the ride to the club, while the young ladies, including my wife, offered speculation about what would happen at the party, Apparently, one or two of the young ladies had been present for at least one previous private party at this club and was telling the other girls how to act, what to expect and what was expected.

It became quite clear that none of the other girls in the car were spouses of any of the other guests. My wife leaned into me and suggested that two of the girls were probably mistresses of the two gentlemen accompanying us for our short journey.

We arrived at the club along with three or four other limos filled with party guests brought in from other areas. All of the people getting out of the cars were dressed in a variety of costumes from the very mundane to the extremely elaborate. Some modest, while some totally immodest wearing practically nothing at all. Three of the women and two of the younger gentlemen had painted on costumes that left nothing to the imagination.

The crowd headed inside to be greeted with stewards holding large trays of drinks and appetizers for us to enjoy. I took a flute of champagne for Diane and grabbed a bottle of Corona for myself and started to mingle with the other guests. It appeared that there were some couples together like us, but that the majority of the men were there alone, as were most of the young ladies.

Diane and I began mingling as a couple but soon separated to talk to different people. I was engaged with a very attractive large breasted blond dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and an older distinguished gentleman dressed as Colonel Sanders. In the space between the two of them I could see Diane talking rather animatedly to a couple of gentlemen dressed as Harpo and Groucho Marx. I watched their interchange while trying to maintain my part of the current conversation, but kept glancing at Diane, who now had her back to me. It wasn't long before I saw her reach down and I could tell she was unbuckling her belt. In no time at all Diane had her jacket opened exposing herself to the Marx Brothers who were nodding their approval and appreciation.

I watched as she closed her jacket, but left the belt dangling. She and Groucho marks then headed for the pool area off to the side of the clubhouse. I asked Little Red Riding Hood if she would like to step outside for some fresh air. She looked at Colonel Sanders and he nodded his approval. Taking Red by the hand I led the way, following a short distance behind my wife and Groucho.

Diane and Groucho were off to the side with a number of other coupled costumed characters. Diane made her way to one of the pool lounge chairs while the gentleman took the next chair and they continued their animated conversation. It wasn't long before Groucho was leaning into Diane and I saw her slip her jacket open revealing a little of herself to him. There was another couple close enough to see the activity taking place and became instant voyeurs, joining myself and Little Red Riding Hood.

Diane was excited, even in the dim light I could see her. The look on her face was completely erotic making her look like the horny nymph she is. She laid the back of the chair down almost flat and drew her jacket fully open, exposing herself completely.

The man leaned over Diane and began to lightly stroke Diane's flat, smooth stomach.

"Like what you see?" Diane asked as she nervously looked at me, then to the man enjoying the view of her naked body.

He nodded his head, and sensing no reaction from me, turned his full attention back to Diane's body. His mind could not decide where to look as his eyes jumped from her boobs to her laser cleaned pussy. Dine reached up and took his hand from her stomach in her two hands and placed it on her right breast. She used her hands to move his hand around on her boob.

"Squeeze it. Doesn't it feel soft and firm?" He complied with her request and as he began to knead her tit she released her grip on his hand.

"Ooohhhh. That feels nice." Diane twisted in her seat as he moved his hand to her left tit and pinched her nipple. He continued to rubs her breasts and the group of voyeurs moved slowly closer to the action.

She used her right hand to push one of his hand back down over her stomach and guided it towards her hole. His fingers lingered for only a second before he slid his middle finger inside her. I watched as he slowly began to explore her womanhood with one hand while he massaged her delightful tits with the other hand. While I watched, I saw her reacting to the man's finger action. She turned her head, from side to side urging the guy to continue whatever it was he was doing.

"Yes, yes, right there. Faster. harder. That feels so good."

The group of four observers had now grown to eight people who, like Red and I, were watching while we also took liberties with each other. I had pulled Red close to me as I watched my love give her full attention to another man, and was enjoying the show. Now I was enjoying the feel of Red's large breasts which I had pulled free of her outfit. I turned Red around so that she and I could both continue being voyeurs while partaking of some of our own action.

Leaning into Red, I kissed her deep and long while working my hand down between her legs where I pushed aside her thong and slipped a finger inside her. This evoked a deep breath from Red. Working my lips down her chin and around her neck I began nipping at her shoulder.

Curiosity got to me so I looked over at my wife and her companion and watched as the old guy tried to get his entire hand inside Di's squishing wet pussy. His head was buried between her tits, his one hand buried in Diane's snatch and was twisting her tit by pinching her nipple. I was fascinated as the old man worked his hand, twisting it one way as he slid it in and reversing the twisting action as he pulled his hand back of Diane.

Diane was completely into it, moving his left hand down to join his hand busily working to bring her happiness. Taking the cue, he pinched the top of her pussy causing her to grab his arm. He tried to pull it free apparently thinking her had hurt her, but she held it in place and gyrated her hips against his hand. With four finger inside her he turned his left hand over and wiggled another finger into her.

That pulled the trigger for her as she grabbed his arms with both her hands and pumped her hips hard. She muffled a scream by burying her head into his shoulder. She released her grip and fell back in her seat. The old guy slid his hand out of her ravaged pussy and traced a line of her juices to her belly button ring then up to her pierced nipple.

Diane lay on the seat, breathing hard and fast, smiling up at the guy.

"Thanks. I really needed that." she said breathlessly. She tried to cover herself, pulling the jacket back across her tits. The group of voyeurs all acknowledged the performance.

"What about me?' he pleaded as he stood up, pointing to a very stiff looking crotch.

"Yeah, okay. But where?" she asked unsure of where this activity was leading.

"Right here. I am a senior member of this club. There won't be any problems.

“Do you have a condom?" she asked, "because if you don't I have a couple with me."

"People will probably come out and watch," the old man stated. "You will be compensated."

"I don't care who watches. The whole world can watch for all I care."

I watched as the Groucho undid his pants and began to unwrap the flavored Trojan. That's when I saw the large ring on his finger. Now I understood what had gotten Diane so excited. I figured this guy could probably violate any of the club rules and get away with it.

Diane knelt on a towel that had been sitting on the chair, took hold of his cock and rolled the condom down his thick six inch tool. She looked up and realized she was more exposed in this position and spread her knees on the towel to fully expose herself. She started stroking his cock, watching it grow firmer the longer she held onto it, and continued to try and work more of his cock into her mouth. Seeing the position of her pussy I pulled Red across the patio, sat down in the lounge chair where Diane had been laying and brought Red down onto my lap. I began to caress Red and grabbed her tits as I worked my hand into her pants and slid two fingers into her pussy.

Diane began moving in rhythm, working the man's cock in her mouth while tugging at the base and playing with his balls. She was making humming noises as she worked hoping to reduce the time the task took. It didn't take long before Groucho was holding her head in both her hands, his breathing becoming rapid.

Groucho let out a groan as he shot his load into the condom protecting both of them. He continued softly moan as Diane sat up and gave him a quick kiss. The group of onlookers cheered her performance, so she took a quick bow as she stood retrieving her jacket.

"Hope you liked it," she offered shyly as she began to snap the jacket closed and buckle the belt.

"Amazing woman you got there," he offered as I reached for Diane.

I took Diane by the hand and led her and Little Red back into the main clubhouse and retrieved everyone a fresh drink.

"Having fun?" I asked Diane as I raised my left eyebrow into a quizzical look.

"Yes, I am. And I am making contacts for my modeling. Do you know that he owns a group of jewelry stores in Central Florida? I have a chance now to do some more hand and arm modeling for his company."

"Not bad, but I thought that you said that you weren't going to show everyone who asks what a secret agent wears under her overcoat."

"He was different,," she was explaining as we were interrupted by another well aged gentleman.

"I wonder if I might talk to you privately for a moment," he requested, indicating his query was intended for Diane.

"Excuse me," she tossed over her shoulder as she took the gentleman's extended hand and followed him off to a semi-secluded corner of the room.

I was approached by Little Red Riding Hood who explained that we had never finished what we had started. Taking her by the hand I led her into the men's locker room, and checking carefully made sure we were alone. I led her to the locker area and sat her down on the nearest bench. I kissed her slowly, increasing the tempo and the pressure as the kiss continued. I nibbled on the nose that was covered with freckles, while I ran my hands through her red hair.

I reached up and untied her red hoody letting it fall to the floor, leaving her barely dressed in a bright red bodice that appeared to be two sizes too small, a pair of red fish net stockings and red ballerina slippers. I reached around her to undo a zipper, but found that she was laced up with a string knot holding everything together. I tugged on the string and watched as the scant covering fell away. Freckles dotted her ample chest but faded into a narrow trail that led to her clean shaven pussy. I followed the disappearing freckles with my kisses then let my tongue go to work on her delicious pussy. Soon she was wiggling and shaking holding my head between her hands, directing my movements to just the right spot with her legs wrapped around my neck, crossed on my back..

"That's it! That's it! Right there. Ohohohohoh..." she finished with relish. "Oh, yes. That was nice."

"Now it's my turn."

Without a second thought I had her legs in my hands and had my cock buried deep in her pussy. Free and unprotected felt so good with her. She had me worked up in a frenzy and I was pumping her like a madman. Kneeling by the small bench my knees were quickly becoming rug burned, but I didn't care. Seeing my wife's performance earlier and knowing she was doing the same thing I was at my wit's end. My mind was whirling with excitement.

Just before I came I worked my cock out of her pussy, but continued to stroke it between her legs and finally covered her belly with my juice. I released her legs and fell back against the bank of lockers. Only then did we realize we had an audience of a couple of the wait staff who had come in to check on the conditions of the locker room.

"Excuse us," I said rather sarcastically but yet politely as I grabbed Kittle Red's hoody and covered her up.

The two staffers turned to leave as Red began to giggle.

"I like it when people watch me."

"You sound like my wife", I stated as I rolled my eyes.

"Is that your wife?" she asked incredibly.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"No one brings their wife to these parties. Most of the girls her tonight are escorts working for big money, even me."

"I'm supposed to pay you now for our little romp?" I never would have guessed that this young lady was a working girl.

"No, the club pays every one of us as we leave the party. The later you stay and the more guys you are with, the more you get paid. I go to school at UCF and do this part time. That way I can study when I have to and work when I want to or they really need me to work, like tonight."

"Oh," was all I could manage to say. I had to think about this sudden turn of events, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"Shall we?" I asked as I extended my hand to help her up.

We returned to the party only to bump into Diane coming out of one of the offices, arranging her jacket. She looked up from her fussing with her outfit and saw me watching her.

"What?" she shot out.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Having a good time?"

"Wonderful," she offered. "You?" she asked as she looked up and down Little Red Riding Hood and her skimpy outfit.

"If you're a naughty little girl later I'll tell you about it."

"If we leave now you can tell me about it on the ride back to the hotel with the car service," she whispered seductively.

I turned to Little Red and quietly whispered into to her ear asked what Diane had to do before she left.

A brief look of astonishment crossed her face before she replied that Diane had to see the concierge and he would take care of Diane.

I explained to Diane that none of the women were allowed to leave the party without checking with the concierge which prompted an odd look from Diane.

"Okay," she hesitated as she joined me as I walked towards the entrance. I continued outside to arrange for the car service to take us to the hotel as Diane popped into the office to speak with the man in charge.

A couple of minutes later she charged outside to confront me.

"They think I'm a hooker. Look! They paid me for tonight, and two of the gentlemen added tips to what they were supposed to pay me. Can you believe that?" She was pissed as she thrust the money towards me, but I think she was also excited about the evening and the apparent misunderstanding.

I chuckled as I explained the situation to her. But, then it was her turn to surprise me.

"Those two guys that tipped me also asked for my phone number so that they could use me again. They think I am an escort. The concierge asked me if I was one of the new girls since he hadn't seen me before."

"You're not serious, are you?" I was taken back by her attitude. She was a wild and crazy girl since she had come out of her shell of shyness a couple of years earlier. But this would be taking her adventures to a new level.

"You never know," she offered coyly as she turned to step into the limo that had arrived during our little discussion. We got into the limo and settled into the comfortable seating holding each other throughout the ride to the hotel.

Written by baddad53
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