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The Club Pt. 1

"Inexperienced woman's first time being watched!"

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"This is my first story on this site! If you enjoy my writing style, I take commissions! Send me a message and we'll see what I can do to help breath some life into your fantasies!"

I spin the whiskey tumbler between my two hands as my eyes scan the bar. I shift slightly in the barstool, my shimmery deep red velvet slip dress shifting in the light. I bring my glass to my lips, painted a deep red to match my dress to keep from tugging it lower. 

I feel my phone buzz from my small handbag and I pull it out to see my best friend’s name across the screen. 

“Have fuuuun, Em! You’re finally free from that boring dickhead, you deserve to live it up, seriously, like, be one of those main characters from those smutty romance novels you love so much!”

“Thanks for the encouragement, I don’t know what I’m doing here,” I text back, letting a small breath of relief for finally having something to do.

“You find someone who’ll finally eat you out, that’s what you do.”

“I don’t know why you keep bringing that up.”

“Because it’s fucking insane you’ve never had your pussy eaten. You’re 27 years old, woman!” 

“Martin and I were together for 10 years, I never had a chance to do that.”

“That’s 10 years too long. And now you do, so get out there. Make sexy eye contact with someone and ride his face.”

“I think you’re forgetting a few steps there.” 

“Get off your phone and figure out those steps for yourself! You got this, we made sure you looked hotter than hell tonight for a reason. Go crazy!”

I slip my phone back into my purse, taking a deep breath. Val, my best friend, and I did do a lot of work to get ready for tonight. I’m not a model by any stretch, but I did let her dress me up for tonight. My usual attire of thick chunky sweaters and flowy skirts wouldn’t have cut it for a place like this. Really, the only thing I let her do to my face besides my normal mascara was the lipstick. “Blowjob proof” lipstick, she said. She bet her left nipple it wouldn’t come off no matter what I did with my mouth. 

Oh, and don’t even get me started on the shower before all that happened. Val threw practically the entire kitchen sink at me, all these sugar scrub exfoliants, shaving creams, moisturizers. She even gave me two different kinds of razors, for some reason, not sure why, considering I’m just really shaving one area. She also handed me a handheld mirror through the shower curtain so I could see what I was doing there. I genuinely didn’t know shaving my pussy was going to be this labor intensive. I’ve always opted for the neat trim before, but Val insisted that shaving hers increases her confidence, so I thought why not.

She talked me through the entire process, probably while texting her boyfriend, as I showered. She did go call her boyfriend in the middle, though, leaving me on my own. 

I swear, I don’t think I’ve ever looked at my pussy as much as I have during this shower in my entire life. My outer labia are surprisingly darker than I thought they would be, considering how pale I am everywhere else. My inner labia are almost flush with my outer labia so they barely peek through unless I spread my pussy open, which I do, because, why not? I was already down there anyway. Might as well get more familiar with my body considering the only action it’s gotten in the last I don’t know how long was solo, silent, and under the covers.

When I checked myself out in the mirror after stepping out of the shower, I liked what I saw. I looked a lot sleeker and totally got what Val meant by feeling automatically sexier. 

Back at the bar, I finish the last of my whiskey with a gulp of courage before I set it down and eye the people around me with intent. I came here with a mission. I was going to have fun, even if it made my insides jelly and my fingers tingle. 

My eyes are immediately caught by a man’s gaze. He’s looking at me as if he’s been looking for a long time, and he likes what he sees. I let my eyes scan over what I can see of him from across the oval shaped bar, taking in his brown hair, his dark eyes, and broad shoulders, encased in a suit jacket. When our eyes meet once more, after my perusal, his lips hike up in a smirk. 

I see his eyes run downwards, taking in the thin straps of my dress. His eyes linger long enough to probably notice beneath the skimming fabric delicately hugging my curves that I’m not wearing a bra. My girls may not be the biggest in town, but they’re certainly perky enough for me to pull off this ensemble.

As his eyes trail back up my decolletage and neck slowly, a shiver runs down my spine. 

I have to take a deep, slow, controlled breath when we make eye contact because I swear, everything in my body, my core muscles, my thighs, my pussy clenches, almost in anticipation. I can’t help but swallow as he stands from his barstool and makes his way towards me. He’s tall, and his frame is as solid as his shoulders indicated from when he was sitting across from me. His very walk oozes confidence and when he leans his hip against the bar close enough to me that I can smell his cologne I swear my blood turns to lava. 

“I haven’t seen you around here before,” he says, his voice deep and as smooth as his confident stride. “My name’s Luke.” 

I have to swallow and clear my throat a bit before I’m able to talk like a normal human. “Emily, nice to meet you, I’m new here. First time.” 

“Ahh, I see,” he nods. “I would’ve remembered someone like you.” He raises his hand to wave the bartender over, giving me a good view of his side profile, his strong nose, his smooth jaw, and a smattering of freckles on his neck.

“Someone like me?”

Our eyes connect once more, sending another shiver down my spine. “Someone so… innocent.”

I almost jerk backwards as if he’d struck me. I tried so hard to get myself into the mentality of a sexy, confident, desirable woman. I tried so hard when I was giving myself silent pep talks on the Uber ride here and I tried so hard when I was with my ex. I guess being seductive just wasn’t for me. 

“I meant no offense by it,” he says, probably noticing my obviously crestfallen expression, his voice going kind and soft. “It’s cute. In a place like this you’re almost angelic.” 

My eyes fall and I give him a small nod. 

“Truly, I didn’t mean that as a negative thing,” he insists. “Here, how about I buy you a drink to make up for it.” 

“Oh, no, it’s okay, don’t–” 

“I insist. Please.” 

The bartender takes my order and in a flash is sliding two new tumblers of whiskey over to us. I immediately grab for it and take a long sip. I need more liquid courage to be in the vicinity of this man.  

“Thank you for the drink,” I say after setting my glass down. 

“Cheers,” he says with a half smile, tipping the glass to me before he takes a sip of his own. 

If my blush is as strong as my cheeks feel, I’m probably as red as a tomato. 

“What brings you here?” He gestures to the bar and presumably the rest of the club. 

I’m not sure what compels me to be honest with this stranger, but I don’t even realize what I’m blurting out. “I’m here to go crazy. I don’t want to be the innocent girl anymore, I want to be a sexy woman.” 

One of his eyebrows lifts as he looks me up and down once more, seemingly taking me in, in a new light. “Just because you’re innocent doesn’t mean you’re not sexy as hell.” 

I narrow my eyes and scrunch my nose. “You know what I mean.”

“No I don’t, not unless you spell it out for me.”

“Well, I just wanna feel good. And I want to actually feel hot and sexy.” I take a deep breath. “And I think you can help me with that.”


“Yeah, I’ve heard… things about this club.” 

When he smiles in response to my words, it’s almost blinding and it sends another stirring of butterflies inside me. “Ahhh, I see, you’re looking for something a little more exciting.” 


“A little more engaging?”

I nod my head. 

“With other people involved?” 

I’m practically a bobble head. I’m not sure how this man was able to read me so easily, but he’s doing a great job. “I also want to get my pussy eaten. No one’s done that before.”

His eyebrows fly up in shock and I feel the shame fill my gut. He must notice because he reaches his hand out and covers mine on the bar. “Hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed about.” His thumb runs little circles on the back of my hand that seem to be stealing all of my attention, so I don’t notice how he’s leaning closer to me until I practically feel his voice vibrating from his chest. “Plus, that just means if you give me the opportunity, I’ll ruin you for all the future times someone buries their head between your thighs.” 

My pussy clenches and I inhale a shaky breath and flip my hand over under his, intertwining our fingers together. “Where do I sign up?”

He hits me again with his dazzling smile and pulls me from my chair. I bite my bottom lip nervously as my eyes dart between his. “Are we going now?” 

He scans my face before resting his hand on my waist. “How about we go to the dancefloor,” he says, the hand at my waist slowly shifting down to my hip. “We can get a little closer, more comfortable, no need for me to rush in head first just yet.” 

I give him a hesitant smile before nodding. 

He gives my hip a little squeeze before he leans down to whisper in my ear. “Though, I’d love to make you come on my fingers while we’re out there. I think it’ll put on a good show. How does that sound?” 

I’m shocked speechless and I clench the lapels of his suit jacket to keep myself steady, because his words practically make my legs turn to jello. Bye-bye panties, they’re basically completely soaked at this point. 

“I want words, Em. We’re not gonna do anything but dance unless you tell me,” he murmurs softly. 

“Yes. Oh my god, yes, please.” 

His smile is deadlier this time, a hint of mischievous pride as he takes my hand and guides me through the club towards the back where the dance floor’s thumping bass meshes with the butterflies inside me. 

He pulls me close to him so I’m looking up at him, even with the three inch heels I’m in, and my hips follow his as he leads us in time to the music. I’ve never really danced with someone like this, but he makes it fun. It gets even more fun as his hands slip lower, grasping my ass, his fingers pulling the red velvet up higher along the backs of my thighs, flashing the people behind me my red lace panties. 

He spins me around so my back is to his front and I make eye contact with a couple men who definitely caught sight of the peek Luke gave them, and their attention makes the butterflies in my stomach run lower, getting closer to my pussy.

Luke’s hands slide up my curves, his thumb running under the curve of my boob as we start grinding to the beat. I toss my hair to my side and look up at him, flashing him a wide smile and he leans down to kiss my neck. If I thought I was shivering when he was touching me earlier at the bar, it’s nothing compared to how my body reacts to his soft lips dancing along my neck as we dance together. I press my ass harder against him and I feel what has to be the hard evidence of his enjoyment of our activities and it only turns me on even more, sending flushing heat down my neck and chest to focus in between my legs. 

His hands run down my body before running back up, this time with a loose grip on my velvet slip, dragging the fabric higher and higher up my thighs. Luke’s hand then slides forward and cups my pussy, giving me some relief from the throbbing and I can’t help but let out a moan as my head falls back against his shoulder. No one else but him hears the moan, considering the loud music, but nonetheless, I feel the flush on my cheeks grow hotter. I never let out moans with Martin, even if we were having sex, but here I am, moaning on the dance floor. 

I make eye contact with one of the guys almost hungrily watching from across the room and that’s when I feel it. The burning power of being sexy. I have all of that man’s attention and he hasn’t ever laid a finger on me.

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Luke must notice the people watching us, because he gives my hip a squeeze before slowly trailing it up my body as his fingers cupping my pussy start sliding back and forth, his palm grinding into my clit through my panties. His hand caresses my boob before giving it a squeeze that’s almost reverent.

I start sliding my hand back into his hair, pulling his head into the crook of my neck. His hand comes from my breast to rest against the column of my neck, his thumb pressing right under my jaw, angling my head so he can reach down and finally kiss me. His lips are soft and insistent and they coax me to open up, literally, figuratively, practically all of the ways possible. And I do. I spread my legs wider and he slides his hand in my panties to start circling my clit with his thumb. 

I moan into his mouth, giving his tongue access to sweep in and tease mine. With tongue in my mouth, his hand around my neck and his fingers in my pussy, I feel all consumed by the man behind me.

His fingers move lower, sliding against my lips, collecting the wetness there. I shift my hips forward, practically begging him with my body to give me more. He seems to know what my body is telling him, because a moment later, one of his fingers is sinking into my dripping heat. When he curls his finger up, my pussy clenches down and I moan into his mouth. I feel his lips curve up against mine in a small smile. He seems to take my moan as a challenge, everything about him growing more intense. When I feel the stretch of two of his fingers I have to lean my head back against his shoulder. I stare up at myself in the ceiling full of what looks to be mirrors, my head thrown back, my hair spread out, my face contorted in pleasure and I clench even harder against him. 

When my head falls to the side, I make eye contact with a woman staring at what Luke is doing to me, her eyes trailing up and down my body. I feel my body flush with embarrassment and arousal as she lifts her martini glass and offers me a smile and a wink. The moment Luke takes the hand at my neck and squeezes, guiding my head back to meet his mouth, I feel myself coming suddenly around his fingers, clenching around them and groaning into his mouth. My legs nearly collapse out from under me until he bands an arm around my waist, pressing me back against him as he works me down from my high. 

He turns me so we’re facing each other as he takes his fingers, dripping in my wetness and licks my juices from his middle finger. He gives me a hungry smirk and I feel the vibrations of his hum through my own chest. He extends his index finger and presses it to my lips, smearing my juices across them before I peek my tongue out for a tentative lick. My cum tastes tangy and surprisingly sweet on his finger and I follow his earlier gesture and suck his finger into my mouth. His eyes spark with desire and he quickly tugs my dress back down over my ass before tugging me off the dance floor and towards the back of the club. 

Before we disappear down a hallway, I make eye contact with a few other people that were probably watching us, considering the way they’re eyeing me like I’m a five course meal and they’re starving. I’m not sure what sparked this newfound confidence, maybe the fact that I’m riding the high of an orgasm and tasting my own juices, but I offer them a small finger wave and smile. 

As we leave the loud music behind, I ask Luke “Hey, where’re we headed now?”

“You remember that extra bit of excitement I talked about earlier?”

“Mhm, yeah.” 

“We’re going somewhere you can truly experience that.” 

He enters a code into an elevator before the doors slide open. 

“So fancy,” I tease him. 

“It’s a special part of the club. One where everyone’s allowed to be a little more free.”

“More free than what we just did?” 

“I was thinking you wanted other people more involved than just watching. Am I wrong?” When I don’t respond, he gives my hand an encouraging squeeze. “Words, Emily.”

“No, you’re not wrong.”

The elevator doors slide open and Luke leads me down a hall full of doors behind which contain things I’ve probably only read about in steamy books. We step into a lounge with dim lighting, gorgeous people, and most surprisingly, a glass floor. Through the glass, I can see down into the dance floor. 

“The mirrors on the ceiling,” I whisper to Luke, tugging on his hand, “they’re actually single way windows?”


As I scan the room’s occupants, it’s obvious that there were definitely a couple of people that saw what Luke did to me downstairs. 

“Anyone catch your fancy?” Luke asks me, gesturing to the other people.

“What?” I say, jerking my head back in surprise. 

“Well I’m certainly not going to be the one to pick who you want to have this experience with.”

“But, anyone though?”

“Well, some people are only here to watch, but those couples and that man are certainly interested,” Luke says, gesturing to a few people. 

The couple that really catches my eye is a couple of two women. One is a tall woman with short dark hair and shapely hips in a deep purple cocktail dress and the other is a shorter, curvier woman with her sizable cleavage on display. When the taller woman lifts her class to me in a nod, I feel a blush creeping across my cheeks once more.

“Them,” I say, nodding to the sapphic couple.  

“Ahh, yes, they’ll make for a wonderful first time. Let’s go over and make introductions.” 

I feel the eyes of nearly all of the unoccupied attendants on us as we walk across the room. The other occupied couples seem to be having their own fun on some of the couches in the corner. 

“Hello Daphne, Rose,” Luke says to the tall woman and the curvy woman giving each a nod. “This is Emily.”

“Nice to meet you, Emily,” Daphne pretty much purrs, her eyes trailing up and down my body. “You look so much sweeter in person.” 

I don’t have enough time for my brain to process and come up with a response before Rose intervenes. “Sorry for her boldness, Emily, she’s rather forward.”

“I’m also excellent at reading people,” Daphne says, drawing one of her fingers up the center of Rose’s neck before brushing her chin. “And my intuition is telling me she’s here for a lot more than a conversation.”

“Well, Emily?” Luke asks me, shifting his arm around my waist. “What do you say?”

I nod and give the two women a small smile. “I’d love for you to join us.” 

“I have the perfect idea,” Daphne says. “If I may, of course.”

I offer her a nod and she smiles, pulling out a matching purple scarf from her purse. “How do you feel about being blindfolded, Emily, dear?”

My pussy clenches at her words and I bite my lip, nodding eagerly. Daphne’s laugh is almost musical as she hands the scarf to Luke. 

“Would you care to do the honors?” she asks him.

“Gladly,” he answers, coming up behind me, pressing his form against mine as he smooths my hair back away from my face before laying the dark fabric over my eyes and blocking out all my vision. 

“Everyone is watching you,” he whispers into my ear as he takes one of his hands and torturously slowly lowers the zipper of my dress. 

I can’t help but let out a little shiver when my slip dress hits the floor after he shrugs the straps from my shoulders. The cool brush of the fabric leaving my skin, revealing my bare breasts to the gaze of the entire lounge sends the returning butterflies in my stomach into overdrive while turning the blood pounding through my veins into lava. Lava that pools right at my pussy.

I feel Luke’s rough, calloused hands brush down my arms slowly, sending shivers down my spine. He grips each of my wrists in his hands and pulls my arms up and behind his neck. 

“How about you be a good girl and not move your hands?” he murmurs into my ear, running his hands down my arms once more. 

I give my head a shaky nod. 

“Oh dear,” Daphne hums. “It looks like Emily here is cold, why don’t we help warm her up.”

I then feel two different sets of soft hands start roaming my body, one trailing down my shoulder to circle my right breast, getting teasingly closer and closer to my nipple. The other starts roaming my hip, shifting towards my panties.

“With your hands behind you like that,” Luke murmurs, stroking the column of my neck with his thumb. “Everyone has a wonderful view of those fucking gorgeous perky tits of yours. All nicely presented up for them, too.”

At his words, I feel someone finally pinch my right nipple, sending a jolt straight to my pussy, causing my mouth to open in a silent moan. The hand then leaves and starts the same torturous spirals on my left breast, causing me to actually groan out.

I hear whispering that I can’t make out, and then I lose Luke’s heat at my back. It almost causes a jerk of panic, considering he’s been my sort of anchor for the evening, but the panic doesn’t last long, because I soon feel a pair of the softest, largest tits at my back. Presumably Rose is now standing at my back, her soft skin brushing against mine in a way I’ve never felt before. It’s so different than Luke’s masculine hardness, but it just adds fuel to the fire burning inside me. Rose takes her hands and slides them up my curves, starting at my hips before cupping my breasts and squeezing. 

I shift my hips forward, leaning into Rose’s softness, her nipples brushing against my shoulder blades and her tits curving against my back. “Please,” I beg. “I need— I need.”

“I know what you need,” Luke murmurs from in front of me. His mouth brushes my body as he trails down, getting closer and closer to where I desperately need him. He reverently removes my drenched panties down my legs before lifting one of my legs over his shoulders, spreading me open for him. 

“Everyone’s trying to see your beautiful pussy,” he whispers in between kisses up my thighs. “All spread out for us, dripping wet.” 

I feel soft hands and manicured nails trailing up my stomach before Luke takes his first lick. It’s a long, slow swipe with the flat of his tongue, causing me to squeeze my hands into fists behind Rose’s neck and shift my hips forward for more. The manicured nails travel further up my body, in between my breasts, as Luke continues his broad licks, moving them closer and closer to my clit. When he finally takes my clit into his mouth and sucks, I let out a moan. A rather loud one at that, causing the furious blush across my cheeks to get even worse. This time, the music is blocked out by whatever magical soundproofing this club has and everyone in the lounge certainly hears my vocalization of the insanity going on between my thighs. 

In response to my moan, Luke starts giving his own hums of approval, sending vibrations throughout my pussy that make my knees almost buckle. Rose’s presence behind me and my leg over Luke’s shoulder are the only thing keeping me upright. I’m moaning outright at Luke’s ministrations, overwhelmed by Rose’s soft touches from behind me and the nails trailing up and down my body, now concentrating on the sensitive parts of my neck. 

When Luke starts adding his fingers in combination with his mouth, I’m very quickly driven up the hill, getting closer and closer to the edge, my moans, noises, and sighs all getting more enthusiastic. Right as I feel myself about to teeter over the cliff, I feel fingers on my lips. 

“Suck,” Daphne whispers in my ear. I follow her instruction, sucking her two fingers, which press down my tongue the moment I start spasming around Luke’s fingers once again, this time while his mouth sucks away at my clit. My cry is muffled by her hand in my mouth, but honestly, not by much. Everyone else in the lounge hears and sees me come. All over a man’s face while two other women play with me. That thought alone makes me want to come again. 

“Oh my god, you’re fucking delicious,” Luke says, setting me down and standing from his knees. He quickly leans in for a harsh, deep kiss where I taste myself on him. He tugs off the blindfold right before he leans back and offers me a dazzling smile. “How was that?”

It takes me a second to find my words, but I do grin back at him, my cheeks glowing with a warm after-orgasm glow. “Mind blowing.” 

“It was hot as fuck, that’s what it was,” Daphne says from the side, holding Rose, who still has her amazing tits out of her dress. 

I give her a nod and turn back to Luke before slowly dropping to my knees. “Now I want to return the favor.” 

Written by smutty_waifu
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