Fuck! I hate this. Why did I even come here?
I sat on the arm of a couch, scanning the house for a familiar face in the crowd. Two girls were talking loudly next to me, their backs to me. So many people, but I’d never felt so invisible, so alone. I took a sip of my rapidly warming beer, then looked at my phone for about the thousandth time. It was almost one in the morning. Should I just get a Lyft? Where the fuck did they go?
Eight hours ago, I’d just finished my last exam of my first semester as a Freshman at Clinton State University. I couldn’t believe I’d survived all the way to Winter Break. The last couple of weeks with all the papers and tests due all at once had been especially brutal, but it was finally over. As I walked back to my dorm room, I could feel the stress evaporate out of my body.
My roommate had completed his exams early and had already gone home to his family. While we mostly got along, I can’t say I wasn’t happy to have the room to myself for a change. I was looking forward to a nice long luxurious stroke session without the anxiety of roommate walking in on me at any moment and catching me at it. I might even go two or three times if I felt up to it. Why not?
I lay back on my bed, scrolling through porn videos on my phone for something I could really get into. I settled on a threesome by a swimming pool between a White guy with a huge cock, and a couple of skinny Black girls. Yeah, that would do. The two girls were taking turns sucking off the guy. I felt myself hardening, undid my pants and slipped my hand inside, caressing the length of my erection through my underwear. No, rush, I thought. Just take it nice and easy.
A few minutes later, one of the girls had straddled the guy and was riding him reverse-cowgirl style while finger-fucking the other girl. My cock had gotten rock hard and was pressing insistently up through my underwear, begging for attention. I lifted my ass off the bed, and yanked my pants down to my knees, freeing the desperate erection, which sprung up proud and strong. I was just about to take hold of my insistent hard-on when there was a loud banging on my door.
“Shit!” I swore in a whisper-shout. In a panic I swiped the porn off the face of my phone. In the silence, I realized just how loud the volume had been.
The banging came again. “Hey, Kev!” a familiar female voice shouted through the door. “Kevin, come on, I know you’re in there.”
“Just hang on,” I called back, mentally willing my erection to subside and anxiously buttoning my pants.
Finally, I went to the door and opened it. On the other side were Heather and her boyfriend Dan with knowing smirks plastered across their faces. Dan was wearing a Santa cap.
“Hey Kev,” Heather said. “What’s, um… up?” She and Dan shared a humorous glance.
“Nothing,” I answered, too aware that I was overcompensating in my efforts to play it cool.
“Sure,” Dan nodded in a tone that acknowledged that everyone knew I was bullshitting, and there was no use arguing about it.
“Come in,” I invited them.
“That’s what she said!” Dan and Heather shouted at the same time, completing a really annoying joke that had been going around campus all semester.
“Whatever,” I said feigning disinterest, but I could feel my face flushing anyway as they passed me.
Heather had been like my best friend all semester. We were always hanging out together, not that there was anything romantic between us. She’d started dating Dan before I even got a chance to ask her out, and they’d been together ever since. Sometimes, I did wonder what if I’d gotten to her first? How might things have been between us.
I mean, Heather was attractive in a sort of girl-next-door way. She had wavy chestnut hair, a nice figure, and a warm friendly smile that even showed up in her eyes. She lived in the dorm a floor above mine, and since we were both freshmen political science majors, we shared a lot of the same classes.
Dan was a junior and played for the men’s lacrosse team. He was away at practice and games a lot of the time, and even when he was around, I only saw them together. I didn’t really hang out with him one on one. He was okay. At least, he made Heather happy, and I couldn’t really find anything wrong with him or them. They were good together. And so, I kept my private fantasies to myself, though I’d be lying to say that I didn’t consider them often.
Heather crossed the room and took a seat on my roommate’s bed. Dan sat in the chair by my desk. I just noticed that he was holding a bottle in his hand.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Oh, this?” Dan said, as if he’d totally forgotten about it. “You want to know what Danta Clause has brought you? Have you been good this year?” I shrugged. He turned the bottle around to show the Wild Turkey label. “Want some?”
“Uh…” I hesitated. I wasn’t much of a drinker. “What do you have to mix it with?”
“Don’t be a pussy,” Heather teased.
“Get us some glasses,” Dan instructed. I went to my cupboard and took out some blue plastic cups. He poured us each a shot. “Here’s to the end of the semester! Cheers!”
“Cheers,” we echoed, and tapped the cups together, and tossing the alcohol down our throats. Ugh, I hated that burning feeling of straight liquor. I nearly gagged. However, Dan was already pouring again for us.
“Drink up,” Heather encouraged, downing her second shot.
“Why?” I asked.
“To Danta Clause!” Dan replied.
“We’re pre-gaming,” Heather explained.
“Pre-gaming for what?” I asked.
“Dan’s Lacrosse team is throwing the last party of the year,” she said. “We’re kidnapping you.”
“Oh, I don’t know, I…” I said, seeing my relaxing evening of free self-love slipping away.
“No arguments!” Dan said, pouring us another round. “You’re coming with us.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Heather promised.
We arrived at the party, and promptly got separated. Dan, being on the team, seemed to know everyone. I didn’t know anyone, and no one knew me. I felt weird and out of place, drifting from one room to the next in the house, unsure how to break into conversations, or introduce myself to anyone. I’ve never been good at that kind of thing.
I drained the last of my beer and headed to the kitchen where they were keeping a keg. As I entered, I finally found Heather again, but no sign of Dan. Instead, she was surrounded by a couple of girls that I’d never met. One was blonde, the other had red curly hair. She was seated in a chair, crying while the girls tried to console her. Other people were milling around involved in their own things, and only occasionally casting pitying glances at the sad girl.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“It’s fine,” the blonde said pointedly. “Just leave her alone, okay?”
“It’s alright,” Heather said, dabbing tears from her eyes. “He’s a friend.”
“Oh, sorry,” the girl apologized. “She’s been through a lot.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“I lost Dan,” Heather said. “I was looking all over for him. I finally found him coming out of the bathroom… and…” She choked up.
“There was another girl in there with him,” the blonde finished.
“Lindsay Brown,” the redhead added.
“Fucking cunt,” the blonde commented.
“She had to have known,” said the redhead. “There’s no way she couldn’t.”
“She didn’t care,” the blonde replied.
“Neither did he,” Heather said.
“Where’s Dan now?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” Heather said. “We fought and he walked away.”
“Probably with that slut,” the blonde said.
“What a fucking bitch,” the redhead added.
“I just can’t get the look on his face out of my head,” Heather said. “He was smiling. Before he saw me, he was smiling. He was fucking happy and proud of himself.”
“Asshole,” the blonde spit out.
“And at first he tried to make excuses, like he was just helping her with something.”
“Yeah, everyone knows what he was helping her with,” the redhead contributed.
“He didn’t think he’d get caught,” the blonde said.
“I’ve never felt so embarrassed… ashamed… betrayed… Fuck! I don’t even know how I feel. It’s just so fucking awful.” Heather’s voice was breaking again. “It’s too mu-”
“Fuck,” Dan shouted as he entered the kitchen, still wearing the Santa hat. His voice was met with three icy stares from the girls. He ignored them. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Listen Heather, can we talk?”
“What’s there to talk about?” Heather asked venomously. “You were fucking what’s her name.”
“Lindsay,” the blonde aided.
“It wasn’t like that,” Dan defended himself.
“No?” Heather asked.
“Come on, can we just talk somewhere private?” Dan pleaded, reaching for Heather’s shoulder.
“Don’t touch me,” Heather shouted. “I’m not going anywhere with you. Whatever you have to say, you say it here, in front of everyone.”
“I love you,” Dan said.
“Ha!” Heather laughed contemptuously. “Me and Lindsay, and any other slut who’ll give you the time of day.”
“It was a mistake,” Dan tried to defend himself.
“A mistake?” Heather repeated incredulously. She stood up to get in Dan’s face. “A mistake? You mistakenly put your dick inside her? Do you think I’m that stupid?”
“I’m just trying to explain,” Dan said.
Suddenly, Heather took a step back, grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and lifted it up over her head exposing a pair of beautiful breasts restrained by a white lace bra. A look of shock came across Dan’s face, as I’m sure it also appeared on mine.

“What are you doing?” Dan asked.
“Oops,” Heather replied bitterly as she reached behind her back to undo her bra. “I guess I just made a little mistake.”
The bra fell to the floor, fully revealing her tits to the suddenly interested audience that had gathered around her. Next, she hooked her thumbs into the waistline of her leggings and yanked them downward. Past the gorgeous round curve of her ass, to her knees.
There were a couple of appreciative whistles and catcalls from the gathering crowd. Heather looked around and seemed satisfied with the attention. She spun around in a little circle showing off her ass and her smoothly waxed pussy.
“What the hell?” Dan protested.
“Whoops,” Heather said, stepping free of the leggings. “I’m just so clumsy, I seem to have lost my clothes.”
“Put them back on,” Dan demanded.
“No,” Heather refused. “I mean it’s just a mistake.”
“This is stupid,” Dan complained, his face pouting beneath the rim of his Santa hat.
“Sit down,” Heather demanded. He stood still for a defiant minute, and then complied. “I want you to see. I want you to know how your mistake feels.”
“I get it,” Dan said.
“No,” Heather argued. “I don’t think you do. Not yet. Not really.”
Heather spun towards me. She grabbed me by the belt and pulled me to her, then wrapped her arms around me, pressing her naked body to mine. The next thing I knew, she was kissing me, fully and passionately. I was surprised and confused. Even though I’d often thought about being with her, I was caught off guard. Not to mention that we were in a strange kitchen surrounded by onlookers including her boyfriend. Here? Now?
There was at least one part of me that was not struggling with confusion. That part swelled with eager excitement, and pressed outward through my pants. I was sure that Heather could feel me rapidly hardening against her stomach.
As if to confirm this thought, she dropped to her knees and began working at my belt buckle. Within seconds she had my jeans undone. She yanked them roughly down, allowing my needy cock to spring into the open. A loud cheer went up from the growing audience of both men and women.
“Sorry,” Heather said sarcastically. “That was my mistake. I didn’t mean to do that… or this.”
She took my hard erection into her mouth, and began to deliver a blowjob with an enthusiasm I’d only ever seen in porn. I felt the head of my cock slipping down her throat as she hummed and moaned loudly. I savored the feeling of her warm wet mouth, her tongue sliding along the ridge of my shaft, pressing firmly against it. Her hands reached around and grabbed my ass, forcing me even deeper, until her nose pressed against my pelvis.
I looked around at the faces watching us with fascination and excitement, until my eyes fell on Dan. He was standing rigidly with his arms folded. His jaw was clenched and his face was turning the color of his hat. It was almost as if I could see waves of angry heat coming off of him.
Heather reached down with her hand, gently grabbing and tugging on my balls. I closed my eyes, and leaned back against the kitchen counter, concentrating on the sensations she was giving me, feeling my excitement continue to rise as random encouragements showered us from the crowd.
“Yeah, get it girl,” called one female voice.
“Suck that cock,” added a male one.
“Own that dick,” someone else shouted.
“Give it to her,” implored, yet another.
After a minute, Heather allowed me to slip out of her mouth. My cock was coated in her thick saliva. I watched as a silvery thread extended from the tip to her lower lip, broke, and fell against the skin over breasts. I felt a small sense of relief and a large sense of disappointment that the action was over. I had been getting near to cumming and even though I knew it was wrong, I was frustrated to stop. The crowd seemed to mirror my disappointment with several audible moans and grumbles.
“Enough,” Dan said. “You’ve made your point.”
“No, Dan, I made a mistake,” Heather taunted. “We all make mistakes, don’t we?”
“Fuck it,” Dan said. “I’m done with this.”
“No,” Heather said. “If you love me as much as you say you do, you stay. Stay and watch until you see just how bad your mistake hurt me.”
I was about to pull up my pants, when Heather pushed herself against me again. Another eager cheer rose up from the crowd. It seemed like everyone in the house had found their way to us. The kitchen was crowded with bodies, allowing only a little space around us. I could see a number of people holding up phones, recording the events.
Either oblivious, or perhaps even egged on by the attention, Heather reached down and grabbed my cock, slipping it between her thighs, rubbing the head of it through her hot wet crevice, letting me feel her excitement. Suddenly, she turned and bent over. I gazed over her beautiful back, noticing a tattoo of Japanese characters across one shoulder that she’d never mentioned, much less shown me.
Between our legs, she found my rock-hard cock again, and guided the head to her expectant pussy. As she pressed herself backwards against me, I felt myself slowly push past her lips and sink deep inside of her.
“Oh, fuck!” Heather shouted as I filled her.
I couldn’t help but let out a deep moan myself at the sensation of her hot wet pussy all around me. I became abandoned in the moment as she began to move against me, letting me feel all of her.
“Oh my god, Kevin” Heather groaned. “I… I had no idea you were this… big… You feel so… fucking… good.”
I looked around and could see some of the women looking on with desire tinged with envy as Heather impaled herself on me repeatedly. There were more cat calls from the audience.
“Fuck her hard.”
“Take that dick.”
“That looks so fucking good right there.”
And Dan, standing staring stonily. His fists were clenched tight, and his face was bright red, but he was silent, stoic. I couldn’t help but notice that he was also aroused, his pants tented around his crotch as he watched his girlfriend fuck me. His hand absently went to his erection, massaging it through his pants. Some of the other onlookers appeared to be turned on, as well. Hands subtly or not-so-subtly caressing bodies, openly horny expressions on many of the faces.
Heather grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. I held them firmly and began to thrust back into her. Soon, we were making a noisy smacking sound each time our bodies came together. I felt myself becoming lost in what we were doing, the crowd fading into a kind of background sexual ambience, and it was just me and Heather. Our breathing, our bodies, our connection – my cock, her pussy, fucking.
I allowed my hands to explore her body, reaching beneath her to squeeze her beautiful full tits, rolling the hard nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. Then I ran my hands over her stomach and down between her legs to where my cock was pumping into her. I found her clit and began to rub small quick circles around it, kneading it between my fingers, and flicking across it. Heather gave a loud inarticulate shout at my touch.
After a few minutes, I slipped out of her. Heather took me by the hand and led me through the crowd, which parted in front of us, to an old wooden kitchen table. Several of the onlookers cleared away a bunch of empty cups to make space for us. Heather lay back on the table, her breasts falling to either side of her body. She spread her legs and slid her fingers along the length of her pussy invitingly.
“Dan,” Heather called out. “Come here.” Dan stepped forward. “Stand right here. I want you to have a good view while I keep making this huge mistake.” Dan stood beside her. “Kevin, I need your big hard fucking meat inside me right now.”
“Yeah, Kevin, give it to her!” someone in the crowd agreed.
“Fuck her!” shouted another voice.
I looked around at everyone, and finally at Dan. He scowled at me for a second and then gave the slightest of nods causing the pompom on his hat to sway briefly. He obviously hated what was happening, but he was going to take it like a man. With my cock in my hand, I pressed into her waiting pussy, entering her again easily.
“Fuck, Kev!” Heather swore. Her face was a delicious expression of ecstasy. “I love how nicely you fill me up with your fucking big cock. I want to feel you all the way inside me. Fill me like I’ve never been filled before.”
I began to stroke in and out of Heather; a girl whom I’d fantasized about all semester but had remained just a friend while her boyfriend stared angrily at us, and a houseload of other strangers watched hornily and encouraged us to go faster and harder. As my pace quickened, I watched Heather’s tits bouncing with each thrust. She reached down to rub her clit.
We were both grunting and groaning, beyond language as we approached climax. Within minutes, Heather let out a loud guttural scream. Her face contorted in pure ecstasy as her entire body tensed and contracted with the force of her orgasm. A victorious shout roared from the crowd.
As her pussy muscles clenched my cock, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I felt the tension grip my own body, as I clutched her thighs tight with my hands, pulling myself as deep as I could into her. My cock throbbed and pulsed inside of Heather as streams of my cum exploded in hot bursts inside of her.
The crowd was going wild with cheering, all eyes focused on where my cock was draining the last of its load into Heather’s pussy. Finally, breathing hard, I pulled out of her. A stream of thick white cum dribbled out after, dripping down her crack to her ass. The cheering intensified, with shouts of congratulations.
“Okay,” Heather said to Dan, as she stood. She wiped my cum from her thighs with her hand and then licked it clean. “Now, we can talk.”
Dan straightened his Santa hat while Heather gathered up her clothes. She and Dan disappeared to find somewhere private, leaving me alone again once more. But now it was different. Now, everyone knew who I was.