My wife, Lyn and I had been married about six months. We’d been together about three years before that.
I was in my late twenties and she was a little older, almost thirty-one. But she was extremely active and sporty and retained the body of someone much younger. In fact, it was her perfectly formed bottom that had first attracted me to her.
She was a brunette with wavy hair and a very pretty face and about average sized breasts. But it was the intellectual connection that brought us together.
A shared love of art took us to an exhibition of explicit work by an internationally famous painter by the name of Jonas. He was from Austria and as part of a world tour he had taken up a temporary residence in Australia.
The exhibition had a theme of eroticism and had been the cause of some controversy because of what some people saw as its obscene nature.
We weren’t about to be put off by that. In fact, it didn’t bother us at all.
So it was a very pleasant autumn Sunday morning when Lyn and I ventured into a small, grungy art gallery in inner Melbourne. It was especially significant because the artist was to be in attendance and would be available to talk to the visitors.
After paying our admission we walked around the gallery and were frankly amazed, almost overwhelmed by the gratuitous nature of the paintings. It mainly featured naked women in various erotic poses. It also featured some men. But all the models featured were superb examples of the human form.
As we walked around, looking at all these paintings of women masturbating and writhing in pleasure and men with enormous erections etc. we both started to feel a little aroused. I found myself looking at Lyn, admiring her perfectly shaped bottom in her skin tight black jeans and her red jumper clinging around her breasts. Her wavy brown hair was framing her pretty face and I started imagining what I would do to her as soon as we got home.
Lyn was obviously feeling the same. At one stage I was standing and staring at a painting of a beautiful young woman with her legs apart and fingering her pussy whilst licking her other finger. I felt Lyn press up against me and I could feel the firm warmness of her breasts against my chest.
“I wonder,” she purred, “Who these girls are? But, fuck, they’re making me so wet.” She then giggled and looked up at me rather suggestively.
“I know what you mean,” I said, almost breathlessly.
By the time we were nearly finished wandering around the gallery, most of the crowd had left. We had lingered over many of the paintings whereas others had simply strolled on by. We were about to head home when we spotted a small group of people standing together. In the middle of them all we recognised the small, grey-haired figure of the artist.
Intrigued by what he might have to say we wandered over.
Mostly, the people around him just wanted selfies or autographs on their souvenir programs or that sort of thing.
We just stood there for a while listening to the various superficial questions and broken English responses.
At first, I thought I was the only one who noticed. However, later on Lyn told me she had noticed it too. Jonas looked at Lyn and then did a double take. Then he stared at her for a few seconds before looking away.
I’m not sure if it was my imagination but it seemed as though he then hurried up the other people standing around him, somewhat abruptly curtailing all further conversation. Before long, programs signed, selfies taken, they all wandered off. Lyn and I started to walk off too, but much to our delight he called out to us; or rather, to Lyn, “Hang on a minnit,” he called out and we both stopped and turned around. His eyes were clearly focused on Lyn.
“Hullo,” he said, clearly not sure of his English. “Can I pliz talk to you for mo ment?”
We walked back and he put his hand out, first to me and then to Lyn. “Would you like coffee?” he asked.
We sat down at one of the plastic tables at the cafe next to the gallery and ordered our coffees. Both of us were intrigued as to why he was so keen to talk to us. We engaged in some general chit-chat; asking about his inspiration and his background etc. Frankly, we were just being polite. And, it would appear, so was he. He answered all our questions obligingly and with some effort considering his limited grasp of the English language.
Before long he directed the conversation to an area we all seemed to be more comfortable with. He looked at Lyn with considerable interest and asked her, “Haf you modelled fa an arteest before?”
“No,” she replied, looking slightly embarrassed and yet flattered at the same time the way women often do. She looked at me, pretending to be seeking help but in reality, I could tell, just wanting to see my reaction. I offered her a steady gaze. I wanted to see where this was going.
“I vood like you to poz for me,” he went on. “Vood you be inter-lested?”
The question hung in the air. It was so loaded. Lyn and I had just seen the most erotic, gratuitous artwork involving the models revealing so much of themselves that we could only imagine what he was really asking of us.
Sensing Lyn’s uncertainty he continued. In excited tones he mentioned that he was doing a series of paintings in Melbourne and wanted some local, “natural” models.
“You have a varely pretty bottom,” he said, matter-of-factly, "You a varely sexy woman. No?” He looked at me and went on. And on. And on.
He spoke so quickly and with such excitement and in such poor English we could scarcely understand a word he was saying. But we got the gist of it. He wanted Lyn, my wife to strip off for him in his studio for a series of explicit drawings and paintings.
“How explicit?” I asked.
Jonas wasn’t backwards in coming forward. Pointing at Lyn as though she had no input in the matter he said, “This woman I find varely bewtiful. You’ve seen my paintings. I varely much would like to paint her. A woman so bewtiful need to be seen by evry body.”
I looked at Lyn as she finished her coffee. She looked at me.
“What do you say?” Jonas asked, switching his gaze between the two of us.
Lyn looked so embarrassed and her cheeks flushed. But it was obvious she was keen. As she’d said to me earlier when viewing the artwork, “These girls look so beautiful.” I knew Lyn was proud of her appearance. Why wouldn’t she want to show off her beauty, the result of so much hard work. And it was obvious that Jonas had the skill to do her justice.
I nodded to her and she then looked at Jonas and, giggling, said, “Sure, yeah, why not.”
Over the next few days neither of us wavered for even a moment. This seemed like such an exciting, not to mention erotic adventure.
Yeah, sure, this old perv was going to see my wife not only completely naked, but she’d be opening her legs for him and letting him see every little bit of her. But he wouldn’t be able to touch her, and if he got a boner looking at her, well, good on him. I was the guy who was gonna take her home and fuck her at the end of the session.
Jonas had said I should come along as a bit of support for my wife and I readily agreed. Truth was, I was more than a little aroused by the prospect of seeing my beautiful wife posing naked whilst an internationally renowned artist painted her; instructing her on how to pose, on what to do with her body, basically compelling her to do as he wished so he could study every inch of her and commit it to canvas.
The following Saturday morning, Jonas greeted us at his rented studio. We had so much trouble finding a car park in St.Kilda that we thought we’d be so late that he’d cancel the session or something. We needn’t have worried. When Jonas opened the door, coffee in hand, he beamed at us both so enthusiastically that Lyn and I both instantly felt at ease.
We went in and sat down in the sort of plush, rug covered lounge chairs that you’d expect in a artist’s studio. Everything about the place seemed so bohemian and liberated. The seemingly endless nudes on the walls, the photographic magazines on the tables that all seemed to feature naked women on the front cover and even the clay model sculptures of female nudes on shelves around the walls.
Jonas proceeded to explain – as best he could – what he was trying to achieve with his paintings. It was obvious that Lyn didn’t care what he was trying to achieve. She’d seen his work, she knew what it was all about and she was happy to go along with it. As was I.
Finally, Jonas stood up and motioned towards the studio. Lyn had brought her own dressing gown but Jonas handed her one anyway. This one seemed far more appropriate. The flimsiest chiffon, decorated with flowers, even I could smell the mixture of French perfume mixed with cigarette smoke that wafted from it. It was the perfect accompaniment to the occasion.
“Yew may undless in there,” Jonas said matter of factly as he handed Lyn the gown, pointing to a small curtained off area in the corner of the room, an area which offered minimal privacy at best.
When Lyn returned, dressed only in that tainted and much loved gown she had the most delicious and suppliant look on her face. She positively sashayed towards the chaise lounge in the middle of the studio.
It was only then that I noticed the several easels set up around the room. I thought nothing of them. Lyn looked at Jonas and slightly parted the top of her gown, revealing most of her breasts yet still hiding her nipples, although the dark shape of her pubic hair was clearly visible through the thin fabric. “You want me to remove this?” she asked. I felt such a shudder run through me as I anticipated her stripping in that room.
“No,” Jonas said, looking away, “Juz wait a moment,” and he scurried off. Lyn just stood there looking a little sheepish before looking to me for some direction. I couldn’t help her.
Moments later we heard the doorbell ring. Then the opening of the front door and a cacophony of sounds as voices and laughter and footsteps made their way up the stairs to the studio. For the first time Lyn looked a little terrified as the studio was invaded by around twenty young men. I spotted two young women but the rest were boys. Early twenties at best but more likely late teens. They seemed to be bursting out of their skin with excitement as they positioned themselves around the easels that had been set up. The whole time Jonas was talking to them in his excited tone and they seemed genuinely excited to be in his presence but also unable to tear their eyes from Lyn and her skimpy, almost see-through, tatty gown.
I looked at her and she now had the gown pulled tightly around her, her arms almost around her shoulders. She was looking at Jonas with a “What the fuck is going on?” expression.
Jonas obviously picked up on this and, with a slightly bewildered look on his face said something like, “I torld you, I haf stoodent coming in today. Rleemember?” He looked at me for reassurance or something. I had no idea. I couldn’t remember him saying anything about “stoodent”, but then I hadn’t understood most of what he’d said. Neither, clearly, had Lyn.
Jonas walked up to Lyn and spoke to her quietly. I could see her relax as he spoke and she looked over to me for mute advice. Personally I was happy for these randy young blokes to feast their eyes on my sexy, naked wife. Most of them looked like they’d never even seen a naked woman before let alone slept with one. “Make them happy,” I thought, so I nodded my approval.
Obviously, Lyn hadn’t required too much convincing ‘cos in an instant she was naked and spread on the chaise lounge. As soon as she dropped her gown, the sudden silence which engulfed the room told us that these young guys liked what they were seeing. Very much. Her legs were parted just enough to offer them a teasing entree of her most intimate parts, her pubic hair taking on a slightly ginger tone in the filtering sun from the window. Her fair skin seemed to be glowing and her breasts firm and yet just slightly splayed; which only added to their beauty ‘cos it proved they were totally natural. I felt my cock swelling as I watched her nipples tighten and contract under the lustful stare of these young blokes.
Jonas came up to me and led me to an easel. “You, off orl peepol should be drawing yor beawdiful warfe.”
And so the drawing commenced. Jonas clearly was used to dealing with models. He didn’t mess around with bashful requests or embarrassed cajoling. He simply walked up to Lyn and politely but directly instructed her to spread her legs, to pose on all fours and part her butt cheeks, or to masturbate. This last request certainly took Lyn back a little.
“I tawled you,” he implored again, showing just the slightest hint of exasperation, “Arm trlying to capture pleasure. A vomans pleasure. I vant you to feel and show, display pleasure.”
I must say, my artwork was a lot better than I had expected. I enjoyed drawing Lyn’s naked body. As I mentioned I had always found her incredibly sexy. But I was certainly intrigued by the absolute reverence and respect and admiration shown by these young men. The young women obviously seemed to care a lot less. And as I walked around the room during one of the breaks I must confess that the drawings by the males seemed to carry a lot more gravity and emotion than the work by the young women. Perhaps that was just my take on things.
As Lyn was instructed to masturbate in the session straight after the break I could see she was really getting into it. She spread her legs and rubbed her clit with her middle finger. Her head was back and her mouth open in sheer pleasure; her nipples puckered and erect.
Jonas walked up to take a closer look and then called to the students. “Come clozer, come haf a bedda look.” The students all looked at one another for a moment, a little perplexed or perhaps a little shy. “Come on,” Jonas said again, and like drifting cows they all followed each other up to where my sexy wife was pleasuring herself.
As they crowded around her, she merely opened her eyes a little to look at them and then, smiling faintly, allowed her eyes to close again as she let out a long breathy sigh. Writhing and lifting her bottom off the couch in pleasure, she was turning me on with the absolute slutty behaviour she was displaying. The young guys just stared in disbelief.
“Drlaw,” Jonas said to them, “don’t jus stare, drlaw her. Look at the detail of her pussy, I vont you to capture the wetness of it. The crease of her bortom, I want to be able to feel it in your drlawings.” One of them reached out and gently brushed her hair out of her eyes. She didn’t seem to notice.
Once that session finished Lyn was allowed to don the dressing gown again and she wandered around the room inspecting the various drawings that these young guys had done of her. Somehow, dressed in the skimpy gown, knowing that she was wearing nothing underneath, she looked even sexier than when she was completely nude.
She obviously was getting a kick out of seeing how these guys had interpreted her body. And she obviously enjoyed how nervous she made them. She openly flirted and giggled with them as she walked around the room. And the guys just loved it.
After the break she was instructed to strip again. This time Jonas produced a collection of sex toys. Brand new and still wrapped in their packaging, Lyn looked through them before her eyes lit up on a double dildo that would penetrate her vagina and her arse at the same time.

The next drawing session was incredibly intense. She lay on her back and sucked on both ends of the dilodo to lubricate it before she brought her legs right back near her head and pushed the dildo deep inside her. She had to part her anus a little to allow the toy to enter, then it just slid in and she worked it in and out of herself for about ten minutes whilst she repeated over and over, “Oh fuck, oh fuck.” Finally Lyn orgasmed loudly, announcing to the room just before she did, in a breathy, panting voice, “Oh my God, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”
“That’s goood,” Jonas exclaimed happily, “That’s grlate. Capture her face, the look on her face,” he called out to his students, as he splattered paint over his canvas, waving his brush like a conductor in front of an orchestra.
However, that was just the start.
After another longer break we were just getting ready to do another drawing session. Lyn looked absolutely spent after an hour or so of deep masturbation and self gratification. Likewise the young students all seemed as if they had seen all they could manage for that day.
However Jonas hadn’t become one of the world’s leading artists by simply being a lecherous perv. He knew the value of hard work. As he marshaled the students for another session of drawing, there came the sound of footsteps up the stairs. Jonas looked over as a towering man of Eurasian appearance appeared. Dressed casually and powerfully built, be beamed a warm smile towards Jonas and greeted him with an equally warm handshake.
The two men spoke for a moment before Jonas gestured towards my wife. The powerfully built man beamed again as he walked enthusiastically over to her and went in for a friendly kiss on the cheek and a hug. Lyn recoiled a little as she clearly had no idea who he was and was obviously not expecting to be embraced by such a huge man whom she had never met.
I watched all this with great interest. To say this had been a most unusual, intense and unexpected day would be an understatement. Nothing would’ve surprised me now. Jonas spoke to the tall stranger and to Lyn together. The stranger just nodded in understanding whilst Lyn looked utterly stunned. I’d seen enough already to guess what was about to come next.
Jonas was still a study in professionalism and hard work. He looked around the room until he saw me and beckoned me over.
“This is Jordan,” he said as he gestured towards the tall Eurasian. Jordan extended his hand and shook mine firmly whilst smiling warmly at me.
“Hello,” he said in a distinctly New Zealand accent.
“Jordan hass done dis manny time for me,” Jonas said to me in a way that I interpreted as trying to reassure me or put me at ease or something. Meanwhile Lyn once again had the flimsy gown wrapped tightly around her. Again she looked at me as though for guidance. I had kinda figured what was coming next so I walked up to her.
She looked so beautiful. She had degraded herself today in so many ways yet had somehow managed to look classy and sexy and utterly gorgeous the entire time.
The young guys watching and drawing her had only seemed to grow more enamoured of her as the morning had passed into afternoon. They spoke to her during the breaks with great respect and had asked a lot of questions of her about her life and experiences etc. They had happily included me in their conversations when I had occasionally wandered over, but for the most part I had deliberately stayed back and just watched as they essentially fell at her feet. To my mind she hadn’t been a slut, she had simply been the embodiment of their ultimate sexual fantasy.
But now, I strongly suspected, it was about to get a whole lot more intense.
Before she could say anything I just asked her, “Are you okay with all this?”
“Are you?” she replied, looking a little shell-shocked.
“Yeah,” I replied to her, “you bet!”
The most delicious look that I’d ever seen crossed her face. Smiling evilly, she simply replied, “Okay,”
Once again Lyn was instructed to disrobe. She obeyed. Jonas told her just to sit on the chaise lounge for this particular session. Then Jordan appeared from behind the screen where Lyn had changed. He was wearing a gown also. He walked casually towards Lyn. As he got there he undid his robe and pushed it back off his shoulders and allowed it to fall to floor. His massive raging cock was unleashed. The entire room inhaled. Or at least it seemed to. But the next thing I noticed was Lyn’s eyes as they opened wide in amazement.
Jordan’s cock was surely the largest any of us had ever seen in real life and positively throbbed with masculine virility. Lyn reacted instinctively. She beamed in delight and reached out and took it in her hand. She stroked it for a few seconds as though she couldn’t believe her good fortune to have such a huge bull cock all to herself. She looked up at Jordan smiling, still stroking his mighty penis. Then she gave in and fell upon it and took it in her mouth.
This was no put on for my benefit or that of the class. It was obvious to me that Lyn was truly wanting to taste and pleasure Jordan’s manhood. She ran her tongue along the full length and then carefully poked the tip of her tongue into the eye of his cock. Either Jordan was an amazing actor or he was utterly overcome by my wife’s performance, judging by the look on his face. Meanwhile Jonas and his eager students concentrated as best they could on capturing the pleasure they were witnessing onto the paper.
“Jordan,” Jonas called out, “Pleasure her with yor tung.”
Jordan looked around at Jonas’s command and nodded in understanding. Gently but assertively he removed her mouth from his cock and then he pushed her back on the couch. She complied without any resistance. He dropped to his knees and parted her legs. Her delicious, glistening cunt was once again on full display. Clearly Jordan was hungry for my wife ‘cos he went in and licked and licked like he needed it to stay alive. He buried his face into her tasty wetness and, judging by my wife’s look of sublime, trance like bliss, thrust his tongue deep into her.
I loved the way my wife just totally gave her body to this man. However the attitude of the young guys standing around drawing seemed to change. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Were they jealous that some other guy was fucking the object of their newfound fantasy? Were they angry at her? Where they just insanely aroused? I couldn’t work it out. But certainly their work seemed to take on a more passionate tone. Their lines grew stronger. There was a lot more charcoal on the page and the shading darker. There was a palpable sense of passion on the page that hadn’t been there earlier.
Had this been Jonas’s plan all along? He certainly seemed to be something of an eccentric genius.
Jordan’s mouth remained firmly on and in my wife’s wet cunt until she orgasmed and emptied her juices into his hungry mouth. She lay there looking thoroughly and utterly fucked. I must confess to feeling a little jealous that this guy could reduce my wife to a shattered, juiced out cum-wreck with just his tongue when I had never seen her so completely drained even when I was using my cock.
And he was just getting started.
He then moved up and licked and sucked my wife’s tits for a minute or two. Jordan clearly knew what he was doing. He was intent on giving Lyn as much pleasure as possible. But I got a strong feeling that he was getting an enormous amount of pleasure himself at the expense of my wife’s naked, succulent nubile body. And clearly, she was loving it. She ran her fingers through Jordan’s thick dark hair with genuine affection as he licked and sucked her tits; running his tongue under her breasts and around her nipples. His enormous bull cock positively throbbed with lust.
Then he moved up close to her face and the two of them just looked at each other for a few moments. Kneeling between her legs, with her juices still around his lips, he whispered something to her and she just nodded dreamily. He then kissed her tenderly and passionately and she immediately kissed him right back.
Meanwhile Jonas and the students kept drawing; focusing on the hard muscle tone and tanned skin of Jordan and the firm feminine softness of Lyn.
Jordan’s tongue was deep in Lyn’s mouth before he started kissing her neck whilst still caressing her breasts. I could hear her whispering loudly, “Fuck me, fuck me.” So he did.
He knelt up, still between her legs and took his enormous cock in his hand. It seemed to be even bigger now than before. Lyn looked down at it with a mixture of animal lust and fear. But she reached down with one hand and spread her pussy lips in readiness to be fucked by this huge thing.
He pushed the head of his cock just inside her and held it there for a few seconds to allow her to relax around its size. Now, for the first time since all this started my wife looked over at me. Naked and submissive, with this enormous dick just inside her, she looked as if she was in a trance. Her eyes were glazed over and her eyelids heavy. But her gaze was directed at me. She looked so sexy.
As Jordan’s cock slid inside her to its full length she gasped and her eyes widened with a combination of pain and almost unbearable pleasure. But still she held my gaze.
“Ohhh...fuck...” she cried out in a husky voice. Then she turned her attention back to him and he slowly and rhythmically slid in and out of her. Again, she was no passive participant in this. She had her hand around his neck and she was moving with his every thrust as wave after wave of pleasure swept through her body. His thrusts became harder and harder, but steady and rhythmic. These two were making love.
“Rlee-member,” Jonus called out again to the room, “I vont you to capture the pleasure on their faces, I vont to feel her pleasure. Ven I look at your drlawlings, I vont to feel vot she is feeling!” And clearly she was feeling a lot, whimpering at every thrust from Jordan. Never once taking her eyes from his, that look of fear, pain and overwhelming pleasure still obvious.
After a few minutes of this Jonas walked towards the writhing couple. Jordan, covered in sweat, barely seemed to even notice.
“Tak her on yor lap,” Jonas directed. So Jordan withdrew from my wife.
I heard her pant quietly, “No,” as he did so. But Jordan simply picked her up off the couch effortlessly and stood up. Lyn almost instinctively wrapped her legs and arms around him and kissed him passionately as he turned to sit down on the couch. So eager was Lyn to have him inside her again that she reached down and grabbed his cock and was pushing it inside her even before he sat down.
Once he did, she worked her hips on his cock to gain maximum enjoyment from it; to ensure it reached every part of her pussy, stimulating her most sensitive areas. I could only imagine how deep inside her he was and how much sexual pleasure she was experiencing.
Jordan was clearly utterly entranced by her. He had one hand under her bottom, working his entire middle finger deep in her arse, whilst looking adoringly at her as he kept saying, over and over, “You’re so beautiful. You’re so beautiful.” Lyn just smiled sweetly back at him between deep panting breaths and continued kissing him passionately at every opportunity.
Again Jonas invited his young students over for a closer look at the look of serene pleasure on the faces of Lyn and Jordan as they made deep love to each other. The young guys looked utterly bewildered as they gingerly approached. They couldn’t take their eyes from her. Lyn saw how they were all lusting after her with a sexual hunger that was almost painful to them. With the naughtiest, most teasing smile she could muster she simply said to them, “You boys enjoying this?” before throwing her head back in ecstasy and then passionately licking Jordan’s stubbled neck and jaw and mouth and saying, “Fuck me, honey, I fucking love your cock.”
As Jonas stood there watching Jordan fuck my wife, he asked, “How’s it going my friend?”
I’m not sure if Jordan intended for me to hear or if he just didn’t care, but he pulled his mouth away from my wife and I clearly heard him say, “She’s not like the others, Jonas, she’s amazing.”
“I tawld you she wass bewdiful, didn’t I,” Jonas said, laughing lightly as he made his way back to his easel.
Jordan closed his eyes for a second. I could see he was struggling to keep from cuming. “She’s so beautiful. She’s not like the others,” he repeated.
Lyn looked at the two men and smiled politely. “Thank you.” was all she said.
As the afternoon sun shone on her back and her brown, slightly auburn hair, my wife was the picture of desire; a gorgeous, smart, angelic, innocent, virginal little slut, the ultimate giver of pleasure.
“Oh God,” she breathlessly moaned to Jordan, “I’ve never been fucked like this! Never!” Her hip movements became quicker and her breathing deeper and her moaning louder. Again she let out a scream, louder than before and shook violently for what seemed like a minute as she orgasmed for a third time. “Fuck me like slut!” she demanded of Jordan, and then screaming, “Fuck me like a slut!”
The students had lost all interest in drawing and were just watching in fascination as Jonas implored, “This iss good stuff. Mak sure you’re capturling the intensity.”
Jordan couldn’t hold on any longer. He lifted my wife from his cock, pushed her down on all fours and then proceeded to ram her doggy style so hard that she loudly moaned in pleasure and pain. The slapping of his groin on her butt cheeks echoed around the room as my wife was almost passing out with the pleasure of it all. It was obvious that she was on the edge of unconsciousness.
He pressed his thumb into her arse as he rammed and rammed. After only about a minute of this, roaring loudly, Jordan pulled out from her pussy and grabbed her by the hair and forcefully pulled her face to his cock and, wanking himself, pushed it to her lips. Lyn understood what he wanted and, now on her knees, dutifully opened her mouth just in time to accept a huge load of hot cum.
She had never done this for me, but I wasn’t about to complain now, I was loving it.
If the size of Jordans’ cock was impressive, the amount of jizz he produced was mind blowing. But Lyn reveled in it. As he pumped and pumped his thick, hot cum into her open mouth she took it all as her eyes never left his. That moment of connection between them was unlike anything I’d ever witnessed; my wife submissively taking all his sticky cum in her mouth as she gazed up at him.
She waited for him to finish pumping the last of it before she closed her lips and, taking a few attempts, swallowed every drop, licking her lips to demonstrate how much she had enjoyed it. She then carefully licked his cock clean to ensure she didn’t miss any of it.
As Lyn was too thoroughly fucked to stand up, Jordan crouched down and kissed her tenderly and slowly. My wife responded in kind. “That was beautiful,” I heard her say to him and he kissed her again.
As Jonas walked loudly around the room marshaling his students and giving them instructions I helped Lyn to dress. As I helped pull her panties up and clipped her bra for her I couldn’t help thinking that she was the most gorgeous thing I’d ever laid eyes on.
Once he’d finished with his students, Jonas came rushing over to us. “You vill mordel for me again?” he asked Lyn, hopefully.
Ignoring me, she looked straight over to Jordan who was smiling at her. With a dreamy look in her eyes she smiled back and said, “Absolutely!”