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Sweet Salty Revenge – Chapter 3

"I found the prefect dress for the party."

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Sam could not believe what was happening, I had never given him a blow job in the twenty-six years we were together. His knees got week and he slipped to the floor, as he slipped down, I never let go of his stiff cock. In no time he told me he was about to cum; I just continued giving him the blowjob of a lifetime. We have not had sex for some time, but Sam and Jessica must have, because when he started to cum there was just a little bit. I swallowed most of it, leaving a little on my tongue when finished. I moved up and gave him a deep passionate kiss, letting him taste some of his own cum.

After that passionate kiss, I got up telling Sam that I needed a shower. I left him there with his shorts around his ankles, and a look of bewilderment on his face.

I went to our bedroom shower undressing as I went. The shower felt great, I missed my own shampoo and bodywash. My bodywash had a tingling sensation as it was applied. That tingling sensation felt great on my newly shaved pubic area. Ashley had joined me in the shower on Saturday and gently shaved my pubic area and even my anus. I had never shaved before, thinking that only sluts wanted to shave there and look like a twelve-year-old. The new Sarah liked the look and feel of being shaved.

After my shower, I dried and went to my walk-in closet to pick out what to wear. I stood there a while trying to decide what to wear. I remembered the feeling I had being naked the entire weekend, a feeling I enjoyed. Especially when Ashely, Tom or Brad would start fondling me. Then and there I decided that I would remain nude every chance I could. Since our son was not home today, today would be a perfect day to start. I turned around and headed towards the kitchen to get something to drink.

When I walked into the kitchen Sam was sitting there with a shocked expression on his face. He looked up and down my size 6 frame stopping at my freshly shaved pubic area. Sam had wanted me to shave there for many years, I always refused, not knowing what I was missing. His mouth had dropped opened as if he was a cod fish, and I simply closed it as I walked by. Opening the refrigerator, I retrieved a bottle of wine making sure I bent over with my legs straight giving him an excellent view of my shaven rosebud. Sam was memorized, he had never seen me like this. I could tell he was starting to get an erection from what he saw, but that would have to wait. I was in control now; he would have to listen to me from here on out.

Grabbing a wineglass, I sat down at the table with Sam and poured me a rather large glass of wine. Liquid courage for the words that needed to be said, and for the events that would take place. If not today, then for the events that I had planned for the next few days. I took a big drink, looked Sam in the eyes and asked, "How Could You? How could you have an affair with Jessica? How could you have an affair with anyone?"

He was speechless. The only words he could muster was that he was sorry. I asked if there were others, he bowed his head and answered yes.

I was furious, how could he cheat on me. But I must not lose control, I was in charge and he was going to do everything I said. He just did not know it yet. I knew that he loved his money more than he loved me, and I would take it all from him if he left me. I stilled loved the fool, however, he would pay dearly for his transgressions. When I asked how long he had been sleeping with Jessica, he said about three months. He said it all started when I was away on a business trip in the spring. He kept saying he was sorry, asking how he could fix us. He said he loved me dearly and could not live without me. I told him that if he genuinely loved me, he would have to listen to what I said, and do as I command. Sheepishly he agreed.

The rest of that day we talked, I continued to tease Sam with my nudity. I could tell he was very aroused by my actions. He could not believe his eyes when I went to the pool in the backyard without putting on my normal one-piece mom bathing suit. Nor could he believe that I remained nude while I lounged on one of our lounge chairs for anyone to see. I was not worried since there is a wall around our backyard, but you never know. I felt in control, he did everything I asked. Sam tried to hold me, but I never let him touch me or kiss me. I even made sure I spread my legs apart to give him a good view whenever I could. Not slutty like, but just as a tease. He was practically drooling when I applied sunscreen to my naked body. Making sure I dwelt on my breast, tweaking my nipples, and slowly rubbing the lotion on my pubic area. I made sure he watched, but never allowed him to touch my nakedness.

By that evening Sam was a mess. His pined up sexual energy was so bound up by my actions that he was about to explode. But I was not done yet.

I was beginning to get hungry and decided to grill some burgers we had. The grill was on my way to the kitchen, so I started it on my way there. When I returned outside all I had on was a small thin apron I had received as a gift years before. It was very transparent and barely covered anything. To help with the effect I tied a big bow just above the top of my ass leaving the ends trailing down the crack of my ass. I felt sexy as hell. It was then when I noticed our neighbor peeping through the curtains of their bedroom window. Our houses are not that close together so to get a good look he would have to use a set of binoculars. As I cooked the burgers, I made sure that he or she saw what they wanted to see. The thought of them watching me nude started a tingle down below, getting me wet as I continued with the burgers. I told Sam to set the outside table for dinner and get the salad from the fridge so we could eat on the patio. In plain view of our voyeuristic neighbors.

After dinner, I told Sam to do the dished. When he had finished, I decided that Sam had endured enough. I could not tell if our neighbors could still see us, but that is when I got up and sat on Sam’s lap. He sheepishly placed his hands around my waist while I started kissing him. I could feel the erection that had been building throughout the day wanting to be free of the confines of his shorts. I allowed him to kiss my breast, he slowly worked on the left then right nipple making them hard as ever. While he worked my nipples, I moved my naked pussy slowly back and forth on his stiff manhood. Ecstasies are what I felt, not from Sam, but from the thought of being watched by our neighbors. The feeling sent me into my first orgasm of the evening. I was so wet that I was soaking Sam’s shorts.  

When that first orgasm subsided, I stood up and started undressing Sam. I had never seen him with such an erection, the vanes were clearly visible, and the head was red and angry. Turning around I allowed his cock to enter me, but with me in plain view of whoever was watching. My pussy was so wet he slid in with ease, it felt so good. Sam was blessed with a rather long cock, but not too big around as to spilt me wide open, just the right size. I enjoyed bobbing up and down on his lap while I pinched my nipples wondering if our neighbors were enjoying the show.

Now that Sam’s cock was well lubed, I decided that it was time for his first anal. While Sam was doing the dinner dishes, I had started playing with my own rosebud in preparation for this treat. Sam was enjoying himself so much, that when I got off from him, he looked like a hurt pup. But his expression soon changed when I turned around and started to climb on his lap. He could not believe his eye or cock when I positioned it to slid into my ass. It took a bit of time, and I had to stop a time or two, so he did not lose his load before I was finished with him. After I had him entirely in my ass, I reached down to massage my clit with my left hand. I grabbed his head with my right hand and forced his head to my breast. He greedily started sucking and biting my nipples, one after the other like a man possessed. We were like two dogs in heat, fucking outside for all to see. In no time Sam lost control sending his hot deep seed into my ass, that feeling sent me into the best orgasm I had ever had.

You see I still loved Sam despite his cheating, his was the best cock I had ever had, but he would never know that. At least not for now.

The next day started like any other Monday for us, except I prepared breakfast nude since our son was still at his grandparents. Sam could not keep his eyes or hands off me. When we finished eating, I went to dress for work. I was concerned about razor burn and ingrown hairs, so I elected to forgo my normal granny panties.

I never knew how sexy one could feel knowing that if they allowed, anyone could see up their skirt. It took some effort for me to concentrate during the meetings I had with my marketing team that day. I could not tell if anyone could tell I was not wearing panties, or if it was just me being turned on by the feeling of my naked flesh under my skirt. I also wondered if anyone had seen the videos taken of me on that pool table. The videos Brad and Tom took of me never clearly showed my face, my hair was a messed up, and there was always a cock in my mouth. Just thinking about it started to get me wet, I chuckled under my voice knowing what a slut I had become.

When I got home after work I went straight to the bedroom, striped and started rubbing my wanting clit. Feeling the freedom from the confines of underwear was liberating. About halfway through the workday, I removed my bra, what freedom. I was still feeling a bit modest so I kept my cardigan on so my erect nipples would not show as much. My nipples would have been on quite a display with the thin white blouse I wore. That night all my granny panties found their way into the trash.

Those next two weeks flew by, I had Sam eating out of my hand. And going down on me every chance he could, his skills were getting better as time passed. I was nude every chance I could. When I was unable, I only wore a t-shirt that barely covered my ass. I am sure my son’s friends were trying to sneak a peek under my t-shirt as I walked around the house. When I sat on the couch or on a chair, I always pulled up a leg or sat cross-legged to expose myself to Sam. I became so accustomed to sitting this way that while reading on the couch one of our son’s high school friends walked by and I did not even notice. That boy could not look me in the eye, but always had a smile on his face when he came over. Whenever we were alone, Sam would cup the lower part of my ass and try to slide his cock into me anytime I was on my tiptoes getting something out of the cupboard. He was like a teenager again enjoying the sex we had every night. I gave him the perception that all was well and forgiven. I still had a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party to get through, not knowing what I would truly do with Sam.

Two days prior to our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party I went to shop for a new dress at a local boutique.  The salesclerk was immensely helpful with the selection process. I wore a dark blue pencil skirt that went halfway down my thighs, and a dark blue blouse. I started wearing darker blouses since the light-colored ones showed to much of my bra less breast. I had my blouse unbuttoned just below the mid breast. So, if I turned at just the right angle a careful viewer could see my 36B breast. I could feel this salesclerk was checking me out, trying to catch a look at my breast. I did not disappoint, when she was not looking, I unbuttoned another button reviling more.

She helped me select a dress that contoured to every curve of my body. It fit so well that even the skimpiest undergarments would be visible. I tried on a deep red dress, but it just did not enhance my skin tone or the colors of my eyes the way I wanted it to. The salesclerk and I were standing with the curtain of the booth partly open. She was admiring the dress touching my waist smoothing the dress, she loved the dress, but agreed it was not the best color for me. She mentioned she had the perfect dress and the perfect color for me. She slid her hand across my ass with the inside of her hand as she left and closed the curtain so I could remove the dress.  As I remove the dress my thoughts returned to Ashley. I handed her the dress through the curtain so she could return it to the rack and get the other dress.

 The air conditioning kicked on and the cold air cascading over my naked body caused my nipples to harden while sending goosebumps all over my body. Since I quit wearing panties and would rarely wear a bra, I was standing in the dressing booth behind a curtain naked as the day I was born. The salesclerk returned with a different color. When she announced her presence, I reach for the curtain and pulled it curtain opened about a foot wide exposing my naked body to her. She looked me over and smiled as I stood there exposed. As I stood there naked, I could see about five other shoppers in the store behind her.

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Now, this was a small boutique with two dressing booths at the rear of the store, the curtain hung about two feet off the floor so you would know of the booth was occupied. Clothes racks were scattered about the boutique, and the booths could be seen from anywhere in the shop.

She showed me the dress, and I asked her if she could help me try it on. She looked delighted. As she entered the booth, I opened the curtain wider while looking at the young couple a few feet away. When the curtain opened it made a sound so they both looked in our direction. The girl's jaw dropped, and her boyfriend friend just smiled. I returned his smile not trying to conceal my exposure.

It was the perfect dress! The material was just thin enough that my harden nipples protruded nicely. The salesclerk whispered how sexy I looked in the dress as she helped me smooth the dress over my body.

When I opened the curtain to look at myself in the full-length mirror, every eye in the boutique was on me. It had the effect I was looking for. I told the girl I would take the dress and asked if she could help me out of it, she replied that it would be her pleasure. When we returned to the dressing room, I left the curtain open about a foot so anyone who wanted could see me remove the dress. With her help, we removed the dress. Once I was completely nude, I pulled her close and kissed her. She gasped. I smiled and asked her to package up the dress for me while I dressed. She exited the booth and I opened the curtain further to make sure the gentlemen who was still in the store got a good view.

After dressing I went to the counter to purchase the dress. The salesclerk asked if she could have my phone number, I asked what for? They have never asked for my phone number before. She lowered her voice and told me that she wanted to give me a call so we could meet for drinks someday. So of course, I gave her my number.

Sam never saw the new dress I purchased prior to dressing for the party. As he watched me in the mirror, he asked if I thought it was too revealing, I told him not to be silly, that it was perfect for the occasion and not to worry.

When we got to the party, most of the other ladies told me they loved my dress and how empowering I looked in it. The men on the other hand kept trying to see if I would show a bit more skin. The dress was cut low enough that everyone knew that I was not wearing a bra, and about a quarter of each my breast showed. When I bent over, I would have to be careful as to not expose my entire breast. If someone touched my waist they would wonder if I was wearing anything under the dress at all. I loved keeping them speculating and loved the way some of our guest eyes longed to know the answer. But mainly I really loved the way the dress looked on me.

As we greeted our guest, I was hoping to see Brad, Ashley, and Tom. I purchased the dress with them in mind. Imagine my disappointment when they did not show, I wanted to tell Brad that he could not have my panties, since I do not wear them any longer. How I wanted to take them into a back room to recreate new memories since our weekend together.

One of the last couples to arrive was Jessica and Steve, I welcomed them just as if nothing had happened. I asked Jessica why she had not called me lately and asked if Steve had kept her too busy to call. Steve was clueless about the shenanigans that Sam and Jessica were up to. When Sam greeted Jessica, they barely looked at each other. They did not even hug as we greeted them. I made sure to give Steve a good hug, cuddling a bit longer than normal. When Sam asked me about it, I acted like I did not know what he was talking about.

I was a good girl most of the evening. I danced mainly with Sam, but when the opportunity was right, I asked Steve to dance. I asked him to come over to our house the following weekend, but not to tell Jessica since it was her birthday that week. I told him that I had a special surprise for her birthday, and it would be a shame to let her in on it. Steve really liked the idea since he missed how we use to all go out together and wondered how we drifted apart. If only he knew.  

Later that evening I purposefully leaned over enough to allow Steve to see into my dress and see one of my breasts while I was speaking with him and Jessica. When he noticed that I saw what he was looking at, he quickly shifted his gaze. To put him at ease I lightly touched his shoulder and rubbed my thumb back and forth. When we had another opportunity to dance again, I made sure to keep him out there for a slow song. I wanted to see Sam and Jessica squirm. To make matters interesting I placed Steve’s hand on my waist hoping he could feel that I wore nothing under my dress. As we became concealed within the other couples on the dimly lit dance floor, I moved in closer feeling his cock and letting his hand drift lower down my ass. I took the other hand that was extended out to our side and brought it in between us rubbing my left breast with the back of his hand. Steve seemed quite surprised by my actions, but I just smiled and let the moment continue. He leaned in closer as the song ended and softly said, “My, how you have made my night.”

I am not sure if Sam or Jessica was able to see what Steve and I were doing. I wished they had as my thoughts returned to the video, the one I had of them sitting there in that booth at the Salty Dog. I knew that Steve just might see more than Jessica and Sam wanted him to see.

As the party wound down, I started teasing Sam. We were sitting at the main table which had a white tablecloth that went to the floor in front of the table. As late as it was the lights had been dimmed for the dancing, and no one could see under the table. In the reduced light, I would turn and rub my nipple without anyone being able to see except Sam. I hiked my dress up and spread my legs so he could almost see where my panties should have been. I even turned around and exposed one of my breasts to him as he was speaking with one of our friends. They could not see what I was doing, and Sam had difficulty maintaining the conversation

As I continued my tease, I slid my chair closer as to nearly sit on top of him. Then slid his hand along my thigh until it reached my still shaven pussy. He was shocked that I would be so bold, but no one could really see what I was doing. As we continued to talk to each other I started sliding one of his fingers into me. Sam whispered into my ear asking if I was crazy? I said no and told him that I wanted him to try to make me have an orgasm before we left. I was not worried about making my dress wet, since I sat bare butt on the chair. If I did make a mess, there were enough cloth napkins available on the table. As Sam continued, I slid my hand and started to squeeze his cock. It was beginning to get stiff.  

Just as things started to get interesting Jessica and Steve came to the table to say their goodbyes. We quickly removed our hands to stand up. I slid my chair back a bit, hoping that they might be able to see my hiked-up dress. I am sure Steve saw something by the way he was smiling.

Sam had no idea what I had just done. As we sat down, I asked Sam if he would like to have some fun. Puzzled he asked what kind? I reached into my purse and produced a small remote-control vibrator. And asked him to pull out his cell phone. Since Sam had been fingering me before we were interrupted, I had no problem inserting the vibrator into my moist vagina. Sam could not believe what was happening. I had him unlock his phone and showed him the new app I had downloaded. When he tried to follow my instructions his fat fingers took the vibrator to max vibration. It is a wonder the whole room did not hear it go off or hear me when I yelped when it nearly got me off right there. I got Sam to settle down and he really started to enjoy smoothly operating the controls. I did my best to keep my facial expressions as normal as possible. To show Sam how much I was enjoying this, I placed his free hand on my clit so he could feel the vibrations as he rubbed my budding clit between his thumb and forefinger. My dress was again pulled up so he had a clear view and could watch the juices that were starting to flow out of me.

Sam had to slow down the vibration as more guest came to say their goodbyes. When one of my girlfriends came around the table to hug me goodbye, he purposefully increased the speed as I stood so he could watch me fidget. I was incredibly wet by this time and I mentioned that we needed to leave so he could take me home and fuck me. If he did not, he would have to fuck me right there. Sam smiled, and we headed for the door while the pulsation in my vagina making it difficult to walk. He had his cell phone in his pocket and was able to still change the speed and intensity while we walked to the car.

When Sam opened the car door for me, I hesitated before I sat down. I looked around the parking lot and saw that it was nearly empty. I reached down and pulled my dress off over my head. Stood there momentarily then sat down in the car. As Sam went to his side of the I checked if I had been seen. Unfortunately, I do not think I had. When he had the car started, I leaned my seat back a bit and pressed the button to roll down my window. I wanted to feel the wind on my naked body and make sure that if a car passed, they would get a clear view. I had Sam lower his window down in case we were passed on the left. I asked Sam for his phone so I could continue to please myself as we drove. Unfortunately, the streets were deserted, and I there was not anyone to flash on our way home. The feeling of getting caught was exhilarating.

When we got home, I asked Sam to let me off at the mailbox as he parked the car, and that I would join him after I checked the mail. He asked if I wanted my dress, and I said of curse not silly. I told him that I enjoyed being nude and that I hope he enjoyed it since that is the way I will be dressed whenever I can make sure I would not get arrested. Sam simply smiled as I got out. After he parked the car Sam walked to the front of the house to wait on me.

As I walked up the drive toward the house, I stopped turned around and wondered what it would feel like to walk around our neighborhood nude. I called to Sam and asked him if he cared to join me for a walk and started back down the drive not waiting for a response. When I got to the street I turned and headed towards the neighbor’s house that had been watching us a couple of weeks before. Sam had still not caught up to me when I entered the street. I was completely nude except for the four-inch heels I was wearing. The feeling was exhilarating. I was wishing a car would drive by so I could expose myself to them.

Then my pussy started convulsing. Sam was watching me from about fifteen feet away and I could see by the reflection in his eyes that he had his phone again. I had set it down when I got out of the car. Sam was really working it trying to make me have an orgasm right there in the street. I started moaning and reached down and forcefully played with my swollen clit. My knees began to buckle, and I started to shake with the most powerful orgasm I had ever felt.

Sam continued until the front lights of our neighbor’s house turned on. Our neighbor stuck his head out to look around trying to investigate the noise outside. I was in the dark just out of his view, he called out into the dark asking if everything was okay and if someone needed any assistance. That is when Sam turned down the vibration and started me back towards the house.

 We did not make it back to the house before Sam had me in the grass on all fours fucking the hell out of me.  We made quite a ruckus, I only wished somebody would drive by and see us.

The next day I started to plan how I would help Jessica celebrate her birthday…

To be continued



Written by tazasp
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