Oh – my – fucking – God.
Final touches in place, Jaylee contemplated what she had become. This time around.
Over the past quarter-year she’d undergone multiple transformations in Cherry’s New York loft apartment. Maid strapped into boob-clenching latex. Leashed and collared pet, kneeling nude by her water bowl, awaiting the ‘Come’ command. Some shape of artist’s Muse–be it pastiche Disney princess, ballerina or burlesque star–for her lover to render in clay. Temporary mutations–none more ripe with connotation than this one.
I’m dessert.
Screened off, so Cherry might play hostess without spoiling her coup de theatre, Jaylee quaked in April’s mild chill. The apartment’s heating was low to minimize pre-melt. ‘You won’t be cold for long, sweetness,’ her artist-girlfriend had reassured. ‘Soon you’ll be all kinds of warm.’ Jaylee’s shudder wasn’t cold-related. The words lingered like nuzzling bees as Cherry ushered in her chattering guests.
Oh Jesus Christ…
She wondered, as host and guests hugged their greetings, what Jesus Christ would think on seeing her now. Maybe he could see. Invoking the Lord’s name in moments of arousal still caused Jaylee a guilty frisson, reminding her how deliciously far she’d fallen.
Pursuit of sexy romance–boys only–had indicated her earliest disaffection with church. Aged twenty she realised that romance aside, she just plain loved cock. Cue the sucky-fucky years, her burgeoning career in fitness supplying gymfuls of muscular prospects with whom to indulge. And then along came Cherry, ripe with bad intentions like the one to pop Jaylee’s.
‘Hetero as it gets’ she’d have labelled herself at the year’s turn, riding in this new one on a big dick. Mere months later her adorned nipples prickled at the feminine energy pervading Cherry’s studio. God, what’s happening to me?
She’d broached it in the sticky aftermath of February’s inaugural trib-fest. ‘I don’t know what this is,’ she said, tracing a line between herself and her sleek, ebony lover, whose gaze had stolen her during a mediocre date with some gym bore.
‘Do you like it?’ Cherry’s dark eyes penetrated like no cock ever had.
‘Fuck…’ Cherry’s labia were still kissing hers. Her fingers entwined knot-hard with those of her sapphic sex-partner. ‘Oh God… I love it.’
‘Then just let it be.’
‘I’m lost.’ Jaylee chewed her lip, aware of how it turned her seducer feral. ‘Figured I was all grown up, but I know nothing…’
‘Let me do the knowing.’ Cherry stroked her face. ‘And the doing. When you stop liking, tell me.’
‘I will,’ Jaylee promised.
Forget liking–she now craved. The harsher Cherry’s strictures, the sweeter the rewards. The meaner her lover’s demands, the more exquisite the caresses that followed. Jaylee had never loved women as such. But she loved how this woman made her feel.
Which was how, exactly?
As Cherry clinked bottle to glass and offered buffet savouries to her guests, the question still nagged. But formulating thought beyond further profanity proved impossible. Jaylee was way too aware of what her outward transfiguration portended, and of what imminent events might reveal, so–Jesus fuck!!!
‘You’re bi now?’ her lifelong friend Ava had puzzled.
‘No. I don’t know. This girl fascinates me. This particular girl. That’s all. Probably.’
Later she asked Cherry, their faces still wet with each other’s juice. ‘Am I?’
‘That’s not my call, hon.’ The woman who’d been mastering her body, softly kissed her neck. ‘What do you think?’
‘I think I…’ Jaylee floundered mid-response.
‘…Need more data?’ Cherry’s whisper invested that mundane word with depraved possibilities.
Heart accelerating, Jaylee took the bait. ‘What had you in mind?’
‘Hell, baby, craziness you can’t imagine. Something to blow your mind. Would you like that?’
The stakes felt high–but every Cherry adventure made Jaylee wetter than a spring meadow in her native New England. So she answered ‘Yes’.
Screened off and a unique kind of nude, she saw the whole plan and it made her smooth-coated thighs quiver.
Thoroughness was Cherry’s watchword. Buffet prepared, she’d done likewise with Jaylee. Everything was shaved–not, the razor’s recipient knew, due to distaste for body hair, but out of pure practicality. The same was true of the douche, although applying it, Cherry didn’t spare her sub’s blushes.
‘God, you love having your ass played with, baby-slut,’ she taunted, as the nozzle probed, and Jaylee turned crimson. ‘Now let’s flood that pretty butthole.’
Jaylee yelped as the jet surged up her rear like a liquid tongue, her lover’s laughter rich and mocking.
Cleansing complete, Cherry spooled her pet’s hair into a neatly secured bun, before stripping to glorious buxom nudity and backing her, panther-like, into the shower. ‘Damn, girl, I could eat you already.’ Cherry kissed hungrily, but otherwise restrained her cannibal instincts, choosing instead to apply the soap–with sensual rigour.
‘Gotta get this sexy-ass canvas clean,’ she said, slithering suds about Jaylee’s boobs, before squishing her own full globes against them–dark on milky white, full on pert. Her hands glided down Jaylee’s sudsy body, grasping handfuls of ass flesh, her expression a mid-point between predatory and tender.
‘You are who you are,’ she said, as the jets pelted. ‘You like what you like. So don’t think with that.’ She touched Jaylee’s forehead. ‘Use this instead…’ (tapping her chest) ‘…and this,’ (curling a middle finger into the wetness of her cunt) ‘and you’ll get your answers. Uh-huh?’
‘Uh-huh,’ Jaylee moaned, knees weak and lower belly tightening. ‘God, I wanna cum.’
‘Not yet,’ Cherry admonished, withdrawing her finger. ‘But you will.’ Then she completed the ablutions, no spot left unattended.
The final promise echoed in Jaylee’s mind, as the buffet reached its close.
‘Palate cleanser,’ Cherry explained, sharing out some liquid refreshment. The guests queried their host’s secrecy with amusement as they drank. One voice Jaylee recognised, but in the ecstasy of anticipation she could not quite place it.
All Cherry’s work remained intact. Uncracked. Beautiful. The full-length mirror in which Jaylee had first viewed her transmutation stood close by, so she could check whenever she dared. And how could she not feast her eyes on the confection she now was?
From the nape of her neck to her cute, manicured toes, every inch was painted in chocolate–thick, dark and glossy. Not daubed, not slathered, but painted–every nook of under-boob and cranny of butt-crack touched to a flawless finish. ‘This ain’t no Pollock, this is Vermeer,’ Cherry had stated, drawing her brush fresh from the bowl around the curve of Jaylee’s breast. Four batches the artist had prepared of her own recipe, each uniquely flavoured for a different part of her subject’s body. And how the work-in-progress had shuddered, as her mistress’ brush lick-lick-licked its way about her person. Till she was all delicious cocoa to her chin, blended from there into lighter facial tones.
Nor was Jaylee a uniformly chocolate bunny. The rich coating, applied warm and sticky, was glue for all the candies that bedecked her body. From her clavicle, curving down between her breasts, stretched a constellation of multi-coloured stars, interspersed with half-moon slices of crystallised orange and lime. Her neck was studded with a gummy collar, while about her waist was slung a circlet of strawberry liquorice strings. Bright crisp-shelled buttons followed the contour of her spine, and her shoulders were powdered with space dust. A rainbow of candy pinpricks sequined one whole side of her face.

Her boobs had paid a price for Cherry’s art. Jaylee flinched at the recollection–sugar syrup hot from the pan, flicked liberally about her tender chocolatey mounds (‘This is Pollock,’ Cherry had quipped), till they were encased in a spun caramel glaze. The double-crowning glory–peanut-butter cups melted all over her heat-seared nipples. Even the memory provoked a silent Ouch.
More decadent still, beneath the all-enveloping chocolate, was Jaylee’s cunt–pumped full of vanilla frosting from Cherry’s piping bag. Creamy consequences would have leaked down Jaylee’s thighs, were it not for her single item of clothing. Edible panties–cherry flavour. The ooze of sweet arousal pooled discreetly within, plus they were securing the chocolate plug in Jaylee’s ass, should it melt.
Jaylee threatened to do precisely that, when exhibition-time came. Instead, she stuck the open-handed ‘goddess-of-plenty’ pose in which she had been coached, her chin tilted to the ceiling.
‘Girls–meet your final course.’ With the theatricality of a stage magician, Cherry drew the partition aside. Her guests rose, gasping in unified delight at the reveal. Jaylee could almost hear their mouths water.
‘You fucking kidding me?’
Jaylee kept her eyes raised, scarcely daring to look. Even as the trio circled her, gazing on every detail like hungry gallery attendees, she saw them with peripheral vision only. There was May from Cherry’s art collective–slender Chinese-American with striking eyes; polite but reserved, although neither right now. The athletic blonde with the sculpted tomboy cut… Jaylee knew her from Cherry’s recent exhibit–Emily? Erica?–where the girl had checked her out brazenly over a champagne flute. Fuck. The third girl–Hispanic–had long hair splashing over one tattooed shoulder, head close-shaved and patterned in zigzags on the other side. A stranger to Jaylee, but not, she imagined, for long.
‘Shame to undo such exquisite work,’ May said, tapping Jaylee’s arm and touching the finger to her tongue. ‘However delicious.’
‘This piece was created to wreck,’ Cherry assured her. ‘Besides, I took photos. She’s lactose- and gluten-free, so enjoy her. Just don’t get your clothes stained.’
‘One way to avoid that.’ The words had barely escaped the blonde’s mouth before all three were shedding clothes–outer garments and lingerie raining to the floor.
‘Gonna get messy.’
‘Fuck yeah.’
Jaylee’s stomach tightened, her nipples almost popping their peanut-butter pasties, as a triple-threat of horny women stripped butt-naked around her, two of them additionally knotting their hair. Cherry clapped her approval. ‘That’s it.’ Her words dripped with voyeuristic relish. ‘Now eat her. Eat her raw.’
Sweet Jesus Christ… Jaylee held her pose and her breath, until the trio of hard-nippled beauties pounced, wild-eyed and salivating. Then she cried out, as eager hands seized their sweet course and the banquet commenced.
Lush feminine mouths locked onto her body, lapping greedily. The tight-muscled blonde licked from her collar bone, scooping chocolate, while the lithe inked Hispanic girl attacked her neck, sucking up gummies among great cocoa mouthfuls. Jaylee’s frosted surface melted under their touch, smearing palms and faces. Fingers clutched her hips from behind and a tongue slithered upwards from her butt-crack, May’s teeth grazing her candy-stuccoed spine each time they bit into a shell. Blondie and Tat-girl flicked tongue-tips over her neck and jawline, laughing breathily as they licked.
‘Caramel flavour,’ Tat moaned, her voice unutterably sexy.
‘I got bitter orange,’ Blondie said. ‘Fucking luscious, but I want sweet.’
Jaylee glanced at their plastered pretty faces as they slurped chocolate-gooey fingers, eying her with fresh hunger.
‘I want to suck her tits clean,’ Tat said, sampling with her tongue-tip. ‘Yummm… Peanut-butter!’ She and Blondie mirrored each other’s sticky delight. Right before they swooped, May’s fingers lighted on Jaylee’s cheeks, tongue-blade sliding up her ass-cleft. Then hot mouths crunched through her breasts’ sugar-glaze to gobble up her salt-sweet peaks and suckle.
Oh God… Gonna pass out… But May was propping her, eating steadily towards her asshole–licking past the panty-strand and tugging the chocolate plug free with her teeth. Her tongue squirmed into the vacated gap. Fuuuccckkk! The three-way onslaught overwhelmed till Jaylee creamed herself, thought obliterated by excruciating sensory bliss. These hot women had gorged their way through her candy veneer to lavish lips and tongues on the real treat–her naked, vulnerable flesh. Nor were they less driven than horny-bastard guys. This lust was just as potent, this usage as urgently ravenous, but with a sexiness all its own–subtle in its explorations, delicious in its tease. These women savoured as they devoured. Even with no dick in proximity, Jaylee had never felt more sexually alive.
And then they took her to the table.
May was the instigator, tongue withdrawing from Jaylee’s butt to spit the command: ‘Let’s lay her down.’
Cherry, playing spectator, cleared space on the paper tablecloth so Jaylee’s messy form could be deposited. Blondie and Tat continued in tandem, lapping trails over her candy-strewn stomach, flicking tongues on her nipples. May descended lower–parting her thighs, licking away chocolate to expose gelatine-cherry panties and chewing right through the crotch.
Jaylee shrieked as May’s tongue dove inside her over-responsive cunt, sending paroxysmal waves through her body. The discerning diner feasted freely, relinquishing possession only to announce, ‘You bitches have got to taste this.’
The tatted nymph sampled first, plunging deep to scoop up fondant goodness, as Jaylee squirmed in mounting excitement. Above her, May and Blondie locked mouths and chocolate-spattered bodies. Tat duly re-emerged, ecstatic. ‘Dios Santo! Honey, you’re delicious. C’mon, taste...’
Jaylee’s mouth was already open in pre-orgasmic yearning, when Tat’s smeared lips met hers, tongue slipping inside to spill vanilla girl-cum. Then as her own sweetened essence trickled down her throat, Blondie tongue-fucked her cunt and sent her wild.
‘Let it go, amor,’ Tat murmured, renewing the kiss as Jaylee peaked and came, hips bucking into Blondie’s buried face. The climax was protracted and fierce, a flesh-quivering joy to rival any she had known, and most of it expressed straight into Tat’s ravening mouth. When finally it was done, she subsided into a slick of chocolate-mess. Her lovers continued licking their lips and palms–Tat glowing like she’d found a new playmate, all of them still visibly hungry.
Cherry, conspicuous through her non-participation, smiled in serene triumph. She’d stripped to her lingerie and had manifestly been frigging herself.
‘So, introductions…’ She stroked her partner’s loosely knotted hair. ‘This is Jaylee–my lover and my special girl.’ The words and her smile sent ripples through Jaylee’s body. ‘Jay, you know May. Erin you’ve met, yes? And this is her friend Lucia. They all like you, that’s clear.’ The chocolate-bedaubed trio acknowledged her, and she knew she liked them right back. May’s feline grace. Erin’s ripped prowess. Lucia’s slinky mischief. ‘They’re gonna go clean up and then play some more. Much more. Full access to my toy drawer. Right, girls?’
‘Mmhmm.’ From the exchanged glances it was clear they all concurred with May.
‘Question is–you wanna join them?’
Jaylee’s breath quickened. ‘Will you be there?’
‘No, baby. This isn’t about us. It’s about you.’
Jaylee gazed at the hot trio. They stared back, more nakedly lascivious even than before. Christ! Hours of bottoming a lesbian fuck-pile. Talk about shit getting real…
She squeezed the hand of her gorgeous ebony lover. ‘Tell you about it after?’
‘Every last detail.’ Cherry kissed her sugared mouth.
‘Then yes.’
Cherry smiled on her with pride. ‘Good. Still missing cock?’
‘Not right now…’
‘That’s my girl. Ladies, take her.’ She gave a brief wave. ‘Bye.’
Jesus, Jaylee thought, as the trio swooped, submerging her in a bath of warm female flesh. I totally fucking am.