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"A new game show gets Jane out of money problems"

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Competition Entry: Money Talks

It was just after 9:00 on Tuesday morning, and I had just arrived at Tower Productions on Grant Street. I had received a telephone call three weeks ago from Jeff at Tower Productions who said that he had received my application for being a contestant on Jeopardy and, while it had been rejected for Jeopardy, he wondered if I would be interested in considering a new game show that was being planned for one of the cable channels. I was so excited at the possibility of being on a game show that I didn’t ask too many questions beyond where I had to be and when. After getting off the elevator of the third floor, I was greeted by a receptionist who directed to a conference room. As I went into the room, I saw that I was joining about twenty other young women and men.

My money problems had started at a party two weeks ago Saturday night with Sally from the office and a bunch of people that I didn’t really know. I had had a little too much to drink and found myself playing a trivia game with three other people. I lost the game when I answered that Alaska was the last state to join the union.

My savings were cleaned out when I found out that I was playing for real money rather than fun and that I owed the winner $635!

My money troubles compounded when I started my car on Monday morning only to hear a grinding sound followed by a loud bang. It turned out that my transmission was gone and the repairs would cost $3,824.

I knew from being at my bank the week before that I couldn’t get an increase in my credit card limit because it was at the maximum and that they wouldn’t consider me for a loan until my credit card was paid off.

I moaned about my predicament to Sally when I got to work Tuesday morning.

“I’ve got a friend that can loan you the money,” she said. “But, because he loans to people that can’t get loans anywhere else, he charges really high interest rates. Do you want me to put you in touch with him?”

“Yeah. I’ll talk to him. I’m desperate.”

About an hour later my cellphone rang. When I answered it I heard, “Is this Jane Viscount?”

“Yes. Who is this?”

“Hi Jane. I’m Sally’s friend Tony. I hear you need a loan.”

“Yeah. I do. I need just under $4,000 to get my car’s engine repaired.”

“I can do that,” he said. “Sally told me that she told you that I charge a fair amount for my loans. I have a different way of people paying for their loan. The cost starts at a dollar for the first day. Then it doubles every day after that.”

“What do you mean doubles?”

“On the second day it’s two dollars, the four on the third, eight on the fourth, and so on until you pay it off.”

Here I was sitting in a conference room with the cost of my loan just about to become $1,024 and thinking, ‘Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my fucking God! What the hell have I done! I’ve done some stupid things in my life but this has to be the all-time worst!’

As I gave my head a shake to try and forget my problems a young, good-looking man walked into the room followed by a couple.

As soon as the door closed he said, “Good morning everyone! I’m Jeff Richmond. Welcome to Tower Productions. Please have a seat and I’ll explain the concept behind the fantastic new game show we have planned for the After Hours Channel.”

After everyone was seated he walked to the front of the room and said, “As I said I’m Jeff Richmond and I’m a senior producer here at After Hours. With me today are one of our directors Maria James and one of our game show hosts George Rankin. As you know After Hours is one of the longest running adult cable channels. We’ve been producing high quality adult entertainment for over ten years and have over three and a half million subscribers. We’re excited by this new game show we’re planning.”

As he said this I thought, ‘Oh shit. This is an adult entertainment channel. What have I got myself into?’

Noticing that no one else seemed perturbed by what Jeff had said I decided that I’d continue to listen.

Jeff continued, “The format of the game show we’re planning is very similar to Jeopardy. That’s the reason you’re here today. We found out that each of you applied to be a contestant on Jeopardy and, fortunately for us, that you weren’t successful. You do, however, fit our profile. Maria is going to explain our new game show and, with George’s help, assess your on camera profile to make sure that you show well. So without further ado here’s Maria.”

A young woman moved to the front of the room as Jeff walked away and said, “Thanks Jeff. Good morning everyone. Is everyone ready for the opportunity to win some cash?” as she looked around the table.

“The name of the new weekly game show we’re planning is Stripardy. Our sponsors have funded three shows to see if the concept will fly. We’re planning to start to air them in a month.”

“The rules of Stripardy are similar to those of Jeopardy. Does anyone not know how to play Jeopardy?”

Seeing no one didn’t know he continued, “The After Hours twist is that after a correct question is asked, or all contestants who wish to try and respond provide an incorrect question, it will be revealed whether the answer was a Remove an article of clothing answer. If it is a Remove answer, and a correct question was asked, then the other two contestants will each remove and article of clothing. If no correct question was asked then each contestant that asked a wrong question will remove an article of clothing. If no one buzzes then the last contestant to ask a correct question chooses another category and dollar amount.”

“Like Jeopardy, after all thirty answers have been revealed, or the ten minute time limit has expired, the game moves into Double Stripardy.”

“In Double Stripardy there are sixteen Remove an article of clothing answers.”

“Contestants are allowed to have up to nine pieces of clothing.”

“If a contestant is completely naked and they receive a Remove answer then the show gets really interesting. The first time this occurs contestants will have to play with themselves for thirty seconds.”

“The second time girls will have to use this vibrator for thirty seconds while guys will need to use this artificial vagina.”

“The third, and for every time after that, a remote control, that’s hooked into a computer, will randomly operate this butterfly vibrator or this vibrating artificial vagina that you’ll be wearing for a period of up to thirty seconds.”

“At the end of the Double Stripardy round, all contestants with at least one dollar are eligible to play Final Stripardy. However, anyone who orgasmed is disqualified from further play.”

“Final Stripardy operates the same way as in Jeopardy.”

“The contestant with the most cash is declared champion and will return the next week to face two new challengers. Champions will compete until they are defeated.”

“Finally, so the game will appeal to both sexes, the challengers each week will be a man and a woman. That way each contestant group will have at least one male and one female.”

Looking around the room she said, “Any questions?”

‘Wow!’ I thought. ‘This isn’t quite what I had in mind when I thought I wanted to be on a game show.’

She continued, after taking a sheet of paper from Jeff, “We’ll get started with the on camera assessments. Jeff, George and I will do one-on-one assessments with individuals in front of a camera. We’ll then look at the tape and give you an answer on the spot. If it’s positive Rhonda at reception will give you a taping session time. You should know that we’re taping all three sessions today so we only need seven people. We’ll keep the names of all of you who are chosen after the first seven for subsequent shows. Good luck.”

After about twenty minutes I heard my name called and was directed into a small studio. When George, who was talking with a camerawoman, saw me he said, “Hi. What’s your name?”

“Jane,” I replied. “Jane Viscount.”

“Well Jane,” he said, “please undress and stand behind one of the podiums and pick up the buzzer. I’m going to give you a couple of answers and I’d like you to respond. Okay?”

Seeing me look at him apprehensively he said, “You’re going to end up being naked. It’s the whole objective of the game for the audience. We’d like to see how you tape nude. Is this a problem?”

“No,” I replied as I started to undo the buttons of my blouse. “It’s not a problem. It was just a bit of a surprise to hear you ask me to undress.”

I quickly undressed and stood, a little self-consciously, behind the podium. George then fired an answer at me and, after buzzing, I stuttered out a question. I responded with a bit more confidence to the second answer. With the third answer I’d forgotten that I was naked and responded quickly. After two more answers George said, “Thanks Jane. Get dressed while we review the tape.”

After they watched the tape George turned to me and said, “We agree that you’re fine on camera. Take this to Rhonda and get your taping time.”

Rhonda told me, “You’re number six. Be here at 2:45. You’re scheduled to start taping at 4:00. Come back here and we’ll get you to sign all the forms and then get you into make-up.”

I arrived back at 2:40 and was greeted by Rhonda.

“Great,” she said. Please go into ready room number two. Someone will be there shortly to do makeup. They’ll have all the permission and waiver forms with them.”

I made my way to ready room two and, after entering, sat on the bench.

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A minute or so later a man entered and said, “Hi. I’m Franco. I’m here to do your makeup. Before I get started, however, could you please sign these three forms? One is permission to publicly broadcast the show that you’ll be on. Another says that you waive any form of compensation beyond your winnings and the other is an affidavit that you’re over eighteen.”

I quickly glanced them over and, seeing nothing surprising, signed each of them and gave them back to Franco.

After he finished my makeup he said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes to escort you to the studio. Your taping will begin in about twenty minutes.”

I sat on the bench waiting for Franco to return and thought, ‘What am I getting myself into? I’ve always wanted to be on Jeopardy but strip Jeopardy. At least no one I know will see the show and I sure need the money.’

About fifteen minutes later Franco brought me to the studio and to my podium. Jeff then came over and said, “Let me introduce you to each other. Our champion from the last game is Linda who won $12,250. Linda, this is Fred and Jane your challengers for this game.”

As he stepped off the platform it began to move. Seeing Fred’s and my concern Linda whispered, “It’s rotating to face the live audience. As soon as it’s in place they announce George and the game’ll get started.”

‘Audience!’ I thought. ‘This is taped in front of a live audience. I could be nude in front of an audience. Christ-all-mighty! This isn’t what I bargained for.’

As we rotated around I saw the audience just before bright lights snapped on and they disappeared in the darkness. As the platform jerked to a stop music started to play and Jeff, announced, “Welcome to Stripardy. Here’s your answer master George Jackson.”

As George walked out to applause from the audience he said, “Please welcome back our current champion Linda Foster whose one day total is $12,250. Challenging her today are Fred Stark and Jane Viscount. Let’s begin Stripardy. Our categories for today are American Literature, Televised History, Wizard of Oz, Saint Peter, “Kiss”ing Music, and XXX Acts. Linda please start.”

Linda said, “Televised History for a 100.”

The game proceeded for three questions before I was able to be first to buzz in on the answer, “A broadcast from another planetary body in July 1969.”

I responded with, “What was the lunar landing?”

George said, “That’s correct for $300 Jane.”

He continued, “and this is our first of eight Remove an article of clothing answers. Since Jane was correct Linda and Fred have to each take off one of their pieces of clothing.”

The game proceeded until, at the first commercial break, the scores were $1,800 for Linda, $900 for Fred and $1,500 for me and Linda had lost two shoes and two socks, Fred had lost his two shoes while I had still to lose anything.

After the break the game started again until the Stripardy round finished. At that point the scores were Linda $3,600, Fred $2,700 and me $3,500 and Linda had lost her two shoes, two socks and her slacks, Fred had lost his two shoes and two socks and I had lost my two shoes and one of my socks.

As the cameras came back on George said, “Welcome back. For Double Stripardy today our categories will be Sherlock Holmes, For your Eyes Only, Baseball, Singing in the Rain, Star Wars, and ‘Tree’isms where all the questions will have the word tree in them. Fred, you’re low score after the Stripardy round so please choose.”

At the commercial break the scores were Linda, who was naked, $5,100, Fred, in just his briefs, $2,100 and me, in my bra and panties, $5,300. Just before the break I had had a correct answer on a Remove answer so Linda had to play with herself for thirty seconds and Fred lost his underwear so he was nude.

As we came back from break Linda sat in a chair behind her podium with her legs spread and vigorously went to work on herself. When she was back behind her podium she had an obvious flush. George said, “Jane you were the last correct questioner so please choose.”

I got lucky and was able to respond with correct questions to the next three answers. While two weren’t Remove answers the third was. Both Linda and Fred sat in the chairs behind their podiums and George said, “Linda you’re first. Your vibrator is in the pocket on the side of you chair. Your thirty seconds starts when you insert it. Whenever you’re ready please start.”

Linda took out the vibrator and, placing against her vaginal lips slowly inserted it and turned it on. She was starting to squirm when George told her that she could stop. He then said, “Your turn Fred. You’ve got to stroke yourself for thirty seconds. Whenever you’re ready please begin.”

I got the next question wrong and lost my bra. The next three questions didn’t require anyone to lose clothing. Then Linda correctly responded to the next Remove question and I lost my panties. Fred though had to use the vibrating vagina for thirty seconds.

I got the next answer and Linda put on the butterfly vibrator. She stood behind her podium waiting for something to happen. Fred put on the vibrating vagina and let it start to work. After about ten seconds I heard Linda gasp as it became evident that the butterfly had been turned on. I watched Linda hanging on to her podium as her legs trembled. As the buzzing from the butterfly stopped she shook her head as she said, “That was intense. I can see why Janet orgasmed last show.”

The game continued until I finally had to put my butterfly vibrator on. Just as I moved my hands to the side of the podium I felt it begin to vibrate and, as it had its effect, groaned with the sensation fighting to stave off an orgasm. Unbeknownst to me Fred’s vibrating vagina was also activated so both of us were being stimulated.

As our devices were turned off George announced that there were thirty seconds left. Linda chose and I, fortunately, responded first. As George said “correct” both Linda’s butterfly and Fred’s vibrating vagina were activated. As I watched, Fred’s hips began to move forward and back and Linda began to gasp and groan. After ten seconds Fred’s hips were moving in a very pronounced manner until, after about another ten seconds they thrust forward and he ejaculated with a groan. While he was in the throes of his orgasm Linda was shaking as she tried to avoid hers. The noise stopped and she gasped in relief of having avoided cumming.

Fred, after he’d recovered a bit said, “I think I could have held it off it weren’t for Linda’s groans. They sent me right over the edge.”

George then said, “That’s the end of Double Stripardy. Linda has $5,600 and Jane leads with $6,400. Unfortunately Fred, even though you have $1,800, you’ve been disqualified from Final Stripardy because you came. Linda and Jane, the topic for Final Stripardy is ‘States of the Union’. We’ll be back in a moment with the final answer.”

As the cameras came back on, George took his position on stage and said, “The final answer is which state was the last to join the union? You have thirty seconds.”

I thought to myself, ‘Hawaii! I lost the bet that started this whole thing by not knowing this answer!’ I wrote ‘What is Hawaii?’ as my response.

As the music stopped George said, “Linda, what is your response?”

She revealed Hawaii. George looked at her and said, “I’m sorry Linda but that is not a correct response. What did you wager?”

She revealed $3,600 and George said, “That takes you down to $2,000.”

He continued, shifting his gaze over to me, “and what was your response Jane?”

I revealed, with a frown on my face, What is Hawaii?

“That is correct,” he responded. “Your response wasn’t in the form of a question Linda so I couldn’t allow it. I’m sorry. What did you wager Jane?”

I revealed $4,401 dollars and George said, “That brings you to $10,801. You’re today’s champion. Congratulations. Now, as your bonus prize, do you want to use the butterfly to have an orgasm?”

I looked at him and, after a brief moment, said, “I’d love that. I’m so horny right now.”

I took a seat in the chair behind my podium and got ready.

As I felt it start to vibrate I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation. The feeling was divine and my hips soon began to quiver. My quivering quickly became shaking. A short time later my orgasm exploded over me as my hips rose off the chair.

Within seconds, as it continued to vibrate, I had another and then another orgasm. After the second one hit I whimpered, “Dear God please stop. I can’t take any more.”

It stopped and I sat there totally exhausted. When I opened my eyes Jeff said, “You look totally wasted. Do you need help to stand?”

“Yeah,” I struggled to say. “I don’t think I could walk by myself.”

“So it seems,” Jeff said. “I want to see the tape of your final orgasm so I can time it. I’d guess that it lasted over a minute. Your hips were arched off the chair and you vibrated for over a minute. It was quite something to see.”

After I got dressed he asked, “Do you have someone to drive you home? I don’t think you should be driving.”

“I’ll take a cab,” I replied.

“We’re not sure when the next show is being taped,” he said. “That was our third episode. The sponsors will get to see them tomorrow. If they’re okay with them we’ll begin advertising them next week and we’ll be airing them the week after next.”

“Here’s your $7,884.73. The taxman has taken twenty-seven percent up front. If the sponsors approve we’ll get hold of you to let you know when the next session will be taping. You, of course, will be the returning champion on that show.”

He got me into a cab and I went home feeling very sated as well as being very happy with almost eight thousand dollars in my pocket to pay off Tony and still have some extra. I thought, ‘It’s amazing what you’ll do to make a few bucks.’

Written by verytrustedsource
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