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Slut Training

"Abi trains hard once a week. But, will once a week be enough, from now on?"

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Competition Entry: Masked

Abi is naturally shy, reticent, a submissive, up to a point. That is, until she snaps, and when she does it creates a loud bang, like hitting the sound barrier; metaphorically speaking that is.

Matt’s eyes are glued to Abi’s figure as she slides effortlessly down the stairs; her hand clutches the handrail tightly with every small step she takes. It would seem, she is dressed to please and every hot blooded male would be pleased to see her dressed like this.

She looks in Matt’s direction, for approval if nothing else. Her shyness forces a smile from her face which she quickly hides.

“What coat are you wearing?”

As if he hadn’t actually noticed her. Abi points to the one that is black; with a below-the-knee hemline that hangs from the hook behind the front door. Matt rushes upstairs and re-appears with the one that he bought her on his last visit across the pond; the brown one that comes half-way up her thigh. Its suede texture has a nice feel to it and it ties with a belt and a couple of nicely placed buttons.

Matt studies Abi and has to admit that she looks gorgeous, absolutely stunning with her hair folded upwards in a bun and with twists of auburn coloured strands falling around her ears. Her perfume is crisp and light with a hint of lemon. Her complexion, flawless. Her makeup, vivid. Her steel blue eyes are on fire and the night is young.

“We need to make some changes.”

Abi nods and purses her lips in disappointment. Her head immediately lowers as if she has made the most fundamental mistake and that failed look floods her face as if she has displeased him. The fire in her eyes is immediately extinguished. Matt strokes her hair, pushing a strand back from her face, lifts her chin upwards and tilts his head to one side.  He plants a kiss on her luscious lips.

“You look gorgeous – but –”

Abi nods at him knowingly and at the same time acknowledges the cast-off reassurance that he proffered her.

“Take your dress off, then your stockings and suspenders.”

Matt watches her slowly peel away the special clothes that she had chosen for this evening.

“Take off your knickers as well.”

Abi looks at him dumbfounded, her mouth opens but immediately closes again. She complies with his wishes and when her knickers pool on the floor beneath her feet she stands in front of him in just her lace frilled bra. Her hands clasped in front of her as she looks to the floor. Abi raises her eyes to glance in his direction; to see what clothes he has already chosen for her to wear.

“Put your shoes back on.”

Abi gathers her shoes, places them upright and steps into her black heels. As she stands upright, Matt hands her the short-brown coat. She looks at him with doubt-ridden eyes. There are no more clothes that are forthcoming and she pulls the coat around her shoulders. She fastens the two middle buttons before fastening the belt across her front. Unconsciously, she pulls the hem of the coat down as she notices Matt looking at her. He nods his head and smiles reassuringly.

Abi risks looking up into his eyes and allows a smile to break out on her lips.

“Come on, we’re going down the pub; the one across the road.”

She starts to make a sound but closes her mouth again before anything comes out. Matt strides past her on the way to the front door. Her eyes are left wide open. Abi studies her attire and the concern and torment would have been apparent to everyone except Matt. Abi stepped towards the door and before it opened she let an almost silent question slip from her lips.

“Why so close?” Her brave question is covered in distressing tones as her larynx almost squeaks it out of her.

“Come on, you’re going to love it, dressed the way you are. All those men are going to bore into you with their eyes. Some will be lucky and see what you’re wearing and others will just be guessing.”

“But I’m not -”

Her voice trailed off as she connected with what Matt had just said. She lifted her head, straightened her shoulders and stared at him. She took a few deep breaths and stepped out into the cold November air. Matt walked behind her; locking the front door behind him.

Be Brave, she thought to herself.

The cold air had already rushed down Abi’s front into the open v-neck top of the coat; it immediately targeted her breasts with small icy blasts of air that caused her nipples to stand firm and erect. The same cold air circled around her legs and slowly twisted their way upwards with every step she took. As her strides became longer her pussy would be caressed by filamentous wisps of cold nothingness; tenderly stroking at her outer sex and leaving it to stabilise at just above freezing point. The same cold air would be cupping her bottom like two guiding hands as she walked.

Matt could understand what her body was going through, even he felt the cold dressed in all his clothes, but he had no idea as to what was happening inside her head. None at all. He reckoned, her inner fight between normality and exhibitionism had already started and he was looking forward to the final result. Tonight, he just needed to push her that little bit further.

Matt walked behind Abi watching the coat sway from side to side; He kept two maybe three steps behind her. He could sense that Abi was clenching her stomach muscles as she strode confidently towards the pub; as confidently as she could be, dressed the way she was. The pub was only a hundred yards across the street and down a little; but a hundred yards of feeling cold and shivering with every step is a long way. By the time Abi reached the pub she would be desperate to get inside and warm up.

A smile crossed Matt’s face. He loved it when she obeyed, without question, everything he asked of her and tonight was going to be so special for her.

At the last moment, he rushed ahead of Abi to open the pub door; after all, he was ever the gentleman. She followed quickly and before she made it to the second set of doors she shivered and shook her shoulders. She quickly pulled the hem of her coat down in another feeble attempt at covering as much of her thighs and bum as she could.

The warm air of the pub fought a hard battle with the coldness of her body and it seemed, at first sight, that the latter was winning.

Once inside, Matt knew exactly where they would be heading. He guided Abi to a sidebar area and bought her a gin and tonic. More ice and cold tonic added to her discomfort but she accepted it with a smile. It was, after all, her favourite drink. Matt bought a pint of lager, though he didn’t know why because he was feeling as cold as Abi was and the lager would only make him feel worse.

Abi unconsciously pulled her coat down once more with just one hand before taking a sip of her drink. She scanned the room for some of those soft leather settees or chairs that she could slump into and cushions that would hopefully engulf her whole body.

“Sit here.” Matt motioned for Abi to sit on one of the tall swivel stools by the bar.

She looked at him and then at the high chair, her eyes rapidly glanced around at the people in the room before they became full of dread and she pleaded silently with him. Her head, cocked to one side as if to protest.

Matt patted the seat next to her and smiled at her. He was offering her the only seat by the bar. How considerate of him was that?

She slipped up onto the seat careful not to let her coat ride upwards as she did so and quickly turned her body to face the bar. She reached out for her drink but before she could reach it, Matt swivelled the seat around to face him as he lent side-on at the bar. He placed his hand on the outside of her knee and stroked it lightly.

Abi stared intensely at several places in the room; but mainly within her line of sight. She looked at the couple staring into their drinks silently contemplating life, at the business man sitting opposite her studying his mobile phone, at the four blokes gathered around the table in the middle distance. To her side was a couple in the nice leather chairs that she could have sat next to but wasn’t allowed to.

“How are you feeling?”

Abi thought for a while. “I’m fine, a little exposed perhaps. But I’m fine.”

“I knew you’d love it.”

Matt let his hand brush the inside of her knee and he pushed her legs apart. Her short coat parted rapidly to reveal her thighs. Abi stared down at his hand, but more so at the belt tightening around her waist as she willed it to keep her body enclosed and decent. She had to admit at feeling a thrill engulf her at the touch of Matt’s hand.

Matt loosened the belt to allow her coat to slip sideways over her thighs. Abi sighed and closed her eyes as she imagined the whole room looking at her body as it slowly became exposed.

Matt couldn’t quite see her pussy but he could almost feel the heat that now emanated from her. He picked her drink up and handed it to her. Abi took the drink at the same time as making a sideways glance at the couple to the side of them. The lady made eye contact and smiled at her. Abi smiled back. Matt took a sip of his own drink and with his free hand, covertly slipped it up, fingers first, along her thigh.

The lady on the leather chairs smiled at his advances and motioned for her husband to finish his drink. It was time for them to leave, although she had to admit, that staying and observing the two newcomers would have been the preferred option.

Abi let out a gasp when his fingers touched her sex. Its wetness caused a huge grin to appear on his face. And why wouldn’t it. It was the much needed confirmation that deep down, she loved every moment.

Abi’s preferred phrase of the moment would be NOT loved every moment. Her body was rigid, upright and she held her face still and looked at Matt the whole time. Her mind was blocking out the obvious. If she was showing anything of her body to anyone else in the room then she didn’t want to make eye contact with them in the slightest.

Matt then unexpectedly stepped to one side for two reasons. One was to peer down into Abi’s cleavage and the other was to expose her to the room full of men and women scattered around the tables near to the bar.

Abi’s breathing became erratic. She was convinced they could see every inch of her, every pore of her skin and especially her glistening sex; hiding but not entirely hidden at the crux of her coat.

When they entered the pub, Matt had caught one of the guys eyeing her up and knew that he would probably be checking her out at every opportunity thereafter. As he now glanced at the stranger, he found that he was not wrong.

He knew the stranger’s gaze would be level with Abi’s crotch and he smiled at her as his right hand replaced his left, coming to rest on the inside of her knee. Immediately he could feel resistance as he knew she would instinctively try and close her legs. When she realised that her legs were not closing, Abi almost started to hyperventilate. Her breathing was anxious. She was afraid of what people around her would see and how they would judge her. Yet the feel of his hand on her flesh excited her. She couldn’t deny him the access he needed.

“Relax. Just let it happen. Accept it. Enjoy your vulnerability.”

Abi let out a long breath and took a very large sip of the gin and tonic; so large that she actually finished it off and handed Matt the empty glass. He called the barman over for him to refill it and caught him glancing down at Abi’s thighs and the position of his hand. He also caught the barman staring into her gaping coat that exposed her heaving voluptuous breasts as she struggled to control her breathing.

Abi looked straight ahead; somewhere into the middle distance between them and the wall opposite. Abi knew that if she made eye contact with anyone it would have brought on a spell of intense embarrassment. There would be questions like ‘aren’t you hot in that coat?’ and ‘let me take that and hang it up for you!’ and the worse one of all ‘do you have anything on under there!’ These were all questions she would have been afraid to answer.

Matt took a large sip of his drink as he stepped away from her; half facing the guy that was now staring right between Abi’s legs. Other people were glancing in Abi’s direction but were not overtly staring like he was. Matt liked his directness; but then he was a lot older with salt-and-pepper hair and moustache. Matt labelled him as a business man with an office job, perhaps on business and perhaps staying at this very pub.

Matt snaked his hand up along the side of Abi’s thigh; just under the hem of her coat making sure that the man opposite them caught the action. He let it ride over the top of her thigh and onto the inside. His finger touched her smooth lips, snaked across her clit which caused shivers to flow down Abi’s spine. In an instant, goosebumps erupted all around her neck and shoulders. Her sex fluttered like a butterfly, the inrush of blood caused her outer lips to flourish and glisten with arousal.

Abi stared straight ahead. Not looking at anyone in particular. Her mind concentrated on the feelings that her sex was triggering in response to Matt’s warm fingers – and her legs slowly parted.

Her hand was soon back on the gin and tonic and she was taking large squigs of it. Her breasts were heaving under the stiff fabric and even Matt noticed that she had closed her eyes for one infinitesimal moment as she swayed forward on the stool. He pushed his finger forwards and it slipped in so easily as tiny little moans slipped from her other lips.

“You’re such a wet slut,” he whispered in her ear.

“Dressed the way you are – practically naked. I mean, why did you bother with the bra?”

Abi let out a moan. Her head swayed from side to side. Her lips quivered at the sound of his words and slowly but surely the mask covering her face started to crack. The surface peeled backwards into tiny little hexagons like drying clay. By the time Matt’s finger was fully immersed in her pussy, she was looking into the eyes of the grey-haired stranger sitting on the chair in front of her. In fact, they were staring intently at each other. A smile broke out on Abi’s face as she connected with him. Matt could now see the devil in her eyes as her stare poked through the peeling mask. He knew that his actions, from the way he made her dress to this very moment, had tipped the scales heavily in his favour.

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Abi finished her drink. Her mask, laden with lust and as heavy as gold itself, crashed to the floor in front of her before shattering like fine porcelain.

“I’d like another drink, please.”

Matt duly complied and ordered her another gin and tonic.

Abi smiled seductively into the barman’s eyes. She was now pushing her bum back over the end of the stool and started to rock her body on Matt’s finger while smiling at the barman. Her mouth opened into a seductive ‘O’. This time, it was the barman that seemed to be uncomfortable and looked away as he deposited her drink on the bar.

She held her drink in front of her lips for what seemed like ages, while all the time, Matt circled his finger around her clit and pulled it through her moist lips. Abi stared into the stranger’s eyes. She eventually turned to look at Matt.

“Take your finger out and suck on it.”

Matt smiled at her.

“Go on, do it!”

Matt pulled it out and did exactly as Abi had instructed.

“Now give it to me.”

Matt pushed his finger in her direction and her hand grasped his as she fed the finger between her mauve coloured lips; sucking deeply on the lower third of it before handing it back to him.

“I love to taste myself. It’s so horny and erotic. Don’t you think?”

Matt had to agree with her, wholeheartedly.

“I’m going to pop to the loo,” Matt announced. The cold lager was taking its toll on his bladder and the bait had been well and truly cast anyway.

Abi nodded at him and immediately missed his finger as he pulled it away. She took a sip of her drink and lowered it to her thighs.

“Fine, leave me here, vulnerable to all these men,” she metaphorically pointed her finger around the room.

“All these men? They’re all talking to their friends, wives and partners.”

Abi stared into the eyes of the stranger.

“Of course they are. You go to the loo. Go on.”

Matt put his drink down on the bar and wandered off in the direction of the toilets. As he left he caught a glimpse of Abi’s hand as it descended to her thigh. She was coiled like a spring and ready to explode. He always wondered at how she managed to flip states like this; one minute shy, reclusive, afraid and the next, well -


Abi let her hand slide up her thigh until her fingers touched her sex. She looked down into her cleavage for a swift moment; almost feasting on her breast flesh before making eye contact with the stranger. Her finger slipped inside her as she stared at him. Her tongue peered between her lips in a seductive move that was about to capture the stranger’s full attention. He seemed to be fixated. His eyes had not once left the passage of her hand as it snaked upwards between her thighs.

Attention, thought Abi. She needed his attention and she looked like she got it.

She placed her drink on the bar and bent forwards a little; just enough to make his stare divert to her eyes. She lifted her bum off the high stool and sat back down; releasing the fabric from under her bum and positioning her legs even wider than before. She hooked her finger into a crook and motioned him to join her.

It all seemed like slow motion. The stranger half pointed to himself and was reassured when Abi wiggled her finger even more. He slowly rose and walked towards her in a trance like state.

Abi smiled; a knowing and lascivious smile that reached out to meet him.

As he got closer she looked up into his eyes. He must have been around six foot seven, thought Abi. In one swift move she lifted her finger and pushed it home. The stranger sucked on her pussy juice coated finger as Abi gasped out loud. She wiggled it in and out between his lips.

“Want more?”

The man nodded and this time, Abi pushed two fingers into her sodden snatch. They emerged glistening with her juices and she offered them up for him to suck on. His right hand rested on the inside of her knee and she took no time at all in guiding it up between her thigh and onto her sex. She even opened her legs more so that he could push his fatter fingers inside with ease. At least, she thought, he had the decency to stand in front of her and not provide the whole pub with the view that he was getting.

Every time his fingers thrust into her she let out an audible gasp; sometimes inhaling and sometimes exhaling. A few moments later it was Abi that was sucking her own juices from his fingertips.

She slipped off the high chair as he removed his fingers from her mouth.

“Enough of this; come with me.”

The stranger looked down at her legs as her heels announced their attention on the stone flooring. Abi walked away from him without looking over her shoulder. She was confident he would be right behind her. She headed for the exit to the pub.

One of the guys from another table watched her pass and followed her with his eyes.

Abi never even looked down to see whether her coat covered her or not. Her mind was set on one thing and one thing only.

She felt the stranger’s arm reach over her to hold open the door to the outside and once more the cold air hit her hard. She immediately turned the corner and headed down the side alleyway of the pub. At the end was a heavy oak door that led down to the cellars. She turned to face the stranger coming towards her. She looked up into his eyes and smiled.

“Fuck me with your fingers.”


Matt arrived back at the bar to a missing Abi. He was immediately disappointed as he was looking forward to pushing his finger back inside her pussy and licking her juices, instead, he picked up his pint, took a sip and waited for her to return from the lady’s room.

Matt waited a while; a long while. She was taking a long time, or so it seemed. It eventually dawned on him, when he looked over his shoulder, that the stranger was also missing and Matt had not seen him elsewhere or passed him on the way back from the toilets. He came to the inevitable conclusion that the stranger must have left or gone upstairs to the rooms. There was just something niggling him. He turned to see the strangers coat folded over the chair next to where he was sitting.

Matt scanned the immediate vicinity of the pub. His mind echoed his sentiments, ‘ask someone if she had left?’ No, he couldn’t do that. He decided to have a wander.


Matt left the pub and strolled out into the night air. He looked both left and right but saw no one. He was about to re-enter when he heard an audible gasp bend around the corner and grab his ear from his left hand side. He walked towards the source of the sound. Another gasp, more of shriek this time broke through the air in front of him as he rounded the corner to the alleyway.

Matt stopped. His breath left him in one shocked outburst. He quickly sucked in some much needed air and staggered back slightly; coming to rest on the side of the entrance. In the dimly lit alleyway he could see the stranger with his back to him and Abi behind and up against the door. Abi’s legs were open; one of them hooked up against the side of the alleyway and the stranger’s hand was thrusting between her groin. Her coat was open and her breasts exposed to his gaze.

Matt could see that her right breast was outside of her bra and the stranger lowered his head and started sucking on her nipple as his fingers pushed upwards.

Matt watched, transfixed by the scene in front of him; incapable of saying anything or moving anywhere. He repeated his thoughts over and over ‘the stranger’s finger fucking my wife.’ His cock hardened inside his trousers as he watched Abi take her pleasure on the man’s fingers. Her head was arched backwards and rolling from side to side as she balanced between the alley wall and the oak door. The stranger’s fingers pushed up into her at an alarming rate. A rate that Abi knew was kindling a deep needed orgasm. A rate that was about to bring her off once and for all.

Abi grunted once more and followed it by well-chosen expletives announcing her pleasure.

Yes, she confirmed to herself that she was a slut; just as she oozed her juices all over the man’s fingers. Her body shuddered and shook from her efforts and she almost screamed in abject pleasure; stifling her moans and groans at the very last minute.

As the stranger’s fingers left her she steadied herself and her eyes caught Matt watching her from the edge of the alleyway. A silent growl left her mouth.

Abi pursed her lips. Apprehension was written all over her face as she saw that he was staring straight at her.

Maybe too far?’ She thought to herself.

Their eyes locked together for what seemed like ages but in reality it was only a few precious moments. Matt hadn’t exploded or walked off. He just stood there and watched. At the same time, Abi’s eyes were also tracking the stranger’s motions. As he stepped back from her, he let go of her nipple. The stranger stood upright just as Abi made the decision.

One brief glance at Matt and –

She knelt before the stranger and unbuckled his trousers, removed his throbbing cock and buried its purple head between her lips. Abi sucked and stroked on his wonderful and sizeable cock. Every part of her body moved with purpose. Her hand pulled on it, lips encircled it and her mouth sucked on it. Her head bounced in towards it with a rolling action of her neck.

After several minutes had passed, Abi let the stranger’s cock hit the cold air as she removed it from her mouth and licked his balls. Abi glanced to see if Matt was still watching. He was, and his cock was out. Abi watched as he masturbated while watching her, his wife, blow this stranger.

After a few well-placed strokes of her tongue, Abi took the stranger’s cock back down her throat. She didn’t stop bobbing her head until she heard the familiar sounds of that male orgasm. The grunts and groans filtered into her ears and she eagerly replaced her mouth with her hands; her lips covered and teased the stranger’s swelling head.

Spunk erupted into her mouth to loud groaning sounds from the stranger as he clenched his buttocks and pushed his cock forwards; his hands prevented any retraction of her head. Abi swallowed as much as she could before the white pearly liquid spilled from the sides of her mouth onto the black tarmac.

Abi opened her mouth slightly to allow the overflow to leak from her and fall from her lips.

Almost in unison, she spied Matt spilling his spunk onto the same floor; six or seven metres away from them. His stifled sounds hardly registering at that distance; but she knew he would be making the same noises.

Abi sucked the stranger’s cock back between her lips. It had hardly shrunk and she lovingly swept it across her lips as she extended her tongue.

Matt quickly stuffed his cock back into his trousers and took one last look at Abi scooping up some cum from her chin, looking up at the stranger and sucking it off her fingers.

Matt left to go back into the pub just as Abi stood up.

By the time Abi re-appeared he was standing by the bar finishing off his drink. Abi walked back into the pub followed by the stranger. She left him by his chair as she continued on to stand by Matt at the bar. She strode towards Matt with a reticent look on her face; unsure of what he would say or what he would do to her afterwards.

Abi slid back onto the chair and only then did she notice her knees covered in tiny pot marks from the stones littering the tarmac, her bra dishevelled and her cleavage harbouring the remains of silky smooth spunk. She felt it start to slide between her breasts and quickly raised her hand to push them together and stop it from leaking from her coat and onto the bar stool below.

Matt smiled at her and extended a finger to the side of her lips. He lifted a small amount of spunk from her cheek onto his finger.

“You’ve missed some,” he said, lovingly, as he offered her his finger.

Abi took the offering and smiled before lowering her head to the floor. She had done well, Matt was pleased with her.

A semi-viscous porcelain-like substance spread across her face; sealing each and every pore of her skin. Her eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth were the only parts of her that remained uncovered. The substance shimmered with an iridescent hue, hardened and then blended with her whitish skin tones that were covered in blusher.

“Shall we go home?”

Abi nodded. Her submissive mask returned for the week that lay ahead. Until the next time. Until next week. Perhaps.

As they left the pub, Matt nodded to the stranger in the chair. Abi kept her head downwards and made no eye contact whatsoever. She dutifully followed Matt out of the door.

The cold air hit her one last time. It plied her body with cooling rhythms just before Matt opened the door to their home to let Abi go in first.

The stranger acknowledged the beep of his mobile phone and swiped the pattern to unlock it. He looked down at the one word text message.


A smile crossed his face as he rested back into the chair; puffing his chest out like a prize cockerel. One more whisky before home, he reckoned.



This story just happened along. I wasn’t going to enter the competition this time around. I have been trying to write more substantial stories. Some of them true stories. But as it developed I saw the opportunity to show how Abi started off as one person, switched into another and then back before the end of evening. A sort of – Cinderella of Eroticism. I hope you all enjoy it.

We all have masks that we wear; some without realising it. As I wrote this I tried to think of how many I must have.

Written by DarkSide
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